Mum Left Shocked When Dad Looks After Kids | I Want My Mummy | Episode 16 | Full Episode

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[Music] what happens when two hard-working mums down tools and go on strike for four days leaving their homes and children in the hands of the husbands which dad will cope best with the challenges mom has set will it be big bad barbell busting stewart biggs or workaholic tony markham our family advisor anna raven will be watching to see if the dads can make light work of the challenges ahead dads often say how hard can it be to take care of the kids and the house well they're about to find out first let's meet the bigs lina is full-time mum to four girls rachel megan chloe and baby katie she also looks after muscle man stewart stuart doesn't tend to do a lot in the house he works and he sleeps the only choice that i do is brew a cup of tea he's got no idea what he's let himself in for before lena lee stewart in charge how much does he know about family life what setting does a washer have to go on for a normal wash two rachel and megan are starting an after-school activity what is it chest when was kate's bomb 13th of june how many stallions does megan have to learn a week 10. [Music] no wonder lena's writing her goodbye note dear stuart i am going on strike as i'm fed up of doing all the cooking cleaning shopping and looking after the kids 24 hours a day seven days a week on my own hello whilst i'm away i would like to set three rules for you to follow the first is no tv especially films the second is no takeaways and you cannot phone jenny for help have a wonderful time love you all love lena p.s i am taking your dumbbells and jim carter with me oh dear with stuart home alone lena is off to the thorsby hall hotel and spa for a spot of pure pampering and while she's there she'll be watching his every move back at home it's day one and stuart's first task is to get three girls to school and one to nursery on time wake up we'll go rachel oh rachel never gets up he's trying to wake her up she's a nightmare stop school come on get up see in a minute oh mecca is telling him i have to do the nappy oh baby downstairs and fully dressed it's time to give the girls their breakfast i need i need these what do you want rachel what you have to do i'll sort that out you leave things alone yeah but you don't know where i am i'll ask you leave me alone coco pops right here [Music] so much for breakfast where lunch is concerned it's time to ask for advice what do you have what you want uh two drinks which one crisps do you have sandwiches what do you have cardboard i don't like that why dora what's yours don't meg are they ready on time haven't you forgotten something stuart oh i've got a copy rachel come back they're in time for school not a bad start what's so hard about looking after four kids today time to meet our second family the markham tony and cheryl have two children aaron and abby supermum cheryl works all hours keeping the house spotless and the kids noses clean dad tony also works long hours for a virtual reality company but around the house the reality is he does virtually nothing tony is a workaholic he works every hour during the week that he possibly can all i do is basically wash up my plate my knife and fork and my cup i suppose there's a lot more that actually happens in the day before cheryl goes on strike it's time to test david what is my teacher called mrs fitzgerald no abby's this is easy what is aaron's favorite sandwich feeling i don't know what days does abby attend preschool i don't know not bad tony two out of four but cheryl's not changing her mind dear tony i'm going on strike i will be away for a few days and you will have to look after our children and home [Music] washing basket is not it's not magic i empty it iron it and put it away in your cupboard maybe you can do this for me while i'm away love cheryl wow oh no it says alcohol's banned for the whole weekend that's not good tony's first task of the day is to get the children dressed and aaron off to school aaron yeah now he said this is the rule no tv can i switch it off you don't play playstation in the morning [Music] mommy said no tv [Music] it's a tough challenge for any parent a son in the closet who won't come out [Music] come on tony use those corporate negotiation skills if it's sunny you know you can ride your bike but if you don't come out there now you're not riding your bike [Music] with aaron out and about and time ticking on tony has to get abby dressed not as easy as it sounds you wear orange today abby no pink socks [Music] you want to pick it he's letting her pick her clothes big mistake what about those ones no those ones no those ones white ones they'll be there all day get a move on tony school starts in four minutes and it's a 10 minute walk managed to miss aaron's class line up so now i've got to take him in to the class and uh get him sat down but i don't know what class he's in so he's hopefully going to show me oh no with aaron in school tony turns to abby for guidance right what do we do now what does mummy normally do now shops right coming up stuart takes katie to nursery and gets more than he bargained for i've got a nice surprise for you hello and where where is tony taking the kids [Music] hard-working mums lena and cheryl are on strike relaxing at a luxury spa while her husbands juggle the kids in the chores [Music] it's mid-morning on day one and dad of four stuart biggs is dropping off youngest daughter katie at playgroup i've got a nice surprise for you it's a card from lena so if you'd like to read it on the back i'm not sure you know but i run a play group during the week so while i'm away relaxing you're going to be in charge i love lena no way leave you to supervisor [Music] he looks like he enjoyed that yeah when you've got children running around you've got yourself a lot eyes in the back your head because they're all shattering at me all at once and it's i need five pairs of hands two heads and about three brains to uh keep keep up with them all are you very good at singing mr big um a lot of songs that you probably know [Music] i think he's done very well this morning he seemed very calm and he was got stuck down there with him and i think he's done very very well if you're happy and you know it say hooray very good give yourselves a clap lovely oh well done thank you ladies you will not see my face ever again back at the ranch the girls and their friends have decided to play dress-up [Music] yeah look beautiful let's dress up daddy makeup no makeup makes you look like a guest i don't know about that all right then yeah sit down on the bed oh and then just once yeah let daddy look like a girl with makeup it looks really dark now princess king come back this is gonna be wicked [Music] do look at this state of him i've been that lipstick stained that's not all right they will trust me having spent all day making a mess stewart now has to get his girls cleaned up but like the song says girls just want to have fun [Music] we're trying to get you a lot cleaner while he puts the little one to bed the older girls are left to their own devices and their bubbly personalities are starting to overflow [Music] no what are you doing we're making a window no no no no you're not no either you can have the bubbles but you keep them in the back absolutely exhausted i had a really long day they have uh got to my limit a few times where i bit my tongue and not said anything to him i think if they've gone a bit further they might have had a few choice words from me but all in all i've enjoyed it stuart's been remarkably patient with his four girls he's had to deal with nursery paint bubble bath and makeup and he hasn't been phased by any of it across town it's mid-morning on day one and workaholic tony is receiving a text from his wife tasks i've gotta cut the grass a pile of ironing i've gotta do so i've gotta check out this pile of ironing and uh kids are going to have their haircut you got your hair cut baby you can have your hair cut yeah yeah no yes you do yeah pizza someone already said cups mum's mate naomi has popped around to check up on tony and it's not going well in the markham house [Music] pink [Applause] [Music] wasn't it [Music] for mum's friend it's all highly amusing result you can do it again are you no come on then you can drink it now christ is over but perhaps a good time to say goodbye to the neighbours bye see you later little man bye-bye bye-bye it's mid-afternoon and aaron has just increased tony's workload with some extra homework it says your child has offered to make a life-size model of himself using the following materials paper mache using newspaper and wool paper paste a balloon head and card well what are you doing so we should do that instead of ironing then yeah he's going to make a model with aaron instead of doing the ironing now surely you can do both you'd think so charles but before he can do anything he's got an appointment to keep done number one just at the sides [Music] no she won't she's quite tired aaron knows what's coming and makes a bid for freedom no no no aaron come back in just get up and put her on the seat don't just sit there with her [Music] just gotta do it quickly tony are you just going to let me cut this little bit up front and i promise i won't touch anymore yeah just one little bit good gear aren't you yeah see it weren't that bad you're going to not let me do the rest of it now [Music] all right then that's enough see you later soon it won't be me obviously cheryl yeah haircut abandoned it's off home for tea right you need a little bib on and you be careful okay do you think daddy's done a good dinner who's is better mummies or daddies daddies big a little later than normal the kids finally get to bed right one man yeah okay right [Music] i think today's triumph was that there was no major sort of disasters i think cheryl was the main sort of thing that she's going to think about is have i done any of the chores can he actually fit in chores and look after the children can he cope he's looking after the children well and he's calm which is really good but he hasn't done any of the chores so that's not good tony's had a really busy day he's been tested by his two-year-old she misbehaved and he sent her to sit on the naughty that's fine but if you use the naughty step remember to leave your child there for a good few minutes so they have time to calm down it's day two for the biggs family and dad of four stuart is not feeling great the night for