Together Again: A "Lake's Funland" Story True Ending Full Walkthrough Night 1-7 + Extras

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all [Music] is I [Music] [Applause] [Applause] greetings this is Ashley J Waters speaking introducing you to my investigation thesis project for Mrs Pan's class for this special conclusive project I decided to put my dedication my concentration and all of my energy into one particular case could it be controversial yes delicate of course tragic unfortunately but overall this is one of the most intriguing cases that Montreal and the surrounding area has heard of in the last couple of years with very little information available on it on October 11th 1990 Martin calcott Joshua fwicki Gribble disappeared at night under mysterious circumstances after they had left their homes without prior notice the three of them presumably at the same hour headed to unknown whereabouts never to be seen again and despite this being a case with hardly any information on it and with so much room for conjecture and rumors I Ashley Waters compromised to do everything that is in my power to unveil the secret behind their disappearances one way or the other over and out all right first night on the job oh the office is a mess but feels like a nice place to work oh someone left a message [Music] nice uh hello hello hello hey how's my favorite security guard doing huh so are you excited for your first day Ashley not if you are just kidding you know I feel quite enthusiastic about you working here so uh I'll be recording some tis for you you know to help you get through your first week and well some company wouldn't be so bad right I'll tell you it gets a little stressful but hey you'll do fine I promise so uh first of all the security crew is provided with a CCTV monitor that allows you to watch every single room in the location through the cameras except for those in restricted areas like the lobby or maintenance rooms you can monitor the whole location without leaving your office this yeah cool right lucky you you know you won't have to wander around in the middle of the dark with a flashlight speaking of which each camera has a flashlight integrated we just can't keep the place's lights on all night because that would be a huge waste of power so uh use your flashlight to have a clear view but always be responsible and do not fool around with it please it can run out of battery uh by the way you also have this button in your CCTV panel by pressing it you can toggle the vent cams I'm sure you're probably thinking it's weird that the air ducts have cameras inside well uh let's just say we had a situation and uh well we had to install a couple of cameras in there uh listen there's this other guard who takes the dayshift his name is Michael you probably encountered him before starting your shift well he used to work during the night before but he complet laed about uh conditions and uh he's not really the first one there was this other girl too but she chose to quit because one of the animatronics got into the office during her shift and tried to attack her she left the building with a broken leg we were really lucky she didn't sue us yeah uh but hey I'm not trying to scare you or anything but Michael said those machines have been a little Twitchy lately we moved him to the dayshift because he complained a lot about the moving at night and trying to get into the office and acting aggressively that honestly gives me the chills you know I I mean they get proper maintenance every weekend there's no reason for them to behave that way so I think the problem is that the animatronics are only programmed to work during the day and interact normally with the people and the children and when the night falls and everyone has left they think whoever is still inside the building must be an intruder so they use their sensitivity to sound to try to locate you until they get into your office I I don't know that's the best that comes to my mind uh we had to come up with a quick solution and we installed some speakers around the location and the ventilations you know just push the audio button in a different room if one of them is getting close to your office okay that will do for now oh got to go sweetheart Take Care by the way I packed your pills in your bag just in case you start feeling anxiety but remember no more than three pills okay good I'll pick you up when your shift is over remember 78 I am all right love you bye-bye what did she just say about the animatronics all right I've heard this one before I guess it's a practical joke all right let's get serious sounds like my job isn't too hard I hope a fan okay is that a figurine a mom that's adorable huh these look funny hey I could get a few bucks if I sold these maybe if I ask Marian's boyfriend to fix them nope not touching that what is this thing these look cool but they barely have any articulation BL with them must be some much fun Winter's coming up so I don't know why this thing is on huh mom talked about preferring to store trash like this instead of giving it maintenance oh well companies I like these but I prefer the circus man and the coyote cold monitors out of order piled up in the corner of a messy workplace why do I feel like I've seen this before Deja [Music] Vu who's this supposed to be and why is it here nope don't touch that never seen one of these