Learn to Play: Too Many Bones

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[Music] hey guys thanks for joining me for episode to learn to play games my name is Lance and today we're gonna take a look at too many bones this is a newer game by chip theory games it is a 1 to 4 player cooperative game so all the players are working together to defeat the tyrant and it's a 2 to 6 hour game depending upon the tyrant you've chosen to play against so in the game itself the players are going to be playing a race of gear locks which is a very small kind of if you're familiar with dungeons dragons they're kind of like gnomes they're very good with technology a little bit like goblins and that they're very small little people and so for one reason or not they they've come out of their little reclusive hidings and the tyrants in the north have to have decided to start trying to take over the lands and I guess the rest of the races have decided they don't really want to mess around and so the gear locks have stepped up and they have sent their little teams of adventurers out to try to stop these these tyrants in their tracks so that's where you come in as a player you're going to choose one of the gear locks which each one is very unique this game each different player is very unique they all have their own separate dice and the way that they function and their roles within the group so each time you play one of these guys it's gonna take you a couple times to really get the hang of how to play in this particular gear lock and then from there the players are going to progress by going on endeavors each day or each round the consists of a day and each day you're going to resolve an encounter card and and whether a combat or not and progress through there and in each of those cards if you're successful will usually grant you progress points once you have enough progress points based on the timer you're facing then you'll have the option to fight the tyrant and as long as you can defeat the tyrant by the time the allot of time that's given to you then you will defeat him and be the overall winner of that particular tyrants or game round so my opinion this game so far really good first off let's go ahead and start with the positives production this game is amazing they really really did at the bar very high there's so many companies out there in the industry that are big and put out there pretty much their benchmark and what you would expect the high quality game to be ship three games said let's just push it past that every aspect of this game is been polished and used the highest quality components you have tons of dices are included in this game that are all screen printed high-quality they will not rub off you know break down dice you have each of the player boards that the players will play on our neoprene mats which is usually an upgrade for most games they are in this game included in the box all the different enemies and chips and all that are high-quality chips plastic heavy grade chips that definitely have some really nice weight to when you're playing and moving things around so every aspect of this game even the board at the box itself is a very high grade cardboard box there's art on the inside everything has been just every last detail they can think of it's been done from there each the gear locks the other thing I really like is the way the gear locks play every one of them is very unique and different each one of them has their own play style and focus within the group you have patches who is a healer and his focus is on healing and helping the party in that regard you have boomer who is all about generating and making bombs so she's gathering components and using her skills to fashion all these different bombs that she'll be able to get throughout the game and so she's very weak and fragile but she could be very powerful as a damage dealer so each one of them like I said plays very differently and I really enjoy that part because it does take a while to learn how to play your gear like this is a very challenging game so when you choose a gear lock make sure you stick with it for a couple of games to really get the full effect because it's gonna take you a little while to figure out how to play each one and then the game itself I love cooperative games I really enjoy working together with other players to go up against the board and and really test your mantle to see if if you can prevail against the tyrants that they're gonna throw at you and this one definitely makes you work for it it's a very hard challenging game and so it definitely is rewarding as you're working together with the team and you do need to work together as a team make decisions together help each other as you guys are upgrading your different gear locks to really specialize and help your party out as a whole if you don't work together this one definitely will take care of you pretty quick so as that is the positive let's go ahead and talk about some of the negatives and again these are my opinions so yours might be a little bit different in this so first off this is a hard game and it's gonna take you a while to figure it out there's a lot of rules to this one and the learning curve is pretty steep each one of the gear locks like I said does play very differently which is a good thing but it also can be hard to teach them because I might be familiar with boomer or patches but my eye might not be familiar with some of the other gear locks the players have chosen and if I'm trying to teach the game that's going to be a hurdle to try to get over so like I said this is one that it's gonna take you some time this is not one to sit down and start there you know as a group to try to read through the rules as you're playing it's not gonna work you're gonna need to learn this one on your own or hopefully by this video and progress through it that way the other thing is the rule book I would like to see them do more focus on rules there's a lot of areas that I'm not quite sure on the way that they're they're worded and there's some ambiguity to it I know this is the first revision so the rule book so they're very on top of things which is really good to see they've put out a whole nother rulebook already and it did fix some things but there's still some clarifications on some things that I would like to see so hopefully they're gonna continue progressing with that I know that they just did another Kickstarter for another version of this so hopefully they'll be able to clarify some more of those within that rule book as well we'll find out but so just stuff like that like I said these are overall these are small issues - a very very good game this is one that I would highly recommend checking out especially if you're into these kind of games you like role-playing games if you like dice building games or if you just like dice games in general this is definitely one that's going to hit that mark it has a lot of depth to it like I said this is a strong learning curve