TOP🔥15 DOLLAR TREE Tumbling Tower Block Crafts from 2023 -🤩 High-End Jenga Block Decor!

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hello again my DIY loving friends and welcome to Medicated housewife DIY where crafting and mental health come together join me as we create stunning home decor with Dollar Tree tumbling tower blocks in this video we'll explore the top 15 crafts from 2023 that are my personal favorites and have transformed ordinary jeno blocks into high-end Decor pieces get ready to be inspired have a laugh and get crafty don't forget to subscribe for more DIY fun so what are you waiting for let's go DIY together for this DIY I began with cutting three pieces of Dollar Tree White foam board to 7 in x 7 and 3/4 in rectangles using a ruler and box cutter although I Chang that later in the DIY but we will get to that later using superglue wood glue from Dollar Tree and some tumbling tower blocks also from Dollar Tree I'm going to be making three jangle block frames using two sets of four blocks glued together by two sets of three blocks glued together and that's end to end as you can see me doing right here then I'm assembling the frame by gluing one set of three blocks in between the two sets of four blocks on both the top and the bottom this will be our frame and I am going to do the exact same thing three times to make three identical frames I had originally painted did the three pieces of foam board with this Bahama blue mixed with white acrylic paint but I end up not using these blue boards because they're way too bright and Vivid for this project so let's pretend that didn't happen you know I like to be fully transparent with you guys so just don't do this part I then mixed some Waverly clear wax with some folkart acrylic paint in the color camel and then I mixed in a few drops of Deco art raw umber to deepen that color all of which I will link you in the description box below I am going to paint the three jingle block wood frames using this mixture and I paint it on and then I use a dry paper towel to rub off the excess wax until the color is to my liking I paint all sides of the frame except the back because we won't see it and I'm using this mixture to paint all three of my frames exactly the same [Music] way next I have a mixture of plain water and some folk art antique wax which I will link for you below and I'm using a small brush I'm going to paint over the joints where the blocks connect to one another um so that they will be emphasized which is kind of the exact opposite of what we usually do with these Django blocks we usually want a camouflage where they connect but not this time this time I'm trying to create a bamboo stock effect with these frames so I want to emphasize the joints with the water down antique wax painting the joints on the front of the frame as well as those very same joints on the inside and outside edge of the frame to have like a continuous sort of look then to take this bamboo look even further I use a tiny brush with some undiluted antique wax and I make a thin darker line right across in the middle of that joint just like a real bamboo stock would have graduating depths of color at the joints I am trying to recreate that here since I threw out those blue foam boards that I had painted I was actually out of foam board at that point so I cut three pieces of white poster board to use in my frames instead and I kept them white because I felt that would work better for my design so cut these three pieces of poster board and I use hot glue to attach the poster board to the backs of all three of the Jango block [Music] frames I removed three leaves from some Greenery picks that I had from Dollar Tree and in order to flatten them out I used a regular house hold iron and some parchment paper and actually ironed the leaves so that the plastic spine in the back kind of melted and flattened out a bit making that whole leaf look like it had been pressed which is an easy hack to Quick press your full leaves I use alien's tacky glue from Dollar Tree on the back of the leaf and attach it to the middle of the white poster board I'm going to do this with all three of the leaves one leaf facing straight up and down and the other two Lea leaves on slightly different angles and by doing this we're creating a coordinated three leaf look and these are my faux bamboo framed leaves I love this as a set or individually but what I'm most excited about is the bamboo look using Jenga blocks I have never seen it done before and I think it works really nicely here and also would work for lots of future projects for this DIY to begin with I am using these two rectangle wood pieces from Dollar Tree tree as well as 36 total tumbling tower blocks also from Dollar Tree and I'm using superglue wood glue from Dollar Tree to glue together first four sets of two blocks and they are glued end to end so that's four sets of these two block sets next I'm gluing together four sets of three blocks and these are also glued end to endend then I'm going to make a total of eight sets of two blocks but this time they are one on top top of another like little sandwiches and we're making eight of those I then realized my four sets of two blocks were just a smidge too long to fit on the wood rectangle end so I marked where to cut them with a pencil used my miter shears from Amazon which I will link for you in the description box below I used the shears to cut all four sets of the two blocks to a size that would match the wood rectangle ends as you can see right here I'm using folkart antique wax which I will link for you below low and I'm going to paint all the sides and the edges of both wood rectangles using a dry paper towel to rub off the excess wax we are not painting any of the tumbling tower blocks instead we will be using some jute twine which you can get a Dollar Tree and we will be wrapping all the blocks with the jute we're securing the jute with some hot glue as we wrap the blocks I started with wrapping all of the sandwiched blocks so we're doing eight sets of those and we're wrapping all eight sets then I move on to wrapping the four sets of two blocks that we trim down with the miter sheares but first the ends of these sets of two will be visible on the project so first we have to cover the ends with jute before wrapping the two block sets and the easiest way to do this was to Simply glue shorter pieces of jute next to each other on the ends of those sets on both sides and then trimming the excess jute and gluing those sides down so that we can begin wrapping more jute right over them and this way none of the wood on the blocks is going to be visible hopefully that makes sense to you if it doesn't just you could Slow Down the video