Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Reaction | First Time Watching

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[Music] thank you hey guys welcome back to flex2s thank you so much for joining us my name is Nick this is my mom Jen hi guys and we're back with James Bond this is Tomorrow Never Dies so last time was golden eye which I was very impressed very good yeah I can see why it's it's talked about why it's probably a lot of your guys favorite it's Pierce brosn's first right yeah it was it was a lot of fun yeah I mean like Sean is good he was really good yeah Sean Bean was a fantastic villain like the you know we're surprised to see him yeah I mean it's like the you know Anakin Skywalker is a villainy just like you know the Betrayal from like a close friend yeah type of thing which is really kind of funny yeah and it was he was dead in the beginning remember we said it's kind of a short yeah didn't really die well he was a cool villain because like a he could say like go toe-to-toe with bond in a fight like you know he that whole fight scene was really really fun yeah and but also he like knows all of his tricks he can anticipate the gadgets he can he knows he knows the whole MSX Playbook yeah that was a lot of fun and M is a woman now Judy Denson I really enjoyed her she really made her presentation yeah and I just love how she was like you know she's like oh you think I'm just a number cruncher just a like a accountant or whatever he's like well that occurred to me she was a good I think you're a sexist dinosaur she just let him have it yeah that was a lot of fun and then yeah we had the Glorious Desmond Llewellyn come back might be one of my favorite interactions between Bond and key without ever seen yeah that was a more than usual with them it was a lot of fun usually he's just irritated with him shows him the stuff and then that's it yeah they had a good kind of camaraderie after you demonstrated the pen explosive he's like the writing's on the wall along with the rest of him that's my lunch no but it's really fun I mean Robbie Coltrane was in there too yeah kind of like a really bombastic kind of arms dealer type of uh but yeah I mean we're in the 90s yeah we got the internet it's a whole sort of new age of kind of spy yeah I wonder if they'll they'll I think they'd use that too yeah for a plot line right more of the internet stuff yeah yeah like a new sort of uh you know realm of spycraft and whatnot and uh yeah I'm kind of excited to see what else Pierce Brosnan can deliver so let's check it out foreign enhance so it's like a farmer's market for arms dealers yes okay a pair of Russian Waters oh this guy brakes look like American rifles Chilean mines German explosives fun for the whole family damn Henry that's uh Ricky J American practically invented techno terrorism that looks like an American encoder they use it to control their navigation satellites the GPS system ah GPS my man isn't finished black king to White Bishop authorization to fire get your man out of there his job is over when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail yeah right true well that'd be too easy if they just take them all out yeah or if they by destroying this the villain or whoever will be kind of a driven to action because of it yeah those are Soviet sb5 nuclear Torpedoes oh [ __ ] abort abort order them to abort missile out of range this is what happens when you jump the gun yeah he thought he had it all figured out there wait till you have all the information yes the bond I just lit it [Music] then please collect all your purchases and thank you for joining us today [Music] oh he's gonna fly it with the one with like the right away from there yeah foreign [Music] thank you oh god oh and somebody yeah [Music] this is quite the predicament yes being strangled and being shot at [Music] Jack's right but we reject the other guy oh right into the plane whoa yeah there he goes oh I don't think that's physical that's physically possible the way to the area oh that's the Admiral where he'd like his bombs delivered you look like an idiot which he is yeah whoa it's cold and stuff right Jonathan price cool uh Elizabeth's dad from Pirates of the Caribbean [Music] Harry Hatcher oh wow you're bigger again I guess he'll be sort of the the Buddy CIA guy Ricky J yeah Desmond Llewellyn yes we're gonna be sad when we don't see his name assuming somewhere along the way he's gonna yeah drop off watching a reboot back on Saturday morning cartoons [Music] yeah these glorious 90s CG effects yeah [Music] I mean this is like a lot of the stuff I grew up watching so it's like a huge like Nostalgia factor for me Cheryl Crow wow the ship has been overflowed by two Chinese humans we believe they have hostile intent what are they doing in Chinese Waters yeah the Chinese pilot insists that we are only 11 miles off their coast and he will fire if we don't turn around and go to a Chinese Port send us we are in international oh they have it wrong oh who does the [ __ ] the Chinese so they're in international waters yeah not Chinese yeah but are they wrong yeah it's a good question somebody's met Larry and he's messing