Tokido (Ken) vs. Kakeru (JP) - Top 8 - Capcom Cup X Last Chance Qualifier

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the other half of loser semis two Titans from Japan kakaru versus toito I can't wait for this one fam oh is he sleeping I mean he is in the zone oh he's in the zone sorry he's going to open his eyes and lightning is going to come out of I mean you say that but I guarantee if someone took a picture of him sleeping that'd be the exact same face I'm dead serious conscientious does toito want to tap him oh he's there we go wonderful I'm glad your whoop watch worked it's woke you up you know this dude toito man he is phenomenal shape me and Rob were talking about this guy's got like 0% body fat nowadays dude doesn't he have his uh home yeah he's bro he's got the bench in the back of his stream that's his stream Decor we're talking about getting figures we're talking about putting plushies back there my man just got the weight rack like that's crazy is he still on that beat he was posing me I'm sure probably added a couple more all listen if I ever see to in a Rolls-Royce I'm quitting cuz clearly I wasn't good enough with Akuma and I got to say are is any Street Fighter bracket fitting without having this match up Ken versus JP the L battle two of the most popular characters in the game two of the best players on these characters let's get it yeah this matchup has been probably represented the most outside of Luke features but we see how it goes one of the biggest things you got to be cognizant of as a JP players you don't want Ken running at you in various different ways Drive rush into Dragon lash dragash by itself Drive Rush stand face you really got to be careful about those spots was definitely the step kick as well that's another option you can got a sprink in a little bit yeah we we talk about toito while that stand heavy kick yes he in time so close the Japanese players are very good at using di as a neutral tool to counter certain things but he was just one frame off there kakaro yeah literally oh and then Stan Fierce confirm right there from toito you saw Del lay that was sick and then again just bullying him with that Stan fierce in the corner he's so good at that dude he makes you so uncomfortable that some point you're going to actually spend your drive gauge to just deal with hot air and nothing happen for doing half the work for me oh he tried to get the Parry after the G he knew he was minus frames what all right he recovered in time to not get punished somehow but he missed that I don't know what's happening yeah let's get out to the other side here kaguru will take the punish he can get just try to slow this down and regain our composure for a second I will I usually give you word salad I am speechless as to what I've just seen in the last 10 seconds there's no explanation that uh we could come up with at the very least Kaku though he's going to tie this so oh never blind all right now toito actually spun me with the Brazilian K toito actually spun me man sent you to Brazil 71 fam nice trade there and we talked about it off camera actually toito so good at recognizing when he's in a max range of Crouch jab 100% and he'll just go into light kick and if it's a counter hit that combos dude you're looking at an expert with Ken's buttons to be honest with you yeah for sure he only takes a player his level or probably better to kind of deal with it in that fashion perfect Parry into the back medium punch and he will activate lushka for the side swap here he's going to set something dirty Kar he's going to go for the drive gate damage instead burn out deal with this you can't even do supers in this sequence he works with the B I think he's worried about level one there yeah definitely torpedo that St heavy kick I swear he is the best K I've seen at utilizing that button this is good it sends in full screen actually super super good and look at that I love the step kick and then you tried to pop off with the di but you did not have the health to survive so that spacing was pretty interesting because of how meticulous it was it set up the Run step kick which you've mentioned numerous times today pretty perfectly and because if you're the opponent if you cannot tell that by the naked eye you think you have the chance to take a turn and you go exactly the step kick followup on a couple of different options catches people off guard so much it's even just good after the raw Fireball it's definitely something that has kind of Switched The Meta a little bit because people like to drive Rush usually after the fireball but the Step kick is a good option has a less visual indication giving people less things to react to almost got it the Japanese players are phenomenal perfect parrying Luke sand blaster and Ken he almost got the punish there but he's going to send too full screen and get him to respect that departure for the positional Advantage it's wild how they take Luke sand blast block strings off the table crazy right ooh jugle point with a cane you already know deal with it plus 25 nice again that Crouch jab into that sand light kick toito so precise with it I'm surprised to hasn't really Tri new