Shaving and Waving - Behaaloscha (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

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let's go Bor Bor let's go 774 okay so this was we started out yesterday Ellen's rolling we started yesterday with the command to uh that Aon has to light Aron has to light the manura so I saw saw a very interesting uh the ramban you've heard of the ramban right so the ramban I'll talk to you afterwards the ramban um was living in uh I forgot where he was living in in in somewhere in Spain I think and eventually he decided to go to ER Isel remember want to go live in a Israel and he told his disciples that when he goes to ER Israel you know those days didn't have this communication so he said there's how will they know when he dies so the ramban said that they should look at his parents the raban had Ran's parents were buried there in Spain I thought I I want to say Barcelona but I don't remember exactly uh I don't remember exactly where it was but ran said that he's he's an and what they should do is look at his parents his father or his father's par parents' Tombstone and on the day that ramban dies his parents' Tombstone in's going to be in Isel and the day he dies his parents Tombstone is going to going to crack open and they'll look inside and they'll see the image of a manura they'll see the they'll see the image of an Anora and part of the idea I should go with Seven's prongs you're and part of the idea is that that that the sikim have some sort of R KES when they're going to die they sense that their death is coming and that they're going to occupy a high place in shmay where the lights are Shining they'll be under the lights and somehow and then then when and apparently it's doc this is documented I'm not making any of the stuff it's documented in reliable sources this is this wasn't a you know this wasn't something that was s somebody said over after a couple of shots of what do you call it a Tish this is this is documented that that the ramban when he died sure enough the the tombstone cracked open and they saw they said because they know the ramban had died part of the idea is and what's interesting is the the uh when it comes to tombstones in general when it comes to tombstones so first of all Cohan tombstones there was a tradition I don't know if everybody on the Cohan tombstones they put the hands the cohain hands like doing the birkas kohanim on the levim I think the tradition was they put um a show they put a chauffeur on somebody somebody they put a chauffeur and on somebody they put washing you know s the they carve it into the Tombstones we had a guy here at or by the way who was years ago this many many years ago probably one of my earliest years who was a a BAL Chua had no idea his family background and uh he actually C he actually spoke to his R back in America and the r determined that he's a Cohan how did he determine it because he went to the cemetery he saw his grandfather's grave and on his grandfather's grave there were hands carved on there so he was uh what do you called he was uh that's how they determined he's a coin that's enough of a kazaka that that they could you could establish because that was that was a tradition what we don't do is we don't put pictures on Graves and that that's become yeah well that's not accept in in uh in in traditional jum you do not put pictures on Graves and uh one of and and it's certainly a problem to put what they sometimes they actually put a protruding image on the grave and there's aam Sofer that says if there you know people go to grave sites and they and they DAV in if there's a protuding image from the grave then there a problem ding there because it's like you're you're you're you're ding to an image there's an image on the grave which like almost like you know a human image is a problem that's one of the difference between the crosses the uh Protestant and the Catholic cross is a different cross the the Protestants the Protestants have uh have just a regular cross which there is a discussion among the halic authorities of the Protestant cross is considered an idol or if it's only a symbol it's just a symbol of the religion whereas the the Catholic cross has the uh has the hockey player on it has a has a human image with the hockey player on there you know he's a hockey player don't you he got nailed into the boards so he uh so he and that is a that that's for sure that's for sure an idol that's that that's a very big problem so the the the what do you call it the uh uh so we don't that that that has become it's very inv Vogue in in certain I I remember passing a cemetery once out in then t aiv or something where where it's a largely uh unfortunately not observant community and I saw that on the grave they have pictures of the people from life that's not a Jewish Tradition at all so in Brooklyn too in Brooklyn they where where these are people are not uh where it's not the that that's certainly not the tradition it's not the tradition we don't put pictures on there you put gravestone yeah the sculpture is certainly a problem in the Jewish go that's certainly a problem that's even a bigger problem so that that's as far as what you call that's as far as the what the the Bora so the Bora symbolizes over here and that's why you take a look in the third P three lines of Theon Elon raised up the Flames opposite the the commentary say why did Aon do this a because there was lighting the minora down here it was parallel to the Bora up in shmay and only Aron knew the secret with whatever cabalistic thoughts whatever the cavanas whatever the intentions were Len lighting this manur somehow it it reflects and has a connection