Tommy Pickering Method Feeder Masterclass Day | Live full talk

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right thanks very much for coming everybody it really means a lot to me that everybody's a it really does and the idea of these days shows whatever you want to call them uh two two things one obviously to promote fer baate that's the number one thing uh but the most important thing is try and teach people uh different ways of fishing you might not learn a thing from today but if you go away and you learn one I'd be more than happy I'd be as happy as Larry if you learn one thing from me because that's all I'm trying to do is teach would teach people about fishing and how not simple it is because it's not simple but it's amazing you'll see from today I've got certain routines that I do when I cast how to fill the feeder and everything like that and the idea of having these routines is so you get into them and you don't forget them like you probably heard me talk it little and there but about pole line it up feed 10 seconds things like that try and get into a routine so you don't forget because you got four to five things in a a setup and you get one wrong your presentation is ruined and fishing is all about presentation it's all about presentation there's quite a few things in fishing one 10% I believe is preparation preparation at home where you can tie your UPS do your RS get your everything ready get your rods ready nowadays and everything like that 20% is preparation here where you're set you're comfortable and you get everything right but the most important thing in fishing 70% of fishing is swim management because when we come here I can teach anybody to tie Hooks and everything like that to get ready at the peg what I can't teach him is swim management it's almost impossible because every venue is different and that's where the best Anglers coming because they understand where where feeding fish are not Fish Feeding fish I'm only interested in feeding fish you might see Fish all over the place like there the top in there but they might not be feeding I'm not interested in them and the secret is find the SE find the feeding fish and the depth the depth that they want to feed at that is critical the depth they want to feed at cuz fish feed at a certain depth and the perfect example it's just a quick example when I used to go to AI a few years ago that the feeding depth for 4 foot in the summer the feeding depth for 4 foot and all we used to do set his floats at 4 foot ship it out F foot it didn't matter whether it were there or out there that's where the feeding fish fed and the difference is when you find the correct depth is when your float goes under or your tip goes round it's on it's a bite when you're at the wrong depth you foul look them you miss them you all kinds of things like that so it that's the key to swim management you've got got to find where the feeding fish are going to be and that's what this is all about really so just to show you some new products every Fisher Eagle to is a bit different when we come here we've got to use Lindon pellets we have to use their which is fair enough like most fishes most places we go to you have to buy pellet so it's I never find it's a problem but I prepare these differently just a what we do now at Fula we've got fre ready bags we've got two sizes that just come out today two sizes like that you can take them straight out of the bag put them on the feeder and it's simple that's all you have to do if you take them out of the bag everybody wants to P it's a little bit different the suting sensate there's no preservatives in them or anything like that you can take them straight out to the bag and use them the idea when I go fishing now I just have three or four of these in my bag and I just don't them when I need them obviously I can't when I come to these places but like when I got River or places like that right I just carry them about with me when I need them I just open them up and use them and you can use them straight out at bag you got your squeeze ready ground baits got two ground baits I don't know what there is about this one this method one there's something in that I keep telling you when you throw it in fish swirl on it I don't know what it is but there's something in that one but I can use that one here and I will use that one here but the idea a squeeze ready it's ready to go straight on the feeder so basically if I if I get a tub and open it up like that you can pick that up and that goes that goes straight on feeder two squeezers and you can see that goes to bottom it's ready and listen everybody's different some people might say it's a bit dry for me well wet it but when you wet it don't tip water just wet your hand like that and do that and it just gets a little bit more moisture on it if you want it a bit more and see straight away then it's gone even stickier but there is something about that ground bait I don't know what it is but there is see what I do biggest question I get asked is it ground bait or is it pellets and I don't know it's about the fish not me I I only want to put on what the fish want so sometimes it's ground bait sometimes it's pellets it's impossible to answer because every fishery is different and sometimes you have to do both for example we went down last week down London and I caught most of my fish on I just own the bager squeeze ready method squeeze ready pellets like that and that would best that were best mix that was the best one at lot that every time we went in a comeb back we A10 p and look it's all done CH it in in and that's straight out at back I've just got a m thing so there's different ways that you can do ground bait pelletes and everything like that but of course we come to a fishery where it's fishery fishery only pellets so which is fair enough we're all different and uh and I don't mind pellets from here because they're a nice pellet so when you get a bag of pellets the first thing I do is this well I find what have I done with somebody Nick Tom already allor right you L is old as me one day now the first thing I do I look at that I look at the color the color is really important because it tells me how much water I can put in now they've always been a good pellet here they are a great plet cuz they're dark but some places you go they have cheap ones and they're really pale and white so it why is it different why is the color different when it's about how much water goes in it it's about how much water goes in with that like them they're die you can put as much as you want in that you can soak them for nearly as much as you want you probably won't spoil them for example there and I put quite a bit of water in them they're all done and soaked up but if they're a pale one if they're nearly white you got to be really really careful if you'll soak them for more than 2 minutes I promise you they'll just crumble and break up cuz there's no oil in them there's lots of oil in that they're a good pellet and uh so when if so first thing to do is look at them then when you get them out what all I do I just I've got a measuring thing now it's like I think it's three to one so if I've got three pellets three pints of pellets I'll put a pint of water in mix them up remember you can always add it but you can't take it out if they go too much and I mix them up so it's like a 3 to one so then just normal pellets like that but I like to be different and anybody seen me you show videos you'll probably know what I'm going to do now and one of things I were quite fussy at at were we're obsessed with putting different color pellets on