Tobii EyeTracker 5 Tutorial for MSFS2020: Setup, Settings and Calibration Explained (Time stamped)

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel Toby ey tracker 5 what is it how it can help you but more importantly how to set everything up on your PC coming up on today's episode of 2020 flight simmers welcome back before we jump into today's video I just have one disclaimer this is a sponsored video by Toby and they also sent me the Toby ey tracker 5 for review if you decide to purchase the Toby ey tracker I did post a link down in the description this is not an affiliate link but if you purchase it soon you can take advantage of the 15% off discount of the Toby ey tracker Toby is also running the explore the world sweep Stakes you can win a free tobii tracker 5 a thrustmaster TCA officer pack or a copy of Microsoft flight simulator I will also be doing a subscriber appreciation giveaway where you could win the Toby ey tracker 5 look for that in an upcoming video if you have any comments or questions along the way post them down below in the comments and I'll get right back to you if you enjoy today's content be sure to hit that subscribe tick on that little bell and smash that thumbs up button it is greatly appreciated before we discuss what the tobii tracker 5 is and how it can help you I would first like to go over the biggest immersion breaker in Microsoft flight simulator and that's using your mouse to pan and zoom inside the cockpit when you need to read any of your gauges you've got to use your mouse scroll wheel and it really becomes a pain in comes the Toby it tracker 5 this is an amazing device that has changed the game in all flight simulators or any simulation for that matter so let me explain on the hardware side of things this is a very slim and streamlined device made of predominantly metal this makes for a very robust piece of Hardware that you can assure is going to last you for for years to come on the back side of the device it is held on your monitor via a magnet so it is very modular if you want to switch this between monitors now on the software side of things this is going to track and mimic all of your head face and eyes inside a Microsoft flight simulator now I can't really tell you how all this magic happens but what I can tell you is this works very very well gone are the days of using your mouse to zoom in and zoom out pan around the cockpit the Toby ey tracker 5 has really elevated the game in Flight simulation and has picked up all the shortcomings of Microsoft flight simulator when it comes to moving around inside the cockpit so thumbs up for the Toby ey tracker 5 so now that you have received your Toby ey tracker what do you get in the Box upon opening the very durable clamshell box that the Toby comes in you are present presented with the tobii tracker 5 below the tobii tracker 5 we have an extendable USB cable and this is a very welcome add-on to the Toby ey tracker because as you will see in this video I did need to use that because my USBs are on the leftand side and on the tobii tracker the cord comes out on the right hand side as very important that this is installed the proper way that you have these indexing lines on the tobii track 5 facing up so this way when we go through the calibration we will be able to accurately calibrate the Toby ey tracker module to your monitor so now let's go to the PC we'll get on the Toby website go over all the downloads and then we will go through the setup and calibration process for the it tracker once we're finished there we'll sign into Microsoft and I'll go over all of my preferred settings inside of there so let's do it all right we're over at the PC now I'm I'm going to assume that you have already purchased your toi tracker and have it attached to the bottom of your monitor now we're going to go over all the downloads that are needed to get everything to work with your PC links for this website will be down in the description once you're here the first thing we need to do is to go up to the downloads tab at the very top once on the downloads page we then need to select the hardware that we want to download software for so we're going to choose the Toby tracking the that we can choose which tobii tracker we're working with today and that's going to be the tobii tracker 5 below this is our Toby experience driver version 1.33 and this is what we need to download to get our computer to sync with the Toby tracker so you will click on download driver and it should populate in your web browser now if you are someone who is a streamer and you would like to display the Toby go post bubble on your screen while you're streaming to show all of your viewers of what you're looking at then you really want to download the Toby ghost version 1.14.1 and this will overlay the Toby ghost bubble on your stream using the OBS software now we're not going to get into that today but I just wanted to show everyone that it is available once your download has finished you want to install the Toby experience driver if you have downloaded the Toby ghost you want to make sure that you install that once the Toby experience driver has been installed this also goes for the Toby gamehub you want to do this after you install the Toby experience driver once everything has been installed it will take you through the calibration process now unfortunately I wasn't able to get all of that on camera so I'm going to go through the calibration process now so to start the calibration we can come up to the Cog here in the upper right hand corner and we're going to press on that below here we can turn on and off the Toby experience below that is how we can improve the calibration now before we can set up any calibration we need to set this up for our display to do that we're going to go down to change screen display once in the calibration menu you will see a virtual Toby ey tracker 5 on the bottom of your