or you could pause it to see exactly what it is that I did there I then simply continue to wrap the two block sets right over the juk covered ends and we're going to wrap them the same way as we wrapped the sandwich sets before them then we wrap the four sets of three block and we don't need to worry about covering the ends on these because they will not be seen so we just wrap them the regular way from one side to the other I'm using folkart acrylic paint in the color camel which I will link for you below and a dry brush and I'm just going to do a light kind of distress painting with the camel over the tops and the edges of both of the wood rectangles just to beat them up a little bit I take one of the wood rectangles and I turn it upside down and I'm using wood glue to glue one sandwiched set of the blocks onto all four corners of the rectangle then I use some hot glue and I glue one of the two block sets with the ends that are covered in jute directly on top of two of the sandwich sets on both sides of that rectangle these are going to be the feet at the bottom of my project with the remaining four sandwiched sets and the remaining two two block sets I repeat this process but without gluing them to the second rectangle these are going to be the two handles at the top of my project then I glue those two handles onto the top of this second rectangle on either side I turn the rectangle with the feet over and I am going to glue one of each of the four sets of three blocks onto the four corners of the top of that rectangle I did use a little hot glue along with the wood glue to help these very long block sets stay in place and stand up and lastly I used wood glue to attach that second rectangle with the handles on top of those four tall legs and this is my jangle block mini shelf and I really like the way this turned out I love the look of the blocks wrapped in jute it really elevates the Shelf to the next level and this shelf is stable enough to place light things like a candle or a small plant or a dish on it and I just really love the final look for this DIY to begin with I'm using eight pieces of that wood domino game from Dollar Tree it's got a paper side but the back and the base are wood I'm using star Bond superglue which I will link for you in the description box below and I'm going to glue two dominoes together gluing the paper side to the other paper side so only the wood is exposed and I need four of these double-sided Domino sets so that's eight pieces total but I did make an extra because you know I like extras and then I use a clip to hold the dominoes together so that they will dry flat I'm also using three wood cubes from Dollar Tree and I need them to be the same height as the Domino standing on its side so I'm going to measure the three cubes stacked and Mark that with a pen where I need to cut one of the cubes to the right size and I cut that third cube with my miter shears which I will link for you below then I use the star Bond glue to glue together the 2 and 1/2 cubes and I let that dry I have these giant jingle blocks from Five Below in my stash and I already stained some of them with antique wax for another project so I'm using eight of these large blocks I need to make four sets of two blocks that are going to be glued side to side and I use some more of the star Bond super glue to glue the four sets together and then I'm going to let those dry once The Dominoes and the cubes are dry at first I wanted to give them a stained effect so I made a mixture of water and apple Barrel matte black paint so that they would still have that wood grain coming through but after painting one Domino I decided I hated that look I just hated the way it looked and went with a solid matte black paint to fully cover the whole domino I paint both sides and all of the edges of the four domino sets so that they are a solid black and then I'm going to paint the 2 and 1/2 Cube set as well the same black color I am using the star bond to glue one of the Domino sets to one side of the cubes making sure to line up the edges so that they don't have hang over the cube on any of those sides and I follow that up with the next Domino set glued to the next side of the cubes and I'm going to keep going until all four sides of the cube set are covered with a domino set kind of like a pin wheel as you can see right here now as I have said before I am not always the brightest crayon in the box and I wanted to line up my jeno block set with the top of the dominoes and the the cube so I piled up one large Jango block and one regular size one as support to hold those two blocks up as I glued them to The Dominoes I did it this way for the first two sets of blocks that I glued and then I got smart and realized if I flipped the whole thing over upside down I could just attach the jangle Block Set lying flat because that was the top of the project don't be a rocket scientist like me you guys should turn your project upside down before attaching the two block sets from the very beginning it's a lot easier this way and that's all there is to this two-tone jangle block Wood Riser I think this is so modern and Sleek looking and Beyond Simple to make if you turn it upside down like I told you to do I absolutely love the look of this for a candle or a small potted succulent just perfect on a bookshelf or a coffee table and getting back to my roots for this next DIY we are using all Dollar Tree tumbling tower blocks this project has two sides and right now we're working on the first side and for that we need 12 sets of two blocks glued end to end and I am using Super Glue wood glue that's also from Dollar Tree to glue the blocks together so I made 12 sets of two which is 24 blocks total but later on I do add one more set of two to this so that will be 13 sets of two or 26 blocks for this first side of the project one once those 13 sets of two blocks have dried I am going to stain them with a mixture of fart and teax mixed with water and I use a dry paper towel to rub off the excess wax I am painting all the sides and the edges of each of the two block sets and then I put them aside to fully dry once the stain is dried I am going to start attaching the two block sets in groups of two so I will be making six sets of these four block sets with one two block set that set left over for the end and I am attaching each of the four block sets one on top of another but on a diagonal and the best way to understand that is for you to watch you can pause or even Slow Down the video or even go back in the video if you need to see exactly what I'm doing again but just watch the way I attach the six sets and I know I'm showing a little bit more of this gluing than I normally do but I really want