Tomato Avocado Salad with Cilantro Lime Dressing

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Are you looking for a healthy  side dish to complete your meal? This avocado salad is a real  crowd-pleaser that's easy to make Plus you're going to love the cilantro-lime  dressing that brings it all together I prefer to use Hass avocados they  are widely available in most markets,   they have a soft and creamy texture, and they  hold their shape well when mixed in the salad When selecting the fruit there's a few things  you can do to check to see if it's ripe The first is to remove the  stem, if it's still intact,   if it's green underneath that means it's  ripe if it's brown then it might be overripe The next thing you can do is place it in the  palm of your hand and give it a gentle squeeze,   it should feel firm with just a slight  give there should be no mushy soft spots For this recipe we need about 3 to 4 large  avocados these are about 8 to 9 ounces in size To cut the fruit the first thing is to  remove the stem if you haven't already,   place the avocado on the board Cut it lengthwise until it hits the pit and  then just turn until you reach the other side Twist it to separate it into two halves To remove the pit you can take the blade of the  knife and then just give it a light tap and turn See how easy it came out Hold your fingers like this  and pinch to remove the pit We want to cut the flesh into  large chunks about 3/4-inch in size   to do that just run the blade down the  fruit lengthwise turn and cut into dices I like to keep the pieces nice and chunky so that  they don't break down too much while I'm mixing Use a spoon and just scoop out the flesh I'm going to cut the remaining  avocados we need 3 cups Once cut the flesh is prone to oxidation which  means it's going to turn from bright green   to brown if exposed to the air for too long So I'm going to cover the bowl with  some plastic wrap or you could use foil Now I'm going to prepare the other ingredients To create a colorful and flavorful  salad I like to add a variety of mix-ins   to give contrasting tastes and textures You start by cutting an English  cucumber, cut off the ends,   and then because it's really long in size  I'll cut it down into about three portions English cucumbers have a really nice  thin skin so we don't have to remove   it and they have really small seeds  so you don't have to scoop them out Slice in half, cut into quarters,   line them up, and slice into  1/4-inch thick pieces, we need 2 cups Radishes add a really interesting  peppery taste and crispiness to the salad   just remove the leaves by trimming it off They have this long root  end so trim that off as well Cut them in half lengthwise, hold  your fingers in the claw again,   and you're gonna make really small cuts  into 1/8-inch thick strips, we need 1/2 cup Cherry tomatoes are going to add a nice sweetness  to the salad cut them in half into sized pieces You can also use Campari or plum  tomatoes but for those varieties,   since they're larger I would  remove the seeds, we need 2 cups Red onions are going to add some pungency Trim off the top and the root end making sure that  this portion is intact cut in half lengthwise,   peel off the skin I want them to be about  1-inch long pieces just cut   down lengthwise then cut into  thin 1/8-inch thick strips I like these smaller pieces because we don't want  the onions to be overpowering we need 1/2 cup Now for a little heat, I have a jalapeno  pepper cut off the top, slice in half   lengthwise, now be really careful to  not touch the inside of the pepper I could already smell the heat The capsaicin or the spicy  molecules are in the seeds   and then this membrane in the middle  carefully use the tip of the knife to remove If you like a spicier salad you could  definitely keep some of the seeds in but   we'll keep it mild for now Slice into thin strips, line them  up, and chop into fine pieces You could also use serrano peppers or some  red Thai chilies for even a spicier kick,   we need 2 teaspoons The fruits and vegetables are prepped I'm going  to add it to the bowl with the cut avocados Remove the plastic wrap and I'm going to save  this because I'm going to add it on later Add 2 cups of cucumbers, 2 cups of the sliced  tomatoes, 1/2 cup of the sliced radish,   1/2 cup of sliced red onion, and 2  teaspoons of chopped jalapeno pepper Cover the bowl and set it aside To make the dressing I'm going  to prep some fresh ingredients The limes are going to add this acidity  and tartness to the dressing but I always   zest it first, the peel, oh  it smells so good already the peel has these citrus oils that are going to  infuse into the dressing so I never leave it out,   we need 1 teaspoon Cut the lime in half we're  going to need two of these Use your handy juicer and  squeeze out the juice this is not   only going to add acidity but  it also contains ascorbic acid which is going to reduce the rate  of browning on those avocados   keeping the flesh nice and  bright green, we need 1/4 cup Some cilantro is going to add a nice herbaceous   note to the dressing and it  complements the lime really well This has been washed grab the  bunch like this holding the stems   and then just use the blade to cut off the leaves and then you can just pick off any  stems from the leaves if you see any I know that some people are not a fan of  cilantro so you can use parsley or basil instead Gather the leaves into a pile  and use the fanning motion   to rock and chop just run the blade back  and forth until you have small fine pieces We need 2 tablespoons, I like to chop  a little extra for garnish as well Fresh garlic is going to add a little  bit of a bite to the salad dressing   trim off the ends of both sides and then smash This makes it easier to peel  just slice to thin pieces Then use the rocking motion to mince,   chop this up as fine as possible we don't want to  have big chunks in your teeth, we need 1 teaspoon Add 1 teaspoon of lime zest, 1/4 cup  of lime juice, 2 tablespoons of honey   this is going to add a nice sweetness but  you could also use maple syrup if you'd like 2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro, 1 tablespoon of  apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of minced garlic,   1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard, 1/2 teaspoon of  kosher salt, and 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper We're going to whisk this all together until the  sugars are dissolved as well as the seasonings Having the Dijon mustard and the honey  in here now act as light emulsifiers so   it's going to keep the dressing more  stable preventing it from separating I use 1/2 cup of avocado  oil because it complements   the fruits and the vegetables really nicely  however you could use a light olive oil The key is to slowly add the oil  while constantly whisking we want to   break up the fat into small droplets and this  is going to give a nicely thickened emulsion You don't want to rush this process, if you do   it's going to start to separate and you'll  end up with a really greasy dressing This would also make a really good marinade   for chicken or shrimp this looks good  it's time to bring everything together The last step is to drizzle the salad dressing   over the ingredients toss  everything until it's combined You'll notice that some of the avocados  start to break down a little bit   creating a creamy coating but don't over  mix we want those nice big chunks still I recommend serving this right  away for the best taste and texture   or you can cover it and store in  a refrigerator for up to one day For the final topping I just add a  little bit more cilantro for garnish If you're an avocado fan and looking for  more recipes give my guacamole recipe a try   right here it's a great appetizer to  serve with some crunchy tortilla chips I hope you enjoyed learning the  science behind avocado salad   and if you did please give it a big  thumbs up it means a lot when you do See you in the next video Oh this is going to be good
Channel: Jessica Gavin
Views: 164,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recipes, jessica gavin, food, culinary, cooking, cooking tips, cooking techniques, avocado salad, summer salad, salad dressing, fresh salad, healthy salad, salad recipe, healthy eating, healthy salad dressing, avocado recipes, avocado tips, cucumber avocado salad, healthy recipes, popular salad, cucumber salad, tomato avocado salad, easy recipes, summer salad dressing, summer salad recipes for weight loss, summer salad ideas, healthy recipe, summer salad recipes vegetarian
Id: aZb9_lyuLNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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