Too Much Pastel 🦄 Prepare for a serious sugar high | Lego build challenge DIY

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hi welcome back heads up if you want a new build challenge I mean I can't see you so I'm just assuming you have your hand up and if you don't you can go away right now go go no come back come back watch we got this will be fun a build challenge even if I didn't feel like a build challenge that I was still gonna do one because it's a good way to get out of creative rot and just get in and build something and this time I'm going to be inspired I've already been inspired by some of these scrapbooking photos photos no journaling oh journaling stickers that I collect and I use these in my builds and we're going to use one of these as an inspirational poster in the build and the whole build is actually going to be inspired by it and this this is the sticker I have chosen is so sweet so be a unicorn in a field of horses which is something I think we should all aspire to I mean if you have a big pointy stabby thing on the top of your head people are going to listen to you right that's what I take this to mean an obvious misinterpretation so this is going to be our inspirational quote and our inspiration for today's build which is going to be a too much past still build so we're going to use four different colors all in the lightest shade that is currently available in Lego and there are actually more pastel colors available in Lego but it would just get to yeah just make it too easy so let's not do that let's let's make it a challenge so we're gonna work with light purple light pink mint like mint and the bright light yellow and this purple on the sticker actually exactly matches this shade of purple by the way you may have noticed that the glass brick that I've used to put the sticker on is frosted in a way that Lego does not actually come in so it's not see-through anymore and the reason it's not is because I in my recent haul I ended up with a whole heap of scratched transparent bricks and I can't use them as they currently are like they look like this so what I've done is I've actually just sanded the flat surfaces of them with fine grit sandpaper but criss cross criss cross crisscross back back back over and over and over until I've got a reasonably nice nice frosted surface and then I can either use it as a you know a frosted window I've left the top and the bottom I haven't touched the top and the bottom because you want the connection the Lego connections to still be nice and secure uh yeah so it's it gives us a nice frosted surface and gives New Life to these bricks that otherwise you wouldn't want to put in your build because they look pretty awful so I have got now I'm not gonna have a frosted brick collection but they look cool and you can just stick stickers on them yeah so so you get it okay right so just in case you're wondering why I had this brick that doesn't look like a proper Lego it is still proper Lego I've just ruined it no I fixed it I made it more usable now because we want a fabulous character to go in this fabulous color scheme I actually wanted to make a male figure and I do not have these colors like we've got the darker shade of purple got a little bit of yellow but can't do it so we're heading back for a female character which I'm okay with that's fine but it would be nice to be able to hopefully next year we will see more colors yeah yeah coming out with the new characters and we might be able to make some boy characters in fabulous colors this is what we're going with today I've got some aqua pants this top that came out of the elves oh my gosh I mean such a fantastic print anyway so that's the lightest shade of purple on her top uh livi's eyes because they are the lightest shade of purple too and my favorite part is choosing a hair piece so we've got a few different hair pieces in in the light pink uh we've got heaps and heaps of blondes we got quite a few Aquas so yeah but this yellow is actually the shade of the blonde hair so we could use any number of these but you know I'm not going to do that because this is going to be Fantastical some people just want to have fun with it so we can have this very light violet oh is that what the official name I should have looked up with the official name of the colors were light Violet beehive we could have this hoodie which doesn't go with the rest of her outfit but it was nice just to know that that was available more thank you elves theme for giving us interesting stuff for the mini dolls can we please have a new fantasy theme mini dolls please this one's also an elves hair piece I think that came that was skyra's hairpiece and another elves option I mean we could make a whole fantasy theme because it is about unicorns right but um maybe maybe not no you know what but because I know I've already chosen the hairpiece that I want to have you know I've already chosen the happiest of the watches it here in the back I love those happy I love all of its different color choices and it's pink so she's pink purple and aqua she's missing yellow but it's a little bit of yellow on her feather and she is going to have a pink baby piglet um hold on a piglet is a baby a pink baby pig as a pet that was a lot of pieces I struggled right so be a unicorn in a field of horses let's start here this is our centerpiece so we want to make sure that it is centered well just focal it's a it's a focal piece and because it's a poster obviously it's going to be part of the wall so let's build a nice big component of the wall first and then just work around that so these purple lattice fencings look at this nice ornate lattice fencings are just wonderful let's prop it up here we could frame it around in pink and if we I got just a few little forward-facing pink studs here so we can add more things to the wall some Mint Windows up the side and some bright light yellow butterflies for either side effect yeah right the side of our poster now for flooring I've got some nice big massive pieces of mint here and this is gonna go let's put let's put our wool piece that we've already built here over here to the side I mean I know it's it's still focal it's a focal piece but over here I want to make a raised platform to put a little kind of bedroom in that's my plan and and the post is going to be in the lounge room or what's going to be the main living area but we'll put we'll yeah I'm trying to get this raised area so we'll make this yeah two bricks high and then put some flooring on it oh my gosh okay so I don't have many plates in this actual purple color but let's get some stairs up to