me has been really terrible um katie's walked me wake me up at least four to five times i don't know how lena puts up here i've had about an hour and i'll sleep and i feel absolutely terrible this morning so um oh no it's not so good stewart's task for the day is to buy the girls new school coats they need to get moving but first it's time for a tasty and nutritious breakfast get your chocolate shouldn't have none grab a chocolate bar let's go for a point shot come on then time to get those school coats don't lose her don't lose katie she's running off she'll run off and they'll lose you more than rex that's quite nice into it oh my god it's bright cleaning oh no no way what bright pink is it waterproof at least do you like that yeah all right i'll have that one then yeah i think she'll like that i think it's practical good for winter so i'm going to have a little less katie no you are joking come on oh she's here you know to go oh yeah all right grab these please that's 57 pounds please how much for coat two coats can you put them in a bag for me please cheers lena's not impressed i once paid 55 pounds for two coats no way i'm more like 10 to 12 pound coat i think school back home stewart is helping megan with her homework you're doing your spellings have you done your spanish i know and looked at those i want you to spell me cough very good bar don't you tell her that's cheating i've told you part [Music] two what rhymes with part five that's not one of the spellings mississippi only joking very good later that evening stewart takes the opportunity to get a little ironing done yeah once i've got all these done i can sit and relax because i've done everything for the day i don't know how i've managed it but i've survived and uh i'm looking forward for uh to a nice lager and sit down a bit tucked up in bed oldest daughter rachel assesses his progress maybe dad's gonna help more or he's gonna do something more because if he's locked afterwards he knows how hard it is i think i bonded with him more my youngest child would never come near me at one time but now she won't leave me alone so we'll see if my mum gets jealous when she gets back [Music] stuart was sent to buy school coats and he succeeded but without looking at the price tags and his wife lena was shocked at how much they cost if parents have different visions of how much to spend on their children it's worth getting together and agreeing the budget before they start it's day two for workaholic tony and as it's saturday he's got a special trip planned for the kids he's actually going to the office don't touch anything when you're in here calm down cheryl he's only come for the shredded paper to help with aaron's project any excuse to get to your face don't go near the steps children touching anything in here kids don't go that way dark in there all right check the server hang on a minute what's this got to do with papi and mache he's going to do work he's going to do work with the children i can't believe he's gone i can't believe he's good you want to go out now i guess yesterday was the 16th yeah tony where are the kids [Music] aaron if why don't you use full down these stairs you'll hurt yourself no it's fun which means no it's fun good day what do they know about fun where are you gary time to get them home there's a life-size papia mache boy to make something everyone can get involved in no no i do not want anybody touching it don't touch it i'll see if i touch it again we stop try not to get too much on the floor [Music] put it back in the box no that's not funny oh no [Music] tony's totally ignoring them three hours on and the kids have lost interest but at least tony's got one task completed what's left for this evening feed the kids put aaron and abby to bed might start a chore but we'll see sierra sir it pans out typical daddy he hasn't managed to do any of the stuff that i normally do there's gonna be lots of washing lining i think when i get home sorry not happy oh dear she'll be even less happy when she sees what he's done to her floor i've just swept up and realized that we've actually stuck the paper to the floor so these bits here i've got to sort of unscrape tony's idea of a day out with the kids was a trip to the office and mum looked appalled if you and your partner do work long hours it's worth setting aside times when work is off limits and children have your undivided attention coming up the girls painting session gets a bit out of hand what are you doing and tony hits a brick wall with his tasks i wouldn't say that i'm an experienced diy person hard-working mums lena and cheryl have gone on strike they've left their husbands at home with the kids while they've been relaxing at a luxury spa [Music] it's day three and the biggs household is alive with the sound of music rachel don't play that on the stairs go on upstairs please take it upstairs don't play it on the stairs katie feed cat i was finishing that come on then oh normally i'm just sitting to tell you on a sunday watch a bit of football the wife normally does all the cooking and i know before us on a sunday i think it's just a day of rest but uh kids are having none of it this morning i got it also hands to the pumps oh while dad gets on with lunch the girls are making birthday cards for