to the manur in Shay so that's why it says opposite the man opposite which Min opposite Min up there okay now we're going on to the next section and this is where the levim are chosen the Lev are now going to replace the firstborns of the Jewish people so it would the Bor were the on who were supposed the first born anybody here a firstborn firstborn male you got to be the firstborn mom is firstborn oh you are firstborn okay any Lum oh you got both uh so you replace yourself the uh the others the others are all replaced any Cohan him oh it's my turf this is my turf so the uh what do you call how many you Le him one only one Ley two that's it okay you can both wash my hands so the uh but only if you only if you ask nicely the uh the uh so so the the Bor the firstborns are replaced why are they replaced because they worship the the golden CF they were involved where the Levan were the only ones who 100% stayed loyal and therefore they replaced the what do you call the Bor now over here we're going to see some strange stuff so let's read the let's read a few MOS says to Moshe take the from the and you're going to purify the now you're going to P pluck them out of the B now why look at Rashi for a second Rashi says in P where's rash on left column of rash left column six lines from the top take the levim and say something to them that's going to uh uh what do you call motivate them it's going to encourage them it's going to inspire them take them with words verbally what are you GNA say you're fortunate fortunate are you that you're going to be Merit to be the Servants of Hashem that you get to do the service in the B of there were two types of services Lum did one of them was they sang and the other was they were The Gatekeepers they had different different Services I mean if I would tell you that I'm promoting you means you know mha you know you got to say something to them that's going to get them uh really enthusiastic about it you know if you're working in a job if you're working in a job say by the way I'm promoting you to vice president you're you're just one of the regular workers you're vice president of the company now right how do I have to twist your arm twist your arm may a vice president he goes with it so why is it that the L what is it that could be resistant to be there obviously if I've got to convince you means it's a form of convincing why do I got to convince you for something which is really a privilege to be a vice president you might say well listen yeah but I got more responsibility I I maybe I don't want most people who you promote them at work most people don't need to be convinced that hard you you give a guy a promotion so LV are being chosen they're being a privilege or they're being promoted what do you got to convince them there's one very simple answer what it's always boiled down to with great power comes great responsibility with power is responsibility but most people are willing to take on responsibility most people don't have a problem with it the problem with the Lum is that you once you're chosen as a Ley then you don't have a portion in the land of Israel you're not going to this is going to cost you right at the end of the day it comes down to the wallet but they got the cities they had the cities but they didn't have property that they could work fields and that sort of thing they had to rely on handouts they had to rely on Myer they had to rely on Tenth of the produce so you hey I got good news and bad news you you know what's the bad tell me the bad news first no first the good news the good news is you got a promotion wow that's terrific yeah but at a cut in salary oh I'm not sure I want that promotion you know you know that's what's happening because you're being chosen but now you don't have land and we're going to see later on later on in history when Ezra went up and he led the Jews back for the second M of mdash the Levan didn't want to go with him why not because they were in Babylonia and they were already established it they going to go into the land of Israel and have no property oh you know we're not you know this we're not into this so and they got penalized for it because of Lev didn't join he asra had a penalize them he took away the Meer from them why would they resist the answer is sometimes in life I'm not you know what's in it for me over here that's great it sounds great I I love I love the privilege and I love everything else but what am I going to do for a parosa and then you got to rely on choose okay the Lum got a nice chunk cuz every field did cell 10% went to the Lum but you better be a popular Ley you know if you're not a popular Ley Nathan you know be good to people you know you if you're a cohain so then you know you be a popular coin so people are going to give you they'll use you for piden and they'll use you to give you the the cuts of meat and the various things but you know if you if you provoke people and the guys in your gamor Shear aren't happy with you you know so then you might end up in trouble so you got to be behave yourself so the Torah is saying number one Isel hold for a few minutes I want to there a few points here I want to show you now let me show you something alen you got to follow me with the camera now it says wow whose handwriting is this this like genius handwriting over here okay I once went to a handwriting guy showed him my handwriting he took a look at my handwriting he's like he looking at like what crimes did you commit okay so watch this it says take the levim is okay watch this let's take the the word Ellen you got this on the thing okay here's the word Israel yud Shin re Alf lamid okay now this is a yud now let's