Toolchest part 2: Drawers, lid & finish

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well Willa I'm making it to gist if you haven't seen me make the carcass yet you might want to check that out first if you are all caught up let's make some doors so the side some backs of the drawers will be made from birch these were cut from the same bed base slats that like the drawer runners from and this chunk of beech will become the fronts it will all be cut consecutively from the same board so the grain will flow across all the drawer fronts [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so let's move on to the final part of the build which is the lid it will look something like this hopefully a frame with mitered corners a rail in the middle and two panels now what I would like is some very straight tight grain around here to not distract from the panels which will have this large Cathedral pattern and I have some very nice great grain but here after that it gets more Cathedral alike in the center and if we look at the end grain you can see the growth rings hit the surface at about 45 degrees out here which gets more and more shallow until they're basically parallel to the surface here and that's what gives the cathedral pattern which is these sort of curves so to get the grain as close as possible to quarter sawn which is really what I would like I'm going to use this trick I saw on my pic of itches Instagram this little block is the dimension of the rails they will be 45 millimeters wide by 20 millimeters thick and since this piece is bit thicker than that I don't have to cut my parts parallel to the surface I can rotate them a little bit now ideally I would like to get it out something like that that would put the growth rings 90 degrees to the surface which would be the best in this situation I don't have that much material but I can do something like latch and now you can see the Rings will be hitting the surface at a little bit more than 45 it's not 90 it's not perfect but it's a nice trick from mr. Pickwick I think I can get this Center rail after this piece as well again I don't want to use this flat zone break a bat on the edge I have this very nice straight grain will somewhere a flex coming through as well so what I think I'm going to do is rip to strips like this some 90 degrees and glue them together side by side hopefully that will give me a nice looking board of the width and thickness that I need all right I got my grooves made the centerpiece has a groove on both sides and it's time to start putting these pieces together I'm gonna set aside the centerpiece for now and focus on the corners to begin with they will be miter joints but I want to add a little bit of strength as well so what I think I will do is this sort of I guess you would call it miter bridle joint I essentially get a tenon will 45-degree shoulders and on the other side again it will be 45 there but here I remove the center all the way down to the base line there [Music] okay the corners have come together this is not glued yet it's just to drive it and now it's time to scribe some lines on this Center rail so I can catch a couple of talons on it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right my panels are sickness my jointer is cut there's one more thing I would like to do before gluing up these are solid wood panels and they will be free-floating in the grooves so they can expand and contract where the humidity changes and what that means is the edges of these that are hidden inside the grooves might become exposed when this panel shrinks so if I were to glue this up and then put on finish as the panel contracts a little bit of unfinished wood will become visible so it's time to talk about finishing throughout this project I have done my best to get the grain arranged in a pleasing way to select parts for different purposes from different parts of the board and I have some really beautiful grain in this piece I think so I want to enhance that with a finish the only choice of course is linseed oil however one of the things I like about beech is this sort of Salman pink tone with us it's quite unique and what happens when you put linseed oil on it is the yellow in the oil just overpowers that completely and turns it yellow so I've been thinking about applying a stain this is a water-based stain it's called cherry by which I thought they meant cherry the wood but no they mean cherry the fruit this is extremely bright red I really just want to boost the natural pink in this wood as a sort of counterweight to the yellow in the oil I've made some some test pieces this is right out of the bottle not quite what I'm looking for here it is very heavily diluted sure how well the camera picks it up but it gets sort of grainy looking the pigment sort of gathers in these spots and it doesn't look very good so I can't dilute it too much something like these is what I will aim for well I will admit that's more than a pink boost that's a lot but I like it being a water-based stain it just raised the grain a bit so I will knock that down within just a few very light strokes of a thousand grit sandpaper and then it's on to the linseed oil and finally let's get these parts glued up [Laughter] and here we are at the final stage I have masked off the knobs because we don't want to put stain on those and a bit of masking tape on the corner here let's make this thing red and just like with the panels I will first apply the stain then give that a very light sounding and see it with linseed oil and there we have it I think that turned out quite nice the inside is a little bit messy but I'm okay with that I will probably end up putting either some foam or some fabric in here and also divide up the space but I have to think a bit about how I want to arrange things what I want to keep in here how I want to sort it so yeah I'm leaving these plywood bottoms a little bit ugly at the moment it will get covered up but I thought I would put out the video now when the build itself is done and have a bit of a think maybe I'll make another video if I do something interesting with the inside that is so satisfying all the drawers work very well they have just a little bit of resistance to opening and closing that's how I wanted it yeah here you can see again this one is an absolute mess but it will get covered I'm thinking I will do like drill bits and taps and measurement things in the smallest drawers you know this large drawer that will probably be spanners wrenches so gets that sort of stuff and yeah I haven't really decided what goes in all the other ones yet I don't think I have enough stuff even to fill it up yet files will definitely go somewhere my two saw sets and the top compartment will probably have screwdrivers and well there's plenty of space for other things as well thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed building it you
Channel: Gillis Björk
Views: 45,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, handtools, reclaimedwood, joinery
Id: sn-PbOhujfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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