Too Many Bones | Rahdo Runthrough by Shea

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hey everybody today rado runs through too many bones but before i begin please turn your subtitles on to the klingon channel so that if i make rules goofs you know what they are and of course i'm not rato i'm shea parker i'm helping morado cover even more games games like too many bones where i'm playing as a team of gear locks which are these kind of gobliny kind of gnomish uh little people um who are in this fantasy realm and i have been tasked by the nation that has taken me in to take down a tyrant in a neighboring part of the world hey just popping in real quick because i forgot to mention that on top of doing a final thoughts and run through for too many bones i have also made a beginner strategy guide over on my channel rtfm so once you've been watching this once you go on and check that out all right back to it um in this game uh you get your group of uh gear locks together there are four in the base game so i've chosen boomer and picket um and we are taking on gendrix gendrix is one of the many tyrants that you can take on and the game will take place over a series of days i have a maximum of 10 days to get eight progress points and if i can get eight progress points that means i have figured out where gendrix is how to get there and i've gotten close enough that i can take him on and as we can see here uh gendrix is ready to torch his own kind if it gives him an edge in battle kendricks is well known throughout the region as a ruthless and dangerous leader his lair is said to contain mysterious pillars controlled by his staff but no creature has lived long enough to confirm this legend so i am going after gendrix and there's also some symbols on the bottom which tell me what kind of monsters i'm going to be facing on the way or baddies as this game likes to call them so i've got boomer and picket and these two gear locks are going to be playing very differently because uh not only do they have different stats which are up in the top left they also have a completely different skill tree boomer starts with a few dice and we've done a little bit of leveling up the very beginning because the beginning of the game lets you do a little bit of stat increase but uh pick it over here as you can see does not have any dice in here uh we haven't leveled up enough yet that i've wanted to put anything in here so uh as of right now all the skills are empty but that means that just means it's a blank canvas upon which uh to paint my beautiful piketty uh portrait and now i'm gonna show you really quick i'm not gonna go over these too much but each uh gear lock has a double-sided reference sheet that's gonna tell you uh this is pickets for example it's gonna tell you how their uh abilities work uh what their innate abilities are a few definitions for some things uh some special abilities and how to build them as you level up and then the other side it's all of the dice that they can have and what all of the symbols mean yes this is a lot i'm not going to go over it um almost at all i'm just going to give you a basic rundown of how these two work picket is a tank got a big shield likes to have a lot a good defense and has the ability to turn defense into offense boomer is a ranged gear lock and uh can do a decent amount of damage but really likes making bombs has the special ability with these three dice to form the components for a bomb uh this die over here is actually a counter it starts at zero but it'll go to one two and three and that's how many bombs i have and then i have leveled up a little bit to give me uh one grenade this frag grenade which can do a good amount of damage and also does a little bit of area of effect uh it's got a little bit of splash damage so uh that is who i am uh the way this game is gonna be played is over here i've got this day counter we start on day one and this will be increasing every uh with every card i draw from this encounter deck i've got this little card kind of blocking the cards themselves because um both sides of the cards of the encounter cards in this deck are important information and i like to be a little bit surprised by them however the first three encounters are always the same we're going to start off with an encounter that just says that we are leaving opendar and when i read these i always like to read them in what i assume the gear lock voice is so i would say leaving leaving obendar only 12 hours till dawn and the send-off ceremony that will no doubt change the lives of every remaining gear lock and likely every life in daelor weapons and supplies are ready to go but the night is young and adrenaline fills the veins it's clear no sleep will be had tonight there's sure to be some shady peddlers and dark alleys ready to deal in loot then again some last minute training could play pay a nice dividend by morning so what to do what to do and then once i read that i flip it over and i have options now you don't always have options but usually you do in this case on the top side i can squeeze in some last minute self-improvement and that will give me two training points which are what these uh the symbol is here or i can shake down a shady peddler each gear lock and party may draw a loot draw a two loot and choose one to keep but i will also get one training point so no matter what i'm going to level