Tony Hawks Vert Alert 2021 - Legends Jam

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This was such a fun event. All us old dudes and their kids just being stoked. Took my then 14 year old daughter, Christian Hosoi signed her shirt and told her he liked her hair. Proud dad day for sure

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/djbonney138 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2022 🗫︎ replies
what's up you guys hear me how are you thank you once again thanks for coming to the first ever vert alert competition we're so excited to be bringing you this fruit ramp and to bring vert skating back into the spotlight and uh we have some of the best skaters here uh men and women you're gonna see the pros compete tomorrow uh but tonight you're gonna see some of the ledges of the sport skating here live for you i want to shout out big thank you to vans for their support in this event uh when i when i hooked up with vans the only thing that my contract i demanded was that we do a vert event at some point and then last year as you know didn't work out but here we are uh also thanks to uh who else uh utah sports commission they're a big reason these parks are here they're the reason that we have this vert ramp here and also to go daddy for all their support over the last couple years um hey i want to introduce you to some of the skaters here on the ramp who you probably already recognized but uh right here on the end christian ossoy kevin stobb right here let's see down the line andy mcdonald [Music] lincoln ueda we got a serious brazil contingent here mike frazier bob bernquist on this side darren cookie head jenkins sandra diaz [Music] and mr steve caballero and i do i want to apologize for the lack of diversity here we did invite all of the women vert legends and they were unable to make it they got other commitments but let's go have fun thank you [Music] give it up for tony hawk everybody [Applause] he could do my job as well if he wanted to thanks for giving me the mic back all right have you guys ever seen these guys escape before these are the legends of skateboarding they're used to people crowd participation so let's get a little loud when you see something you like let's empty these guys off [Applause] tony hawk dropping in coming everybody first ride for the broadband yeah tony [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right lincoln your way to drop it in let him hear a crowd lincoln with a big ally i got you buddy andy mcdonald jumping in make some nice random mcdonald everybody [Applause] nice burial there to warm it up clean burial wow here he goes everybody trick out the trick burial gate to us into an airdrat backside boneless handy mcdonald everybody make some noise come on cookie head jenkins straight into the hand plan yeah cookie detail give it up for cookie everybody [Applause] all right mike fraser dropping in mike with some solid grinds madonna in the corner oh big invert to fakie dangerous stuff at our age the lip slide give it up for mike frazier everybody [Applause] christian hassowi dropping in with a stylish frontside grind into the back side ali make some nice for christian christian getting back into ryden verts good to see him back on the ramp always the best style yeah christian all right steve caballero when he's not ripping dirt bikes sometimes he skateboards [Music] beautiful 5-0 by the cab nice little back side give it up for steve caballero all right all the way from brazil sanjo diaz everybody this guy's got some serious power later on in this demo he will fly just feel the ramp out get ready nice slip slide there he goes 50 50 going fast big lu yes andrew [Applause] all right we've got another brazilian focus in the ramp everybody [Applause] [Music] awesome backside smith oh sand feeble to fakie a giant [Applause] [Applause] yeah kevin [Applause] nice crowd slide yeah faking roast beef give it up for [Applause] christian dropping in going over the channel or over the gap lofty front side ali judah where [Music] l.u over the gap yeah whoa whoa whoa [Applause] watch out camera guy all right tony hawk back in with the alley-oop straight away backside ollie over the gap [Applause] mcdonough in the corner flapping out of the tuckney [Applause] tony hawk everybody that's how you do it lincoln flying into a backside [Applause] [Music] mike frazier dropping into a lift slide [Music] nice frontside grind five oh to fakie [Music] one of those things that mike frazier makes look easy that is not easy at all denmark give it up for my frasier to thank some of our sponsors and leah five times stronger lightning fast polarized pain relief that's pretty good yeah cooking come on kids you got to get into it we're pushing it already give it up for cookie head jenkins here comes sandro again beautiful backside smith huge overturned backs in here keep it going keep it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah make some noise