you to be able to see exactly where I am putting the glue down um again you can slow down the video or you can pause it and you can actually go back in the video if you want to see the repeated version of me gluing one on top of the other on the diagonal and here are my six sets of four blocks and now the 13th set of two is hiding for later now I'm going to attach one four block set on top of a another four block set on the exact same diagonal as we used before so watch closely or pause and you can see the blocks start to look kind of fanned out and here we have three sets of now eight blocks after that Dy a little I attach one of my eight block sets on top of another eight block set on that same diagonal that we did for all the others and after that sets up a little bit I'm going to add that final eight Block Set also on the diagonal and we're going to allow the whole thing to fully dry and here is where that 13th set of two comes into play I realized if I wanted to make this piece a little more stable and able to stand on its own I needed to try and add that twopiece set on the end in a position close to the position where the first set of blocks is and hopefully that makes sense to you I still attach the 13th set on that diagonal but I'm attempting to sort of even out both ends of the project and again hopefully that Mak sense to you I set that aside to dry and basically we're going to repeat this entire project all over again to create the second side of the project okay so you know I like to be fully transparent with you I made an entire second side to this project on the exact same diagonal as the first and then realized that I couldn't fit the two pieces together because my second side needed to be the reverse first mirrored image so I had to scrap the whole thing and start that second side all over again I am sharp as as a marble sometimes but it is only fair for you guys to hear the whole story so on this second attempt at the second side of the project I have my 13 sets of two I'm still going to make six sets of four one on top of another on a diagonal but this time the diagonal is the mirrored image that is the opposite side of the first diagonal it's going in the opposite direction so so again Watch where I'm gluing and pause the video if you need to to see where I am putting the glue and to see where I am gluing those six sets of four and just watch what I'm doing then just like before I then make three sets of eight on that same mirid diagonal then I take those three sets of eight and glue them on top of one another another also on the same diagonal so the whole side looks fanned out just like this and again I take that 13th set of two and attach it on the end to try and even it out with the first two Block Set that's on the other side so that this side of the project is going to be more stable and able to stand up just like the first and for those of you keeping track each side of this project uses 26 blocks total which is 13 sets of two so the whole project together is going to use 52 tumbling tower blocks once both sides are dry I bring them to fit together and use more wood glue to glue them in that middle where the two sides touch I put some things behind them to support them and hold them in place while they dry once the whole piece dried it was so cool looking that I wanted to be able to see it and not cover it up with a solid top covering it I grabbed one of those clear plastic plant dishes from Dollar Tree the only glue I could think of that would dry totally clear was this Elmer's crystal clear glue so I used that to attach the clear dish to the top of the base and yes the Elmer's means it's not water resistant so because of that this piece will have to be inside Decor only and this is my tumbling Tower block Riser or pedestal Bowl whatever you want to call it I love this I think this is one of the coolest jingle block projects that I have done so far and I am beyond happy with it the design of the base does does however make me think of like a ballroom dancer or a birder or an angel maybe let me know in the comments what you see in this beast and if you love it as much as I do for this next DIY we are starting with some tumbling tower blocks from Dollar Tree along with some super glue wood glue also from Dollar Tree we are going to make seven sets of two blocks glued on top of one another sandwich style so that is 14 blocks made into seven sets of two next we are going to make 14 sets of two blocks glued end to end so that is 28 Blocks made into 14 sets of Two And for those keeping track at home we used a grand total of 42 tumbling tower blocks for all of these now we take those 14 sets of two and we are going to glue them into seven sets of four so that is one two block set on top of another two Block Set sandwich style next I take one of my two block sets and glue it to the end of one of my four block sets in the shape of an L as you can see me do right here I do that with all seven sets so I am left with s l shapes I'm going to paint all seven L shapes with this folkart antique wax which I will link for you below I'm painting all sides and edges of each L shape and I am using a dry paper towel to rub off the excess wax and put those aside to fully dry once dry I am going to assemble my l- shapes together in a zigzag formation so I glue the second L to the first L with it slightly indented by 3/4 of an inch inward as you can see me doing here and you can pause the video if you need to I glue each L with the two Block Set that's standing up alternating side to side one side and then the other each indented 3/4 of an inch inward it sounds a lot more complicated than it is just watch what I'm doing when all seven are glued I'm going to to allow it to dry overnight and this is my tumbling Tower block zigzag Riser a super simple little Riser with some visual interest and just another variation in the seemingly endless variations of jingle block DIYs but I know you guys love them and I am here to give them to you for this DIY we're starting with some tumbling tower blocks from Dollar Tree and superglue wood glue also from Dollar Tree first we're gluing 11 of the blocks together side by side like you can see me do right here then we are going to glue together 10 sets of two blocks side to side then glue together two sets of four of those sets together side by side so it sounds complicated it's not ultimately we end up with one set of 11 blocks two sets of eight blocks and two sets of two blocks as you can see me have right here and if you're having trouble following simply pause and replay the video until you catch up next I take three battery operated tea lights that I had in my stash but you can get similar ones at Dollar Tree