but the reward signs of that and that learning curve will help you as you progress through the game and really give you that sense of accomplishment that once you've really locked down your gear lock and learn how to play them so again these are just my opinions I'd love to hear you guys as thoughts as well leave them in the comment section below or jump on Facebook and Twitter hit me up there I'd love to start some conversations with you guys if you like this game if you didn't like this game what's your favorite gear lock all those different things I'd love to hear your guys's comments and suggestions and the boxes below let me know what you guys are playing if there's other games you want me to cover other than that let's go ahead and head to the table and I'll teach you guys how to play the first sets of dice we're going to take a look at are the common dice so we have status effect dice that are going to have different statuses on them such as poison stun terror and so on and each one of these dice is going to have six different sides and you will be able to find all of these symbols and what they do on the gear lock a venturing reference guide then we have our two Kombat sets of dice we have our attack dice that are going to have four one sword symbols on them one two sword symbol and a set of bones and then the defense dice which are going to have three shield symbols on them one two shield and two sets of bones there are four different types of encounters that are included in the game and you will use some of these encounters during each game so the first are the special encounters which there are six of those then we have the base or general encounters which you'll be using in the game and these there will be 30 different ones of these if you're playing a solo game which means you're only playing with one gear lock and you're playing by yourself you can use the solo sets and these will replace the general set and there are 12 of these included in the game as well and then you will also have the tyrant encounter cards which we've kind of already covered from here on the each encounter is going to give a little bit of a backstory to set the mood and in the bottom of the encounter will be the type of encounter card that it is and the number from that set on the back of each encounter most of them will give you a choice of different options to do and the players will collectively look at these and choose one of them that they want to go after each of these types is going to list different icons on the side which you can find all of these guy cons as you can see on this chart here on the gear lock adventuring reference guide so each of these choices will give different rewards if it is accomplished and so for example with this one you would simply just do its effects and this is not a non-combat choice and then you have a combat choice which is going to list its own set of rewards if the players are able to complete and the different effects of that combat and different things so this one will show you a number of vadi cues that you'll have or batty points that you'll add up based on the effects there and then at the bottom of each card is going to be the number of progress points that it is worth and any additional rewards that that card will have upon completion so in order to create a encounter deck first off we're not playing a solo mission so we can get rid of the solo card and this is the only tyrants encounter card that we're going to be using in this game as it isn't the only one that is included in for our tyrants then we are going to go ahead and grab the special encounter cards of one through three which again are numbered at the bottom of each card so we're going to use these three in the game and then based on the tyrants card himself we're going to go ahead and grab a number of general cards from the base set and you're going to go ahead and shuffle up the full deck of these cards and then take a number of them equal to our our number of rounds minus three so we're gonna grab five of these cards will shuffle up this deck and take five from its alright so one two three four five then we're going to shuffle these five up with the tyrant card and then finally we're going to place the special encounters one through three on top of that deck and this will in create this will create our encounter deck for our game against this tyrant there are two different loot decks in the game the first is your basic loop in each of these cards is going to have the name of the item on the top of the card whether it is a permanent item a multi-use or single use item the image of the item ends the details of the item and how it works for your gear lock then we have trove loot which you're normally going to be much more powerful items each of these cards is going to have the name of the item on the again if it is a permanent single or multi use item the image of the item and how it is going to work with these unlike regular luke cards these drove luke cards must be unlocked and unlock all three of the different locks that are on them before they can be used and these locks must be unlocked in order starting with the lever then the trip and finally the force so let's go ahead and take a look at how this works in order to do this you're going to need your three lock-picking action dice and your intuition dice each turn you will roll these four dice and then resolve the intuition dice first before you do any of the other dice the intuition dice is going to have three different symbols on it you're going to have the plus one which will add plus one result to one of the dice you're going to have a reroll which allows you to reroll one of your dice and the convert which allows you to convert one of your dice from one symbol to the other and each of these dice is going to have different symbols on it and numbers so for this one this is a2 of lever 2 of trip and one of force and like I said these dice will have different values on them so you must have one or more dice with the value equal to or higher then in order to unlock the lock so let's take a look at that so the first one we're going after is the lever so this we have our intuition dice that'll add plus one to one of the results unfortunately we have two trips and one force dice that came up so when this happens the first time in a term you're allowed to reroll all your dice one time when trying to resolve the first lock of that turn so let's go again so now we have a plus one again and let's go ahead and say for example that we had a lever of three so with this one this allows us to add once of the lever which would bump it up to a four and that would be able to satisfy that first lock now any dice that are used besides the intuition dice are going to be locked on the side unless the intuition dice comes up with the plus one which will allow you to not exhaust the action dice that you're using so at that points then we would move on to the next lock which is the trip so we're gonna roll