for sergio diaz wow andy mcdonald boosting big japan air frontside straight leg [Music] japan and out on the slob oh another heel kick for the view and kick for bendy come on crowd he's [Applause] oh give it up for randy mcdonald i'd like to thank some sponsors but i don't have time to these guys are ripping too hard bob with the indy to fakie front today gigantic oh switch slip slide switch my yeah bow bob burke what's everyone where is the pivot tent if anybody wants to find the pivot tent uh find their booth uh one of the first using the newest social media platform csdb come play the game of tic-tac-toe or cornhole at the pivot booth for your chance to win a download of the remastered tony hawk pro skater game yes stevie [Applause] brucian back in lovely baxter there with the best technique into the lead [Applause] mike frazier back in all right friends with the back side tail slide give it to fakie might get close nice feeble yeah frasier here mike [Applause] tony hawk dropping in going over the gap of the snap fish by photo make some noise for tony hawk birdhouse they sponsored this event who do you know at birdhouse you guys got connections cookies straight into a big machine here big le whoa woodward wow woods world-class faculties offer progressive skate experiences at every level that's true i've been there licking you waiter overturning the backside air he's been to woodward if anybody wants to go to woodward go to wood world of sandro diaz a thousand mile an hour on the back side here make some noise big backside [Applause] bob coming in the roll in backside smith oh doubled daddy [Applause] oh [Applause] oh man you're going straight to the cat yeah [Applause] christian into the alley back to there straight away yeah nice front alley over the gap yeah christian [Applause] start back in with the big back side there looking to go big yeah kevin ah the colorful kevin starr steve caballero [Applause] going here guys stevie dropping him just started skating vert again getting his legs back under him casual 50 50. oh the best frontside hand plant ever done smith ride by the frasier frontside air disaster by mike solid hair plant to fakie that's how you do it make it a fakie grind tailside reverb technical stuff here by mike frazier make some noise kids come on [Applause] birdman in the corner backside ollie tail slide yeah tony [Applause] right [Applause] [Music] big body jar smashing that tail down whoa high speed right side board side [Applause] what [Applause] yes [Applause] almost collected a cameraman watch out everybody bob's on the ramp [Music] holly to fakie oh switch slasher [Music] [Applause] [Music] make some noise for bob burke [Applause] oh rocket here lean rocket andy has the most tricks out of anybody in the world they never what is it [Applause] this is really hard in case you didn't know [Applause] andy macdonald all right lincoln jumping in looking to set up a couple errors into the 50 50. [Music] [Applause] [Applause] nice eggplant oh go for the good buddy give it up for lincoln you [Applause] big waited oh there it is [Music] [Applause] christian just floating around making it look easy yeah christian nice lean area setting up nice beautiful judo air even bigger yeah christian keep it going how are you nice [Applause] [Music] give it up for christian or so everybody tony hawk coming in on the roll in [Applause] tony going for the giant mctwist [Applause] stevie back in with the backside ollie [Applause] yes stevie [Applause] a little fake ollie oh caballero make some noise with steve caballero [Applause] nice backside tower slide give it up for mike frazier here we go kevin south dropping back in with the crail slide yeah front side invert start making it look easy oh toughness to fakie yes stylish front side ollie give it up for kevin style [Applause] looks like christian's warmed up come on people help him out here let's get it going next time louder next time let's help him out sandra diaz dropping in sandro on fire this afternoon make some noise everybody here he goes yes [Applause] go diaz [Applause] keep it going everybody oh yeah bomb looks like we picked it up a little bit here cookie with a big backside across the whole ramp [Applause] next time [Music] [Applause] here i'm not really sure what that is that's his [Applause] [Music] 85 coming live [Applause] [Applause] oh i feel like steve caballero i mean steve caballero wants to make a cavalier let's help him out everybody come on you got it this is how it's done right here next time [Music] stevie frazier back in nice madonna [Applause] [Music] oh my friends with some technical stuff give it up for my frasier everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] make some noise for christian everybody let's help him out in this lean air [Applause] [Music] look i know these guys are kind of old so you got to be extra loud [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nobody can go any faster [Applause] [Music] here we go [Applause] yeah lincoln oh i'm not sure what that was tony hawk back in the rave come on kids [Music] leave overturned nice backstab lip slide over the gap the donor in the corner [Applause] front side 360. [Applause] blood to fakie [Applause] nice 360 body jar make some noise for tony hawk [Applause] nice recovery there [Applause] all right [Applause] stevie back in the ramp all right kids let's get some volume for him let's help him out here the inventor of the caballerial is attempting a caballero in front of your very eyes let's make some noise send [Applause] nice work crowd nice work that helped [Applause] give yourselves a pat on the back that definitely helped all right christian back in the ramp oh getting a little squirrely nice recovery christian make that going for the lean judo [Applause] yeah bob oh i didn't know you could do that [Applause] that's a lean nose grinder [Applause] [Music] [Applause] keep it going for andy mcdonald toughney the texas plan again here we go a bunch of tricks nobody's ever done before back to back yeah chocolate jeremy what's up [Applause] everybody okay [Applause] that was almost really bad give it up for cookie head jackets and licking your weight and that was that was a close one all right bob back in the round oh go for a switch flip up the roll in [Applause] nice grind tail slide by mike frazier slipping out on the back side tail slide all right sandro back in the ramp smashing the body jar come on people here we go again i don't think i've ever seen anyone go this fast on a skateboard ever [Applause] what the most ridiculous ever done overturned [Applause] how did you get better when you got older that's ridiculous never been better in his life [Music] [Applause] three [Applause] yes jordan [Applause] those fans are really working out for tony hawk hey why don't i thank fans enemy gunner with the giant backs in there straight in the legs on the front side there kick up double kick flipping through the usa the benihana [Music] a little less twist action [Applause] make some nice ready mcdonald's let's thank the utah sports commission those guys are great right always helping out and of course go there daddy is christian with a big lead keep it going for me guys oh rocket action what's he saying [Applause] who wants to see across there from christian me too [Applause] bob with the backside smith [Applause] alien five times shangri light and fast pulverized pain relief these guys are probably going to use some of that after this demo [Applause] no hands everybody kevin's style nice little backswing big backs in there going over the gap on the front side right oh make some noise for kevin stob a living legend [Applause] frazier with the crayola fable to fakie yep pivot disaster only mike frazier can do it like that everybody else gets knocked out [Applause] lincoln you waited with the ally you don't forget to get down to the pivot booth everybody after the show uh come play tic-tac-toe or cornhole uh both for a chance to win free downloads of the remastered tony hawk pro skater game get down there steve caballero back in the ramp come on everybody help him out [Applause] stevie just started skating vert again and he's trying to get this trick right here right now for you guys oh wait al gharial [Applause] got a few more tricks i didn't know he had bob burke was back in the ramp bob a man of many moves there's two of them the greatest baxter i've ever seen him do [Applause] make some noise from bob burkes everybody [Applause] wow cookie back in by himself [Applause] sandro again everybody help him out [Applause] [Music] all right straight into a front side tail side back side smith over the gap the madonna one of the best there are stalling out on the tuck knee cap disaster [Applause] back side nose guy putting the line together make some noise for tony hawk elliot flipside frontside blood tony hawk everybody [Applause] all right uh oh please don't go in yet enemy done with a man you will he make it [Applause] [Applause] okay [Applause] [Music] backside [Applause] [Applause] that makes no sense at all how do you make that thinking with the body job setting up here we go come on make some noise everybody yeah lincoln all right [Applause] steve caballero back in the ram [Applause] nice 5-0 by the cab [Music] make some noise for steve caballero [Applause] all right everybody let's get it going come on here he goes setting up oh we're going big we're going big everybody [Applause] that's gonna end him he's bored all right everybody starting to wind it down so i need all your voices for this come on everybody you guys happy to see the legends out here or what want to see some doubles [Applause] that's okay we'll work that out [Applause] mike frazier one of the better smith birds ever done always had a thing for those hand plants cookie coming in hot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] trying to get that wendell