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This time it brings brand new content and this time all 7 members are present! This restaurant called Horizontal Bay Restaurant is very spacious and well-lit. It is really comfortable to eat here. If you come to DisneySea and want to eat, I highly recommend this restaurant. The DisneySea Marathon is better than going to Beauty and the Beast in Disneyland. We just took a look at the APP. If we wait in line now, it will take more than two hours. Oh my God , we just waited in line for XX minutes and got to the facility . So this location must be very good? This location is very good. It used to be a paid area, but now it is free. It is an officially certified good location. It is very nice to see it on site. It feels different when we take pictures back. Hi , I am Paul. Hi everyone, I am LU and we are traveling. Priority hahahaha, is it us or our little traveling companions? Now look at our background and you will know where we are now. We are now in Tokyo Disney. This episode is a Tokyo DisneySea guide special. Have you watched our previous episode of Tokyo Disney? Friends who travel to the park all know that our Tokyo Disney guide special will not just take videos of ourselves having fun or talk about things that everyone knows like others , we are real guides! In addition to the guide, we will also introduce Disney food to everyone. You only know how to eat, right. I am responsible for eating. Otherwise, what else can you do? You are responsible for eating wherever you go. In this episode, we will also teach you about Tokyo DisneySea. Tips for speeding up admission to the park, guides to the attractions, recommended spots to watch the parade at night , and even secret tips for making reservations for the latest Duffy’s Restaurant Show, which was revealed for the first time in Taiwan. My favorite restaurant show is Zhu Geliang’s Cabaret Show . Haha, does anyone still know this joke? There should be no point here . We have to draw a lottery again in this episode , so you must watch the video until the end. You should watch it until the end. Don’t jump directly to the end. Hahaha . We may not announce the contents of the lottery at the end . If you like our video, You can help us like, subscribe, share and turn on the little bell. You can also give us a super thank you as an encouragement. Then the video starts, GO! We are now coming out of the station and heading to the north exit. Look , there are already a lot of people queuing up. They should be here at 6 o'clock. It is now 7 o'clock in the morning. We have now arrived at the entrance of DisneySea. Although the official website's scheduled opening time is 9 o'clock , but in fact it will open at 8:15-8:30 at the earliest. At 8:15, Happy Entry will go in first, and the general public will not be allowed in until 8:30 , so young travelers must arrive early, at least at least 7 o'clock It’s almost time. In our last episode about Tokyo Disneyland, we introduced a website that predicts the number of people. So you’d better choose a day when the number of people is small. If you haven’t seen our introduction to Tokyo Disneyland in our last episode, okay? Click the upper right corner to watch. Some of the guides are universal, so we won’t repeat them in this episode. The admission process for Tokyo DisneySea and Disneyland is different. In Tokyo Disneyland, they go through security first and then enter the park . Disneyland In Ocean Park , entrance and security check are done at the same time, so the choice of team is very important . Choosing the right team will let you go to heaven. If you choose the wrong team, you will be given a suite . Which suite will you stay in? Staying in a suite at the Disney Hotel. That's good. You can live there as long as you have money. When you come out of the DisneySea station, it will be divided into two sides. The north exit is on the left and the south exit is on the right. We have to go to the north exit on the left and exit from the north exit to the north ticket gate. Facing the north ticket gate, we have to go to the far right of the north ticket gate . So why should we go to the far right? Because the entrance to Happy Entry is on the far right. There are two security gates here. Compared with other queues, the speed is relatively faster. Happy Entry 8:15 After entering, we can follow its queue and go directly to the small entrance . Travel companions, please remember that the column on the far right, which is the column currently moving around, is the Happy Entry column , which means they can enter the park 15 minutes early. The column on the left is the column we are currently queuing in, which is the column closest to it . After everyone has entered, we can go in behind those Happy Entry guests. How do we get Happy Entry? Those who want to stay in