Toddler Tantrums as Dad Loses Control | I Want My Mummy | Season 2 | Episode 7

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what happens when two hard-working boats down tools and go on strike for four days leaving their homes and children in the hands of their husbands sisters caroline and charlotte are going on strike together so which of the brother-in-laws will cope best without them will it be handyman here messenger or fireman steve laurel our family adviser anna raven will be watching to see if the dad can make light work of the challenges ahead dads often don't realize just how much work and forward planning goes into running a house and the kids well they're about to find out [Music] first let's meet the messengers ian and charlotte have three children jake seven harry's five and lucy's two the two boys are such a handful but to get peace and quiet charlotte has to lock herself in the downstairs toilet [Music] i can't remember the last time that i had five minutes to myself i want my husband to understand what it's like to be a mum of three and why i am so tired at the end of every day when he walks in the door from work they're about to throw a few spanners in the works my kids most definitely before charlotte leads here in charge [Music] when does lucy start her two-plus playgroup i'll go for a guest 18th of september what are the names of jake and harry's new teachers i wouldn't honestly have a clue come on what level are the boys on it swimming level two right what is harry's favorite food [Music] oh dear ian one out of four no wonder charlotte's off on strike and she's already writing her goodbye note i am going on strike i would like you to appreciate me more and i want you to have a better relationship with your children and i hope this time on your own with them will help you to grow closer and don't forget the three golden rules you are not allowed telephone takeaway and television and remember if you go out the boys need to wear matching clothes great great and while ian's left home alone charlotte's offer some pure pampering at the greenwood's health spa in essex wow housework for dad five-star luxury for mum and while charlotte's relaxing she'll be able to watch ian's every move it's the morning of day one and today ian has to do a weekly shop all he needs to do first is get the kids ready right now we'll get down and pick them all back up again and you can stop copying your brother last one to get dressed is a complete doughnut oh and even though you can't even get themselves dressed don't you yeah especially with your jeans on your head jake that was fun wasn't it [Music] don't don't don't don't don't you notice your flip where are we going in boys and girls it's taken an hour but they're finally off to the shops ian's never ever ever done a weekly show now get your dolly don't worry hang on stress buggy you don't want to get in it no need for a minute bubba when it's raining then we get in the air there you can get out and walk yeah i'm going to go for vegetables and fruit that's what we're going to start with roast potatoes you wouldn't have a clue how to peel potatoes himself nah that's not cheating it's easy let me go come on while ian's sorting out tonight's dinner charlotte's decided to cook up a little surprise of her own promised the children to make some cake so don't forget the ingredients this is a dumb cup how about we buy cake mix everything's cheating within right then boys home baking there we go look at this easy in it which ones you want to make boys the nest side the ones you make at home in it never buy cake mix yes you need right so we just try making myself in boys should we just try making myself coming in guys you ready guys no i don't even went too bad did it [Music] [Music] matthews [Music] my husband thinks my life's very easy and my life is spent eating cake and drinking cups of tea i believe my job's harder yeah i do i think i work harder time for the test how much does libby's after-school play group cost the afternoon four pound fifty how many packets of nappies do i go through in a week one full pocket what is the name of libby's best friend tubby how many loads of washing do i do in a week how do you do or do you say you do um i would say you do ten good effort steve three out of four but you're not off the hook caroline's still packing her bags dear steve i'm going on strike i want you to learn how life is managing the family and the chores by the way matty needs to be at the hospital at 10 50 this morning half full love caroline p.s the dishwasher was strictly out of bounds and no watching sport we better go he will have to hurry if he's going to make that hospital appointment question [Music] i wonder if you managed to get the the rain cover on the double buggy i don't believe that that's the single waggy rain cover okay to go get work there's only the single cover rain cover it's in there it's there i know i'm gonna get the cover of your head there you go that seat is soaking now the double buggy rain cover is underneath the push chair put a bib down for him to sit on all right let's go kill them oh well steve don't let it double your enthusiasm [Music] back home and with the dishwasher out of bounds steve's forced to hit the kitchen sink most boring job known to man that's why they invented dishwashers we haven't always had a dishwasher