Tomer Devorah - 92 - Tikkun Chatzos (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

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okay we are continuing uh the sequence of per yud of the tari the last per uh which is talking about um the different spheros that are cholate that are ruling at a given time and you want to link yourself to the light of that and we have the three Tas are pretty obvious associations Shak is the of Abraham and therefore you link to the idea of is the of so you link to the idea of gor and gor as we said is not all negative but gor is what Contours the so you're able to be M it uh and then he mentioned in the middle kind of a little aside the raach mentions that you also have to feed the body and he quotes the PK in mishad appreciates the soul of his animal and that refers not only to your pet or to your working animal but it refers to your body which indeed is your working animal and therefore there's an inion of taking care of your body reel yashab used to say he boasted he boasted of two things I mean y had many things to boast on but obviously as a as a godle he wouldn't boast about his Torah learning that that wouldn't be what he would do but he boasted that he never left ER Israel uh since well he was he was not born in eritel but from the time that he came as a child he never left erit Isel and the other thing he boasted on a strange thing he never missed a meal now that sounds like a very odd thing for a God alorah to be proud of he never missed a meal but he was making this exact point that he didn't simply say I'm going to learn learn learn learn and neglect my physical needs rather Le you got to take care of your physical needs in order to serve Hashem and we had mentioned the rambam idea that health is very important but health is a means to an end it is not intrinsically important right I I should try to be healthy because this is the way I can serve Hashem and do mitzvos and if one is addicted to health that is no better than being addicted to gluttony that's just another addiction to gmas but if there has to be a reason and this is the now the truth is the the thear to garab about Hill H the great great Hill where Hill at the end of his Shear would say I got to feed my guest today my he said and he said this every day he ended the share by saying got to go home and take care of my guest so at some point the tum asked him does the rebby have a guest every day you have a guest in your house every day he says yes I do he says my animal soul my physical soul is a guest it's a guest in this world because it's not going to be here forever it's here today gone tomorrow so when I got to take care of my guest it means I gota you know gotta go got to eat lunch of course it's interesting um I had my in is was ROV Ki there's even an art scroll biography or of classy if you want to know my Reby and I'm even mentioned a little bit I mean I'm not a dominant character but quoted a few times anyway um one of the things about revusky though is he had he had certain I know quirks maybe that's not the the respectful way of doing it but he had certain stick uh he never let us you know we we had shear and he always started 15 minutes late and uh maybe that's where I picked up the haveit now that I'm now that I'm thinking about it actually maybe I'm more more more like my rby than I thought okay but anyway um but uh we always miss lunch cader if you were in rusy Shear you never had lunch eventually they would have a late lunch for people like if lunch was whatever it is5 he would keep us till uh you know a quarter to two because now why why you know it's not like sometimes it may be an accident because he was so involved in the learning he didn't he didn't know but the truth is this was every single day no matter what so it's a d borer that this was a self-conscious decision and part of it is he wants wanted to teach us that Torah is above zman so that's an inion also but at the same time Hill hakin himself said you know got to go home and feed take care of my guests of course there's um one of of kusky sons was actually in his Shear as well so I remember one time it was a Tinus and uh we were having regular shear and he was he was going a half an hour late and people were getting restless so uh he called out he says what are you worried about but there's no lunch today so his son only his son could say it his son said they're worried about supper okay anyway all right anyway but it was a great great tremendous balber would never have heard such a beautiful hbar of every every suya every mus Shas was crystal crystal clear but okay anyway I'm just bringing it out as a digression when you remember that's a source of but the is going in the other direction in which you do have to stop to take care of the needs of the body based on your de and the story of H hak okay so basically we have Shak is and Min is gur and then afterwards so the truth is between shakas and Min you learn which is the feres and after M you learn right so it turns out that t feres kind of makes its appearance at all typ times of the day it's between the of and the of is the and then after Min is also a time of of learning subject to stopping for a meal or whatever you that makes sense because it has elements of so could show up at any time of the day because it represents the whole yeah that that's correct so sometimes it's between and G sometimes it's between gor and uh the later manifestation now we come to Marv and we talked about this yesterday so I'm not going to repeat all that myv is the F of Yakov and myv is connected to feris so what's interesting is you're going from the Torah to feris to the to feris so it's the same spher but it's being brought down into the world through