TommyInnit welcomes QUACKITY to the Dream SMP

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let's do let's let's get let's do some some minecraft because i actually really like minecraft i've been playing a lot who's on turbo and tundra so let's play our our streamer music you know the one sup sub sub drop drops in chat hello fro so you've seen the title of the stream and probably the vod there's a new member quackety now he's been on a little bit a little bit he has but he's on for realsies this time all right quackety big q creator of discord don't say ludwig tweet all right because you know creator of discord's got talent he's on and we've got plans he's streaming i know i know get up a tab but i actually want to go see what tubbo and jack manifold are up to because i believe everyone in my chat for the past in the chat i'm sorry whenever i'm with another streamer i go my chat because you know etiquette etiquette thank you yeah he's in do a group stream no no do you know what because we're talking to phil and major about this you know the other day i did a group stream in in um mcc and i went from i went from 23k to 16k in about just like a split second because twitch just obliterates everyone if we do a squad stream so no thanks so much this sign is placed by tommy i didn't place this sign the what the [Music] i hate women i know i love women what the hell bruh bruh am i right oh jesus i've got 32 diamonds on me jeez why weren't you live yesterday editing the vlog and i went to the cinema hey man i'm no streamer all right i've made it very clear my intent very clear that i am a youtuber all right ha ha sex oh thank you oh yes true i mean i literally watch my youtube videos these streams are just a little laughs eh wow by the way did you know in the saddest animation you can actually hear my sub sound so that's your impact that's you did you guys see it whilst we're here you know before we get properly into it you see um ludwig tweeted at funding how is he so lucky how the what the this it doesn't make sense i know he makes it he's fine it's funny actually told me about that before it happened that he he bought ludwig's dms because he didn't do it manually it was a bot he he coded he coded a buff to do a spam dm ludwig i did funday and then what the why is there a wood penis why does everyone keep making towers i'm such a trend starter i make a tower then all everyone does on the whole smp is start making towers would people okay quick question for you do we do we go see what the wood penis is or do we go see what turbo and jet manifold are up to oh god i'm such a trend setter all i do is tr you know i hack on minecraft everyone else hacks on minecraft wow i really am a positive influence hey archie oh she's the uh archie he's he's he's boss man archie and big man larry oh for sake oh for sake oh you went to a separate vc i'm i'm joining i'm yeah i know hello follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me don't don't don't ignore jack hello hello i've said hi come on you're being a little you're gonna have to talk a little no you don't you don't join my call and go i've said hi come on you're trying to hold me at gunpoint i i've been up for about three seconds i'm here to see big q i don't want to see no bigger oh yeah but this is this is important this isn't porn this is important what so you see jack is taking me to court but you're but yeah yeah but you're the lawyer yeah i am the lawyer see he's an idiot isn't he's an idiot right but follow follow me follow me follow me follow me this way this way this way everyone is saying don't follow you no no i actually do actually do okay i mean guys he said actually do so i did i did say that i did i can't confirm i'll be fine what are you gonna try and trap me what you're gonna put me in a compilation hey guys turbo 300 iq moment what have i missed so much so much really because it's kind of only been like half a day tell me tell me why everyone in my chat before i started was going uh turbo's acting real weird today turbo's acting real strange no no no no no no the lauren's got to my head what the follow me follow me this way quickly there's no time tommy tommy hey i'm going to give you some advice right now no i would i would instead follow me no no don't do that tommy i look i just did the thing where i followed tomorrow i can see you up there on the bridge i'm gonna give you some advice and it's not to follow him you are wrong you are warm get out of here you tommy i'm just i'm sorry sorry i was getting i'm getting botted so about how do you why does this always happen to me it's been happening to all of us i think recently yeah you know i have a host bot so i can't read my chat how do i get around that oh i have that no there's not literally nothing you can do it sucks it sucks yeah i just can't read my uh mods if you can just ban the people that keep saying it hosts that would be all right please just ban each one actually well so can i just do i just have to try and persuade the butter no no no no no no but i can't read any of my way can i just show you my way this is what it looks like i've seen it i just can't i can't read anything you don't need to you know wait we're going you don't need eyes well i kind of wouldn't like to read my chat actually hey tommy i'm gonna i'm gonna warn you one last time i really really wouldn't follow tubber yeah okay sorry i just can't [Music] you can disable you can disable raids and hosts in affiliate lines but then i won't be able to get raids or hosts yeah exactly so it's kind of a little house is that what you don't want to raid you buddy no one's going to raid you buddy okay you just just okay well i'll just ignore it wait can i try and persuade the butter sorry okay potter why don't instead of you going against we work together because i can't read the chat and yeah my mods could just spend an hour banning but instead we could you know we could be friends see he stopped he stopped pog pog for the butter pop for the butter thank you my friend all right thank you good on you i did it he's stopped holy you've got my respect so this is this is king's court welcome to king's court okay are you working with eric no no no no wait i'm not coming in if you unless you give me a pickaxe okay come on let's go thanks why why is everyone freaking out everywhere everyone is freaking out holy okay okay it's a real long way down big time you know don't touch the door handles don't touch the door handles why no oh my god you're dead they were covered in anthrax why have you oh my god why would you do that why would you do that why would oh okay jack jack jack why is this guy's dale what do you mean he's been he was like it with me i'm just gonna i'm not gonna get involved that gives you stay out there make sure that and that no one goes through those doors okay tommy with that pickaxe i need to break those two boxes mafia mooney oh got a bit of money in there [Music] we gotta wait for big q to get in there why did you just hold a harming potion uh no no that's nothing okay break these two blocks okay okay okay perfect perfect place them back place them back place them back so so i'll tell you what's going on here okay so so we take people to court you know how court's expensive right you know you i do know how carl's expensive i'm going to save his life chat okay i'm going to stick with you you're not mutant jack jack that was a big mistake oh my god okay okay okay okay but tommy tommy i'm gonna fix this now unless you're gonna work stop getting this close to my face no no no you know what do you mean no holy oh my god okay no keep talking but i'm gonna five meters apart social distancing jesus christ there's a fly in my room now how did this happen because you just you tried to kiss me no that is not what happened i saw you what in there he he pinned me against the anthrax door and so i i ran out and screamed social distancing anyway go on tour go on you know how poor is expensive you know how when you go to court it's expensive right he's just moving yeah yeah yeah i do yeah yeah we we