a hotel or purchase their vacation packages are those who have to spend a lot of money. Yes, those rich people can go in 15 minutes earlier, so we just go in after the rich people. It will be better than the general public. It will be a little earlier. This is our first guide. In the last episode of Tokyo Disneyland, we introduced Beauty and the Beast as the latest and most popular facilities. Is it available here too? The latest and most popular facility of our ocean is also here , which is ソアリンSOARING SOARING. It means soaring. The most popular facility of the ocean is this one. So it must be our target when we open the park. So why do we choose the far right of the north ticket gate? ? There's a reason for this, because it's the closest to SOARING. There's also this guide. Look at the map. It 's a long way from the south exit to SOARING. Yes, yes. Yes, yes. From the north exit, just go from that side . Just go through it . It's really close. You can complete two guides at once. It takes about 5 minutes to walk from the entrance to SOARING. So when you enter the park, you can estimate the time first . If the park can open at 8:30 If you enter the park within 10 minutes, you must go to SOARING first . Run the DisneySea Marathon quickly . This will shorten your queue time to enter the park early in the morning . What if? If your estimated time to enter the park exceeds 10 minutes, you should go to other facilities first because SOARING will definitely take a long time if it exceeds 10 minutes. If you don’t get the first wave, just buy a DPA directly. It’s 8:10 now . Five-point Happy Entry guests have already entered the park first. Now let’s go to this security gate to enter the park. We have to enter the park. Enter the park. Enter the park . If you have a chance, hurry up and prepare the QR Code first and then swipe the QR Code to enter. There are already many people running there, keep going to the right , wow, there is air conditioning here, they will definitely say, you can't run , you have to walk, you can't run, you can't run, you have to walk, wow , you are warmly welcomed. Don’t run the DisneySea Marathon . Why does it take so long? It’s so far. I can’t do it anymore. The next step is to climb the stairs for the triathlon . It seems we are running a marathon in Tokyo . Is this here? Yes, we're here, my legs are so sore and I can't find the end of the line. Paul, I'm relying on you . (Pant) (Pant) (Pant) (Pant) (Pant) (Pant) Oh my God (Pant) Uncle's gasping Sound(?) I think, arranging this, rushing for this is more tiring than going to Disneyland's Beauty and the Beast. There are stairs in the middle, right? I think wait a minute, 30 minutes later , I'm still panting here. Wow, what a genius . After talking for a few seconds , the queue got even longer , and all of them were waiting in line for this latest facility. If you look at the popularity, it’s really not inferior to Beauty and the Beast! Well, now it’s time for HNK reporter Travel Priority to report for you on DisneySea. What we ’re lining up now is SOARING . The time is now 8:40. Let’s take a look at how long it will take before we can sit in this facility . Actually, It seemed like the queue was very long just now , but it seemed to be moving pretty fast . We passed more than half of the queue just by walking like this. It ’s so hot. Oh, you must bring a parasol. Oh my god, it’s best for little traveling companions to travel alone. One, some cooling spray, disposable cold towels, buy more, buy more, buy more , buy enough to last in the morning, you will thank us. Just read this guide today. In 5 minutes, we will be at the door now at 8:45 . It's almost time to enter here , but according to the convention of Disney facilities, usually after you enter the entrance of this facility, you may have to wait in line for a long time. After 15 minutes, when we arrived here, the air conditioning started to come on for nearly 20 minutes. Well, when we entered the underground room, we were completely away from the scorching sun. Hahaha, we were all dizzy . What's the story of SOARING? Are there any movies or animations? It doesn't have a movie or animation , but it has a theme , which is that it's an expo, a bit like Around the World in 80 Days, right? what is that? You don’t know about traveling around the world in 80 days? Among the top 100 excellent books we read when we were children , Jackie Chan acted in it! ? I don’t know, but you are too ignorant. If you know, please reply below. I’m not convinced . It’s so spectacular. It’s an aviation expo. The murals here are from various countries. Is there Taiwan? There is China, you see, there is the Great Wall , and there are many people standing on it, the juggling one , and Japan . Japan has ninjas flying in the sky, all the aircraft that can fly. Jasmine’s country, the magic