different mechanisms primarily it's brought down through Li but we also find that the of yov is the hisas Tois and part of the explanation is if you remember I mentioned from ROK yesterday that uh MV is the prayer of amuna that even when it's dark even when it life looks hopeless even when it looks like there's no way out of a situation you have a Muna that there's a hidden goodness and a hidden light in the darkness of the tunnel this is a little different it's not simply light at the end of the tunnel it's a light that is within the darkness of the tunnel itself The Zo has an amazing expression the zor has an expression noora deusa this is Aramaic noora means the light of Darkness black light now we would we would normally assume black light is a contradiction but once again you know light has there are many you know a very large spectrum of light only some of which is visible to the naked eye you have infrared ultraviolet you have to wear if you wear special goggles you can see certain radiations of light that would be invisible to the naked eye The Zo is saying through amuna amuna are the spectacles the goggles that allow you to see the hidden light that is within Darkness right everybody body could see the light when it's light to see the light when it's dark takes a special Vision a special night vision and that night vision is auna now given the fact that tieras is the synthesis between and gur so part of the synthesis is that when you look at the gura you see the in it it's not just here gor here that are combined but within the gor I perceive hem and that's why it's t feris because T feris is synthesis Harmony balance integration so the gor and the coming together is to feris so this is a different way of connecting to T feris during the day the primary connection was through the learning of Torah by myv tiis enters the world through the prayer of Yakov ainu that is the prayer of amuna and that's a aasher myself to tieras now again I'm going to go back to the the mush that the Rach uses throughout the T really it's a mushel the Z uses throughout the Z that we talk about the six spas of said gor to fer as the masculine aspect of God and you'll recall that goes by the name zin the small face we look at malus which is Shina as the feminine aspect of God and the Shina is the mechanism by which all of the Divine shefa is released into the world so what's going on is is again this is a very daring mus kazal view the spus working in Sy as a form of sexual Union between the masculine element of God and The Feminine remember this is called the Z anpin and the malus okay I'm just saying words but at least even to know the vocabulary is a little bit helpful the unification between Z anpin and malus is the unity of right I've pointed out a number of times the that many s have which is not part of the original it really comes from the but many sadur have it that before you do a Mitzvah there is a a sentence that you say together with other things I am undertaking this Mitzvah to unite and his now I mentioned forgive me for repeating that theud the great of prag orando who lived in the um 17 1600 1700s early 1700s wrote a whole Chua in the night of Yehuda he was extremely opposed to regular people non makalum even saying the phrase he said it does not belong in a regular sitter it should not be said at all precisely because it could give rise to such a fundamental devastating misunderstanding that would be because when you talk about and coming together that implies God forbid they are separate entities that are coming together like a man and a woman how can that be there's only one God it's fundamental there one guy that's the most important principle of Judaism is monotheism that's it the whole tah is fighting against multiplicity ofar so how can you talk about the as one thing which is Zin and then talk about Shina as another thing and then talk about our Mitzvah and our prayers are uniting and so the netive said that obviously the meaning of these things is very deep we don't really know what it means it doesn't mean what it says literally that's for sure so he says a person shouldn't say these things because they will connect him to ideas that will be misleading will be false and ultimately heretical so this was his and yet say and then again even I mean in uh a typical as again it's interesting it's selective because it doesn't have it for all Mitzvah but for the counting of the OM at various points you know so obviously I'm not going to be able to explain it either but it's using it as a mush right all of of cabala is really a mush for something hidden and that is the same way it is the union of man and woman that brings life into the world so too when the spos are in alignment and the light of the spos permeate the sh which is malus which then passes it on that is described as a union although in point of fact there never was a separation but but but in terms of appearances so to speak spiritual appearances it ISU they were separated and then all of God's functionings are working together based on our MIT and our and our Torah learning right that's so the way what is described is this the does comprise but an interesting part I not sure if I ever made this explicit of those six tieras is really the thing that encompasses everything because Tes encompasses and and even and Y are considered to be the legs that are supporting the Torso of T feris and yod which is the male organ is kind of the delivery system of tieras so that's why it's interesting that although numerically speaking tieras is only one of the six we commonly refer to all six as to feris right so when we talk about again just to know the phraseology here we're talking about with malus and that is often referred to aser uniting