Tony Robbins MOTIVATION for success - #MentorMeTony

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he's one of the top life and business strategists in the nation he's helped empower more than 50 million people in over a hundred countries through his audio video and coaching programs if you want to learn about motivation you want to learn from tony robbins mentor me Tony listen people ask me all the time if you really want to get lasting change real results that stick around what do you got to do what are the most important things you learned Tony in that area I tell people the most common thing people talk about is how they want to make a change in their life but everybody wants to change but nobody wants to work out you know everybody wants a muscle but nobody wants to train see one of the challenges that we have in our lives is we don't realize that the process of training ourselves the process of conditioning ourselves actually feels incredible once you get that initial momentum but most people don't why why do somebody people say well I lost a hundred pounds you know the same ten pounds ten times or they'll tell me you know I'm on my fourth day without a cigarette man I'm doing really good if you're counting the days it's not lasting change you just count the days you can tell people how long you last it if you want lasting change you've got to give up this idea of trying something you get aside you're gonna commit to mastering this here's what leaders really do they maximize resources a leader can come into an organization that's totally torn up in horrible shape take the same resources take it to another level your body your mind your emotion but you can't maximize it when you're trying to fit in if you can't maximize it when you live by everybody elses rules I'm not saying don't be respectful I'm just saying as a leader you got to decide what you believe is right and one thing I can tell you will always feel right to never settle for less than you can be do share or give that will feel right our whole life is shaped by decisions that's what we talked about today right but there's three decisions you're making every moment you're alive and the way you make these three decisions shapes your destiny first decision we're all making every moment is what are you gonna focus on what are you gonna focus on and you know I realized that my father's life and my wife ended up very different because we made that day three decisions very differently he decided to focus on the fact that he has not fed his family and the second question you gotta decide every moment you're alive including this moment what are you to focus on second question is as you're focusing on what does this mean what does it mean and the bottom line on meaning is if you think about it you get to make up the meaning and most people pick the worst one don't pay that day my father decided to focus lavake Adam fed his family and I know what meaning he gave cuz he sent it out loud over and over again that he was worthless because he had not taken care of his family and then the final most important decision you make every moment you're alive what am I gonna do what am I gonna do and I'll tell you we just had to do he decided to leave our family shortly thereafter which at the time was it was the worst experience of my life it was the most crushing experience I felt that's been so many years now I don't have the same feelings and part of it as three years ago he passed away but at the time I knew no greater pain my family did no greater pain I couldn't understand why I would leave I loved him so much and my wife turned out very different than him I was the only one to go to his funeral no one else in the family would go nobody want to be part of it he died alone of a disease called connective tissue disorder and I can tell you right before his death he got the lesson cuz he looked at me he said son he said I was a bastard I didn't connect with anybody and look what I'm dying of it's unbelievable everything you people have told me I didn't have the technology I don't have the right contacts I didn't have the time I didn't have money everything you've told me I didn't have enough Supreme Court justices those are resources and so you're telling me I fail because I didn't have the resources and I'm here to tell you what you already know resources are never the problem it's a lack of resourcefulness is why you failed because the ultimate resources are emotional states if you're creative enough can you find the answer yes or no if you're determined enough can you find the breakthrough yes or no if you're passionate loving enough can you get someone to help you yes or no if there's no way that you're committed can you find the money even if you don't have it yes or no so I said creativity decisiveness passion honesty sincerity love these are the ultimate human resources and when you engage these resource you can get any other resource on earth and I said so you told me all the resources you're missing and you hypnotize yourself into believing that you don't have what you want because you don't have the resources when the most successful people in history have no resources but they were incredibly resourceful so they got the resources resourcefulness is the ultimate resource and if you don't have what you want stop telling yourself the story because you don't the money all the time that's it's because you haven't committed yourself where you would burn your boats if you want to take the island burn your boats and you will take the island because people when they're gonna either die or succeed tend to succeed but most of us give ourselves a way out and that's why we don't have what we want here's what I've created for my life and anyone who knows succeeded I'm a 17 year old kid from Azusa California with no real education other than self education with no background with parents that did their best all of them with no money but I did one thing I love people and I had an enormous demand I made upon myself and I sculpted my mind and my emotions to get me to do whatever it would take to achieve and to contribute but to do that I did it by using my body and changing my focus I did it by putting myself in a peak physiology and using what I call incantations can you train yourself to believe something yes or no absolutely how many have ever made the fatal mistake of going to Disneyland or Disney World and while you're there made the fatal mistake of going to a ride called it's a small world after all what happens for about a week after you're out of that damn place you're still singing this thing in your head and 24 languages right let me tell you something how many of you have things when you want to go Chiba man