Tokyo to Kyoto by Shinkansen ♢Ticket, Baggage, What to know about Shinkansen

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Shinkansen is a fast train service connecting  different parts of Japan from northern Hokkaido   to Kyushu in the south. It has a separate rails  from other train lines, and shinkansen is running   as fast as 320 kilometers per hour which is 198  miles per hour. Probably the most major route is   Tokaido Shinkansen. You will take it when you go to  Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka, and it directly connects   to Sanyo Shinkansen that connects to Hiroshima  and Fukuoka. Further from there, there are Kyushu Shinkansen to Kagoshima. To the north there are shinkansen network going  to Kanazawa, Niigata and the farther north to   Tohoku and Hokkaido region. Today I'd like to  take the most major route Tokaido Shinkansen   to Kyoto, and show you how to get on the  shinkansen and what a trip would be like. So now I'm at the Tokyo Station  so let's go to the shinkansen gate.  From Tokyo you can get on Tokaido Shinkansen either from Tokyo Station or Shinagawa Station which is the next stop of shinkansen. You can get  tickets at the ticket machine or at the counter.   Some machines are just for the use of  credit card. The price changes slightly   depends on which train type you get and  which class you want to get. Let me explain. First, Tokaido Shinkansen has three types of train: Nozomi, Hikari and Kodama.  Nozomi is the fastest service and it stops  only major cities such as Nagoya and Kyoto.   It runs frequently and you see Nozomi is  leaving to Osaka every five minutes or more in the morning. Even in the daytime it doesn't  open 10 minutes before the next Nozomi.   It connects Tokyo to Osaka in exactly two hours  and 30 minutes, and 2 hours and 16 minutes to Kyoto.   The next one is Hikari. Probably most of  international travelers are familiar with   this one because if you have JR Rass this is  the fastest service you can ride without any   additional cost. It makes two or three more  stops on the way to Kyoto. It takes 2 hours   and 54 minutes to Osaka, and 2 hours and 40 minutes  to Kyoto so it takes 24 more minutes than Nozomi   It's still fast enough. Kodama is a local shinkansen train that stops every station.   It waits for Nozomi and Hikari pass by at almost every station  but the speed is actually as fast as other types   of trains. Kodama takes about 3 hours and 40  minutes to Kyoto, and 15 minutes more to Osaka. Now that you decided which train to take, you  have three choices of cars. Green Car is a first   class car and a regular cars reserved seat called  shiteseki and non-reserved seat which is called jiyuseki.  The most common regular seat is 14,170  yen to Kyoto and 14,720 yen to Osaka.   Non-reserved seat is a little more  cheaper and your seat is not decided. You need to line up the platform to get seats,  but you can get the seat for sure from Tokyo   Station, especially if you are taking Nozomi  which runs frequently. If you missed a train   you got your seat reserved, you can get on the  non-reserved seat of any shinkansen after   that on the same day. All Tokaido Shinkansen  train has 16 cars, and car number 8 to 10 is   a Green Car which is first class. For Nozomi,  car number one to three is non-reserved car and   for Hikari, 1 to 5 is non-reserved seat. There is a  new rule for luggage size on Tokaido Shinkansen.   There are no luggage check-in system on shinkansen, so somehow you need to keep it with you.   But from mid-2020, Tokaido Shinkansen started to limit the  baggage size that you can bring on the train.   The total dimension of the suitcase has to  be smaller than 160 centimeters which means   you can put up on the shelf above your seat.  In case you have a larger suitcases you can   book the seat with luggage space. You can  book these seats without any extra cost. So I checked with the ticket machine and there  is a way to specifically purchase that seat. In   case you couldn't get that seat with luggage  space and get on the Tokaido Shinkansen with   large suitcases that cannot be put above your  head, there are two things to expect what happens.   One thing is you cannot put your luggage on  the back of the seat even if there's a space.  The space is only for passenger book that seat  right in front of that space. Train conductor   might charge you a thousand yen, and they will  take your suitcase to the storage space.   Not many Japanese passenger travel with big  suitcases, but as the international tourist   increase, it might get difficult to get that seat  especially on Hikari which JR Pass users use, so you might want to make reservation when you know schedule. You can book online too which I'll show   you after. This reservation page in English so  let's choose the date for example November 10th   Tokyo to Kyoto and this one - make sure you choose bring oversize luggage/baggage and continue.   And here's a price for ordinary car.   It will be 13,770 yen and surprisingly with a  1,700 yen plus you can get on the Green Car  if you book early, and this Green Car of shinkansen is very comfortable. Well let's choose ordinary car.   And lets view seat map. So since I chose the  oversized luggage you can choose this number 18.   