"Gaming Day" Full Stream | Disguised Toast - kkatamina - Boxbox, etc...

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Oh, shoot. Actually, the hardest person to kill would be your a lot of people per month. I think you will have a small window where you could be killed when you come out of it. Yeah, because you have to take your mask off. and during that time, you're vulnerable. Uh that sounds. we should try it. 1 day. We should also do In-house. Spike Rush. I feel like in house biker shouldn't be allowed in like the same sentence. That's a good girl. Good man. that is I miss the old Bucky. Oh yeah. That **** was **** broken, dude. I don't know why the **** they allowed that on the back. You're so I'm the judge. It was cheaper. and if you crouch, it's like a off It's like really easy to one shot. Someone with the armor. I don't really miss it. I still see you kill people from like a like a distance away. No, that's that's why. a judge is supposed to still be usable. bro. bro. found. Oh god. Look at that random is. This is straight up. Just drugs. I don't have names on. Let's see. They think I'm an old dog. Show them just how many tricks I know. My name is Is there any other job in the world that wars being What? At the end of the sentence. uh Mm hmm. Being good at networking as much as streaming does. I think uh entertainment. like Hollywood. Oh, let's go Yvonne. but you don't have to be friends with the people you're acting with, right? I think it it's one of those things where you want to be on good terms with most people. You just have to date them after I think the girl from Twilight. Yeah. I feel like in Hollywood, it's like you know, casting couches. You don't have to be nice to them. I mean, I think that you want to like directors or other like certain people to you have to know do that, don't you? like hacking to the mainframe. Yeah. Definitely. Hey, guys. A real good Silva would get drawn. First, I'm going to get two darts, okay? Sick. Honestly, that's a better place. You're trying to say you're not against. So, You know, one way smoke. Yeah, we're we're actually What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? The only thing I've been taught during my entire time of playing this game. Okay, I'll I'll I'll scout to know if they're gearing up. I think that they're going to go a it take it the better team will go B but the new team will go away really I play all the time. Oh, I found them. Oh my god. Well, we did coming out. now, we're launching smoke. Holly spike down. Be reloaded. We have bomb by the way. He's in She got stuck on something. I'm sorry. I got one. He got one here though. one remaining. Last one. no II. Get him. that No more deaths. We're ready. One. that which is the name of the center in Harry Potter. One Nemo. The what? Harry Potter one. The center. Yvonne. thought you were Harry Potter nerd. I did that. No, I'm not. Yvonne. What's Harry's last name? That doesn't make me a nerd. I know his last name. I'm looking for and say you're a nerd with his last name. Smoke's down. How much money would you be willing to wager? I should've. Oh god. They're here. They're here. Enemy down. Spike down a Oh my god. Help. Help. Thank you. Okay, work out. Somehow you're here. Oh, there's there's so many to look look at. That so confusing. That's a good sound. Did you feel abandoned there? Yeah. Yeah. But it's my fault. I'm taking the same side as Yvonne. Hey, I died first. Smoke's down. You say that was such pride. Such fraud. Oh, there it is again. You help me. My first What the heck? I know. Spike planted. It's triple. Last player standing. There's too many here. done. Oh my god. Oh man. That was really sick. Oh, that's insane. All the wins by fear. Don't let him get to you. Let's swap. Let's have one of uh actually work for you guys. Can you still do the one way on a I will track them right away with my with my trusty bow and arrow them down on his confidence. right here. I'm going to the bathroom. Push. Oh well, I'm just not going to anymore. So, you did lose confidence launching You do that. I don't think it's AI. Don't hear anything. I just stepped outside. Hookah. Oh, it's going to be good. Oh my god. Spike spike down B. spike. We have spike smokes down. I just don't let them you. up on my body. that's right there on my ping. Someone's ping and alright. you cannot let that person push up too long or at least have that push up from long. I'll say yeah. Perfect. Perfect. Good angle. well. Excellent. I'm trying to find him in never ends. Oh, no. No. Oh. what? Oh, wow. What happened? What do you type? He's **** mad at him. Uh you want to pick this out? Oh, wait. I didn't know I wanted Okay. spotted. They're going to be launching smoke. Open up the sky. Venus jumped out. Jumped out. You need help? Nice. Oh, what the **** That was Joke's over. That's he's dead. someone's be. out of here. Okay. ain't done yet. Jet dash already. Oh, she's okay. They're coming out now. Enemy's spotted me. Spike planted One enemy remaining. No0. Whoah. Whoah. Whoah. Smoke's down. Got no smoke. That's it. sounds like a brawl. I got you for that. Okay. And you have the prettier gun. No, I hate this. How you want it? You're so pretty. Why would you do this? Standing in our way. I was sick. I will lose this. Uh I wish I had this and I will make it worth your while. Okay? This is what this is what the Phoenix said. like you, I'm going to assume pussy and then another blank that word brim like, please get alive and don't have a family. You will make a family full of pussies. just as you judge them. He's he's the hell? I really don't know what to do. Launching smoke. Uh that's something else. I just hold Oh yeah. Someone's a launching smoke. another one. to you guys. Wow. once was nice. Oh, spike down B. Smoke's down. You will not kill my allies. Who is that? That was uh let's go. Oh my god. One enemy remaining. Oh, I got this. Watch this. I'll find it for you guys right here. What the **** What's up? Reloading. Wait until I find them to strike. Oh, I got sprayed through the wall. So, she I did eighty or to her feet and she had to take this teleport Get out of my way. Do you know that? Smokes down? Got it. We are here. launching smoke. She's giggle it. There's a lot. There's a lot. chats. Hey, I'm with you. I'm the tank. They're they're. leave it. Leave it. Okay. I think it might be going towards you guys holding the shadows still on my left. I didn't know how to press that. Maybe coming back, coming back going B. We're now moving forward once again. Take down. Spike down. Reloading. I like how he's going. now. 30 seconds left to another one. There's going to be another one. Maybe not. Maybe. Spike Is that was it? Oh, we have spike too. Where are they? Alright, they said once in 10. seconds left. Oh, there's we're good. They're all there. One enemy remaining. What the heck? Where? Where are you? today? It was hard, right? There are other ways that we use all this Do you want your stuff? You can play him if you want. Oh my god. What is that? Hey, that's the sign of stroke. Hey, am I wrong? Yvonne launching smoke. Reloaded. Spike down a nice. There you go. I'll hold your bathroom. Okay. Reloading. Alright, get ready. Get ready. Oh I'm ready for what? Oh, they're goofing around now. You're that's why I give up. Oh, I think they're going to move back. Smoke's down. I said the guy. I heard this place somewhere. good. Oh. Oh, I know it's open up the sky. I heard a dad. I heard it. Oh, I think I saw on his left. Oh, One enemy remaining. 30 seconds left. Oh god. You killed the Phoenix. He's going to be so mad. He's not here. He can't handle it. Thank you. Bye. be fun. It's like a gun. I mean, sure. I just. Oh my I'm going to cap up. You want anywhere you want to up? I'll arrow for you. A launching smoke. I'm looking at me. and I just one Nice. I'm sure. Does she need dead. Oh, because the killed her. Oh. everybody. I'm here. I'm going to toast. down. Oh, she's in there with the sheriff's. Don't go in. Don't go in there. and I don't know what he's saying. I'm not sure what he said. He's in there with a charge. Are they just going to wait in there or Don't do it. Don't do it. Oh my god. I have to. You respect. I'm 30. Seconds left. I mean, you should just send us a call and they think it's it's clear and then you can of them. Oh yeah, Yeah, yeah. He says to do nothing and let them and kill one remaining. Oh, nice shot down B. back down. I don't really like coming off. I'll make them. I miss all my other shots up. Keep translating for me. I don't know what he's doing. I can't understand. I know he's just like. you. You're sweet. I can't understand. Reina. what are what are drugs? I'll die. Really? It was a really I'm going to the GP. It's what I've learned. Wait, you want me to get him out? I have an idea. what I see you. Why did you just save my life? I didn't see her. She was actually not him. You know how to play in the sky? One enemy remaining. Spike down. Get out of my way. 120. He's uh 3830. thirty. Okay. She's going going in. There's no way going to go in. Yeah, there's no way I can do it. I recommend using a pistol because she's dirty health in case I'll meet you here. Yeah. Yeah. This is where you can get some right click practice. You want. Okay. Perfect. Perfect. Right here. Perfect. **** genius. I think she's far away than you. 30. Seconds left. She's not. So, she's going to try and shotgun You can't. If you guys hear me, you can just let her play. and then walk up. I hear he just came out of the teleport. 