dolls before it's cute but [Music] weird a fan okay it's just trash the sound of my voice is right on a safe [Music] spot the sound of my voice is right on a safe [Music] [Music] spot hello follow my voice to find a safe spot [Music] the sound of my voice is right on a safe spot hello follow my voice to find a safe [Music] spot the sound of my voice is right on a safe spot [Music] the sound of my voice is right on a safe spot hello follow my voice to find a safe spot [Music] [Music] [Music] the sound of my voice [Music] is great first night done and that was surreal not positively surreal [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he d for [Music] [Music] I [Music] for the I I d the the for I [Music] all right second night and now I am not so excited anymore all right let's hope our shin friend doesn't leave stage tonight I wonder if mom left a message oh of course she did hello hello there honey well done see I told you your first night wouldn't be a problem you did good hey I have an update for you we did a checking routine to the animatronics earlier this morning you know mere protocol thing we don't have anything special scheduled for this week we did a couple of tests and monitored each animatronics View and we found something interesting that could be useful for you Alex and jonun the coyote and the rabbit on stage 02 appear to have a particular flaw in common it looks like their Vision glitches in the dark the image goes all pixelated so I think you can use that against them I doubt you can fool them with the speakers so my suggestion is if they ever leave their stage and approach your office just try shutting down the office's power with the switch on your desk it's likely they won't see you or their systems rebooting is another possibility by the way now that we're focusing on stage O2 uh last night I managed to set up the music tape in there to work properly but I doubt I'll be able to do the same now listen just check that camera every now and then and make sure it's playing all right if it ends or if it glitches whatever just rewind and then play it again got it I spoke to Michael and uh he said one of them would move if the tape remained stopped I think that must be Alice so yeah be careful and pay attention to that all right I've got to go and do some paperwork now but take care love you oh God now you're telling me I have to deal with more of them at least I have for granted I'll get a bigger paycheck [Music] where's the hello follow my voice to find a safe spot [Music] [Music] hello follow my voice to find a [Music] [Music] safe [Music] meet a safe spot by following my [Music] voice the sound of my voice is right the safe [Music] spot the sound of my voice is right on the safe [Music] meet a safe spot by following my [Music] voice [Music] meet a safe spot by following my [Music] voice a safe spot by following my [Music] [Music] voice meet a safe spot by following my voice where's the t [Music] meet a safe spot by following my voice the sound of my voice is right on the safe spot hello follow my voice to find a safe spot the sound of my voice is right on a safe spot meet a safe spot by following my [Music] voice it's okay the [Music] [Music] all right folks I'm done for today see you tomorrow I guess [Music] no the I the the d the all right Wednesday surprise me sheesh it's getting cold in [Music] here [Music] n [Music] [Music] what all right Wednesday surprise me sheesh hold in [Music] here well hello there ashy how's everything going I assume everything's running like clockwork it's your third night here pH um well everything's pretty boring during the day like I said we don't have anything special scheduled for this week There's No birthdays no holidays and uh there's barely any clients as of today the only clients we had were a family and a couple yeah you can't imagine how bored I am here but hey lucky you you have the whole location just for you all night kids must Envy you I I mean you know maybe you uh maybe you can just leave your office for a while and uh play in the arcade zone for a few minutes you really are lucky to be the manager's daughter well whatever this morning I checked some old footage from the cameras Michael showed me so I could tell you a few things hey I'm really glad that boy is trying to help you I didn't want to believe things were that bad for him but if he's really that worried about you then I must say I was wrong but it's just unexplainable you know I saw Lake moving from one room to another in the recordings what Michael did to push him back was kind of curious I could see him hiding in a dark spot and then at one point he just stood up in the center of the room and when Michael turned on the flashlight Lake just ran away I think he hates lights so if he tries to bother you you can bother him with your Mighty flashlight weapon but be very very wary because he's he's fast you know all right ashy that's all I had to say take care bye oh well there it is she says I can play a little then breaks my piece telling me another of these freaks moves too great way to lay the moon [Music] mom [Music] hello follow my voice to find a safe [Music] SP the sound of my voice is right on the safe [Music] [Music] spot the sound of my voice is right on the safe [Music] spot [Music] meet a safe spot by following my [Music] voice [Music] meet a safe spot by following my [Music] for [Music] [Music] hello follow my voice to find a [Music] safe the sound of my voice is right [Music] [Music] on it's [Music] okay hello follow my voice to find [Music] [Music] meet a safe spot by following my [Music] voice [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] hello [Music] hello follow always to find a [Music] SA meet a safe spot by following my voice hello [Music] all right finally Dawn better rest up for a [Music] bit [Music] for [Music] the [Music] the [Music] e [Music] the [Music] the [Music] the [Music] for Thursday the more I concentrate myself the faster I'll get through this bull let's hear what mom has to [Music] say hello hello uh hey Ashley you're doing great there night four um look uh I've been thinking a lot about what Michael has shown me and uh the things you've told me too and so I'm checking old recordings right now there's one that got my attention you know chick the bird right well I've uh spotted her inside the ventilations and some of these [Music] old [Music] all right fella let's see how good of an eye you have for shooting Nice Shot nice shot that's got to hurt Nice Shot yes what a shot nice sh Nice Shot yes what a shot that got hurt Nice Shot Nice Shot Nice Shot Nice Shot yes one shot Nice Shot nice shot Nice Shot Nice Shot Nice Shot nice shot that is got to hurt nice job that has got to hurt that's got to hurt Yik what a shot that is going to hurt that is going to hurt Nice Shot Nice Shot Dar that shot hurt Nice Shot Nice Shot nice shot what a shot what shot darn got nice shot no no I'm not the rabbit Nice Shot Nice Shot yes what a shot come on brother my blind grandmother has better a than you nice jot Nice Shot Nice Shot Nice Shot yes what a shot nice shot darn that got to hurt got shot Dar that got to hurt Nice Shot Nice Shot Nice Shot Nice Shot nice shot what a shot ni nice darn got hurt darn got to hurt yes what a shot excellent you're a natural born Cowboy my [Music] fellow all right fella let's see how good of an eye you have for shooting Nice Shot yes what a shot Nice Shot nice shot what a shot nice shot what a shot what a shot y what shot nice nice J shot shot Nice Shot darn that is got to hurt Nice Shot darn that is got to hurt no not the r nice shot good shot no no not the rabbit no no not the rabbit stop ni ni no rabbit Nice Shot Nice Shot dark that got hurt that got hurt nice sh no that's a rabbit hurt shot got n no no not the rest stop what a shot job Nice Shot no not rabit yes what a shot Nice Shot Nice Shot nice shot what no no not the rabbit no oh no not the stop darn no no rabbit ni that is got to hurt that is got to hurt Nice Shot nice shot excellent you're a natural born [Music] C all right fella let's see how good of an eye you have for shooting shot Nice Shot yes what a shot no no not rabbit that got to hurt Nice Shot Nice Shot no no rabbit what nice nice no no not the rabit just stop no shot oh no a rabbit Nice Shot got Hur Nice Shot Nice Shot Nice Shot Nice Shot Nice Shot no no not the rabbit yes what a shot nice shot shot Nice Shot darn that is got to hurt Nice Shot nice sh Dar that is going to hurt Dar that is got to hurt darn that is going to hurt [Music] B Thursday the more I concentrate myself the faster I'll get through this bull let's hear what mom has to say [Music] hello hello uh hey Ashley you're doing great there night four um look uh I've been thinking a lot about what Michael has shown me and uh the things you've told me too and so I'm checking old recordings right now there's one that got my attention you know chick the bird right well I've uh spotted her inside the vent ventilations in some of these old recordings I honestly have no idea of how on Earth she could get there or how she could even leave the stage as far as I'm aware of that should be impossible but hey the audio player should have some effect on her I believe her vision isn't functional at all must have been the must have been the incident from 4 years ago she left the location and we found her in the back alley in the middle of a snowstorm um well well I assume the snow damaged some of her circuits and uh it's been impossible for the engineers to get her fixed no one knows why you you may remember that incident I'm talking about it was on the newspaper uh by the way that reminded me um I don't want to sound nosy I mean it and I'm really sorry if I do you left some of your notebooks on the table a couple of days ago I I picked them up to put them in your drawer but uh I noticed your notes you know that investigation you're doing for school about the missing children and their possible connection to Lorraine's assassination I I I mean you're doing great it's just it's just that I don't think you'll get anywhere with it like it's been about 4 years since that and there's barely any information on the case whoever you ask will probably lead you to simple rumors there's a bunch of them out there I don't know I'd suggest you find another case there's plenty of interesting cases you can work on what about the robberies at the red path Museum that sounds interesting enough I'm sure you'll get a high grade listen I just I I just think it may not be safe to do an investigation on such a serious case at least if you're not a professional certified detective but you do what you think is best all right that's all I had to say take care and good night that was weird why would she