all our dice again and this one allows us to reroll one of our dice with the intuition dice so let's go ahead and roll this one all right so that lets us convert one of the dice to the value of the dice or the type of lock that we're needing so with this one we can convert this to a three of trip instead of a three of force so that would bump us up to five which would allow us to unlock the trip value so at that points any dice that we've used now we're going to main remain exhausted and you can just move them off to the side and any dice you have remaining plus the intuition dice can be rolled to unlock the next lock all right so then we have the intuition dice coming with a reroll and this lets us convert but unfortunately even converting to a force of three would not be enough so at this point we could not complete that last lock so any locks that we've unlocked during our turn will remain unlocked for all future turns and other players can also work on our locks as well so the next player could go and potentially unlock that item for us there are four different baddies included in the game we have tyrants which I'm going to cover in just a minute then we have one point baddies five point baddies and twenty point baddies and on the other side of each of these tokens is going to be the image and description of each baddie so we're going to go through this and show you what all the different values mean so in the top corner here we have the number of hit points that each body will have then we have the baddies starting initiative value and the combat type that that baddie is so this one is a melee baddie and then we also have ranged baddies then we have the creature type that that bad it is and these will come into play when choosing the tyrants he will outline which values are going to be included with him and I'll show that during the body or the tyrant setup then we have each body has a defensive value or number of defensive dice that they will roll minus the number of defensive dice that they already have of active on their token so if you already have one defensive dice on our troll here he would not roll a defensive dice it's only when he doesn't have any on there already and it'll be the number of dice minus this value so if the dragon here has one defensive dice he would still roll one defensive dice then each Betty is also going to have an attack value which is the number of attack dice that they will roll and they're only going to roll these if they have a target that they can actually target with the attack dice the defensive dice are always going to be rolled even if they don't have a targets for attacking then we have the baddies skills which are going to be in black lettering and these are always going to be in effect and you'll bill defines what these skills are on the on the gear lock of entering reference guide then we have the baddies back-up plan if they're able to do any which is if they roll any bone symbols when rolling their attack and defense dice they will trigger this effect which is usually outlined in purple from here then we have its targeting which each Betty is going to have a priority targeting so melee baddies are always going to target the closest model if it is tied then it will move into its targeting which it'll show a picture of a target and there are two different images we have the strongest s-- or highest hitpoints gear lock and then we also have the weakest our lowest number hit point gear lock and some enemy are some baddies will even be able to target multiple gear locks which will show images of more than one of these symbols on there from here then we have diagonal movement switch some of the high level baddies will have a picture of feet on there which means that they can move diagonally on the combatants mat which I'll show you guys in a minute and then some baddies are also going to have an image or multiple images for extra bodies when this baddie comes out on the battle mat it will place a number of additional five points baddies in the battle queue which we'll cover as well the last patty type we need to talk about are the tyrants so for this part I'm also going to show how setup works so each tyrant is going to have its own card which is going to list a name of the tyrant on the top a little bit of a backstory about that tyrants and two icons on the side the first is the number of progress points you must accumulate in order to challenge the tyrants and the second is the number of rounds you will have in order to defeat the tyrants if you can't defeat them within that number of rounds then the game is over and the players will lose at the bottom is the game length of each tyrant if you're challenging them so num here is going to be the shortest game that you can play and then each timer will also list a number of icons on the side here which are the different enemy types that are included when creating the enemy type stacks for the one five and twenty point baddies finally on the back of each tyrant card is going to be all the different effects of that tyrant and the effects of their dice that they will have which each tyrant has their own specific dice that is special for them and it also outlines any skills that they have as well or any other effects so from here when setting up each tyrant will have their own card and a token to go along with it which tyrant tokens are always going to have the image of the tyrant on the back as well as they're going to be color coded as well for the each tyrant so our numb tyrant has got a red background which will also receive the red dice and each timer is also going to have a number of tyrant event encounter cards which each of these will be numbered at the bottom as well so some tyrants will have multiple cards where other ones will only have one finally like I said each timer will also have the three different enemy types on the bottom so each enemy are each you're going to go through the stack of one five and twenty point baddies and collect all of the baddies with elite the symbols for him on there and create those into stacks and go ahead and shuffle those stacks up into their individual stacks of one five and twenty point baddies so each Sherlock is fairly involved so I'm gonna take you guys through all the different stuff that a gierlach has so first off each gear lock is going to get their own reference guide on one side it's going to tell you what all the different backup plans that that gear lock has some basic information about the gear lock and his role in the party any a beginner's building section where if you're not familiar with this gear lock it kind of outlines some of the different areas you might want to focus on initially it also gives his innate in his innate +1 abilities and any effect ice definitions that you might need on the other side of the card it's going to give a breakdown of the difficulty for both cooperative and solo for playing this character a full breakdown of all the different dice symbols that you'll find