spell the letter yud how do you spell the letter yud yud V yud how do you spell the letter Shin Shin y nun you with me so far yeah how do you spell a shin Al is Al L and lamid is lamid me doid okay now which letters would you say this is the word Israel here's the word Israel spelled out each letter spelled out which are the letters that are B Isel which are the ones that are inside Israel is these letters over here right these letters over here are the ones that are B they're the middle letters when you spell out each letter if you rearrange these letters over here V you lamid man what do you get so is take the leim from inside Isel well there's the word Israel open it up and then you get the levim inside another one of those little coincidences you find in Torah whose idea was that no it was not my idea it was actually the vill G right so that's why see that's what happens so that's that's uh that's Entertainment now let's go on what are you going to do with the purify them you see you understand what just happened up there pretty nifty isn't it I thought it was anyway this is what you should do to purify them you can sprinkle water on them they're going to shave all of their flesh they're going to purify their clothing and they are going to be purified so what happens to the levium the levium have to be shaved bald every area of their body is shaven now this brings about two problems what's the problem faces your faces you going to shave their faces and what's the you're not allowed you're not allowed to shave with a razor there we are not allowed to shave with a razor the is there are five points on the face we're not sure exactly where they are they are approximately 1 2 3 four and five we're not allowed to shave it with a razor for Jews do not shave with razors we're allowed to use a scissors uh you could use a scissors action which is why you could use certain shave certain Shavers electric shavers are a scissors action but even electric shavers some of them are actually called electric razors where what it's that it's not where see if it's cutting the hair with a scissors action that's fine but some of the Shavers actually pull the skin out and they just hacked the hair out with the they gave a very closer shave that's like just what what they really they're even called electric razors that's a that's a a a that's a what do you call that's a that's a problem according to uh what do you call so sometimes there different Shavers have to be looked at by post post talk about which even electric shavers a person could use so it shouldn't be a problem waxing would be a problem cuz you're pulling the hair out at the roots whereas there is there are certain people who when they shave like in many of the Yeshiva guys who are very for and won't use Shavers so they use some sort of uh sulfur solution that they just you know put it just burns you know what do you call it then you see them walking around scarred for a few days but they they they use this there's a cream that it's like a woman's pill what's it called they like that sort of thing but they you can't use a woman's cream because they a problem of using women's implements but they use the men's stuff and believe me this is men's stuff because this is a sulfur thing and and it it it what do you call I remember my my older brother came back from Yeshiva the first time he had left home he came back for a visit to Chicago and and I remember every once in a while there's this really unpleasant smell in the house and it took me a while to put it together it was happening on Friday afternoons when my brother was shaving and how did he shave he put this stuff on you put this it looks like mud and he was like going to the Dead Sea you know what the Dead Sea smells like and he put this stuff in the whole house he was all theing basement up on the third floor it was it was terrible and it it the problem is that it burns it's it's uncomfortable that's the far now the idea not shaveing with a razor by the way why we can't shave with a razor according to first of all it's it was the right of the idle worshipping priests which is a very interesting connection over here to the Lum which we'll see in a second number one it was one of the rights of the idol worshipping priests that used shaved with a razor number two the uh one of the commentaries Reno Bay is one of the classic was a toet of ramban actually disciple of the ramban he says like this how many senses do we have what are the basic senses that a p person has we're told how five five senses what are they touch smell taste hearing and seeing right sight SM sight hearing smelling tasting and touching now if you stop and think about it in this area right here we have all five senses seeing here hearing smelling tasting and touching because the tongue is the most sensitive touching organ in the body the the the what do you call it the end of the tongue actually magnify what they're touching that's why if you have a cavity and you touch it with your tongue so it feels like wow you must have it's like the Grand Canyon in there you know and then you look at it by the dentist you know it's this little hole that you your T oh my good you know that sort of thing if you're ever trying to find the RO the I'll give you a free tip I mean you could you you could pay me for it but I I'll keep it free at point if you're ever trying to find the beginning of a roll of Scotch tape and you're having trouble what do you do always H the tongue true or not true no I've never done that you never done that well you got to okay listen life experience you know if you ever have if you ever have what do you call you ever a splinter that you can't find what