up a little bit and i might get some loot out of this i'm going to take that second option because i think loot is pretty interesting i like to see what it has um so let's say picket is going to draw these two loot cards i've drawn to wearing gem and troll brew uh let's see turn jam merchants will offer you a trove loot chest in exchange for this gem basically replace this card with a trove loot during your recovery phase does not take the place of your recovery phase options that's kind of cool trove loot is sort of like bonus loop but you have to uh unlock it to actually get to it and then troll brew outside of battle permanently increase your health stat die by one at the start of your next battle reduce your current hit points by three oh that's interesting so i can get a permanent health boost but for the next battle i will uh have a minus to my health i think i'm gonna take that i think that um i think the picket one definitely could use more health uh as the tank you want to be able to soak up some damage so i'm gonna i'm gonna take that this tro bro and i'm actually gonna use it right away um so we are sorry we are outside of battle so i'm going to permanently increase my health stat the way that i do that see i have this uh health stat down here which is uh health five but i have a die in here plus one um because i'm playing this on medium difficulty i got to have an extra health at the beginning of the game so i'm just gonna roll this over to now it's plus two and i have seven health which means that i would take this and i would add an extra chip to it uh this is my player a chip everything is like these weighted poker chips and then these health uh these red chips are health both for you and the enemies but neutral brew started the next battle reduced my current hit points by three i'm just gonna get that out of the way and uh reduce my current hit points by three um there's a reason i shouldn't have done that but it's fine um because i'll keep in mind now boomer gets to items i get this mech pick during my lock pick attempt you may bypass a log of four or less without using an action die lock picks are to do with the trove loot again those are good loot cards or utility parts on your turn unexhaust any one die may include fellow gear lock dice now this might be very good because um the special dice that we have here with some exceptions these get exhausted after we've used them and they're one-time use during an encounter so having utility parts might be really good down the road so i'm going to grab those utility parts and just hold on to it i'm going to leave it right here every gear lock can hold four items so for now i've got these utility parts not gonna use them right away but uh that is where we are and now both of us get to level up we've got one skill point from uh the shaking down the shady peddler so now we get to choose where to add our skill points i can put them into my stats maybe i'll uh let's go pick it first i think i want to well i would like to get uh some skills uh some actual skill dice i definitely want to increase my attack and defense at some point but because i'm gonna be starting the next um encounter with a lot less health than i normally would there's this skill die that i think is gonna be useful for me now one of the things that pickett has um are these red dice that will give him ongoing bonuses and stand ground um this die you can see some of the dice die faces on him you see it's like a little heart plus one infinity what that means is when i roll this die if i get that side instead of you know one of the bones sides um if i get this then i can lock it in and this will be plus one health at the beginning of my turn every round forever until i remove this die or until i get knocked out so i think that's going to be really good that's going to help me survive the next encounter starting with less health now boomer over here i've gotten my frag grenade i've got some health i probably want to increase this at some point um but i definitely want to increase my attack neither of us have a lot of attack and i want to boost that a little bit so i want to do this but unlike health and dexterity where you can just increase them for attack and defense i have to attempt to improve it the way you do that is you take your current attack stat which is one roll that many dice matching that stat and as long as you don't roll a bones then you can increase it so i'm rolling an attack die and i did it so one die there's only one face on the attack dice that's bone so i'm not i wasn't too worried about it um and if i had failed that that would have been fine i i don't you'll lose the training point you can just put it somewhere else but it means that you can't get uh you can't boost your attack that round so uh that is uh the end of that encounter i've leveled up i've gotten my items and now we go to the recovery phase first if we had trove loot we could uh each of us could try to make a lock picking attempt we don't have that yet next we can do uh one of three things we can heal and that's the reason why i shouldn't have taken off all the health right now because it's at the start of the next encounter um so i'm not going to heal for for either of these people because they haven't taken any damage yet um the next thing i can do is uh i can scout ahead i can look at the upcoming enemies which are in these