on all of his different skill dice you'll also have a legends to give you what each of the abbreviations means and a full breakdown of what each of the symbols is going to do on these different dice as well as in parentheses it's also going to give you the code which again will be found down in this legend of where that dice is where it goes when you use it and how it is used the one other thing you want to check is down the side here some of these in some of the gear locks might have a circle around them which means that those dice will start the beginning of the game in the gear locks board already so for example the other gear lock we're going to be using today is boomer so with boomer she is actually going to start with her for starting Dicer before scavenger dice on her player map as you guys will see so these will all start and you can place them all on either the bone symbol or for the boom counter on the 0 symbol are the blank side as she won't actually start the game with any of these in play or having any of these ends we'll take a look at that later moving over to the main board for the gear lock each gear lock has a section that has their four main stats which is health dexterity attack and defense this area is also going to outline their their different innate abilities so initially picket here is going to start with shield wall and then when he upgrades to an 8 + 1 it's the gierlach wall and both of those are found on the back of his reference sheet as well as in the top here it's going to give his difference professions that he can go through and gain skill dice in which are found over here so each of these stats health dexterity attack and defense shows a number next to it and this is their starting ability for that area for health and all these you're going to use stat dice to increase them so as you get more health you'll add the dice in there based on the value and it'll be whatever the starting stat is plus the dice it was your total so five plus two is seven health and the same goes for dexterity attack and defense now a couple things when you get training points that you can use to upgrade these stats there's a couple of ways that they work so first off for each training point you spins you can try to upgrade one of your skills and both the attack and defense are going to require a special role to see if you can qualify for that for health it's simply just adding in the dice with whatever number it is for each point that you spent and the same for dexterity for each point you spend you'll just add a dice with or change the dice to the number that you need for attack you must roll a number of attack dice equal to your base stat plus whatever the stat dice is they're currently so for example with this one you would roll two attack dice and if you roll if you don't row any bones symbols on those attack dice then you've passed a test and you can spend one point to increase that stat for defense it works basically the same way you're gonna roll defensive dice and you'll have two shots at it so since I rolled a bone here I can roll again and as long as you don't roll any bones you can increase that symbol by one again now one important factor there is that a skill point is never lost so if you fail your attempt to attack you can try to do it in defense or simply move it over to health or dexterity so you never lose any points all right so moving on at the other side here we have slots for your active dice and you lock dice and again some of these skill dice when you use them will go into your locked slots which are again outlines on the legend next to each of the skills is a symbol then we have your back-up plan so as you roll bones symbols you're gonna place them in the back-up plan and one time per turn you can spins a number of bones to activate one of the back-up plants and again that's outlines on the back of your sheet on what each of those different backup plans does on the side here is where you'll store you're exhausted dice during the game which normally skill dice are one time per combat and then you move them over to the exhausted side unless these skills specifically says otherwise or you have items that can bring them back into play every once in a while you'll also have your attack or defense dice come over here which will count against you and I'll show you that more later on but normally you will not lock or exhaust any of your attack or defense dice finally we have the professions section which will have skill dice that are associated with them each player will have a collection of skill dice that they'll have at the beginning of the game and these dice will stay off to the side until you purchase them these are our upgrades to your character that you can use to gain training points or when you get training points you can spend them on these different dice now you can specialize in any profession you want to and you can move around you do not have to complete one profession before gaining skills and another the one exception to this is each profession is going to have some star areas which means that in order to start getting other dice in those professions you must purchase the star areas first so for example if we look at his captain profession he must purchase the Stanground dice first which there's a number in the top corner and that corresponds to the stat dice of that type so if I bought Stanground that is the number one dice and I'll just place it in there when it comes time for me to use it then I would roll that dice with any other dice I choose from here if I have another point suspends I can choose to move down in the direction of the arrows so I could not just locked down yet because I have not purchased one of these other skills so I can purchase either one of those but again like I said you can move around so once I purchased this one I could say move over to his warden abilities and then I can purchase one of those and each one of them has a star so I can purchase those in any order I choose or I could move over here and purchase one of these but I have to purchase the one that's at the star the one exceptions to this are the consumable dice those dice you cannot purchase with skill points those you'll have to acquire either from your backup plan or some of your equipment cards will allow you would have those as well over here is a loot slot so you can hope store your loot cards or your troll blue cards over there as well you can store a maximum of four cards unless one other cards is heavy which heavy cards will count as three slots finally for final setup you're also going to have your initiative dice you'll have a chip token with your characters picture on it and there's two sides to this you have the side without stars which is your innate side and when you unlock your Nate plus one and you'll flip it over to the side with all the little stars around it from there and also on to get the beginning of the game you're going to get a number of health tokens equal to your health so