with it Sinister hacking is he had that encoder yeah the decoder encoder for the like GPS and whatnot exactly what he's doing this yeah lots of trouble oh phase one is in progress and report back to you with an update they want to take out the Chinese migs and make its well they're trying to check out the British ship I think and make the Chinese take the blame for it okay applets no torpedo terrifying hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go upstairs oh man hey just turn the hole right to the top yeah oh these poor Sailors yeah doing their job so I've got now down 14 degrees Center admiralty have been told people this is a young Gerard Butler that just spoke I don't think so well maybe the background there oh yes I didn't focus on the space yeah it just sounded like to the end to see if you've read it or not oh and now they're gonna pick up the Chinese I can seem like they took each other out or just kill one and have the other sort of bringing word back to China yeah they gave the final position 70 miles from here the British Navy will never find them oh I'm filming it too yeah [Music] here we go yeah missiles again it's always about missiles I hope they're not nuclear but I suspect they are Mr Jones are we ready to release our new software yes sir as requested it's full of bugs which means people will be forced to upgrade for years that sounds about right call the president tell him if he doesn't sign the bill lowering the cable rates we'll release the video of him with the cheerleader in the Chicago motel room wow this guy is just unscrupulously release it anyway okay yeah hold the Press is this Justin by a curious Quirk of fate we have the perfect story yeah Satellite News Network tonight so he's like manufacturing crazies to like report on yeah but the lengths he's going to wow yeah there's no news like bad news wow this is disturbingly you know just yeah familiar he went on to become the head of Fox News but our Singapore station picked up a mysterious signal on the GPS frequency at the time of the attack he could have sent that ship off course oh yeah investigating with all your respect him sometimes I don't think you have the balls for this job or perhaps the advantage is I don't have to think with them all the time good girl oh I love her so much oh pass ass yeah and with the headlines really stuck in the Flames the victims were riddled with the same ammunition used by the Chinese Air Force did you leave this no yeah they're trying to like get England and China to yeah kick things off how much do you know about Elliot Carver WSM worldwide media Baron able to topple governments with a single broadcast I believe he once had a relationship with Carver's wife Paris oh use your relationship with Mrs Carver if necessary I doubt if she'll remember me someone tells me she will yeah if you just sign here Mr bone here he is yay it's the insurance damage waiver for your beautiful new car oh goody BMW 750. all the usual refinements machine guns Rockets the GPS tracking system but that's tricky now with these satellites your new telephone talk here so that's what I've been doing wrong all these years the remote control for your car tap twice wow Bond James Bond another new bank I don't believe we she probably works for the Chinese right maybe oh like a Chinese Bond that'd be cool oh that's his ex wife or whatever yeah [Music] that happened to him a lot I think yeah just like Jack Sparrow yeah tell me James do you still sleep with a gun under your pillow to you no to the gun so how do you really know him I told you he's the banker I met him in Zurich you're a terrible liar dear I was okay yeah Mr Joshua Junior well him and like a you know a bunch of other guys have been saying that clones of like uh Donald Grant from uh from Russia with Love yeah right a terrible conflict looms tonight in the South China Sea which unchecked has the potential to destroy every human being on Earth and I will help it along pretty much oh I know where I know I'm funny he's Jack from Jumping Jack Flash Shack too yeah right here we go yeah it's a soundproof room Mr Bond nobody hears you scream no no that's space yeah we can hear him scream down on Earth okay okay there we go each other now that is sunproof yeah well domination complete utter news without fear or favor oh my God is the goal of the cover there we go we've lost power and in a rather embarrassing note Scrappy media Elliott Carver when he's cut off the air tonight in mid-speech during the inaugural broadcast of his worldwide satellite Network sorry Elliot but we didn't do it I didn't ask you to get involved in this too late for that what was it ching [Music] did I get too close and it's interesting too that in the last movie Alec trevelyn said you know do like all those vodka martinis kind of drum the screams that menu killed or in the arms of all those willing women do you find say Comfort or whatever for like for all the ones once you failed to save yeah it was like you know these flings like he doesn't want to get too close because like the one or two times he's done that attended yeah the tragedy that's right [Music] seems very very passionate yeah