stacks over here of enemy chips in different point values and potentially see what's coming or the last thing i can do what is it health i can scout oh yeah i can look for better loot i can try and uh i can discard this loot and i can roll a bunch of dice and uh i think for each bones that comes up i can draw more loot and choose one to keep but i'm actually happy with what i got so i'm going to do some scouting that means each of us rolls each of us who is scouting is going to roll this die and so for pickett i rolled a six which means that i get to scout out the biggest one uh there are 1.5 point and 20 point baddies that all has to do with um what day it is there's a there's a um an equation that determines that i'll get to it in just a second um basically i get to look at uh the topmost uh 20-point baddie on the chip and if i uh don't mind it i can leave it where it is if i don't like it i can put it on the bottom of the stack now there's a lot of stats this is gonna be a little overwhelming but uh don't worry about them just yet basically whenever you look at an enemy there's health initiative uh how many attack and defense dice they roll special abilities and then a few other things let's just say because i'm probably not gonna get to this anyway um that i don't like this guy i think this this golem uh this golden golem is gonna be pretty hard to beat so i'm just gonna take it and put it on the bottom of the stack and now boomer is going to do a little scouting rolling a die we got a four um so it's one to three you can look at the one chip four or five you look at the five and six you look at the 20. so four lets me look at the top five this is a dragon delinquent and i've had uh some trouble with this guy playing on my own um so i'm going to put that one on the bottom as well but if i didn't want to i could leave it on the top face up so i know it's coming but instead i'm moving to the bottom all right and that is the end of that day so i take my day counter i move it to day two and i'm gonna draw the next encounter uh so hardly out the gate 15 steps into the journey 15 steps and already a gear lock boot is struck through by an arrow luckily no toes were killed teeth are clenched and a painful tug is made while looking around in embarrassment yeow now sufficiently ticked it's time to return the favor to the ominous figures at the edge of the woods a commotion breaks out atop the city atop a city wall interrupting all thoughts guards have now spotted the brazen intruders and are notching their arrows their help is at the ready like it or not this adventure is underway and of course i flip it over and i see my two options i can hail the guards for help um and then this tells me uh bq baddie points is the the battle cue and it tells me baddie points that means that uh that is how i determine the difficulty of the encounter that is going to come up um the baddie points for this encounter are going to be four because my day counter is a two and i have two um two heroes in my party and you multiply the numbers together two times two is four so that means i am going to take four uh one point baddies so i take four of these chips and i'm gonna put them out there um that's what uh batty points is referring to now at the start of each round arrows from the wall deal one true damage to each baddie that true damage will bypass any defense that they roll recommended for first-time adventurers but i feel a little bit more confident i think it's time to show uh olendar obendar what gearlocks are made of with opendoor watching you feel an extra shot of adrenaline as you prepare for an unassisted battle this is just a regular fight with no extra things but if i can succeed i gain one extra training point whereas in this one if i succeed i don't get it and then no matter what when when i succeed because i'm very confident i will gain one progress oh that's right i got a progress from the last one as well i'll talk about that in a second i'll get another training point and everyone will get some loot um but if the paddle is lost i will place the scanner back on top the encounter deck and do it again um so i'm choosing that bottom action which means i'm just doing a regular fight against these um put this to the side and then yeah i got a progress point for the last encounter it's a nice freebie there what i like to do with the progress points you can stack these but because the orientation sometimes a little bit difficult i like to take these chips and just put one by the uh by my tyrant that i'm facing off against so anyways i am getting ready my uh my battlefield and the way that i do that is i take the all of the uh opponents that i've got i'm gonna look at the top four again there are only four right now but if there are more i would just take the top four and put the rest of the side and i'm going to flip them over and they are going in these four positions um but there are a few things to keep in mind let's see if i can zoom in here um so these uh each of these monsters has a few things to keep in mind but uh one of the things i'm looking at right now is this tiny little symbol on the bottom left to see whether they are melee which means they're going to go in the front three spaces or they are ranged which this dragon whelp is so the dragon goes into the back line because that's where ranged units go next i'm going to put these chips underneath