tom and matt moments

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do you think we should help them yeah are you guys thinking what i'm thinking look how that bears got a gun father i will avenge you matt did you give guns to the bears again i could never stay mad at you let's get some ice cream yay hey guys guys guys i think our house might might be a little possessed or nothing or maybe maybe something and the last horse crosses the finishing tom did you see the monster nope it was awesome it was all like i'm a monster where's the monster get him [Music] sure we could like hire some builders and then [Applause] [Music] uh matt why are you biting a pile of garlic matt's a vampire hey matt i don't hate you yay i'm popular well no i mean i just don't hate it man all right all right i'm going his present this year tom received a poster of a picture of matt admiring a toaster tom tom come back back from the grave i need your help whoops sorry i threw up on your i know just come with me so uh sleep well last night no matt kept me up all night what do you mean ah he just kept screaming crying begging for help there's things breaking evil laughter sobbing his tv keeps turning on and off his window opening and suddenly any magic gusts of winds are coming through you know that sort of thing what's wrong with him what do we look like his friend i can't believe we're already being sent to war yeah has anyone else realized that we only train for like one minute 34 seconds and now back to the children this ain't apple juice yay indeed i thought i might as well tidy up a tad i'm surprised you found the time in your busy self-worship schedule yes well i thought it was time to unclutter my life and become less vain and narcissistic i'm impressed being tidy not caring about your looks using words with more than two syllables know what guys i've learned something today matt's right we do need to seriously consider cutting back on our electricity usage even if it's just something small like turning stuff off completely before we go to bed oh god someone please help me ugh i thought i was done with this when i left my parents house ed uh guys [Music] hero man is trapped in the zombie infested train station so uh so we should save him and stuff why why why because i'm your friend you butt munch besides i have the emergency coke all right let's go save matt and whatever so why exactly are we all running away from this guy if he only wants to kill ed hey well without ed it would just be me and you well that would suck matt remember that time i told you i didn't hate you yeah i lied you know what i said i didn't have any spare change i lied [Music] [Applause] quick this way if we want our film to make any money we'll need to put more planning and effort into it okay just planning you know he really captured his grassiness so after the fire was extinguished with gravy they rescued dear matt still screaming like a lady are you guys thinking what i'm thinking guys guys matt matt we're here to save you about bloody time hey matt yeah you're all right really yeah we're done for red if i don't make it i want you to give my novelty toy collection to tom and if i don't make it either please burn my new novelty toy collection um pardon me neighbor what a lovely day could we perchance borrow a cup of your finest sugar oh god you're gonna help us our house is haunted i'll tell you to destroy monuments because i don't have any trousers hello you have to help me there are zombies everywhere matt do you have to eat every survivor that comes to us finally the necronomicons resting place inviting hey let's go on the roller coaster no let's play the carnival games i need more novelty toys yeah mass novelty toy collection makes me want to shoot things i'm going to the arcade i know you're not a christmas fanatic but you're being problematic and slightly dramatic wow who knew vanity and stupidity was so closely related i don't get it i know [Applause] we should get abducted more often i hear that i heard it too we should probably get home and we're recording so here we have a vending machine and here is matt are we recording yeah go right okay [Music] and that's how you get free chocolate oh phew that was close now where was i oh yeah and that and the rains that have doctors and they're probably gonna eat us [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] ow you okay ed what happened you fell off the roof we were so worried this ain't apple juice ed can you grab some popcorn huh it's a good job red leader had a second time travel device now we just have to stop head before he messes anything up in the future oh he's a dead man so where should we start looking i'm not sure but i hope ed's past self has enough sense to hide somewhere floor presence my favorite i'm beautiful yay money it looks valuable it looks like junk i can't wait to are we gonna crash we can't crash i'm allergic to explosions do something try using this what is it i don't know find out what do i need [Music] okay tom i think we get the point this whole i hate christmas thing is getting old hey you know what's getting old matt your face is getting up okay to make this work we're gonna have to split up because you guys are lame matt make us some special effects ed you find props i'll write the script and shoe you can find us a star and who exactly put you in charge [Music] he's doing something stupid again isn't he yep we know what it is yet nope but i'm sure we're gonna find out [Music] not much room in here hey matt get off my crotch
Channel: rawsage
Views: 36,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eddsworld
Id: Fi42fed8z6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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