they just may not be as tall as these but that doesn't really matter I am going to wrap the base of all three tea lights with juk twine from Dollar Tree securing it with hot glue then I take three pingpong balls from Dollar Tree and I use a scissors to poke a hole that's large enough so that they will fit right over the flame part of my tea lights I do that for all three I take all my sets of blocks plus four of these square wood beads from a Dollar Tree Garland set and I am going to fully paint them with folkart antique wax which I will link for you in the description box below I'm going to paint all sides of the blocks and the beads with the wax using a dry paper towel to rub off the excess but I want full coverage on all sides once the wax is dry I sand all of the edges of all the pieces with this sanding sponge from Dollar Tree to distress them then it's time to assemble my mini tray spoiler alert we are making a mini tray I used the two block sets on each side of the 11 block set and then the two eight block sets are the sidewalls as you can see me do right here then I glue those four wood beads into the corners of the tray to use as feet to elevate the tray and give it some height off camera I did attach some pieces of tumbling tower blocks to the bottom of the three tea lights to give them some height too and this is my jingle block mini tray with jute lights and I think it's adorable the pingpong balls look like mini light bulbs and I love the way this is going to look outside at night it is rustic but really cute for an outdoor table light and if you're not into the pingpong balls if you're just if it's not your thing that's okay just take them off and enjoy these rustic Jud tea lights this next DIY is using 70 that is 70 tumbling Tower block from Dollar Tree and first we are making 10 sets of three blocks that are glued end to end as you can see me doing right here and I am using the superglue wood glue also from Dollar Tree then I'm going to put those 10 sets of three blocks aside to fully dry next I'm going to make 20 sets of two blocks also glued end to end the same as the other one so for those of you keeping track at home that's 10 sets of which equals 30 blocks plus 20 sets of two which equals 40 blocks for a grand total of 70 blocks used so we are using almost a full box as long as it's the 72 block box it's it's crafter's math you guys know what I'm saying once the glue on my 10 sets of three blocks and 20 sets of two blocks are dry I'm going to paint them all with some folkart antique wax which I will link for you below I'm covering all the sides of all of the blocks except I don't really need to paint the ends of the three block sets because they will not be seen when the project is completed I'm also using a dry paper towel to wipe away the excess wax off of the blocks next I take one three block set and two two block sets and I'm going to glue them in a u shape exactly as you see right here I will end up with 10 of these u-shapes and I use um an L-shaped ruler to keep the corner angle straight for the u-shape and this ruler is from Dollar Tree that I'm using here I got this big bag of these small wood beads from Amazon and I will link them for you below but you can definitely get beads just like this at Dollar Tree as well I use some wood glue to attach a wood bead in the middle of the seam that's between the two block set and the three block set on both sides just like you're seeing right here I'm going to be attaching the beads to nine of the 10 u-shapes because that last 10th u-shape will be at the end so it will end up attached to the pair of beads on one of the other nine u-shapes hopefully that makes sense to you to attach my U shapes to each other I turn them upside down so that the three Block Set is flat on the table and I use a wood glue on each pair of beads to attach that U shape to the one that's in front of it like you can see me doing right here and the L-shaped ruler helps keep all of those U shapes straight and even when we attach them together then when I get to the last U shape I place it over the pair of beads that are still exposed in the front of my stack of U shapes then I'm going to put the whole thing aside to dry and this is my jeno block riser SL plant stand SL letter or envelope holder I love this versatile jingle block DIY it works as a riser or a plant stand but also for small hand towels in a bathroom or my favorite surprise upside down it also is perfect for holding envelopes or letters on a desk it truly is Magic this next DIY begins with these tumbling tower blocks for all my serious tumbling Tower block fans I got you using some superglue glue I start by making 12 rows of three blocks glued end to end as you can see right here so that's going to be 36 blocks to start with Once those dry I turn three of them vertically and I'm going to place one block in three places spaced evenly apart that are connecting each of these three block sets together for a total of six blocks that are going to connect these three sets of three as you can see me do right here and this is going to make up one wall w we are making four walls total spoiler alert we're making a box so we are using 24 blocks for this part and for those of you keeping track at home altogether we have used 60 tumbling tower blocks so far once my four walls have dried it's time to paint them I am using folkart antique wax which I will link for you below and I'm painting all four walls on all sides and all of the edges I use a dry paper towel to rub off the excess wax as I'm painting and and then I'm going to set the four walls aside to dry while the wax dries I assemble the base for my box using my superglue wood glue I'm going to glue together four sets of three blocks that are side by side I'm also doing two sets of two blocks side by side and one set of eight blocks also glued side by side and that eight Block Set will be in the middle of the base if you need to you can pause and replay the video to see the exact layout but just match what I have right here then I attach all of these pieces together to make one flat wood base the base uses 24 blocks total so adding that to the blocks from the walls we are using a grand total of 84 blocks for this project I paint the base with the antique wax as well but I only painted the top and the sides of the base since the bottom would not be seen using some Dollar Tree I wrap a piece of the jute in a crisscross around the middle of each of my four walls securing the jute in the back with a dab of hot glue now I'm going to wrap the jute three times diagonally and then I'm going to wrap it in the other direction three times diagonally so it's a crisscross and we're going to do that on all four of our walls