hopefully this one doesn't die too tell me James do you still sleep with a gun oh oh his face we should set an appointment for my wife with the doctor euphemism I suspect man his face is just everywhere yeah yeah [Music] I wouldn't be surprised if the toilet seats had his face on the cover oh that's handy okay that's pretty cool there it is oh got it it's gonna be Michelle yo trying to break in yeah [Music] yeah she's definitely not a reporter yep shouldn't say that we don't know what the reporters are like in China maybe yep our [ __ ] you're gonna be smeared all over the front page yeah literally what do we call this place oh oh that's gonna rain oh there you go there's uh splattered on the front page yeah I couldn't print anything these days for our younger viewers this is how newspapers are made uh that's right that was a thing they used to print the news back in the day before I read it but before other things yes good morning Mr Bond Elliot Carver I believe you've got two items belong to me the red box Mr Bond and my wife in your hotel room did he kill her and they make her look like Bond did it oh crap because they slept together right yeah they did oh he came he's coming back [Music] hey man what the hell that was my daughter's pediatrician tell me if you find the encoder call me immediately yeah oh they're gonna get like shocked probably or something because the one card in the one movie just like blew up yeah he's gonna be dead oh killed her yeah oh no Mrs Garver was found dead already broadcasting the wow oh man yeah it's broadcasting and she's still just laying there probably dead like less than an hour identified man who appeared to be the victim of a quick turn I have a clear shot at your head Mr Bob up yeah or from a ghost yeah what's his name the one who taught him how to yeah yeah he's been in lots of movies that guy so crazy like there is it making the news as it's happening tomorrow's news today oh okay yeah but still like oh here we go my name is Dr oh the doctor remember he said called yes I'm a professor of forensic medicine believe me Mr Bond I could change and still creates the proper effect all right my cell phone opens no no no Mr Bond I do it you say are you there we go yeah golden knocked Hair Doctor wait I'm just a professional doing a job me too yeah and in the news thing he was gonna send he said the body of an unidentified man yes self-inflicted gunshot and now he really wants to get Carver because oh here we go drive [Laughter] all the usual fixings get it over by him and then he can get in mm-hmm oh that's okay cool yes wow [Music] oh man it's gonna be the best video game operator there ever how many levels to this damn parking [Music] that poor person's heart oh God he was gonna be pissed yeah [Music] that's it oh ken trips that'll do it yeah this is a pretty good scene eh yeah oh yeah I love this oh no well you played yourself oh reinflate there we go and like self-sealing rubber somehow but not for them nope go right off the end yep oh God Davis into the Avis ratchet car returning a car oh perfectly circular hole take some pictures and send them back to the Admiral there or whatever it is it sitting up top there or is it below this no it's on top of like a like a little underwater Cliff or whatever yeah oh no yeah oh [ __ ] oh it's her Michelle yo it is yep now they're on the ship that's about to fall into like the Mariana Trench or whatever the door [Music] nope deep breath yeah but can you make it to the surface you'd have to send your tanks out there and then put them back on right well it is if there's even enough room to like drag them which it doesn't look like oh no [Music] oh [ __ ] oh damn oh yeah kind of [ __ ] you're diving man well this ain't good nope [Music] it's the bomb it's Lynn you have not had chance to peruse today's headlines I rather like the last one it isn't even mine oh please yeah words are the new weapons satellites the new artillery he is right there yeah [Music] okay oh they're tied together yeah oh nice [Music] holy crap oh I'm handy though straight down the middle yeah [Music] she's right inside saddle oh God oh crap yep yeah don't get any ideas [Laughter] very good there we go huh yeah there we go no fireworks it's quite a stunt they had to do even if like obviously it's not all them but even look who had to Michelle yo I think it'll probably more so than yeah that's what I mean but but now it's a really neat idea take the highway yeah oh into the helicopter Maybe oh just across oh that's pretty cool that works oh geez we're just gonna fire into the middle of all these people no they're gonna try and fly down and chop them into bits oh wow that's gonna make a mess oh wow last year we found stealth materials spaces I followed the lead to Carver's headquarters in Hamburg stealth material we thought he was building another cover of Darkness who positioned the stealth boat near the British Fleet father miss out into China it's pretty clever yeah so you'd have to hide at some place where he uh could sail to the Devonshire and back in one night how long bay but for five thousand American dollars ah he'll take us good maybe he'll take a check we'll post