yellow ones brown ones pink ones red ones so why shouldn't you feed bait be that color if the if they're actually picking a color out why shouldn't you feed be a color and it was something that I got a little bit obsessed with because I thought and I do believe it makes a massive difference and I believe it makes a difference CU I think well cuz you can want even these Waters around here and each leg will want a different color like yellow yellow's a big color here but you go to other place it might be pink so if if they're not picking the brown pellets out they might be attracted to the color that they want and I think it makes a massive difference I really really do so what I do now I make some different colored ones and it don't matter whether you're welome overnight or but the easiest way is just to put some in a tub let's say we're going to do red cuz you'll be able to see red and I use the sense bait dyes just put a bit on like that get a lid put it on and you can see that the going red already and I've only just put it on I usually do it overnight I us I usually soak them overnight it in the water but it don't make a massive difference but it's just in the especially in the winter that's what I like to do and you can see now that they're going red and and they're all they all go different color so I can have a mixture of what I want but I really really believe in my head and I'll tell you now fishing is about in the head that it makes a massive difference people say it don't well that's their choice we're all different we're all different people we all think differently some people are more fussy than I am I'm not a fussy fisherman you know ither works for it don't in my book I Ain't Got What I Call fairies in my head you know it either works it don't but I've done that instantly but also it's got that lovely sensate flavor which is attracts to fish so what I like to do I like to have different different colors and then what I do with that do a green one and then you can see like I know angers on here use them green they like to use them green but I like a mixture cuz I'm a yellow man I don't know why probably because I think the fish on here prefer more yellow than any other colors so you can see cuz as I get more into my demonstration you'll see that there's one thing I'm absolutely obsessed with like obsessed is the feeder the number one thing the number one thing is the preparation of the feeder and and I'll talk about whether it's a method hybrid or whatever later but that is the number one thing because that's what attracts the fish and now you can see I've got green ones yellow ones and red ones in a matter of minutes already so all I'm going to do that now is R out a tubs is if I put them there I can't use them Aon will shoot me don't upset Aon do I so all I will do when I'm going to be fishing I'm going to put some normal pellets in like that then I'm going to get a fewel red a few different colors like that and if you like a color more than more than those and just put more of that color in and you can see now that you've got different colors scattered about with your natural ones like that right now for me I like that one of the reasons that one of the reasons that got me on this was we were in Ireland one day now I know it's not commercial fishing and we we use what do they call that we bits in pesino pesino and there's an orange one and a red one right and we we used to put pesc and mix it up and we were catching fish and there was spewing it up they're actually spewing this stuff up and we actually spew one day somebody says I've caught them on Orange today we put orange in and we're like I don't know I'm just put any Orange in we couldn't work out what it was till we got red and orange and chilled it put it together it with orange so they were eating both colors and they wanted it that much they was spewing it up we couldn't catch them on anything else it nothing else was spewed but just this color so it told me that the fish are attracted to the colors which which brought me to this and this is why that I've done this and if you look at all our fer bait it's three and four colors along so I think it's really important because trust me I wouldn't have to do this if I went to a fishery and I could use our2 in one bait because I just put two Mills in I'd replac them pellets with two Mills two in one bait that's what I would mix in because I know how much fish love our twoin one micros so I'd have my normal pellets with two in two in ones but because I come to a commercial fishery I've got to Dy their Fisheries but that I think that looks quite sexy I quite I love fishing with things like that because I think the fish are attracted to certain colors I'm really sure of it and uh and I know it is because because I know the spew took the colors that they actually want to do but you can see how quick and how easy you can do it you can either do it at home or you can do it on the bank but when I come to a commercial you don't get a lot of time between draw and get into your peg so basically I always do it at home and all I'm on how many how many oh you better you how many you better knock about so basically that's my setup now like I said to you you're trying to get fish in your peg you're trying to attract them in your peg so if I want a match if I want to not match I know there's only me got that I know nobody else is doing that and I'm quite happy about that because what happens is when everybody starts doing it you've got to find somewh else cuz the fish get used to it but why that's like that and I've got it on me I shouldn't be telling anybody really uh because I think that makes a difference cu the moment everybody starts putting it in you'll have to find something else cuz I think I've got an advantage might not have it don't matter cuz my head says I have and my head's right I'm conf I'm confident that it works that I'm positive that that works so you can see now the combinations that that I'm trying to find mind if it's pellet only it's that and then if if I think they want some ground bait all I do I just had ground bait into that so basically that's all that I do with me bait milk me baits that's going to be on the feeder now how important is it it's massive and it's massive simply because the fish are coming to that feeder the fish are attracted if the fish don't come to that feeder you ain't going to catch one you ain't going to catch one if they're not attracted to that feeder so I spend ages and ages learning watching looking at people just to find out what the fish want and and at the moment them the two mixers I think that that I'm on at this moment but you can see how simple and easy they are to prepare it's not difficult so I've got me bait that's going to go on me feeder I've got that and I've got my squeeze ready method mix in case I want to use ground bait so I've done my bait already I'm at home what about everything else right so first thing is we're going to talk about is Miss setup you probably me talked at little and there I'm right-handed so everything on all my baits on my left all my tattle is on my right you can see that my bank rest is to me right most people have it in front of them I'm going to go into that in a bit I don't quite get that but um you know it's only my way I'm not saying it's right or wrong and I like two rests keep net in front of me landing net will be on top of of the of the thing when I start fishing and everything is at hand so I ain't got to get off my box and move about and everything like that we did have a bit of a mishap early I've only had one cast and there's some line