to assemble the box I'm using some wood glue to attach each of the four walls to the base and then I'm waiting a little bit and holding each wall wall in place until the glue sets up a little bit once the four walls are glued to the base I'm going to have to adjust everything to try and straighten out the box to the best of my ability because you guys know these Dollar Tree tumbling tower blocks are never totally straight so some adjusting will be necessary and then I allow the entire box to dry overnight now I wasn't totally sure what kind of Base I wanted for this box to give it some height so I did paint this wood box from Dollar Tree with the same antique wax just so that I would have it as an option and I also had this Dollar Tree candle holder painted from a previous project which I wanted as an option for this as well and this is my Jango block window pane box and maybe it's a little bit rustic or maybe a little bit farm house but I love this with a base or without as a plant stand or in a bathroom or a kitchen so upscale looking just another great high-end tumbling Tower block option for this next DIY why I'm using a two-piece metal stove top cover set from Dollar Tree and three tumbling tower blocks also from Dollar Tree and these three jumbo Jango blocks from Five Below one of them is stained but I will be painting them all so it doesn't matter I'm spray painting both the blocks and the metal covers with this Rustoleum bright shiny gold which I will link for you in the description box below once the paint is dry all I'm going to do is I turn the metal covers over and I'm starting with the smaller cover I position my three tbling tow blocks with the skinny side facing out eyeballing them to be equal distance apart and once I'm happy with that position I use this E6000 glue which I will link for you below to glue them into place on the bottom of the metal cover then I do the exact same thing gluing those Five Below jumbo jingle blocks into place on the bottom of that larger size metal cover also with the skinny side of the block facing outwards then I'm going to let both of these totally dry overnight and that is literally all there is to these two gorgeous gold modern looking trays I love the way these trays look either as a centerpiece or as Decor in a living room or really wherever you want to add a little modern Elegance to your home decor style for less than $2 come on now these next two DIYs begin with some Dollar Tree tumbling tower blocks or Jango blocks if you prefer first I Mark the middle of 12 of the blocks and I'm going to use my mini cut saw which I will link for you below to cut the 12 blocks in half we'll be using them to make two pumpkins so that's six blocks for each pumpkin that we are cutting in half then using some superglue wood glue from Dollar Tree I glued together 17 sets of three full blocks that are glued one on top of another stacked sandwich style so for those keeping track at home we're gluing 51 blocks into sets of three and then we're taking those half cut blocks and gluing them into sets of three also Al stacked sandwich style one on top of the other so we didn't use all 12 of the blocks that we caught in half we only ended up using nine of them then I assemble the two pumpkins out of the sets of three starting from top to bottom two sets of three then 2 and 1/2 sets of three then three sets of three then three and 1 half sets of three then three sets of three again then 2 and 1/2 sets of three then two sets of three just like you see setup here and I suggest you pause the video right here here to really get the proper layout I begin gluing each row together side by side on both of my pumpkins and then I'm going to allow those to fully dry once they're dry I glue those rows together stacked one on top of one another as you can see me doing right here and I do the same exact thing for both of the pumpkins the same way now you want to Center each of those rows as you add them so that everything is even in the middle and just a note here we are gluing the rose together stacked on their sides like you see me doing right here then I cut four more blocks on a 45° angle with the cuts saw and I glue those together St sandwich style in groups of two and these are going to be my pumpkin stems for the first pumpkin I mixed some craftsmart orange paint with some fol art Moon yellow both of which I'll link below and I added some water to thin them out I paint the entire pumpkin with the mixture on all sides and all the edges and then I'm going to allow it to fully dry on the second pumpkin I made a mixture of water and Waverly white chalk paint which I will link for you below and I paint the entire second pumpkin with the mixture giving it a white wash effect I use some folkart antique wax to paint the two groups of my two cut block piece stem pieces off camera I glued both stems to the top of my pumpkins and then I grabbed a dry Chi brush and some antique wax and I lightly distressed the whitewashed pumpkin first on the edges and corners and then just some distress painting on the body of the pumpkin as well I did the same distress painting on the orange pumpkin in the same areas just like I did with the white wash using the chip brush and some more antique wax using some nautical rope from Dollar Tree I cut a piece and unraveled it and I also trimmed a couple of my faux ivy leaves from Dollar Tree cut a piece of my favorite leafy jute which I will link for you below and I made a sad little basic bow with the jute use some floral wire to attach it to that unraveled nautical rope which I had looped around the pumpkin stem and lastly I added a couple of those trimmed ivy leaves for color and did the same thing to that orange pumpkin too and these are my very rustic jingle block pumpkins I think these tumbling Tower block Wood pumpkins are Timeless filled with rustic charm they have a little Farmhouse peel as well in my opinion these are perfect for your fall decor for this DIY I opened two boxes of tumbling tower blocks from Dollar Tree although I end up only using 88 blocks in total also using superglue wood glue from Dollar Tree the first row I'm gluing is made up of 11 blocks glued side to side to which I am going to add another 11 blocks glued directly on top of those and please excuse my ultra deep voice on this video I am just getting over a cold so I'm not sounding like myself so please bear with me the next set is made up of nine blocks that are glued side by side and then another nine blocks that were gluing directly on top of those first nine next is a set of seven blocks glued end to end followed by seven more glued right on top of them then we do the same thing with six blocks gluing those side to side and then