do you do like that why why why not with your finger because your tongue is much more sensitive in your finger so that means that in this region over here we have all five senses and what the tor tell you when you shave with a razor it's called hash hashas means literally destruction total removal of the senses corresponding these Five Points corresponding to the five senses in this area and the Torah said that's not first of all that was a right of the idol worshipping priest so we we avoid that but on a deeper level the Torah is telling you that's not our job as a Torah Jew we're not trying to destroy our senses we're trying to get our senses under control we don't set them aside we don't we're not Aesthetics we use our senses we don't destroy the senses that having been said at the end of the day we don't shave with a razor if we don't shave with a razor I remember was I I went in I was about 11 years old and it was middle of winter in Chicago and I'm wearing like a ski cap in my coat I went in I was I want to get my father a gift for Father's Day which by the way I think is today so call your fathers yesterday like I said it was yesterday called call him today and wish him a happy Father's Day and don't say a word about oh Dad and by the way you should start making bras also leave leave out leave out leave out the Yiddish kite and don't buy him a big book on philosophy get him a new set of golf clubs but at the end of the day at the end of day I go into the there's a pharmacy like a like a Jewish Pharmacy lady wasn't religious so I said I want to get my dad something for for for father I said I'll get him some After Shave or something you know some shaving so she said to me do does your father use a brush a brush meaning a a what do you call it a razor that's what you used to call it a brush did your father use a brush now I know that my father used a shaver and he had this little brush to clean out a shaver right he had this little shaver so I said well I think so I was 11 I said I think so and as I said that I pulled off my cap and my my my my my my ski cap and I had my yarma underneath and she looks at me goes no no he doesn't right and so she gave me some after shaver cologne you know there something like that and that's what I got him with for Father's Day well now listen my brother bought my mother chewing tobacco for Mother's Day yeah he's the one we don't talk about yeah yeah yeah he's uh he bought her chewing tobacco yeah he what what better what more logical gift could there be for Mother's Day yeah yeah he's I think he's meeting his parole officer right now uh what even as we speak so so the the the question over here becomes the question over here becomes well the Tor says not to use a razor how could they and they shaved olivian bald over here how could they do that what's the answer correct the answer is the answer is it's not the only time in the Torah we find this why can't you shave with a razor why can't you shave with a razor I said so because Hashem said so the same Hashem who gave those rules says when you should shave with a razor here he says shave with a razor the same Hashem says when you're not allowed to be cruel to animals so how can you push a goat off a cliff on yum Kipper because the same has was they have to push a goat off a go the same Hashem says that you're not allowed to murder people yet the same Torah says that certain people have to be executed how can you ex because the same Hashem I tell you in chess you're not allowed to jump over other pieces in Chess but your knight could why because whoever made up the rules of Chess said there it can't and here it can that's the exception to the rule you're not allowed to marry your brother if a man dies you can't marry his wife you can't marry a brother's wife brother can't Ruan can't marry shimon's wife if if Shimon dies except if what if he dies without children then not only he could marry her he should marry her it becomes a mids of her and so on and so forth so that that's not a problem the question is why why does the Torah say they should shave all Hair by the way the the the the the the the says not the hair that's in in the covered places on the body that means in the private area and in the armpits that hair is not shaven all other visible hair on the body is shaven what's the idea of hair removal for the Lev what's the the idea over here what do you think he removal is T Tuma it's not t it's it's it's not t per se you're close though not t what kind of hair represents e excess I mean you don't really need it you know as as evidenced by me you know you know you get along without it you know what do you call and your hat your hat fits on better in some cases right you know you know you know and you don't need you don't need it in its excess and when you get a haircut it doesn't hurt doesn't hurt to get a haircut hair is called considered excess the Lev who are going into the Divine service there's a message over here that the excesses have to be removed why is it that that you had this these they called the priests in Hebrew the priests is the Goa priests are called the galak the galak are the shaven ones why did they shave why were they shave it then you get to the more extreme ones the monks in any of you have ever been to uh any of you ever been to Tibet or uh uh what do you call it uh India Tibet where what the other place by near Tibet what's the other place uh what Tibet Tibet there's the other one out there where and you got a bunch of guys running around completely bald right you they did the chin the Chinese monks why were they bald what was it because there's the same idea they understand also there's this idea of