coming down and uh I've set up twice already so I've had to move me spot I we're going to choke to that point but there's some linic water and we've already lost two feeders on it so I've had to change so let's talk about equipment so you're going feed of fishing you're going on a commercial and I have our base rods on distances and it don't matter which type of fishing that I'm going to do so if I want a lot of people like 9 foot rods I don't I like 10 foot why just feels more comfortable to me I think 9 foot's Too Short that's only my opinion so I base mine on 10 foot so if I'm fishing up to 30 m it'll be 10 30 to 40 it'll be 11 40 and onwards it'll probably be a 12 maybe 45 it'll be a 12 foot so our base my rods on the distance that I'm fishing so when I come places like this I'm probably never going to cast 30 yard then it'll always be 10 foots and they have 10 foot rods I'm happy with them I set everything up whether it's bomb whether it's feeder or whatever I set them up 10t rod and I like 10 foot rods are like I like medium to soft action for this style of fishing that's the um that's the Horizon it's more cat Rod than it is um an F1 Rod because one of the things I'm based things on now is what am I fishing for well when I come to a commercial I'm fishing for cap and f1s some places it's just cap it's just cap I just use them and this new Range I'm bringing out called marvelous there's two car rods there's a light car and a and normal cap and the idea to that is if you just normal cap fishing you'll just put that one on but if you but when you're fishing for f1s and you want some a bit softer the light car will be better for it cuz when I come here I'm fishing for f1s and cap I'm fishing for both when I go up Road I'm only fishing for cap when I go to allcraft it's just cap so I don't need a softer Rod I just want a cap Rod I want a different action so in in this new range for next year there'll be two rods softer one and for F1 and car or smaller Hooks and they'll just be normal car Rod so everything is based around the fish that I'm the type of fish I'm going to be fishing for but on here 10t rods the re the reels are 4,000 size which not really important reels are not massively important apart from I like to wind against the fish which I'll explain when I start fishing the line I use. 26 which is1 it's it's. 26 and it it's your Sublime line 26 it lasts me all year I won't change that un I keep chucking in that tree um until next April I put it on April change it next April right when you're commercial fishing you you've got snags you've got trees You've Got Roots you've got reads and you've got Landing Nets cuz what people don't realize how much damage damage Landing Nets do right so when you get that landing net and you've got like a short hook length and what happens is it's and it's bouncing about it rubs on that rubs it's doing that on that and that's where it breaks your line so every time you've been fishing you need to take a meter line off and redo it because it's the landing n that causes all the rubbing because it's bouncing about on that and your main line is rubbing on that so although a great thing that can damage your line so every time you've been fishing just knock a meter off because it'll be damaged just above the feeder because it's rubbing on that landing net so so that's why I use quite strong line and trust me it makes no difference to fish no difference whatsoever so the next thing is is feeders right now there's there's different types of feeders on the commercial you've got a method feeder which is that and you got a hybrid feeder which is that one and I'm going to show you how to fill both and how to use both first of all the method sorry first of all uh free running or fixed well in this area nearly everywhere we go it's got to be free running nearly everywhere and whenever I go I prefer free running anyway I don't get elastic although I know it sometimes gets fishing quicker but I don't like anything on that line that might handle I spoke to a good angler two years ago and he says it broke twice in a matches elastic broke and he says I've just bought them out at shop and I went I can't believe what you just told me and then the week after he did it again it broke he used he bought last decade for a good angle this lad and I went I can't believe what you just told me I says you broke twice and you still put one back on I can't believe you did it and he went yeah but it's it's better I went oh it's great is it you've got two fish now elastic swimming around with him you broke I said but you've got reason why I don't like it is it's got too many knots in I've only got one knot on the on the best little invention ever the the Corum Quick Change bead that's the best little invention ever made in my opinion it's like a ball so it bounces on it cushions it like that and also if you've not used it I'll just show you it comes apart in two parts like that and and and what happens is there's like a a hook on that so you get your Loop of your hook and you put it through like that put it on and put the ball over that it is for me best little invention ever and then your feeder runs onto it I don't see anything that's it's just simple it's just effective and when you get a bite the bite will go around like that and I just don't get why people want anything else on the line by that but we're all different so that's the method feeder you've got the hybrid feeder now you feed and fish a hybrid feeder so when do I feed all that is that has actually got holes and I normally glue them in I've picked that one up and it's not uh uh but I normally glue them holes in now why do I glue the holes in is because when it's going through the water I don't want any pressure pushing the pellet off I want it to get to the bottom before it breaks up I don't want to risk it any way whatsoever only my way I've only just noticed that bad mistake that picker it so so them's the two ways that most people are going to fish a hybrid the easiest way is that the hybrid feeder that's the easiest way to do it so what tells me which feeder I'm going to use am I method or a hybrid it's the fish really in the summer probably going to be on a method cuz it breaks up quicker it gets more baiting whereas the the hybrid takes longer to break up so it's probably better as a me as a winter thing when you're not catching as many fish but in the summer when you want some bait be there you can't beat the method because it breaks up it's more open it breaks up the fish are into it and they'll they pick your hook bait pretty quick so all I'm going to do now is show you how how how I fill them now then so the method now this what I'm going to show you now is the most important important thing this is the number one you can have fancy rods fancy lines fancy reels fancy this fancy that if you don't do this rate you might as well not bother going fishing this is what it's all about so the first thing is there's there's one little routine which I show you when I'm fishing so I get my hook bait and I put my hook bait in like that and that's a spike now I like sinkers these are what I use there sinkers it says 11 mil on it but they're actually six mil sinkers and I like sinkers you can buy them in wafters you can get popups which means that they're going to pop up off the bot I don't get that right in my head that's not right it's not natural that I want someone sat on that pile of pellets so I put a sinker on and most times unless the fish are off the bottom and they tell me I'll always have a sinker on and and one of the reasons you one of the things to believe lots of