Tool - Vicarious - REACTION

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I didn't quit because people in understand I worked harder when people didn't support me we never stop I wake up every single day and I will prove to the world that I was here I made my mark I was here and you can't take that away from me I told you about David dead you cannot take away the fact and I hope my spirit haunts the studios when I'm gone my [Music] family is with you don't rest it ok press an APU are you gonna break it down I say ready to vicarious so about brother Bravo to the song [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's just a little thing y'all y'all know I love detail I appreciate that [ __ ] you know I'm saying tool they just made they just suck you in and such a smooth way they just suck you in yourself smooth you know I'm sayin I gotta bring it back [Music] [Music] [Music] I love that little apartment [Music] [Music] Oh dum-dum Uncle drop I wasn't even I was not ready for that I wasn't ready for it I kind of want to start the whole thing over [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] he said I on the TV cause tragedy throws me it's like every time you turn on the TV man some bag on every time [Music] please talk to them every time you turn on the TV damn son where'd you find this let him know I gotta bring that back [Music] yeah though I'm getting goosebumps oh wait a minute and 30 seconds saying I'm getting goosebumps I can't wait for the rest of the song no note is going to my work I'll play this you already know [Music] it's like it's like a little part in the back that's like that I mean the Vinings I don't know about that like it kind of thrown me off a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] I like that I like that little switch of this light the first part is my favorite part this line got thin and then didn't then and that's my second favorite part but man I'm glad I decided to do a lyric video y'all told me to do a lyric video so I can really take in what they saying these lyrics deepest [ __ ] they deeper [ __ ] man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we only we halfway in finisher hey you know what total is my favorite man total is my favorite for real they're just different you know I'm saying now that I did this lyric video dead lyrics is like I can just really take it in now like the lyrics is so deep you know what I mean like it's just so deep it's different this is my it's like every I'm sorry Malaysia is like every song that y'all had me to react to it was just it was just something about it was just I can't I came for my finger on it but it was from sober 246 and - - right into and now it is riding - is my favorite and this is my second for right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like I got goose bumps right now [Music] the best partners best part of the song I gotta bring back it's the little things that count [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he said devourer to survive [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] coolness III may the best is he mad I love this room I love this groom man from now on I'm only doing lyric videos of truth got to he said devour to survive by the best and this song was so well written and I love the lyrics to imagine in the small details that they put in the song it just be so perfectly the mind with everything it just it's like the end of it is I kept getting goosebumps in and out this song it's like I love filling this way about a track you know I'm saying hey thank y'all for puttin me on the tool because it's in my playlist every time I work out I start my I don't started during Hajj are always just a tool right got to thank y'all but let me know chopping apart this video in the comments down below welcome to the Packers not sure are those it is broke fish boy fasting as always you can bake until next time Hey okay so la soaking my true mother [ __ ] snow speeder really should I ever roped kids all odds I pretty pseudo getting blow
Channel: King KTF
Views: 199,999
Rating: 4.9319887 out of 5
Keywords: ktf tool vicarious, KING KTF TOOL, KTF TOOL REACTION, king ktf, LOST IN VEGAS TOOL VICARIOUS REACTION, tool vicarious, KTF, vicarious (tool song), vicarious, vicarious (musical recording), vicariously, tool live 2016, vicarious hd, tool vicarious hd, tool, tool - schism - lyrics, tool live, REACTIONS, carey, james, pinkmetalhead tool, justin, tool (band), lateralus, 10000 days, tool perfect circle, circle
Id: YuP0TS9dDiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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