carpet, should come to the exhibition. I know, it’s very clear. It's Italy , there's the Leaning Tower of Pisa , there's pizza in flight, it's so interesting, oh, she can move, oh, oh , it's amazing. It's already 9:10 here, and I see a lady, she can talk to birds, hahaha, and then to this When you're in the room, it's time to prepare for the facilities. Is this facility allowed to be photographed? It used to be completely prohibited from filming, but it was lifted a while ago. You can only film during foreplay. You can't film foreplay during the ride (laughing) . Wow, we're coming out now. We're coming out now . Oh my god, it's too cold inside, and it's too cold in here. It's hot. We just checked the APP. If we queue now, it will take 150 minutes. It will take more than two hours . Oh my god~ How long should we wait? We just queued for 40 minutes and got to the facility . It was really impressive. It was so awesome. It was so awesome. I didn't have high expectations for it. It was just a seat that would fly up and have a spherical screen . The screen is a bit like the IMAX at the Science Museum in Taichung. The entire semicircular sphere is so huge that you feel like you are flying in the sky. It is really immersive , as if you are actually sitting on an aircraft and traveling around the world. The feeling that impressed me most was when I was flying over the African savannah, there were elephants playing in the mud there , and then the entire grassland smelled very strongly of grass, mud, and wind-blown sand . When you pass by some places, you will smell the fragrance of flowers. It is a very immersive and immersive feeling. The penultimate place is when you go back to the sky above Tokyo at night and you will see the Rainbow Bridge and the Tokyo Tower. There is a very expensive activity when I come to Tokyo. It is to take a helicopter night tour over Tokyo. It is super expensive and it feels like you can save the money and finally return to the same place. I am very touched. Where will we end up? I won’t talk about the above, but the touching experience this SOARING brings to us is great. It ’s so long. It’s about twice the distance we just queued up. I think SOARING is a facility that you must take. But if you are a former If the batches have not been queued up until now and it takes a long time, I suggest you buy the DPA, right, because the sun is really very hot here and it is very hard. What about my little traveling companions who did not rush to the first wave of SOARING? It is recommended that you buy something other than DPA. Hurry up and rush here first. This is what Adventure to the Center of the Earth is. If you have not made it to the first wave of SOARING, rush here. This one is also a popular facility. When everyone is focused on SOARING, there are relatively few here. People can grab the first wave. Now Disney has launched a priority admission card system in response to the 40th anniversary. The priority admission card, referred to as PP Priority Pass, is actually a replica of the previous quick pass. In the past, we had to run, run, run, run. Go over there and draw that quick pass. But now you don’t have to do it. You can just draw it directly on the APP. It’s much more convenient. Yes, it’s much more convenient . You don’t have to run a marathon anymore. It’s the same as the previous quick pass. After you draw the same facilities, what do you want? Wait until the facility is finished or wait two hours until one of the two conditions is met before you can draw the next priority admission card because it is said to be launched for the 40th anniversary. I don’t know how long it will last. I don’t know if it is 40. It will be over after the anniversary, yes , so little travelers can take a look at that time to see if you have paid attention. There are some facilities that are exceptions, such as Beauty and the Beast in the park, Cup Noodles Happy Journey, and SOARING in the ocean . There is Adventure to the Center of the Earth, the more popular ones , they are very X , they know your popular ones, you secretly criticize Disney , you will be beaten by fans , they know these super popular ones , so they want to sell DPA , just to make a profit. That's right. It's a priority admission card system that earns a wave . It's different from DPA . It's free. Those facilities that are not applicable. I made a picture card, which is about these . You can screenshot it when you draw it . When will the QR Code appear if it is blank ? For example, if you drew 10:30, you thought it would appear at 10:30, right ? Then when would it appear? It shows up at 10:25 . Five minutes earlier is also a guide for this. You can go and sit 5 minutes earlier. You can arrive at the scene 5 minutes earlier at the time shown on PP and you can be 5 minutes earlier than others. 