BEST Dollar Tree DIY Craft using Tumbling Tower Game Pieces πŸ€—

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foreign hi guys welcome back to Sweet Bay Lane or if you or if you're welcome I'm Tracy and I'm so grateful you took the time to stop buying craft with us because the DIY project in this video far exceeded even my expectations and when you see the end result you'll see why so let's go ahead and get started all right here are just a few of the supplies we're going to need for this DIY project and we start our project with 20 pieces of this tumbling Tower game from the Dollar Tree [Music] and we're also going to need something to keep our tumbling Tower block straight As We glue them together I'm going to be using this large framing square but they also have a smaller version at the Dollar Tree I also like to put something below it just to keep the blocks from gluing to my Surface in this case I'm using some wax paper and then we're going to take eight of the tumbling Tower pieces and glue them together edge to edge using some wood glue foreign and then we're going to repeat the process with eight more of the tumbling tower blocks so when we're finished we're going to have two pieces containing eight of the tumbling tower blocks [Music] once we have those glued together we then continue on with our leftover four pieces of the tumbling tower blocks and we're going to glue two of them end to end then we're going to come in with the remaining two and glue them upright on the edge foreign [Music] foreign [Music] once our two larger pieces have dried we're then going to come in and glue those two pieces together making one large piece [Music] and once the glue has dried completely I then come in and just smooth the surface with some sandpaper now we're bringing in all of our wood pieces we're going to have the flat piece that we just glued together we're going to have that other piece that we glued the four pieces together and we're also going to have two of these wooden bamboo hoops from the Dollar Tree along with a little knob and we're going to stain them or paint them in our favorite color I'm going to be using my favorite stain the Americana Gel Stain in Walnut and once I had all my wood pieces stained I then remembered that I wanted to use four of these wooden blocks that I purchased at Dollar Tree for the feet of my project and I stained them as well oh and once my stain has dried I then come in and we're going to glue our four wood blocks or cubes down to the bottom side of our larger piece once we have our feet glued to the bottom of our project we're going to flip it over and we're going to attach the four Jenga pieces that we made into one to the back side of our larger piece and you'll just do this with some wood glue and you'll just make sure it's even with the edge of your larger piece then just add some wood glue to the skinny side and attach [Music] now once all the pieces have dried we then want to come in and clear coat them I'm going to be using this gloss coat by color shot while the clear coat dries on our pieces we then introduce our twinkle lights I'm going to be spray painting mine a brown color to match the stain of my project but you can spray paint yours whatever color your project ends up being while our twinkle lights are drying we then move back to our bamboo Hoops look at the shine on those Hoops I think that is so pretty we're also going to need some vellum paper now I purchased this at Hobby Lobby and we're going to print out our favorite photograph on the vellum paper the photo I'm using is this one of my mother holding me when I was a baby now for this next step we're going to take one of the bamboo Hoops we're going to add a generous amount of the Elmer's purple glue stick to the edge and we're going to press it down on top of our photo framing out our subject [Music] once the glue is dried we then come in with a sharp pair of scissors and trim the excess vellum paper from around the hoop [Music] thank you [Music] okay that looks so cute now we're going to take the other hoop we're going to add a generous amount of the Elmer's purple glue stick and we're going to add it to the back side of our photo sort of making a sandwich with the two hoops and the photo in the center now that our Hoops have been glued together we then want to come in and secure the outside a little bit and to do that I'm going to be using this ribbon I got from the Dollar Tree I love this little ticking pattern and I think it's going to be a great addition to the outer edge of my hoops [Music] and once we have our ribbon glued completely around the circle we then trim it off and set it aside to move on to our next step [Music] [Music] now in this next step we're reintroducing our spray painted twinkle lights that match our project perfectly and as I'm showing you here it takes two double a batteries and you'll just slide the back off and then insert the batteries now I went ahead and painted The Wire strand along with the plastic cord that came out from the battery pack just to make it more camouflaged but to prevent the lights from being painted I left their little plastic starfish on them and then when I'm done I just pop them off [Music] then you just have a pile of plastic painted starfish but as you'll see the lights are completely glowing and we didn't have to put painters tape over each individual light next we just want to attach our battery pack to the back side of our project and this is very simple we're just going to be using some hot glue just make sure that the access to your batteries is facing out so when you need to change them you have easy access [Music] foreign [Music] now that we have that glued on we then want to come in and we're going to hide the cord or the long part of our twinkle lights as I'm showing you here we're going to cut two pieces of black satin ribbon and we're going to flip our project over then we're going to take and twist our excess cording up into a nice little bundle then secure it with our pieces of ribbon oh [Music] foreign [Music] once we have that secure we then bring our wire part of our twinkle lights up the back side of our project and we start wrapping them back and forth on the little piece of wood extending from the back side just adding touches of hot glue along the wire just to keep it in place and as you'll see you just zigzag it back and forth on the inside of that little piece now we're heading into the home stretch of our project and we're going to bring back in our wooden hoops and we're going to hot glue them down to the center of our wood base [Music] okay once we have our hoop glued down to our base we then move on and add some embellishments mine's going to consist of a wooden knob and some black satin ribbon I just make a simple little shoestring bow and glue it to the top [Music] now I think it looks gorgeous just like this but I also wanted to show you a version with the floral glued at the base and I think this is stunning well that wraps it up for this DIY project and I hope it inspired you to make one of your own also if you haven't yet subscribed please go ahead and do so because we'd love to have you here at Sweet Bay Lane well until next time keep it crafty
Channel: Sweet Bay Lane
Views: 10,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6qMm8l7ZwcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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