take the money from the court and when we siphon it into those two signs okay oh he's siphoned money into into chests yeah yeah you see those two chats you saw what the sign said what money and what money you know wait i only read one i didn't read the other side oh my god oh my god i saw this your house don't touch the door handles can i come this time oh yeah what's the difference between the two okay basically um hey this is here don't let me get my knife oh the people are running down oh the people are running down i don't know no but my whole chat's kappa pride oh god okay don't touch the door let's get out no chad i'm not doing any flirting turbo's just flirting with me and jack manifold that's just not true okay so okay what i'm thinking is what i'm thinking is okay okay eric's rich isn't he eric's rich so he'll be have to pay for the court fees yeah yeah so so and we we we hold him for war crimes yeah we in his eyes we can do that as well i haven't looked that's what this is no no no that was a joke actually i don't want to in anyone's eyes what is this room here uh yo you're just a door handle oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry i'm not i can't close it i can't touch that there we go i'll pick you i'm out okay oh yeah come on we need to get him to court we need to get no you got you got to remember that i'm i'm number two of the cartel why am i number two everywhere i need to go number one i'm gonna be number one of the cartel i don't wanna be a toilet joke because you said number two can i kill him no stop always saying that so he he already killed me today no no i didn't it was the demons it was the demon this is why i was trying to help you what the do you mean it was don't you ever walk through me he's been i i think he's been with us wait wait wait jack jack you you keep walking buddy keep what the this guy's deal today why is he being weird i i don't know from what i can tell he's been with sat nap and and he said has he been doing crap crap no crack not crap i'm really not experiencing the drug business oh oh crack nap you know oh in your face pretty sorry what was that yeah i got him pog yeah we want it what the is that in your hands turn around boy sorry no you add a little drug crouch back this yeah hand me that hand me that no no actually no i don't think i will [Music] i need it he's addicted he's depicted [Music] yeah i don't oh my god he's okay tommy you need to get oh i fell out oh what the holy you go as well go away down no why do you i fell what the i didn't mean to i just kind of walked up though hope you gum come up oh thank you thank you wait anyway go on go on t no no no okay so what i'm saying i think supplies on me right now okay so we get error into the court okay eric's not even on the server you're so deluded no no no no not yet what the do you mean no no he's been doing this all day he's got jack jack between us i didn't even want to have to do this reference he's got ghosts in his head man he's got ghosted dna what the is wrong with you don't tell me don't stop me no no please please please please please okay it was the demons it's the demons i want to go see big q i don't want to see you yeah i agree he's with the demons i don't want to see the demons hey what's that wood penis looking tower all about i've got no idea they just keep sprouting everywhere anyway yeah what the do you want big t you're acting real strange today you've been spending too much time with cracknap honestly i haven't spoken him also my little ws have been disabled again oh that's oh no yeah it's just a weird i want to go back to la maels thank you hey he wasn't aiming to you saying to me that's loud hello hello hi hello hello hi how are you guys doing how are you guys doing thank you so much between us yes god mentally insane no no what did you do you're mentally insane did you do man i got 20 grand for the cartel no no no no no no no no no money are you wasting your cartel money no no i go no i earned that stop shouting jesus it's loud it's loud we weren't right all right okay listen listen where are you stop bossing me around i need to pick me up in the i don't know you're right you know i'm in the forest i'm in the forest i'm scared hey i just want to ask a question who thought it was a good idea that the first thing you'd greet a person with in this server would be a massive wall around them and having to cross it across parkour whose idea was oh that was dreams know that yeah i know i was dreaming i got me going manifold holy we did we both we are so mad god nice oh my god oh my god we're on our way the members are on our way following me with their children do you mean this i really need some help here just stop i don't know where i am there's i've got a knife for you i've got a knife for you you're going to get him let you you're telling him to stab a family of seven no i was implying i wasn't telling him you never tell a man anything jack that's the first rule of the cartel you just do hey guys don't actually stamp families of salmon thank you all right as there was a creeper i took a bullet you and your sturdy looking eyes follow me bobby tommy hold on wait come here what tommy tommy where you at tommy okay let's go let's go let's go sorry sorry i had ptsd you know juvie stuff listen oh getting out of joey is a big thing for me i've been in julie for a little too long and we we actually we actually have to talk a little bit about you uh murdering those kids tom no we don't no we don't you kind of killed those children tommy you kind of did i think no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no listen listen it was the knife don't look at that that guy stop that fair enough stop it stop it tommy tommy where are you going maybe you you idiot all right listen no listen tommy you killed me shut the up tommy you killed children i'm telling thunder you're being too quiet man up man up later sprint sprint okay what's he been doing okay basically he's made this court and he's pretended he's got a load of money for us and he just keeps going on about and he just doesn't show up about it and it's really scary it's really scary and also the demons keep speaking about demons keep speaking about demons without any any reasoning are you saying he's a snitch you're saying wait wait wait he is he is a lawyer he is a lawyer oh yeah he's a lawyer now what do you think of lawyers we're the cartel why's turbo getting involved wait wait wait wait big are you saying are you saying the cartel's coming back listen listen we're gonna we're gonna have to speak this one through listen i'm kind of i'm kind of new around here tommy all right i'm just exploring the place listen i'm just gonna stab you sorry it was for my it was for my super goal oh my god i just smashed my retainers ah okay tommy listen where are you gonna take me okay we're gonna i'm gonna i wanna show you around turbo's sky house he's made with demons in it a sky house it's a court house it's a courthouse in the industry you may want to be careful yeah yeah there's one thing thunder's like being our personal bodyguard right now that's sick thank you i kind of screwed it up just then he was really sick let's get a collaboration thank you thank you don't get shot guys hey i got shot i'm gonna hey guess watch this oh i've been shot again also hey goodbye be better at your job okay thunder you're your job you're doing the worst job right now i'm really good i'm really good guys i'm really good i'm stopping all the mobs and that you're not gonna die i'm actually okay actually i'm gonna come with me come with me everyone shut up all right see that's how you get somewhere in this world yeah yeah yeah all right all right all right inside let's let's speak in lowercase let's speak in lowercase all right all right because i can't match your energy we gotta speak this this through all right tommy like what's going on man what's what it what all right listen listen to me listen to me big all right tubbo who's been acting like a maniac with no reasoning other than he suddenly became now this there's a guy