5 minutes is also very good. Every second counts. At Disney, every second counts . If you are just one second slower than others, you will fall far behind . Isn't this a lot of pressure? Yes, I'm very stressed, haha, no , it's just for those little travel companions who really need to play seriously. If they want to play it all in one day , of course you can also play leisurely. Just feel the atmosphere in the park , right . We are watching BIG BAND BEAT. This is a big show in the ocean. The stage is very big, very much like that Broadway show. It mainly shows the golden period of jazz in the 1920s and 1940s. The dance group is very spectacular. I think this is right. One of the great benefits for dads who come to DisneySea is that they can not only take a good rest in the air-conditioning, but also feast their eyes on there. There are a lot of daikon radish to look at . Do you understand? It doesn't matter if the kids don't understand. They will understand when they grow up. Don't ask dad . Let's take the train. The sales department outside the train station is called Breezeway Bites . Let's buy a drink . What is this? Marble Soda Smoothie. The fluorescent blue ice whirlwind looks like toothpaste. Yeah, it’s the ice cream soda. Kids should like it. It ’s delicious . We just bought this one at the Bayside Takeout roadside stand in Port Discovery. After going down the stairs in front, turn right and you will see this Bayside Takeout . I bought this cup because it is very beautiful. I bought it to try and show it to my little traveling companions. This cup has guava smoothie on the top and then below. Orange jelly guava is guava. Why is it red? Because it is red heart guava. It tastes good . You must buy this cup. It is very delicious . It is sour and sweet . It is not too sweet and not too sour . It is getting better. The layer is very beautiful and very refreshing. It’s a big cup and very cost-effective. One cup is enough for two people. If you come to DisneySea, you must order this to drink. It tastes good and smells delicious. Look at this. The business of this restaurant is very good and there are many people . This is a buffet style. Just order whatever you like. After you order, someone will help you take a seat. That is very convenient. You don’t have to find a seat by yourself. This restaurant is called Horizontal Bay Restaurant and it is very spacious. The lighting is very good and it’s really comfortable to eat here. So if you come to DisneySea and want to eat, I highly recommend this restaurant. We ordered the set meal. This is bacon, cheese and egg drop soup. The main meal is the hamburger steak. The presentation is also very good. The dessert is very beautiful and looks amazing. The ball looks like an egg yolk. This one is mango and passion fruit mousse . The children are really happy. Really happy. Hahaha . For the main meal, it is the yuzu pepper hamburger steak . This hamburger steak must be dipped in the paste -like white sauce-like soup next to it . Once you take a bite , the aroma of the yuzu pepper will make it obvious that the hamburger steak is very soft. The tender taste of the hamburger steak is very good. Children will like it very much . If you are a traveling companion, you can order this white sauce. The taste is not too strong, so it is quite refreshing and delicious. What is the one you were using just now? This? This is the secret weapon I brought with me on this trip, right? How can I stand it, uncle, when you schedule a whole day for me on every Disney trip, right? I use this as my secret weapon to quickly rejuvenate myself during a whole day’s journey. What’s so great about it? This is a soreness massage machine sold by Mr. Funai. Every time after taking a plane or going to Disneyland, I would feel stiff shoulders and sore back . Fortunately, I was smart enough to bring this one. It has 12 built-in groups. The massage mode will automatically shut down after 30 minutes of intensity adjustment at level 15. It has 4 patches and a total of 8 massage points. The massage area is huge and super refreshing. Let me tell you, shoulders, waist, thighs, calves, hand joints, etc. It can be used! The strength and feel of the massage are very solid. It feels like I brought a master massager to travel with me. It’s so powerful. Please use it more so that it doesn’t work at the beginning. We still have several strategies to introduce, hahaha . This pain massage machine is lightweight and easy to carry. I use it when eating, resting, waiting for parades, or even waiting in line . It replenishes my blood while waiting and restores my fighting strength anytime, anywhere . Even if you want to play with me at DisneySea until the evening. We can hold it all. We not only play until night but also play until the park closes! How can I let you go back so easily after coming to Disney ... (Scared) Let’s eat