be so nervous I mean I know I'm not working on the least serious case but that was interesting could it be that Darren's suspicions about Mr magwood are no no no I'm just imagining stuff mom's got to be worried that's it oh [Music] no meet a safe spot by following my [Music] [Music] face [Music] hello follow my voice to find a safe [Music] spot hello follow my voice to find a safe [Music] hello follow my [Music] [Music] [Music] voice hello follow my voice to find a safe [Music] spot [Music] h [Music] meet a safe spot by following my voice need a safe spot by Fall [Music] my need a safe spot by following my [Music] the sound of my voice is right on the safe spot the sound of my voice is right on the safe spot hello follow my voice the sound of my voice is right on the safe [Music] spot the sound of my voice is right on thefe me a safe spot by following my me a safe spot by following my voice it's okay need a safe spot [Music] [Music] my hello follow my voice to find a safe meet a safe spot I found in my [Music] voice hello [Music] [Music] follow hello follow my to find a safe spot the sound of my voice is right on the safe [Music] spot meet a safe spot by following my first [Music] hello need a safe spot by my [Music] voice all right another shift done why am I still coming back [Music] here t [Music] hey hey Ashley excited for your first week to end I was thinking of you know taking you to IHOP when you finish your last shift or any restaurant you'd like to go to um Ashley look I'm really sorry for all the inconvenience and the troubles I've put you through and if you don't want to return next week I can totally understand that I'm so sorry honey I promise you I'll compensate you okay okay oh got to go now take care love you [Music] Mom [Music] d [Music] the [Music] t [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] what [Music] meet a safe spot by following my [Music] voice meet a safe spot I follow with my voice the sound of my voice is right on the safe spot the sound of my voice is right on the safe [Music] spot hello follow my voice the sound of my voice is right on the sound of my voice is right on the safe [Music] spot meet a safe spot when following my the spot [Music] my [Music] safe spot by following my voice hello follow my voice to find a safe [Music] spot the sound of my voice is right on the [Music] hello follow my voice it's okay meet a safe spot by following my [Music] voice me a safe spot foll my hello follow my voice to find [Music] a the sound of my voice is right [Music] hello follow my voice hello follow [Music] voice [Music] hello see the sound of my voice is right on the safe [Music] spot hello follow my voice to find a safe spot hello follow my voice to find [Music] us mean a safe spot by following my [Music] voice the sound of my voice is right on sa the sound of my voice is right on the safe [Music] spot the sound of my voice is right on the safe spot meet a safe spot by following my hello to find a safe spot meet a safe spot by following my voice a safe spot by foll [Music] my good hello follow my voice to find [Music] usep all right I'm out of here huh mom hasn't arrived [Music] yet [Music] is [Applause] oh is [Music] is [Music] all right you can do this ashy it's your final night here and you're doing this for the check and and for Mom if only I knew where she's been all day [Music] though uh hello uh hello hello um Ashley Waters right U hey I'm I'm Mike Mike Schmid they shift guard uh I I saw you leave the place by yourself in the morning and I've seen Rachel you pick you up to take you back to your place and then come back here but um I haven't seen her the entire day and I I'm assuming she didn't pick you up either I'm I'm really worried I I tried calling her and everything but I got no answers so uh please give me a call if you know anything about her okay I wrote down my phone number on a piece of paper should be in one of the Ro all right that's all I wanted to tell you um I wish you the best of luck good night Ashley what Michael hasn't seen her either she's never missed a day at work and dad hasn't heard a single thing about her all day either [Music] Christ [Music] need a safe spot by following my [Music] voice the sound of my voice is right on the safe [Music] spot [Music] [Music] hello the sound of my voice is right on [Music] safe [Music] hello follow [Music] find meet a safe spot I found my [Music] voice it's okay the sound of my voice is right on the [Music] safe me a safe spot by following my [Music] voice [Music] [Music] meet a safe spot by following my [Music] voice meet a safe spot by following my [Music] [Music] for the sound of my voice is [Music] Right a safe SP by following my [Music] Pur the sound of my voices right on the safe [Music] SP hello follow my voice to [Music] find hello [Music] [Music] hello follow my voice to find [Music] the sound of my voice is right on the [Music] [Music] safe the sound of my voice is right on the safe spot the the [Music] no no no no no no it it it was mom my mom and all these ears and it was her no no this this can't be [Music] mom [Music] the sound of my voice is right on the [Music] S meet a safe spot I F my voice the sound of my voice is right on the safe spot mean a safe spot by following my [Music] voice a safe spot a safe spot I [Music] my [Music] the sound of my voice is right on the safe spot hello follow my voice to