Tom Hanks Says He Won't Appear On Dave's CBS Show | Letterman

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uh we have ladies and gentlemen our last top  10 list the category of which tonight is top 10   things I need to do before I leave my position  here at NBC comes to us from the home office   in Oneonta New York top 10 things I have to  do before I leave NBC here we go number 10.   drop off hair piece at security desk yes I  absolutely have to do that number nine vacuum   out Bill Wendell our announcer and write down his  mileage yeah I gotta do that that number eight one   final turn your head and cough visit to the NBC  nurse certainly before to that look at that one at number seven steal my weight  and office supplies number six   let my plastic surgeon step out and take a  bow this has been his show as much as mine   number five one last hot oil rub down from  The Knowing hands of Mr John Chancellor   number four return artificial leg to  props Department yeah I gotta do that   number three get one more cheap  laugh by saying the word [Applause]   uh number two send change of address forms of  that woman who keeps breaking into my house   and the number one our first guest is a good friend of ours I think  in terms of Show Business friends don't you Paul   and in those terms many many times a fine actor  and uh he's been in such Motion Pictures as uh big   big did you see that big Paul I loved big and also  A League of Their Own and uh his latest Motion   Picture entitled Sleepless in Seattle uh opens  today as a matter of fact ladies and gentlemen   here he is the always Charming Mr Tom Hanks  [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] very much nice to see you thank you  very much here I am on the probably   the show business event of the season and  I might as well be Phyllis Newman out here   on the show nice to see you Tom thank you  thanks great to be here you know he's kind   of a Bittersweet occasion Dave because well this  is probably the last time you're going to see my   puss on your TV show well it's just it's it's a  matter of look first of all the only reason I'm   stepping foot in the Ed Sullivan Theater is to  see exactly where he's buried I don't know if   you have a little Cobblestone a little plaque I  don't know if he's on the stage I don't know if   he's backstage you know what else is buried in  there no they have been propped up in the lobby   I'm like Gumby here and the Killer Bees  it's kind of an orange Aid dispenser I can't do your show anymore David because  I just don't get the time slot why you would   want to move to eight o'clock on Sundays is  beyond me oh I know I realize that you know   your hours are cut down you only work one hour a  week because really stand in front of a curtain   say now have you seen plate spinning like this  I don't think so next laser though I'm sure your   people are booking Cirque du Soleil for the  next year and a half and they're coming in   Tumble you're just not going to have time for me  and quite frankly I don't want to lead in Murder   She Wrote I'm sorry I just don't want to well  you know you just described there what sounds   like a very satisfyingly entertaining show listen  I watch my friend Bob Saget on America's Funniest   Home Videos that's not changing it's as  simple as that all right good for you Tom let's let's talk a little bit about  your illustrious Motion Picture career   it's a checkered thing and it comes in and  goes and sometimes we do good work like we   did this week and sometimes we choke but  the point is let's talk about a couple of   chokes what would you regard as a joke oh  no nothing recently I mean nothing nothing   since I figured out how to do it uh um you know  not since old Dragnet but you know the thing is   not at all you gotta say that's a great  idea to make a motion picture about that   uh wonderful legendary half hour of time  yeah especially from a guy like me who is   still pretty much defined by what he watches on  TV I have I have three I'm good no it's no no I have I have three I have three Cardinal rules  as far as watching television one is if there's   a James Bond movie on Sunday night I'm home  watching it secondly uh anything with cleavage is that Adrian Barbo just watch this and and thirdly is good news for your family  thirdly if there is an Elvis Presley movie on   Saturday afternoon I don't care how long  the kids sit in the car we're not going   to Disneyland I'm going to watch Clambake I'm  watching Speedway what is your favorite Elvis   Presley well I have originally probably  my favorite was Viva Las Vegas fabulous I have a makeup man who actually a friend of  mine who had done my makeup had did Elvis is   that right yeah you know we'd like to have you sit  in the audience when we go to the Sullivan Theater   I'll introduce him damn it you got it Danny's  sweet Peck but I just recently saw roustabout   yeah which is at that rocketed to the top of my  list he works for a circus well what it is is   first of all it's a stellar cast it's got Barbara  Stanwick is in roustabout Barbara Stanwick walked   around Hollywood had lunch at Chase and  saying I'm I'm doing this movie with Elvis and she she there was this one moment  where Elvis is is just taking the job   there it's about a carnival around it's about  a carnival and he says I can't