sweep against the JP medium P I agree sometimes I wouldn't risk it myself but and I've seen toito he's he usually risks a sweeps here and there I've seen him do it against Luke a lot but not so much JP he's going to deal with this and he goes damn he jumped over there with a jump line kick okay yeah the jump forward and then he confirms off the stand Fierce that was probably just a buffer limited options yes oh but that's the thing right Ken can keep harassing you without the drive Rush of available cuz you can just walk up Crouch medium kick ginro relatively safe what's interesting as well is amnesia doesn't punish the regular ginro cuz it's not an invincible reverse that hit so even he does the empty gen with no followup you kind of got to deal with that a different way and even then you're kind of susceptible to frame traps from the my followups yeah that's what I was talking about before yeah indeed and then there's the empty jump he tried to crouch fierce but he didn't put a her box out there to catch and because he was crouching he got the crouching specific combo into the level two oh he R it again just to throw he was hoping that kakaru would Parry cuz that was going to be a punish counter burnout throw there's the tap Parry now and he got it the whiff button just immediately going to Parry this dude kakaro is different if you keep trying you'll perfect Parry some button in the neutr I got to say he wasn't sure if that was going to cross up that's why there was hesitation on that Crouch F and he's still getting a toito to bait that Parry there yeah we see it right toito definitely doesn't want to get his Drive gauge bullied for free too close on the St kick that time he the that was enough yeah he thought the jab would do enough hits St for the spike to combo right that's why we saw that little flood for a second but cocko still in control that must be such a weird situation as a JP player you press the button you think he going to combo doesn't come out you're like damn I should have done the conversion but you don't want the conversion and the spike to mess up that what a privilege that's definitely some of the Nuance about the character for sure punish got throw toito like he short on the Range maybe it's supposed to be a bait oh step kicking away from the spike here not a whole lot of drive gaug to work with from toito tries to stay aggressive nonetheless and does that thing ever missed nah he don't miss man well you drive G CU it's now confiscated it actually did burn him out oh D he's done indeed kakaru tying the setup after toito looked very in control for a while in that game too look man we spoke about this with the uh Arabic Talent shouts to all those guys game is a we had a nice long chat about JP one of us said it's like look man he can just convert from anything anywhere and you kind of just have to De I mean you know what my favorite JP Acron acronym is and that's juggle points you know it this man for days with the combos got R to the government name gave him a new nickname I love that Ser I'm going to lie and now yeah and we've seen that multiple times from Kaku already right he sees the St Fierce he likes to Parry after so love the throw adjustment from toito nice Escape he just didn't want to deal with the fight from the departure oh the stand heavy kick counter here but not close enough good sure yuken and he walked away to make sure that will work and have to deal with the Crosscut scenario and this will be a counter hit conversion limited though oo man that was a hell of damage here and that's a burn out JP by the way and he can still do that indeed yo the air yep he's going to get a conversion off that that was nice damage does come down with the jump heavy punch this time one no he miss miss it he miss time the me what Earth happened there like you said he was looking for that level one that projectile would have stuffed it oh man this is a huge opportunity wow he buffered it got toito to jump the O Spike still hit the Raptors and comos into the level three another fortuitous moment here for the number one JP in the world and I promise you he was actually successful with that trick lab against Jen earlier today see I I slly underestimate that to set and it's going to be a counter impact here and he's going to take as much dve as possible I think no set up shot just yeah put him to the other side of the screen let himself regen some of that drive gauge that's why he walked forward for the combo as well yeah oh nice get the Crouch medium punch always come people's passes off I see you there and the teleport is head of the spike coming out no Drive Rush cancel though uhoh he's been whing that crouching medium punch a lot today stealing right there right he didn't go with the second hit of the genin R so he was able to steal his turn while kakaru was processing what happened interesting choice of the level three because if he does OD Amnesia he's burn himself out which is why he tried to hold up probably to avoid a nasty situation exactly he doesn't want to do the OD mnesia you see the back dash he get a little bit more Drive meter due to the Parry he's out he's going to yeah just leave it Let