we're gonna have five for Pinkett and that is the setup for the character so for setup the first thing you're gonna do is lay out the battle mat in the center of the board and then obviously you want to spread things out a little bit more but I wanted to get everything on camera here this so you guys can see it but each player will have their gear lock all their dice and all that stuff that we've already talked about for setup then you can also place out the date counter with the number one token on there have your tyrant that you're going after the loot and trove loot you can go ahead and shuffle up both of those decks and place them out couple stacks of health points and your level one or your one point Maddie's five point baddies and twenty point baddies each of those is separated based on the tyrant you're using again and you can go and shuffle those up as well place out your four tokens for your battle mats and the initiative dice that go along with those and you guys will see how those will work in a minute now there's a couple things that I have off screen again of course is the encounter deck that I've already showed you guys how to make so you'll place that on the field and then I also have a tray of all the dice that I'm going to be using which of course they provided a really nice black tray that holds everything as well but for this video I'm just doing some basic stuff so you have your defensive dice you're attacking dice the lock-picking dice your standard d6 and all the the different affect dice so those will be kept off screen as well and I'm gonna be doing all my rolls in one of the chip theory games dice trays that they have these are really cool I really enjoy these not just for this game for any game that has dice as when you're done using them they pop apart and they can lay flat and then you can just pop them back together whenever you need them and they're really handy so I would definitely recommend some of those if you guys have a lot of dice games as they do make a big difference ready to start the game now so each game round is going to be broken down into four phases the new day encounter reward and recovery phase we're gonna go ahead and take a look at each one of these and you can find a really nice guide for this on the gierlach adventuring reference guide in the bottom corner as you guys can see on the screen so we're gonna go ahead and start with the first phase which is the new day phase we're gonna rotate the day counter one day so on the first day you're obviously not going to do that so we're we have it set to one then we're gonna move on to the encounter phase we're gonna go ahead and draw and read an encounter card from there we're going to pick a choice and attempt to successfully complete it if successful we'll move on to the reward phase otherwise you're gonna go ahead and skip and move to the recovery phase so I'm not gonna read through this as as that's part of the fun and I want you guys to experience that for yourselves the first time so we're gonna jump right to the back of the card and we have a couple of choices now you can choose either combat choices or non-combat choices based on the card and there is a legend that you'll also find on that reference guide that I talked about as you guys can see and then you can talk amongst the other players make your decision and and go with whichever one you want so I'm gonna go ahead and choose the top choice which is going to give me two training points per gear lock so that'll help boost them up a little bit so at this point we've made our selections so we're ready to move on to since this is a non combat choice we're ready to move on to the reward phase where we're gonna gain rewards so if the rewards grants loot or trove loot you're gonna ahead and draw those now and if the reward includes training points you're gonna go ahead and use those now as well so as we have two training points to spend we're gonna go ahead and move over to doing Nats so picket is the first one I'm gonna go ahead and resolve he is our defensive character he needs to be as tanky as we can make him so he's going to we're gonna go ahead and give him one additional health points so we're gonna go ahead and add another health token to him and then he needs to we need to bump up his dexterity so that he can roll more dice and I'm gonna cover this a little bit more in combat but basically your total dexterity is the maximum number of dice you can throw each round of combat which will include your attack dice your defense dice in any skill dice you choose to use up to the maximum number of dexterity that you have so dexterity is pretty important from here let's go ahead and go over to boomer we're gonna go ahead and spend her points so again boomer is very fragile at three health so let's go ahead and give her a health points and so we'll add a health token to her and then she needs to be a little bit more of our attackee character since we have picket to be defensive so we're gonna go ahead and try to give her another attack dice so we're gonna go ahead and give this a roll we're good we didn't roll any bones so we're gonna go ahead and be able to up create our increase her attack by one okay so then we're gonna move on to the final phase which is the recovery phase during this phase you can trade loot with party members you can make a lock-picking attempt to on yours or another player's trove loot and then from there then each gear lock will have one choice between three different options that they can do for themselves the first is to rest and recover where they're going to heal up to their maximum health the second option is to search for better lutes where they're going to discard one of their loot cards then they will roll six attack dice and for each set of bones that they roll they can reveal a loot card and out of those loot cards they can choose one of those to keep the last option is to scout the area where they're going to roll that d6 dice and based on the result they roll they're going to reveal a body so if they roll a one through three they're gonna reveal a one point baddie if they like him then they can go ahead and put him back on top of the deck or the stack face-up or if they don't want to face them then they can go ahead and put him on the bottom of the stack now if they roll a four or five then they'll get to do a five point and if they roll a six then they'll be able to do a twenty point Betty from there then you're ready to start all over at the top of the round so we're gonna go ahead and move it to day two then again we're gonna draw a effect car or a event card and again I'm not going to read this so we're gonna write to the back and so this one has two different options for combat so with this one where we have two options we're either going to get help from the guards where they're going to help us do damage to the baddies each round or we can be a little bit more risky not get the guards help and we'll get some extra rewards for for not getting