TOOL - Parabola
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Keywords: Tool, Tool parabola, AEnema, Tool Official, Tool Parabola Official, Tool band, Tool Video, stink fist, Fear Inoculum, Tool Fear, Danny Carey, Maynard, Maynard James Tool, Adam Jones, Justin Chancellor, tool fear inoculum, fear inoculum tour, Jambi, tool sober, fear inoculum full album, schism, the pot, aenima lyrics, tool live, tool aenima album, Parabola, Rock, TOOL, Volcano
Id: -_nQhGR0K8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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This song helped me realize that pain is an illusion, created by our own ego. Pain isn't fundamentally real, but a construct of our own minds, our own egos. I've attempted to take my life twice this month alone, but I'm so glad I didn't. What a revelation this is.
I can choose to react to stimuli to my brain however I want. Pain does not exist, so long as you choose for it to not exist. It's just stimuli to your own brain. I choose to be happy and content. Spiral out, friends, and thanks to this awesome band.
Start walking 30 minutes a day/every day or every other day. Do not skip days no matter how you feel. Just put your shoes on and do it.
Eventually progress to running.
Best of luck.
Hey man! Around last year, I was suicidal, and parabol/parabola saved my life as well. Helped me embrace the absurdity.
This album as a whole is incredibly healing. Did the same for last october, it helped pull myself out of lowest point of my life.
chronic disease that only will get worse, this song helps me get through each day
Tool has helped me understand why I love my friends, family, and partner. How I 'choose this moment'.
Lateralus also helps a lot... Make those songs your mantra, it helps me too
You are not alone, OP. Take the message of Parabola and go forth. Talk to others. No matter how convincing those whispers from the shadows in your head are, it does not last forever, and you can feel different.
Whatever your pain (physical, mental or emotional) may be, just know that it's all an illusion.