but my wife has put a ban on me as you see down there do not enter well done matty you have an extra packet of buttons mommy said he's not allowed that's my girl coming up can't ian ryan is for the challenge of making a cake no no no no no that's one thing i did see mummy do with you once she went like this i don't know why find out what happens when brother-in-law steve introduces his kids to healthy eating and pasta and vegetables [Music] unfortunately for the brothers-in-law these two sisters will be watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the afternoon of day one and electrician ian is getting to grips with his chores he's been washing how is that ironing cooking no yuck playing computer games with the chores out of the way it's time to bake all here needs to do now is find the cake recipe well i haven't got a recipe for making cakes it's on the nose board i can make this a nice citrus sponge cake if i don't put the citrus in it just be sponge sounds like a recipe for disaster it don't work out right harry we can end up putting the wallpaper up with it you never know it's just going to curdle it's more like an omelette than a cake at the moment that just looks revolting doesn't look no no sick no no no that's one thing i did see mummy do with you once she went like this i don't know why they're going there aren't they right they don't save me any but he did do it all without your recipe charlotte speaking of which [Music] i love marvelous ian's bathing two-year-old lucy and while dad's away clean your creatine [Applause] there you go [Applause] right no more throwing stuff around guys please we told you up now cause we're going up do it you want to play on the computer for five minutes tidy everything up and then we're going up for a bath okay nice try in but you're clearing up on your own you want to go downstairs you're not going downstairs it's bedtime it's seven o'clock gone past seven o'clock actually that's gonna be silly harry you know you've never been able to draw in bed go to bed right now come on that's getting silly now bedtime right do you want a book or not stop put a kiss in the cuddle if i go downstairs or not lay down joking hands i'll see you in the morning love you both this is intense i mean i will tell you i do feel more tired than i do when i sometimes come home from work and sit down and hopefully just relax and watch a bit of tv so and then wait to see what tomorrow brings but the day is fun don't be silly mommy's not here is she i like mommy you like mommy do you like you don't like daddy though you like daddy as well didn't you just break mates sounds like ian's had a hectic day and he looked shattered bedtime was difficult for him if you and your partner take it in turns to put the kids to bed make sure you stick to the same routine don't encourage children to play off one parent against the other across town brother-in-law steve has finally got around to some of the chores this is boring but he's yet to tackle the biggest challenge of all the washing machine oh that's easy in it no putting the softener in the pre-wash drawer 40 degrees yeah mine working there you go right sitting but he's turn the machine off again why have 15 lines when you don't need them press the other button turned it off no he's found the button yay that must be it i must have cracked the code no yes excitement can i just ask why did he do it like that the washing's finally on but it looks like steve's other half i spent on upsetting his plans for a quiet evening could you please make the kids pasta and vegetables for supper i want to introduce this to their diet love cars [Laughter] you're always going on at me that they don't eat healthy enough so hey here's his chance to put his mighty words into action what do you think of pasta and vegetables for tea so steve soldier's on whom it tastes better 20 minutes later dinner is ready [Music] an hour it's gone cold um i'm not happy nice try steve but it's back to the drawing board he still seems like a waste of food that's all that's what i say you're not doing your teeth ah yeah yeah i know i've got two days up there i know how long is this one then is this a long story so after a long first day has steve changed his mind on being a stay at home yeah no i've always had respect for my wife she does always work out just not as hard as me what steve was very keen to introduce the children to healthier food but he failed changing a child's diet takes time you need to start with a tiny amount and then build up gradually a whole plate of something unfamiliar just doesn't work it's ian's second day and his only task is to get nine-year-old jake to his afternoon horse riding lesson which means he can enjoy a leisurely morning at home all right put them on [Music] oh great one see that's what it's normally like at home i don't know if my wife has the same uh thing every single day but she does i do feel a bit sorry for her and now it looks like someone else is getting themselves in the skin go away loose go for it and things are about to get worse box come here come on [Applause] come on lucy's now getting pathetic absolutely 15 minutes later ian thinks the park might be the answer rip [Music] all right everybody out there guys should keep me time for a little while to make it a little bit easier for me so we shall see come on bubs let's go and have