Japan Shinkansen Rules 2023 - Luggage rules [ Everything you need to know ] Japan Travel Advice

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[Music] We Need to Talk right so things are changing and if you're planning on traveling to Japan anytime soon this video might be very important [Music] I've traveled to Japan many times and things are about to change previously traveling a machine can see I'm using a Japan Rail Pass was actually quite easy and it still is don't get me wrong it still is gonna be easy to travel - in Hampton there's only one thing just one catch one thing that might change the way that you travel machine comes in and that is paying for oversized luggage now previously you didn't have to pay for oversized luggage you could just turn up at a Russian pants end with your luggage and no problems you'd find the place to put it you some people we're crazy they put it in the middle of the aisle there's been an increase of tourists traveling to Japan there's been an increase of really rude tourists traveling to Japan maybe and luggage can be a problem I need to put on my rather dirty glasses or else I can't see anything all right slightly cleaner glasses now so as from the 20th of May and that was actually yesterday for me in my my time zone things have changed you need to measure your suitcase and we need to reserve a luggage space for your suitcase if you go English encantan although not all suitcases are going to need this special reservation let me explain so if you're going to be traveling on the Tokaido sanyo or the Kyushu lines basically any lines planning from Tokyo all the way to the south of shoot on the Shinkansen then you need to know this special rule or you might be caught out and you might either not be allowed on the train or get the fine you're going to be required to make reservations for oversized luggage now what exactly is an oversized luggage you might ask and that's a very good question because it took me a little bit of time to figure out what enough the dimensions that were talking about actually meant so let me explain for you jay-ar is defining oversized luggage by any luggage that is over 160 centimeters it's a 160 centimeters combined width length and depth so you need to get a tape measure out you need to measure out your suitcase length add it to the width and add it to the depth and if it comes up to 160 centimeters or more then it will become to that oversized luggage and you will need a reservation or get a fine perhaps now jay-ar is actually going to be installing frames like where you can actually put your luggage in to check that it fits but my advice to you is that you didn't be traveling in Japan then get the right luggage before you go to Japan because the last thing you want is to get to Japan and have some language issues I imagine my suitcase and the length was 76 centimeters more or less the width was 54 centimeters more or less and then the depth was approximately 29 centimeters and adding all that up they came to 159 centimeters maybe a hundred and sixty centimeters basically on the cusp of being allowed on the Shinkansen without a reservation and I probably wouldn't want to risk it with this this suitcase so I'm gonna have to rethink things and quite a standard suitcase if them served me very well and I'm going to shape but maybe it's time that I think of getting a slightly smaller suitcase so there's also an actual limit to how big your bag can be to actually carry it on the Shinkansen and it's anything over 250 centimeters will not be allowed on you might be told that you cannot actually carry it on to the Shinkansen so be aware that anything 250 centimeters or more as 251 centimeters won't be allowed on 22 centimeters won't be found on etc etc so you need to be aware aware of that if you're traveling with them something big but some good news is at sports equipment like children's buggies and instruments they are fine there's no problems with those there's no extra fees you don't need to measure them so that's a good thing so you're planning on coming to Japan with a double bass then crates for you if you do forget to pay the extra fee or for whatever reason you decide that you want to be sneaky and get it onto the Shinkansen without paying for the extra fee and they do catch you then two things could happen you might have to pay 1000 yen on the spot or you might actually be told to - to get off the Shinkansen so it's always best to plan ahead so previously one of the great things about using a jail pass is the fact that and you could pretty much just turn up at a train and use it and go wherever you need to go without much hassle without thinking about things too much if you miss a train you could just go on to the next one I think that the biggest change now is that you're gonna have to be a little bit better planned you're gonna have to plan ahead a little bit more you're gonna have to reserve your your seats with the luggage so that you can actually get on board without any problems shin Kansans actually have some special seats at the very back of the Shinkansen with a space where in the past I've put my luggage and that has always been very very valuable because it's basically why I've always sort of queued up for 10 15 minute 20 minutes before Shinkansen camps so that I can get that space put my suitcase over any any problems and in the past and I can tell you that I put my suitcase and after an hour two hour trip I've found my suitcase buried at the bottom of a pile of other travelers suitcases and it's been a struggle and a real stress to pull my suitcase out from underneath to make it in time to deport the train so these things should be problems from the past we should no longer have those issues if your suitcase is actually not big enough to have to pay that extra 1,000 yen fee then there's always space at the over your seats so just be aware that you will have to put your suitcase up yourself so if it's too heavy then just be aware okay so what are the alternative options to traveling with a suitcase on a Shinkansen and I can tell you that is luggage forwarding taku - as it said in Japanese is very convenient service I've used it many times especially on those super long trips and many times in most hotels you can actually leave your luggage at the lobby pay a fee and they will forward it to the next hotel hassle-free and not only is it convenient but it's a really good option especially for those long train rights and where you don't have to worry about your luggage and all you need to carry with you is your day back and you're sorted because you know that when you arrive your hotel your bag will be waiting for you another option is coin lockers most train stations in Japan and bus stations in Japan have coin lockers don't underestimate the value of leaving your luggage in a coin Locker for the day whilst you go out exploring different areas but be aware that some of these stations have limits on how long you can actually keep your luggage in a corner so to summarize things have changed you're going to need to reserve your luggage space if you're traveling with a piece of blockage that's over 160 centimeters in combined dimensions so that might mean that you might have to do that extra little bit of planning to make sure that everything goes according to plan on a positive this should also mean a less stressful trip at the end of the day remember not to get caught out plan ahead so some final why don't drink Anson's have areas for luggage proper areas for luggage I might be wrong they might actually be retrofitting these spaces in Cinque Anton's as I speak and if they are please let me know just a little video talking about luggage traveling Japan and how things are changing my understanding is that if you do have a junior pass the fee for reserving luggage is actually free and you only have to pay if you forget to reserve the luggage is actually included in a seat reservation so you will need to reserve a seat and they will give you the seats at the back of the Shinkansen when you can place your luggage along with yourself any questions about traveling via Shinkansen traveling in Japan for local train expresses etc please let me know I'll try to answer them I've been in so many so many and trains in Japan that I think I've had quite a few experiences and I might be able to help if you enjoyed this video and you watch to the end thank you very much give this a thumbs up I really do appreciate it if you have any comments leave them below and if you're new to this channel then welcome my name is Nathan I live in Djibouti by traveling Japan lots please check out some of my other videos and say hello and those comments so then don't forget to subscribe see you bye [Music]
Channel: Ninja Monkey
Views: 15,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan shinkansen, bullet train, japan, luggage, luggage rules, shinkansen rules, japan rules, japan luggage, suitcase shinkansen, suitcase size, japan trip, japan guide, shinkansen guide, japan travel, shinkansen bullet train, japan bullet train, shinkansen japan, japanese bullet train, japan travel guide, japan border, japan entry, inside of japanese bullet train, japan vlog, japan rail pass, shinkansen, japan travel update, japan tourism, bullet train japan, japan train
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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