dessert next. The dessert is really beautifully arranged. It’s in the middle of the sea and the sun sets on the sea level. Is that Nemo ? Is this Nemo? ? Yes, this one is called Nemo? Don’t lie to me, that’s right, that’s a clownfish, and the one next to it is an anemone. If you hadn’t told me earlier, I’d say it’s the setting sun sinking under the sea level. I think I can describe it better , um, sweet and sour cream mousse in my mouth. It has the taste of mango and passion fruit mousse. The whole taste is very fragrant and delicious. It doesn’t taste very chemical. It really has the feeling of fruit. It’s delicious. Children will like it. I am a child, so I like this. We can order one for each of us. This is delicious. This is delicious. Next, this plate is amazing. The dessert we ordered is chocolate Mont Blanc. Yes , every little travel companion must order it. Because it's delicious, fun and interesting , and you can also make art with your own hands. So how do you play with it? Let's take a look at this face that looks like Mickey. Oh, I know, that's it. Then the two black pieces are his ears, not there, not there . Oh good, you are so fierce. Is that right? Is there any cuteness? Hey, it’s hard. I’m so stressed when you’re next to me. I’m doing Mickey hey Mickey you so fine you so fine %#@$&* Mickey hey Mickey , okay, the next time I’m going to show off my flowers, you’ll only scold me. You ’ll only scold me. You want me to run around DisneySea all day and you have to do art work. Why do you have to work so hard ? Are you happy? Then what are you doing? What are you going to write on that cookie ? Travel First? Can you tell? Can you tell it's Travel First? Can you tell? It's the best. I can't even see it. You can see it . Let's finish it like this . I think it's quite delicious. It's quite fragrant when you dip the Oreo biscuit part into the chocolate Mont Blanc. Yeah, it's just too sweet. If you were Ant-Man, you would probably like it. It's more fun than delicious. I think it's pretty good. Hey Daffy, where are you going? I'm going to take pictures. What are you going to take? There are many photo spots for me in the park. Really? Yes, let's go and take a look. Hey Oulu, where are you going? I'm going to take pictures too . Why does your voice sound like Duffy's? I don’t know either, hahaha, we are going to watch Duffy’s Restaurant Show now! This time it brings brand new content and this time all 7 members are present! BUT The key point is this BUT this restaurant show is super difficult to make a reservation. It's even harder than grabbing a low-cost airline ticket. Because of the length, we will edit a separate video to teach everyone the exclusive secret skills to grab a seat. This is the first time in Taiwan . Publicly speaking, no one has ever photographed using this method. If you use this method, you no longer have to go around like this in traffic jams with everyone on the Internet ? Then it will be sold out , so this situation will not happen. We grabbed it. Is it really easy for us to grab it? It is also one of the key points of the guide. It is very important. I think it is very exciting and so cute. It is worthy of a little traveling companion. Let's find out. How do you book a seat for this Duffy's Restaurant Show? Be sure to refer to the secret techniques we provide. You can only order if you have the secret techniques. We have tested it several times. If you don't follow our secret techniques, the success rate is 0. If you follow our secret techniques, your success rate will be at least 70 or 80. Yes, 70, 80 . % 70-80% or more success rate So if you are a travel companion who likes Duffy or the Duffy’s Restaurant Show , don’t miss it. Then we are going to Aunt Peggy’s store now ? What aunt? bacon? Aunt Bacon? Anyway, it’s a store in Cape Cod that specializes in selling Tamiflu products. Do they have all 7 of them? Let’s focus on those 7. We are going here to buy raffle gifts for our little traveling companions . Wow, we need raffle gifts! So what to buy? Let's go take a look. Let's take a look at Duffy's clothes . Don't underestimate this dress. This one costs $1,600 yen. It's more expensive than my clothes . And there's Lina Belle's little bag. Oh, that's a bag. oh? Yes, it is a side backpack and there is a zipper here. So we are going to announce the prize for the lottery. What exactly is it? It’s this Lina Belle puppet behind us. Wow Lina Belle’s puppet! Paul will use his more than ten years of star-chasing experience to help you choose the most authentic Lina Belle. He will make sure that the Lina Belle you receive is the most beautiful Lina Belle among them. He's so cute. Wow, I finally found a puppet that's cuter than me. It's cuter than you. It's easy. How do I get this cute puppet? Yes, that means giving us a like and subscribing. The most important thing is