monitor now earlier in the video I said it was very important that the Toby ey tracker get placed in the upright position and that is because we have two alignment marks on the very top of the Toby ey tracker these white alignment marks we need to align with the virtual Toby ey tracker that we see on the screen so as you see here we have the alignment mark on the virtual with a dotted line that comes down and a left and right arrow we want to use these left and right arrows to align the virtual alignment mark on the Toby ey tracker to our actual alignment mark on our Toby ey tracker that is attached to the bottom of our monitor now the tobii tracker needs to calibrate the location of your head so to do this we're going to sit in an upright position in front of your screen and then we're just going to hit the done button once you have gone through that you have now set up the Toby ey tracker for your current display and this process will be repeated if you want to switch to an alternate display but we're not done yet we now need to calibrate the Toby ey tracker for our eyes we need to come up to the settings Cog where then going to go down to improve calibration once in this calibration menu you will notice two white dots in the very center of your screen these are to represent your left and right eyes now the object here is to try to get your eyes as close to the center of the screen as possible when you're sitting normally in your chair now as you can see I am a little bit low on the screen so I would need to either Raise Myself up in the chair a little bit or I can tilt the Toby eye tracker down a little bit so let's do that real quick I'm going to go ahead and lower the Toby eye tracker down and now as you can see my eyes are much closer to the center of the screen they don't have to be exactly in the center but the closer that you can get them to the center then the better the software is going to be at picking up your head when you're moving it down in the cockpit or up in the cockpit I hope that makes sense so now what we need to do is to move closer to the screen like it tells us once that is done we need to look at each of these dots and it's going to explode on our screen once that happens we know the calibration is finished you're going to do that with each of the dots that are on your screen and once that finishes all of your calibration is now set up and one other thing that I wanted to go over here on the Toby it tracking software is that we also have the preview my gaze here as well so if you're not going to be streaming any of this on OBS and you don't want to have the overlay you can turn on the preview my gaze and now you can see everywhere where my eyes are looking but for right now we're just going to turn that off below the preview my gaze here's where we can select different eyes that we would like the Toby to detect just like it states here if you typically squint or have poor eyesight in one eye you can make the eye tracker detect one eye only so it can be more accurate when you're in the SIM for me I'm going to leave it set to both and then we can minimize that at the bottom we can also create a user profile if you were going to set this up between various users once you're done here all we need to do is to go up and click the X and it will minimize that to our system tray all right so that is the setup process for the tobii tracker 5 we're now going to launch the Sim hop inside and I'll show you all of my settings there I'll bring you right back in just a second all right so now we're Microsoft flight simulator and before I go over any of my settings for the tobii tracker 5 there's a couple of keybinds that we need to go over first the first one is to toggle on and off the eye tracking and the second is to Center the eye tracking once you get in the cockpit so let me show you how to do that real quick the first thing we're going to do is to go up to the options down to controls once you're in the controls menu we need to choose the peripheral that we're going to map these buttons too so I'm going to use the keyboard for this once you choose your peripheral make sure that you go down to the filter section and we're going to set this to all it's going to be important so this way it brings up all of the menus that we need to display second thing we're going to do is to go up to search by name and all you need to do here is just type in track once you do that you will see both of the inputs that you need to map to a keyboard binder or whatever peripheral you choose so now that you have your key bindings mapped now let's get into the settings for the Tobi tracker 5 to do that we're going to get there right from the controls menu at the very top we're just going to scroll all the way over until we get to the Toby option it is also a good idea to create a custom profile specifically for you now that's because you're not able to change any of the default settings of the Toby if you try to it's going to ask you to create a profile anyway so it's just best to do that now so let me show you how to do that at the very bottom we're going to open preset manager we're going to go over to duplicate and then we can type in the profile name that you want to use for the Toby profile I've already created one and named it 2020 FSS so that's what will'll be using today now notice that when I clicked on the Toby you don't see any op options populate in the center to change any of your settings inside the tobii tracker 5 you need to click on the sensitivity button once you're in this menu here's where we can adjust all of the various settings that we have available to us and I must say it is really nice that the Toby ey tracker is already integrated in the Microsoft flight simulator eliminating a lot of nonsense work that we need to do with other applications so let's start at the very top which is the eye versus head tracking ratio here is also where