Toilet Train Your Cat

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hey come on hurry up in there will ya you know I got to be at work in an hour what on earth could you be doing in there hi my name is Kelly Whitlock I'm a professional animal trainer but today I'm going to train you I'm going to train you how to throw your kitty litter scoop out forever okay we're going to toilet train your cat now the video is actually in two parts I'm also going to show you at the end of the toilet training portion have to train your cat if you want to train them to roll over or sit up or wave I'll show you how to do that at the end of the video it's easy and you're going to have a wonderful connection with your cat and your cat will love the attention you'll also really really impress your friends so what do you need to toilet train your cat well you need an indoor cat you cat that doesn't have access to the outside you also need a lot of patience any animal training requires a lot of patience also confidence believe that this will work hundreds and hundreds of cats have been toilet trained and this cat all I have to do for him is lay down food and water and flush twice a day that's all I have to do the training should take about three or four weeks and the first week is quite easy the last weeks quite easy it's the middle weeks week or weeks that get a little messy so I want you to stick with it hold on to that desire to never clean out a kitty litter box again and let's get started hi and welcome to step one there are four steps and the only rule is not to jump a step you want to make sure you've completed one step and the cat is comfortable at that level before moving on okay so let's start step one first thing you want to do is get your kitty litter box from wherever it is in the house and put it right beside the toilet now just to let your cat know you've moved the Box just pick them up and drop them in the kitty litter just move the Q litter around a little bit so he knows that his Keeler's now located here usually that's enough to move them and they'll start to use the kitty litter box in the bathroom keep that for two days on the end at the end of the second day what I want you to do is get an environmental kitty litter or flushable kitty litter and I'm going to sprinkle that on top of the kitty litter you're using already if I can make a suggestion one candy litter I really like is cats pride it's flushable kitty litter it's also clumping and really good odor protection because some sociable kitty litters aren't that good for odor protection so get yourself some cat Bryant cats pride and sprinkle it on top the next day put even more on and on the fourth day what I want you to do is completely replace the kitty litter you're using now pride now the reason we don't do this all at once is we're going to be doing lots of changes on the cat but we're going to be making them one at a time in very small amounts so hopefully the cat will notice that much so lots of changes but short ones small ones over a long period of time so over this first four days you're also going to be laying the training foundation down for the cat and basically what that is is we're going to make the cat think that this place here is a wonderful magical place that gives them lots of treats and he's going to love to be here so you have to find the treat the cat likes I'm using little pieces of steak today small pieces of chicken or tuna work is really well also counts treats are good because they can be cut up into small little bits you want to cut them up into the smallest piece that you can give your cat because that means that's the more rewards you can give your cat they don't really know that there's a small treats they just thinking they're getting lots and lots of treats now before you give your treat you're going to say a word and you're going to say the same word each time in the exact same way you might over to clicker training and I'll talk about that later in the video but right now all you have to do is pick a word and I'll use the word G ood and I'm going to say that nice and strong and that's the word I'm going to use just before I give him a treat so it's going to look something like this okay good and I'm going to give him a treat good okay now we're gonna add one more thing to that we want him to be on the toilet when he gets treated so I'm going to bake him over to the toilet and try to get him to jump up now some cats are completely comfortable up here they drink out of the toilet and they're fine but some aren't that comfortable up there have never been up there so this is where a bit of the training comes in and remember to say the word good very nice and strongly the exact same way just before you give the treat I don't want to hear any good or good none of that it's good or pick whatever word you want to use so let's see if we can get Kitty up onto the toilet this come on see no I knew he was going to go up there but if you had a good if you had a cat who'd never been up there I've been reward him for just putting a couple paws on there one paw and then two paw and then of course maybe give two or three rewards for jumping up completely so keep rewarding him good and then a treat and just leave him up there sometimes I don't even like to take treats so you might have to do something different you might have to just pet him when he's up there who's a good boy who's a good boy and lots of praise and attention very few cats don't like to be petted and stroked and touched a lot there you go stamp they're good and treats lots of treats oh nice and comfortable wonderful place to be okay now you can see I'm feeding Kitty from my hand he will take treats directly out of my fingers not all cats will do this so you can turn your cat to do this it's very easy just put something absolutely wonderful in your hand and just don't let it go until they take it out of your fingers if not you can also put something just on the flat of your hand and they'll eat it up from there if you absolutely have to you can put something on the toilet seat to have them take it out of your hand but it's better to train them sort of take it off the seat