find to safe [Music] spot the sound of my voice is right on a safe spot meet a safe spot by it's [Music] okay be a safe spot by following my be a safe spot by following [Music] my [Music] the sound of my voice is right on the safe spot meet a safe spot by following my [Music] voice [Music] hello [Music] the sound of my voice is right on the safe [Music] SP meet a safe stop by following my [Music] voice the sound of my voice is right on the the sound of [Music] my the sound of my this is right the sound of my is the sound of my voice [Music] is meet a safe spot by following my hello follow my [Music] [Music] voice [Music] good hello [Music] safe hello follow my voice to find a safe the sound of my voice is right on the [Music] se [Music] sound hello follow my voice to find a safe spot meet a safe spot by following my [Music] voice the sound of my voice is right on the safe spot hello follow my voice to find a [Music] safe all right boys you're all going back home good ridds [Music] [Music] is e e we'll see you some other time bye isn't this where we came [Music] in it was tough and completely surreal but I'm proud of my effort it's experiences like this that teach me the value of not getting my nose into things that don't concern me I seriously don't want to talk about [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] today today what day is it uh today is August 23rd no August 24th of 199 1 it's been such a year for me if I'm honest and yesterday my husband bought this tape recorder I don't know why or for what it's one of those many useless things he bought for absolutely no reason just because he liked it or something I genuinely don't care I thought it would be all right to you know take it borrowed and vent my sorrows in a recording so that maybe I could listen to it anytime you know to feel sorry for myself or whatever or perhaps make a whole collection of my awful recordings and sell them on so Ashley and Mason are out for the whole weekend they're staying at my mother-in-law's place I would have gone with them but I'm sure I'm not her cup of tea I have those for myself and I just drank a bottle and a half of whiskey I've been dealing with stress lately not because of my job not because of my family family nor my duties I haven't slept well the whole week for the 12th time this year I have visions that keep tormenting me and it's only when I get alcohol that I I can relax my mind goes blank it's it's getting harder to uh make up words so I'll just just stop this crap right now I just hope I can rest tonight [Music] it's October 11th of 1992 it's been 2 years already and the media is talking about it again Martin Josh and Wendy and in 2 months it'll be Lorraine it feels like the whole country is judging me pointing at me hating on me yet they don't know I held the knife I didn't take the knife by myself though I've some sometimes thought of turning myself in or confessing it to everyone shouting it at the top of my lungs but then I remember my family would be in danger if I say anything if I'm not here anymore what do I have left just you a tape [Music] recorder hello it's finally Christmas Day and I I just woke up to the solution yeah I think I found a way to redeem myself to liberate those children somehow I know I can't revert what I did and I know I can't bring them back but I can release them from their prisons yeah I've been gifted with a vision but but I can't do it alone I'm going to need someone someone who can connect with them someone they want to listen to I'm putting an end to this soon voice just hold on hello it's November 13th of 1994 tomorrow is Ashley's first shift I convinced her to take the job and now my plan must work out I know I know I'm such a terrible mother for leaving my daughter alone in this death trap for 7 hours but she has everything that is needed to resist it will take time but I can tell that this is what will put an end to everything I've got work to do uh hello hello hello hey how's my favorite security guard doing huh today is November 18th and this is probably the last tape I'll record and it's just for you Ashley I won't be around today nor tomorrow nor for a long time I'm aware that nothing will ever make up for what I did and that there are not enough words to tell you how sorry I am for doing this for hiding it and for letting you take this into your hands I know I'm a horrible person and that nothing justifies my actions I was scared terrified that something would happen to you or your father if I didn't do as I was told I didn't know what to do and all that Panic all that fear my my brain my brain just stopped working and I did it Ashley I'm sorry about everything Martin Josh Wendy and lorine I'm sorry about everything I know you'll never forgive me and you shouldn't I know you'll never go back home but the least I can do for you is give you the rest you deserve a closure once and for all [Music] goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] more [Music] [Music] more [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] more [Music] [Music] are [Music] [Music] all
Channel: Indie Fuel
Views: 141,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fivenightsatfreddys
Id: UtyimYnC7zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 20sec (8000 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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