Fast Jet Pilot puts Tobii Eye Tracker 5 through its paces in MSFS (2023)

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foreign B and I'm about to launch myself off the deck of this ship I won't be in this coffee for very long because I'll also be flying the 15 16 117 and 18. and the reason I'm doing that is because I'm going to be reviewing the Toby eye tracker 5. so for those that don't know the Tobi tracker is a small piece of Hardware that melts on the underside of your monitor it uses cameras and near infrared sensors to track your head and eye movements and translates those into six degrees of freedom of camera movement in game and not only does it track your head and eye movement it tracks where you're looking so if I enable Toby ghost you'll see this green bubble appear and this is actually where I'm looking on screen which is incredibly useful for Content producers or instructors or tutorial providers because now we can show you where we're looking rather than talk about it all the time and we'll use this a little bit more in the F-18 when we come back to land on this ship the main selling point of this eye tracker is the fact that I don't have to wear anything I'd have to wear a hat in order to mount a clip I don't have to tether myself to the computer with a USB cable so it's incredibly liberating to still be able to look around in cockpit and not be tied to my computer it also has other functionalities in terms of power saving on the computer and warping the mouse cursing we'll discuss those a little bit in the F-117 I would like to thank Toby for sponsoring this video and providing the hardware for me to test as well as their promotional partner thrustmaster who have sent me an F18 grip and a headset to talk about and I'll talk about those when we use the F18 as always you can check out the description for chapters if you want to skip ahead but also promotional links because whilst this unit to the Tobi tracker I mean is worth 260 dollars full price it's currently on sale with 15 off that makes it 220 so very close to what a track IR would be with a pro clip Edition and there's a competition that you can enter in order to win one for free and that's always worth a pop but I've got to emphasize that my opinion is my own I'm not trying to sell you anything I'm giving you the honest review that I can from the point of view of an ex fast yet instructor a Content producer and a Microsoft Flight Sim and track IR user there's lots to cover so let's get off the deck of this ship all right here we are in the f-15e and as you can see it is fully loaded and we are down at low level inbound the m6 pass over to the West we have Windermere in the Lake District and we're going to flow up by the valley where the m6 goes so whilst we're here let's talk about the installation of the Adobe eye tracker and it's very simple process I'm not going to cover it in detail because there are other videos that do that but suffice to say that the short lead attached to the eye tracker is quite useful if you want to use the USB hub on the back of your monitor but there is an extension cable if you want to attach it directly to your PC you've got the option of using the magnetic adhesive strips to attach it to the bezel of your monitor but I've used the clip as you can do if you've got a curved monitor so it does work with curve monitors and the other reason for using the clip is like an angle the center better down towards my face now one big issue with this is that the sensor itself has to be mounted on the underside or the Lower Side of the monitor unlike the track IR sensor which goes on top the so what if that is if you have anything on your desk like an iPad in a stand or your stick and throttle perhaps if it obstructs the sensor it will cause interference that's worth considering now here's the m6 files you can see the motorway coming in from the left and the v-shaped valley through the m6 pass allows you to legally fly almost alongside the motorway whilst looking at traffic which is pretty neat I do enjoy this the Lake District is fun at the m6 pass is short but very very sweet and just to Carry On from the obstruction piece so if you were to fly along and decide you need to scratch your face or pick your nose or have a drink then it will move the camera because of the obstruction unlike the track air sensor and the clip that you wear on the side of your head that wouldn't interfere and you wouldn't have that movement of the camera but whilst recording videos I don't feel the need to touch my face at all but if that is an issue for you then it's worth bearing in mind now there are three bits of software you can use with the Tobi tracker the first one is the Toby experience which provides a screen setup and calibration and it's very simple to use and it's worth bearing in mind there are limitations to the eye tracking portion because there's a certain distance you have to remain within that's 45 to 95 centimeters the maximum screen size of 27 inches to 30 inches depending on the aspect ratio now in actual fact I actually sit about a meter maybe 105 centimeters away from the sensor and the accurate still accuracy still seems pretty decent so it's not a hard and fast rule but it's worth bearing in mind after the Toby experience you've got the Adobe Game Hub now the settings for the API tracker in Microsoft likes them and Native and we'll talk about that when I get into the F-16 and that's a bit of a double-edged sword because whilst it's very simple to set up and have the settings and work them out it doesn't provide you as much detail or finesse in the settings as would be provided in track IR or the Game Hub that is available for things like DCS World it doesn't have native Toby eye packet support you can actually set the pitch in the curves and the gradients and the speed of the camera in a lot more detail which I would much prefer if they made that available so please tell me if you're watching this I'd love to be able to override Microsoft Flight some settings with the game hub the finalist software that you can download is the Toby ghost and that's what allows me to Overlay this ghost function this is the preview function and you've got various options for twitch users there's an extension you