but it's better to train them to take it out of your hand good good I'll give you that one stay up there okay these sessions typically you want them short and many so short and often they shouldn't last any more than good four minutes so you'd want to get the cat bored but you'd like to do at least four or five a day over these next four days so as many as possible to get the cat really really comfortable up here now when he's going to start happening every time you walk into the bathroom the cats going to follow you and jump up on the toilet gee that's good we want them to think this is a wonderful incredibly wonderful place to be so the more you treat them and the more you praise him for jumping up in the toilet the more success you're going to have later on cats can be trained if there's six months old to about 12 13 years old the only problem is when they get older they might have trouble jumping up on the toilet seat but then you can just give them something like a bucket so that they can step up to onto it before they get on the toilet see that will help them balance a little better the reason you don't want to start until six months is because until there's six seven months old they don't really have the balance to be up on the 12 seat they might fall in so you could have to wait till six months but even if you have a older cat it doesn't matter you might have to leave this bucket by the toilet seat big deal you've got a toilet trained cat now before you start step two I want to make sure that step one has been completed you want to make sure that the cat is comfortable using the Kahler box in the bathroom and also that you've had the cat or cats jump up on the toilet seat and they're comfortable up there if it takes you an extra few days longer than usually takes cats four days that's why I say four days but if it takes your kind a little bit longer or you haven't had time so you have been able to do the training take those extra few days and just make sure he's a hundred percent used to coming into the bathroom to use the kitty litter box and comfortable up on the toilet seat so step two it's a big change this is what we're going to do you're going to buy a roasting pan these are the oval aluminum roasting pans you can get them Supermarket the dollar store very cheap but extremely useful what you do inside the toilet this is how it fits in most a dirt while some toilets I found have been a little smaller so you just have to squish it in no problem it still works now with the litter pan this is their new litter pan in the toilet you're going to fill it up and catch pride say about two inches make yourself a little litter box there and there you go this is what the cat's going to use from now on now the cat probably has already been jumping up here just to see what you're doing because he's been getting so many wonderful treats on the toilet so if he jumps up here reward him of course and also you know just take his pond and that around the kitty litter or batting around yourself just to get him used to the thought that this is his new kitty litter of course you want to as well take out his old kitty litter box get rid of it but just before you do what I want you to do is steal just a little bit of kitty litter of used kitty litter from your old box and just put it inside just to give a little bit extra smell doesn't get to move them over just that little bit quicker another little tip you might want to do this on a Friday afternoon when you know you're going to be home a little bit more on the weekend so you can watch and see what exactly happens now you might be worried about support is this going to hold my cat well amazingly it is very very strong you can try and push on it or even look at this it's very very very strong if you're worried like if your cat is maybe over 20 pounds then I would go to maybe two roasting pans just to give it that a little bit of extra strength but you don't have to tape it down or anything the rim itself holds the roasting pan in place you want to see what it looks like here it is this is my cat kitty as soon as your cats doing this but it's just a matter of time before he is trained to use the toilet instead of a litter box now always remember keep treating him though soon as he's on the toilet you see em you can say good and reward him right after if you have two bathrooms in your house great you can maybe use this toilet for the next three weeks just for the cat but if you did have to share it with the cat during this time you would have to lift up the lid take litter box out and close lid use it and then put it back of course another suggestion for you is to just purchase one of these little things because sometimes you might keep the litter out of the toilet usually it just stays in but just in case these little kicks it out just have one of these around for quick little cleanups one important thing to remember is during the training cleanliness is really important cats usually don't like to use the litter box that's full so again you don't have to be here every time uses the litter box but at least once or twice a day you might have to clean it so you might be cleaning a little bit more than you used to clean your litter box but just for a short time so cleanliness is very important also treat your cat again every time you use this the the toilet treat him if he's up here using it treat him and that's live saying associating the word good with a treat was very important in the beginning now when you see him on the toilet you can say good good in the same way in the same tone of voice that you were using during the training sessions usually they won't jump off and run for the treat when they're using the toilet they'll wait but they know that what they're doing at that moment is what is earning them the treat if your cat was comfortable jumping up on the toilet usually this transition is an easy one he will start to use this kitty litter box instead of the one on the floor if not you may have problems and your problems will be one of two types the first type is the better type and that is holding it in you'll probably have gotten used to your cats habits right now and