you're going to be able to turn off your eye tracking if you don't want it so what this will do is it will choose either your eye or your head tracking to be the dominant tracking object we'll say so for me I like it at 090 that gives me just a very little bit of eye tracking and it's mostly using my head movements to determine where the camera is going to be showing now I found this very very useful especially if you're looking around in the cockpit or you want to keep your head static then you can just move your eyes around and the screen will move very slightly with that now below this setting is the eye tracking responsiveness now this is going to be how fast the screen is going to react to when you are moving your eyes around I found that the 080 for this gives is the perfect sweet spot for me because I do not want a lot of lag but I also don't want it too Twitchy so you'll understand what I'm talking about if you turn that all the way up below the eye tracking responsiveness is our head tracking sensitivity this is going to control the pitch up and down or the yaw when you're looking left and right now for me I don't need to look in the back seat all the time and I think the factory setting here let's hit reset real quick yeah the factory setting is two so that means it's going to compound your head movement by two times so it doesn't really take much to turn your head and now you're looking in the back seat so I find that by turning this down a little bit allows me to have more smooth movements when I'm looking left and right below that we have Center stabilization and Factory it's set at 20.20 and for my liking that is just fine for me this is going to be more of a dead zone for your head so the higher you make this the bigger the dead zone so if you're looking straight it's going to take a bigger left or right movement to get that camera to start moving below that is the head tracking sensitivity roll I leave it at one I found that that was just fine below the head tracking roll is head tracking sensitivity of position now what this really means is when you're zooming in or zooming out on your gauges or trying to look out the window so whenever you lean forward it's going to zoom the camera in on your screen and whenever you pull back it's going to zoom the camera out on the screen for my personal preference 2.2 seems to be the best for me because I don't really want to have to lean way way far forward to see any of my gauges so a little bit of a movement and that zooms me in quite a bit at the very bottom is our head tracking auto center now this is going to be used for if you're looking around and it kind of loses your tracking a little bit it will automatically Center you once you start looking straight again in my personal opinion I found this was a little bit finicky so I leave it off and if I want to reenter myself I can just hit the F12 on my keyboard much much easier for me so that's going to take care of all of the settings for the tobii tra 5 let's spawn into the Sim and show you how it's going to react I'm also going to use some sunglasses and it is actually a very dark room that I have here so we're going to test this out and see just how good of tracking we have all right so now that we're spawn in the Sim you can see we are outside of the cockpit here and that's where those hot keys that we set up earlier are going to come in handy here so I'm just going to hit F12 on my keyboard and it should Center Us in the cockpit and there we go now for this demonstration I'm also going to use the ghost bubble so you can see exactly where I'm looking now for this if I turn my head left or right as you can see the settings are very very smooth now what I'm going to do is to look straight ahead at the mountains here and I'm not going to move my head at all I'm going to look down at the gauges and I'll show you what's going to happen to the screen so as you can see the screen does move ever so slightly with my eye movements so now what I'd like to do is to address all the glasses wearers out there let's see just how good this system does if I put on a set of sunglasses now keep in mind that it is pretty dark in this room and I only have a very small light on behind the camera I'm looking left I'm looking at the little side window here I'm looking at the center fuel I'm looking at all my switches down below so as you can see this is very very accurate even if you're wearing glasses I I can't believe just how good it can do looking through pair of sunglasses now I don't think these are polarized and I'm not sure if this would actually work with polarized glasses or not but I doubt you're going to be wearing sunglasses playing the simulator here the other hot key that we set up was to completely disable or toggle on and off the Toby ey tracker so if I turn it off I can now look around the cockpit normally as you see it is still tracking my eye movements which is pretty cool because when you turn the Toby eye tracker back on it's going to pick up exactly where it left off all righty folks that's going to finish finish us up for today's episode if you have any comments or questions post them down below in the comments and I'll get right back to you if you enjoy today's video make sure to hit that subscribe tick on that little bell and smash that thumbs up button to all my flight simmer friends around the world keep the blue side up and we will see you on the next one thanks for watching everybody
Channel: 2020 fs'ers
Views: 3,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs 2020, msfs2020, microsoft flight simulator 2020, Tobii eyetracker, tobii eyetracker vs vr, tobii eyetracker setup, tobii eyetracker msfs settings, how to get started with tobii eyetracker 5, the latest eyetracker from tobii, tobii eyetracker better than vr
Id: aswPm3YfrvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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