people and probably most of you are here if not all of you you watch YouTube and everything like that and I listen to people and I go that's a load of rubbish that right because I I watch one and they telling me that he uses a popup and I'm like all right that's fair enough on a ten hook now that's not popping up on a ten hook so they use the size of the hook to keep the bait on the feeder that's what they do that's why they use the 10 the size 10 Oak and and they have a little bowl of water at side they never show you and when they put the hook in the bait they drop that in to see if it sinks or it floats and if it floats they put a different one on they want it to be on top of the feeder and I and I've gone that's brilliant that they've got everybody in England sat with a bait up it there and there's don't feed her I know that's quite cute that and it's about because they had a great big hook on the hook were holding it onto the feeder and I went yeah they might be using it pop up but they're not actually popping it up so you got to be really careful so my idea is I want mine I want that lumper bait there with my hook bait you wouldn't go out with a pole but what she doing there put your PO pole pot in that with your bait and then go foot to side you just won't do that You' put your y up bait in with that bait that you're putting in that's the idea the fish come in taking it and hopefully they pick yours up they won't take it a foot away no chance and if you move your feeder like that and your all your baits there we your hook bait there they not pick that up not a chance they come in and suck the lot up that's what they do hence don't move the feeder so this is what I do we method you get a lovely mold at one time we didn't have these molds they're the worst thing that's ever come out I can't but they're also I'm glad you said that cuz cuz I'm going to I'm going to cure that for you in a minute right cuz that's part of Me Part of Me thing right but they are the best thing that's ever come out they are awesome but for people like me that were brought up and learn in the Andy Finley School of feeder fishing who could do it with the hands and it were a work of art that's let everybody catch her up so but they are a great equipment so basically what I do most people do that they put that in in in first and they put it in the middle they fill it up like that and they have it on top for me it's the worst thing that can happen that because that can come off so easy and I think when you go like that it's the water I think that comes off sometimes and when that's away from that you don't catch one however when it's really shallow it can be better but so I don't make I don't want any chances I don't want to see anything come off that for 10 15 seconds when it's at the bottom so all I do I I put a third is like that look and then I put the hook bait in the middle like that put it in the Middle where you want it overfill it press it release it can't see it look at that that that ain't going to break up until it's on the bottom and I just get a little press like that that to me is perfect because I've got that that's the perfect thing you've got different colors in it I mean it just looks great and look you can't pull it out so it ain't going to I'm pulling that asard as out that ain't going to come out until it all silts and falls down the side and if be sat up middle fish come in pick it up Bobs you unle you've got one going they had to pull that literally out right I'm going to answer your question now so sometimes you you this is what happens to you right let me just it's ground but not well it well it's I'm going to explain it to you right right there what what it means is it goes like that sometime like that oh it's done it but it sticks it mold some stick it mold and some don't it's happened to everybody here right it's happened to me loads of times if you ever get that whether it's ground bait or whether it's pellets all you do use it on there you have a bit of dry ground bait or one of these right [Applause] cuz so like it it's what it is you overwet your bait that's all that it is you get to pinch like that put it in the bottom that just a pinch in bottom put that on pinch a dry ground Bay or this it's another reason for carrying these squeeze ready bags put that on now this does two things one it'll never stick it'll never ever stick ever but also you got a different flavor on the top so you can actually if you want put different flavors on top of that as well so you've got a different thing coming off as well when it goes in so always just get a bit of ground bait so like if you'll carry a bag of squeeze ready you can pinch it but it's only because your bait's too wet that's and it sticks in the mold and that is the best way for me that's the best way there's different different other ways if you want to put more baai in you can just put more Bai in like that just put that on what we call Double skin so you can make as as much as you want but once you'll get your pellets right I mean there's a lot of pellets in that now but that'll break up I will think that'll break up in a 30 seconds to a minute when it h the bottom that is what you want that is perfect I think so when do I use that probably this time of year when I want to get more baited but sometimes and when I'm sat longer Winter's coming now we're probably not going to use a method so when it gets cold the dot want as much bait it needs to be tighter you need it's more about fish location than it is feeding the fish and attracted them this time of year they they'll swim to your bait you know if you watch these Lads now when they Chuck in they'll be getting fish at the bait straight away you you'll see that when we start fishing so what we got we use a hybrid these are the easiest easy than a pellet so first of all again you put your o bait on put your look bait on like that and then what you do you get your hybrid and I just over fill it like that and no no mold just get P of your hand press it in like that then you got your hook bait and what I do I put the hook I get hold of the hook like that and I press it into the pellets like that cuz like I said to you I'm obsessed with getting it before it starts breaking up and now it hooks in the pellets then what I do without moving that hook I get the hook bait and I put it where I want it which is smack it middle and then I put some pellets on a few just cover them just press and I do that until I can't see the hook bait and what I'm doing I'm pressing it in like that and that's as good as it gets you can see that it's just all over it it's not level with that it's just popped up a bit that'll break up the water gets in there and it'll pop up like that and you'll see them falling down falling down and eventually the hook bait will be set in the middle absolutely perfect waiting and that them's that's the easiest way you will always get that to the bottom before it breaks up but I use this when I'm fishing for Less fish not as many bites and in the winter when it's more about location fish because they don't in Winter they don't want to be fed they'll come and eat something but they don't want load of bait you'll put load of bait on they just back off straight away and and away so them the two ways that you need to do so one thing I will mention is is the size of the feeder now then to me this is really important I see Anglers using 15 G 20 G me personally I think they're too light I don't think you need I don't get why people want them light I want the fish to hook itself on something whether it's a feeder or the rod I think that's really