on this server called fundy you probably know him from your youtube recommended yeah yeah yeah the only place i know him yeah youtube just won't stop recommending his video it happens of course yeah okay come with me with me all right right all right these these are cars no we're not getting in limbo okay there you go i missed the egg listen and chats as well we're starting a highway are we yeah we just had a car crash by the way that was oh yeah dude hell yeah yeah you could have shot you go man okay now listen listen this hobo guy i'm gonna get him back in the exist yeah this is sky palace i don't there's a creeper in the asbestos doors wait let's just move it'll die if it touches the handles oh it's okay i've got it i've got it okay don't touch the handles don't touch the don't tell me i'm sorry you're telling me turbo built a courtroom distance okay now look at these chests look at open the chest open the chest all right open the open don't take it don't take it open the cartel chest look at it look at it but oh my dream original is that real this is this is real this is real holy what turbo how's the doors five thousand dollars you still have gills on your face when you turn to the right that's you've got like a whole all right no no tommy that's a condition i have i've had it for my entire day that's not cool tommy listen just happen to shut up that you you're making fun of my condition actually q thank you big q just just say where you don't die just right click this bed would you all right all right oh sick no you just put me in juvie again i'm gonna do it why do you have another face on your i'm not going to call him anything that's not his real name all right he's real okay thank you look at this so we've got money we've got us out for the cartel and as the cartel leader ask the cartel leader i need you to come this way wait a minute wait a second wait yeah stay there oh hey two by one funding i'm showing the are you pointing at me with a gun turbo no no no what are you doing this isn't this is pawn me around a border and then you you point a gun at me actually no no stay stay stay stay we're safer uh extreme plastic surgery okay okay i wanna have blessings good i mean hey i mean hey respect you know respect can we make a plastic surgery hospital dude right okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is no better now is the fox pretending to be a man you didn't you didn't you didn't take anything out those chests did you no we didn't now to turbo oscars i've got my knife hold on no no no no no no no i can de-escalate the situation all right okay hey it's a plastic surgery blanket you know how they put a blanket over you when you get plastic surgery yeah yeah yeah it's true he just stole it and stapled it to his body took it off that's why i don't have a cape i don't see a cape what do you mean he's promoting his illusion what the okay everyone everyone inside voices lower case but we can't all start showing we just can't we just can't we're in court yeah he's got off in the back that's an that he's promoting no no no i don't you guys are making me crazy he's the only fans dude do we i don't i don't see the case i mean i really want to see the only fans careful you really my man my man wears only fans merch bundy drop me blur [Applause] he's just when like you can see him go at five and do that like look guys i made a joke luckily i don't know what it is so well this is awesome i came here to fix my house yeah yeah this is just the same taking everyone here funny and we don't know why okay so if i check those chests is everything so you didn't take anything out of those chests right why are you looking at me no of course not okay you you because you know that that was for them oh wait we're on the same team yeah you didn't you didn't take anything out of there wait wait wait wait who's the mafia we're not the mafia yeah yeah you're not and you're so glad lucky where did you get all that money doesn't mean you're so lucky or not you're so lucky you're not the mother okay let's go let's go we've done it no one's taking anything let's go let's go let's go let's go no no no no no no you can't torture me let each of us individually through once you've briefed us no no no no turbo turbo i want to ask you something where the did you get all that money from is my question who's that whose money is that turbo there is so much more it's dreams money it streams money and then we can't take it no no turbo what's stopping sorry i touched one of the doors a minute ago yeah yeah you touched the yeah i mean that happens yeah yeah don't do it don't do it what are you doing jack let's go let's go we're out of here boys we're out my uh my legs we've got to hide it in a chest that his chat won't be able to navigate him to uh all right yeah okay why can't you go sweat no don't come in i'm screaming i'm swimming it's funny stop swearing can you believe this guy thunder i can't i've never seen it did you hear i started i shouted the word and then she watched she was intimidated you're scary mum sorry i wasn't intimidated we got a sprint man oh okay we've got we've got two she's she's man she's yeah that's just not a word you just made that one yeah yeah that's not real that's all right i'm inventing new swear words tommy tommy i'm not gonna lie your mom sounds a lot a lot tougher than you then why don't we why don't we get it yeah why don't we have her in the cocktail the truth does not hurt she does not sound like every british mum ever stop okay let's go we need to go we need to go now we need to go now you know you if you're in first name sounds like this entire cartel's gonna is gonna go down it mum don't come in whilst i'm streaming again i told her i'd start stabbing i heard yeah i'm yeah well she knows now typical great british child oh thank goodness wow i really clutched up in that situation he's just got i bet he's got a hundred i bet cash apps found him yeah between us jack i mean you know what that's like to have a load of actually i went up a thousand viewers when my mum came in i should probably i mean i should probably monetize this somehow hey tommy you ever heard of twitch prime oh business i have not heard of twitch prime what is it [Music] what is click subscribe and get a free prime sub and everyone can use it and it generates free money please check yes it does it does this yes you use twitch prime why the are you speaking like that yeah okay i think i could okay i just heard her come out the boat this should be quiet i think she came out of her office voice is down yes stop telling me to respect my mother she's gonna come back in there i raised myself i read you know what i did i got food on the table by asking for primes stop it dummy oh tommy yo tommy my legs are hurt my knees what the happened to your knees my knees don't work anymore okay this is what this is real spontaneous big oh you know how to you know how to heal a bullet ruined right no i don't oh god it's all gone down hill since my mum came in she he's in the courthouse now now we gotta go back oh i don't want to go okay well and you've got the money and you've got the money and we've got to go back there okay well everyone just if anyone okay here's what we do here's what we do if they ask who's got the money thunder you say me i'll say quackity quackity you say thunder and we just do that loop all right and then and then you'll never know oh no no no i do get blamed no because okay so you say i've got the money i say quackity's got the money quackity says you've got the money and it just goes in that loop see all right all right see we're works so we're gonna we're gonna blame each other essentially right oh tuba's looking at me hey what are you why the did he just leave this jack jack okay let's go not cold i gotta talk to funny fundy fun funny i just i just wanna ask what what went through your mind when you're like i'm gonna put an only fanscape on the back dude come on dude yeah come on what is your problem for me supporting my only fans girl i don't really see the problem with this i like to spend