Did We Finally Get Scammed at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Carnival Games?

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Today we are at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in California this is one of our number one most requested locations for us to film so we're here so we're gonna check out the uh carnival games we already checked out the arcade games here but um let's see what they've got here supposedly according to the website they've got a lot of games a few seem to be closed even though it's a busy day here and I'm a little nervous because I don't see a lot of people walking around with big stuffed animals which is usually a site we like to see so let's see if we can win anything here at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. We're gonna start with Pitch In it is a goblet toss this is huge look at those LED lights is that not the coolest thing you've ever seen? This is the most beautiful goblet toss I've ever seen. That's so cool okay so we're gonna play it is five balls for six bucks twelve balls for ten dollars yeah we're gonna do this one we're gonna do the special but it's yellow wins a small, red wins a medium, blue wins a large, green wins extra large and gold is jumbo there's only one gold one in the middle what is even the jumbo oh that top one up there and probably the Mr. Potato Heads okay let's let's get a bucket of balls let's see what we can do all right Katie's got her bucket of 12 balls okay to get the Mr. Potato Head you actually need two jumbos which would be two gold or you could trade up you know x amount for x amount you know what I'm saying. I want to note here. Whoa those are two totally different size balls. What are we doing here? What is going on that's two different size wiffle balls. What's easier? I don't know I feel like it's gonna be harder I have no idea okay so you start with a smaller one. Oh wow onto the avocados. Technically it stayed. Technically it stayed oh oh oh my gosh you like went in and out of like two or three different colors there that was oh my gosh yeah with massively different sized balls here I've never seen anything like that at a goblet toss before honestly okay and we've been here for a couple minutes we haven't seen a single winner yet um a lot of people are getting right next to them and not a single winner. Like us. Oh my gosh okay. Sometimes it just catches that bounce. I know especially on real goblet real glass goblets like this it catches it right on the edge there and just bounces straight out okay. Okay so about halfway through. Halfway through you got it yes you can definitely see how some of them were sitting a little differently as well, you got a yellow! I'm a winner! You got a yellow! Huzzah good job Katie. You get the world's smallest avocado. You get the world's smallest avocado. How exciting okay. Oh okay all right. Here's your small prize. Thank you. Yes! That's so funny you got this, you really whoa no way it sat right on there that's a jumbo! I wish. That should be a Mr. Potato Head. What the heck how did you do that? Like bump it into the yellow. Yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah see if you can bump it into the yellow. That that was the opposite this is the last ball. No I got two. Okay all right all right. Okay I'm giving up on that. She's giving up on that though wouldn't it be funny if you hit it anyways no way oh. In between! It went in between two yellows over there. This is the last one. This is the last one officially and... Nothing. Straight into the clear okay but you got a prize you still got a prize. Look how little look how cute oh my gosh. That's the smallest avocado but that's so funny. I'm just gonna like keep it in my pocket for the rest of the day. Perfect I'm proud of you good job. Woody Racers love the beach theme here it's like classic gas station pumps as well they do have both Squishmallows and the branded prize the small prize is two to seven players and it is a branded prize so I do love that Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk we might come back and play this later if we don't find anything else. If we can't find anything else with the brand on it we're gonna come back and play this. I do like it though. Oh that they have it's a cave woman riding the sky ride here. Oh yeah and a caveman right here just chilling on the beach I don't I don't get it but I love it. That is hilarious. Wow I need more of that in my life. We are in a game section so we have a Hang Time game we have bushel baskets Spencer's patiently waiting his turn another um ring ring toss but with the smaller pop bottles and then behind us we do have milk bottles where you have to knock five down it looks like and a speed ball and then even more games down this way that we're gonna keep getting to so it's kind of fun there's like little pockets of games as you walk along the boardwalk here. Thanks. Okay so kind of a confusing prize level here um so if you get one, so you get two two balls for five dollars, one in gets you the Minecraft sword, two in gets you the clown fish and then you'd have to play again to trade two clown fish for one penguin, and then you'd have to play again and again to trade two penguins for one jumbo Santa Cruz Boardwalk Bear. That's nuts. I feel like this is probably the worst prize levels that we've ever seen at like