this part of your voice goes oh it's not gonna happen or forget it I'm gonna go to voices sometimes interrupts that good pattern say what you want to do is train a new one so starting when I was 17 I started doing incantations not affirmations affirmation you go on a p.m. at the event the event p.m. happy what's the problem you haven't changed your what your what physiology if you don't change your physiology you won't get anything so in incantations you only you speak it but you embody what you're saying with all the intensity you can and you do it with enough repetitions that it sticks in your head like it's a small world now the conversation your head is always the same and it gives you what you want so use your body and your voice so 17 years ago I started doing things I was working for Jim Rohn this speaker when I was 17 years old I had long hair minestrone soup acne on my face I was trying to call on Bear Stearns type of people and convince them why they should go to this man seminar be more successful I was driving a 1968 Volkswagen that I had earned at $40 a week as a janitor the only way I did it was parked far from the building and then go in and I love people I believe and I put myself in state and I was able to influence people that were far more successful I was at the time I will do something that I still do backstage and have done for 23 years because I don't hope I'm gonna be in a good State I demand it so I do an incantation using my whole body that's a command my subconscious mind to direct me and helping as many people's possible life today to better their lives they gave me the strength the emotion the persuasion the humor the brevity whatever it takes you surely feel and get these people to change their lives now I would do that literally driving in my Volkswagen to a meeting in LA on the freeway for 40 minutes people are looking I'm screaming to pop my lungs they're going I know he's a serial killer I know he is but by the time I entered that room when two people meet if there's rapport the person who's most certain will always influence the other person and I was probably certain and they were trying to get revved up to certainty do you agree with this yes or no I do another one because I was poor I changed my mindset I kept doing things but I never got beyond it I'd say God's love this circulating in my life as well flows to me an avalanches of abundance all my needs desires and goals are met instantaneously by infinite intelligence for I'm one with God and God's everything and I would imagine the abundance of my life and I would feel so grateful yeah you're like one for making thirty-eight thousand dollars a year to make a million dollars a year in one year today people get injured today they don't get injured smashing in the people playing football nothing else to get into you're typing you know picking up a pencil oh oh they're really oh that's some people can hurt today because we don't use everything anymore we live in the box think about it think about our lives today and how different it is that may be the way we are form do you main to run to hide to create to procreate to raise our children to move to form to do all the things that made us use all of our body today what do we do you wake up and you have this box life you have a box breakfast right you get your box car you drive your box office you float up a box elevator you don't use the stairs of course right you go to your box office where you type on a box talk on a box right go into a box room for meetings right sure enough got a little box you can type on listen to this in a music gun box have your box lunch drive your box home or get in the train or subway and another box home get home to your box and then turn on the box type on a box messaging on a box I mean and maybe go get a cylinder to change your state maybe and most people's idea of exercise in our society today is fill the tub pull the plug and fight the current but that's not the world we live in today Michael Gerber the guy that wrote the e-myth you know talks about why so many businesses young businesses fail and one of these things he says is most people are not really entrepreneurs but they think that's what they should be they think that's the sexy thing that's the most attractive thing that's the best answer and what I say to you is you've got to separate the vehicle from the outcome what is it that's gonna truly fulfill you what is it that's gonna give you that extraordinary life what's gonna make things magnificent on your terms not somebody else's terms not your father your mother your background what is that really separate the vehicle there's many ways to get to that vehicle what I'm saying sometimes you got to reevaluate what's gonna really make you fulfill what is your gift are you an artist are you the talent can produce something no one else produces as a skill or a product or a service or some impact are you incredibly good at management you really know how to manage or lead people are you an extraordinary entrepreneur that has can take that gigantic gut load of risk and can create the vision and attract the talent that you need and the managers and leaders you may have all three abilities but which one really fulfills you the most is gonna be the critical question because we tend to want to do them all especially room like this because you're all overachievers right me too and you say oh I can do all these yes you can but what will it do to your quality of life see again the secrets gonna be this what is an extraordinary life on your terms today getting clear about that at this stage of life where you are where you want to go and when you think in terms of outcomes and that activities pretty soon some of the activities and ulis you'll need me to do to get the outcome you find a better way you get the outcome quicker now how do you do that yes three questions question one what is my result was my outcome what is that I really truly want from this if you're going back next week he said this next week one of the most important what outcomes for me to get this week in my business he is right those outcomes out not your action items the outcomes you if you do that nothing else you'll be ahead of the game if you just keep looking those outcomes every day how am i doing on that outcome your brain will come up with ways to get to that outcome I promise you focus on the outcomes not on activities action for most people activities most people may mistake movement for achievement they mistake action items into dues for achievement we're after the achievement are you with me on this yes or no it's a different way of thinking and I think all of you inherently have it but if you make this ritualize just like the