i mean sorry ellie wendell lincoln you waiter [Applause] setting up for the big hill for biddy oh going for the late clip [Applause] bobby's a crazy person all right everybody help him out this time all right andy mcdonald tony hawk these guys have won gold medals with this kind of stuff keep it go let's go let's go tony hawk [Applause] job [Applause] keep it going everybody keep it going give it up for any mcdonald's [Applause] thank you everybody for coming out and watching the legends demo we appreciate you [Applause] come on guys help bob out come on come on come on [Applause] keep it going you guys keep it going these guys are giving everything they got [Applause] lincoln and steve caballero on the ramp at the same time [Applause] stevie will he do it come on crowd give it up to steve caballero everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah kevin [Applause] some noise for kevin staff everybody [Applause] all right starting to wind it down christian dropping in what's christian maybe the christ there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right everybody sandra diaz [Applause] [Applause] make some noise [Applause] [Music] mcdonald again you guys want some more [Applause] all right here they go double overturned double big twist [Applause] come on you guys make some noise these guys are giving it all right now i think the ramp is a little slippery they're still going [Music] frazier with the six fronts i try to make [Music] [Applause] make some noise [Music] it it's all your fault [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] all right everybody [Music] we want to see christian bacon cross there [Applause] he's out here sleeping can he get it [Applause] all right sandro back in [Applause] charging [Applause] over your head all right everybody i need you to get into it come on you guys can do it [Music] [Applause] oh this could be good andy with the 360 under the backside [Applause] keep it going keep it going double toughness make some noise everybody [Applause] [Music] this is up to you stevie all right cookie you go first cookie head jenkins i was going to do a sidewinder i knew he was going to so we got three people left trying to get their stuff done i need you to help us out everybody they couldn't leave but they're staying steve cavallo wants to do a cavallario for you front's on [Applause] together [Applause] that's what's up [Applause] all right christian come on crowd christian out here trying to get this cross there the best grind nice setup here we go make some noise for christian story [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time [Applause] what transfers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh wow then i'm done look at this here we go oh i know what's gonna happen you guys better be loud this is it right here let's go [Applause] everybody you're welcome that's it show's over [Applause] we're not stopping the pressure difference come on guys you guys have been an awesome crowd let's have a seat [Applause] come on stevie [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here we go [Applause] everybody make some noise for yourselves you guys are amazing good job everybody [Applause] it doesn't [Music] [Applause] you want it [Music] who wants to see that christ there sorry i do just do it everybody watch out let christian do this come on christie let's get it we want to see the christ there we [Applause] here we go [Applause] set [Applause] come on christian come on [Applause] street skins need it i'm told you can't leave until you make it sorry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Applause] here we go set it up [Music] here we go [Applause] that's it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it has to be this one [Applause] this is it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] all right here we go [Applause] all right i need that energy crowd i need that energy right now give it to him before he makes it let's go crazy he's gonna set it up here we go [Applause] [Laughter] he's like not the greatest price there i've ever done but he counted [Applause] [Applause] yo what's up everybody are you not entertained thank you so much that was amazing this is for me a dream come true a long time in the making we have been to trouble with this ramp since he was on the boom and uh to have all these best skaters here especially the street league crew all the legendary street skaters watching us that was you guys especially making noise for us that was incredible thank you guys that was ridiculous [Applause] thank you guys hey let's do it again you
Channel: RIDE Channel
Views: 108,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skate, Skateboarding, Skater, Skating, Ride, Ride Channel, Skate Videos
Id: y6dL_cvRIjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 52sec (3352 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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