with malus so that's why it's a little confusing because what do you mean to feris feris is only one but but answer is T feris is actually the overall main character in the whole Z because are combined into feris and are holding up to feres so therefore what happens at MV is the beginning of the of tier coming into the world to be connected to malus right that's uh that's what you're doing in in that case that's the prayer of Prayer of amuna and that is the kavana of my now it's interesting and this is not not not entirely clear to me as they say the remach day is fairly standard you're basically daving or learning and you take a break for a meal that's kind of the whole day uh and after MV once again you go back to learning reminds me a little bit you know the great R of Mir he grew up in a from home but it was more modern Orthodox Community Chicago he went to a co-ed high school and everything else now what happened to be his great uncle wasle the rash of Mir so he was Mish in the Mir mishak so when he came to me he had never learned gamor more than like an hour at a time so whatever he's going through his first morning seder and they go through four hours was unbelievable he could not believe 4 hours so he asked this Kusa he said so what do you guys do in the afternoon here and they said oh we come back and do it again he says he could he couldn't believe it he says four hours he was like totally totally out of it so in some ways I look at the roach's day you know you know you're learning and you're Ding and that that that's kind of it so after MV you remain makush to Tes through your Torah learning and the like okay but then he says an interesting thing actually I'm going backwards because this is how we start remember I mentioned he starts the peric with the Knight but I I started with shakas so I'm now going back to the beginning of the peric he says when it's time to go to sleep at that point tier ascends back to shamay you're not learning at this point and the only thing that exists in your world is pure Maus the kingship of God and therefore you do have an assignment when you go to sleep as well and that is to be [Music] Mel the kingship ofes and that's why we sayma Al what is the of is what do call is he makes the point that sleep is a form of death sleep is death kazal used the lesson sleep is 160th of death but it is death in the sense that your spiritual Nisha leaves you and you're sustained by your physical nefes and therefore you are actually attached to what is called the tree of death is the of the the tree of death and the way that you still hold on to life is to go to sleep with the Mak that you are M Mal sh that is Maser you to malus and that will sustain you that will protect you for what are called are the external demonic forces that try to try to destroy you okay so is there that would mean from until you finish your learning you brought tus into the world but at some point Tes is and the only SPH that is shight at night sleeping hours is Mal now of course that depend see again it's a little strange to me because this once again is not really consistent with regular hours because you know you're asleep and I'm up or vice versa so I mean I'm up so I'm connected to the feris you're asleep you're connected to m i mean it's hard to reconcile that with the idea that certain hours of the day right this was the question I raised because it's not really a question of hours of the day it's a question of what you are doing in those particular hours so that's why I I I have a certain difficulty in matching up the idea of ours versus activities but nevertheless he says that when you go to sleep Visa you at least the only coak that isolate in the world as malus without theer and as a result you have to be Maser yourself to the Holiness of malus by Cabas o malus sh and this is the meaning of the idea that Alita is said to be a protection because once you are in the moive of death any type of death even the death of sleeping you are actually in a Sakana and you need a Shir a protection from God and and you get that sh by connecting yourself to all that's in night is yeah it's an interesting issue because uh malus is really an empty sphere malus is said to be the repository of everything else so by definition malus does have a but they say that at night Mal more from G than fromer and that's why night is a of night is a of concealment of God right the physical night you don't see things so night is mid is at night which is why you need sh because you're connected to death you're connected to things that might be negative yeah the REM have to say that they don't say see a lot more people dropping dead I suppose yeah so no well yeah it's a good question I mean obviously um you know most Jews in the world most people in the world certainly don't don't say kma Alita and most people do get up the next morning I mean not always and even I could say God forbid someone might say not get up the next morning so this is not one of those guaranteed things but I think we have to understand that um spiritual dangers can exist independently of physical dangers meaning to say okay you made it physically but there there's a pagam the might have been maik your in various very subtle ways that you don't even know but you've been diminished a little bit and therefore you need it okay yeah on the same subject I had heard before that sun cless wouldn't say the after after midnight has heard of the source for that yes yes I I'll give you yeah yes yes um okay it'll actually tie into the next thing we're going we're going to say okay so the next and final thing although it's it was earlier in the Rak per is the idea of getting up at midnight so you go to sleep your M your nees to hasem ofid in your hands