six more glued right on top then four side to side and four more blocks on top of those then we're gluing two blocks side by side and two more right on top of them now once all my sets are dry and you did didn't see me do this on camera but I also glued two blocks sandwich style and a third block over the two ends of that particular set as you can see me showing you right here that's going to be the base of our tray I made a mixture of water and apple Barrel matte white paint which I will link for you in the description box below and I'm going to use this mixture to whitewash all my sets of blocks I'm also going to paint five single blocks that are going to be used in this tree as well well I like mixing the paint with water because you still get that white tone but that wood grain still shows through too and I did two coats of the white wash on all of my pieces once the white wash had dried I used some folkart antique wax which I will link for you below and a dry brush and I distress paint over the white wash pieces and not too heavy lightly just enough to give them a little bit of an older kind of vintagey appearance I also painted That Base piece in an all over antique wax just to make it brown to begin assembling my tree I glue that brown base piece to the bottom of that 11 piece wide or 22 block total set and we do that first as you can see me doing right here next I take one of my single blocks and I glue it to the bottom of the nine block wide piece or 18 Block Set you know what I mean I don't have to keep saying the number of blocks it's the one that has nine blocks across then I'm going to glue another single block to the bottom of that seven Block Set then a single block gets glued to the bottom of the six block wide set and I think you see the pattern here I glue a block to the bottom of the four block wide set and finally to the bottom of the two block wide set I attach the bottom three rows of my tree together and then I'm going to give that some time to set up and then I'm going to combine the top three rows together to each other and I'm going to give them some time to dry and to set up I began embellishing before combining the top and bottom of the tree I'm using JW twine from Dollar Tree and I apologize for the camera angles making it difficult to see but all I'm doing is wrapping that twine in a crisscross around the middle of each each row and then wrapping it around the little single blocks that hold each row together it sounds more complicated than it is but we're starting at the bottom and securing the twine with some hot glue I just wrap the twine around the bottom of the first the tree first and then after I glue that top of the tree on there I'm going to continue up with the twine to the top of the tree it's really pretty simple you can also spot in the back of that tree that I attached a paint stir stick to hold the tree together more securely lastly I had some small wood half rounds in my stash and I will link them for you below I painted them with some antique wax and I'm creating an alternating pattern with one round on the ends of the first row followed by one round on the top and the bottom of that jute crisscross and so on and so on just like some sort of rustic tree ornament the very last thing I did was to add a painted wood star to the very top of my Christmas tree and this is my tumbling Tower block very rustic Christmas tree I love the neutral and rustic super simple charm of this Jango block tree sure to be a favorite with all my tumbling Tower Block Christmas craft friends for this next DIY I started with two boxes of tumbling tower blocks but really I only ended up using 92 blocks so keep that in mind but I did paint both the full boxes I'm using a mixture of water and folkart antique wax and I am going to be painting one side of all the blocks and then both the side edges and the top and the bottom edges of all of the blocks but I don't really need to paint the other side of those blocks one side is really going to work fine as long as the edges are painted as well next I'm using some of this folkart matte paint in the color camel and I'm using a dry chip brush I'm going to use that Camel color to distress paint over the antique wax lightening it up a bit but not as light as it would be using a white paint so I am giving the blocks a little bit of an aged beat up look and giving them just a little bit more character I've got this clear flexible cutting mat from Dollar Tree and I roll it up into a tall cone shape I'm using some clear plastic packing tape to hold that cone shape together and I'm then going to use the scissors to trim down the bottom of the cone so that then that cone will then stand upright like a tree using a ruler and a marker I Mark the cone with a DOT at 1 and 1/2 in up from the bottom so that all the blocks I attach at the dot will all be at the same height I'm using hot glue on the inside top edge of the blocks and attaching the top of the block to the mat I also use another block under that block as a spacer so that this whole first row of blocks will sit the same way as the subsequent rows will while having a block under beneath it hopefully that makes sense to you just watch what I'm doing and you'll understand as we move on to next the next row I marked the blocks on the first row at 1 and 1/2 inch up from the bottom with a pencil and that is where the bottom of the second row blocks are going to sit that's how far down each of the second row blocks will go if that's a clear way to say that but you can see why I needed the spacers under the first row because that second row already has a spacer under it built in which is of course that first row of blocks I try to place the second row blocks kind of spaced in between the lower row of blocks although they don't always line up perfectly every time but that's okay we don't need to have Perfection you see what I'm talking about you see the look that I'm going for here [Music] I do all the rows after that the exact same way and I stop at eight rows tall at that point although you can't really see on camera I apologize it's kind of cut off but I simply use a scissors to snip off the excess cutting mat left at the top of the cone so that my cone ends at the eighth row of blocks I felt like my tree was too rustic for these like cutesy ornaments so I grabbed this bag of tiny little mini tree rounds I had in my stash I'll link them for you below I used hot glue to just randomly place the wood rounds on blocks around the entire cone tree working from the bottom up to the top no pattern just randomly placed I wasn't sure what to do at the top of the tree so I grabbed this wood ring like the ones at Dollar Tree and wrapped it with some thick jute