removing excess by them it's too much excess they remove all excess and then they you know sit on a bed of nails for 20 days or something you know then that sort of thing but they it's a symbolic of and the Lev are now going into a higher level they're an elevated State you you're not removed from the world completely that's the idea of not shaving certain areas of the body because you still are part of the physical world but you have to shave the visible excess to show that we're going to try to get a little more even more self-control even in permissible areas we're going to avoid it that's the idea now look what happens over here skip ahead now they bring an offering and then in PUD top of 77 really really uh really some bizarre stuff here you should bring the before the B are now going to put their heads on the Lev their hands on the Lev's heads they're 22,000 Lev so there are those that say that there were representatives of the Jewish people who put their hands on the on the Jewish je heads only certain people did this some say all the Jewish people put their head and when you put your hands on the head of a car you know when you brought a corbon a sacrifice to the base of mes when you brought an offering you also there you put your hands on the head on the head of the offering you you you set a confession and you push down as hard as you can with all your strength when they said SM SM means putting the hands on the head of an animal you push down on the animal with all your strength symbolically meaning that you're transferring yourself what's supposed to be happening to this person is really going to happen to the animal now and when the animal is slaughtered a person is supposed to look at it and say that that should be happening to me slaughtering skinning burning on the altar so pushing down it so the Jewish people put their hands on the Lum because they see the as the offering for the Jewish people that's what the is now comes the really weird part Theon then waves the he waves the L how does he wave the Lev you pick them up according to one opinion like a lul up down and all all the different you you wave the L now the uh there's one opinion that says he picked them up by their hand and their feet by hand and foot so I guess they're on the side like that's kind of awkward but that's what the M says they picked up the Lev now let's make a calculation there 20 like like you're wa W them there are certain carbonos that you wave certain carbonos that you wave the carbon up and down and and like we do with the lulive you shake the lulive up down up down all around you know that sort of thing make a calculation there are 22,000 Lan you got to pick them up you know 22,000 is you know 22,000 look at one section of the stands in Michigan States football stadium look ever look at you want to see what a lot of people is go to a sport Stadium go when you go to sports I remember being in Wrigley Field and after the game and you're looking it looks like a lot of people I remember after the game going to the train and just this you don't realize how many people the laugh the game there's this mob of people coming out which is you know they're about in Wrigley Fields a small stadium maybe holds maybe about 50,000 people Michigan I think has the biggest uh has the biggest stadium in the country with about 108,000 people something like the rose bow also in Pasadena California over 100,000 people in in in uh in in Spain Barcelona Barcelona I mean they think look it looks like it it looks like a small City the the is it barcel what Real Madrid or Barcelona barcel what they hold about 120,000 people or something absolutely massive absolutely massive with what do you call now take one section of that is 20 20,000 people 22,000 L how long would it take you just to touch each each person to touch 22,000 go 22,000 wouldn't take you a week but it would take you take you a while to touch 22,000 just to count 22,000 people Aon has to pick up each Ley and pick him up and wave him make a calculation 22,000 L now there are different opinions whether he had to do it in a 24-hour period or a 12-h hour period if it was a 22 or 4H hour period so each Ley gets four seconds it would take four seconds per Ley to pick him up wave him and put him down and if it was a 12-hour period it's two seconds per Ley right so how how does that work so uh it doesn't work it doesn't work according to theforum you see and to say nothing in a strength I mean after a while you get tired over here and it's only our on waving two 22,000 leim there is one opinion that they just pass walk past him but even walking 22,000 people walking past you is also like what next next next you know like you ever been at the bank next next so so so so according to by all accounts there was some sort of nce that took place over here by all accounts there is a miraculous occurrence it cannot be explained by natural law there's no way to explain how Aron could have done 22,000 Lev alone uh uh in one day it just doesn't work it just doesn't work what what's the idea of waving them what is the idea of waving them you're elevating them the Jewish people see them as a sacrifice you're going in our bef Aron is picking them up we're elevating you into the service we're putting you in a new a new station now we're we're moving you up we're we're promoting you to a new a new level is there a reason of like in the way of taking the ownership of something oh uh that's interesting because that's interesting cuz the LV are there to serve the Jewish people but at the end of the day at the end of the day they don't own them the Torah says specifically that they can't they don't own them so and and