just in case they move around and i want to remember which column they started in because these columns are also tied to their initiative which these dice will help me determine for each of the players we're going to roll initiative dice to determine uh their speed there are four and a three higher numbers are at the top lower numbers at the bottom and we look at the initiatives which are the green numbers next to each of these baddies so this dragon whelp is going to go first because it has initiative of five and then it's going to be boomer and then we've got the bog frog and the orc pyon each of these has an initiative of three uh yellow has initiative three um but because we're tied we can choose uh who goes first i think it's better to have picket go first but then for the uh baddies the initiative order is first second third fourth so the purple one is going to go for the yellow one and then lastly we've got the troll brute who is at the bottom and on the red numbers we see health so let's take some chips and place them underneath to show health as these get whittled down i will be removing those chips and you know hopefully defeating these baddies so i've got that all set up uh and now i get to choose where to place my gear locks we know the turn order we know what we're facing uh and we just need to determine uh which columns we're going to place in um pickett is a melee gear lock so it has to be placed in front boomer is a range has to be placed in the back and they cannot be placed in the same column and i'm thinking that uh this bog frog is a big it's gonna be a big pain in my butt because poison is a very difficult um skill to go up against uh there are skills for all of them bog frog is poison too which means that it won't actually attack it'll just apply poison um to its opponent uh which is uh real bad that just deals damage over time um there's the dragon well which is range which means it can hit anyone and it does weaken which will reduce our dexterity i'll get to that in just a second the troll brute has thick skin which means it reduces damage dealt to it by one but it's also careless which means every time it rolls bones which are like misses then it will hurt itself for one and the orc peon uh has rage but rage specifically is uh it increases the attack dice if there are other orcs and there are no other orcs in this area you can tell because little symbols little blue axe symbol you might not be able to see it but it is there the symbols on these chips are a little small but anyway there's also some targeting priorities but we'll get to that um if and when it comes up at the moment both of my gear locks have four health that's not great but uh let's let's see ooh and this dragon whelp it's rolling two attack dice so this is where we stand at the beginning of this um and it's it could be better i'll i'll admit but maybe we'll be okay um the initiative order is set and so now we need to fight we've got this uh dragon whelp going first and it is going to be rolling two attack dice and one defense die because of the uh stats that it has it only has two hell so it's not gonna be too hard to take out but we have uh potentially bigger fish to fry so we need to figure out who it's attacking it has a priority for the strongest but each of us have uh the same amount of health um oh before i do this uh there's one thing picket has an innate ability called shield wall and what this means is uh piket gets to roll all of its of his defense dice uh before each battle um so uh before this battle starts i get to roll my defense dice and i get two defense i take these defense i lock them into my active slot and this is going to prevent some damage against me and now because of that i think that having this dragon attack picket might be the best choice i am still going to get attacked by a couple different ones so maybe not but it's hard to say i definitely don't want boomer to die boomer we don't have any defense out so let's let's just have them attack uh pick it two attack dice one defense dice and uh this is dragon whelp rolling oof rolled uh three damage so i've got a two attack and one attack the two is going to take out both of my shields and then the one will drop me down one health that's not great i may have been a little bit too confident um but now it is uh it is boomer's turn boomer gets to go now i think we should take out this uh bog frog if we can because it's just the the poison is really going to mess with us it'll bypass pickett's defense and we don't want that oh and then i forgot to mention dragon whelp has weakened uh picket which means that my dexterity is reduced by one so i'm going to take one of these dice i think this is the weekend symbol i'm just going to put it here to remind me that my dexterity is reduced by one dexterity determines how many dice you can roll so i have boomer has a dexterity of three has uh two attack two defense so i could roll if i wanted to to attack dice and one defense because i've got three dexterity so i can do two and one for attack defense so i can do two defense one attack um but i really want to take out this bog frog first so i'm going to roll two attack dice i do think i need the one defense i would like to start uh making bombs because the way that boomer's abilities work is i need to construct a bomb before i can use my special bomb dice and my special bomb dice