to leave a message below the video. Which of the strategies we introduced today is your favorite? Which guide do you think is the most helpful to you ? I’m telling you, when I was looking in the mirror just now, the Japanese girl behind me said: Kawaii Kou, she said I’m cute, she meant Lina Belle was cute, wasn’t she ? You're cute, aren't I? I think I'm pretty cute. I think my beard matches Lina Belle's ears. They're both furry. Will you switch channels? Unsubscribing is not possible. What should we do now? Now I want to buy a drink. In fact, there are vending machines in Disneyland. Did you know that this is a vending machine? This vending machine is so interesting and cute. If you don’t want to buy expensive drinks and want to drink water or something to quench your thirst, you can come to the vending machine and buy the Ocean vending machine. The location of the vending machine is on this chart . There are also maps for today’s guide. There are also maps. All the signs are complete. Today’s Disney information will be linked to it in the information column. And the charts can also be downloaded in the information column, right? What about here ? There will be an old scavenger , hahaha, what old scavenger are you talking about? There is a Daffy, an Oulu , and then ... Annabell? That jump-off-the-floor auction here only costs NT$200 for one Tamiflu. It's too cheap. I packed it all and sold it to you in the whole bag for NT$1,000. It's NT $1,000 for four. What time is it now? What are we doing here at 5 o'clock now ? We have already started occupying seats for the 8pm parade here. Well, there are still 3 hours left . In fact, the Japanese will come very early to occupy seats for 3 hours. Hahaha, if it is a holiday, some people will even come early in the morning. Come and save your seat . How could you be like this? Is it true that you will be criticized by Disney fans ? sorry sorry すみません just for kidding hahaha the Japanese call this kind of place-taking behavior called Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha. I know it is like Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva , and there is one statue over there on the roadside. Keep standing like this , and Ksitigarbha is an action verb , so the two of us are now "Jsitigarbha" over here. When Ksitigarbha takes up his seat , remember to leave one person in the seat. No. Just run away after you put your things away. The uncle will help you collect your things and open a Disney pawn shop next to it . Hahaha , if you come alone, you can also hold a seat. If you want to go to the toilet or buy something to eat, that's all. Talk to the staff next to you and they will be very happy to help you look at your seat, but you can't leave for too long. There is a big difference between the parade in the ocean and the parade in the park. The parade in the park has a wide range of movement, while the parade in the ocean is limited to the middle sea. So unless you are a person who buys a Disney vacation and can see the night parade at a relatively close distance, no matter where you look, it will be a bit far away. Now Disney has launched a DPA to watch the night parade. It is $2,500 yen per person. You can purchase the DPA. It's relatively close , but there is still some distance. Overall, the CP value is not high. If you don't want to go early to reserve a seat, you can consider buying it. If you really want to buy a DPA, it is recommended to buy a seat on Rido Island. Seats on Rido Island are very popular. Young travelers who want to buy a seat on Rideau Island should open the official APP to rush to buy it as soon as the park opens . The biggest feature of this night parade is that in addition to the performance in the middle of the sea, there will be projections on the volcano and on the hotel wall. It can be said that it is the most popular one in DisneySea in recent times. The focus of each viewing location of the grand show is different. There are three points where the parade boat will dock. The first is Mickey Plaza , the second is Rideau Island , and the third is in front of the Champigny Brothers restaurant, so basically The places closer to these three points will be more popular. Usually the most basic place for people to watch the parade is Mickey Plaza , but there are paid areas in front and free areas in the back, so it is not recommended . But don’t worry, there are a few that are prioritized when traveling. A more recommended free viewing spot for your reference. From left to right on the map, I will introduce you to the first spot. The Old Bridge is modeled after the Ponte Vecchio Bridge in Florence, Italy. The view of watching the night parade here is very good. It is wide enough to have a panoramic view of the volcano, the projection on the hotel wall , and the entire performance . However, it is difficult to