10 seconds. He's he's here right here. You can't beat now. That's why you won the game because of that. She just three shot me. a bow and arrow is old fashioned but sometimes old ways are uh can I get a fly? Oh, that's rich. yeah. can. I buy? I buy for everyone. Oh my gosh. He said for everyone. you bought me. No, I bought it. No, no, no, no. No prisoners. How do you know my name? I'm just doing right now. begins. Am I going to hit you? Spike down a Wait. Wait. I heard a. she's in. Huh? Oh, nice shot. I thought one remaining. Alright, the last one or The last one isn't don't go in until we have a well, let me let me start over here. My blind go in. You mean blinded? Oh, **** Am I right there? What happens to my throat? is um I guess your left. Alright. Alright. Alright. Wait. wait. You can help you? Oh, escape my sight. Hey, that is the last round in the house. I did. I did Alright. I don't know what he's saying. But I heard I heard teepee. Yes. Yeah. About it. About um something something. Tp I'm working here. there. beacon down. It's time for the spotted a launching smoke. Oh, man. There's no way he's in there again, right? Like he's in there. Is he actually? Yeah. I didn't get here. remaining. I'll track it for you. Let me track it for you. I'll track it for you. I'll track him. I'll I'll you guys get ready to the Get ready. Get ready. Yvonne, you have a fireball. Yeah, I just throw it. Yeah. I can't. Oh my god. I didn't know that. Switching sides. I almost got barbecue. I'm terrifying. That's when you find it. That's funny. I was barbecuing me. Roasted me. Oh god. Oh my god. You're actually sick. This guy's sharing a lot with us. Cool. This is something else. are we running out of have going on? He teleported. Oh, how the **** did she kill me? Gotcha. There's two in there. Two in there. Oh my god. Open up. today. the heck? They're both. They're both in there. You guys are smart enough. Spike. Alright, see you. They're both in there. So. oh well, what They're going going to stay in there. They're in there. Oh no, they're out now but we can't do like on the backside, brother. Try to go like or some **** if he said it. Don't listen to him. Yeah. Oh, they're coming out now. behind you. Oh, huge splash remaining. How the **** is our teammate not dead? player standing close. okay. I guess I shouldn't. Yeah. Yeah. What? What? Oh, he ran out of ammo. Oh, holy **** Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Match point. I didn't understand but I guess that's Eyes up. launching smoke. Oh yeah. I don't care. Oh my god. Yeah, I'm watching. you. Uh they couldn't that you want, you want another angle that I got you? You wouldn't die. them. I found them. Take flight. Only one remaining. That's three. Where is he? Where is he? Sniper. Oh, He's in. He is a flawless Attackers win. I don't see anyone. That's anyone. the heck? What a what a game. Okay. let's see anyone. Fire up the lethal. Let's go. Is that what we're playing? Let's **** go. wait II refunded it. Hey, guys are having fun to do that didn't you? Hold on. I'll go with my other account. But wait, is Harrison not playing? No, he's still in this game. What is he at? 910. You can we have enough time for a spike rush? Spike rush and microwave for 2 minutes and watch you guys play Spike Rush. What? No. what? What is wrong with you guys? It's not a microwave and then you guys queue up for Spire and I'll just run back and forth, huh? the man is microwave food. Okay, fine. You know what? I'll get my food too. Have mercy for pet's sake. You. what are we saying guys? The little ones You want the little one? The little ones. What? What? You're not a real nerd. Yeah, you're right. I'm not. Thank you. somebody. Nobody ever gets my references in this house. Put your **** normies. What? What? Huh? What are all these references supposed to be a movies Anime. It is movies. It's Chad. Tell her what movie it's from? Uh no movie Nerds. Okay. you. It's pretty good. It was pretty good. Oh, actually. Say it's like surprisingly good. Oh, there's a squid game too. I'm going to win by the way. We gotta wait for Harrison. Harrison Jones. 554. It's a draw a card at this offensive attacks. I know Blizzard was an evil company toast but for what it's worth, I was pretty fun. Yeah. also for what it's worth. I want you to know that Yvonne's a dirty hand. Look for player. She seems like the type. Hey, hey, hey, came back to you talking **** Which part of that wasn't correct? What's wrong with Freeze Mage? At least it wasn't a dirty uh freaking face hunter. That's based on our counter. We've made I'm it. on your block. uh yeah. Uh face hunter. I don't think it ran flare. I think they just punched him so fast that like you can't it takes a little bit of ramp up if you don't have. I think it's like you need a better set up early. Yeah. also has zero power just hits you in the face no matter how much you freeze. Yeah. and double kill. Come in for ten damage. Alright, Addison's done but he lost. So, he's going to be in a bad mood. Don't anyone piss him off. I'm going to be pissed him off. Watch by losing again. Oh well, I saw his dark side when he was here. What? I didn't see it. Oh yeah, I saw it. Stop. Don't worry. shut up. Shut up. He's gone. actually drooling. I like how he joins the party with a diamond two account and say, oh god, that's hey, Harris. Oh, no problem. Anything for you. I'm sure. Um oh, I can't say no. We do not. Wait. Where's then? You should just go to my blog real fast and turn it back. 10 seconds. Shut up. Yeah. 10 seconds. Yeah, I can just clip real quick. then it's like Harrison get in here and we'll start playing right away. Yeah, yeah. Let's go. Let's go. Let's let's play some games. Yeah. Yeah. Are you crying? What the heck? I can't. I'm dead. you mister Harrison, tell me what the face of the earth Okay. 10 seconds. Probably like 30 seconds. I'm scared now. I'm scared though. I don't know what was said. No. You shouldn't be scared. We should be scared. I think that should be scared. You know, I'll give you my uh my Id. I'm going to add him. I'll lick it. I'll lick it. Oh, wow. This name What do you mean? What's wrong with the name? What's up? I don't get it. It's an inside joke. What's the inside joke? You can, that's why it's an inside joke. Okay. Well, you could explain. That's why it's an inside joke, dude. It's an inside joke. I have an outside in you then, it wouldn't be an inside joke anymore. Yeah, but we could be part of the inside joke. Wait, what? Wait, wait. We need to reset. Like I said, my young, huh? Oh, what the hell? My young can you select a different server? How dare you? How dare you for suggesting that do that? Benefits all of us. Wait, so what's the server that I choose? US, West California too. It's I think it's best for everyone. Yeah, boy. Yeah, boy. You think the players are? You're a hero. Yeah, it went too easy and the games are easy. Someone called my Someone said to never have a family because they're all going to be pussies. They don't judge. They like triples. I don't know. You were there. That's such a unique like insult. He really went ham and cheese. It went from like zero to nothing. to like 100. You guys want to play a different five player game? Hm? Mm hmm. Not right now but like if you guys know a five player. Oh. among us. Oh, I'm I'm not from I'm from among among us. Please. No, I've only played among us three times. Diablo three like three sessions of among us. Like I've sat and played three nights. Oh, wow. We should go for a fourth Yeah. Like I still don't know. all the tasks are. So if you just ask me what task I did, I'll just say the same way. I do the same thing. I'm