are good but right now we just need to put damage on this bob frog so i'm gonna take these dice i'm gonna roll them fingers crossed i can get what i need uh oof so i've gotten uh one attack die one defense style lock in the defense i shouldn't say lock because lock's a different thing i'll put one defense in my active uh one attack so that's definitely gonna deal one damage uh to the bog frog not there and i roll the bones now bones is a miss it doesn't do anything but they do get locked into my backup plan and each gear lock has different abilities that are tied to the backup plan depending on how many bones are in there i believe you can only activate it once per uh turn but when you when you activate the back-up plane you can get rid of as many bones as as you would like as you as many as you have and use the abilities and boomers ability at with just one bones is an ability called throw odds um and what this means is i can get rid of this bones and i can deal one damage to my target now my target was bog frog so i think i want to do that i'm going to spend that damage or spend that bones to deal another damage to the bog frog and now we go on to uh boomer or sorry and we go on to picket now picket normally has a dexterity of three but uh for now has decided one until the end of uh his turn sorry dexterity of two because minus one um now i only have one attack anyway um so i think that's probably good i'm gonna do my one attack i'm really hoping for uh to roll a two on this attack because if i don't i'm gonna get poisoned and that is pretty bad but let's just see how it goes uh so i roll i did it i got the two uh the rng gods are on my side and i got a defense that's great so i deal two damage to this troll which means that it has no health left and it is removed i put this in a discard pile put this chip aside these are done i need to stop putting the extra chips over there and we take that initiative die and remove it as well we have killed uh a baddie that is probably the the worst one uh of the bunch though uh this dragon i think is maybe our next target so now that picket's gone we're gonna go to the next enemy this is the orc peon the orc pian is not in range yet to attack any uh opponent but every monster has a movement speed of two the melee ones will move the ranged ones won't because there's no line of sight or anything they can hit anywhere on the board um so because it has movement speed 2 this orc can go one two and get within um striking distance of picket here and pickett is no longer weakened so the orc peon has an attack of one so it's just gonna roll one attack die i feel pretty good i've got one defense um it rolls to two so i lose the one defense and i take one damage now this is starting to be a problem i've only got two health left and this uh troll brute who's going next is gonna go one and attack picket um for well one attack die and one defense let's see if it rolls a two pick it's done pick it's out of uh this whole encounter um and then it's just gonna be boomer and i don't know how well that's gonna go i don't think it's gonna go that well but let's see so rolls uh does a one and gets a bones now so the one is gonna be one damage against uh picket and that's not good but still in the game still got one health the bones activates the troll brew now troll brew brings over here um as you can see uh has this careless ability and there's a little bones symbol next to it that means whenever bones are rolled that gets activated and careless specifically um means that it deals one damage to itself so it's going to hurt itself for one uh it does deal one damage to pick it but now it is in a much better position to be defeated um unfortunately uh that is the end of the round and it goes up to round we go to round two so we take this round die move it forward a little bit if we get to the sixth round um that is gonna be a problem but i don't think we're gonna get there because everyone's pretty low health at this point and now the dragon whelp is going to attack the dragon whelp is attacking the strongest as you can see there is a targeting priority this is specifically looking for the opponent with the most health and right now that is boomer which is actually a really good thing for us um so boomer has four health so this dragon welp is going to again roll two attack dice one defense die and gets uh two attack so one defense is removed and lose one health um and this defense die is going to go on to the dragon whelp but also boomers weakened which is unfortunate i'm losing one dexterity i didn't want that um so the dragon has it as a defense now um because this die is up here it's not gonna roll any more uh defense die because it only has one but we're going back to uh boomer here and now here's the question do i think i can defeat the dragon whelp i don't know uh it's got too health left but it has a defensive one there's also this troll brute it has two health left but it has thick skin a fixed skin of one which means it reduces incoming damage by one so effectively these two are at the same level and then the orc peon has three health so they are all essentially at the same uh same likelihood that i can uh i can actually defeat them uh i can only roll two dice because i have dexterity if i wanted to uh help protect uh picket i could move and try and body block um with maybe the the orc although the orcs targeting