when you did it's an interesting question and and when they did it on a Corbin also it wasn't for the sake of ownership it wasn't to show ownership that's interesting question I never thought of that okay take a look now at uh let's see what we got um okay take a look at p uh pukes skip on a little bit and then it says like this um pick it up on PO t z 776 776 n 10 lines from the top so he saids take the and you wave them everybody see that everybody see that say about 10 lines from the top they are given to me in place of every firstborn who open UPS the womb because all the firstborns are mine animal on the day that I smote the in when I smot the of that's when I took the of the from myself but then I replaced them then I've given the and Tor repeats us a couple of times to serve and be an atonement for now pay attention carefully this is the line I want to get to there should be no plague in the benel if the benel approached the holy area that means the levim are given an assignment they're only allowed to go in and a Jew is not allowed to go in there and if Jews go in there there'll be a neg there'll be a plague or the individual will die now if you notice in this PK PK 19 what stands out I'm going to read the PK again very fast you'll tell me what stands out is repeated five times five times of B I mean at a certain point we understood who they're talking about why does it repeat it five times take a look Rashi take a look at Rashi P test it's the left Top Line five times it says to let you know how beloved they are it lets you know how beloved they are because it mentions their name over and over in one p you say somebody's name and he keeps saying their name people love hearing their name most most Pleasant sound the gar says by the way you don't talk to some you don't address somebody without calling their name you don't just walk up to say hi by the way what's uh what page are we you say Israel what page are we on that's D so it's proper that you say you address somebody you don't start talking hey by the way what time what time is class over you don't say that like Griffin what time is class over you don't you don't just start talking that's D proper proper Torah etiquette so he says here it mentions it five times why five times they beloved I mean I used to call my kids name a few times but that one beloved when you call when you're calling your name when you're call your kid's name a few times it had nothing to do with beloved that was trouble and if your wife ever calls you by your full name then you know you're you're you're normally she calls you other if your wife represents you David Kaplan hey lady you know my name you know you took my name which I didn't take your name you took my name then you know that you're in his that hasn't happened to me in a long for a long time that was like like like if I ate a pie that I wasn't supposed because I was baked for somebody Simka and so you know and my wife baked a pie late Thursday night and by Friday morning it was no longer in existence and she opens up doid kapan it was a good pie though it's good pie and goodbye what I no no no would I do it again no no water boarding is only fun once so uh so if you call somebody a number of times is beloved this parallel to the five Torah what does that mean what does that mean you know Rashi people think that Rashi and gamor you gota you gotta you know Rashi and every what's what's the and again I told you it's what's Rashi telling you here so there are two ideas here idea number one is that by mentioning the Jewish people why do we need why do we need to show belovedness for the Jewish people at this point why do you need to show belovedness focus on so you know they may feel like a bit of an inferiority go oh we've been totally rejected in favor of the levim no no no no no you're still beloved you're still beloved just that the have they they've been chosen to do this job you're still very beloved number one number two the parallel to the Torah what's the the Jewish people okay they're five five you know number let's play numbers we we we know they're five five five five okay so the answer is you know if you have a safer Torah what happens if you're what happens the guy's reading the Torah the Bor is reading and they say notice is one of the letters is missing one letter out of the entire Torah is missing what's the Hal puzzle saer Tor is puzzle wrap it up you got to put it back away take out a new saer Tor start Ling one letter missing or miswritten or two letters that are touching together or it's not the whole sa for Torah is pule the whole sa for Torah is missing something the Jewish people need to know one Jew who's not include not Jew who's who's who's gone missing so there's something lacking from the Jewish not like oh oh well there's another there's another Jew to replace him doesn't work that way every Jew has his contributes every Jew has something that he's contributing to the entirety of that's the connection to the to the to the to the Tor but I want to show you something else let me ask you a question we were speaking yesterday about no atheists in the Foxhole remember we said about that mentioned that yesterday when do you think people dve in harder when things are going well or when things are not going well when do what's that we're not going well we're not going so well that's when people start out think they're going well so so the there's a concept there's a concept that a uh the we say in the daving every day we say right we saying three times a day we are thankful to you we're grateful to you a person should always say thank you in gratitude to Hashem for whatever they do have help money uh Talent