here first and we'll backfill we'll put in what's important and then we'll backfill what yeah all the gaps plug the holes now oh next to the stairs this stick is perfect on a yellow brick with you know hanging coat and a hanging scarf and then okay we're also going to have a focal piece in the bedroom because this is a horse without a without a horn but we're going to pretend that this is maybe part of the field of horse I don't know but because it's horsey and it's the right colors it fits in with her theme and I just love the stained glass printed pieces so I'm you know I'm gonna put this in so I need to have a part of all that has got a see-through back so they can let the light through it because it's actually stained glass the only color Clips I have is this like colored pink in these four pastel choices so how about that and I've made a really nice Easter egg shaped Easter egg shape oh my gosh we should have done this for Easter because it's the right colors for like well okay we'll just stop now let's stop the build now we got it's just absolutely crushed that so don't push down too hard so fine I shouldn't have made jokes about stopping the building because the build spited me which is not words but it didn't broke so we fixed that nice and let's put this up here then but I won't it's we're gonna have a bed up here so we need to raise this up so that it goes above the bed and then backfill these spaces underneath the actual stained glass feature and then have some just a little bit of interesting texture in the wall pieces going up on the side and I we're gonna just leave this much here for a moment because I need to build the bed because the bed's gonna help some of the flooring stay in you'll see what I mean as we go so let's put a bed in and then we can back fill the floor so bed using these colors pretty easy to do we've got a really nice bed spread which is uh predominantly you know predominantly mint and it's even got it's got purple on it's slightly darker shade of purple but that's okay because the predominant of color in there is the right mint and then just to fill up the edges there's no actual structure in there underneath the bedspread or underneath the pillows so don't press on this it's going to all capsized like this build it's so structurally unstable anywho we're going to use this bed piece now to hold the rest of the floor in because I don't have long plate pieces in this light lavender color so I'm going to use the bed to hold these ones in here on the side and then just precariously balance some more here just on the one stud bricks look now look it looks it looks filled but do not press on it too hard it is so so lacking in foundational structure I'm just going to call this whole build the blatant disregard for structural Integrity but it's holding together for now it's just as long as I'm breathe on it too hard she'll be right so smoothing over the top of our nice feature bed section is looking good don't press on it and let's now move down back down to the floor yeah that's good all right I have this nice confetti pastel stickers that I've put onto some bright light yellow tiles to make us the future cushions for the catch so maybe a corner couch would be nice here because there's actually quite a large amount of space to fill and I do have some nice big yeah have some nice big Ideas let's see if we have let's see if we have the big Lego to be able to bring them into into fruition so this nice Airy style we're going to put these little angled cheese pieces and pink on the sides is kind of cushioning and then some nice big long long tiles over the top and nothing is holding those front ones at the back once again no just no structure no structure but it looks okay and underneath some pink flowers to give you some really nice serrated kind of style looking feet I mean they don't look like flowers now now they just look like Fancy Feet the fancy feet so we've got our big couch let's just have a look at how this looks in in situ so we could put at the bottom of the stairs maybe I should probably should have put the corner going the other way but no I don't want to let's do another single armchair similar style but it's going to be a bit different because I have to work with what pieces I have so we can still use our angled I keep calling them that so you know pin cushions and then on the side just an abbreviated version of the big long couch at the back and of course we can have our Fancy Feet again because I've got plenty of these nice light pink flowers so pretty and then then we'll put this in and see how the area looks because I mean this is a horse unicorn themed thing happening at the moment so I have got an idea let's just get that bit of wall up there on no holds on all right so let's move these out again because I'm actually going to put them near the front at the back I'm going to make some shelving to put collection of unicorn heads on that's released because otherwise it's super creepy but I don't think it's ever not gonna be super creepy the corn heads here shade of purple here is Select is like the darker shade on this unicorn head and tail but I'm going to call it my one free pass my two free passes for this build otherwise I'm just going to use the same shade for all the rest I mean we are stacking unicorn heads here putting them on display so oh that of the Realms of following rules and into the Realms of absolute sheer absurdity so next level up we're gonna put so we got this one the head down the bottom this one's the Masky one up here I mean what else would we put on shelving I don't know what do you keep on your shelving like boring things like bowls and books so basic in here we're gonna put this in the corner and it is once again like so precarious just being held up on one backside there and on the top shelf which I think we can just kind of sneak in there above that unicorn horn and I'm gonna build it here because there's just no way I could build it in situ because this is just so precariously yeah underneath it's not it's not strong it's not strong so we'll make a box and in this box we're storing a collection of pastel unicorn horns which are just the slightly wonky ones you know the bent ones so this is all we have in the right color but you know there were horns and these are the ones that fall off because I'm pretty sure that unicorns shed their horns each each season so they will humanely collected I don't know about the heads or the tail here that we're putting on display but the horns will most definitely humanely collected I have lost the plot now I'm gonna struggle to get words out I