THE EASY METHOD | Attach and Release Your Pole Rig to a DACRON Connector

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hey guys welcome back to another video unfortunately I'm not on the bank I'm not out there fishing today a little bit disappointed but I do need to get some rigs done I've just been starting to set up my rigs ready for the spring we're not far away now uh but there's something I started thinking about as I was just creating my last rig something uh a friend of mine asked me any a couple of weeks ago is he struggles with his hands he struggles with his eyesight and he struggles to get the uh his Loop off the end of his rig off the connector now I did try to explain there's an alternative method out there and there's some it's something I I actually use myself um and that is creating two Loops uh and trimming the second Loop we've all used it a lot of people have used it but he didn't know how to do it so I thought you know what I'm setting my rigs up let's get the video out and I'll just show you guys quickly and put it on the channel so I'm going to turn the camera around and then we'll start making those loops and showing you how I connect them to my my daon okay guys so I put this uh seat box cover here it's just a dark surface just so you guys can see the end of my line that's all that's there for so we're going to now do um the first Loop which is more what I would call the traditional Loop and connecting to uh your main rig uh to your daon it's what a lot of Anglers use especially a lot of experienced Anglers uh and an Anglers that just don't suffer with their fingers or their eyesight uh and they're able to do this technique quite easily so I'm going to do it first because this is what we're probably most of all used to so first of all so I've got the end of my line um got my two pieces here and now I'm going to just create my first Loop so we've all got our own different knots but I just basically pass my end of my Loop uh of the line through uh twice to create that knot just going to moisten that that's what we would normally do p that tight and there we go we've now got our first Loop just going to trim the end of the line if I can find it on the other side of the camera there we go just going to trim that off just remove that bit of excess line there out the way there we go so we've got our Loop and now all we would do is naturally pass through the main line through the hoop there we go and then we'll just connect that to our daon all that tight and there we go so we've now got our main line connected to the end of a daon to get that off you just literally don't if you can see on the camera but You' push P that up and then that would just slide off the end of the D so I do that again so we've created the loop just pass the main line through that H through through that Loop then put it over the daom pull it tight and there we go we're connected to the daom take it off this is the bit that people struggle with and I understand this because when I was talking to someone the other day he said well I've used my rig for a few times I've been catching a Plenty of Fish I think what happens is this Con bit that's connected to the daon just tightens up it just gets too tight and when you're struggling with your fingers anyway and you're struggling with your eyesight uh close up like this I can understand why it can get difficult so the combination of those things is why people struggle so what we'd normally do is just push the line up and then that would then just naturally come off the end of the deckom okay so it looks simple but like I say people do struggle out there I know people do because they've told me so now I'm going to try show you the alternative method and I actually use this method myself because I also struggle with my eyesight and I just find it easier it saves me fumbling around at the end of a session easily um disconnect my rig my line from the de by using this alternative method so trim the line I'm now going to create basically we create two Loops I'm going to create a small Loop about roughly let's say 2 cm long and then I'm going to create my main Loop so I'm going to create the first Loop first a small Loop so I'm just going to create do my knot like I say this is not a lesson or a video of how to create knots so pull that tight I would now moisten it at this point there we go pull that knot tight and I now have a loop as you can see I now create a second one this will be a much bigger this is your main one that goes over your daon connector so create a second Loop this is roughly around 1 and 1 half in 2 in long I'll make it slightly bigger for the video just so you can see it but there we go so I've create my knot there just moisten the knot before we pull it tight there we go so I now got basically the first loop as you can see there and then we've got our other main Loop which is here on the body of the line we just pull that apart so you can see it there we go there we so two loops and we got the excess line there we're going to trim that off and discard that safely out the way okay so so we got two Loops now the smaller of the loop we're going to trim that so roughly 1 cm from the knot we're going to just trim that Loop so you're left with roughly 1 cm and as you can see hope that comes out in the video just move it in and Away a little bit there's two bits of line here sticking out so there now we've trimmed that smaller Loop we open up the main Loop pass our main line through and we connect that to the end of the daon as normal all that tight and there we go now what you can see see is those two little bits of lines sticking out here which is the smaller of the loops that we trimmed to take the end of the line off the daon at the end of your session like I say you've been catching lots of fish that's been pulling tight you know you struggle with your hands at times and you also may be struggling to see close up but if you can see the two bits of line all we do is grab them and pull them and that comes straight off the end of the daon so let me show you that again I'm just going to trim this line off and we're just going to create those two Loops once more so just giveing myself a bit of line here so make sure you got plenty of line to work with so first of all I'm going to create this smaller of the loops so I'm just passing end my line through the loop twice to create my knot moisten the that Knot Before You pull it tight there we go so I've now got my first Loop then create your second Loop so this is the larger of the two the one that's actually going to go on the end of your daon so tie your knot and to moisten that before pull it tight there we go so now I've got two Loops as you can see there's the bigger one and then you got the smaller one on the end cut off the excess line just move that out the way then we go back to our smaller Loop and roughly 1 cm from the Knot Just trim it and you're left with two bits of line sticking out like that now we just need to put it onto the end of the Dacron so open up your the bigger of the loop the big loop that's left pass the line through and now we're going to connect that to our daon pull that tight there we go we now connected a main line to a daon to take it off you just simply grab the two bits of line that you can see sticking out and Pull and there we go so that's simple guys that's the alternative method when you're struggling with your fingers struggling the eyesight how simple is that so if you like this video guys please leave a like And subscribe as normal don't forget to hit the notifications any comments if you got any tips and tricks things that I need to learn about things that you actually what you've seen today I could do better just make sure you leave them in the comment uh and hopefully that will they will help me as well so as usual leave a like And subscribe until next time guys to lines
Channel: No Frills Match Fishing
Views: 6,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K9w5mRuFpEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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