can do an overlay in OBS so that you don't have to have it on your game screen you can just have it overlaid in the background which is pretty neat and you can change the settings the color and the size and the overlay and you can even change it to a heat blur so it accentuates in red the longer you stare at something which is pretty useful not so useful if you're moving the camera around because the heat blur is not stabilized on the cockpit it stabilized on the position on the screen but it's still fairly useful if you're doing a cross check in terms of ILS and you're not moving the camera around too much and finally before we head up and I think try and intercept that uh aircraft up there is the key binding so you'll want to keep buying something that will toggle the head tracking so if I do that I can move my head and the camera won't move and the second one would be the reset to center now in the settings you've got an auto center function which is really clever but there are some gotchas and I'll talk about that shortly but you can reset to Center and you'll probably also want to use the numpad 8 to move the camera forwards away from the headrest in case you find yourself clipping inside when you look behind you so that is the installation overall very simple very easy and natively supported by Microsoft Flight Sim just be careful about the issues with obstruction and what you have on your desk it is time to go and Chase down an airliner swap into the F-16 and talk about the performance settings and nuances of the Toby eye tracker if you're anything like me in the flight Sim you jump at the chance to go and intercept other aircraft so in an F-16 it makes sense that I climb up to high altitude and go find some stuff but we're up here at 30 plus thousand feet and sadly this aircraft is going about 150 knots indicated so I'm going to be right on the Raggedy edge trying to fly alongside him but what this will demonstrate is the usefulness of head tracking because if you want to formate on another aircraft in the flight Sim you really need to intuitively be able to look around to keep your cross check on your own systems as well as your spatial awareness of where you are next to that aircraft if you'd like me to do more videos on formation flying or intercepting aircraft check that in the comments and I'll happily oblige but let's have a look what it looks like on the outside Alpha that F-16 is holding now unfortunately I don't have the weapons added I'll add it later on in the video but that looks outstanding how cool does that look as a reminder all the links to products that I use in this video will be down below and if you're liking the video give it a thumbs up hit that like button even better hit the Subscribe and help support the channel okay so here we are Northbound in the F-16 I've got the autopilot engaged in a much more comfortable 24 000 feet so let's talk about the performance of the Toby eye tracker I'm actually quite impressed in terms of lag there is very little probably not quite as low lag as the track IR but very decent considering it's an off-board sensor without me wearing anything what I would say is around the center point there is a little bit of a hesitation because I've got Center stabilization I'll talk about the settings in just a second uh but overall again lag is not such an issue a lot of the issues I had going from Track by Art was my muscle memory because of the settings I used and I've used track out for a very long time learning how to move my head to get exactly where I want it it's kind of a re-education process view I have with the setup of this is the lack of a true view functionality if you don't use track IR then you might not know what trueview is but let me try and explain it in simple terms preview is the ability to move your camera with your head but based on the orientation of the camera itself so for instance if I look down at the landing gear either here highlighted in blue I moved my head towards the sensor with a true view enabled on track AR my head would actually go down towards the landing gear lever which makes it easy to zoom in on gauges that are down by your legs essentially not realistic I grant you but it was useful because it prevented me needing to do this which is zoom in now if I zoom in you'll notice it moves around a little bit either it's deciding what shape my head is or it's picking up the minute little details of how I'm moving my head in fact I think it's also picking up my mouth movement as well because I've got the sensitivity quite high and I'm zoomed in we'll talk a bit more about why that is in a second another issue with not having a true view function is checking six o'clock because to look behind me I need to turn my head but the headrest is there so I then need to lean to look around the headrest and that works in both directions so without trivia I need to look left and lean left and you can hear that my voice is further away from the microphone because I'm using a boom mic with a true view function I'll be able to look left but lean right because the camera is looking backwards and therefore my face stays close to the microphone and it's more comfortable because the other thing is if I'm looking left and leaning left the angle that my eyes are glassing back at the monitor is more extreme and a little more a little bit less comfortable so that's why I've got my sensitivity setting set really high so I don't have to turn my head so much to compensate or overcome for the fact that I happen to lean left and look left and that's quite hard to describe so hopefully it made sense but ultimately if you haven't used track IR before and you don't know what trueview is then it's going to be fairly transparent you're probably not going to notice but it is the reason why I have my sensitivity set quite High to overcome this so let's dig into the settings a little bit and here are my settings and I'll put a link in the description below so you can download these but bear in mind these are based on me sitting about a meter away from my monitor using a 27 inch monitor and my own personal preference for flying in a fast yet and having increased sensitivity in the pitch in Europe but feel free to have a go and see what you