Meadow Calls Tony A Racist - The Sopranos HD

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[Music] come on leave me breathless change me till I can't deny this loving feeling go [Music] two weeks ago why didn't you say anything did you report it at least the cops Campus Security's a joke well don't you think they should know they have a thief preying on the school Oh what are you talking about nothing her bike was stolen from outside the library two weeks ago the tennspeed did you lock it up they used bolt cutters some black guy from the neighborhood one of the other kids so on what did I say anything a black guy my good night Tony it's just you know I can't believe it I'm not listening to this [ __ ] why don't you admit it you're thinking exactly what I'm thinking Tony what did I say what is it my fault you're twice as likely to be robbed by a black who's so [ __ ] racist supposed to be a [ __ ] what are they talking about this in the basement I don't think they're in the basement but the lamp that's right it's on battery backup why for your information crime is an economic issue not a racial one white or african-american you're more likely to steal if you're in a lower income bracket which most African Americans are good then you'll feel better when the next one takes your car stereo you are such a hypocrite it's what I've been trying to tell you all along you stay with your own people wait a second where you going with that lamp I'm taking it how do you manage good now you got something you can rat me out about in therapy
Channel: TonySoprano
Views: 1,098,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Sopranos, HD, Soprano, Mobster, Mobsters, meeting, Silvio, Dante, Paulie, Gualtieri, Furio, BIG, Pussy, FBI, arrested, Quarrels, between, Christopher, and, Patsy, Parisi, Larry, Carlo, criticizing, Johnny, Sack, What, mobsters, do, their, free, time, capos, complain, to, Uncle, Junior, Captains, with, Corrado, the, best, scene, fight, funny, scenes, jokes, joke, dead, death, kill, attacked, HBO, patsy, hits, construction, worker, lead, plumbing, pipe, Mafia, Crime, Family, James, Gandolfini, Meadow, Calls, Tony, Racist
Id: 6-OmjwkMNMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 19sec (139 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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