important nearly every feed that I use is 30 G that's an ounce which is 28 30 G and that's 30 G it just I I feel everything better when it's the rod when you're casting in and when you get a bite I want the fish to hook itself on the feeder if not the rod I don't I don't know I just don't get it it's 15 20 gram they say how it sounds nice when it goes in I'm not bothered about that right I want Rod to go around I'm not bothered what it sometimes they come to to it they come to the noise and that's the simple setup that I do so it's not rocket SC science it's not difficult what you've got to do is learn but that is the most important thing and it doesn't matter what you what everything else you do that is the most important thing so this there's three things that are really important that's the number one by a million miles the preparation of that the SEC the number two then is how it HS the water it's got to go plop not Splash which I'm going to show you in a minute right and the third is you don't move the feeder and there's a reason for that is if you move it there all your bits there fish going to be there not there so you don't move it them are three things can have all your fancy rods all your fancy reels all this all that but if you don't do all them three things right you won't get a bite right now then when I take people fishing when I take individual coaching the one common thing is the canop cast people can't cast in they can't cast straight and and it's one of the easiest things to teach people right but you've got to follow a few rules and there'll be people here will be in that category now 100% if not everybody right so what I'm going to show you is how to cast in correctly so the so it h the water correctly for example the first thing to do is I'm going to cast well I'm not going to cast the it's cost me four quid already right I'm going to cast you them Ducks over there it watered Again The Edge well behind them on the bank there's a post can you see the post between the trees please that's my target so the first thing is whatever Target is when I'm looking to cast somewhere I just look for a Target and I look for something that's in me ey line not something I'm like that where is it now I want something that's in me eyeline straight away so I can see that pulse and I'm happy going towards that the first thing you do you aim and you put your body towards the target that's the first thing you can't cast straight facing that way you've got to cast everything towards there the second thing is then between your feeder and your tip is 4 foot and the simple reason is you're going to cast lots of people do that but what happens is you flick it and when you flick it it goes all over the place so the next thing is so it's 4 foot so you're actually going to cast it you point your arm out and where your it's a extension of your Rod I'm right-handed if you're left-handed reverse everything I'm talking about I aim it at me Target like that and I bring the feeder back past the rod like that and cast it now then that's gone straight but your right hand is your direction your left hand is your power so the further you want to go your left hand comes on and pulls it through so your left hand is your power now then a lot of Anglers do this right that's how most people cast but look at that feeder look at it it's swinging so when it's there it'll go over there and when it's there it'll go over there and sometimes you get lucky and it's in the middle and it goes straight that's the biggest mistake that people make is that it's that at the back so wherever you're going that's what happens so that's why you come back pass your Rod like that and don't but cast it and it can't go anywhere else but straight all right it might be 6 in either way but it can't go anywhere else so it's simple aim at the Target body your body your shoulders and everything is facing the target four footer line stick your arm out Bring it past the rod like that so it'll go in a straight line and on boat cast and it always go towards that Target it can't go anywhere else and if you just see sit there and practice past the rod can't it can't go anywhere else it's impossible because all your body it's almost robotic in the fact is what you're doing so if I sat like that so if I'm going to if I want to change my position and I want to cast towards that post look I've changed my body so it's always going to go towards that that Target because everything is almost robotic your body the rod your arm the further you want let me just take this line clip off right so if I want to go further me left hand comes into play then because what happens is they might get a shock in a minute so if I'm so I've got four foot aim it watch my left hand now watch it pulling it through and it goes further right so it's your left hand so your right hand is your direction your left hand is your power but if you're facing your Target and you bring the rod past the sorry bring your feeder past the rod it can only go in a straight line and that there's the tips that you got to remember alignment of your body alignment of the rod arm out straight extension of your arm and that's almost like a pivot like that and then you go and pull it through so that's how you get it straight now any anybody can learn how to do that so now so once I've got that next thing is I've come to me Peg and we I'm going to fish now I have a rule in summer is normally you in the summer you start long finish short in other words you might finish under the island and finish in the side but in the winter it's different you might finish start long sorry Start short which might be halfway and move as the fish back off in the summer start long finish short in the winter start short finish long that's what I I do so the fact we're fishing in the summer I need to clip up to that island now and one of the uh people uh lots of people not sure how to clip up so all I'm going to do now I'm going to show you how to clip up so the first thing is you cast it where you think without going into trees so a bit short like that now I think that's 3 m short so I'm going to go one and I'm going to put two to start with and I'm going to put on the line clip and all you do is take your time it's not a race it's about doing it right so now I'm on to clip cast it back one two you just keep adding it on and put it on until you you get what you're comfortable with because it's only TR cuz there's no bait on yet right I reckon I'm at least 4 foot off now so if I want to go close I'm going to go to the eye which is 2 foot and that's all that you do it's just trial but there's some I a't showed you yet which I'm going to show you in a bit there you go right so now that I reckon is is a foot away right now the fact is I I don't want to start tight to it I want to start a little bit away so I always try and start about a foot 18 in away and I'm quite happy with that but what I want you to watch now is this because now I've got my distance that I want to fish cuz when I want to go closer I'll just go 6 in 6 in like that until I get it exactly where I want you don't have to go like that and take chance it's trial and error and simple but now this is this is what it's all about so I'm going to get me feeder and there's two ways that I want it to it water why this keeps wobbling is this so when I cast it like that right if you ever hear that Splash you won't get a bite right all that does is not your bait off all your bait's gone and you won't get about it that's the splush what you've got to do is make this sound I ain't put a Nook on yet so now this is the sound that