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The Iceman is here... What you thought one take? Yes oh no way no way! Sorry! And we've  got the perfect accuracy challenge for him.  Round one: curve pass. Round two: lofted pass. Round  three: three pointer. This is not easy... Three times in a row! It's like a video game... Yep again thats four... What do you think? Toni Kroos the German midfielder is considered to be one of the greatest midfielders of all time he's won it all but he's never taken part in a   Shoot for Love challenge... Are you ready Toni? Of course I am. How accurate is Toni Kroos? Well listen I don't think there's many  better passers than you in World football I've   got to say that if I can't do this nobody can?  No no I don't think so I don't think so... What's the plan guys we've got three stages of our  challenge today first part of the challenge   you got to do a low driven pass into the  bottom goal there so are we ready to get   stuck in? Let's go! Shall we put Toni Kroos to the test! Oh I'm excited  Toni Kroos everybody I can't believe it oh it's  good spin oh it's good spin hold on hold on... He's already hit the target oh it's  good it's good it's good it's good it's gooooood... He's already hit the target I can't believe  that oh don't worry don't worry... He got you there camera man!   Let's go Toni let's go... Oh it's good  it is it is that's it that's it oh did it hit the cone in the middle there! It's tough wow the curl  is evil the curve is very evil! Nice that that counts I guess? That counts, that   counts... That's stage one, stage one done! What was the the difficulty of that stage one?  There was no difficulty this is a computer graphic yeah I was like it's like a video game, I was literally like it's like a video game If we were to do this challenge next time with another  footballer per se Yeah we didn't know like how much curl we should get could this could be the craziest one? Maybe I could do more you know... Next time next time! Subscribe to Shoot for Love. What about similar to your your assist versus Juventus in preseason, you know the one where Jude's like 'ohhhh' yeah it was more straight I think we do it now ehh? I mean this always my style some good training today thank you guys hey no we're not done yet Toni don't thank us just yet it might get a bit more difficult okay let's let's see let's see let's  get let's get straight to the stage two let's do it so this right here is his bread and  butter this is what he does every day oh oh no oh my God I thought he was going... See how straight that was though? I know... What you thought one take? Hey that's pretty good that was like  an arrow I'm starting to see why they call you the sniper Toni Did you see that? Inside curve! Wow this is a master at work you know... Sorry! I'm good! We're getting closer guys I don't think too many more let's go Toni let's go! Almost almost a little bit of Back Spin there... That's two for two right there!  So talk to me about the technique what's your thinking behind technique? I hit it with a different part of the foot more like Back Spin so  straight hard at the same time because I mean you have to to reach this at what it is 30m but great I mean that's that this kind of pass I use a lot in the game so diagonal pass Exactly. Any more ideas? We've got one more for you... You think it's possible? uh-huh okay...  difficult difficult... Well let's not waste any more time let's do it stage three, let's go! Let's go Toni! This is the last stage Toni this is the last stage this is going to be tough guys... oh oh oh my god... It's the NBA Finals Toni buzzer beater  you got to make it let's go Toni! Come on... I have a message for all you Brands  out there wouldn't your logo look great on this backboard or perhaps you want Cam and  Jamm wearing your brand we want to bring the best football content on YouTube your  brand can work with Shoot for Love Do email us at the business inquiry email right  here now let's get back to the action Let's go Toni come on  We got this come on! Oh no way... You have to be ready yeah? Yeah we're always ready always ready! He's testing the cameraman. That's cruel man that's so cruel! More than twice! Four times now! Oh back to back rim back to back! Oh the left foot the left foot! Oh the left foot the left foot! Oh no way no way Oh no way no way oh my good... If he trivela'd that... Thats the Puskas. Oh unlucky oh... It was the one before... It was stage 2! Three rims is one goal? This is where the challenge becomes  the challenge for Toni right now Skimmed the net! He's going to use that bounce... Oh my God it's getting closer and  closer and closer... Come on it's in! Oh my God! Crazy accuracy. Oh he made it look very easy the Go Pro again! Three times Go Pro is one one basket no? It's half a point We got this we got this oh wow oh my God! We were close several times. I don't think we've seen a more accurate footballer than this man right here. Oh my goodness! Twice in a row, twice in a row... Three times in a row oh my  God three times in a row three in a row! That's four... Four in a row! Yep, again. Five. Five in a row. It's in! It's in! Oh my!  