their help but there's one thing I want you to keep in mind with this game this is a very hard game so if this is your first time with these gear locks you're playing I would recommend getting help wherever you can this is until you learn how to play your gear lock to its fullest it's going to be a very challenging game for you so don't feel bad about seeking help or starting off with some of the different difficulties that they have to help you out because otherwise you're gonna get beat down pretty quick so in order to do a combat now we're gonna go ahead and set up our baddie queue in order to do that we're going to take the day that it is so this is day two times the number of gear locks so we're playing two so that is a total of four points of baddies that we're going to receive and you're going to take the highest point baddie you possibly can as many times as you can until you get to your your points value so for example if we were playing with three gear locks we would have six points of baddies instead so we must take a five point batty at that point and then 11.5 addy we could not choose to take six one point baddies it has to be the highest value baddie as many times as you can and then you fill it in with the other ones as you need to and from there then you're going to stack starting with the highest baddies that you have down so if we had a one point our five point and at one point the one point would go on the bottom and the five point would go on top and then we would go into in resolving but how those are going to be deployed so again like I said we're playing with for one point baddies so we'll take a set of four baddies and stack them up and then we're ready to move into setting up the battle mat and that so I'm going to show you guys how to do that so first off let's go ahead and talk about the combat board over here on the side we have the initiative meter so this is going to have the round dice that your place in there at the number one slot at the beginning of combat and it's also going to hold all of the body ends gierlach initiative dice and will tell you when each of them is going to activate then we also have a number of slots on the board then have different images in them we have ranged images and melee images and we also have two rows of different colors and these are going to be the rows that the baddies will start in one body in each of these colors and then the great areas are where our gear locks are going to start and they will get to choose based on if they are melee or ranged and they can place them in any of these selections based on their symbols so let's go ahead and start we already have our Q setup so we have a for level 1 baddies and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna flip over each patty and he's going to correspond to each row so our first baddie will be the level or the role for one he is a melee baddie and he is health is 3 so we'll have 3 health tokens and we'll put him in the melee section and his initiative is 1 so we'll set the blue dice to 1 then we'll move on to the next one we have a dragon hatchling he is a ranged baddie and he has 3 health he is the second one to go so he'll be in the purple section and so he'll be placed in the range spots and his initiative is 6 all right next guy we have is orc scalps he is going to be in yellow he has 3 health and he is also arranged guys so he'll go in the back and the range section our final body is a troll so he will go in slow and they section 4 he also has 3 health and his initiative is to don't forgot to put this one out too so level 3 is a 4 and our guy over here is a 2 so we'll set that okay so now we have our four baddies out and if we had any more baddies in the queue at this point they would come out in subsequent turns and they would take up the slots that are open to them so if let's say for example this guy here died even though he's in the fourth slot his spot would open up and so we would be bringing a new body out if there was one into his slots so let's go into the gear lock setup now so we have to gear locks we have Pinkett and Boomer so Pickett is a melee gear lock so he can go into one of the 4 melee sections so let's go ahead and put him here then we're gonna go ahead and set boomer up she is a ranged gear lock so we're gonna put her over here she can help or she can stay behind pick it a little bit and get a little bit of defense in that way from there then we're gonna go ahead and roll the two initiative nice for our gear locks and so we have a 6 and a 3 so our appear our gear luck I'll always go before enemies that she's tied with and then pickets gonna slide in between these two here now that brings up a good point if say for example two baddies had the same initiative the baddie that would go first is the one that's higher or lower on the track as far as which slot they're in so number one if a number one and number three are tied the number one is going to be higher on the track than the number three is even though they have the same initiative so before we head into combat there's a couple of things I want to cover first is the initiative track each round each player and enemy is going to get to activate based on the initiative at the end of the rounds you will turn the round marker to the next round and this is going to continue until you reach round 6 which round six in every subsequent round if you're still playing is a fatigue round which basically means that all enemies and characters will take one point of damage that cannot be negated by any means and that will continue until the either the players are defeated or all the enemies are defeated so the last thing is before heading into combat you want to check to make sure that none of the gear locks or enemies have any special effects that they need to handle so we just happen to have picket who has a his innate ability shield wall which will trigger before combat starts so in the shield wall says that at the start of the battle picket may rail roll all of his defense dice which are the white dice only and place roll defense in his active slots for this role bones cannot be placed in the back of plan so let's go ahead and do that we'll roll his two defensive dice so he rolls a 1 and a 2 now if he would rolled two ones he could not combine these dice to make it 2 he must keep the dice separate and if he wouldn't rolled any bones symbols than he would have just discarded those dice for this roll from here ready to move into combat so starting with round 1 our first character to go is going to be boomer so with boomer she in the beginning of her turn she's gonna have to resolve any effects dice that are on her chip which right now she doesn't which affects dice would be the black dice to have any effects like poison or whatnot now the one other thing is that she can use any of her loot cards which can be done even before resolving the effects of of any dice that are on her character but other than that she can use lutes any time during the turn