Tony Soprano and Meadow's boyfriend

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what three doing here we have to drive back here some schmuck stole the VCR from the common room go get'em it's a great room for a class just finished we're at here what do you Brenda you to watch old movies who's we different from class okay mom nice lavender I'll be ready to bolt in a sec mr. soprano hey hey I'm Noah Tannenbaum how you doing I appreciate you letting a screen here those boys direct reflectors make all the difference your film buff people say Hawk scimitar there's honor with Scarface but Cagney was modernity your knee was not so I give the nod to William Wellman no I'm just gonna grab the Barenaked Ladies CD man let's hit the road last year this course is being offered images of hyper capitalist self-advancement in the ear of the studio system so you guys know you and meadow are you a little early to say what's your background no no I'm from Los Angeles West LA oh no what I mean is my family's in the business I mean show business I don't know why they call it the business those old Tarzan movies my dad's an entertainment lawyer oh uh what I mean is like we're Italian oh my dad is Jewish and my mother's family is african-american Tannenbaum right but on your application of Columbia you didn't check Jewish did you know they can't ask about religious affiliation all right right of course would you check african-american so we do understand each other your did so excuse me uh charcoal briquette a Mullen yan what's your problem I think you know what my problem is you see a little friend up there she didn't do you any favors bringing you into this house no I don't know what the [ __ ] she was there can we'll get to that later said that business associates who are black and they don't want my son with their daughters and I don't want their sons with mine [ __ ] you see that's the kind of thing I'm hoping to avoid so when my little girl comes down the stairs you're gonna say how nice it was to meet me then you're gonna go drop her off at school and you're gonna say goodbye come on you want to see the Garden State burn drop by hunters I wanted me to know it then we back to pick up my laundry later dad
Channel: viskios
Views: 3,229,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sopranos, Meadow's boyfriend, Italian Mafia, HBO production
Id: rynqbJ53DBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2009
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