priority is weakest so that would still go for picket maybe i could go up here and the troll brute would attack me instead but here's the thing movement also reduces dexterity so if i were to go one two that's and i only have two dexterity right now because of the weekend that means i wouldn't be able to do anything so i it's better for me to just stay where i am roll some dice and and hope for the best i really wanted to uh do some bombs um i'm actually gonna cheat a little bit just to show you how some of these bombs work let's say in a previous round i had rolled uh my bomb component dice now i've got these three component dice and let's say i had rolled all the numbers for them so i would take them i would place them into my locked space there you can kind of see that there's you know two a two and a three each of these components is needed to create a boom counter and then as a free action i can reduce them by each by one to increase my boom counter and now i have a i have the ability to use a grenade so i could throw one of my grenades now let's let's just say that i had done that in a previous turn because i want to kind of show this off the skill dice aren't necessarily using the same thing as uh your attack dice it doesn't really count as an attack to use a skill against an opponent um i could this is a boomer ability um i could target one enemy with my attack and i could throw my grenade somewhere else whenever i throw a grenade i need to target an enemy or just a space and the reason i might choose a space is because it does splash damage splash damage is half of whatever the um the die roll is rounded down and this is mostly threes but there is a four so there's a potential that i could deal two damage with it but there's also a miss and normally with a skill dice if you roll a miss you can choose not to use it but with grenades you gotta because obviously you threw a grenade it's gonna explode so now i think maybe i can try to do a little bit of damage to uh one and maybe kill the other but because there's splash damage i don't want to target the troll with my grenade because then pickett's going to get hurt so i'm going to target my troll with an attack and i'm going to target the dragon whelp with my bomb if i can hit with my frag grenade then no matter like it has two health and one defense three damage is going to take it out so um this is a dye um oh you know what it's got thick skin i'm probably not gonna be able to defeat this troll brute so instead i think i'm just gonna roll a defense die um i'm still declaring the troll brood as my target because well no even if i throw odds i uh hm yeah so this is the kind of decisions you have to make i don't know what the best move is but i guess the idea is i'm targeting the troll brute but i'm throwing the grenade at the dragon whelp and i'm rolling a defense die i don't know if i actually get to um claim a target from a long defense dive but we'll see uh that was cocked uh all right so oh a two nice so i got a two for defense i got the three for my grenade so the grenade explodes which means it's done this is now done for the rest of the encounter i'll get it back at the end but i cannot use this die again but i dealt three damage to the dragon whelp which means it is defeated it was one defense one two health those are done the dragon rope is gone however uh now we've got now pickett has uh some enemies to deal with and it's a little tricky there's a couple things i could do here this troll brute is uh targeting strongest so if i wanted to i could move one two and then it would get into place and attack boomer instead boomer's got some good defense so that might be a pretty good idea but if i go here that means i've spent two of my dexterity to move i think that's worth it though because i can move here and i can roll a defense die the orc piano is only gonna roll one attack die against me so as long as i can roll something and it doesn't roll a two i should be okay there's a lot of ifs and shoulds but that's a part of this game um the other option is i stay where i am and i roll two defense dice but that means two people are attacking me and i just don't know i think i'm going to do this other plan um so i roll one defense die and let's yeah those one now it goes to the orc it's gonna roll one attack die against me it was a one so that just takes out my defense i'm still fine the troll brute moves down here in between the two of us attacks boomer with its one attack one defense hopefully will trigger the careless um and we do it does deal one attack but it gets a bones for the other one which is careless so hurts itself again and then the one attack goes to the one defense and i can actually drop this down from two to one um so boomer is still a-okay and now we go to round three uh all right let's let's finish these off i definitely think i can take out the troll brute although yeah i'm no longer weakened let's see i could put two attack onto the orc this troll brood is still going to attack me because i am stronger at the moment uh yeah okay so i'm gonna do that i'm gonna spend two attack to go for the orc peon uh and i'll roll another defense die why not um oh yeah when i use the frag grenade i was supposed to drop this boom counter back from uh one to zero i do still have extra dice here so i could drop this down to one bring these back to zero which returns them to