think but we do have our Shelf now of unicorn memorabilia nice yeah we don't have room for the couches anymore because they're getting off the front so we'll put it like a little dining area so some nice treats in pastel on here but first up we'll pop a couple of stools to sit on and then the treats where we have in pastel well we can build cupcakes which is cool because we've got the all those sort of swirly cool things in the pastel we've got we'll just build another one over here too because I think this is our best option oh no there's also that one's been on the floor there was also a donut so the donut print on the top is that exact right shade of pink so nice mmm cupcakes are donuts delicious snacks for while you're viewing your unicorn head collection all right so let's put the couches at the front here and then this one can snag just over here but I had this idea because once again we're horse and uniform unicorn uniform uniform unicycle themed we are going to use saddle because we've got a saddle in that really nice light pink and we can use it as a side table or a storage compartmenty thing and I just need to build it up a little bit so that it can actually sit on the plate on the base plate there we go and it's I even got a spot there to put your drink but in this case we're going to use it as a vase because we oh do not push down on anything in this build it will not end well so we'll put our little vas with a pink flower in it very carefully there's not a lot of stuff that'll actually fit in the salad so let's just put in a token comb for grooming your unicorn heads and your free time not creepy at all okay so let's make a very nice table at the front and this we've got some lovely swirls I mean it's all about it's all about swells and confetti and unicorn colors and pastel and sorbet and this works so nicely here so I don't know how I'm going to if I just put I need the ones with the studs on the top but it doesn't exist so we're only going to have a connector on the front which is fine I can put this in in between the studs and it's like a little floating kind of table and then on the side you can have another side table which is a star shape and I will build that up a little bit with some pink see a little side style table and we can store our piggy there perfect it's a perfect piggy storage getting really weird but did you think it wasn't going to then you and I haven't hung out enough so at the moment we're going to just step away from the weird for now and try and make this beehive into something not weird into a nice plant holder and once again I think I really feel as though we have overused these colors which means we are on the right path to Too Much pastel oh taking that box so if we build this up far enough I can pick a little bit of yellow over the top then put small pink flowers in it because basically these pink flowers are my favorites put this over here near the stairs up to the bedroom and now we have got this big space over here to fill and what shall we fill this with you ask well of course I know all the unicorn of the sea I'm so sorry but it was pink and it fits the theme so we're gonna make a little when I say little I mean little habitat over here for the Narwhal I mean we talked about things being Humane before let's just let's just remember that these are just plastic toys and the fact that I'm building a very very small habitat for this very big what would you know potentially be a very big creature is not going to be cruel and inhumane at all it'll be fine it's all gonna be fine so let's put some nice big transparent walls over here to put our imaginary imaginary water into and see whether we can I mean this is gonna be so iffy anyway are we gonna be able to fit the curved the curved glass around our now all our interesting narwhal shape into this very small space kind of yes kind of oh I'm just gonna leave that there for now precariously balanced and build the glass bricks up the top here so that it's at the same height as the front curved one and then we'll just smooth over the top with some nice some nice nice yellow tiles bright light yellow tiles oh my goodness maybe if I just oh I just don't know if I should touch anything in here but I do feel as though I want to make this narwhal a little bit more uppy right oh all right so we have got a space here you know how I feel about leaving space in this sort of builds so I'm going to fill it with a nice big dot style matte like a pretty pretty matte and this gives us an opportunity to be creative with just these few colors and just a few shapes and just I just love I love her just making a repeating pattern can make something really beautiful so let's do that we've got we've got our pink we got the mint and the base plates obviously the light purple base plate on the bottom and then yellow on the top and even though it's not mirror imaged from the top to the bottom that's fine that's pretty that isn't such a pretty pattern it's like a little Lotus like little loads of flowers and this can then sit here and then I think we could fit one more thing in here because we do have an umbrella pink umbrella and I just can't leave it out of build so we'll just make a nice easy umbrella holder and put it uh over here maybe over here in the other bedroom I mean that seems silly let's put it in the other what would be the front entryway because of that mat in the novel okay all right I proclaimed this done because I am afraid one to press down on it and two to try and fit anything more in here I think that we have done as much as we possibly can to squeeze All The Pastels into this build so let me know what you think if you made it all the way to the end you didn't like tune out and go here and I need to go and look at some black at the moment just to refresh my eyes but we did it too much pastel build which also became just a tiny little bit creepy but wonderful so wonderful all right run away now and watch the too much black build it'll fix everything I promise I'll see you with another video really soon so check back in goodbye
Channel: ellieV
Views: 2,389,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, how to build, lego for teens, lego building ideas, adult lego collector, afol, lego review, no swearing, speed build, journalling stickers, unicorn themed, too much pastel, build challenge, narwhal, unicorn head collection, diy craft, be a unicorn in a field of horses, light purple, light pink, light yellow, light aqua, mint, bedroom, lounge room
Id: PsI0EFyPx3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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