of some sort whatever you got say thank you to re borone for it not just to come when you need something not just when you need something because then okay so so thank you oh by the way and and this happens all the time people call you and say by the way thanks a lot I just want to can I borrow 20 bucks and why are you only coming to me when you you know you're only coming to me when you need something I okay you need it I'll try to help you out but the thank you it's like people call teachers I always tell parents when you call a teacher say hi by the way you know my little schamy he loves he loves class but C could you move him up a little closer to the board the thank you is is not even HT it's cheap doesn't mean anything I got two letters recently I got two criticisms uh uh two uh what do you call I got an email and a letter for uh what's it called uh uh constructive criticism for some couple of things that I said on the uh in the par year which doesn't bother me it does it doesn't bother me to the contr one of them was very respectful and and she she a lady had a very good point I've tried to implement I won't tell you what it is I tried to implement it then I got another one which is also it always start the same way you know we we were list we enjoyed this year you said something interesting but right so how come you didn't call me why didn't you just send me the email saying something positive without any sort of Cris that doesn't happen too often doesn't have when when it's something critical then all a sudden oh then all a sudden we remember to say something nice the nice doesn't mean anything then doesn't mean anything you're doing it you're only doing it because as an intro if you didn't have something negative to say you wouldn't be saying the positive at all so I ignore doesn't mean anything to me if somebody calls up and say there are people who do there people say nice things and it's very much appreciated but it's not when somebody says it and it with something else I always tell parents when your kid's in school the first week of school either right write a note or call the rebi or the teacher say by the way my son loves the class he just loves the class and that's it then the rest of the year whatever you want you're going to get because they don't see you you're not one of those creters and complainers and the next time you need something you call him and say by the way my son still likes the class maybe he can move him closer to the Blackboard or maybe you could invite him back into the classroom he's been out of the room for the last 3 months you know maybe you could invite whatever the case is whatever the case is so here when it comes to daving We tend to go to Hashem when we need something when it's when we're hurting then all of a sudden we get very very very look at this look at the PUK what the PUK alludes to it's it's all in Torah gentlemen it's all here it says like this so the literal meaning is there won't be a plague in the benel when they approach the holy when they approach the holy area that's the L go to service and the the regular Jews don't do the service but one of the commentary says like this what's when we approach the holy when we approach hasem in when we approach to DAV don't approach don't only DAV because you're suffering because there's a plague or something else when you approach when doing The KES it shouldn't be only a result of a neth a result of some sort of setback in life a result of some sort of ordeal go to Hashem and Dav and say thank you everybody thank you that I have parosa thank you that I have my health thank you just say thank you when you say you could stop for a few seconds and think about the things in life that you have to thank AEM for there are certain things in life that everybody's lacking everybody has certain certain ch es and everybody has certain setbacks and everybody has certain things that they would like to be different but what about the things somebody once said uh how does he expression go [Music] um don't complain about not what not getting from Hashem what you think you deserve because then he may give you what you really deserve something like that there's a lot of depth to that so I tell you I'll tell you an interesting story there was a guy here there's a guy in s Israel named uh uh RAB Kan cholik have you heard of her CH have you heard of Aer Mion AER Mion is the one of the medical relief organizations here in Israel when you people need medical referrals they have a few of these by the way uh where where people need a referral and they have these from guys who are experts and a guy I know one guy needed surgery on his hand and he was sent to Italy there's one Doctor Who's an expert on surgery on the middle finger that's how specialized they are somebody needs heart surgery or somebody needs a certain treatment for cancer they know the hospitals the doctors all over the world medical referral organization plus they have medical equipment and all sorts so you all these things by the way which were started by by by by from people that that they that you never find anybody in the country complaining about so so uh this Rabbi cholik I think it was Rabbi either Rabbi cholik or or there's another one Rabbi F foyer uh furer R furer he also has a medical refer I'm not sure which one it was one of them was you know you got it it takes money to to run these organizations so I think it was RAB by cholik was with a very wealthy man and he was courting this wealthy man eventually you know he was going to ask for a donation and they went to the cotel they went to the Western Wall and he was there and they're standing by the Western he sees this Jew