see clear details as it is far away from the performers. If you are lucky enough to get a seat in the front row, you can lean on the railing and watch the show. It is very comfortable and a very popular place. The second one is under the old bridge behind Rideau Island. This is the view behind the paid area of ​​Rideau Island. Things are almost the same as the paid area. The disadvantage is that part of the view will be blocked by the equipment and the Rideau Island in front. The third one is on the ramp in front of the Venetian gondolier snacks. The view here is very good, and you can see the sea show and the volcano. The projection and the character's ship will pass nearby. It is a very popular place. However, the disadvantage is that the hinterland is narrow and you need to get a seat very early and you have to look back to see the projection on the hotel wall. The fourth one is the flower bed on the left side of Mickey Plaza. It is quite close to the paid area of ​​Mickey Square, but it is on the side. The flower bed in front can provide elbow support, which is very suitable for friends with cameras. The fifth one is in front of the Champigny brothers restaurant. Although there is a paid area in front , the one in the back is free. The area is closer to the ocean in the middle than the free area of ​​Mickey Square , and because it is very close to SOARING, it is very suitable for young travelers who want to rush to SOARING immediately after watching the parade. The preferred location for this trip is the third location in front of the Venetian Gondoliers Snacks. This seat on the ramp must be very good. This seat is very good . And why is it so popular here? Because it used to be a toll area . Really? ! No charge now? It's free now , so let's wait and get a bowl and then go to charge and say , " This way requires money." Hahaha , this is an officially certified good place. We just confirmed it with the Disney staff again and again. They said they highly recommend this place. It is in front of the Venetian Gondolier Snacks. There is a slope here . We are probably in the middle and upper section of the slope. We are facing the volcano. There is a small arch bridge leading to the front left of us. Well, in this section of the island , there are two areas, the front and the back . The place we are standing at now is the area at the back , which is for standing. Our front, the side near the ocean, is for sitting. If you are sitting , it will be. It was blocked by the railing , so we chose to go back a little bit, but if we could stand up, the whole view and angle would be better. Then I'll go for a walk and I'll be back at 7:55 so I can go. Hahaha, what's wrong with you? I cried, I was so moved. Every song is the title song of every animation , and every scene is the most touching scene at that time. One after another, and then the lighting, special effects, and sound. The way it is rendered in this way makes you really unable to extricate yourself from the emotion. It is very beautiful to watch live. The feeling is different from when we filmed it back. It is very good. The push is a climax and the ending is perfect! And our seats are also great . It’s not too close , but not too far. The distance is just right, and you can stand to see it. You can really stand and have a better view. There are railings in front so you can lean on it. Let’s end today’s Tokyo DisneySea here. Don’t forget it . This video also has a guide on how to book a show at Duffy's Restaurant. It's very important to that one. It's very important to that one. If you like our video, remember to like, subscribe, share and turn on the little bell. You think our video is made by us. Yes , you can also give us a super thank you as an encouragement. Don’t forget that we have a lucky draw for this video. We have just announced the title. If you haven’t seen it, go back and watch it again. Watch it a few more times. Yes, yes, we have all this time. We will put all the information and maps of the strategy in the information column below the video. Remember to watch it. That’s it for today’s video. Bye bye.
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Keywords: 迪士尼, 迪士尼海洋, 東京迪士尼海洋, 東京迪士尼樂園, 日本東京迪士尼海洋, 日本東京迪士尼, 迪士尼海洋美食, 迪士尼美食, 美女與野獸, 迪士尼海洋攻略, 迪士尼攻略, 日本, 日本旅遊, 日本美食, 日本自由行, 東京, 東京旅遊, 東京自由行, 東京美食, 抽獎, 日本景點, 東京景點, 達菲, 達菲餐廳秀, 迪士尼海洋餐廳, 迪士尼遊行, 東京迪士尼海洋遊行, 迪士尼海洋快速通關, 迪士尼快速通關, 快速通關, 翱翔, 夢幻奇航, 翱翔夢幻奇航, duffy, japan, tokyo, disney, disneysea, disneyland, disneyseatokyo, tokyodisneysea, disneylandtokyo, tokyodisneyland, disneyparade, parade, disneyseaparade, believe, believe sea of dreams, disneyseadpa, disneyseapp, soaringfantasticflight, soaring, TDL, disneybear, 東京ディズニーシー, 東京ディズニーリゾート, ダッフィー, ディズニー, ディズニーシー, ソアリン
Id: 8oQZqFzb9pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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