Tom Bower's Harry & Meghan Bombshell Biography Reveals Shocking Royal Revelations | Lorraine

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now it's the explosive royal biography continuing to make headlines tom bauer's bombshell book revenge megan harry and the war between the windsors documents meghan markle's life from her early years through to her rift with the royal family and tom joins us this morning good morning good morning good morning you know we hear the word bombshell and i think certainly it's it's it's true in this case um meg and harry and the war between the windsors is indeed the title how toxic do you believe the entire relationship is at this point well i think it's very toxic i think they do their best the uh the winds as prince charles the queen to keep it cool but it's just impossible especially with harry's memoir about to come out but ever since megan left britain and then did the opera winfrey interview it's been really poisonous well before writing the book um and researching the book what camp were you in did you love the royal family did you respect harry and megan or were you just fairly neutral how did you approach well i'm a republican i believe that the monarch i believe obviously the queen and i think it's marvelous that we have this terrific family i wrote a very critical book of prince charles four years ago which he hated but it was very true and was a pretty good sale but i didn't didn't really begin thinking about megan other than interest until the opera winfrey interview so it was that interview that that what sparked it i thought that was just such a disgrace i thought she behaved so badly and harry too that i wanted to know why what happened before what was her life about that would lead her into that uh interview where she said so many things which were just untrue and so damaging well damaging certainly um and you did interview around sort of 80 sources i think it was for this book i mean the majority of of those people were willing to speak relatively negatively about megan so some would then suggest that the book is biased well it's not biased in the sense that i do my very best to balance it and there's a lot of good things about megan there which she's ambitious she's good-looking she is determined she uh succeeded in getting a good script with the suits and everything and in the end she succeeded in getting a man who built her up who she was looking for all the way all along but on the other hand on the way there were many victims and i think that the victims are obviously the people i looked for because she did her very best to prevent her friends and the people she'd worked with in hollywood on suits and other places to talk to me so obviously i had to work hard to get the balance but i think it's a book which is balanced i think it's fair the reader will make up his or her mind whether she is good or bad and and do you are you suggesting then that she she was picking up phones to try and stop people from contacting absolutely do you believe that that happened oh i know it happened i mean i it's my 26th book i know i know when people are cutting me out and it was just ridiculous how difficult it was to get to people who i genuinely wanted to hear the good side of her from but obviously she is a person who controls the narrative she controls people she ghosts people like her father or the royal family when she doesn't like them she's a very determined woman and she thought she could uh cut me off and she failed it's interesting when you say in terms of balance and you describe her as ambitious but i i always kind of feel when the word ambitious is used to describe a man it's seen as being successful and and positively ruthless but it never really drops terribly well when it's used to describe a woman because i think which is obviously very sexist but it slightly alludes to um the woman in a negative light that she's been sort of negatively ruthless i don't think ambitious it always sits very well but you you do believe that that is what i i live with a very very successful woman i love ambitious women i love ruthless women i love women who strive and achieve there's nothing i think is finer greater best company is a really ambitious successful woman so no i think where megan must be good company on her terms i mean the point about her is of course she's successful and ambitious and she has made it yeah well she was a third rate in third rate acting and she's now a global icon that isn't success and she wanted it she said to her father when she was a young girl i just want to be famous on the red carpet and she's made it but i think on the way what she has done is damaging and that's what the book does it tells the story of a girl who came from a broken family who struggled very hard and is in her terms has made it she's now got a mansion in california she's famous she's rich but on the way what happened and that's what makes it such a compelling story well you spent a little bit of time with her father thomas markle um having spent that time what are your feelings towards him now what did you make of him as a man because he has been vocal and some would say maybe two vocal over the past few years but what do you what's your well he's been vocal because you've been forced into it i mean i i vet in my life literally thousands of people of all sorts and i know when a man is a good man or a bad man or an injured man and thomas markle is an old man who doesn't think he's got much to longer to live who loves his daughter even said to me you know whatever she's done to me i still love my daughter but he's puzzled and hurt about the way she's treated him and just can't understand it and or can i really other than she was embarrassed by him and she just didn't like the man who's fat and all the rest of it now but i found him a very very sincere good man and the man who tells the truth and the truth about megan's childhood her relationship with her mother her relationship with her first husband all that is in the book and it is new and he never in that sense i'm burdening himself to anyone until in that way till he met me in mexico he's an interesting character isn't he and he does he speaks very um emotionally when he's when he's in any sort of tv interview um most recently the queen's jubilee celebrations tom um what do you think happened there we know they came over and they have private meetings with the queen but what do you think happened in terms of the set up up on the balcony well i think they were defeated i think they thought they could blackmail the royal family into forcing them onto the letting them go on the balcony giving them a huge profile which they needed for their netflix documentary which is essential to their financial income and all the rest within their wealth and for once for once finally the royal family especially charles and william uh planned it so they could come but under the terms we shouldn't give them what they wanted and i think they went back to america feeling very very charged really annoyed that they didn't get the exposure they wanted especially with the queen and so i think that it was finally they got the message but i think they went back angry and we'll see now with harry's memoir whether he's going to get his revenge too well absolutely you could get a mention as well tom who knows at this point and to think her life could have taken a very sequined fueled turn because you suggest she could have appeared on strictly come dancing well absolutely i mean she came to england looking for work for fame and also a boyfriend because she was always obsessed with finding an english boyfriend and the man who uh introduced her to strictly come dancing was a bit disappointed she didn't get the job she wanted it he wanted it but it sort of didn't work out but she would she came back to england anyway and got the strictly and the dancing she's got everything very very much i know you have another subject in your sights for your next book is it deemed a failure in your eyes if they don't try to sue tom well i don't mind if they sue as long as they lose and so far thank goodness they've lost um but i think that megan if she says she won't want to appear in court being cross-examined by my barrister so it's best if she doesn't sue will she read the book uh will she of course she'll read it definitely oh i'm sure she will she could have your 80 sources told you she definitely will read the book i i think she might even listen to audio as well and everything i would like to be in the room when that happens tom i really would um it's a very interesting read and like we say the bombshell book it is a revenge meg and harry and the war between the windsors is outlaw thank you very much thank you very much for having me don't forget you can watch full episodes of lorraine on the itv hub and all the best clips compilations and playlists right here on our channel just subscribe now and you'll never miss an upload click here to watch another video similar to this one or click here to head to our 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Channel: Lorraine
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Keywords: lorraine, lorraine kelly, lorraine itv, lorraine interview, interview on lorraine, chat show, talk show, stv
Id: 5xSeAA0eDFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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