Tommy Cooper surprise guest on This is Your Life

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I have no idea how many surprise guests we've had four people we've saluted on this is your life but the craziest most easily have been Tommy Cooper now he wasn't one to come and prepare things before I have nothing to notice if he would anyway and the first I'd see him would be live on air and even then I wouldn't know whether you're gonna come through the doors or the wings or the audience but he knew that is gonna work out sir somehow there are among the many roles you've played one of the most difficult must have been when you attempted to play straight man to a comedian because that comedian happened to be the hilariously unpredictable Tommy Cooper [Applause] [Music] sorry I understand that you've been a you've been a great friend of our star guest of honor for many years Oh many many many many many many many many many many many many many many years [Laughter] yes butter afraid yes not happy I said it goes bad a long long time ago a long long it does because a long ago blummo a long long time ago many time an ambassador at this back toe because I remember the right first time he gave me his first pair possible and I always treasure because I always always I honestly watch this fight what's all these fights by religion every pot I did I was always one I'll tell you what he's but he's changed a lot he has changed a lot because the first time I met him he was black with people [Applause] you're thinking of crazier with an eye well it or not you've got yours mine Cassie both can you sit on one side yeah well I'm just trying I understand what it's still not black look good oh it's Billy Lipps not bigger I mean what can you tell us about it what can I tell you about it about Bill honey and then when he did come out of course that was something else I remember I'm Eric Sykes this is your life I I just gave up and sat down with my guests who else but Tommy Cooper [Applause] [Music] [Applause] something can you tell us something why don't you tell us something about that famous film of Eric's the blank that we were live here oh yes now our remembered our doing this film met with that Eric had the prank and it was very funny you know the accident he wrote it didn't he yeah I know is it I'm telling you I was in it I did what but we roll over however I was in the film yes the plank that's right yes and he wrote the script I think you've run it in a letterbox why did he put it in the letterbox it's a postscript [Applause] and while that what we're about in this feel that the first who I reach out of a lot longer than Frankie yeah not yet now are gonna be very quick we're doing this Phil run this house the house in this house house in this house the same house I [Laughter] fell up laughing I've done I know what's coming next I've already through this film there's one shot in it and we had a scene where we had knock nails into the floor so anyway you may be good at a typewriter but it wasn't very good with a hammer cuz I had a whole Janelle's Wow he was just misses one but it calling over that one a great memory of
Channel: KillianM2 TV Archive
Views: 2,016,692
Rating: 4.5695066 out of 5
Keywords: Tommy Cooper surprise guest on This is Your Life
Id: c7STQRfLgzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2015
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