Tommy Lee Jones on Eminent Domain

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I hate rude behavior in a man. Won't tolerate it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Rockcopter 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's keeping you boys I thought you wanted a [ __ ] they don't know how much they cost hey I can expect top quality first Pamela the noon gentlemen I'm captain Weaver this is Dixon ah scout we're looking for fresh horses occiput near wore out Jason Red Cloud that's a nice-looking animal you got right there well thank you I like him myself I'll take him and any other she got he's not for sale I ain't asking I'm telling you um requisition in that house for the government I'm telling you he's not for sale you defy the US Army that's treason you Cowboys can be hung for treason Goren get his horse go sir this horse ain't for sale this just told you that you Cowboys are pests even your pup's now give me that horse no sir I said give me that horn oh so have you oh sorry he's killing him Gus then you get back your wagon I hate rude behavior in a man won't tolerate it
Channel: Firepower to the People
Views: 2,231,017
Rating: 4.6659527 out of 5
Keywords: Lonesome Dove, Woodrow Call, Tommy Lee Jones, Robert Duvall
Id: 77ZuwtX3B80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 22sec (142 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 15 2015
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