It Rock perfect Parry but he had the spike follow up toito was well aware of that too's got to run in yeah he has to stopped him in his tracks one track medium kick will do it and it was that perfect parry and that was pretty difficult to do because of how close toito was you literally have no time to think it's only react and we saw kakaro he actually microw walked after blocking one of those first few moves just to get closer right in case a fireball in case something that was punishable came out like that stand heavy kick if you do that stand heavy kick too close it's also punishable so I love just the micro movements from kakadu is a St medium punch o F parry and he got a microw walk into the Crouch face that was sick I see you there I'm seeing all these microw Walks from the top players man I know you guys been labing I swear just a few pixels of spacing can make the world the difference you know it spatial awareness is a big thing oh toito and him getting punish counter right there does find the perfect Barry in the drive rush though we have an opportunity in the corner bait out the O the Amnesia that's mad damage my man prayed to no psycho God mhm look yeah the attack back on the drive gauge assassination by toito that's a well spent amount of Drive gauge there that's where you got to splurge the money right Splurge the cash you'll get the reward and it's looking for toqua to try and equalize in this set and he tried to throw out a no context Drive Impact everyone now and then yeah you know might as well keep them honest speaking of keeping them honest big bait on the OD amnia once again spin the level two as well and this is it he prioritized the dry gauge damage and the stream positioning over regular damage there and oh look at this Skip to My L God damn it I'm so glad that missed I'm sorry you let the P show through right there I messed with that I'm sorry goak back to the midscreen game toito doesn't have a lot of dve gauge hits him with the malice Crouch Miss again he's got a level three oh he tried to Parry was too early if he gets close enough he might do level two good GL M there's a multiple jumps right there toito trying to really Force his way in at this that was probably one of the most Sensational Fireball traps I've seen a lot of prerequisites put in order but I'll take it yeah and the chip was enough right like even if toito landed and blocked which is what happened he would still die extravagant indeed K and that's what happens when you tap Parry too much yeah and that's an angry bird special it's really good against kak oh but wait a minute wake up with the buttons instead level two s switch got it just in time going to do that drive gauge damage here and then set up something nasty yeah just regular departure immediate and side switch for you that was a big risk there from too I must say lovely delay on the canel from the jump medium punch and he needs this to replenish his Drive gauge not even oh my the damage off that starter just erasing kakaro life Wow you I hope that was ice cold The Cinematic damage my goodness too's like yeah twit you see that one you see him look at his phone he said yeah did you see that one that one high look at the face I love his he like he was like oh yeah he was like that's going to be on high five top 10 to say the least man here we go final game between these two Heavy Hitters toito and kakadu back and forth we've gone what will the result be got a perfect Parry stag might didn't quite work out here and looks like K's mixing up the positions of everything he's doing in the zoning game not making it easy get that Lain on screen and toito yeah he's doing a good job pairing here and there but he doesn't want to get too overzealous about it and with yeah but dude but barely anything's happen to kido's burn himself out look this exactly and now he tried that swe that we talked about before but kakuru already man tapped into the savings with no money M that's a withdraw fee bro that's over overdrafting okay you were limited so I I understand the hard risk you had to take but unfortunately that puts kakaro at Match Point here for toito oh trying to inch forward into a throw kaguru is still even ready for that we were all silent until that first by the way like you could feel the intensity in the air oh get fible there good confirm once again on the target combo beats them out I think he's baited way more Amnesia than they hit absolutely it feels like a 2 to 3 to one ratio right now ouch that's going to go to a final rounds yes indeed double driver ver cancel had the sliver that I needed perfect from both sides let's get get this final round popping man said we're just flinging out the perfects here like as a charity event let's do it first BL might take it wow he actually run canel the stand Fierce and got the throw off you could tell kakaro is respecting him right now one out of course ah no that's not good is he going to level three he's not going to take advantage of it just yet I think that's the wrong combo oh the back dash from kakuru he actually managed to avoid the throw and punish this is it do or die toid if you burn out this is going to be oh this is going to