you'll realize that maybe he's not going to the bathroom as often as he used to be what I would worry is if he doesn't go number two for three days or pee for two days usually it's completely normal that they hold it in a little bit because things are changing things are a little unusual so even in the wild when things change and things are getting usual they hold it in because they don't want to be seen by predators or they think some predators are around so what holding in a little bit is normal if you want to move things along a little if you know what I mean if you give them a little canned get not usually smooth things out and makes things appear quite quickly but holding it in is your first problem your second problem is a little worse accidents I don't want you to get discouraged but it's very rare you get through the entire training without at least one accident okay so what I want you to do is just get cleaning products ready basically all you'll need is a soap so blot up the stain with as much as you can with paper towels then use a very soapy water pour that on soak that up then just put fresh water on and soak that up now that'll get rid of the urine and the smell for us but not for the catch so you also need to spray it with vinegar half vinegar and half water spray the entire area and let it dry that will take the smell out so even the cat can't smell it and you want that because if the catch smells that there's urine on a rug or a carpet he's going to use that spot again never use ammonia products because those smell like you're into a cat okay so get products ready and don't be discouraged also there's nothing really you can do about it punishment wise if it's after the fact there's nothing you can do five seconds after an animal has done something he forgets about it if you do walk in and catch him doing something on the carpet just pick them up and put them on the toilet and if you continues on the toilet praise and praise them and praise and lots of treats for you for doing it on the toilet just a little tip to prevent any accidents happening sometimes catch when they get their litter box taken away they choose the bath tub instead so what I want you to do is plug up your bathtub and just put about an inch of water in during the first three weeks another thing you can do to avoid accidents is to remove anything absorbent in your bathroom on the floor like rugs so get all the rugs out of the bathroom just for the training period sometimes also cast upon a toilet seat so go right ahead and take the toilet seat up so it doesn't fall down on them and create a bag and he gets kind of scared this happened when I was training my cat it did not it though as long as I brought it back here little pieces of chicken into he soon forgot it last thing is to remove anything on top of the toilet just in case my pod and it falls down it makes it we want to make this a lovely wonderful environment so what I want you to do over the seven days that is step two is remove kitty litter waste from the pan you can either flush it or just toss it and don't refill the kitty litter pan so over the next seven days we locate litter is going to be going down and down and down by small amounts and at the end of the seven days you should only have about half an inch to an inch of kitty litter left in the pan if during this time you have to completely take the pan out empty it clean it and put it back in sometimes that may happen again cleanliness is important or if you're not you know you could just buy a few pans and every few days throw one out and use another one and during this time remember to keep training him on the toilet obviously you're going to reward him when he uses the litter in the toilet but also keep up your training sessions at least in the beginning stages now your cat has been using the roasting pan as ruler box for about a week you've been taking can you layer out and not replacing it so there's really only about a half an inch to an inch of kitty litter in the pan now and you're comfortable your cat is comfortable with this now we're going to take it to the next step we're going to do some cutting we're going to start to trick them we're going to start to make small holes in the pan so the first hole is going to be about an inch long once you get like a box cutter and just cut into it make like an X don't have to be precise doesn't have to be right in the center fold all the edges in so they're like this so they can't catch on the cat's feet when he goes in there it's nice and safe small little hole so we're going to put this in the toilet close it down and replace it with about the same amount of litter that was in the toilet before there you go what's the hole for well we're going to start small and when the cat nail uses the litter box he's going to hear some of the kitty litter fall into the toilet maybe some of his own urine might fall in the toilet he's going to hear that splashing we wanted to get used to this still feeling secure so we're going to have a small hole to start with keep this for about three days okay so let's make a little bigger now just make an X and bend it over with the first hole we waited three days before it made it any larger but now you can go a little quicker every two days take the pan away and make the pan make the hole just slightly larger just about an inch around maybe a little less than an inch around larger each time and wait only two days if you do get any accidents at this point the caramels a little bit it's because you are moving too fast every two days is a good number and it works for lots of cats but you know maybe your cat just wants to go a little slower so then either take it back a step maybe offer just a little bit more litter or get a pan and just may make the hole little bit smaller and let him get used to that for a couple days and then move on okay here we have the larger hole and you can see the kitty lid is still around so the cat can sort of still feel that when he's going in the bathroom now you're going to see hopefully he's going to start to take out one or two of his paws either put his two front paws or maybe one back paw on the seat instead