you're trying to get see the difference in the two do you all anybody not understand the two sounds that you heard what that one went plop and that's because it landed with the lead first so I'm going to show you again cuz this is how important it is and I'm going to show show you how to get to that so the wrong sound is [Music] this that no bait on there right Fe me Peg is well count at the same time I know you getting boring there and this is what you got to do right that's what you're looking for you've got to get to that and the only way you can get to that is by practice now what I want you to do I want you to watch the rod I don't want you to look at the feeder right what I want you to watch is the rod and what I do I'm casting right I was going to tell me what I did brought the rod back and let the feeder cushion on the rod and bring it down and that's how you get to that so all you do is cast and instantly bring it back and what happens it just cushions on the rod tip and it goes top and what it does it lands lead first then goes to the bottom and then it breaks up and and the best way to learn is to just sit there with an empty feed run until you get it right and and you it's amazing how quick you can do it just like that cast now then what you can do you can cast it too hard and what I mean by that is Watch What Happens here if I cast that on that clip too too hard like that it still made that noise why because I've overcast it and I sprung back and it's sprung back and done that sound so in my head I'm thinking that's 22 M so I want to cast it 23 so all is try and think you're going to cast it a yard or two yard past it not 30 cuz it goes and then it Springs back and that's why you've got to get used to the distance when you cast so in my head I think that's about 22 M so if I'm going to cast it 23 and you can see like that back plop and that's all that you're trying to do if you notice nearly every cast were online because it were all coming past me Rod it were all going straight but use the rod to go plop that's really important now then the modern day angler he does this he'll cast it out like that and it'll put the rod like that and it'll sit there and I don't get that I I'll never apologize for this bit I don't get that right you sit there with a rod like that and you bike goes like that up and you go like that into your fish and you in my opinion you you've not got to bend there's a fish going now and I haven't got to bend at Rod so so if I L it then so if I if I've got I've got to I've got to try and pull it like that and I don't get that I honestly I do not get that because I I don't understand why why you want to do that I want to get to the bend of the rod to play the fish cuz if I get to the Bender Rod I've got a Bend of the rod which means I can use lighter lines bigger Oaks you can bet your bottom dollar most people that do this when the cast and put the rod there they've got bigger Hooks and and lines on cuz they'll get broke all time they'll get broke out time what I like to do do I like to you can call it old school whatever you want but I'm like this I want to cast it bring it back hit the clip that would a bit crap and then what I want to do I want to put the rod tip under like that and you can see the line there you see the line now one's there v's and one's coming the other way just watch them I'm not more it for I'm EAS in the line like that if you get B you'll feel it like that you'll feel it so it's not to worry about and then when of sank like that my line sank now I can then put it on the rod on the rod rest and I put it in that position like that an inch off the water and I put it down the side so that I've got more of an angle I have it on two Rod rests and then when when I get a bite when it goes around like that I can pick it up and catch my fish and I'm into the bend of the rod so whatever the fish wants to do I can play the fish on the bend of the rod and that to me is really important I think that's so important so basically that's that's my little setup it's called handsfree if I want to feed me other lines while I'm while while it's out there I can do I can pick the Catapult up which I'll probably have a chat about in a bit and I can feed I'm looking at me Rod tape all the time and I'm feeding I call it handsfree because me hands are free when I get a bite I'm into the fish and that's what I'm trying to do that's the whole process of what I'm trying to do when I'm feed the fishing so let's see if it works so all I'm going to do put a hook length on and I'm just going to go through the same routine like I said everything's a routine now then how many people have brought the tips winding in and casting out probably everybody right everybody well it'll never happen after today I'm going to cure that for you so the first thing to do is when you're filling your feeder up you swing it in so that you when you catch your feed it's a foot less than the Reel you pull it so it's got a bend in it you put the Reel between your legs like that always keep that bend in the in the in the tip you get your feeder in your right hand if you're right handed you put a few pellets in like that put your bait in the middle like that overfill it put the feeder on the top squeeze it and we're ready still got a Bend IN me tip it can't twist round cuz what most people do is they go like that and it spins around and then the take a wind in and it Go snap we've all done it so I get me feeder and like I said to you this is the number one thing make sure it's right and I'm I've still got bending thing so then when I let go I can take one wind bring it past the rod cast it back out clip plop lovely sound put it down sink me ly take your time the best angler I've ever seen at this is Andy Finley he taught me how to do this and he's the slowest angler on the planet well all you do you cast it in and you put it AR Rod rest but when he lifts his net out he's got most fish is the best and then you put it down and you're fishing I like me line tie I don't like a bend in the there you go there you go oh got that one on look how the hell want that on but we took routine now foot less I can't believe that one on then if you look at me tip it never ever moves it's always bent like that same routine is the slowest angler but is also the best you just take your time like that face your target pass the rod out plop Rod tip under nice and slow what I do when I'm when I'm sinking me line I'm looking around and looking at other Anglers see if anybody's catching because if I get one I'll feel it on that and I'm looking around and watching other fishermen and it don't matter how long it takes and then I put it on Rod rest two rests I don't like a bending it I don't like that because I want to see liners I think the feel the fish feel it but I want the line to I want the line to be tight but the rod to be slow black and I sit there then and I do not pick it up until Rod's going round and I'm put me c pull up if I want can fire pellets in if I want to F you know feed another line I can fire them in I can pick me my other things up and I'm feeding and I ain't interfere with my rod one little bit and I just sit there and I'm I pick me flask up I can have a cup of tea hands free now you see I'm getting liners now you see the little indications but I'm happy with that somebody's already spoke to me about they're not sure what to what to strike at well what one thing you don't do you don't strike until almost the this this is about the fish hooking themselves it's about them uh hooking themselves you don't pick up on line bites and there's different kinds of