it yeah [Music] so the timers for 10 minutes that should give us enough time to get out of here before the ship explodes even if it doesn't sink it'll show off on radar let's put a pretty cool team up with me oh she's very capable right so it's not we've had a few of the capable ones along the way but yeah but she's one and not one of the other ones that which button do I push agents right the Chinese will think the British are rattling the saber the British will think the Chinese are being belligerent and the media will provide cool objective coverage he's a pretty fun villain well and it's funny because he's kind of a mild-mannered guy right he's not like some of those other guys very like the whole personas like that but he's this is what a megalomaniac that's one also very much a villain of like the new sort of era like a yes there you go nerd with you know weapons of mass destruction yeah 12 minutes what the hell do I pay you for eign was like say smart enough to notice something yeah well there we go I will kick you off oh damn killer and you come with me yeah time for a showdown with Mr stuntler here that's right uh [Music] did you think that was Bond maybe it's Tempo to bridge yeah bomb is dead delicious make sure you clear all the mines and bring the girl up to me they can't see me or you or even your friend the late Commander Bond who is I believe at this moment on his way to the bottom of the South China Sea greater men than New York trade yeah it seems like he's having fun in the role yeah I guess because he can just go absolutely ham yeah have you got anything on the radar that looks very small uh Lifeboat Periscope oh [ __ ] I think that was the the Nazi colonel from the Last Crusade yes he has to play Grindelwald for a bit in Harry Potter and precisely five minutes after your countrymen have attacked the British Fleet I dear old by sending this Miss into Beijing oh it's just called an emergency meeting the Chinese high command unfortunately General Chang will be delayed he's gonna like take over that's why he's partnered with him yeah but he will be just in time to take over the government negotiated truth and emerge as a world leader with a Nobel Peace Prize me oh nothing just exclusive broadcasting rates in China there we go interesting plan how do you realize how absurd your position is the more absurd than starting a war for Ratings yeah press the magic button Beijing disappears it seems you've outlived your contract you see Mr Bond I have a backup plan all the watch so do I [Music] there's a little fire on your stealth there yep so we have a small Interventional contact on the surface plotter bearing a one one or two degrees [Music] yes sir right we'll do it the old you see that chip yes sir I don't want to yes sir foreign yes that was close yes whoa [Music] London ship abandoned [ __ ] yep then let's have someone shoot at you guys in the water yes other Sailors yeah oh you're too late again Mr Bond uh it's a bad habit of yours there's nothing you can do the drill oh yeah get him with the drill yes I may have some breaking news just toss them into it yeah oh that's fitting me that is so fitting so with Mr Stamper should have been with them well now we get to have an Epic Center we're gonna have a two-on-one fight hopefully oh damn it it's over Stamper your boss is dead not between you and me oh the fuses yeah or the detonators the saver yeah [Music] uh go after him or save her here he comes there we go I owe you an unpleasant death Mr Bond there we go yeah oh there we go [Music] then when the missile launches it'll like blast his leg off yeah it's an air in your mouth yeah [Music] there we go oh we can get that chain off put your hands behind her back or anything uh she told she was holding onto the jeans with her hand yeah the weight of it because I was thinking why can't she kind of climb but the weight of it would keep you down right yeah and depending on how your arms are tied you might not be able to say like the tree yeah that's true um Bedford reports that kava went down with the ship seems that Bond made it take this release Elliot Carver is missing presumed round while on a cruise aboard his luxury yacht in the South China Sea present the local authorities believe the media mobile committed suicide yeah have some headlines around about him that's right are you there give us a minute while we make out on the edge of a wrecked chip yeah you still got that earring on too it does yeah would you really call her a Bond girl no right because she was oh yeah man yeah one of the men who made all this happen yeah oh there we go oh stomper was gone you were gonna look to see um was it on one of the ships you thought it was oh um Gerard Butler was it on because they're doing the ships was it the one at the beginning or oh Devin shirt that's the one that went down Jared Butler damn I was right wow that was like not even a talking part in one line and he was like holy cow he sounded really young so he was like a extra pretty much like yeah yeah I never even got like just leaving semen not even a name yeah damn wow we just watched him yeah cool yeah and uh well because he was in Greenland and oh