Six see see wait wait wait wait... Yeah yeah... It's... What do you think? We got this we got this... Yes... Yes... Yes! Finally! Vamos bro come on! Toni! Toni! Toni! Feels like a  Champions League win you know? You want to go over to the fans I'd say knee slide... Where's the trophy? Where's the  trophy? Toni talk me through that, did you think you weren't going to get it at one point? No! Of course not. If if not I would stop. No the truth is I was too close in some some of them  to think I'm not able to do this you know? Yeah but uh but it's hard it's hard... Keep finding people  that put that in from this distance... We will we will we'll see we'll see but I'll tell you right  now... I don't think anyone's going to hit the rim, I think you hit the rim like seven times in a row it was just bang bang bang bang We were getting closer. We were getting so close! Jamm here was like you might  need to catch me if he gets it. He was pushing me a lot he was right he was pushing me a lot more than  you to be honest but at least you you you didn't lose faith What do you mean? It's cos I'm English is that what it is? Yeah maybe! It's okay for me becuase I'm German yeah? I'm representing today I'm representing... So we filmed with many footballers I don't think we have seen a player with more accuracy than you I  I mean it I mean it no doubt right? Not just accuracy but accuracy with any technique any foot  Left Foot Right Foot I even saw trivela at one point! I was like woah! And it was even accurate yeah I know even the trivela was accurate! Just to mix it up keep us on our toes right Toni? No but it's an absolute pleasure to have you here today. We were like it's a computer graphic yeah I was this way too accurate like it's like a video game! But how did  you like keep your mental? If we would think like this I say we because that I think that's part  of also the club where I play you know? If we would think oh no it's over now it's over no  no it's over when it's really over you know? and I think you have to to stay calm to  keep being positive that you can do it. Mentality you know. Do it till you get it. Well thank you so much for getting involved today it's an absolute pleasure. Thank you for coming guys. To see your belief and just mentality to not give up and stuff I think everyone doesn't matter whether you're professional football or not you can carry that in any part of life. That's true. So thanks again thanks again  for joining us. Thank you. Toni Kroos everybody! If you guys want to win this signed  Tony Kroos brand new Real Madrid home kit all you need to do is comment down below like the video subscribe if you haven't already and we will randomly pick one lucky winner randomly randomly so please don't come at me on Instagram and say please pick me cos I don't choose guys I wish I could! So go to Tony Kroos Academy download the app yeah he has all the exercises, by the man himself he said all these exercises were things that he used to do not in training but after  training and this is what it takes to become a a world-class footballer and he said it's free  right? It's free I know I'm going to download it you're going to download as you I think I've already got it but you're going to download... I'm going to do it with my son. Perfect. Perfect. Follow the football challenge guys follow the football challenge guys. Who's that? That's us! you know it already hope you guys really enjoyed the video today I know I had amazing time with Toni so did Jamm and we're going to see all you guys next time we're putting more footballers just like Toni Kroos to the test! Are you a fan of basketball? Yeah. Yeah? Who's your team? They do it with the hands huh? Oh you you understand it right I do I do. Okay now my team are the Mavericks. The Mavericks? Because of D... Yeah because of Dirk Nowitzki of course uh before and then and now Luka Doncic of course it's a good, great success. So if you to ask Luka right now how would he do it? Would he say aim for the square above the hoop? maybe but he would say I would do it with the  hands you know yeah he would straight away with the hands!
Channel: Shoot for Love
Views: 3,587,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shoot for love, experiment, test, put to the test, cam, jamm, football, soccer, world cup, qatar, legend, break, challenge, premier league, la liga, germany, toni kroos, real madrid, pass, midfield, basketball, hoop, accuracy, midfielder, madrid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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