line bites and if I'm getting that indications Taps plugs I'm really really happy with that because that tells me Fisher at the feeder and if I get bites that go slow like that and go around and come back line bites it tells me the fish are this side now you can see that now look them fish at me feeder now what you've got to hope now is that to pick your hook bait up but don't always pick it up I might have the wrong color bait on or the wrong bait like I've got an orange one at moment U might I not want orange and it makes that much difference really does now then so all I'm doing I mean I'm i' might take a few minutes to settle down anyway because I've been choking it in like a clown to be honest with you at times so all I'm all I'm waiting for now is the fish see that liners that's fish at the feeder that that's fish coming to the feeder hopefully any minute now it'll get Dragged In but I see angler striking at them well it's last thing you want to be doing and we have problems catching you up hter today hey but I love liners I look for them I actually look for liners because that tells me what the fish are doing so it might even be the fact is I'm getting the liners cuz the we're seeing a lot top it might be off these pellets so when you when you're fishing with pellets and you feed feeding a middle line like that always fire it over your line and then what you do you fire and when the water look at your tip just and if it starts going like that it tells you the fish are shorter line go slack I'm not talking about slack you count a bite or you just no I'd pick it up because it's more if it's a bite it'll hooked itself and swam towards you but it usually that happens when it's on a Ledge uh but it's move the feeder anyway so I'd all us I'd all us bring it back yeah but I think we've had that now now then so I didn't catch one on an orange so this is how you learn about what color bait the want so put a Browning on pet of brown so let's put a Browning on let's see what happens with that and this is what you've got to do find out because once you find the right color makes a massive difference an ounce yeah I people talk to me about different things I just pronounce on um and and I do that for experience right what would you you do now right right answer and you bring it back because correct if you don't think there's no one of one of the things I've I've learned of it years is when people do that they know it's wrong but they D bring it back CU they almost don't want the M taking the me but you won't care by it so bring it back don't worry about it it's got to be right it's it's got to hit the water so that when I like that I mean I tried to do it right then but even that I'm going oh I don't like I I didn't like that I can't sit there I just can't and it and it it will not bad it won't fire off but but in my head I couldn't I just couldn't sit there and and I don't think it makes any difference going in and out putting baiting it I've got to be able to sit there I can't waste 10 minutes of me live thinking it's not right that but he's going to take Mickey out me I've got to do it right see difference you just know you're going to catch a fish at all that fizzing we have fir them pellet in that's ridiculous I mean I find that many never you see how long how much time I'm taking don't bother me cuz if I get one it look itself just sit there pick me cat feed all the lines and you're still fishing most people put the rod that way right and and unless like if like if on that on that peg next Peg there I'd probably fish me Rod this way because I couldn't get it downside with them reads but if it's free for both sides I I always fish it this way I never I never never put it that way I don't like it across me cuz you're end in yourself you can't move you can't look you can't pick your flask up because it's across your body so I always I'm not saying it's right or wrong what I'm saying is it's it's what I do it's windy no it it makes no difference whether it's windy or it's flat just take your time in fact when it's windy it should sink quicker cuz the thing is when you'll cast it and you hit the H the clip right like that your line is tight so you can put it under the water and it should sink pretty quick but just just take your time just just take your time it don't like I said it don't matter how long it takes if you did start getting a would that no when if you're get a bow what's happening is you're not hitting the clip right you're not you're not straing I'll show you next cast what you mean but don't worry about it the boiling there look right because you still get your bite at the style of fishing all it means is what you you've hit it wrong and you've let the wind create a blow a Bend but trust me providing it g to bottom and it landed all right when you put your rod down right under waterer it'll still sink and straighten itself up and you'll still get your bite providing everything's everything's happened and worked in right place all we really need is a couple of bites now you can keep throwing questions at me now Lads if you want I'll show you I'll show you in a minute about where I'm feeding this dark middle because I'm always feeding other lines and that's to bring fish in Fish will respond to noise one of you know one of the pellet it in water they know what they are they know the sound so all I I'll be doing is feeding me the Lions while I'm sat there to be honest I can't believe the bite I thought all these f1s would have been pull it rod in one thing I haven't spoke about by the way is Hooks and hook size when I'm tying me Hooks and me hook size is if I'm fishing for cap this is like most times if I'm fishing for cap it's usually a 16 to6 or 08 sorry 15 or 17 but if I'm fishing for f1s it's liable to be all 13 and the reason for that is is you can't seem to catch lots of f1s on a big H so you've got to scale down and it'll be an 18 to 03 that's what I call me F1 hook and if I'm going to be fishing on a for car it'll be 16 to an 05 or an 07 so them the hooks I'm going to be using so after decide what what I'm doing so when I come here and it's f1's and cap it'll be an 18 it'll be an 18 to3 and because if you're fishing for both you're fishing for both species so well when I'm fishing for C I don't I don't think it makes that much difference that you can fish a 16 or a 14 depends on size of fish that you're going to be using so when you're fishing for cap 164 to 15 and 17ish line that that's type of line uh but when f1s is makes a massive difference makes a massive difference at the size of the hook when you're fishing for f1s and usually it's an 18 and you're fishing an 18 uh to uh to an 013 sometimes 011 on the bomb sometimes you have to fish 011 well I can't believe this won't go around uh mono me I don't quite get floro no I can't I don't I don't quite understand it but that's uh you talk to some Anglers and there's there's only one instance anybody's ever showed me where it actually makes a difference uh so so it's always mono for me I've always been brought up that with lines it's about being Supple it's always it's it's about Supple and when they do that that can it comes naturally to them and I think stiff of the line it's not going to go natural to them and so so and I can't get that at me head so I'm all Nyon man me so all time feeding me other lines just want to catch a couple of fish just to show you all time I'm feeding you the lines preparing that one for last hour you see you see I'm going I'm going to I'm just going to show you something in a bit see if I can catch a fish on this cuz when I fire them pellets in me tip