yeah yeah right why not but yeah oh okay he's a gladiator my brain okay that's a good one yeah that was totally good yeah I enjoyed that one a lot I think I like old and I'm more as like a like a whole complete movie but I think there's stunts and sequences in this movie I enjoyed more in an individual sort of basis that whole parking garage was cool yeah with the remote driving car from the back seat and that was a really good the whole thing with the motorcycle and heard yeah I know I love Michelle yo she's a held her own totally right yeah she's still Kick-Ass I mean she's right up there with say like uh well in the tradition of Select Anya from um that's why you loved me yeah like Kick-Ass sort of spy who was like every bit bonds equal and Michelle yo just displaying her prodigious you know martial arts talents here yes and and yeah I have to say uh Jonathan price he was a really fun villain he may he was just this guy or or seemed that way and then yeah because like in the past we've had say like assassins or like dictators or even say like uh like generals or businessmen but they've all been saying like very almost like say domineering a lot of them and whatnot and yeah and he is like you know like a sadist and whatnot but like he's like you say almost like mild minor just like a you know like a nerd yeah but like it's like the the age of Technology yeah someone like him can you know destabilize a Global Peace look how I wouldn't say easy but look how easy it is to do right oh well and like you said I mean like headlines are just you know like propaganda that has you know one and it started more Wars than anything throughout history you know yeah like just to get people in it riled up enough and they'll be calling for blood and everything well look at that Admiral right it was natural was he yeah he was just you know without getting all the facts or that like she said investigating a little bit he just wants to go full out just gung-ho and whatnot yeah and then yeah that sort of Chinese General was kind of wanted to sort of take over and he gets like a Nobel Peace Prize and whatnot look at this well this is so like almost like prescient that like this movie like predicts the whole say like fake news phenomenon like manipulating truth and what not to get people riled up and doing what you want because you know working now public opinion is a real powerful thing yeah but it's you know this came out like you know mid late 90s so it's very very prophetic yeah that's right yeah but now like I said Jonathan price seemed like it seems like it's like a bigger than life sort of character he's just like chewing the scenery in almost every scene yeah so he seems like he had a lot of fun in the role and whatnot but uh no I mean um you know Pierce Brosnan once again doing really good he's a really fun Bond yes he's got a computer he's really good yeah and then Michelle yo was I mean what if they were the most capable Bond girls yeah because I I guess like that you could say that the the criteria for a Bond girl is the one who sort of like makes it to the end the one that's kind of advertised the most yeah because like in the older movies he had at least say like three or so I think it was like the one who sort of made it to the end was kind of the one you would see in the poster yeah type of thing and then yeah Terry Hatcher was was in it just for oh boy a little bit Yeah married the wrong guy very much yeah and and it was interesting how they they went would say like you know her more so than a lot of the most recent ones like he seemed clo getting close to him yeah just so we could sort of kill her off and give him that sort of motivation and whatnot yeah but uh yeah like I say there's a lot of sort of fun elements in this one but like uh that's so far like a you know two for two really good sort of yeah track record so far yeah I can't wait to kind of check out the other you see why some people say that he's just their favorite Bond right I can easily see that because the ones he's in too are a little more technologically advanced or seated yeah yeah stunts and action and whatnot and like just like the bullet effects they never they never you know scrimp on those or whatever but just because bullets Galore and all these white scenes but yeah that was Tomorrow Never Dies ladies and gents that was a lot of fun yeah I got two more Pierce Bros and months ago okay so about seven films left I think wow yep boy we're doing it hey closing in on the end yeah we've seen the evolution of cinema right here thank you so much for joining us if you want to watch the full length reaction I'll put a link down to our patreon below check out this and all the other movies and shows we do we've done most of the Bond films with this point so they're all on there for your viewing viewing pleasure yeah and uh yeah if you enjoyed but yourself please like And subscribe it really helps us out and we will be seeing you next time bye guys bye [Music]
Channel: Flix2Us
Views: 4,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pkx4qxUySsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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