I give over my spirit Etc and your and that gives you a from the from the external forces that destroy you so next step is you get up at midnight and you prepare yourself for the rest of the day now this is the ceremony called Tios and that's an interesting story about this there are people who get up at midnight first of all the the whole definition of what is mid midnight hierarchically is not a pate thing whether it's aicom or whatever it is what is the definition of midnight Midnight for sure has nothing to do with 12 midnight that's just the clock uh so there are two ways of calculating midnight in halaka which may lead with different times one is you calculate time from sunet to Sun rise from sh to Nate and the halfway point of that will beos which would mean obviously in the winter the night is shorter Kos will be earlier okay so one way is sunrise I'm sorry sunet Shia Tates calculate that's one sheeta the other sheeta is that Ros Einstein says isos is 12 fixed hours from High Noon meaning the sun which is also not 12 noon either uh noon even astronomically is the uh the time of day where the sun is directly overhead it's not to the east or the West directly overhead now that could be anywhere between 11:30 and 12:30 and that that is actually astronomical astronomically noon high noon and you count 12 fixed hours notos and that'll get you toos but whatever it isos the is the time of a beginning of RA because is already closer to the day than it is to the night and therefore we're going to see that even though the SPH that shate is malus but in the first half of the night malus was being fed by goros and Hester in the second half of the night malus is being fed by we'll talk about t in a moment now that explains why although the Rach does not mention that here do not say hamap after because hamap is essentially a prayer that Hashem should protect me in the night but I need that prayer during the vulnerability period of the first half of the night where malus is fed by gur as opposed to malus being fed by as we're approaching the day so that means even if you're not doing even if you're going to sleep after midnight would not say h we don't P him that way we P him you do say it but that would be this far this also explains another thing you may have heard over the years that Al the Aral one should not study one should not learn at night you don't do at night so some say if you're doing with the p but but night is not the for some people will not say to Hill him at night for that reason and the idea once again is that night is a of din and the t is connected to D and therefore you don't want to strin Len the powers of with and yet say after you've already left the nighttime of D and you're entering and therefore you could learn after as well as learning it Friday night shabas also is said to be totally as man of so the Remar talks now about now Ria laan who was one of the great great great Bal muser who was n maybe in the 1970s not so long ago when he was an old man he was already in his 80s and his Min was not to get up for to say t that was not the Min of in Europe but he got up he began to do T in his 80s so someone asked him you know this was never your Min I mean for 80 years you didn't do this why are you starting now so he said H he says you know I'm I'm not going to live forever I'm I'm I'm approaching the end of my life and at the end of our Lives we get a on everything in the they go through the Simon by Simon by Simmon did you keep this did you keep this did you keep this did you keep this so he said listen if something is buried in Simon you know the 650 of Simon and I'm a little deficient that's not going to be so bad because I've already built up a track record of a lot of things that I've done but if I mess up in the first Simon of the sh like they start the test and I mess up that kind of creates a very bad impression TI is in Simon Al of the he says I don't want to mess up the again I mean we have to understand what this means obviously Hashem knows the whole story from the beginning but he just said I don't want to mess up on what's in Simon Olive because that's going to be you know no I can't I can actually say as a greater of test papers I I can actually say that from a human perspective that is true but of course hasem is not a human and that is um when you start grading a test paper and the beginning is bad that kind of colors your reaction to the entire test but but again I mean that's a human I mean hasem it's it's hard to understand why Hashem would care if it's this one or this one cares about all the but be as it may this is what laanan said now I have to be careful here because I do not want to encourage you to do Tios this is the thing because the raak is GNA say such a wonderful amazing description of Tios that there is no question after you hear this description you're going to want to do it so I'm holding back a little bit I'm I'm going to tell you what he says about but at the same time I think you have to recognize that this would be a y really because once again if it's going to affect your learning it's going to affect your daving the next day then you're Lo in spite of the beauty of Tios for those who are able uh you would lose a lot more than you would gain so this is the this is always the danger in tomor a little bit he described beautiful Sublime elevated mados and aent wants to connect to those mados but you have to make thees of what are the costs okay so um please take note that I am not encouraging you to do and I would even discourage you generally speaking but with that in mind let's describe what what the raach says so you wake up and he says to follow tus is not here tus is in Shay but you wake up you wash your hands to remove the kipa