a bushel basket. Yeah I'm gonna vote yeah I mean unless this is the world's easiest bushel basket so uh I guess let's give it a whirl we've decided to play it once just to see how it is. A little difficult. They're pretty far away here. All right so we got one. Okay so you got yourself a Minecraft sword. Thank you. Okay let's talk about it. Okay we decided to play it again, we're feeling good about this, we want at least the clown fish. Oh I don't know I don't think I know that I have no idea? No I don't think I don't know I don't know what the rules were. Okay, okay. Okay hey okay whatever. Okay. So now we have three swords I guess we're going to play it again because there's no reason. You have two swords. We got but. Even though I got both of those balls in. Wait so how do you get the medium prize? So you play again you get another one and you get the medium. But we had asked you if we got eight in then we get the jumbo so I feel like that. But the game restarts once you make it in, so one ball in wins. But it doesn't say that anywhere that it says one prize per game, it doesn't. Right I don't understand why you can't get a medium clown fish by winning twice in one game. It's just how the game works. But it doesn't say that on the rules though there's nowhere that says one game, one prize per game. Or like only can win small prize. Right you didn't explain that in the rules that I could only get a small prize in even with both balls. Okay that's fine I'll give it to you. Okay thank you and we'll play one more time. And try to get something else I guess. What is going on? Okay we're playing again I guess. All right so now we have a clown fish right? Yes. Okay thank you so do we have a clown fish and one sword? Is that how this works? I think she's given you a clown fish which doesn't make any sense so I'm still very confused about what the prize levels are this is kind of a ripoff honestly. All right we're gonna play this one last time. Yeah. And I'm definitely the last person to complain about a game so. All right so that's two out of two again but I guess that's gonna count for one based on their backwards rules here. We need clarification on this. Okay she's just told us we only need four more wins to get the jumbo prize so we're gonna. We're gonna keep going yeah. Oh okay okay so we got one so now we need three more wins. Yes. Okay we're gonna get this we're gonna get this. All right so we prepaid for hopefully our last two games we need three more wins here. Okay so you have your final four balls and you need three of them to get our jumbo. Yeah. Cool. That wasn't it. Oh my gosh that was a complete miss, did you see that? So that was one. Okay All right that was confusing but we're gonna see what happens. It's kind of frustrating because she's actually not watching it at this point. She's not paying attention. So um I just like I don't know and I do feel bad because she's running two games but like I mean there's a guy standing off to the right running a different game like not helping at all okay. So this is hopefully our last time playing this game this is getting a little ridiculous. Okay one more. All right that was it. Okay so that should be our jumbo prize. I need the dang bear now. Okay yeah. I need the dang bear. I didn't expect to play this game so many times. Most expensive bear ever no not really we only paid five dollars every time but um I think we wanted to win a jumbo prize today. You need one more. What's that? You need one more. You've only made three. She just said that we've only made. No I've got it all on camera we've been counting them all up every single time. We made at least like nine shots in the bucket. Yeah you made three right you remember we said you needed four more for the penguin. Yes and then we made one, one, and two. We made one, one, and two. Okay. Thank you. You have to give me a second. Sure yeah no worries thank you. Y'all I can't with the rule changes here like your management team needs better training here because this is just ridiculous at this point. I know. You can't change the rules, this isn't a sleazy carnival, this is the Santa Cruz Beach bBardwalk you're supposed to be the number one in excellence here. They are they are. Okay we were waiting we did count the wins we won this game 10 times and um at least we got our jumbo prize and I love it. That's adorable I do like it it's very cute. It was maybe worth it I don't know. Sure let's go find some other games. Moving right along down the boardwalk you have a rollerball here first play the finish wins classic rollerball a lot of Mario prizes here two to four players is just a snake though but I do like it oh yeah you have to trade up to get the big prize that seems like that's kind of like the rotating theme of today. Yet another section of games here we have break a plate where they have one win, two and four win and I'm assuming that there's another one to trade up because hey that's just exactly what we're doing here uh jungle climb is closed for today or for the season who knows and now we have oh we got Squishmallows over here the great water race yup perfect timing. They had Squishmallows there for 11-15. And then last you have Pong-A-Palooza it's literally beer pong I think we're gonna play this one. Okay for this unique game today we're gonna technically go head-to-head Spencer's gonna play first