believe I'm here   I am working for a service they they cut away  to this very big dramatic single of a Barbara   stanik turning back to Elvis with just her  eyes blazing like they hadn't done since I   don't know since since Audra lost a herd on the  south 40. it's a big Valley yeah and she says   we're just fire in her eyes this is not a circus  Mister this is a carnival and don't you forget and Elvis before he broke out into a song about  the rest about uh okay all right I'm sorry okay   now let me get this straight I guess the circus  has like elephants right and I guess a carnival   has like a ferris wheel but I'm telling someone  else they both got sawdust Ralston about yeah I'm on our own anything at all I know uh I know a Heartbreak  Hotel I don't know uh but what I wanted to talk   to you about is some of the uh leading women  the stars that you have worked with in your   films that's where this all sort of well I began I  worked at Meg Ryan I grew up with twice in Seattle   anything she wants to anytime is she a nice woman  she's a very nice woman you get along your friends   oh yeah yeah as a matter of fact my wife was also  in the movie we're all good friends we hang around   the kids play together oh that's nice we're sort  of neighbors we're just regular folks yeah and   funny thing about Meg Ryan and Amway distributor IAL we've actually had to stop going to her  house because she has that display yeah   okay shackley's baking basic age  we'll take three more breaks you   can always use a couple extra bucks in  these recessionary times well yeah yeah   you know what we could do is just turn on the  cameras two or three nights a week and have   Paul in the band play for an hour and that would  be great that's all you really need [Applause] the absolute best TV talk show banned in  the business thank you so much [Music] and I said I say business you know why don't  you because you really want to say industry   no no I'm from business business I'm from  the streets oh you are from the studio so   I say business what is the word in the street  it's good uh Mr Hanks we were talking about   uh women you have worked with now I know you  also worked with uh National Treasure chair let me let me explain I I didn't  work with Cher so much as I worked   for a share a lot of people have worked on shares I don't know not even sure what that means   touching it this was the circumstance I was a  I was a Bellman or a bell boy as they're called   to in derogatory terms in Oakland when she was  married to um uh Greg Allman Greg almond and I   had to I had to go to her room and uh uh take  a bag that had been inadvertently delivered to   her room and take it over to Dickey betz's room  actually Dickey Betts a famous guitar right so   it had it had a profound effect on me in two  ways one was that you know Greg answered the   door and Greg had that little kind of kind of  thing right there what is that oatmeal is it and uh and uh you know I'm there looking stupid  in my red blazer and my rainbow tie which and   and hair which was very big back then and I I  I said something to the fact that I immediately   and I said oh yeah yeah what is it what is it  uh Hey tuts which bags of these gotta go oh   Greg and she kind of like appeared for a moment  off to another and then disappeared but I got a   you know Bonafide glim Setter so ever what  happened was is that now it was I mean that   was that was Cher it was Cher almond as she was  known back then and uh she was she was toots so I   had a girlfriend at the time and she immediately  became toots I'm off at 10. hey toots let's go   to Ghirardelli Square this weekend hey toots and  now the women who are important to me are always   always Twitter it's very hip very hip the other  thing uh the other thing that that really came   out of that experience is was I immediately  started experimenting uh with heroin and oh geez it's not anything like it's cracked up  today you might as well just drink a bunch of   coffee Dave it's the same exact sensation I'm  joking of course I'm joking I'm telling a joke   based on Show Business Legend from years and years  and years ago now have you have you since had a   chance because this to me is the delightful  thing one of the many delightful things about   life because you were a bellhop 16 17 18 and then  suddenly now you're Mr huge box office Superstar   and you could visit with Cher you could work with  you you only could tell her this story the only   the only show business personality I've actually  got to meet and say you know I I I once carried   your bed with Slappy white oh I I I I I I I broke  Slappy White's golf clubs Slappy white is comedian   Vegas he's a legendary Show Business figure I was  incredibly excited to take his huge suitcase for   him and carry it over to the trunk of his Matador  or whatever it is and try now Slappy slappy yeah I took the keys I took the keys  over and I lifted up the dress huge massive suitcase and I popped the  trunk on this thing and his and his and   it's loaded the trunk is filled it's got  his golf clubs it's got all kinds of and   I looked at this huge suitcase and like like  you know counter lever it over and it lands   with a thud and and I'm trying to push the  trunk of his car closed and I know that I   put his suitcase on top of his golf club  because I mean he