the residue of death that is upon you you make bras over the Torah because the assumption is you're not going back to sleep you begin to learn Torah and you connect yourself to the sh by learning Torah he then describes the following I'm just going to say the words which is a phenomenally beautiful picture although I have no idea what's going on he says when you're makash yourself with the sh the sh then ascends to and since you're attached to the sh through your learning of Torah yourish even though you're awake yourish ascends to with the Shina in which the Shina learns Torah with all of the sikim and you are included by virtue of your to the and then he says anderes visits the Shina in for the union ferer and so this is a union but this is a union that occurs it's a higher Union it's a union Ina right we read before t feris comes down into this world around my time but instead of T feris coming down sh goes up and you're kind of holding on to the sh and you're United witherus in that way and therefore you have connected yourself to the eternal life force of God and that is how you have become liberated from the Tree of death which controlled you in the first half of the night is I mean it's an interesting thing we normally talk about the Nisha being elevated when you're asleep this is an opposite idea your Rises to with while you're awake and learning the Torah and then you are maker to the Shina which is learning Torah with all of the sikim in Ander is with Mal up there and you will then absorb in your Nish the light of Tes that will prepare you for the new day that will be coming and that will take us to shakras which we already which we already spoke about so even though I'll admits I have no idea what this is exactly describing but it's describing something extraordinarily powerful elevated holy so my guess would be that you know youd have a big yatera to do this and maybe sometime in your life yes and maybe uh you know again things aren't an All or Nothing uh meaning a person could say you know some there might be a night that you have difficulty going to sleep you might say okay let me let me do Tios tonight but it's not just see again I have to do two things I mean t is a ritual where you actually say prayers about the B mikdash but the ramak actually is not talking about I mean maybe I I'm putting in the words he doesn't even use the words T he says get up at midnight and learn Torah so undoubtedly the Rach said t because all the M said t but he's not emphasizing the Tios per se he's emphasizing the learning Torah the second half of the night that yourish ascends to with the and it gets wither and with all of the sikim and you are part of that process so it could be that you know if there's a time that you're up uh might be something to uh to consider but as I say uh you do have to be very very very concerned not to do things that can impair your health and not to to do things that will affect your doing the next day and affect your learning so the idea of any type of going beyond the can only be considered if it's not going to compromise your obligations that's why the used to go around uh the base medish in raden after midnight and he would shut off the lights if people were still learning he would shut off the lights he says you have to go to sleep and the and the famous word the very famous word of the we say in in remove the Satan from before me and from in back of me so the asked I understand the Satan thear that's in front of me I want to do a Mitzvah I want to go to the B medish and this Satan will try to block me with all sorts of things I go to sleep go to town whatever it will be so that's the Satan in front of me but what's the Satan in back of me I'm past him already says the that's the saton that's pushing you into the Bas medish when you need to sleep and you need to eat so you think you're doing a great gavala thing in fact it's the Atara that's pushing you so this is something we need to think about in terms of these wonderful madreo yeah this Madre the is describing does one have to go to sleep to be able to do that or for sh night technically did we have that Shu night um it's a good it's a good point I don't think you need to experience the first stage to have the second stage on the other hand I think the remach uh did like to emphasize the contrast because the first stage was death and now you attach yourself to eternal life so you I think think he wanted to portray it as a wondrous Redemption but you are correct as long as you're up and you're learning you have that mad yeah sounds like the problem is lack of sleep um but according to this kind of it sounds very magical wouldn't it just make sense for everybody to go to speak way earlier uh yeah it actually would it actually would make sense um you know uh listen laav Benjamin Franklin said right early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise and uh we would endorse that uh going to sleep early and getting up as early as you can uh can be a very wonderful wonderful thing all right so uh we actually are making a seeum on Tom I think we we finished peric and uh as I indicated a few weeks ago uh our next project is very very very very different we're going to try to go through Nim so at least you'll have an overview of what is In N okay Yesa historic kind of ignored uh that limit so we'll try to focus that a little bit okay than thank you for listening to this awesome production to find out more and to partner in our mission please visit
Channel: Ohr Somayach
Views: 97
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Id: 9-H-VkHdIGU
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Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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