goes crazy look at that but I don't think them's them fish there are on me fire line I think they're at middle you can see them blowing there so what we're going to do in a minute we're going to have a Chuck on that come on me little Beauties you can see what I'm doing I look at fizzing there um I don't I don't if I'm the only time I find them over there is when I have to so when you're fishing even like like now right I'm not ain't had a fish yet even though I'm getting lots of liners but sometimes the fish might be might not be we I'm fishing so what you've got to do is sometimes get them there by making a noise and what I'll do then I'll I'll just pick some Sixers up or some pellets that'll reach sometimes it's eight and I'll fire him over there and that plot plop plop plop plop I think brings them in sometimes so some what you've got to do is just fire them like that see the noise they make sometimes that brings them in but when I get them in I don't I sometimes stop it I can't believe I to the B yet yeah I blame you all up all time C yeah it might be as DFT as that honestly can't believe we C all these f1s are near we c yeah this time at year 5 minutes maximum oh it might be it might be 20 minutes 25 minutes right there's two way there's two ways of fishing summer and winter and it's like CH and cheese summer you're trying to feed and get the fish to come to you right so so the feeding in winter it's location it's a location of fish cuz what happens in Winter the fish show up and you've got to find them I mean sometimes I mean you you know how many fish are in here even though I can't catch one there's trillions we come in here and winter can't get a buy it it's crazy you sit there no no happens and you you're trying to find where they are and once you find them and once you start getting line as indications then you sit there and you sit there till you get a bite CU if you pull out and casting every five minutes you'll spook them somewhere else so what you're trying to do is just locate them and work out where the fish are well I cannot believe ien a bite now so what I'm going to do now right right I'm going to I'm going to cast where I've been feeding them pellets in the middle well I can't believe that I thought we' get pulled in right did you see how you see when I cast them in then how the grouped how the cuz what what some people do they fire them in like that and they all over place like that well that that's the worst thing you can do so when you're feeding there you don't go like that and throw them so they spread you put them you cut your fingers like that so you turn it over and that's what you're trying to get did you see the difference in the noise it went like that and that's what you're trying to do what you're trying to do is make like that make that nose to make the fish come so we catapult to get that so the land in that little Ark as best you can at distance the first thing you do is you don't pull it to its maximum You Pull It 3/4s and you lob it up in air so it does that so it goes and that's what brings the fish it's that attraction and uh oh look what the hell's going on here I thought I thought we' get pulled in so what we're going to do now just something a bit different and the idea what you would do on this Middle Line you'd either have a bomb set up or you'd set this under let's see if we can get one up Middle Line we can go back to it far one I think all them loose feeder now then you can do two things you can cast under AR or you can cast overand but when I'm going short like there if you just get it like that put it in P your hand like that and just flick it out like that onto it exactly the same though because what youve got to do is still make it go on that plop so you still got to hit the rod dead right right let's see if this works do me they can't catch a fish oh he's he's good we should all s sit and watch him now then what happens now because you're in Open Water mean look at liners when you're when you're in Open Water what happens right is your bikes are different right your bikes will prop properly violent now it would actually sh there you go look but that what see differences I've just picked up using it bendit Rod keeping it nice and low like that and just wind nice and slow look look I'm using bendit Rod all time let me get in there I'm coming for you now one is about time but did you see how quick it was fact I'll take that off and I don't poke anybody thing now then it's actually sometimes you it's good that things don't work to how you think what am I doing right because it means you've got to look for other options like that so how long will that it water then 3 minutes good no it's just going done 3 minutes but but I left it longer over there and had four or five casts and never had a fish so this is why you have to look at other options and keep your options open there's no fixed rules in fishing there's only a fixed rule when you start when you start fishing when you sorry at the beginning of the match when you start fishing there's no fixed rules we're not fish we don't we don't listen there's two things in last can you put your fingers in your ears a minute there's two things that men don't understand one's women and one's fish [Laughter] right all time though plop say don't matter where you cast it's same procedure plop put it on everything same procedure catapult we don't know where the fish are going to be and feed that that was terrible though I would disappointed with that so it's handsfree and the thing is what you find out is they'll be where they want to feed and where they want to be and what depth and distance like that so I can have a cast here I'm feeding me line but I but I'm I can still go back over there I'm still clipped up and I can go over there there you go look now look now that should tell you something about fish and fishing they're not always where you as an angler think they're going to be is that what it was four I'm catching you up now yeah can't get a kitty ini as they come off the is yeah CP right there's one thing El should never come off feeding fish right so if you're catching you just keep catching because if the fish want to be in shallow water they'll move there no no remember when I spoke about earlier about feeding depths the feeding depth is so critical I mean I had I had four or five cast and never had a buy and even now a go smacked cuz I I thought it' just get pulled in now I another they're on little f ones but you just keep just just keep catching them now if you want you can change it like if if if it was me if this was match conditions now the catch in there I'd be feeding this and generally I want the trouble is I I generally want to go to irland cuz I think I'd catch bigger fish and I catch C but I keep feeding it not doing no harm just keep finding some pellets in oh you see what I mean I'm feeding just pick Rod up use the bend of the rod I mean look look at fishing there look I'm using bendit Rod all time to play the fish it's crackers that is it but as much as I'm experienced and and think I know quite a lot about fishing even I didn't expect that I thought they just put rod in I really did and all I've caught three in no time but it's all same routine so let's have a chookar cross again now don't be afraid of asking questions now I'll just fire them at me
Channel: Fjuka Fishing TV
Views: 37,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DE8ei1catDw
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Length: 77min 47sec (4667 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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