is crying his eyes out so he's daving and he's crying so Rabbi cholik says to the wealthy man look if a Jew's crying that means one of two things either he's got a financial issue or he's got a medical issue let's make a deal if it's a medical issue I'll deal with it I got the medical organization if it's a financial issue you deal with it so you know Rich guys who are going to give money they like that kind of game you know you know why why just write out you know so he says okay so Char walks over he says hi my name is Char you know you got a medical issues in your family I could help you I think I could help you I'll try to help you I got the a I could try to he says no no we're okay you know just you know standard Jewish stuff you know just a few ingrown toenails but nothing nothing nothing terrible you know nothing nothing uh nothing disastrous you know we we're we're okay so he goes to the rich guy and he says okay you're up so the rich guy goes over puts his hammer on his shoulder he says listen uh tell me what you need blank check I'll write in just tell me how much you need he says no we don't have a I don't need anything so Char says why crying he say I'll tell you I have 12 children and every time I had a marry off one of my children you know marry off children is not easy you got to deal with the other family with the other with the other family and you got to find a wedding hall and you got to deal with the other family and you got to find a girl for your son or a son for your for for your daughter and you got to deal with the other family and you got to get a band and you got to deal with the other and it's not easy so uh every time I've needed to marry off one of my children I've come here to the coold and I've d for help and every time he's helped me financially fing good children everything has worked last night I married off my 12th and final child so I just came here tonight to say Thank You Tasha he's crying thanks and it wasn't like he's crying and thanks and by the way we could use another couple of grand you know just to pay for the you know for for no he was he was what do you call he he's he's he's just saying thank you that's what the Torah alluded to don't wait for their plue don't only come to when things are when things are not going well when things are going well also just say thank you it's an important thing to do and we have the opportunity three times a day just think and it could be each time think about something else thank you that the bus came on time yesterday thank you that the train came out something to say thank you to that creates that creates the connection the that was a tourist say the uh the um what else yeah by the way tell you a terrible story I love it there was a uh there was a wedding and the father I don't know why I'm telling you this but just just because we're talking about marriage there the Father of the Bride so he had a pile of cash in his in his coat in in his jacket pocket which he needed at the end of a wedding when I've married off my daughters at the end of the wedding that's one of the things you do is you go around giving people cash the band the caterer the guy running the hall that's when you start to pay at the end of the wedding you got to pay so this guy had a pile of cash in his pocket and they get to Thea and at the K all a sudden he's he's like he can't find the envelope so now his whole wedding is married his daughter's getting married his whole Mar wedding is is is is ruined because because the entire night is like got to think about what am I going to do about this cash I can't even enjoy it okay can't find it can't find as it comes up with other money writes a check whatever at the end night he don't where where'd the cash go so 3 days after the wedding both sides families got together they had like a Chev and they had the video of the Kasa and everybody sitting in the room together and they're watching this video and all of a sudden on the video they see a hand reaching into his Lael pulling out the envelope it was the father of the groom his mut his pulled the envelope out of his pocket and taken it now that's awkward yeah I M he probably said it's was just joking unfortunately it's a true story unfortunately true story but most of the time that doesn't happen sto the money yeah that's what when you take when you take somebody else's cash out of their pocket that's called stealing yes that's real he stole the money and most of time it doesn't happen I have been very fortunate my my M are very wonderful people every one of them have been very very fortunate they it doesn't always most of the time it works well but the gamor says the gor says that there is no there's no there's no wedding there Noba there's Noba the Tigra there's no wedding that doesn't involve a little bit of stress and tension between the two sides there's always going to be a little bit the because that's the way it is when you make a bar mitzah somebody want said when you make a your bar mitzah you're making your own s when you make a wedding it's a simp with another family so there you know there's a there's there's a lot of a lot of things that can that can people can get upset about unless you don't involve them huh unless you don't involve them at all you can't not involve them they're involved as soon as they don't they'll just not involve you when it makes it think you again all right we do uh do some are
Channel: Ohr Somayach
Views: 1,224
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Id: cVOatflgxQc
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Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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