this is Pong-A-Palooza I'm pretty excited it's ten balls for five dollars I love a good five dollar game right and uh there's different prize levels three to four for small, five to seven for large, and eight to ten for jumbo uh two balls in the same cup only counts as one right and you'd have to trade two jumbos for those giant prizes in the back so um let's see how this goes we've actually played this as an arcade style game. I'm gonna try bouncing first I guess. And spencer's playing on the blue cups here. I need an adult beverage. Oh wow that one was a little messed up so that's why I started with that one. Oh yeah oh you hit the sushi. Oh I thought that was gonna come back at you. Oh my gosh. I only have six balls left I'm going just for the throw now. Okay. No it's not very good. I think you've got it in a different blue cup honestly. Man all right all right. Oh my gosh. Am I gonna get a single one? The must be like like porcelain cups. All right so I'm technically out because I only have two balls left. Wow okay you got one okay so the bounce ended up working for you in the end. All right so I only got one. I think I should try the bounce? Yeah I guess you should try the bounce I got one in. All right here she goes are you excited? No I'm nervous I like it they're all different colors. I know it is fun all right there you go all right so you already got that middle one and you already got two oh okay so that one didn't count because you already have one in that one. Oh. Oh you got three you're in the money oh so you're in the money so you need two more to get a medium. Okay I've got two left. All right you only got two left okay all right. Oh my gosh you got four. I'm just so impressed that I did so well that four technically like five in yeah it was a 50% success rate I'm calling that a huge win for me we found a game that I am better than Spencer at so that's a double win. There you go okay so you get a prize you get a prize let's see I think you got options over there oh okay. Which one of these do you want to choose? I'll take the little green one thank you it was my very first Ugly Doll. Your very first Ugly Doll was the green one right? Yay! Right in the middle here we have a Top Glo and this one is Mario themed fun fact uh some of the carnival game prize manufacturers will sponsor your game and overhaul it like this one is the Mario pipes with the Mario graphics if you sign a contract that you're going to carry the Mario prizes for a certain amount of time now this one is interesting because it has Patrick as well from Spongebob which is not a Mario prize so either that contract has run out and they still have this nicely themed Top Glo or who knows what's going on here honestly at the end of the day at this boardwalk. Oh we got Leo the Paper Eater so you can recycle your paper right into Leo's mouth and he will bite off your hand, oh my gosh look Stinky Feet, you can get your bear a baby. I haven't seen a Stinky Feet in a long time so that's kind of fun. We have a winner. I love seeing all these flat rides running over here I love seeing the smoke rising over a volcano that I'm about to walk into, I don't know it's the lower level of the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk over here you got the little kiddie coaster you can see the real coaster going in the background there a couple different rides over here and looks like at least one if not two games so let's go check it out. You got long shot challenge four balls for ten dollars oh that was close it's a one in wins with trade up still but I don't think we're gonna play this today but interestingly enough I think this is the only basketball game that we found on the boardwalk. Despite coming on a weekend I guess we're not in the super on season yet so Bazooka is closed and what we're gonna have to assume is the dime game which is what we saw online and were really hoping to play uh so just a few games here closed today oh yeah you can even see bazooka behind the glass over there looks like it's getting worked on right now uh but not too terrible. Okay we've got break a plate two balls for five dollars love that the plates are purple definitely very on brand for us and I like that this game just has one, two, four wins it doesn't seem like some weird trade up crazy system. Yeah so we have soft pitch machine balls which are usually reserved for tub toss I've never seen them at a game like this. But we're not at tub toss. No we're definitely not at tub toss all right let's see I'm not too good at break a plate. Okay let me try to not get too much sun in this shot here so there we go, yes. Oh my gosh that was literally a millimeter away. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. All right well I lost here but I mean I kind of expected that going in but that was really close to both of those. That's okay yeah we did see some other people win this game so it's definitely winnable it's just not our favorite. It's balloon bust time and my only complaint here is that the shots are in two dollar increments which means if you loaded up your game card and you've been playing five dollar games this is really gonna mess you up um and I'm only complaining because it's gonna mess us up so the donut is one if you pop one and then the unicorn down there is if you pop two of course it goes up it looks like four six and eight no three six and eight I'm sorry. Even weirder okay. So um we've just paid for two shots just for funsies and of course when you play this game look for the balloons that are shinier. These are brand new brand new beanbags. I love a brand new beanbag. I don't love a brand new bean bag. All right well that barely counted so we got a sweet donut we'll take a pink one. Oh my goodness oh well I guess it's good we paid for two shots. I know right thanks. Wow you are a big winner here look at these prizes here today. There's no hole in the middle of that donut does that make it technically a donut I don't know I don't know if it's technically a donut then. This is weak. We're moving down the row with knock down it's five dollars for three throws two will get you a small and three will get you choice, we did see someone walking around with a Reptar earlier good for them um I would say this this falls under Spencer's medium category he does pretty all right at this game um but it's definitely not the game that is his claim to fame so um. This one's far too there's no way. This is far and some of the clowns are different which never makes it easier and as always you're going for the nose on this one the fur the hair whatever you want to call it does nothing. All right let's see Oh you got one excellent. I wasn't aiming for that one. Shhh nobody needs to know. Oh my gosh that one had some heat on it oh. All right so we got one it doesn't count for anything though. Oh man. I'm still impressed I got one. I'm still impressed. Thank you. We've chosen the game with the most confusing rules so we're gonna play Speed Ball you guess the speed on the last ball so the third ball player wins jumbo that's the panda if the guest is exact and if the guest is 75 miles per hour or more player wins choice, how do you win giant? How do you, you have to get a choice twice? No the giant is smaller than choice. What's the giant prize? You have to get two jumbos to trade up for that. Oh okay so giant's two jumbos. Oh okay. Wow. And the only way to get a jumbo is if you guess the exact miles per hour of your third pitch? No that's choice oh yeah yeah the guess is the jumbos if it's exact, choice is if you throw or guess 75 miles an hour or more. Okay. Okay all right. Okay well I'm still confused. That's a head scratcher okay so oh because then they put your guess in over here okay. Okay so the first two are just for me to like feel it out right? Okay so the first two are just kind of practice. So I'm just aiming for that okay ready? Yeah we're ready. 31. Nice. 31. I'm guessing 31. He's trying to type in 31, there it is. Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me this is joke right this is a literal joke. Okay it's milk bottle time so three balls for five dollars you have to knock them all down with the first ball just down not off so sideways first ball for large or the second or third ball wins small they do not reset them in between um and there are five bottles they don't appear to be too heavy oh man this guy over here on the left is really getting close so let's see how we do. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh a little bit high but that's okay. Okay that was great actually because now there's just three left. Oh my gosh I can't believe it just one left on the platform that's exactly the same thing the guy on the left did so you guys are kindred spirits good for you all. I wish I could say we won more today as somewhere that everyone has wanted us to come I don't know that we'll be back we spent a lot of money here today we gave us this episode this channel like a big budget and I was like hole-less donut, these two tiny things and then this I did feel like we got hustled for um I don't expect to get hustled at a place like this it's supposed to be family friendly the way they're doing these like trade-ups you would have to spend like a lot of money for prizes that I did not find that quality, this bear was the best thing on the boardwalk and I'm glad we have it don't get me wrong but like that was a hassle and I mean overall I just felt like we just won kind of garbage like I can't donate this it's like terrible I mean the Ugly Doll key chain is cute but and some unique games I'm sad that two of the games we wanted to play were closed this one was like the dime toss on the table supposedly according to the website games like that is what I expected to be here more of those traditional older style skill games um but it just seems like games where you just have to keep dumbing money into to win so I don't know that we'd review this area that favorably so hopefully you have a better experience of the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.
Channel: Winner Every Time
Views: 17,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amusement park, amusement park games, big wins, carnival game, carnival games, easy to win carnival game, how to win carnival games, how to win midway games, midway game, midway games, winner every time, winning carnival games, santa cruz beach boardwalk, santa cruz beach boardwalk carnival games, santa cruz beach boardwalk games, carnival scam, mark rober, mark rober carnival games, carnival scam science, carnival scams caught, carnival scams, carnival game scams
Id: Gy8XFxxqQpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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