think so starting at the top the I versus head track ratio so I have it completely on head tracking and the camera won't move when I move my eyes but you can set it anywhere in between to have a combination of head and eye tracking so the camera moves both with both movements into a certain degree or you can have it completely on eye tracking so for instance if you had low mobility in your neck then you can just have eye tracking and move the camera around that'd be really awesome to see them develop a way to actually fly the aircraft with your eyes and also if you could stare at something and wink to click it then I think that'd be a great idea as well but this is just for head tracking or camera tracking should I say so I have it fully on head tracking no eye tracking which is why my eye tracking responsiveness is at zero because it doesn't really matter for head tracking sensitivity and pitch in your so this is another bug bear I have and I've already mentioned the fact that you've got a lack of settings and no ability to use the Game Hub and the additional settings that includes because they've combined the pitch which is the nodding of your head and the yaw which is the shaking of your head into one and I'd like the ability to break that down into separates and have more pitch down movement per degree of my head movement I've already mentioned Center stabilization so I've got that really low because that only stabilizes from what I can test around the central position as if you've just reset your camera so looking Dead Ahead it stabilizes if you set this really high then you have to move your head considerably more before the camera starts moving so it takes out a lot of the movement when you're staring straight ahead but it'll introduce a lot of lag because the camera won't respond until you move your head enough out of that Central spot the problem with this stabilization is it's only stable around the front and center spot as soon as the camera starts moving it's not stable so you saw when I zoomed in on the undercarriage lever but it started to wobble around because it doesn't stabilize on where your head is currently at so that'd be a nice addition if they can make that work air tracking sensitivity and roll and position is kind of how it sounds it's just a multiplier based on how much the camera moves in relation to how much you move and if you scroll down one there's the head tracking Auto Center which I mentioned earlier so the head tracking Auto Center does just that it means whilst you're staring at your flight Sim monitor it will automatically adjust and avoid any drift of the system to make sure that your central position remains centered now I haven't noticed any drift whatsoever so I've got this to zero and I just use my keybind if I do want to re-center particularly at the start of any sortie the issue with auto center is if you have multiple monitors or you're distracted during your flight you look at your phone or you watch your YouTube channel on on a different monitor then it will recalibrate the central position based on you looking at the other monitor and when you look back at the flight Sim it will be completely off which is why I've got it at zero and I just re-center it if I feel the need back here I've added the weapons back on because this thing looks absolutely boss with everything dangling off it off the underside I mean look at that that looks awesome but that's our time in the F-16 complete let's jump into the F-117 and talk about the other features of the Tobi tracker the here we are in the unusual F-117 do not adjust your monitors it is the screen tint that makes it look unusual and it's a bit dark in cockpit but it is a really fun looking aircraft we'll have a look on the outside in a minute but if you want me to do videos on this let me know in the comments below because it does look like a lot of fun but in this aircraft I'm going to talk about the extra features that you can get in the Toby eye tracker whilst I fly over Nellis Air Force Base which is down there and head up towards Las Vegas in the 12 o'clock first a quick look on the outside of the aircraft because the paint job on this looks really really nice they're not very stealthy but looks great but here is The Game Hub that I mentioned earlier this is not usable with Microsoft Flight Sim at the moment because it's natively supported by the Sim if you had things like DCS while the other games where Tobi track can be used this will help you adjust the settings for it if you have a look at the settings you've got sensitivity gradients you've got inflection points and end points limits you can set pitch up Pitch down maximum camera movements head tracking there's lots of other stuff it's still not quite as good as the track IR Fidelity in terms of settings exactly what you want but it's a lot better so I'd love to see this as an override for the Microsoft Flight Sim second thing I'd like to talk about is the mouse enhancement the warp pointer to where you look if I turn it on the ghost function you can see the cursor you can see the ghost that's where I'm looking so if I look up and left and move my mouse the mouse will tap to where the green ghost is where I'm looking which is a really neat functionality but it only works with windowed objects as far as I can tell now on the Sim itself full screen this function won't work but it'd be really nice if they could get that to work and also use it so that I can look at something in cockpit and click it with maybe a wink of the eye so that's pretty neat but the other one that I quite like is the power optimization so that you can have the computer stay awake whilst you're sat in front of it or you can turn on the screen when you approach it there is the Toby ghost app and this allows you to download stream deck buttons and control your ghost with a click of a button which is what I do if we go into the settings page you can also see that it's got twitch extensions you can embed it into OBS if you wish so that you can not display it on the game that you're using but you can still record it as an overlay in OBS which I think is really neat you can also change the Toby ghost to look like a solid bubble a open Bubble and a heat map so I mentioned this earlier