be disastrous f into the grab you have only got level three to work with and he jumps away H is still hesitating when it comes to PR jum again he's just trying to stay really safe with the pressure look at this three air to air jump backs he doesn't want to commit to anything oh the Amnesia no punish though oh level three in response to the overhead right by the time this is done he's going to be fully refreshed oh my goodness putting kakaru on life support he waits yeah he just Waits he's got to put he's got to put the burnout surely oh my goodness kakaru he's trying to figure fig out the plan please do not jump he's just got to wait beautiful Perry's trying to hold on to his Drive Gauge by any means necessary push him away he still has OD tooran if he wants to work with it but he wants to play this as safe as possible here drag wait for both players L scary projectiles being thrown though one jump leads to death well even an OD projectile from someone's going to change it there oh man he just jumps at that time OD tried to catch him slipping toito with a pixel oh he cat help go he's burn out again he's going to deal with this I don't think he's going to defend this the level two would actually punish the fireball attempt cockaroo survives yeah remember one frame start up on that level two it is a very real counter to Fireballs you see it especially Ken with a lot of recovery you can react it punishes kakaro dude that was absolute Fuego and I know I've heard Brian F talk about this before more JP players are starting to do that but by utilizing level two as an anti- projectile it changes a lot of things and in that scenario especially when too went back into dehydration there it was TD couldn't believe it but yo we can't give you better Street Fighter than this definitely not man Kaku surviving by the skin of his teeth what a set between these two Titans bro toito obviously a legend one of the greatest fighting gay players of all time kakadu's career is starting as one of the hottest rookies we've seen dude it was cra crazy because there was literally backbreaking levels of effort to try and just get that win Edge out the win from both players I've got to give props to toqua because he's baited so many amnesias in this set and he still didn't come out on top of that as well try to be very calm and patient with the Approach at times other times you had to rush in frantically to get something sorted but to no avail there and even then it's scary because level two look I can't eulogize lushka enough because it's one of those tools that is such a what's the word I'm looking for like it's an auxiliary for JP's tool set right absolutely and there are just multiple situations where you just do not want to deal with that and last game last round one drive stock or half a drive stock left yeah oh my goodness right and the fact that toito he ended up replenishing and he ended up getting burnt out by the end again just incredible patience and kakaru he was holding on to like less than two bars of Drive gauge for what felt like 30 or more seconds dude this this was brilliant yeah very brilliant it's not necessarily your traditional Fireball track but it was still a lose lose situation for Taquito and this canceled into the level three that was insane I didn't even know you could late cancel jump medium punch like that as well toito came with the magic right and even then in this last interaction delivers a perfect from kakaro he said hang on let me Return to Sender real quick let me get the refund on that package there by returning that perfect and then there was a level three too did here where it was do or die at that point yeah go for the gone have to do I think he got an overhead or he found that like a Slither of a gap yes it was the overhead he level three the overhead attempt by yeah that's what it was see this was look at this the drive gauge damage that this combo does is insane and how he handed himself in a lot of situations was insane the Amnesia here and then Bang Yeah he found it that's probably stop the other and look at this look at kakaro less than a bar of Drive gauge he held on to this for so long just with great Parry timings as always right that's been the tale of kakaro since gamer this man when he plays JP it stands for just Perry what is the moment she liveed for with Street figh 6 hopefully you guys enjoyed the action just as much as we did yeah there you go to be fair I think any JP player would have found like whether hook or by crook I would have just snapped my fingers and said look the level two right there was probably coming out regardless but
Channel: Capcom Fighters
Views: 64,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcom, street fighter, street fighter 6, sf6, playstation 5, ps5, xbox, xbox series s, xbox series x, xbox series, steam, pc, gaming, video games, capcom pro tour, cpt, street fighter league, sfl, capcom cup, world warrior, ww, cc, esports, capcom esports, capcom fighters, capcomfighters, capcom cup x, last chance qualifier, lcq, tokido, ken, kakeru, jp, top 8
Id: 2JSioNTz8VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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