their mum the girls doing them they look like they're on a good time they're gonna make a right mess [Music] oh my god next door steward is too busy reminiscing to notice i bet you can't remem remember the last time i cooked something can you i can yeah yeah last time mummy went to hospital because she um went into labor last time i cooked something for her that was uh 10 years ago and he's never cooked since she's painting on the wall [Music] what are you doing [Music] i told you not to keep it on the table you're gonna have to clean it off i'm not doing it well i must let you carry on there but leave it on that one more no don't carry on in case oh no no what one more no no where else keeps on that wall yeah and nowhere else you know why i've got to get it all off before you move back it back them off lunch is taken care of but after the girl's decorating job stuart has no time to relax temptations there into it while i'm doing the dinner i can't blame him bit of paint in there your way away they go look at that that's lovely i don't think the kids are going to get any of that today i think i will eat that myself what's it like kids nice so nice was it edible is it edible no wow what's wrong with it i'm feeling really great with the girls i feel the complete man at the moment and the complete husband and father to the children to be honest i've let them do what they want and i've tried to be firm with them but all in all i feel proud to be there forever it's day three at the markham house and with abby asleep and aaron otherwise occupied and he has finally decided to catch up on his neglected chores he has to cut the grass and put up some shells in aaron's room easy peasy [Applause] i wouldn't say that i'm an experienced diy person um i think probably every shelf that i've put up which you'll probably see with this one has not gone up level if i have a headache with one of them then it'll just be one shelf that goes up but if i have both of them put up then it'll be both shelves the reason why i'm using this instead of a stanley is in case i put it down and abby gets hold of it she'll probably still do damage to herself but not as much if i only cut [Music] half the grass though there's actually metal i've actually hit metal so what i'm going to do is leave the shelf and get dinner done another job half finished i'm going to do what i normally do when i have to cook which is chicken sausage and a burger so i can do that anything i'm going to be missing is my beer but i'm coping i'm coping it looks nice and black doesn't it all finished let's get inside and eat this kids like barbecues do you want a burger [Music] ham or cheese you want special yogurt you want a sandwich you want a yogurt abby like always can't make up her mind what she wants um i should have just dished it up in front of like i did last night and it would have been a success he just give her one is that what mommy would do yeah yep it's nearly bedtime and tony's papia mache boy is still not dry the last couple of days about that she sort of started to realize what shell does she actually does keep the house tidy she keeps the kids occupied she does all the chores and i get home and my dinner's ready [Music] it's day four and the mums are getting ready to come home but which dad cope best was it macho man stuart who has made up with his makeover i look nice now [Music] mopped up after his muppets god what are you doing and amidst the mayhem the fact is the kids have had a good time he's had a good time and i've had a good time that's it you got it or will it be working on tony who snuck into the server room i guess yesterday was the 16th soiled the surfaces put it back in the box and suffered abby's screaming he did well really but he still hasn't done my ironing [Music] strikes over and mum's crept home i missed you so much question is have you done that ironing no you haven't done it really no because we had two fun days tony tried his best but his tendency to put off chores meant that he was constantly playing catch-up and we couldn't get him away from the office even if the reason he went there was his son's homework project stewart really went on a journey he started off by admitting he hadn't cooked for 10 years and that he hardly knew his youngest child but at the end of three days he was totally transformed a changed man and that makes him my dad of the day [Music] congratulations as the mums on strike most improved dad you have won a family day at alton towers performing general household jaws organizing the kids and violent attempts on multiple tasks never seen him cry i know it's christian it's enjoyable you
Channel: Origin
Views: 13,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i want my mummy, i want my mummy full episode, i want my mummy full episodes, i want my mummy song, i want my mummy series 1 episode 4, i want my mummy episode 1, british tv, origin, tv full episodes, bbc, parenting, parenting tips, origin story, single mums, documentary, bbc documentary, i want my mummy episode 23, i want my mummy season 1, Anna Raeburn, documentary bbc, bbc documentary 2020, raising a child, weird parenting wins, daddy day care
Id: _z9j-FTKQtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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