money and i like to be rewarded you should have taken that i sure i shouldn't have said so but we want to monopolize only fans all right fundy wait wait i just realized that wait no no no no no no no wait that sounds awful that sounds like something else no no the cartel's not doing that today please do not monopolize only fans what actually is only fans wait wait wait wait wait i'm pretty sure that that there's a name for someone who monopolizes an only fans type of situation oh yeah i think there's a name for that i think there's a name for that chat all right we're not going to walk hey chad um not chat why am i calling you guys chat you're not my chat you're not in my chat speaking i want to know why you shot me tommy go go [Applause] doesn't pimp sound an awful lot like penis good day no no no no you almost got shot just there don't worry don't worry i know fundy all right all right now stop following him you tommy did you steal 5k no thunder did that launch hey i didn't step no crackity stole that now quack this what did i steal no i didn't still shut up he wouldn't practice wouldn't he's dead i wouldn't i'm new i'm new why why would i cause i'm not a troublemaker you idiot he isn't no who who did who stole it quackety crystal what what what was stolen you stole it it was you tommy no i think it was honestly shut the up it wasn't me no stick to the script you idiot oh no i died it was starving no it was sunday it was thunder it was quackety uh it was me i stole it i i have it dubo i have it no it wasn't me it was coming no it was coming down it was done today it was cracking each other let me ask you something tommy all right i'm sorry hey tommy tommy yeah the are we doing tommy well yeah you mentioned we're trying to i've stolen the money we want to steal all of dubbo's money because he's working with the mafia and the cartel and the mafia they don't match yeah yeah why did everyone just leave okay i don't know i think what would we want to steal turbo's money yes i want that money also i like yeah okay everyone just keep jumping through the vcs us between us thunder thunder has a huge ball moving thunder thunder stole all your money tubo do that israeli thunder it was it wasn't me at all it was thunder it was kelly this world is full of criminals man this world is full of criminals and i'm willing to find them yeah i like that attitude no shut the up turbo no i'm not talking about that listen i'm a different kind of law turbo all right you got to realize this you got to realize this i'm a different kind of law man all right i'm not i'm not abiding by your constitution and your rules and whatever whatever fancy clothes you're wearing right now i'm more of the street line you know what street light is turbo yeah oh he doesn't know no okay well then then that came from anyway that was my explanation that just ruined my explanation to turbo because before you were with the cartel and you kind of kind of seemed to have changed and got a bit too more loyal than before that's true turbo what what's going on man you stitching is something happening in your personal life perhaps you're getting a divorce are you going through a divorce that change is a matter of what that doesn't change your man that's very true let's meet let's meet let's meet at the at the house because this is sad hold on i think i have to restart my stream because it keeps lagging give me one second yeah no something's being weird miners as well yeah mine is perfectly fine same no me and quackity would not have lag if yours was okay it look it looks it looks okay to it look no someone in my dad just said so who asks the only fans no and it was funny for anyone that's asking but yeah it wasn't wasn't any of us that's not i think fundy might be having an identity crisis yeah wow i mean i wasn't going down that route thunder i wasn't just going to insult his face i think it looks weird so here's what we're going to do i'm going to take all of your money and then we're going to no i don't think you're going to be that's not no what a great plan tommy in it yes just just some of it actually no all of it that actually felt really unnecessary i rest my case yeah but that's not how law works yeah you can't just know what it is now i have to say i rest my case and have the case be rested okay jack can you just drop some water down from there because i keep having to run back and it's pissing me off of course yeah but that was a real move of you no i know i know i know i was i'm very good at lawyering being an arse and lawyering especially you just you just shot me to death no no no it was it was it was it was uh more strategic than that you remind me of the the speaking of being shot to death no no it doesn't no it doesn't remind me of anything of of john no we're not doing this one today no this is not the day for this queue's not even he's muted or something yeah it's not even the title we only make john lennon jokes when quackity's here yeah i know right now this is a beatles free zone this is a this is a lenin freezer did you steal all my what would john lennon think he didn't steal from anyone i think i've got a fair bit you stole all my no no i'm trying to give it to you i'm trying to give it what the is wrong with you i'm gonna start calling you turbo why i already did i'm yeah i'm gonna where's my knife i need my knife oh no i don't got the knife give me my knife what knife what the you want what do you mean what knife where's all my gone i need my knife i got it where's your knife where's my iron sword called knife why could you have it this is not funny one bit is it not this bit isn't funny that's what he's saying no no no the bit's funny i just want my knife he's not he's lagging now his pc can't handle minecraft oops that's really sad imagine being that imagine being that my pc could always handle everything can you just can you actually give me about my knife not cool you have it you have it all right now i want you to stole my knife big q and oh look but now that's give me back my pickaxe and my money that i stole watch no i'm not giving you back your money that you stole you're not gonna go i'm gonna go to bed you're not you're not dedicated to the cause passing this money's nothing this is like barely you're not dedicated to the cartel am i no wait are you kicking out turbo i think what the is this that's money yeah let him run now you listen to me give me about my pickaxe give me some drugs and we can call it a day and i'll keep you in the i'll keep you in the the k-10 i'll keep you in the cartel if you give me drugs and money i that will be yes the money give me drugs okay he doesn't have the money no it says five thousand dollars the peaks is five thousand dollars yeah and the seven i want more drugs no no you don't no you don't no i'm no tommy i don't know what you want give me the money tommy you want the money i want the money what what will happen if i just i really that that really was stupid of you i really felt very meaningless what the why would you want to burn them can you give me my steak and my carrots you whoever's got it i died with you i died and lost my tommy you don't donate to charity and ask it back later on you don't you don't have to you're right that's your you can't do that you don't give up you made a very good point i don't donate to charity now you don't you don't give orphans clothes and be like hey little orphan i i kind of want that back i just know i just don't give orphans clothes that's where i draw the line i would never give them that's not true orphans orphans in chat that need clothes there probably are some more offensive yeah tommy oh sorry sorry sorry orphans my my give me about my pearls trouba you're annoying me today you're stealing my you're going i'm a lawyer i've lost three pearls why am i still playing ymca in the background on my bed my bed how are you gonna make it why are you playing ymca i was thinking of making a gym for all of us we and i love doing law things such as affairs stop it turbo that's true i don't think that's what it is that's what lawyers