must have had 400 golf   clubs in this golf club every conceivable  Golf Club tool was in this and I'm pushing   it down like this and from all across the  parking lot of here y'all been in the shop [Applause] sloppy white came running  about 400 yards like this shot so I have I met Slappy white at the  uh at the at the Academy Awards and I I   apologize for for breaking his golf course it  couldn't be a more flattering characterization um it's a distinctive delivery this is the  big the big movie uh Sleepless in Seattle   opens now opens today and uh I understand that  the reviews on the film are great it's huge in   San Diego people people seem to love it and it  looks like another big Blockbuster for you it's   a very nice movie and the odds are always against  you you creating that but North Ephron it did a   wonderful job well you know what I think it is  and I've expressed this to you before I think   that it's you I think people go to see your work  because they know you're a good actor but more   importantly I think they know you're a nice guy  except for Slappy white perhaps I I I I would not   go on Nationwide TV and say it's anything other  than the best damn movie you'll ever see we're   all very proud of it it's a it's a great move yeah  but you used to be on heroin I understand no no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]   something very satisfying about that Tom  it's good to see you thank you so much Tom Hanks ladies and gentlemen ladies and  gentlemen if I can pass along one word of   advice to you this weekend is you're getting  ready to pursue your weekend to leisure activities   so [Applause] um this is our um 1800 ninth and  uh final show uh for NBC we began the program   uh cold day in February of 82 and here we are in  the middle of June a lovely summer evening in 93   nearly 11 and a half years and and we're wrapping  it up I want to thank uh the folks at home who   have watched us uh all those years uh it seems  unlikely that we would get together and do this   every day if you folks weren't at home watching  you know um but you folks have been terrific   and one of the really nice things about it is is  knowing that you were there to take a look at what   we were up to each and every night uh obviously  the the staff and the crew all of the people who   have worked with us up on the 14th floor everybody  who works down here on the sixth floor everybody   who works throughout the building to help us do  this program every night when you folks at home   tonight as we roll the final credits just do me  a small favor and and take a look at the credits   as they roll by and know that the success of this  program over the years first and foremost is due   to the hard work efforts and loyalty of the names  of the men and women that you'll see go by tonight   and you folks all of you have my thanks and and  my friendship and I and I couldn't express that   to you enough um Paul Shaffer I've said this from  the very beginning I I hope you people at home   understand just how good Paul is Paul and his band  are without a doubt the best in the business today how about that band it's nice of you thank you and early on I noticed that the nicest thing  for me coming to work each day and the most   exciting part of every show we have ever  done has always been your music and and I   mean that absolutely and I I would do this  all over but I sure as hell wouldn't do it   over uh without you guys exactly you have  been fabulous to work for all these years   it's been a thrill every night it's been  new and different every night and thanks a   lot like to see it like to see you wear a tie  at the new place I'll work on it [Applause] ah a began a relationship with NBC in the late  70s in roughly 1978 I was a guest on The Tonight   Show with Johnny Carson and uh it was I think  the most exciting moment of my life in Big Time   television and I've had an association with NBC  ever since and through all of those years I have   never been anything but completely proud of of my  relationship with uh with this network and I hope   in some small measure that they took some pride  in our accomplishments it's for me it's it's just   been terrific the gentleman who will take over  this program is Conan O'Brien I've met him a   couple of times the only thing I know about Conan  for sure is that he you know he's been in prison that's all I I don't know I know he killed a guy  I don't uh and he um he's been on the show and   and uh as I said to him when he was a guest on  our program uh I hope for Conan and his staff   uh all of the success and the happiness uh that  we here have been able to achieve and I sincerely   mean that for him and his folks uh also I I hope  that he finds it in his heart sometime down the   road uh to invite me back here from time to time  I I would get a kick out of that um [Applause] so that's uh that's it I want  to thank Bruce Springsteen for   being here what an evening and of course Tom Hanks the next time we see you folks it  will be uh Monday night August 30th   at 11 30. have a good night thank you  goodbye [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Letterman
Views: 201,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: pLC6wvNBnMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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