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top ten biggest cats in the world usually known as independence and small animals cats have been considered as one of the most accessible pets for all types of people since they don't usually occupy much space Z or so we thought join us to see the cats that you didn't think exist even in your wildest dreams number 10 Matilda this feline also known as the Allegan Queen cat represents a historical figure in the luxurious elegant and traditional Allegan Queen hotel located in Manhattan New York this cat is in charge of welcoming guests from all over the world who come to stay at that hotel it was awarded a prize in 2006 as the cat of the year although the New York Times aren ously called her as a Burmese cat Matilda is a purebred rag doll so it is estimated that she could reach a little less than thirty five inches in length in view that she was female this cat usually did not get along with other cats however she's maintained good relations with some dogs her favorite food is chicken with gravy or tuna with gravy or whatever has gravy on it as she apparently loved gravy unfortunately Matilda died in October of last year only one year after leaving office number nine timo this rag doll is popular for its YouTube channels i double where you can see its daily life as the lazy and playful cat that it is it lives in Holland with its brother a British Shorthair named Cleo this breed can measure up to 35 inches and weigh about 20 pounds it is also known to be extremely docile and dependent but mainly they are called rag dolls for their abilities it completely relaxed their muscles when they are held Timo covers each of these characteristics to a tee being a relaxed cat with many stuffed animals which accompany it during the naps it takes anatomic in which it usually lies belly-up but its main fun lies in playing in its own pond with its koi fish one of the peculiarities of this breed and of Timo is that it rarely meows number eight sprinkles a few years ago an obese cat from New Jersey caught the attention of many when it was reported as the heaviest of all in North America and possibly the world - weighing 32 pounds this short hair is the equivalent of a three-year-old child usually the ideal weight of a short hair is 11 pounds due to its poor diet the feline could barely walk because its muscles were not strong enough however sprinkles was taken to the animal shelter in New Jersey where it was treated and put on a diet for health reasons that would mean being at an ideal weight in about a year and a half since its joints and more importantly its heart could be irreparably affected despite all these complications sprinkles was happily adopted by Dianne Marshall with a total weight of 25 pounds where she is now treated as the queen of the castle despite the fact that this cat must still be maintained on diet and exercise number seven Zeus when you were younger didn't you want to have a tiger for a pet well Zeus is pretty close to that living a well-off life with its owner Morgan Lin known for its YouTube channel spotted exotic this serval looks like an ordinary pet with the exception that technically it is a natural predator since it is normally found in its natural habitat in African forests usually hunting rodents birds and even small antelopes despite this Zeus is known as a rather Gentile and playful feline this kind of feline is known to have the longest legs within the animal kingdom in relation to their body in addition to measuring more than 40 inches long they can live up to 20 years in captivity however due to the new American regulations it is only permitted to have a serval as a pet in four states hence Zeus is no longer seen with its owner in its videos so it is believed that Morgan had to give it up for adoption it should be noted that the serval is considered an endangered species of lesser concern however its hunting is still occurring [Music] number six Scarlet's magic this species of Savannah had the record of the tallest cat measuring at first sixteen point five inches however a year later it would reach more than 18 inches breaking its own mark in 2010 the year of the first record it would also be considered the largest domestic cat measuring forty two point seven two inches she is known for being featured on the YouTube channel Leon Draper Draper Leon belonging to its owners where you can see the interaction between its species with people and other animals despite looking like a wild animal it is quite gentle and quiet in addition to having some certain canine behaviors such as his eternal loyalty and following his owner everywhere another of the peculiarities of this species is that it can reach up to eight feet in height from a static posture Scarlet's magic was also given the key to the city of Corona in California because of its achievements the breed of this feline is believed to be a cross between a domestic cat and a serval so it is considered one of the most expensive pets reaching prices of up to 50,000 dollars number five Arcturus at just two years of age this Savannah cat has already broken the record for the world's tallest cat reaching nineteen point zero five inches in height and weighing around thirty pounds it's no big surprise since its owners claim that our tourists Al Abbar and powers yes that's its full name it's about a pound and a half of food daily or else simply looks at the table to ask for it despite its large size it is quite friendly with people who are obviously surprised to see a cat the size of an average dog however Arcturus shares being the center of attention with his brothers Cygnus Regulus powers since this Maine is the holder of the world record of the domestic cat with the longest tail which measures seventeen point five eight inches and it's even longer than its own body what a family number four Ludo you can't talk about big cats without mentioning the Maine Coons Kelsey Gill originally wanted a cat only similar to the one that appears in the Harry Potter films sorry mom however over time she realized that her cat was not very common holding the record for the longest cat in the world with an extension of 46.6 inches and weighing a modest twenty four point five pounds Ludo is a very friendly English feline who acts like any other plays sleeps tries to sneak in certain places and then go back to sleep and we emphasize the word tries because it's large body prevents it from having the agility of any other cat turning it even a little clumsy and quite visible at the time of hiding something that it usually does or rather tries to do very often however Ludo does not seem to care since its favorite pastime is lying while being stroked or brushed by his owner number three Omar in Melbourne a cat is trying to snatch the title of largest cat from Ludo this is Omar in Australian Maine who has become famous on its own Instagram measuring forty seven point two four inches and weighing thirty point eight six pounds turning him into one of the favorite candidates to break the record this cat has nothing to envy from Garfield once again my life has been saved by the miracle of lasagna with the exception that it does not eat lasagna since its diet consists mainly of breakfast cat food and kangaroo meat for dinner because one does not get that big drinking milk and cookies Omar is so big and heavy that in visits to the vet its owner has to use a dog cage just like any other cat it's pretty quiet and it likes to take small naps in addition to playing with its canine companions Rafiki and Penny who never seem to leave it alone despite having achieved fame quickly Omar can't wait to return to being a normal pet away from so much glamour number two Samson and it seems that the felines have taken over Instagram as their second home with more than 170,000 followers in his account Samson has come to fame as the biggest cat in all of New York City this chubby and hairy friend is a four year old Maine that measures more than four feet and weighs around 28 pounds owner Jonathan's erbl says that Samson maintains a fairly common routine like other cats his favorite hobby being to snuggle with him despite its large size it is a cat that is in excellent physical condition even if his diet includes eating up to six cans of food a day it also uses his account to provide some positive support to people of large sizes with descriptions like real cats have curves number 1 Stewie despite all the members of this top we cannot use the phrase the biggest cat in the world without mentioning this feline Stewie was not only the largest cat in the world measuring an incredible 48 point five inches in length but also the one that held the record of the largest tale reaching sixteen point three four inches however aside from its rewards Stewie was also a therapeutic cat helping to release stress cope with diseases and motivating many patients to keep looking forward in the same way this gentle giant used its popularity to promote adoption events regrettably Stewie developed cancer and he fought a fierce battle even if it could not win he went down with his head held high with every achievement and every help given throughout its life big Bubba as his owner Robin Hendrickson used to call him gave his last goodbyes to his pet celebrating what would be his last birthday if you thought cats were small compared to dogs think twice if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and a share don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and activate notifications so you don't miss any of our videos see you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Trend Max
Views: 12,434,305
Rating: 4.6802926 out of 5
Keywords: the biggest cats in the world, world's biggest cats, biggest cats in the world, biggest cats, largest cats in the world, the biggest cat in the world, the biggest, cats, in the world, biggest cat breeds, biggest house cats, biggest cats ever, big cat, fattest cats, giant cats, ludo cat, top 10 biggest cats in the world, top 10 biggest house cats, top 10, list, trend max
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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