license to practice actually listen to me i'm actually us three here we actually kind of represent the great state of la manburg uh and come in here i'm gonna give you a lawyer test okay what now listen to me sit there sit in the glass oh the orphans in my chat are getting real upset now they're going now no no no i know i know how this process goes i'm gonna be the judge you seem to have problems with uh turbo here i don't know no i'm testing if he's a lawyer you idiot i'm gonna be the jury stand you want your items back take the witness i already got my i'm just testing he's got him back can i ask an attorney a question i will be the jury can i ask an attorney a question for thirty three two one okay you failed stand still please no you can't do that no stand still stand still or i'm gonna start crying okay hey boys three things he ain't a real lawyer stop stabbing me please the wondering traders gonna come steal them look he's going they can't pick up things it doesn't work like that well oh it was a joke i was making a joke oh you didn't get it because that was so silly of you all right it's all right so i mean we all punch each other in alt sometime watching what hello hello hello hey thunder hi hey thunder i want to ask you some questions come out here oh yeah sure sure come on here calendar come on uh hey thunder hey hey did you see did you see um did you see um uh fundy with his uh only fancy you saw that right i did see that you saw that okay listen i wanna i want no you get what the man man you're out listening that that's called that's called the peeping palm literally ah know coming the other way what the are you doing come here tommy um oh my god hey come here no no i i no no all you see me as a mere peeper you were kind of peeping you were kind of peeping off i can see and hear you you just can't see and hear me all right all right peeping tommy listen thunder listen up mm-hmm i just threw my pickaxe off the edge welp will you shut up man just sorry sorry all right all right i want to monopolize the only kind of business thunder but i don't want to be called a pimp thunder i don't think no i i understand that yeah yeah that's it tommy i'm just i'm just peeping don't mind me when you pee me sorry wait wait hold on hold on someone just sent me only fans money give me one second what what does that mean what does this does quackity have an only fans i sure hope not i certainly won't be subscribing to it i don't think is that i'm 18 now i might what oh it out all right friends support friends my friend hey can you drop me down some water my pickaxe wasn't down here oh yeah sure there's some water hey turbo can i have a new pickaxe no why are you gonna almighty what is that even i think you're i think you're having a marty right now is it you know what marty means no it's accused of having a maori you you're all marty right now what do people don't know what marty means any british people oh marty me having a tantrum what the having a tantrum you can't throw me off a cliff and be like oh guys i think he's getting a little upset hey hey fellas hey fellas listen up listen i i really appreciate your your gestures of kindness i just don't know if i want to continue on sleeping in court you know i don't want to wake up every day man come with me here's what we're going to do we're going to put aside tubo's craziness for today okay and we're going to start the cartel come with us why would you do that jesus christ grow up here oh i'm a trigger fist i have a trigger fist i'm true now i'm going to do some tests on yo he failed keep walking i didn't i lived make the jump that was my minecraft what oh what the what the okay oh you're not as good as me failed thunder has won the test so far you really you really just got tenor blade trapped technically trapped that's the classic techno blade trap that's fine that's fine meet me at my base keep working i've met techno blade in my times all right yeah i have dude minecraft mondays technoblade was my target he he actually he actually he didn't tell me this but he did tell me like in his mind because he thought of it he's like quacking i'm so scared of you during minecraft mondays every time every time we start playing and you come around all i can think about is dying and that's true he meant it in a way that i would i don't think he really said that okay shut the up thunder where did you go where did you go tommy yeah wearing armor you upper class no my inventory we don't like rich people in in our land dude we don't like rich people there's one thing i hate is people with more money than me exactly no no i think i think everyone hey stream if you'd like to make me laugh click subscribe and prime i haven't really itchy nose today and people yeah i got one sub okay we're done you want to get rid of you got to send it to me and i'll discard it don't worry i'll discard it for you i'll get rid of it for you yeah i will also do that whilst we're here because i actually haven't done that much expo i want to go look at that wood penis who built that exactly i want to human all the out of them why's it got a little darker mark i beg your pardon you're crossing some lines today i get it you can you're really close to asian me and people forget but like you're only 19 but still still boundaries you mentioned i would assume that's just a wooden tower you're the one who made the implications did you know um did you know turbo and thunder aren't making any john then jokes today even though i asked to no no why aren't you guys making john lennon jokes you weren't here at the time and i told him it wasn't the right time and and now he's he's really twisting it because of course of course who does anyone so who owns this tower who wants his uh we do now john lennon listen if john lennon owns that tower there's going to be some legal adjustments to be made because he clearly doesn't own it anymore that's all i'm gonna say wait why don't we take this as our own or burn it down either way i'm happy i was kind of thinking of building my house up there like in the very top i'm not sure you actually own this tower very much i know you just say we did what what happened to that you sort of wait this is punk's new lemon tree oh we can't burn this the people will be upset and the last thing i want to do is upset people why is it made of different types of wood doesn't look good wow all right i'm gonna i mean you would have got a dislike what are you guys thinking what are what are the architectural structures looking like here just keeps leaving the call oh i give it a 10 000 bid type of venom it's calling the cops 9-1-1 he's calling him his own vc by now he's not even speaking to anyone yeah probably going to speak to the listen to me listen to me turbo clearly can't handle the cartel he's welcome to rejoin but what i say we do what else the sun's saying all right listen to me all right what i say is i say we get a highway going because you were right what we need to do there's been no narrative so far you've just been saying things and we've been doing what we need to do not burning down this tower we need to get a highway and then what we do is we get people on the highway all right that's what you told me we but we need to like our highway is actually now leading to the court so it's finally relevant i will be funding the highway here is the first payment wait where's the money i you're on the same side of us you idiot here's some money i died with money on my hand though and i don't know where it is everyone wants to i took all the money okay no no no thunder tucker burn down this tree that would be rude all right so let's go and build this highway dude what do we need for this highway yeah cobblestone okay well i'm just thinking we've got to do what what is it we want to do big queue what is it you want to do what is it you want from this server because i sure know i want war and independence but why is it you want because this is your first day you've not really done so much yeah yeah tommy listen i just want you to peep my outfit alright just peep it i keep