or any time during her turn from here then she can spends her dexterity to move around the board if she wants to each point of dexterity she spends can let her move to one adjacent space which adjacency is always done in orthogonal directions there is no diagonal movement allowed from there then she's gonna go ahead and choose her target if she's going to make an attack which boomer is a ranged gear lock so she can target any enemy on the board and she does not have to have line-of-sight and she doesn't need to be adjacent to them she can target anybody that she wants to on the board from there then she's gonna go ahead and gather up her dice this is where dexterity comes into play dexterity the your number of dexterity - a need that you spend for movement will be the number of dice that you can roll during your turn or the maximum number of dice so she's gonna be able to roll three dice of any combination of her choice based on her different stats so she can roll up to two attack dice up to two defence dice or any of his skill dice that she chooses so right now she has a total of eight different dice that she can choose from out of those eight she can roll a maximum of three of them so she's gonna go ahead and roll two attack dice and let's go ahead and roll one defensive dice so that we can get a little bit of defense going so she's gonna go ahead and give those a roll and she's gonna choose her target so let's go after the dragon let's go ahead and target the little dragon Ashley all right so she rolls really well she got a two for her defense and she happened to roll three hits now the dragon does not have any defense so it's gonna take the full brunt of the damage so it takes three damage which is all of its health so it will be eliminated we can go ahead and remove its initiative dice and it's health tokens now if we had any other baddies in the Battie queue it's the beginning of the next round they would come out but since we don't we don't worry about that so the one other thing I want to cover now that we've gone through her allocation of her different dice is that any dice that she rolls she does not have to use so say for example that she noticed that a baddie had a really bad effect if she wasn't able to kill it and she did rolled poorly she can choose to ignore those dice now she's already spent her dexterity so she won't regain that and the same goes with skill dice if say you roll a skill dice and you don't like the results of it you can cancel that roll and put the skilled eyes back in your column and not a gain its effects sort of handle the effects but again you've used your dexterity from there there's a couple other things that she can do during her turn she can spends to do one back a plan if she had any backup plan dice she could choose one of the abilities that she has up to that number of dice which right now she doesn't have any back a plan dice so she can't do that and then we're ready to move on to the next person in sequence which is going to be the the work so the baddies work very similarly first off with the baddies again you would trigger any effects or any effect dice that are on there they're their chip then you're gonna determine the baddies target so the orc is a ranged combated and so again just like our Boomer he does not have to see his target or he can target anybody on the anywhere on the board and his target is gonna be based on his targeting priority so with the work Raider his targeting priority is going to be the weakest gear lock on the board which is the gear lock with the least number of hit points which right now is boomer so he's gonna go ahead and target her from there then you're going to resolve any skills that are on his chip which the orc has rating so if we check that on the adventuring guide raiding is going to this unit gains one extra attack dice for every additional orc on the battle map so right now there are no other it works so he won't receive any additional dice so he's gonna roll one attack dice as he doesn't have any defensive dice listed and let's see what he does he rolls bones so he doesn't have any skills that will trigger based on bones so that is just a dud of a dice and will not do any damage to boomer and then from there the last thing is that if the if the gear lock that he targeted had any effects that are due from that targeting then you would resolve those moving on the next character we're gonna look at is going to be picot so picot is a melee character so he's gonna need to be adjacent to an enemy to target them so he's already adjacent to our troll over here so he can he doesn't need to move if he doesn't want to so we don't he doesn't have any effect dice to handle and he doesn't have any loot cards so we're gonna move right on to choosing a target so we're going to go ahead and choose the troll and again each gear lock ends enemy can only target one other character per turn and unless some effect or ability says otherwise if a fact or like skill dice does not specify a target then they can choose something else another area or unit to target but anything that says target on it must target the same individual no matter if it's your attack dice skill dice or a back-up plan so from here we're gonna go ahead and targets our troll here and so pick it has three dexterity so he can choose up to three dice to roll he has one attack dice that he can roll and two defense dice but our defense dice are already locked in the active slots so then one nice thing about this is you can discard any dice in the active slot at any time so we're gonna go ahead and take this one defense dice out and give it another roll so maybe we can get something else all right so we're gonna go ahead and attack all right nice so we got two defense and we rolled two on our attack dice so we're gonna do two damage to him but he does have thick skin which is going to negates the first point of damage during the turn that he receives so he's only going to take one point of damage instead from there then pick it doesn't have any dice in his back-up plan yet so there's nothing else for him to do and he does have one dexterity left so he could choose to move at this point and move out of the way but we're pretty happy with where he's at right now so that he can attack that next enemy or the other one as it moves in and he has plenty of defense so I'm not really too worried about him too and hits so then we're gonna move on to the next enemy which is going to be our troll down here so again this is a melee troll so it's going to move and ends with melee enemies they're going to move towards the closest character that they can get to not necessarily the one that's priority unless they're tied for the same distance in that situation then they would move towards their targeting priority so our troll is going to move two spaces as that is the maximum movement they can move to get next to pick it and then he's going to make his attack roll so and again like I said the beginning of their turn they