of scrunching completely inside the roasting pan this is good this is what you want as soon as you see him use the litter box treat him right after here's another little tip sometimes cats are really fond of Kate litter and when you give them a hole they'll scoop and scoop and scoop until all the kitty litters down the hole and then they get discouraged because there's none left well trick them a little bit take some superglue in a new pan spread the superglue just a little bit in the pan and then some kitty litter on top when that dries put the kitty litter back in about an inch or whatever you're using back in and then give it to the cat when they catch scoops Awlaki litter away they'll still be some left and you'll still feel it on his paws and that's usually enough to get them to go now that one was quite large and you might be worried oh my gosh is my cat going to fall in well don't worry even though there's quite a large hole in the pan it still can support a cat I've never had it happen that a cat has fallen in but I can imagine maybe the possibility of one leg falling in and touching the water and scaring the cats lately well that's the beauty of you training him on the toilet he still thinks of this place as a wonderful magical world that gives him lots of TuneIn treats whenever he jumps up on it getting one leg doused versus lots of tuna and chicken there's just no comparison he will come back to the toilet ok once you don't think you can cut any more into pan well then that's the time to take it out ok my suggestion is you do this on a Friday when you know you're going to be home Saturday and Sunday and every time the cat goes in or approaches the toilet don't rush to the bathroom because I usually push them off and they run the other way some cats are very private at this moment but just stay by you know if you have a television or a den near the bathroom that you know that if you sit there and watch TV you can just watch and wait if you're starting to get to know your cat's habits now as you will what time he uses the toilet you can watch out sit and wait he goes in just listen for that lovely little tinkling sound and then when he comes out and you can say good kitty during the tinkling sound and as soon as he leaves the bathroom whoa lots of treats lots of treats lots of treats here again is Kitty using the toilet and you can see the stamps he'll take for urinating and I'll show you the other stance in a second now what I've shown so far is how to toilet train a cat a fee of one cat well two or three or four cats is basically the same you might want to take a little longer to do the training though your training might not last three or four weeks of my last five or six weeks just go slow because you're going to have to go to the speed of your slowest cat one thing I would suggest though is in the beginning stages when you're treating the cat for going up on the toilet I would do this individually so walk your other cats out and train one cat train each cat alone now in a second you're going to see what happens after the cat uses the toilet they'll scrape the toilet seat just like they were covering up their urine just like they would have done with the kitty litter this is natural and it's instinctual for them to cover up their you're in or their feces so it doesn't smell and attract predators now here's the other stance I was talking about you can see he's sitting a little higher up in the toilet seat and again afterward he's going to paw at the toilet seat but the wonderful thing about this is that because the cat goes in water there is virtually no smell okay maintenance making sure this sticks well number one I still treat my cat for using the toilet I still do it only costs me a half a pound Street or a piece of chicken that I happen to be eating whatever and it makes me cat happy and it still associates a good wonderful feeling with him using the toilet you know even two three years down the road you can still treat your cat for using the toilet when you catch him obviously he's going to be using it sometimes when you don't see it also a little maintenance tip is or a little other little tip is this transfers oh my gosh you move don't worry if you move just in your new house again go back to bake I call it going back to kindergarten so go back to kindergarten bring your cat into the new bathroom and treat him for coming and touching the toilet treating from four jumping up on the toilet making it a wonderful place all what a good kitty would a good kitty and the first time you see him use the toilet obviously treating treating treat him just in case there's any male humans living in the house with you they have to remember to keep the seat down kid he can't go to the toilet with the seat up so what I did was I wrote a little reminder sit down please now teaching your cat to flush well it is possible and in the end of the video again I'm going to show you how to teach your cat to do lots of tricks but flushing is something I wouldn't bother with because if you teach him to flush he flushes all the time he just flushes whenever he gets the feeling to flush he doesn't flush after it's hard to you know connect those two things together using the toilet and then flushing for the cat so don't worry about flushing it's a very small price to pay a little flush two three times a day and you never have to clean the kitty litter box again so that's how to toilet train your cat it's a big change for the cat but we're going so slowly and making such small little changes that hopefully the cat won't notice and it'll just get used to each new stage as it comes along so be confident that this works hundreds and hundreds of cats have been toilet trained and I know it gets a little messy around step two and you might have an accident I did as well just get ready to clean it up and just keep on going because it does work stick with it and remember you never have to clean a cutey litter box again okay let's now let's learn how to train animals I've been really lucky in my life being a professional animal trainer I've got to work with cats and dogs of course but also other wonderful animals I've trained pigs I've