although the jute at Dollar Tree would work just fine for this too securing the jute in place with hot glue so that I could just place that ring at the top of the the tree to hide the edge of the cut off cutting mat I have a Dollar Tree battery operated push or Puck Light to place at the bottom inside the tree and some loose fairy lights to just Loosely wrap around the outside of the tree I also placed a Christmas floral pick at the top Through the Wood Ray and this is my tumbling Tower block light up Christmas tree and I'm kind of torn on this I like the concept but it's hard to get the blocks neatly attached on The Cutting matte cone and it looks a little janky in my opinion I don't know it has potential it just not there yet this next DIY is starting with 36 tumbling tower blocks from Dollar Tree I'm using superglue wood glue and I'm going to glue these 36 blocks into two block sets glued side by side as you can see me doing right here so we're going to end up with 18 two block sets and I'm sorry the bottom of the clip was cut off but I take four of the two block sets and glue them end to end and that eight block piece is going to be the bottom of my tray I have 14 sets of two left and we are using seven sets of two for each side of the tree with the set standing on their sides I take one spare block and use it as a guide to measure the two block sets and mark them with a pencil this way all my sets of blocks on both sides will be spaced evenly in the staggered pattern that we're doing for each side of my tree as you can see me doing right here next I glue the two sides of the tree together at the top and glue the bottom eight piece set to the bottom of the two sides of the tree forming a triangle shaped tree off camera I created a tree trunk for the tree using two sets of blocks sandwiched together plus two additional single blocks one glued in the middle of each side of the sandwiched blocks as you can see right here that's an additional six blocks used added to the 36 from earlier so 42 tumbling tower blocks total I painted the tree trunk with some folkart antique wax which I will link for you below then using a mixture of antique wax that was thinned out with some water I paint the entire triangle Tree on all of the sides including the inside and all of the edges as well once the triangle tree is dry I take some apple Barrel matte white acrylic paint which I will link for you below and a dry rough brush and I use the paint sparingly to distress paint the entire tree paying close attention to all of the edges to give it more of like a beat up vintage type of type of a look I had this wood ring from Dollar Tree and I decided to roughly paint the ring with the matte white as well leaving some parts bare so there would be some wood grain showing through and grabbing another one of those snowflakes that I stained with the Dollar Tree Furniture marker I used some hot glue to attach the snowflake to the front of the wood ring to use like a star at the top of my tree I had a string of wired fairy lights from Dollar Tree and using some hot glue I attached the fairy lights going across the inside of the tree starting at the top of the tree and then working my way down toward the bottom of the tree with the lights going across and back and across and back next I glued the tree to the tree trunk and then the tree trunk to a wood slice from Dollar Tree off camera I glued that snowflake in the wood ring to the top of my Christmas tree and this is my rustic lit Jango block tree and I really like The Rustic charm of this tree it is giving me some serious Swiss Chalet Vibes but that's a winter Vibe too and I am happy with that it looks snowy and snowy means Christmas to me it looks super festive in the dark and just an overall wintery feel it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas for this DIY I'm using tumbling tower blocks from Dollar Tree to make all three versions of today's DIY I used a total of 126 blocks to make all three DIYs and that's 42 blocks for each individual tree the first thing I did was to make this cardboard cutting template the template is the same width as the width of the blocks which is 18 mm and that's from the centimeter side of my ruler I'm sorry you guys I'm so old we didn't learn the metric system when I was in school I believe it's 18 mm with a cross so I decide to also measure 18 mm down from the top and I used a ruler to draw the angles from the top down a 18 mm to create a pointed top and this template should ensure that all my blocks will be cut mostly the same I am hoping that that makes sense to you I use a pencil and my template to trace those cutting lines to make the point onto my blocks I'm actually going to be cutting 21 blocks for each of these trees so that's 63 blocks for all three trees together that I will be marking and then cutting this way so I've marked all 63 blocks for all three of my projects and I grabbed this miter shears that I got on Amazon and I will link it for you in the description box below the angles I'm cutting are not actually marked on this miter Shear so I am going to line up my pencil marks on both sides of each block and basically cut the angles by hand as you can see me doing here you could also do this with a miter box as well if that's what you have once all 63 blocks are cut and again it is 63 cup blocks for all three projects if you're only making one tree you only need to cut 21 blocks I take the cut blocks on their sides and I use a pencil to Mark where I need to put two holes on each of the blocks one hole in the middle of that angle cut and another in the middle right beneath the end of that cut as you can see me doing right here I didn't measure them I'm just eyeballing it and I use the first block that I marked as a template to mark all the rest of the blocks the exact same way now because I have an irrational fear of power tools I got this cute little USB mini drill on Amazon and I'll link it for you below I'm using this to drill through each of those marked blocks on the two pencil marks that we made on them and we need two holes in each block so that we can string them together like they were beads or something like that and if you don't have an irrational fear of power tools like me use a regular drill with the tiniest bit available to make these holes because this drill does work but it can get a little testy as you can see me fighting a little bit with it here it's not perfect but it does get the job done now all my blocks are cut and drilled through I am going to grab an equal number of uncut blocks and all we're going to do is glue a cut block to a regular block end to end for each of my cut blocks and for those of you keeping track at home we are using 120 blocks