their spots on my skill tree and bring this back up to one i don't have any other bombs so i can't use this but this persists from encounter to encounter i think i might be wrong about that but i think it does um so i've got that set up uh for later i could roll uh one of these uh elements or one of these uh ingredients so that gets put into the locked section again locked things also persist from a counter to encounter but i want to be safe i'm gonna just roll these attack and defense dice and i'm going up against who was i trying to kill yeah i'm trying to go for the orc peon so i do that oh so good i've got a backup plan bones i rolled four attack which means that the orc peon is dunzo and we just have a picket left now piket has a one health but should be plenty capable of taking on this troll brute um and because i know that pig is not going to be attacked i don't need to worry about rolling defense dice right now so instead i'm going to roll my one attack die ooh yeah i only have one attack die um so i'm probably i might not actually kill the the troll brute because it has thick skin but i'm gonna roll my one attack die anyway so it's what i got but i'm also gonna roll my stand ground uh this is um i'm hoping to get that extra like uh daily health even though it didn't help me this uh encounter it can stay in the locked position and will help me in the next one so i've got these two i've got one more dexterity might as well roll a defense die um having the backup plan is is useful um all right so i got the one attack but it has thick skin so that doesn't do anything i got a defense that's fine and i got that uh extra health so on the beginning of my turn for the rest of the game until i am knocked out or oops choose to remove this dime i'm going to be getting an extra health that's going to help me tank a lot better i didn't attack i didn't successfully attack it though so it is still alive it attacks um it's gonna attack boomer because it's targeting the strongest and well this time around it actually succeeded that's one attack do you still have one defense so that's where we are move to round four um and now it's got two defense so we're actually gonna need to put uh some some hurting on it i i do think that the defense gets uh removed before you encounter the thick skin uh i'm not sure on that and then if you're ever not sure about uh how an uh an ability works there is a big list of all the abilities so i'm gonna look up thick skin uh it ignores the first damage this unit would take uh so yeah so i know that i will go through this defense first it's a little unfortunate that that means um boomer's attacking first but i have faith boomer's gonna roll two attack dice gonna roll a defense die because might as well um and here we go all right so one attack and two bones not what i wanted i'm gonna tell you right now i'm definitely dealing one damage that reduces it to one but it all honestly would have been better if i had gotten one more bones because then i would have gone to throw ends which does i have to spend all of the bones but it does three damage instead of uh just one actually i don't know that would have been better i can use throw odds which would kill one of these bones i just slide the rest over that'll deal one more damage move that there but now i just have two and now i have uh where it was i have two other abilities i've got search again if i want to spend two or bluff bomb if i want to spend three but neither of these are actually going to help me in the moment search again helps me with my bomb components don't need to worry about that right now and bluff bomb if i remember correctly lets me move uh my uh one of these baddies to an adjacent spot not gonna help me in uh the current situation bluff bomb does that is that how that works yeah you move uh to an adjacent position i can move anyone so i could move one of us if i wanted to but i don't this is where i'm at but so i am going to just use throw odds and deal in extra damage so at least it doesn't have any defense now we're up to pick it pick it again uh well hey it's his turn again so hey he gains one health because of that uh extra bonus but now i need to figure out what i'm doing i'm gonna roll one attack die and two defense because hey that's what i can do but i need to roll a 2 on this attack if i want to actually defeat the troll brute i didn't i did roll a bone so i'm going to lock that in because later on oh and i got some extra defense all this extra defense if i can get another bones i can use shield bash this turns all of my defense into offense if i can get that i will be able to do it but one damage is nothing against the troll brute the troll brute gets to go again rolling an attack and a defense ah there we go ooh but the careless the effects after uh happened after the dice so the defenses applied sorry let me double check something i think careless is true damage yes the unit takes true damage so even though it put up a defense it was careless and it hurt itself true damage ignores defense um ignores skills uh so it is defeated um and that is the uh that is the encounter we have one we're a little low on health well boomer only had four to begin with uh pickets not doing so great but anyway that is the end of the encounter uh so we are going to look at uh that encounter card and see what it got us um that's gonna get us an extra skill