just seeing your face gills but go on okay it's a condition that's a condition look at my outfit all right yeah all right name someone in the server more stylish than me i said the la man boy boys look pretty what wilbur no me look at me oh there's a green one listen listen tommy listen i was talking to turbo last night about some plans i had but first stop i think before encountering any plants i kind of want to build my house on the top of this tower i don't think that's good i think punk will be very upset and burn it that's punk's okay listen okay yeah you don't want to with a guy called i think we should head out nothing happened around here there's no witnesses let's just let's just head out all right okay i so the cartel plan the cartel plan was that was that we are going to hoard all the resources possible and the only way we're going to hoard the resources is if people depend on us and if people depend on us on our infrastructure that's how we're going to mug them it's like it's like it's we're going to be the government essentially but it's going to be great taxes we're going to do tax taxes i love tax and guess what we're not gonna offer turbo tax options dude it's all taxes all physical taxes we're gonna be the physical irs we're gonna start a tax business where we going what are they called we're going to start the irs we're going to be the irs we're going to be the first physically enforced irs what do you say i like this a lot i'm gonna be honest for the past like five minutes my whole chat's been the fire emoji because they want me to just i'm really struggling all right all right i want my pokemon that's gonna make that control center we're gonna make the iris control center i want you to show me the highway tommy i want you to go we've been on the highway for about 30 minutes now just wandering up and down yeah that's a look at it no i was talking about the underground highway oh the sewers yes the sewer highway the sewer highway let's go now no here's what i think about this come with me with me inside voices please i can't wait i can't wait to take people's money in taxes i can't wait to legally steal from people tommy what's wrong i'm just not sure if i want to be known as the tax guy no one likes the tax guy no one likes i do is i love paying my tax but what if the tax guy asks for it nicely you know if the irs came to me and said hey you need to pay like here's the thing the problem is terrorism well i don't think we want to but i think we want to do dodgy because i think that's funnier this is dodgy tommy this is dodgy this is this is this is man's hideout we've got you know what we've got to do we've got to start not like le mandberg revolution we gotta start a gang a cartel and we need a sign all right we need a sign so come out what can i say so we go around the server leaving our signs and people go oh cartel's been here you know you know you see um banksy is that his name the rapper yeah yeah banker rapper yeah what should our sign be it's not that's not what banksy is what should our sign be um what the i want okay i want pogchamps if this looks good or f if it's bad connor i know the chat i mean we like a we like a chaos chat yeah you've actually just used an actual sign and not a thing no that's all your spelling words and i like the song i hate you and i know how to sing yeah yeah you know i'll be ringo too mccartney to me who's going to be george harrison tommy no i'll walk me to my brand new house the beetle house the beatles house i also wish to play music yeah i want to play legend of zelda ocarina of time that's really loud two ringos you're telling me there's two ringo's that means double the peace and love dude that's crazy that means double the good songwriting and the double the drum oh no there are people in chat who just don't understand who the beatles are hey are you they made music chat they made music look him up on twitter chat all of them you start off with george harris i'm not sure how john lennon is doing on twitter these days he got banned i think that that's what what the what what's the issue just alone all my love is gone a gift from tommy from what's up just gave me seven grand taxes that's called tax tommy didn't gift it to you that's called tax wait where are they going why don't we follow them i mean what the we need to get a house listen you can come live up here this is where bad boy halo was gonna live but i swore him off i just kept swearing at him until he yeah yeah you keep swearing yeah that's true well what does swearing off mean i just kept going you know much of the english language all right all right boys i want i want a penthouse you're gonna i'm gonna make you out all the cartel members live in good dirt homes we're humble that's true that's not the way i don't know where i live yes john let someone say someone said and i quote john lennon was shot on my birthday okay think about what that says about you viewer viewer viewer i don't look up celebrities that died on my birthday and say yeah that guy didn't look it up i'm gonna look up who died on my birthday right now all right this will be your house big mansion on my birthday i love i mean you might want to make your own house tommy the aroma the aroma i gotta hey does anyone have like a minecart uh thingy like like the uh the the the track the track a track a minecart track are you all right no no no just a minecart track all i need is a minecart no not the minecart i already have minecart i'm talking about the minecart track pee wee reese died on my birthday wait who that is i wonder who that one [Music] is who died on your birthday that's true answer that i got i gotta i gotta say i know who was born on my birthday i i just not did you know did you know little nice ex died on my was born on my birthday i will never be number one for the april 9th famous birthdays i got put on there the other day i want to go higher i want to be number one i want to be i want to have the most famous birthday i don't wish yeah i want to be the most famous person here you go i made you a mansion and you're not even thanking me yeah no no i was looking up who died on my birthday the last person who died on my birthday was a guy in 1915 he was a scottish minister dude who cares about scotland that's my question all right let's get scott scott scott mega lol william x duke of acquaintance you know any elvis songs thunder you want to sing an elvis song thunder uh uh he did jailhouse rock right he was born on april the 9th i'm a beatle that's no no no he wasn't in the beatles or her i don't really know jesse mccartney uh actually doesn't exist i decide he doesn't exist anymore all right isn't that jesse from breaking that's not my choice hey can you do something you just keep standing still and saying words i thought you were going to be providing more things to do let's start i want to do things let's go inside boys let's record our podcast i want to stab i don't want to no no no we're podcasters now guys let's discuss um thank you thank you this really helps thank you let's discuss let's discuss uh the rise and decay of the beatles to see how we can i've dropped through i've dropped 4 000 viewers ever since we walked inside this shack all right get the out get the out all right all right let's uh let's see who's on the server right now we got tubo fundy all right all right we do some crime maybe we just go and mug fundy i mean we may need money for our startup of the cartel though i'll tell you what here's what we're gonna do come with me and this is a good idea because i feel like i was hoping you'd be the idea man big q but you're not all right listen i had problems with my leg i took care of that first 30 minutes of my stream you have problems i don't have absolutely money chest we put our money in there put your money in the money chest all right all right and here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go mug the out of people can i can you give me a knife yeah we'll go we'll get each other okay can you stop pushing me around all right this is the money chest let's