Toni Morrison on Trauma, Survival, and Finding Meaning

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how do you survive whole in a world where we're all victims of something it's to both of you um how do you survive whole i can't do this quickly juan okay how can you travel and we're victims of something um you know that's a nice big fat eastern western philosophical question about uh how do you get through sometimes you don't survive whole you just survive in part um but the grandeur of life is that attempt it's not about that solution it is about you know being as fearless as one can and behaving as beautifully as one can under completely impossible circumstances it's that that makes it elegant good is just more interesting more complex more demanding um evil is silly it may be horrible but it's at the same time it's not a compelling idea it's predictable it needs a tuxedo it needs a headline it needs blood it needs fingernails it needs all that costume in order to get anybody's attention but the opposite which is survival blossoming endurance those things are just more compelling intellectually if not spiritually and they certainly are spiritually this is more fascinating job we are already born we are going to die so you have to do something interesting that you respect in between that was wow you
Channel: CTFORUM
Views: 10,881
Rating: 4.9935689 out of 5
Id: 5xvJYrSsXPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 24sec (144 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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