for three trees and that's 63 cut and drilled 63 uncut and for one tree we have 4 two blocks total 21 cut and drilled and 21 uncut I'm using superglue wood glue from Dollar Tree to glue the two blocks sets together end to end I wanted to give the two block sets a more finished look so I'm using this Elmer's prob Bond wood filler from Amazon I'll link it below to fill in all the seams between the two blocks and I like the tip on this wood filler for this purpose but the filler did seem to clog up that tip a lot so it is not a Perfect Situation just to be honest with you guys when the wood filler dried I did go over all of those seams with a sanding block to make them smooth I got this three pack of jumbo with dils at Hobby Lobby but I'll find something like that to link below they were a little too long for my purposes so Mr medicated was kind enough to cut the three dowels down to 8 in long for me I got a couple of these wood plaques the roundwood plaques that are just like the ones at Dollar Tree and you know what I'm going to say not my Dollar Tree so I will link these for you below but maybe you can find these at your Dollar Tree also got these wood caps on Amazon I'll link them for you below they happen to fit perfectly on top of these jumbo dowels so that was a win so for this first tree I am taking 21 of my two block sets and I'm using Bogart antique wax which I will link for you below to paint all 21 of the two block sets I'm painting all the sides and the edges I want a nice deep brown color on these I use a dry paper towel to rub off any of the excess wax I'm also painting that 8 in jumbo wood dowel with that same antique wax also giving it a nice deep brown color to match my two block sets we use the same antique wax to paint that wooden cap as well and you guessed it the round Wood plaque also gets painted with the antique wax I want to attach the wood dowel standing up in the middle of the wood plaque and I want it to be strong so I'm using E6000 adhesive which I will link for you below I'm also letting the adhesive dry overnight I have this elastic string in my stash called stretch magic and they sell it on Amazon I'll link it for you below I used to use this stuff for beating bracelets and stuff like that it is stretchy and it's pretty strong I'm using the black elastic for this DIY and I'm cutting two pieces of elastic to string through the two holes we drilled earlier on a group of seven of my two block sets so just like beads I start with the first hole on each block and string a piece of elastic through and then we're going to tie it in a tight knot then I take another piece of the elastic and I String that piece through the second hole on each of those seven two block sets and I'm going to tie that string into a tight knot also I'm using a drop of Gorilla Glue super glue directly on the knot to secure it and I'm going to put a drop of the glue Glue on all of my knots before I trim away the excess elastic string and that's the first of three layers of our tree that we are making we're going to repeat the stringing with elastic on two more groups of seven two block sets we're doing these two more groups of seven the exact same way we're going to be stringing the first hole on the seven sets tying it into a tight knot and then we're stringing this second hole and we're going to tie that into a tight knot gluing both knots and trimming the excess string so that we'll be left with three of these finished layers of our tree I realized at this point that I needed to attach something to the wood dowel which is the trunk of our tree to keep our Jango block layers from sliding down to the bottom I had these small wood half rounds in my stash and I'll link them for you below I painted them with antique wax so they match the Dow and I'm using hot glue to attach four of them about halfway down my dowel as a stopper so that you can um keep all of your layers from sliding down as you can see me doing right here I'm spacing them out evenly around the tree trunk then I assemble the three layers of blocks onto the tree trunk to make sure that they fit nicely and that that wood cap will fit nicely on top and if you have not figured out the concept behind this Christmas tree yet let me show it to you when you remove the cap from the top the layers slide off the tree trunk and they kind of snap out flat to make these perfect little coasters or trivets and then they fold up again to slide back onto the tree trunk in three layers that very much resemble a wooden Christmas tree perfectly functional I saw something like this made out of wood from out of the country for about $50 so of course my mind said how can I make that out of tumbling tower blocks and this tree was born and this is my Darkwood coaster Christmas tree made out of tumbling tower blocks a perfect functional gift that bolts back up when not in use into a gorgeous high-end piece of Christmas decor honestly this project is my new favorite tumbling Tower block DIY of all time it's Perfection and I just wanted to illustrate how this tree in other colors looks amazing too like that green one would make a perfect Hostess gift for the holiday season season just a perfect gift all around and as always I want to know what you think let me know in the comments which one of these top 15 tumbling Tower block DIYs from this past year was your favorite and why your opinions mean so much to me and I love hearing from all of you and hey there all my fellow Crafters if you enjoyed today's DIY video and want to see more don't forget to hit that subscribe button I have a lot more DIY ideas to share with you and if you know someone else who loves crafting as much as we do why not share this video with them remember crafting is more fun when we do it together so join our little crafting family today by subscribing to the medicated housewife DIY channel thanks for watching and for all your inspiring support my name is Sarah I'm the medicated housewife and crafting is my medication and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Medicated Housewife DIY's
Views: 9,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Medicated Housewife DIY, diy, dollar tree, dollar tree block diy, dollar tree diy, dollar tree jenga blocks, dollar tree jenga blocks crafts, dollar tree jenga blocks diy, dollar tree tumbling tower blocks, dollar tree tumbling tower blocks diy, jenga block craft ideas, jenga block crafts, jenga block diy, top 10 tumbling tower block crafts, tumbling blocks diy, tumbling tower block craft ideas, tumbling tower block crafts, tumbling tower blocks craft, tumbling tower blocks diy
Id: ZeqBg-_2vJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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