a look ian's turning things around lucy do you want to go on a swing yeah well it's great in it and they're enjoying themselves don't cause you any stress and uh it is good yeah it's right there looks like you spoke too soon oh god here we go come on jake no don't start punching jake that's really silly in him come on you never kick jake because you know you don't do that put you in your cup oh god here we go boredom you'd have hurt yourself in there yeah i don't hurt you drake but i am just going to get you out of there you wonder why jake i get the um win you then go out and you do this tantrum over but ian's completely forgotten about jake's horse riding lesson which starts in five minutes hopefully we should be able to find all the uh his horse riding stuff pretty quick i hope right then come on in guys let's get going yeah that's a good find you ever been late with mummy no no right okay wasn't the answer i was really looking forward i do endeavour to always be early if i'm late i'm late that's all there is to it hurry up counting boys let's keep on going i think i'm running up a hill they've got never been coming boys so ian got to the lesson [Music] to get to my eyes i don't think i'm going to actually make any sort of uh chefs nervous on my chopping abilities right after an hour sleeving in the kitchen ian's prepared a special bolognese sauce for the kids right do you want some sauce no i think i'll be eating quite a bit while it's things you don't want no sauce in it no no now you know mummy was nicer you've not even tried it going in guys up to wooden hill i can't wait for mommy to come back you can't it's hard gary it's not physically it's more mentally because you're always thinking what you've got to do and how you got to do it what you've got to do next you know what are these up to you know when you're outside or you're trying to do something and you always worry not in back head you know they're not going to turn around and jake's going to throw himself off the top of the climbing frame or lucy's going to fall off the wall or you know there's all them sort of things i suppose there is a lot more involved in i thought today ian's had a taste of just how hectic running a household can be and i think he's beginning to understand that forward planning is key children hate to be late for special activities plan to be early and get them there on time across town fun-loving steve has begun his second day and he's got a long list of chores to do this is the first now i never ever do this oh we go then there we go looks reasonably straightforward the only time we'd use the hoover would be and the rare occasionally hoover's out the car reason it has to go that way why isn't it going in she's breaking the internet that should go in there that should go in there i should go in there does anyone actually get any pleasure from irony i'd much rather be outside with the boys than doing her chores i've got them admit so he'll be getting stuck in it lily maybe not it's all very well but what would your wife be doing i probably would have hoovered dusted clean kitchen i probably would have cleaned the bathroom in the louvre by now this is fun look at you looks great fun hard work this was great fun so he's taking up some bird at the park where's mum today she's got a feet up at a health spa oh very nice yeah she uh she's told me she deserves it she does i think yeah thank you [Music] it's dinner time and due to lack of demand steve's healthy option is off the menu i know i put some cream on i know i've put some creamer and then it's bedtime but not everyone's happy with that idea [Music] [Music] i think he's slowly realizing that um the children aren't all fun all of the time i can understand why caroline would be tired and can i understand why caroline's grumpy that's more to do with me probably today steve put having fun first and doing the chores second he also abandoned the healthy eating challenge which is a mistake because if you're going to change something in the way that your kids eat you have to stick to it that way the kids know you in business coming up steve goes too far so we cheat daddy's got me trifled as our brother-in-law's host a joint party for all six children do you think i'm doing nothing i'm just doing everything sophie's been playing fair two hard-working stay at home cheers i do hope my house is clean when i get home i doubt it i'm probably going to have to get to cleaning company [Music] it's the final day and bright spark ian has found a way of stopping his kids from going off the rails ian's never actually entertained his children so this is quite nice to see actually doing something constructive with them while the kids are amused ian sneakily got them dressed saving a repeat of the last two day shenanigans that was less stressful on it i know mummy said we've got to clean the house top to bottom but you didn't so i got to do it all by myself did she now we've got backups here which ones are using while the kids are playing through the housework our sisters on strike have come up with a plan to make their partner's lives a little more interesting and charlotte's husband ian is the first to find out what it is [Music] there's a party tonight you are doing savoury for the kid party buffet don't forget balloons and put lucy's hair in plaits great one should we have a let's see