if I stare somewhere it goes red at the longest air if I did that in cockpit let's have a look you can see that the heat map is not synced to the cockpit which is a bit of a shame it's still useful if you had a static camera and on the right hand side you can change color you can have different profiles you can press buttons to change the color and however else you've set it up so it's a really nice function I'll be using the Toby ghost a lot in future and whilst we're in Vegas it would be rude not to visit the strip whilst we're here or off to the right And Delay Bay and here we are welcome to Las Vegas it's just amazing how much detail goes into it although it does make my computer run a little bit like a potato it is time now I'm in the F-18 to talk about the products that thrustmaster have sent me whilst I fly aggressively Down The Valleys from the Airfield Charlie Yankee Charlie golf okay so I have swapped over to the thrustmaster teeth like the United States Air Force Edition DTS headset but they've sent me to try out and I'm also recording using the onboard microphone so you can let me know what you think about the audio quality compared to what I normally use which is my Yeti microphone the unique selling point of this product is of course that it's officially licensed by the United States Air Force and it comes with two other swampable face plates for some customization it's a fairly basic construction but that just adds to the utility military Vibe and the cup movement can go up down four and a half but it doesn't fold flat the headband has a reasonably Strong Spring force and given the large size of my Noggin it does tend to squash the otherwise thick ear pads against my face and I can feel the tips of my ears touching the driver cover I would like to have seen a one-piece fabric that covers the ear pads themselves because the inside of the cover is stitched between the leather or leather style Fabric and the foam overlay just prior to your face and the stitching or the harsh angle between the two is a little bit noticeable though not uncomfortable the speakers are of a 50 millimeter driver and the sounds are reasonable though I have been using a hyperx Cloud headset and the difference is very noticeable the sound quality if you're listening to music lacks a set Clarity and the bass is limited but in the flight Sim where this product is aimed it does a decent job and I didn't notice anything negative so that's my quick overview of the headset good if you have a smaller head definitely good for the flight Sim that looks apart but now let's have a go with this F18 grip and I'll let you know what I think okay I'm back on the yeti mic and let's talk about this F18 grip now I'm a long time user of the A10 and F-16 thrustmaster grips and the reason I haven't got the fa team one yet is because there's nothing wrong with the F-16 one it's supremely comfortable lots of buttons so the F-18 grip is a one-to-one size replica it is lighter than the F-16 grip it's 720 grams versus one kilo because part of the upper portion is plastic not that it feels less quality but it is not as cool as the Full Metal finish it is compatible with all thrustmaster bases so I can hot swap between my F16 and F18 stick but you do lose a four-way hat on the F-18 stick but you gain other buttons for a rocker switch with a click function and one of the castle switches has a click function as well so a little change to profile is required but overall you're not losing any utility from it now I do prefer the weight and girth of the s16 grip but I have to say the curvature of the f-181 just makes it feel so nice in the hand now the way I've got it mounted is in between my legs so most of my arm is supported by my leg but you may miss the fact that it has a flat portion of the lower part of the F-16 grip that supports your hand really nicely the other thing I would miss is for flying helicopters I tend to rest my hand on top of the f-stick theme grip and fly Halos like a gangster which you can't really do with the F18 because the large body at the top portion and the pickle button is quite far out to the left hand side but most of that is muscle memory but overall I have to say I'm so glad I've got the F18 grip and I am going to have to think hard about which one I want to use because it's so comfortable and it feels so nice in the hand so they go that's my view of the F18 grip here we are long final in the F-18 we're going to land back on the carrier that we departed from uh don't judge me too harshly I'm not particularly proficient at landing on it but you can see that my gaze is very definitely out the HUD and you can see me scanning the speed as well so first up with the Toby eye tracker is whether I would replace my track IR with it and the answer to that is no not yet the lack of stability in terms of moving the camera around and the lack of settings are a little bit basic for me at least other people they might not find it an issue but I do prefer the stability that I get from the track IR though that said the functionality of the ghost is brilliant and certainly will be well suited to my content creation and definitely for casual play where I'm not recording content I'll definitely use it because I love the fact that I'm liberated from having to be connected to my computer and wearing something on my head but it's not about me it's about you what do you think let me know in the comments below I'll be interested to hear and remember you can check out the description for any promotional links and links to anything that I've used in the video that you've just seen
Channel: cgaviator
Views: 14,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cgaviator, msfs, msfs 2020, msfs2020, flight sim, flight simulator, microsoft, microsoft flight sim, microsoft flight simulator, msfs real pilot, real pilot, thrustmaster, tobii, tobii eye tracker, tet5, thrustmaster f18, thrustmaster f16, thrustmaster a10, thrustmaster usaf, thrustmaster headset, msfs review, msfs hardware, msfs peripherals, msfs tobii, msfs eye track, dc designs, sc designs, aerial simulations, flytampa, msfs discount, track ir, trackir
Id: g2c4M8vWfTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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