always on wires. I actually think it'd be so fun to play among us with Sean. I've definitely said I did a task that wasn't on the map or something. It's a small world. Alright, now that's here. I don't have to try hard. What do you mean What you? It means you are so try hard. You try hard enough for both of us. and it's not a game. I'll follow you around on the stage. He calls me to try hard. I cringe no, I'm going to call you cringe when you're playing TFT and you abused a bomb every single game. there's a A dude that was so good. I don't even know what that means but it's something that got packed with them when we comparison playing it. Uh you abused it. The Avon is ST right now too. Avon never goes away, man. Can you try mustard pickles yet? Oh, wait. What was that, Sean? I know you want to answer first. Yvonne. It's not. Oh, it's not an option. What? What? Hey, Sean. You ask first. Alright, we're live. Those brands. Um spell it. Brands match. it in in League of Legends in Tf. Yeah. Wait. Why did you ask me? Because you play. He's a legend. You played Brad today but that's Tf. I'm waiting for the payoff to this question. Yeah. Same. What is it? I'm going to play Sage. It's the flash. That was so lame. That that that's well, I was going to ask if you like if you try pickles and mustard. So, I'm curious. I did. It's not that bad. I don't like eating food That's can't be described as not that bad. It's just like two sour things. It's not bad at all. I could eat two of them and then I can't eat any more than that because it's like a lot of sour but it's like edible. You know, she doesn't even know what's the **** idea. I know. Where are you? Where are you? Why don't you just why are you guys all here? You're fine. We've been hovering this for a second. You know what I'm saying? It now you can He's got a viper. I don't know if I talk involves your mouth. Your eyes aren't involved in talking. I'm not staring at the screen. What are you, what are you looking at that? Oh my. Are you looking at? I was just mindlessly. Oh, staring. You got Viper. Oh my god. I'm on live. What? I don't know. never played. I've never smoked before. We have three smokes. I don't know how to ipad. It's okay. I've never played a before either. How do I ipad? Don't look at me. Just don't look god. Okay. So, how do I play my for guys? Uh you need to teach me more A and you plan to motivate you. Yeah. Wait, I plant where you plant when we're offense. He's asking defense. Uh I don't know guys. help guys help. Uh yeah, I can't. Oh, okay. I have to read. I have to read. Hold on. Reading eclipse a flash grenade fire to throw Okay. Okay. Okay. a clip and excuse my too. Okay. I don't. You love click and then you right click to shoot it literally. buy smokes first. Yeah, you get one default. You get one smoke every round. Hey, Oh, I should throw out my bagger, right? That's what this does. Pop up. Oh my god. They're not They're what? I go off. He's among us. This guy has a **** I'm going to be Oh, there's a wall. Oh. Nice. Yeah, they were running here. They're they're right. I'm oh, there might be one. You want out, Yvonne? Yeah. Spike planted. Is this spike? Yikes. I grabbed yours. No, I just do this. Did I use both of them on here? He's here. Back. Back. Back. Back. Whoo. I'm a viper man. Yeah. Yeah. Throw that on the go on the bottom. It's faster. did it. Oh, is that you? I didn't. like. I didn't. like. no, I'm against allies. It's like 10%. Just know it's a mis. It's my first time playing Viper ever. I think in vain. like, wait, I didn't pick up a gun. I was distracted because you said to throw that and now now I just have a You didn't even throw it. Why? I told you to throw it out. I didn't. You didn't. Just to throw it. is that? Where is the? Just throw it. Yeah. He said he throw it. That's it. Throw it on the bottom of The Oh. Oh. is it? is it? Oh, wait. I have a mic and then you're going to kill him. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Among us. Us, us, Us. A lot of a lot of Hella home. When I think of a deck, the halls like hella halls. the place where it's at. Yeah. Deck the halls like the holes spotted. Go on. Go on. Go on. Go on a nest. They're on, they're on be a nest. planted. This guy's lit. Why can't I smoke here? Oh my god. I'm just going to smoke random things. How about that one remaining? Oh yeah. Do it. I got lineups. I got lineups. I got lineups. What is Devon a finisher? Two. Come on. You're actually looking at. Yo, guys. Where's my lineup? What did I do? Oh, there you go. Oh, you're cheating. No, I don't know what that. I go off the map. Yeah, I think so. at all. It's over. that won't touch your soul. I'm I'm going. How far can I do this? Can I do this now? we'll do now. Alright, guys. I got AI. Don't worry about it, okay? Really at all. Yeah. Don't even worry about it. I think I do it like I don't know. How far does it go? What's up? Oh, they're definitely coming to be. concealment. Why does that go I did 66 in Jerome and the wall. It's coming down. It's coming down. Are they coming B? Are they in? I think they're rotating off. Yeah, I hear they're rotating. It might come to you. Okay, wait. How do I cancel my smoke Press the same skill? Yeah. Oh my god. because I'm kind of scared. They're they're they're big and throw your dagger against this wall. Yeah, just throw it. Throw it. Throw it. Throw it. Throw it. Look at it on the hall. I think they won't be Yeah, it's just, I don't know. Be here. Nice one's one's Oh, I'm so low now. It could be. It's spawn. Careful. Okay. I don't know. 30 seconds left. Yeah, we're going to go in the middle. I thought it was B. That's deployed. Spike planted. I'm about to dip them right now. Last player standing. Okay. So, my alt is wasted guys but don't worry, okay? Okay. Don't worry about it. No, no, no. Don't worry. I let me buy you a vandal, huh? No, no, no, no. We're we're saving it. I don't need it. Viper doesn't even need guns. No, don't worry. I'll get it. I'm going to, I'm going to buy a vandal. I'm going to leave it in spawn. No, no, no, no, no, we're good. I'm going to live in my car. I'm going to be, I have to wait. It's just a waste, Yvonne. It's such a waste on the ground. Wait. I have to do the things you want to waste a where I guess I would. Oh, Viper Wall down B. and you have to make sure that they don't come out of here. That's all the only thing you have to watch. They're here. They're here. Okay. They're in the smoke with the shotgun. I'm toast. and remember to remake yourself and like now. oh, they're going through. They're going through **** you. one of them. I know they're uh your time. Oh my god. Let's go. There's two. There's two. There's two there. lady. There's some. Oh my Oh, you throw it if you right click it. 30. seconds left. right click is short distance and it explodes right away. Hey, get off your. Oh my god. He went all the way around. Nice try. Oh, that's crazy. Wow. Look at that was the right is what it like like in the If it doesn't go very far. Oh my god. If you look at the picture at the bottom of your screen, you see like an arrow that's like a loop Usually you just pop right click and then you swing out. you can go close to the wall. throw it, throw it, Sorry. You go close to the wall and then you toss it and I do this so you don't ever do it here at the roads. You know. you didn't do it yet. I don't want my right and left foot does when I smell I can't see. It's so confusing. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh, that is not fun at all. Wow. That's right. I'm Spike planted. today. Oh god. What's close to you, bro? I'm pretty sure. toxins going up. I'm not an offer. No, it was cool. I don't know how to this Yeah, me too. and the champions really It's a challenge. It's a challenge. Yeah. the agents is, it's rough. It's rough out here. I'm learning how to ipad. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Great, great stuff. and I'm going to play again. Okay. no. to run. Dinks. Sniper. Oh, wait. I didn't do the thing. He's here. Where's here? You're paying spawn. kill. Joy. Joy. There's one one call on me. Oh my god, dude. I think both of them. I think both of them. What? Please, ma'am, please. It's adventure. sorry. one of them is. Come on. Come on. Spike planted. Okay, Silvas. Full Hp. The rest of them are five Hp. Okay. I didn't even need it. Oh my god. I can't hear the bomb is the plain sight. This is nothing. **** That was so easy. Nice. Can I come back? I've I've all in one. all agents to get. This is the one, huh? Yes. there's an Astra Let's begins. one. One and a half. Uh Leon's got coming down. It's or coming down. Yeah. Yeah. I hear it. Oh, two caves. on is over. last player standing. Spike planted. I saw the headshot though. Lindsey 0.1. More second. I can't say the same for you. Fragile. That's **** **** I'm judging like a true Viper. Me, Terry. Hey, let me play B. Actually, let me play B. Let's take at least one down with us. Good. Oh, they pushed out real fast. Oh, They pushed on a wait. one's B. toxins going on. Welcome to my player standing. No way. Spike planted. Guys, how do I win this? You got this. You got this. Where's the guns? It's coming up. about that. god. Oh god. Oh god. I have a vandal here. if you want to get it. Run. toxins going up. Oh no, it's gone. Oh no. I don't think. Oh, there's a guy. There's a guy. wait, where did your gun go? No, that wasn't mine. Let's go here. I heard him. We got this. Okay. I'm just going to be It's going to be Okay. We have four alts. I am. Oh, they have raised all too my god. I should try fishes. I can't believe it. Oh, they're in. I got, I got spike down. Oh my god. She ran around. Oh god. I have seven boards. No. dude. What the? Oh god. There's there's two. There's two on-site. Nice. Last player standing. Oh my god. Oh wow. That was a head shot. It's an amazing shot by that guy. Okay, we know the drill. Stick to your rolls and we'll crush it. This is proving to be very difficult. Yeah, A little bit. Yeah. Who's idea? Yeah. Run it back. It's taller than resolved. Yvonne locked Viper. Hey, true very true. back down here. Oh, I need help. Oh, I'm in drones. This one begins. They're planting. They're planting. She's still holding that okay. But that's really close. Last player standing. Oh, what's up? one or give me master. Let's go. Wait. Wait. Oh, wait. Why don't I have a better gun? You have it. That's right. That was great. That was great. Release the tension. Yeah. let's go. I was immersed. Immersed. I can't I can't look out here anymore. Let's let's it look like. You have full armor at first down here. Let's switch toast. Who are you? Huh? Oh, you're up there. Can we switch from up there? I'll take everything. Get out of here. Wait. Wait. You can't get it. Okay. Oh, I was blocked by our teammate. Oh, why do you know you're going to know? I don't know. Yvonne, where you going? One's in the house, right? Come to you Mia. spike a got two spike down on me. from behind you. One enemy remaining. Oh my god. There you go. There you go. And just do that again. Yeah, just do it again. Yeah. I didn't even use my eco three more times. This is it. Three more times. I'm going to use my own for the first time. This to me too. Where do I go do that? I'm I'm running a big No, we're in a big yay. man. I don't even shutting them down. There's not a fire in the hole. No. I saw one there. It's in. **** What's that called? Jesse? y'all before you die? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know what? You're right, 00000. my god. Spike, you should run. Oh my god. Run where Kenneth I'm going to hang out with me about we out. Back. Back. Back. Back. Back. Quickly. Go. Quick. Oh **** What? How did you do it? I take this mo. Push up. Push up. Push it. Push-up. Push-up. Go there. it. it. I'm I'm I'm I'm I gotta get up. I gotta get off. Come on, sis. I can't Wait. Wait, Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Good work. Good work. Good work. Good work. That was great. That was great. We almost lost. No. uneven. What do I like? was like from here? It's maybe an inch. That's a wall. Where my it's my Ps on the map Where? Where? Where? Where are you? Huh? Who is that? Who is this? Oh, let's go. it. And what the **** That **** sucks. No ones on the right side. Let us do. It's coming down. It's coming down. I'm low. right side, right side. one right side as well. Oh. oh. in my seat. right to your door just came to your door. seventy-eight. F one. Spike. a no. Alright. You just hit the body II. Had it. Yeah. Good. Good. Good. Nice. Nice. Nice Elk. What am I supposed to do now? It just swing out slowly. slowly. You don't know what you did. Headshot. all of them. Headshot. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Alright, what's coming? Oh my god. Oh my god. Nice. 30 seconds. Let's go. You got this. What do I? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 101 shot. One shot. That was so close. That's pretty good. That was too much. That was sick. Alright. Alright, we go again. We go again. Again. again. again. you can't keep going again. Where do I smoke on me? I saw the doors and something else or I got lineups uh because you have the viper. You don't need snugs. Oh. so you can just cast it whenever if you want to shot, you put it on the bottom and wait in the smoke. You know what? I'll just smoke. There has to be a better spot. I have the spike wall coming down. Excuse me. I'm right here with you. Do. Yes, I'm here. I think we're going to do. I hear a guy? Wait, hold on. Hold on. shot. Who's here? Left. Left. Left, Left, left, left. Yo, this guy's running a marathon. Oh my god. Okay, we got guns. now. We're good. Yeah, I got your backs. Just you know, from the front. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, we go again. again. Yeah, we don't let them stop us where um the. okay. I need someone else to plant though. It's on. Let me let me okay. Look at that. Nothing could go wrong. Nothing at all. Alright, let's go. Let's go. Let's go. I'm in. I'm looking for that. Spike planted. One shot. One more coming from left. in the box. behind the boxes. I'm joining. You guys have to help. You guys have to help. That's one remaining. Maybe flank. I don't know. Well, I'm out of here. running. you go. It's great for three. Oh, he just saw her. Oh yeah. You're just standing. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Oh, need a truck. Thanks. And if we go um I have AI have a really good goal for it. Oh, okay. Where should I, where should I go here, Sean? Uh you can you can put your wallet in a actually and then they're like, oh it's a and then they'll be ready. Oh, it's too late. Just go ahead and do it now. we have time. Wow. Alright. Are they? Just wait it out. Okay. You look up the rest of us. We rush on the beach. enemy. Go. Go. Go. Go. Okay. Right side. Another one. I think. Oh, we just killed everyone. Yeah, Spike. and this go through. Oh, it's not go down. Yo, you're oh, looks so cool. Oh my god. It got me killed. Oh my god. Oh, that got me dizzy. You all look so cool. Dude, I didn't know if that was her gun or if I was always there. probably here and here. Okay, it's down. One was McDonald's McDonald's one was one was tomato. What's tomatoes? Last player standing. Oh, you have something something. Oh, it's Sunday. What's tomato? They're a tulip. He's on these nuts, right? That's right. is that? It's not that that was that was great. This is delayed. I don't understand. None of us are tulips. You can't see if none of us said it's not. You have to work what I said two of you guys said what? Yeah. but we have to say we have to say it because then you could say any joke and it won't, you know, Dude, honestly, I was close here. Sure. Uh huh. And then I saw your alt in the sky and it looks so cool. I looked at it like I'll get you another one. Hold on. Okay. Okay. Let's go. Let's go. Slow and let's go. Slow a slow **** A. Okay. She's pushing out. The fun begins. I'm so low. Oh, he's already up. one was up. Shops Can you go back in? Yes. Yvonne ones. Why? What's up? What's up? the walls coming up and my walls coming up. What is that? That was a joy. Oh my god. Love it. Oh god. All's area. Oh, oops. I accidentally three. Uh huh. Fire in the hole. Oh **** That's that's from Doris. player. down. There's three. this one's extra thick. Okay, it's 19 seconds. Eleven bullets. We saw both on site. Oh, what? That was insane. Oh, what a match point. Don't think it's up. up. I got here and you never lose this. We just go to B side. I'm going to open it in the coop and then we're chilling. Yo, are you guys just down the frog out with close range? Let's just, let's just see it up like throw smokes all over sight and just fighting the smokes. Gotcha. I got you. I got a line up. I got a line up. Okay, I'm going to I'm going to go right here. Don't worry. I got the human centipede. Oh, he's he's nice. There you go. go. Alright, let's go. I'm here. Let's go. Let's go. Okay. I can't go. Oh. Oh. I cannot go Oh my god. That's one. Yeah. Okay. Where do we go? Oh, I have it. Oh my god. and permitting. Oh my god. One enemy remaining. Oh my god. It's close. Let's go. Oh. Oh, she's got it. Oh yeah. opening up the