just it's true so that's where we go when we need money all right but just mind that okay here's what we're gonna do all right we're gonna go mug people we're not just funding because fundy looks pretty weak we're just gonna show him yeah yeah yeah no we can't we can't we can't bully the people that can't defend themselves no no no no no no we bully people that can't defend themselves and the people that can we leave alone all right sick right this this is a shank use it wisely that's it that's called a shame yeah you shanky yeah let's i was happier when we were a podcast this is gang war what do you got on your conscience thunder i i don't fit oh there we go oh it's really hard to see where you're going yeah no don't go in the mannburg you do need everything well that's a little too late i'm kind of oh don't don't i'm the vice president dude i'm going to lose my no no no no i'm foreign secretary i'm in cause i'm the he's foreign hey guys listen listen god your outfits are just jesus christ it's 20 20 fellas what are you guys doing can i vote am i allowed to vote hey please enter my abode gentlemen okay let's okay yeah let's sit in here let's all crack i'm gonna i'm gonna go work out where they are you youtube just beautiful it's very funny where where are you uh turbo's selling me a really nice i'm actually an estate agent and a therapist now where though on the map at the docks yeah there are the docks let's move we got to move we got to move we got to move no sprinting no sprint the dogs are at the docks why is it filled with boats okay don't hold your knife yeah don't hold your knifes okay we were really close to them luckily don't don't okay everyone at cash at cash okay here we go that's casual that's that's casual for anyone that it's casual it's not swimming [Music] they're bowing i'm gonna make a boat i'm gonna make a boat how i don't want to yeah but we're just gonna have to leave behind big q no no wait for me i'll make two boats fine i'll make two boats two but two turbo and lol that's funny law i fell wait a second who are you getting in with big q ah god who are you getting in with uh which beetle are you which beetle are you guys i'm not joking bingo we're both ringo i'm not john lennon it you missed go go go sorry all right knife's out okay let's go join that coal egypt you dominate hello hello guys whereabouts are you doing the wrong way it's this way why state could you maybe can we maybe meet up on the land yes yeah that's pretty much money let's have a quick detour somebody bring money as well bring money money up on the land what am i involved in precious uh precious detour you're driving fundy what am i involved in what is this land like come to the land please go have an interesting opportunity go over to the private beach fundy you're not going to the land i'm going to learn are you blind do you need assistance with vision you need it yeah go go go i'm going better stop here fondy you didn't no that's no you didn't you went just carry on just go now i'm just like ow you what is wrong stop it are we oh you playing this game huh i i've got a boat anymore well hop on out no i don't think i want to why i'm being kidnapped i can't get out the boat it's just like that one movie what did you said get out of the boat get out of the boat i'll get you in my boat i am my estate agent i'm a state agency right now just follow me please just follow me okay you just i want you to come and see this rock and bring lots of money as well okay it's this cool rock we found and i want you to get out on stand on it with us it's really cool join general four okay we're going to see how they're coming okay i told them they're coming to see how don't hold your knife oh right right okay okay all right all right six six sick they what where are they going tommy funny's brain dead he's just looking down he just needs to he just doesn't know how to draw okay wait they're coming to our rock they're coming to iraq i told them to bring lots of money they're not they're going under the water yeah hey tommy hey tommy listen listen i have an idea to torture like everyone in the server all right all right listen no no no that's not how you presented it to me in a in a family-friendly way you know you you ever heard of family friendly torture i'm pretty sure you have listened to that sounds terrifying we go and we steal all everyone's resources right we seal their resources and then we make them compete for their own money all right so i'm thinking yeah they just they're just gonna slickly go no it's a competition tommy it's a competition all you do is host competitions check this out tommy you see this you see this boat yes how fast does it go tommy it goes pretty i don't know you can evade cops i mean calculate the speed speed test this tommy how fast is it going it's going pretty fast so what if we built a a boat race track build a boat race track and we make him compete for their own items tommy we make them compete for their own items tommy i think i'd rather just mug people but no one wants so surprisingly no one wants to be robbed it tom it tommy let's do it let's do it tommy let's muck people i'm tired of being tired of living in a dirt house tommy let's go let's go thunder to the land what the i i'm just gonna have to stand on top okay i can i can do that right okay six six why does turbo not you didn't do it right go go go hello help me tommy stop help me am i just floating for you no you're on a boat let me do it help me don't drown big q he's drowning thank you so enthusiastic he's drowning guys if you have twitch brian please do hey guys twitch prime switch primer ignore the guy dropped that's right hey rhyme why won't this let us rob him all right well that's see that's what i say you address people tommy that's not how you address the others when you mock someone you want to give them at least a little bit of things oh it's it's nicki's house but it's just and it's just right is it strange to have ugly ass houses in the server what's going on watch this quacking hey my house is nice quackity i mean i spent a lot of time watching this all right punch this that's fungi why do you have a face behind your face you have your you're horrible that was a that was a horrible human you're so did you make me do that tommy you suck i'm coming back okay let's go back there that was t.o wasn't i didn't realize i just want to yeah where are you we're in the estate hot tub right now we're chilling at the hot tub he's still showing me the light i don't know where that is uh it's down underground nature's hot tub see you guys okay they don't want to be robbed he was a deafened i think you might want to ask that no sorry i left that call to go and sorry oh hey thunder how would you feel about rob uh betraying leman berg i tr dream dream already paid me a lot of money to do that and i didn't do it so quackity you listen to me crack it yeah listen to me unless you've got no money talking all right of blocks of dirt in my steak tommy you're gonna bully me for that i'll stab the out of you well i don't know i don't know you think you wrote this and i don't know if people want to look at building tommy we've kind of looked at building an hour and 20 minutes walking around slowly it's true i've been here two hours ago you just thought oh my god i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i apologize i apologize what should we do i got i got some ideas but they all require building uh i'm walking around where's that where's our resources where do you guys just said what's going on now i fell asleep that's how we're not doing anything we need to start doing all right all right we just need to start building that's that's my thing we gotta start building tommy we've gotta we've gotta ground up the car i say yeah we make a huge huge cartel base underground with no reasoning to it in the sewers so what i say we do is and this sounds really strange and bad but no listen yeah paul champ please i what why would i poke chat what i say we do and listen to me this might sound silly but we make it because what