trained horses which are really smart and they love to learn I was lucky enough to raise a zebra once and they're even smarter than horses well they are horse but very very smart animals I even trained a llama to jump over a camel once that was fun and I also trained dolphins which as you can imagine are just wonderful to train very smart animals but you know what I've trained a lot of cats who loved the training just as much as a dolphin did and we're just as intelligent and quick to pick things up as a dolphin so keep that in mind and let's start part two you may have heard of quicker trading already and don't be shocked but if you were following the toilet trading instructions to the letter you've already started clicker training you didn't use a clicker but you use the word good because what clicker training is is pairing a sound with a food reward so giving a sound at the same time as you're giving the food rewards so the cat begins to understand that sound means that he's earned a treat now you were using the word good but if you wanted to you could grab a clicker from they sell them in lots of different pet stores it's anything that just makes a metallic sound or quick sound like this and the beauty of this is it has to be short and sweet that's why I asked you to say good really small and strong like a short and strong so you didn't drag it out because longer you make that sound the more of the things the cat will do during that time and you want to make it really short and sweet so you say you catch that exact behavior now so you can get a clicker if you like but what you really do need for this next step is a target stick it can just be a piece of wood a ruler something like this because the cat is just going to touch one end it's going to be a target for the cat to help in the training okay here are the basics what you want to do is get your reward in one hand again small little town streets I'm just using the catch normal kibble right now they'll work for kibble they they love the training so much your target stick and your clicker in one hand or your mouth to say the word good I'm going to use the clicker so I can talk at the same time of doing the training you're gonna take the target and you're gonna allow the cat to touch the target with his nose oops and when he does you'll give him a treat okay seems pretty simple we'll just keep doing that good so he has to touch the target with his nose good and you'll see he starts to after the first couple sessions he'll start to reach for it I'm bad at giving treats here you'll start to reach for it and that's what you want you want him to do that it's him touching the target and hearing the click that's what's giving him the reward now sometimes catch will instead of just touching it they'll reach over and bite the target by our okay we don't want that at all so if they bite don't reward them for that don't see what's that but I did click don't worry it was a mistake but I'm just not gonna reward and I'm gonna offer to again Kitty and make sure he just touches and reward for that okay after a few days you're gonna be able to start playing around with the cat a little depends the timing depends just on how quickly you're moving along with the training maybe you're only doing one session a day so it might take you a little longer but if you're doing a lot of sessions a day it said me long before you're able to do this and just bring the cat around and he will follow the target to touch it now you know he really understands the training especially because he knows the food is in my hand and he's going away from the food Beckett he's going away from the food to touch the target so he knows that he has to touch the target to get the food Kitty to shape or to capture that is the trainer's question once your cat understands the clicker and by that I mean he's following the target around and you see that when you click he stops whatever he's doing he rushes over to get the treat from you that's what he completely understands the clicker now you can start trading behaviors and you can do it in one or two ways you can capture behavior which is the easiest way and that is just catching something your cat already naturally does like kitty kitty don't scratch face good face edge face good now you see I had the cat normally scratches his face of course and when I was in training session I found him doing that so I clicked and rewarded and clicked and rewarded when he scratched his face all of a sudden he started scratching his face more often Kitty scratched face face and I'll show you how to put it on cue after this so that's the easy way you can just find a behavior that catch doing naturally already like jumping up on a chair and click and reward for that to shape a behavior that's the more common way to train animals and what we want to do is you want a final behavior but you can't just get there by going hey shake a paw shake a paw doesn't understand English you have to get there in small increments so you're going to shape the behavior over different over time so shake a paw well what I want us to him to put my his paw in my hand so I'm not going to start up top and start really down low just sneak my paw up my hand in there and get him to put his paw on my hand try again so again timing is important I'm clicking when his paw is solidly placed in my hand so sneak it under again and not when it's being lifted up or when he's about to push it on it's when it's right in my hand and then over a few days you can move it so your hand is raised up a little bit whoops see I made a mistake no problem there you go and then up a little bit until he has to raise his paw to go to touch my hand and that's how you teach chicka bop here's another fun thing you can teach at the cat jump through a hoop for this you could go back to using the target and have the cat come through hoop cat when the hoop is low on the ground and just lead them through the hoop with the target then you can gradually have the hoop higher and higher and higher until he's actually making a jump to the hoop and then phase out the target and probably the cue for this is just put the target and put the hoop