I guess this is the only row that you have a  big luggage space behind you. You can bring a   big suitcase right behind you so you don't have  to worry that someone is going to take accidentally your   luggage. And the prices start at 13,770 yen  no additional charge for the luggage space and   you just purchase, but even if you purchase you  can change the designation anytime to different   shinkansen and trains. The only thing it costs  a little bit to get refund. I think it's like   five dollars so that's good to know. Now it's a fun part. Let's get some food and get on the train.   At Tokyo Station you see people rushing to one  store that says Ekiben which means station  meal box. It's common to get this bento  box and eat on the train. There are tons   of selection from all over Japan. You might  see this many selection only in the morning.   They have this oyster bento that you can steam up  on the train, but once I got it, the whole car around  me smell like oysters so maybe next time. So I get  this salmon rice from Hokkaido. The ekiben costs   around a 1,000 yen to 2,000 yen. It's a little  pricey, but it's always fun to eat on the train.   In this trip, I'm using Nozomi to Kyoto in regular  reserved seat and coming back by Kodama with green   car so I can show you different types of train and  cars. Based on the reservation information, I could   get the paper ticket. Since Tokaido Shinkansen is  operated by JR Central which is called JR Tokai in   Japanese, you cannot receive this paper ticket at  JR East counters which you see everywhere in Tokyo.   In Tokyo, Tokyo Station or in Shinagawa Station is the  only place you can get your paper ticket. This is a   typical ticket of Tokaido Shinkansen. It says Tokyo  to Kyoto October 24th leaving at 7:12 arriving 9   23. Nozomi 125 car number 13 seat 13 E. I have this ticket at 7:12. so Nozomi is the yellow one.  Hikari is a red one and blue is a Kodama one. Let's wait for the Nozomi 125 to Hakata. Hakata is in Fukuoka City. Check the platform of the train you get on and  the platform will be decided when   they decide the timetable so you don't have to wait  until it comes up. So I'm heading to platform 19. This is my seat. Probably you have your  ticket in your hand until you arrive the seat.   And make sure you keep that in your  wallet or pocket once you find your seat,   because unlike airplane, you need a ticket to  get out the gate at the destination station. Now let's open the lunch box and enjoy  the meal as you see the scenery.  Shinkansen doesn't have a dining car  or kitchen anymore so you need to get   things before you get on shinkansen,  but on Nozomi and Hikari, they also   sell drinks and lunch box and some snacks  at the wagon so I got ice cream and coffee. Shinkansen opened as a fast rapid transit system  in the world before the first Olympic game in   Tokyo in 1964. Even though there are highway  buses and airplane between Tokyo and Osaka,   shinkansen is still the most competitive  way to travel especially from Tokyo   to Kyoto. It's a big advantage that you  can get off in the middle of the city Now we arrived Kyoto. As for the Kyoto trip  I'll show you in the next video. Now let's   go back to Tokyo with Kodama. This time I  used Kodama's Green Car. As said before   Kodama takes time, but if you are not in a rush  you can buy this ticket called Platt Kodama. I'm at Kyoto Station and going back to Tokyo I'm taking the special  ticket called Platt Kodama. You can take for slightly cheaper price than taking normal Nozomi train or regular car it takes so much more   time than Nozomi, but when you have time and you  wanna just work on the train or when you want   to do just sleep on a train and you're not in the  rush to head back to go to Tokyo it's a good idea   because the Green Car is so much better seat and  also you get one free beer when you get on. You   cannot purchase this ticket at the ticket machine , and this has to be purchased online a day before   your departure. But you can get on the Green Car of  Kodama for 12,100 yen between Tokyo and Kyoto,   and 12,300 Yen between Tokyo and Shin Osaka. Now  let's see the major difference from regular seat.  Green Car seat is two and two row, so the  seat feels much wider than the regular seat.   There is a foot rest, and you have a reading  light. For Platt Kodama the drink ticket also   comes out of the machine with your ticket  and you can exchange to one bottle drink or   canned beer at kiosk. If you want to try  Green Car, Platt Kodama is a good choice. I hope you get some idea on what  it's like to be on shinkansen. Thank you for watching. I hope you  have a great week until the next video.
Channel: Tokyo Kenchan
Views: 128,764
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Keywords: tokyo travel guide, itineraries in Japan, Tokyo Kenchan, travel vlogger, travel tips in Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Travel Guide, Itinerary, how to travel Tokyo, how to travel Japan, Tokyo travel tips, Tokyo travel idea, shinkansen, kyoto, osaka, how to get Kyoto from Tokyo, tokyo to kyoto, shinkansen baggage, shinkansen luggage, shinkansen suitcase, Tokaido Shinkansen, Platt Kodama, hikari, nozomi, JRpass, Japan Rail Pass, how to get on Shinkansen, shikansen tokyo kyoto
Id: gACPdcvXt3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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