are people intimidated by long tunnels that women i'm very yeah we make a long tunnel full of fake women [Music] and what we do is we make it amazed that they have to we're just going to make like scarecrows of women is that why you're flying women's scarecrows so we make a huge okay so let me just show you like a base thing so we'll go around like this and then as they're going around as they're going around there's going to be loads of fake women what are they going to do intimidate women scarecrows when you go around here you go see 30 fake women then then they give us your money tommy that sounds like it would only work on you yeah no no this would work on anyone i'm kind of uncovered because you're a premise of only fans you walk in you see all the women and then you you give away your money tommy here's what we're gonna do all right tommy i'm thinking well me off stream i'm gonna build a whole monument i'm gonna build a lot of little little houses and different kinds of stages you you hearing this thunder we're going to build all kinds of stages and we're going to hold all kinds of events all right but listen i don't i don't like building on stream thunder you know what i'm saying thunder yeah building you know what i'm saying so thunder [Music] where's tommy no i'm just i'm just in shock ever since i made the only fans joke he's just been staring at me you gotta make it tommy tommy i'm gonna build event rounds but off stream because because building him on stream is a formula for for a residence sleeper ouch i would never want a resident sleeper so this is day one we got to know the server a little bit we got to we got to know uh know the uh boundaries of the of the map you know see where it leads all right that's good day two day two is when this begins tommy okay i'm gonna build i'm gonna build a lot of arenas off i don't know what the kind of block this is i'm gonna build arenas off stream and we are gonna do it you understand tommy okay that's when the cartel rises and that's when we and that's why we well why are you getting off now yeah yes okay yeah yeah thank you it's gonna be the le the lesser scuff day yeah we'll have a plan wow you can have it we'll have a plan for the day you stay here me and john manifold will go all right sick all right so i'm just all right all right talk to you guys in a bit talk to you guys later he was my entire chat is a resident sleeper right now thunder i want to do something mine is the gachi base which is a bit weird we haven't done things today we've just walked around we haven't do you have any plans chat champ please we let's get some things done we do what is it what is it let's have a talk with you the chats let's have a talk all right yeah go on you know pogchamp also please give your input in both the chats now here's the thing me and you were kind of sorry someone just said in all caps no off guys no talk guess the stream's over okay bye-bye come sit down that's a joke i'm coming back what we have going on [Music] we have le mannberg we have the cartel sort of and we have turbo's law business i think we've got to get some done because we're not getting any done at the moment now what is it people we've not done i really like building my sewer jack i like building things that enhance the game but i worry we haven't got enough things like that well one of the things you think you know under my house we can always make a sure under my house if you want that's a thing if you want to do this what if we made because everyone's been out towering us what have you made the tallest tower of the entire server because then we could go up there and we could just stand and stare down at people and on top of my base what if we make my base good we we out tower everyone that would already how long wait how tall is all right none of the other towers are two five six we need to go to build high that's true what do we think oh this is like the fifth time this has happened [Music] it was like right at the door i wasn't even my bad i mean it was but i'm gonna pretend [Music] [Music] yeah the more i think about it the more now what i think we could do is just slightly up this hill just about here we could make a really tall cobblestone tower because it's gotta be cobblestone yes it's gotta be cobblestone right everyone that's true that's true i love cobblestone it's my favorite block and it's not because it's easy to mine because listen i think i think we've the hype of you know people were unimpressed with us walking around for that long i don't know about you were they in your stream uh i am on lower viewers than usual if that that that's how i'm taking it so yes they were sold so because they're not here they left and they went to watch markiplier bro that was almost a reference to the new tom a video it oh yeah he's in that but yeah but it's actually not been released yet it hasn't but oh chat it will be so funny when you see it wow that was good yeah that one guy that what color my subtitles again uh i don't know that's gotcha they were brown well i'm thinking we do look listen we've had the intense bit now we can really scroll down and read our chats you know and have a night have a little chat tommy hello sorry [Music] tommy what are you doing right now we're thinking about we i've realized that whenever we're all three of us are together we just walk around for hours making jokes and i actually i want to make sure we're doing something so what i'm thinking we're not comedians what i think i might do is make a huge tower to look down at people on just to show people that i am actually of the upper class is that so yeah well i'm thinking of making event marinas you know make a do do see the thing with uh what what's what's the place called what's this entire place called what do you call it what the the mandenberg yeah the server oh this is dream smp dream okay so it's called okay never mind i was going somewhere that i don't it doesn't work the bit doesn't work anymore i think we should make events arenas all right i think we all are several type of skills that we haven't exploited properly yet so i'm thinking right now we can we can build event arenas oh thank you all right we can we can do all sorts of things but we gotta plan it out properly what is what is tubo doing right now uh probably more drugs sorry it's true god damn it i'm sorry hold on guys i need to all right i also i think i'm gonna go for a minute big q all right tom well i'm gonna do this i'm i think i'm gonna get off for the night now because i've been enjoying i want to make sure i've got something to do because i just when i'm in a call with other people i just end up walking around for the whole time oh but this has been very fun i'm gonna raid jack [Music] thanks for watching this is very very fun well i'm enjoying the streams at the moment dude uh might have the next stream be a cool one but maybe not but turn on the notification thing thank you all for watching [Music] someone said my video is number one trending for gaming and then i tapped out and checked and it wasn't [Music] and that really hurt [Music] you know i mean not really oh wow it's number ten oh what the holy what the hog [Music] ninja coaches me and no no sorry thank you all for watching uh yeah go watch jack thank you all uh i'll be live maybe tomorrow maybe i want to get the vlog thing done so um thank you for watching i want to do some more uh chilled out streams towards the end of the streams as well so i'm gonna be doing that in the future but thank you all for watching
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 103,451
Rating: 4.9618073 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, dream, dream smp war, dream smp animatic, quackity, discords got talent, minecraft funny moments, new member, tommyinnit vods, tommyvods, TommyInnit welcomes QUACKITY to the Dream SMP, speedrunner vs hunter, smpdream, tommyinnit streams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 8sec (5228 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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