things you've learned this week they're all great but if you don't systematize them they'll work when you do them but if you systematize them right and you see like mr. Holloman here where he goes in and just does it and does it make sure it's being done again or what you've seen chat do or what I do you just do it over and over again you don't miss it now the results are geometric so I'm gonna get you systematize the thinking whether you do it visually the way I'm gonna show you or not so first question what's the result from after what's the ultimate result what I want out of this week out of this thing out of my business out of my life out for my body and you want to be as what is possible when you describe that outcome that result as what as clear and specific as possible generalities will confuse you whenever you don't learn it's because someone is trying to teach you in a different way and the different way is I was a good student in school I like learning until I got junior high school high school where I ain't liked all subjects until I got to there when math became algebra geometry and trigonometry cuz when I got there I totally hated it so I had no motivation to really learn it and with no drive to learn something you know but then secondly since I wasn't driven it was also the class that usually had the most homework and if you didn't in the homework and you came in the next day it was like being in a foreign language class hypotenuse Yvette's I see over and all I'm hearing is hahahaha oh yeah my drain searching oh don't know what that is so then I would raise my hand to ask a question she's not a good thing to do in that environment so I'd say well what is the hypotenuse will be die and they go all our supa dupa dupa you don't know that's really like I Papa died but I bet you don't know so if you want to learn something if you're not learning it's not that you're not smart it's not that you can't figure it out it's that the person is explaining it using references you don't have so I've learned things like quantum physics I've learned things like nuclear power from physicists I'll say okay explain to me how that's like an orange right how's that least like a solar system something I understand and sure enough once they make that linkage you got it you understand the relationship you understand what things are life will pay whatever price you ask of it you know what's interesting you got to ask intelligently in the Bible it says ask and you shall what yeah pretty good formula you gotta look into it but you know what this is asking you shall receive but I'm sure it meant ask intelligently I'm sure that's what God meant I'm sure you didn't mean bitch and you will receive wine and you will receive I don't think that was the instruction now if you're gonna ask intelligently there might be five elements of that number one you'd have to ask specifically wouldn't you you'd ask in a general way people do almost anything I want more money fine here's a dollar get out of here very often you're getting what you're asking for you're just not aware of how general you're asking clarity is power the more clear you are about exactly what it is you want the more your brain knows how to get there your brain is a servomechanism it's like a bomb those bombs those missiles they have a servomechanism so if the target moves it knows what the target is it follows it your brain when you condition it knows exactly what to go for it will find a way to get there do you ever buy a certain outfit or a certain car and suddenly see that car outfit everywhere how many had that experience say I how come that car outfits everywhere it always was everywhere but now you notice it and the reason because there's a part of your brain called the reticular activating system the RAS that your brain determines what you notice and what you don't notice your brain spends most of its time trying to make sure you don't notice because you'll go crazy if you notice everything but when you decide what's most important to you your brain goes after it everyone I know successful have builds what I call an RPM plan and RPM is built on the metaphor that the way to get from where you are to where do you want to go to the fastest is you got to build power like at a car RPMs and the R stands for they know the result they're after they know what they want precisely if you don't know exactly what you want or you let yourself get beyond that into something general you're not gonna achieve it clarity is power you gotta know the specific result you have to what do you want if you can't answer that question right now in your personal life in your body in your relationships and your finances and your spirituality then you're not going to be as so filled as you want to be today we're gonna have you answer one of those questions at least the second part of that you got to know P why you're doing it because you know what you're making a big goal suppose I want to make a billion dollars I want to bring peace to the earth why cuz soon as you come over the goal all the obstacles show up unless you got enough emotional drive to break through that you're never gonna discover what it really takes so you got to get yourself past that no way to get past that us have enough reasons reasons come first answers come second this man did not know what he wanted to do not have enough reasons to ask intelligently you gotta have specifically to ask intelligent you gotta know why you wanted have enough drive to make it happen enough juice to make it happen if you don't have enough reasons you will not make it happen and the M is what is your massive action plan what is gonna get you to actually fall through because the first plans not gonna work and the second one's going to work so you better have enough plans that the first two don't work you still got something else otherwise you're gonna be having excuses where I didn't work so asking intelligently requires that so if we're gonna be extraordinary in our results we got them in an extraordinary state we're gonna know what we want we gotta go use it thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed I'd love to know which of the clips was the most motivating to you and why leaving the comments below I'm gonna join the discussion thank you for watching and team to believe and I'll see you soon
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 42,400
Rating: 4.9067483 out of 5
Keywords: business, success, advice, help, entrepreneur, how to, better, life, money, work, job, career, company, motivation, education, inspiration, Evan, Carmichael, Tony Robbins
Id: icl9UWCfu6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2016
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