would resolve any effect dice or anything but he doesn't have anything on him so then he's going to get one attack dice and we're gonna go ahead and give it a roll against pickett oh so he rolled a two on the damage so he's going to do two damage to pick it so you always have to spend your defensive dice first before you take damage on your character so we're gonna lose two defense from that and that is the trolls turn then and then we're going to move on to our final enemy which is the other troll that is already on picket so he's not going to need the move and he doesn't have anything to resolve on his chip itself so then we're gonna move right into combat he's going to receive one attack dice and one defensive dice we're gonna go and give those a roll and he rolls one attack in one defense so the defensive dice is going to go right onto his chip and will help him in defense and the attack dice will target pick it again pick it has two defense so he'll drop that down to one and then we his turn is over but let's go ahead and say for example that he had rolled bones instead at that point it's going to trigger his careless ability which careless does the unit loses one HP so in that situation he would take one each another token away from him and I from my interpretation of that he would lose the hit point even if his thick skin hadn't been triggered yet and it would bypass the defense as well because it's basically him being careless so it's not nothing's gonna help him against his own stupidity all right so from here then we would resolve the ends of the round if there was anything else to resolve and we would move on to round two by flipping over the dice and continuing on from there so at this point I'm gonna go ahead and bypass the rest of this and we're just gonna go ahead and say that as you guys can see the comments going pretty well so we're just gonna say that the gierlach said one so there's a couple of things I want to cover real quick obviously with boomers she has her um different component dice that she's trying to make bombs with so she can always choose to roll those instead of rolling attack and defense dice to help accumulate those and as she does if she can get at least one component each one she can trade those back down and receive one bomb that then she can use if she has any skill dice that require her to have bombs now the other things I want to cover is any dice that are in your active slot or back-up plan at the end of combat so once all of the combat is done either the enemies win or the gear locks have won the active dice ends the back-up plan dice will be removed from the gear lock and the only dice that the gear lock can keep are the lock dice now the one exception to this is that if a gear lock is killed so if say boomer had received enough hit points to knock her out of the combat and taking her way so we'll say that she lost all her hip points she would lose any of her active dice any of her lock dice in any of her back-up plan dice those would go away for the rest of the round her and so she comes back but she can she would not be able to interact with that combat in any way after that point so now I'm gonna go through the rest of the face so we move on to the reward phase where we're gonna gain any loot or trove loot that we get which this particular event would provide us with a loot apiece so each of our characters will take one loop card so we have a mech pick for Boomer and I'll get herbs for Pickett from there then we can also spend any of our training points that we got so again this particular one we got two more training points so our gear locks can spend those so pickets gonna go ahead and go first he's gonna go ahead and gain his Stanground skill and we're also going to do we're also gonna bump up his dexterity by one more from here then we're gonna go ahead and head over to boomer who can do some more stuff so with boomer she's gonna go ahead and get her frag dice and let's see let's go ahead and get let's go ahead and get another dexterity for her as well just one all right so then we're moving into the recovery phase so again we can trade loot with other party members if we want to neither one of our gear locks has a trove loot yet so nobody can do lockpicks then we can go down to our selections so each gear lock will make one selection so Pickett was took some damage so he's gonna go ahead and gain his health back up to his max health so he lost a couple so he's gonna boost himself back up and Boomer here is going to she's going to go ahead and do a baddy selection so let's go ahead and roll the dice see what we get so we can look at the top level one vani so it's a dragon hatchling and we've already fought one of those don't really care for those we're just gonna place it on the bottom of that stack alright so then from here we're ready to move into the next round the one of the thing as you guys clear these encounters it when you're successful they're all so most of them are gonna be worth a encounter points which obviously the overall goal is to get enough encounter points to equal your tyrant that you're going after so you want to keep track of all those encounter points you have so right now we've completed two encounters and so we have to encounter points and we need six before we can face our tyrants for this game I hope you guys found that video helpful as always if you have any questions or comments please leave those in the comment section below and I'll do my best to answer them and as always thank you guys so much for watching my videos I do appreciate the fact that you take the time to watch my videos and leave me feedback on them it does really help me to stay motivated and to continue to bring these videos to you guys and I'd also love to start a conversation with you guys whether it's in the comments section below or over my Facebook and Twitter accounts I'd love to know what you guys are playing or what you guys are interested in how your guys games are going and if you guys back this one or have picked this one up I'd love to know those thoughts as well and what's your favorite gear lock and all those things I'd love to start those conversations so let me know or games you guys want me to cover I am only one man so I can only keep track of so much stuff so if there's a game that's hot out there that you guys think I should be looking at please leave those in the comments and let me know alright well I will see you guys later you
Channel: Learn to Play Games
Views: 33,093
Rating: 4.8501873 out of 5
Keywords: board, game, tutorial, boardgame, Learn to Play, Learn to Play Games, Too Many Bones, TMB, Chip theory Games, Fantasy, monsters, dice, cards, Role Playing Game, RPG, dice builder, Gearloc, Strategy, cooperative, adventure, story, battle, combat, chips, Adam Carlson, Josh J. Carlson, kickstarter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 39sec (3459 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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