in front of him and you should jump through good kitty how about a rollover it's actually quite easy for this citchen easier if your cat will allow him allow you to touch him and just roll him over so you're gonna have a clicker in hand and roll him over and click at the exact moment he's rolling over and of course reward after dude again hoped I'd drop it okay roll over good good okay so again the time is really important you want to click as he's rolling over and then after a few days of this year find all you have to do is motion towards him and go roll over I didn't click that time that's okay let's try again kitty here you go gets easier and easier cuz he knows what you want there you go this is a really fun game you can even play it at parties and you're going to practice your shaping skills without using the cat at first you're going to start with a human so get a human guinea pig and you're going to put them in a room and say okay now you're an animal and this is a new room you're in and you're very curious and also whenever you hear click it means I'm going to give you some food so you're going to walk around and if you do something I like I'm going to click and you stop whatever you're doing come back and get a smartie or something from me ok so then all you have to do is think of a behavior you're going to train him to do remember no English words in this you can't tell what to do so think of something you can start easy like turning going and turning on a light switch or picking up a banana and then you can get more advanced picking up a banana peeling it kneading it or setting the time on the VCR that's something like that but start simple and then move on this is a great way to practice your shaping skills so let's see what it looks like excellent once you're pretty consistent that you can get the behavior so I know every time I lift the target stick the cat will go up then you can start putting it on cue so that's going to be phasing at the target stick and phasing in an action or a cue and cues can be either words or actions so I'm pretty consistent I can get this set up pretty consistent he'll do it almost every time so now I'm going to put it on cue so before he does the behavior before I ask him to do the behavior I'm gonna say something and I'm going to start phasing out the target so I'll start doing this can you sit up there you go you saw the end product there but can you sit up sit up you see how I'm phasing out the target I'm still using it sort of just a motion to get him to go up but I'm slowly phasing it out now slowly as soon we'll get it completely up can you sit up good and this might take you a few sessions don't be fooled into thinking it's going to happen in one session but kitty sit up sit up sit up there you go so after a few sessions that he knows every time you say sit up he's about you're going to ask him to sit up and he's going to get rewarded for it sit up he's going to start to to do it without the target stick at all and then when you hear up he's going to start to sit up without even seeing the target stick at all you can put either word cues or hand signals to cue the behavior force it up you can use the word sit up for wave I just wiggle my finger and what I did was I wiggled my finger before I asked him for the wave and soon he just saw the wiggling finger and he'd wave right away kitty now another thing you can see my cat doing things while I'm sitting here babbling on to you he's offering up behaviors this is a great way to see that this training really is a communication between you and your cat and your cat loves the training he's sitting you're offering things up hey do you want this do want this Joey scratched my face Joe me do this and this is great because you can now select and shape all those different behaviors into what you need so I never discourage that but once you have a behavior on cue you don't want to you don't want to reward for it if he offers it when you didn't cue you only want to reward the behavior if he offers it to you after you've given him the cue if you don't want to train your cat to do tricks that's fine but you should at least train him one thing and you probably already have the behavior and that is to come to his name kitty kitty 3 K good kitty yes now how did I do that everyone's very impressed about that but it's very easy you probably already have the behavior like I said so if I shook this what happens Kitty comes running okay and you give them a treat so you either use the pounce of this shaking treat so you know you have some treats that when you shake them your cat will come running the can opener well what you're going to do is so we've got the behavior now you're gonna put it on cue so what you'll do is you'll say kitty whatever your cat's name Kitty and then shake he comes and give him a treat random throughout the day 5 6 10 times a day you know whenever you see it just go kitty and then shake and he'll come running and soon of course as you know soon all you'll have to do is take Kitty and the cat will come running because he knows what's coming after it's a shake now one other some concept that's kind of hard to grasp but Judy is when you're training so what we've been doing so far is we've been clicking and treating clicking and treating and when he comes I give them a treat but you don't have to give them a treat every single time in fact they work harder for you if you don't give a treat every time and especially you know you want to be able to call your cat sometimes and not have to give them a treat for coming so you're going to work on random reinforcement so maybe you'll give them a treat give them a treat the next nothing the next time a treat maybe twice with nothing and then it treats we never knows when the treat is coming this is a really hard concept to grasp but we actually work harder when the when their reward is random think of casinos with the slot machines you never know when a rewards coming in small small big nothing nothing nothing small small it's exactly
Channel: Kelly W
Views: 413,847
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2015
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