sky. We're live. We're live. Oh yeah. You can tell Yvonne was running away just to pick it up. I just want to use my own. Need a drum. No, I want to do the thing that people do. All you have to do know what We're going up. Let's go. I think he was all the way Okay. Where do you want to go? Oh, we can go anywhere. Oh, we just did and there's like, no, you. Hey, hey. Okay, Let's do that. Everyone. Goodbye. Goodbye. I'm in. Thanks. Okay. It's too easy. So, we're going to end it. It's butt. Oh, no. Okay. We're so much better at aiming. We're so much better at aiming to run. Oh god. Who doesn't know where to run? Wow. I mean, it's on site somewhere. Her, it's dead. So she's not. Oh, really? like is inactive. Kill it. Kill it. Kill it. Kill it. One more on me. One more on me. my Wally Wally. wally II. Just wanted to watch this. Watch this one remaining. He's dead. Let's go. Oh my god. How did that work? Okay, good angle. We we aim this Honestly, we don't even have to use. We just aim it every time. Let's go. Okay, I'll just smoke a really annoying angles. I get home. Okay. I can take one man. I'm like, I have like we want to envy. Okay, I have the great wall gun. The one that got Harrison killed. Perfect. Do you want me to run in? throw your jagger right away. Like as far over here as you can wait, filming. nice. Was so good. We're so 1 day. No, no. no place on the beat. on the beat. Okay. I'm dividing you guys. We're all divided. Okay? Are you okay? I'm on. That was alive. So. Oh my god, She's somewhere. okay. She's probably uh McDonald's What? Careful. Ratatouille. What is Ratatouille? Right here. Right here. He's right there. He's right there. Chickens. You should run. What is that? Oh, one enemy remaining. Wow. Okay, we can we kill chicken. Where's the where's the tomato? Tomato. What is tomato? Okay, Omelette. He's omelette now. I'm good. Call. Let's call. Oh, good good asset. Stir fry, stir fry. Got him. Got him. Got him. Taking him to call. Hey, Sean. Yeah. Oh **** Yeah. I can't tell if he's a call outs. They're they're not real call outs. What are you talking about? What? Those aren't real? How else would I have known that he was so fine. Thanks. I'm sorry. What? Great comms. Perfect immaculate. If you watch Vc Ps, you'd know that's the best of the best. Yeah. These are some sick call out. So we can we can bring this back. Let's go in every time. Hey, I just keep talking in a weird angle. It's they're oh, they're rushing with a judge. and just rushed out. Oh, good. Elbow. Elbow to elbow. Oh, one more gamer. Just better. Oh god. What nest? Oh god. I'm suppressed. Oh, **** Now, what we go to? You guys got this. You guys got this. You guys got this. Yeah. I think we go avocado. Okay. Like that's not a real call out. They're good to be on site. So careful. I can somewhat smoke. I was doors. I can't smoke. the other thing. you know I'll smoke the plants. I think you can tell me the right here. beacon here. Oh, he was by the turtle. Yeah. he's eating Yeah. So, that's 30 seconds left. Oh my god. That's close to you. Yeah. It's like oh, they're one. You got 20 seconds. Oh, last player standing. Oh. defenders win. You know, Sean, I don't like using the call out avocado anymore because uh I heard some rumors about avocados. Oh yeah. Yeah. Really ripe ripe, ripe a ripe avocado is when you do the action to an avocado. Now, I'm going to do that was the agents that game. It was the agents. and it's the agent. If it's kind of fun seeing you guys on different agents though. So, you're saying to do it again? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I could be persuaded I could be persuaded. Alright. Me wants subs, guys. No, I said I no. That's not what I meant. I get my wallet. It's September. I guess I guess so. for me, I'm asking for subs. I've literally. Alright, let's go. Regular Oilers come out. Turn it up, guys. Start it up. What if I give you guys? then what happens? I have AI. Have a question for toast. because I have the El Gato face Cam. Uh huh. You have to open up Camera hub. Uh I installed it once and that was it. I installed camera but it just says initials video engine and it's been on that since like before we start playing Bet Huh? I feel like that's so if you're after guys. guys, what about in how spike regulator Somebody, somebody just in house. Spike rush. I'm done. but where are we going to find five other people to play with other people? Why are you asking like that? Yeah, let's go. Oh my god. I can't Wait, how did you say you're using the El Gato face Cam? Yeah, I love it. Did you know me, Yvonne and me are all sponsored by El Gato and we definitely know how to use it. Who's code did you use? We do. So, it's like, well, as you know, I definitely use the El Gato Face cam and didn't just never set it up because I was lazy. III didn't hear it. I didn't hear it. I didn't. Oh, good. Because that would have sounded really bad if anyone I would have sounded really bad like I would have sounded really bad but like I was telling everyone how I immediately switched to the El Gato face Cam, right when I got done because it's so good. Yeah, I heard that part. So good. It's so good. I heard that part. So, I also heard that everyone should get it right but who's code is the best? Wait space for what You want to spike Rush in house. Yeah, sure. Oh my god. This is right now three V three In-house. Spike Rush. Did you, did you guys get a code? Because I didn't even get a code for. is it in a spike rush? Get on. Let's go. Did you get a code for El Gato? It's a code of money. What's happening right now? No, I don't think so. Yeah, neither do II. Don't even know what they're paying me for because we have a link We do. Yeah. I don't even have code or anything. I'm not even selling anything are needed to. It's not a code but it's linked. Yeah. What what do they pay the players? are needed? What we can get? We can get the four players above us or more players are needed for a spike. We're out of balance. I don't want to say I'm of MVP but I'm kind of MVP at this three V three. Oh, come on. Hurry up. You guys already got five but if you need a fill, you know, let me me let me Um wait but we're doing three V three spike rush real fast. We have five. This is it. Oh wait. We have six people. We're actually doing a three V three Three Alright, auto Bounce it up A bounce it up. I can't I can't. That's crazy. Oh my god. This looks kind of fair. This looks Oh my god. Spike. Who's Dan? Who's Dan? Is that H Junior? Or is? That's me. That's me. Oh, thank god. What the I just don't like playing against him. He's too I mean, come on. Just remember, you get all of your skills, okay? He's just kind of crazy. He's kind of crazy, you know? Yeah. Okay. Alright. No, that's fine. Alright, guys. I'm playing my new man. Let's go. I'm playing. I've been practicing all day as long as I'm ready. Yoo hoo. Say it with us. Say it with us or you're on. Okay. He said yeehaw. Yeehaw. And I don't know what else. What can you change it to after that, think of something you what You you. Well, I took out the. wait, can you use jet knives and like spike rush? Yeah. No, Yeah. No0. You can get your ultimate. No, there's Orbs out there. Hey, guys. I just thought of a joke when you said you what? What? Uh so we're all American right? Mm hmm. Uh huh. Yeah. What happens when an American goes to the bathroom? European I just thought of that one. This guy. he's clapping in the back. you guys. I just, I thought of that one on my own. It is. are able to um creative like European spike rush I like a dude liked it though. That was great. That was great. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. How does three V three spike rush work? It's really try hard. Is it a cutting through? It's pretty. try hard. I had to recover after that one. that took me a second because it was so funny because yeah, I know it was really good. Help. Help. They're crazy of all them. I rolled them. Okay. Okay. wait. Are they A or B? Oh god. they're hurting the I have a literal gaming legend. What I love. I rolled up myself to make her think I was on the other side. I can't believe it. Oh my god. I walked out myself. on the other side. I don't want to play with the big boy. I can't see it. Oh god. Oh god. and down. Where are they? Last Oh. Oh boy. That was nuts. It was like a good 2 seconds. to register. That was an enemy. So, I was just like make something nice to do. He's going to get the Okay, this is Harrison's gun. So, everyone just stay away from Harrison. We're doing. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Is it that easy? Eyes up. Time to to jump is sniper rifles and Russ similar to the Marshall? No, I think both rifle. It's pretty similar to Marshall. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty similar. My house's ready. Alright, time to do the same thing again and see if she falls right now. No, it's a joke. It's a joke. Get away. Alright, how about this? Oh my god. Oh my god. He's insane. Wait. Wait. Why am I getting shot from? Oh god. I was, I was watching HQ make plays. I was it. What's that? What happened? Oh, he's one. Oh my god. John. you're not. It's okay. Yvonne is try harding right now. Yeah, he's right behind you. Oh, oh, Sean doesn't know Sean doesn't know he's right. He's right. Good night. Good night. I'm right here. Okay, standing ahead. He has no idea. he's right. Uh I would I would watch a knife battle. It'd be funny. He has no idea. Oh, Yvonne. I think he was holding his knife. The knife. Yeah, he wants but what about you? them blind Him. Him. He's sniping you while you're blind. Come on. You gotta finish it. Oh my god. You gotta finish him. You gotta be there. Oh my Sean was the better game last round in the house. I like how Sean was just dead silent the entire time. He didn't he just didn't say anything. still in cold killer. go to jail. Alright, let's just change the mode. If you die, I'll handle this. You die. I instantly revive you. Chain Peak. Who's this guy? I'm the guys. What do you see? Devon Devon next to you. Let's do it again. It's so bad. It's gone bad. Oh my god. He's doing it again. Oh, **** **** dude. Get him. Get him. He's he's dead. He's dead. He's he's got it. He's he's he's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. Oh my god. Oh god. He got it. Wait. I didn't know when he's in a ghost. he can block my dash. three. the heck? He outplayed me. Crack them down. through You guys aren't going to be ready for this. Oh my god. I don't know. Oh. Oh. I can't believe it. Oh, check out the epic combat. I'm sorry. No, you're not. I think you're the only one who got it but you are not. Oh, wait. I thought we got it. Oh, Oh my god. Oh my god. That's crazy. Oh, wait. I killed him. One V one. One V one. If I were toast, I'd be at BC. So, I'm going to go to be. You're so smart. Wait, is this B or oh, Right? Right. Time to jump. Why are you 30 seconds left and I think I'm going to be and by saying BS and that's what you thought but I actually said all of that while deciding and I just decided which one to go to. Now, No, it's like, no, I planned it. huh? and with the way that he's not supposed to be at. Oh, oh god. Oh god. I knew I planted. Alright, I'll pour into my plan. and I close the door. He knows I close the door. so he probably thinks I'm hiding in wine but if I hide somewhere else instead with a knife out, I can close it. He's faking. He's faking. Oh god. Oh god. He's faking it. He's too slow. He's too slow. Who's that? Who's that? Where is he? He's abusing these days. It's the whole time. That's the point II. Thought I thought he'd be too slow. I thought he'd be too slow. Oh my god. It's why. It's because my my slows don't do damage. It feels a real Molly. It would've stopped him. Yeah, that's cute. That is true. Uh held back by the slow orbs. Time to jump fast real fast. Oh god. Oh my. Oh my god. Oh god. I'm going to. Oh, Jesus. Stay back. Stay back. Oh, wait. It's just me on. Oh my Oh my god. I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. That's the That's the really toxic that's the joke. Oh god. Oh god. Oh, oh elf. I need. how do you heal in this house? my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. That was I had five HP. If you oh god. Oh **** Why are they giving us all to guns? Huh? That's true. We went from up to uh to judge to the judge. and then there's a marshal right here. Time to jump. Oh my Oh god. II won't shoot you if you don't kill me. Oh god. Do something good. You sniped. Can I just get a peace treaty? I just want to revive. HQ and that's all. Yeah. You know, I'll just revive H. You don't you don't just don't kill me but Yvonne don't take it so I can Oh, it's fine. It's fine. Oh, no0. Don't kill her. Don't kill. Oh god. Let's toast. the left. Where are they? Where are they? like 30 seconds left. Oh god. Not this again. Alright, here's are we on offense or defense? Decoy? Uh offense. Uh yes, of course. of course. It's all god. Oh god. There's no time. There's no time. There's no time. You do it. No time. Oh my god. Oh Jesus. I barely barely. Oh my god. I planted my. Oh my god. That should not have Well, that worked. Time to jump. Oh **** Oh **** Okay. if I just keep spraying into the wall, you can't, you can't push right. I don't know what's going on. When you're you're god. He's a genius. He's a genius. Oh my god. He's he's too good. I'll leave it to right now. Oh god. Oh god. I forgot he could do that. Wow. Jesus. clutch poses like that. Uh anime antagonist. It is. but here's the thing, I intentionally let that happen. So, it would be a tie breaker. So it's more dramatic than That's right. You guys thought I fell for it but I did it on purpose. so it'll be a tie acres. So the game would be more intense overall. That's really fun. It's see through. It's on my team. No. I just They got a junior. three. it. I had to do it. We'll come in. grabbing the item. I'm grabbing the item. One enemy remaining. Oh, that was bad guys. Oh god. We gotta we gotta see the jets. We gotta do this. Oh Jesus. Oh god. Come on now. Don't worry. I got it. I got it. Take You got you got him. You got him. You pick us. You got us right now. 30 seconds left. One. Oh my god. He's he's he just killed her. **** We have an offense or defense. You're you're on offense. You have to go find the bombs. I can't Alright. It's not over yet though. It's not over yet. We just he has to plant right now where the game's over. right? So, I'll just revive Yvonne again. Yvonne, round three. You'll you'll get him another time. Thank you. There's no way he beats you three times in a row. What are you think twice? I don't lived it twice There's no way he gets you three times in a row. Get him Yvonne. Get him. I got him. I got him. Alright, I'll run out with my knife to reveal his location and then. That's right. Perfect. Where's he Where could he be? He's having he's for sure. Oh, wait. Where is he generator. It's all up to you. You. there's no way he beats a three two. There's no way. Can you see me right now? Oh no. You pick her right now. You oh my god. He didn't pick her. He's no, he's on. You got this Like at least or at least sniper. It'll be funnier. Hey, where'd you go? Wait, my god. Got an ace and a three V three. You got the ace switching sides. Well, actually, I think most of those pills are on it. What's on your mind because I kept reviving you. You're on. You're on. You're on tied like three times that three times in a row. Oh god. Here we are. Oh god. I hear is I hear this thing. Me too. My wait. he's he's up in the back. Oh. Oh my god. Oh my god. He's behind us. I'm in the corner. You guys help We actually just got boxed in there. Oh my god. He's the box. You gotta you gotta it? Yeah. We got I say we just gotta kill him first and then, you know, uh we're we're good. Oh my god. How does this work? It's okay. We got this. We got this. We got this right. Uh we just got together. We're live. He's there. He's there. He's there. Oh, Oh god. Hello. Hello. Hello. Oh Jesus. Christ. Oh no. you don't do it. I'm getting the **** out of here. Oh god. Oh my god. Oh, come on. If you don't get knife, I consider it a win. There's no way he's low. It's low. One tap anywhere. He's dead. He's one Hp. I hit him for 128 and knowing toast, he probably doesn't want to just shoot you because it won't be as fun. 128. I'm ready. Hit him in the toe. Decoy. coming through. Let's go. Let's go. You're tens. You're tense. I am. I am. You're tens. Oh. Oh no. He can activate it from anywhere. You can still be. Oh, he could still be anywhere because he's an activated from a distance. Oh, Oh god. Oh god. Switching sides. Let's keep it fresh. It's you need this. This is so close. You vandals. It just keeps going. Yeah, I guess it's overtime but if we lose this one, then it's to die. Yeah. Oh, it's the golden gun, man. Yeah. Oh, no way. He just pushes out here like this, right? Okay. That should keep me safe. I Okay, I'm He's looking at me. I thought you wouldn't check I fell off there. Portal. Close. my god. Guys, guys, save the but I can revive. Oh, it's fine. It's fine. Oh, oh. where? I think we're in. We just go in. Just go. The fun begins. Push. Push. Push. Oh god. Oh, you got the plant. We