point along with the one we get anyway each of us is gonna get one loot and we get one extra progress point so from here we add an extra progress points to our um our you know adventure uh and we've got uh extra skill points to it to work with so from here i would probably increase picket's attack uh we've got this so he's going to be good at tanking but definitely getting more attack is going to be useful unfortunately the the dice that are in our active and backup plan slots they go away but everything in the locked space gets to stick around um and so pick it with two probably going to get an extra attack maybe an extra defense as well um boomer an extra health would definitely be good and then maybe i would go for another um another skill diet there's a lot of things that i could choose from uh body there's uh kind of a an order that you have to go sometimes um there's a dice called body search which once uh there are dead enemies then i can choose to search the bodies and potentially find loot or bomb ingredients um or uh potentially health you could find all kinds of things on a dead patty you never know i'm not sure exactly where i would go and think about it for a bit probably go for body search maybe add an extra health something like that and then we would get some more loot and then we'd go on to the next encounter and just keep going like this now the first three encounters are always the same but after that you will encounter just random ones that are green or potentially tyrant encounters these blue ones that are connected to the tyrant that you're facing these are usually a little bit harder to deal with though not always um sometimes you add more special encounters uh for example the next one specifically would be a non-combat encounter um uh where i have the option of hiring the help of these kind of shady uh merchants and they will give me a trove loot but also i add a special encounter to the deck shuffle that in and that one is a little less good now lastly i just want to show you the trove loot because every trove loot card has these lock picking values and after an encounter every gear lock has the uh opportunity to attempt a lock picking um and the way you do that is by rolling some dice there are three aspects to a lock picking encounter lever trip and force so i would roll these dice and try to get in this case five level which is gonna be pretty difficult to uh to get to um in this case i didn't roll it i got a bunch of tees which are trips and i only got this two lever but there's always this uh uh this extra die that you roll and these can um change the value of things they can increase the value of things or they can let you re-roll but you get one mulligan on your first attempt so i would roll it again um yeah this is not doing it for me um so i would have failed as let's say pickett was attempting but even if this was picket's trogloot boomer can help out as well so boomer gets to try and let's say for example uh that i got enough to um to force open the the first section of it i would take one of the dice that i use or all the dice that i use for it um and place it on the die or on the uh the first thing and then i've got you know one die left obviously these wouldn't have done it but uh let's just say that they did i've got one die left so if i can get a two trip off of this which it is possible then i could do the second piece but then i don't have any dice left for the third um which means that i haven't finished it but i would take a couple chips to say that i've gone through the first two bits of the lock and then later on if we do successfully open it we flip it over and these are items like the regular loot but they're always a little bit more powerful a lot of times they're permanent instead of one-time use and sometimes they're pretty good this one backup plan extension increased my backup plan by one uh increased my initiative by one spot on the initiative meter oh uh interesting so yeah um you can just at the end of a round you can move yourself up or down the initiative that's kind of cool and there's all kinds of really powerful stuff in the trade loot but it does take a little while to get to it and now i would keep going um i had gotten eight progress at which point if there is still time left i could choose to attack gendrix but i only have 10 days and we just finished another day so that would go up to day three um during the recovery phase i would definitely choose to heal picket get him back up to full health um boomer i don't know only down by one so might uh instead for boomer try to do some scouting see what's coming up you know so we're a little bit more prepared maybe we wouldn't have to deal with like poison and all that um but anyway i think this is giving you a decent idea of how too many bones is played if you want to hear my final thoughts why don't you click on the link in the top right corner or uh in the show notes below and i will see you folks there in three two whoops hey uh behind the scenes mix-ups anyway three two one bye-bye
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 9,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, boardgames, radho, baord game, baordgames, rahdo, baord games, baordgame, boardgame, board game, game, rhado, review
Id: AtLfa1XFk0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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