what i can find see if we have got anything we can use right uh no party food what i'm gonna do when we get there boys better get back to the shops then leave it there harry come on jake please because lucy is getting wet come on right you're sitting here for two minutes jake all right can you hold my hand balloons there you go balloons you've got a sort of script save on the balloon no we're gonna add the other ones we've gotta think of money here harry this situation needs a female to take care you gotta know harry i know dear lucy's gone guys [Music] [Music] lucy across town brother-in-law steve is unaware of the plans for tonight's get-together what are your teeth last night was a little bit of a challenge he had us up all night steve might be tired but he's still able to lay on a gourmet breakfast of processed chicken perhaps it's time to tell him about tonight's big party you're out on suites i must make something from scratch there we go so mr sweet must have loads of ideas let's go do some shopping any ideas what you'd like have you any idea what i could do for sweets for a children's party should we ring on colleen up and see if he thinks he's a good ideas well i'm doing i'm doing the buffet part of it i know is there anything for the sweets you would like is there anything else we need for the sweets for dessert um that wasn't very useful at all leon should daddy cheat daddy's got me trifle you don't want me to cheat my daughter's too honest for her own good all right then so we have to make things let's go around here to the bakery section come on we always need a backup always need a backup chose these buying ingredients for a tripod and six coffee apples just as a backup of course [Music] the old cookery teacher be delighted with me sure there was another measuring job somewhere ah eureka it's nearly time for the joint party and steve's trifle seems to be measuring up nicely but does he know how long it takes to set i haven't got a clue keep going you can't cover up that one steve hey over in the savory camp ian's pushed for time the party starts in 15 minutes and he still hasn't platted little lucy's hair come on get lucia balloon a balloon just give her a boom to hold you can see in his face he's looking let's find her dummy throw out i think i might go and wash her hair because you've got too much stuff in it isn't it it's too late uncle steve's here someone's been saved by the bell come on let's go girlie come on don't go down the stairs are you doing excellent mate so you think i'm doing nothing am i doing everything i don't think he's been playing fair oh harry wet nephew stopped by the neck oh lovely [Music] how much have you done to what i've done then we've been to the hospital been shopping also we've been horse riding it's been pretty much actually with a bit of shopping in a bit of horse riding and well i've been hard at it the hospitals and doctors i've been up for three nights continuously you've had it easy how can you have some horse riding oh well ian at least your savory's gone well and now it's time for steve's homemade sweet jake and harry and libby hanusi you see what i just made they look nice very professionally made steve ah it's been conveniently left in the car you never tied it all up i think i might leave with my two boys you be good girl give me a case i'll see you later steve and his trifle have left the building but how does he think it all went i've loved being with my kids all the time i've been with them but it's been very very hard today and for savory supremo ian there's ways with the kids you know when they've been naughty before i would just lose my temper i haven't done that for the last three days good night you two i'll see you in the morning good night the final day and our sisters are enjoying the last few moments of the health stuff but which is our trouble with tantrum and timekeeping i'm late i'm late he has got a better relationship with his children meanwhile steve's tackled pouring rain he has managed what we've asked him to do and the children and they seem very happy that's amazing there's a few things not quite the way i do but the main thing is you're happy yeah yes both dads and they were brothers-in-law kept the rules so well done for that steve's mission was to get a handle on the housework and he tried but he preferred to play ian's task was to win over the kits we always knew he could do the house work he kept his temper and gave it his best shot and that makes him my dad of the day [Music] wow sydney to ian missinger dad of the day yeah what's up mummy's got tank as well guys congratulations you have won a family day out to great thorpe park [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Origin
Views: 15,472
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Keywords: i want my mummy, i want my mummy full episode, i want my mummy full episodes, i want my mummy song, i want my mummy series 1 episode 4, i want my mummy episode 1, british tv, origin, tv full episodes, bbc, parenting, parenting tips, origin story, single mums, documentary, bbc documentary, i want my mummy episode 23, i want my mummy season 1, Anna Raeburn, documentary bbc, bbc documentary 2020, raising a child, weird parenting wins, daddy day care
Id: Wn9-b49TFxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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