TOEFL Reading Practice Test, New Version

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Finally, here it is, an updated version of the TOEFL test, and in this case, the TOEFL Reading section.    So for those of you who don't know, as of August 1st, 2019, the test has changed, a little bit,  it's changed a little bit, not too much, but a little bit, And it's really hard right now to find an example of this new test until now, here it is. So, really quickly, before you start, I know to want to practice, let me just tell you about the small changes to the Reading section. So, first of all, in the past, there were 12 to 14 questions per passage. Now there are just 10 questions per passage. In the past, you had 60 minutes to answer all the questions, now you have 54 minutes to complete all of the questions. The passages have remained of the same length, the same types, just less questions. The way they did this that pretty much that there are less vocabulary questions. It used to be about three or four vocabulary questions per passage, now it's just about one. And that's it for the most part So, definitely download the PDF version of this test, it has an answer key with explanations and a grading rubric, and you can find it in the description below. My name is Josh MacPherson, I am the head instructor of TST Prep, an online language TOEFL school, and our mission is simple, to help you get the TOEFL score you need as quickly and easily as possible. And today, it's the TOEFL Reading section. So, grab a pen and a piece of paper, and let's do it, TOEFL Reading. All right, look at you, finishing a whole section of the TOEFL test. Congratulations!  Seriously, it's really hard to go through a whole section, especially when you're studying on your own. I'm proud of you, keep it up, excellent job, really, great work. So, if you're looking for more TOEFL practice, more of the new TOEFL, check out our site,, We have more TOEFL tests for you as well. But really, thank you for watching. Hit the subscribe button,   we're always releasing new stuff. And I see in the next video guys. Alright, take care, bye-bye.
Channel: TST Prep TOEFL
Views: 431,564
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Keywords: TOEFL Reading Practice, TOEFL Reading Practice Test, New TOEFL Reading Test, New TOEFL Reading Practice Test
Id: W7YKI4epvnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 57sec (3357 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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