got the plant it. Oh **** What's up? guys? one thing. Everyone really just died on me like that. Okay, good luck. You got the sauna. I mean, I know what to do. Go to you and we'll get the floor. Look at the floor. Yeah, nothing bad will happen if you look at the floor. Okay. Yeah. Perfect. standing. like you. I wanted to Oh, Jesus. How did this happen? I don't know. What happen? I wanted a knife but if we lost it, I mean, it was it was the right play because you didn't know where I was and one person diffused reveals where I am. So, that was looking down It could have been worse. It's getting worse. This is time to Gts. What it is and I haven't even watched Es He's I feel like I killed her but I feel like I might have died. Oh, I just saw him. He's right there. Mid top. Guys, guys, can we really just shoot him? We gang up and shoot him. That's that's dirty. We gotta actually kill him. Please. Please. I didn't shoot you. Go for someone else. Oh my god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Give me. Go get him. Go. It's crazy. One. god. more chance to shoot him. Shoot him. Okay. Sounds fair. Knife sounds fair. It's one V one. This Oh god. Oh god. What? What? He's hurt. He's hurt. He's hurt. Bad. Finish it. Give me one. Send me one. Give me one. Okay. What do you mean? I'm I'm me one. Give me one. Send me. Send me one. I got that. It was a face. He's got. He's got y'all. You fell for my trick shot. What's inside? Oh, No0. My god. Oh god. He's too powerful right now. I mean, he's he's pretty smart. That was pretty smart. It didn't work. I didn't he not die to one shot. He got he's my health. He was low. He was low for sure. I I had damage and he didn't die. You're revealing Eddie cutting through. There they are. Oh, You can't shoot through the wall, can you? Uh Alright. He's going to shoot another one and then I shoot. Oh, there's another. Oh god. I was going to kill him while he's shocked. Daring. What do we do? deploying. Get him. to a closed my god. They're all around me. The orb worry. I'll collect the orb The the orb. Good. I'm going to plant. They're collecting. I'm planting. or 30 seconds left. Uh wait, am I planting Planting a I'm planting a I'm planting. I'm okay. Oh god. I'm one Hp. Use me. He actually has one. He has info. decoy. Oh, those are footsteps. Morons. all of this. He's scared the **** out of me, dude. He's already He's running away. No way. He doesn't make it. Come it on? Oh yeah. Oh god. Switching sides. This is the only time he's a hero. Yeah. why do we keep getting spike. We should do. We should do. Can we set it to like only side arms or something? like you only get like shorties, pistols, and I don't think we can. Hey, look guys. We have to win this one so we can dip around. Yeah. Where'd he go? Where did he go? Wait, how far did that thing come from? Well, how did he get there? Can I get you plan for it the whole time? Well, they're planting a Mike. my One enemy remaining. My alt is a on him in this tree. Wait. You're the first. You're pretty good. I must say you're there the whole time. You don't call. you don't check you camouflage into the background. Let me me show how to. Alright, that's it guys. No. say sorry to your masters. Oh, this is it. I'm sorry, Master. Oh god. Guys, guys, I'll revive. I'm going to get the ultimate and revive. Okay? Blaze and we're going to revive. I'm I'm going to look like Sean. I'm going to revive Yvonne. Don't you want me to do that? I'll revive Yvonne. Hey, she's not dead. I'll revive her when she dies. It's good for both of us. Is that hola? Yeah, it's good for both of us, Yvonne, I hope he doesn't revive you. What the heck? Oh god. My feet. Oh god. Oh god. It's time to get up. Get up. I'm reviving. I'll revive you, Sean. I'm going to revive you. Where did he go? Where did he go? Go somewhere. I'm shooting. I'm I'm shooting to distract him. You know what? I'm going to get this orb right in the middle of them. Oh god. Oh god. I revive or do I? They're touching. over time. Oh, wait. You keep some of your charges. No, you. he passed Okay, So it's up because I have before. So, if I get three kills and I can revive. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Except like it'll be over. Where do you get the time? truth? If it's fun and it's spans, over time. Oh god. I got one and a half. No. Alright, if I push up a decoy, let's go. Oh, wait. I forgot to order dinner. Oh, oh. decoy. What could they be? What could they be? I don't know. I don't know. Where are you guys? What could they be? Are you guys Where could be coming through. last. No way. I got. It's up to you. Oh my god. You're crazy. Hey, did you hear it? And you're waiting by it? Yeah. Uh wait. She's so smart. Oh my god, Yvonne, if we win the next one, it's over. Yeah, it's finally over. Yvonne, all you have to do is win one points above the running man is a flying man and that is the one as one game we win. Alright, this is it guys. It's finally over. After all this time, try not to do this. This is it. This is the longest. This is we can finally end the spike rush. It's not going to happen. Just push. push. Oh, oh god. Oh god. Oh god. It's I'm just going to, I'm going to get the ultimate orb and uh another time to choke. Yvonne. I'm coming. I'm coming. oh god. Yeah. yeah. II. Got you. I'm going to slow him and then I'll revive you. You will not kill me II. Go Yvonne. Push. Push. I think if you get one kill and you drain, you'll have all your armor. Oh, Oh, she try it again. Wait, wait, wait. We gotta get another one. We got another or pay attention. Where's another orb is? How does Yvonne have sixteen deaths? And there's only been fifteen rounds Oh **** Weird. That that happens to be completely honest with you. 30 seconds left. It's not even sure how that's possible but We gotta get another orb. That's the only way. Yeah. Where are they? Yeah. Oh god. Come on. Remaining. Wait, We got a plant. 10 seconds. We got a plan Where you got that. We got that right here. I just saw him. I saw him. He's too fast. You're crazy, guys. guys. Oh my god. I love They're everywhere. It's everywhere. I got I got stabbed in the streets. Oh god. Oh god. I'll teach you to come to this part of the town. I didn't know it was thirteen rounds to win. Spike. Now, we got the next one for sure. Oh, that guy's low. He's low. I actually can't tell if I hit him or not. if I'm honest with you but maybe I didn't. Oh, he hit me. I'm hurt. Oh, I'm so dead. I got crossfire. This is like they're both very low. Well, actually, only one of them is mildly low Like I can't No. no, no. God. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. He's over there somewhere. He's gone bad. It's gone really bad. I don't think Oh god. Yo. Yo. You can win a Also one V one eight. He's got, he's got a lot of health left. He's doing great. It's okay. Decoy, get out of my watch this Watch. Watch this. If I don't think toes can't read my mind, that's true. That's true. What anime is that from? That's from anatomy. Uh it definitely is from one. I just can't think of it. Oh, is that stuff for you? Is that step for you? are closed I'll handle this. No, He's insane. Come on. It's insane. It's actually done. that this point. the **** is that? This is crazy. We can do it guys. So, we're almost there. I think we just hard rushed. just hard rushed one side. It's hard rush. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I say we just hard rushed and they won't be ready. Yeah, I won't. Okay, let's go. Can't wait. Alright. Alright, let's go. Let's go. I'm going in. I'm going in. Let's see. There's no revival. Oh my god. Oh god. Oh god. Go Yvonne. Go. Oh, no0. No, It's dead. What we got? Oh, I thought we were rushing. We can't. There is no revival at this point. Come on. You got him. Okay. Okay. Come on. Come on. Come here. Come here. We're going to do it. Oh no. I'm going to get. Oh my god. Oh my. your body. You have to wait. You have to wait. Oh my god. You're fine. Oh my god. Come on. What happened? Switching sides overtime. When When is this? What is this? We just gotta win this game. It's like this is like ranked but I didn't know if you win two games. We're that's crazy. Just two measly games and we're out of here. That's all it takes. It's mad man. Why didn't you pick after flashing? You just flashed again. You're you're going to have to pay for my eye surgery. After that, I won't because I've just gone blind here. You're crazy. I think it's a little permanent. I'm seeing flashes. No, it's not. It's permanent. It's permanent. It's oh, oh, I need help. Have a ball. I got a ball. I can't see anything. I got flashed by my own. It's Danny. got like five. Oh my god. Oh my god. We gotta win now. Oh god. Because we have to win. We have to win this one. We're going to win this one. I literally care more about this game than an actual what you say? I'm a third game is worth all the Marvels. No, it's not. Oh god. Oh god. Oh, you're going to want the ultimate or fight for it. Fight for it. Fight for it. Fight for it. We need a revival revival. Let's get it. Get it. We gotta revive Yvonne. She gets more deaths. Yeah, I know. They got it. They got it. Oh god. How did he get it? I'm handling. I'm handling it. Oh my god. Oh god. That's it. Hey, stop that. Oh god. You're going to have to win. You have to win it. Oh, where is it? Oh my god. He's got one. Okay, this is it. where was where was he? Got it. You gotta do it. You gotta do it. I like, where was where was he? where was he? I can read his mind. Oh god. Alright, hold on. Is he streaming? Is he streaming? Uh I got a. Oh no. Are you streaming? Can I pull it up? Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, god. What's that? Get your for the last one. You got a guy with each other. Who are you? Check? Deshaun is not streaming. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. We have to win this but we have to Oh, look at Oh god. Oh god. Jesus. Let's play. You did it. Oh my god. Oh god. Oh my god. Please. switching sides right here. One more time. I don't want to be in to I don't want to be in. This is not supposed to be four rounds. Uh my brain is Alright, we got this. We got this. Let me show you how to Oh man. We're just, we're just waiting now. We're just going to win. Oh, we're good. Oh, okay. I did not Okay, I'm going to go up here. What could they be? What could they be? Oh god. they're oh, oh, it's three V. 1010. God. He's low. He's low. He's he's dead. He's dead. He's so low. One head shot. He's dead. Oh, Okay, look. I'm not going to lie. I didn't hit him at all but it's true. One head shot and he dies. It's a vandal. Yeah, he's not. Don't do it now. I mean, it's all true. What the Are we on offense or defense? Yeah. I ain't even here. done. Oh god. Is You've seen this before. You die. He's too good. It's looking bad guy. He's looking real bad. Alright, we're we're against the corner again. Um don't worry, we're still here. Yeah. Back against the wall. You know, back against the wall. Yeah. Time to jump. the right here II could revive Yvonne again and then ultimate. It's right here. I can't with that. I'm Wally and then, oh, Yvonne's alright. Alright, guys. Can we have a true so I can just revive Yvonne? I just guys, I'm walking in the mid just I'm just going to revive Yvonne. That's all I have. I felt like we're we're peaceful. I'm just going to revive you. Revive Yvonne, reset like around the round is Alright, back on back on back on. The round just started. Yvonne's alive. You have have 22 deaths but there's only been 21 rounds. Yeah. Oh yeah. The round just started. guys. Round just started time. Get up to 30. Seconds left. He's close. Oh, he's got they got Hey, look. If I get a chance, I'll just revive HQ again. I'm Yvonne. on my back. I did it. Oh god. Are we planting Plant it. It hurts. Oh god. Oh no. It's actually a defender. of we lost after all that. After all these years, I just sniped honestly, that was pretty intense. It's pretty intense. That was the longest I've ever made in my entire life That's a wicked moment. Holy **** Oh my god. Oh god. That was harder than actual games that It's tougher than usual games if I'm honest. so hard, that's way too difficult. Now, we do it on a different map. No0. That's what that's right. Yeah, we played a mini game. Yeah. Auto balance. that you do it on a uh a different different map. No, we played a mini game on. No, that's what's the mini game. Replication. replicate. It's not just the new map it's a replication when you're the same age, Is it the same agent on It's a new app called Oh Fractures. A new map. Do we start with the same teams? No, no, no. You do custom and and unlimited abilities. Yeah. options. allow cheats. Yeah. Yeah. The only thing we can't do is unlimited health I'm allowed cheats. What? What We're allowing cheats. Wait, what are we doing? Favorite What? Or what? Unlimited abilities. Yeah, dude. It's **** but I did. a replication, I hope. Is that wait, this is going to be like, this is so limited abilities, huh? Wait, can we have unlimited abilities? Oh, boy. Abilities Can't wait for Yvonne to hit the the thirty bomb death Hey, hey. Well, just going to keep reviving her thought I should have peed first. If it's going to be a long thing. No, I can. You never know. You ever see those things where they like revive someone and kill him again for the for the memes. I'm talking about you know the memes you liked me first round Well, I mean, but it was funny. for who? I I mean, you kind of laughing, weren't you laughing and paid or what do you mean? who's laughing at me? I wanted that to happen. I mean, you're laughing. I'm like it What is laughing and pain me. Are you serious? What is that even mean? I want to know what is laughing in vain. Watch out. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Wait. The teams are the same. The teams are the same. I kept asking. I kept asking. Alright, guys. What do I order for dinner in here? Pasta. Oh god. That's barely anything. Everything is stalled too long. because delicious steak I've eaten so much steak in the past week. Uh I can't I can't do it anymore. I don't do that. My is ready. Okay. Oh my god. Wait, wait a minute. We're going to have. Alright, wait, wait, wait. Let's can we do side arms only or something like that? Like I'm shorty's only shorty's only shorty's on you. and I'll and all skills and we're all sage. just going to keep reviving each other. Everybody go mid and we chain, revive each other. They can't kill all of us at once. That's what they can kill us all at once. It's so true. Alright, wait. Would you have infinite walls? Yeah, I've got a plan. I've got a plan. Are you ahead. Alright, guys. We're we're playing Jumanji, huh? They're playing Valorant. We're playing Jumanji. Yeah. there's it's shocking. Shocking. What? What did you call yourself? I love myself. guys. You guys follow me. me. Me. I'm I'm friends with me. You will not go. Oh my god. with this. going to get You got a god. Oh god. Oh, Jesus. Go. Good. No god. Three times. God is been one round and he has three deaths. Oh god. wait. Are we getting shields? Hey, what what gun do we go for now? Shorty's I think it's just shorties. I feel like shorty is funny because you can't like kill each other easily unless you're right next to each other and then there's no abilities. Yeah, it's great. Yeah. Hey, guys. I think we send one person in and the other two just wall up and reviving Alright, Yvonne, you're going first, You're going first. Okay. right behind you and you have nothing to worry about. Alright, I'm walling that. There's so many walls up that I think I've blocked myself off. Trust me. I'm wall boosting while boosting. Oh Jesus. Oh god. This is bad. This is bad. This is bad. This is Jesus. I'm healing. I'm healing. I'm healing. I'm I'm healing you. Oh god. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Oh my god. What is this? She's dropped. Come on. my feet. My feet. Come on. Come on. Intel. Don't. Oh god. Oh my god. Are you able to turn on the? I have five dads. Oh, you can swap your agents on the next round. Oh, thank god. Alright, we gotta we gotta switch II. Feel like we're trapping ourselves in with the walls. Yeah. And and then they just keep blasting us. Oh god. How do you change Egypt? Just scroll down. I got this. I got this. standing ahead for the next round. Who is that? Who is that? man? I'm getting it with us. I walled off but I'm walled off. I'm swapping you. Oh, wait. You can you push the escape go to sheets and you can change. Last round before the switch. Alright, I'm going to change now. Where am I? Where is this Oh god. Oh god. Wait. Only one of you swabs. You can also. Oh, okay. It's too it's too much. Take them off. I didn't want to have to do this but uh Don't do it then. just don't do it. Oh god. Oh, they're brimstone. That's what I wanted to do. Oh god. Touch down. of the sky. Oh Jesus. They're just, they're just, they're just, they're just these guys literally have orbital strikes. You get each other. They're literally It's only been four rounds. and we have a total of twenty deaths already. least we have twenty deaths. It's only been four rounds. Oh god. Oh god. Alright, look. I'm not going to lie. I'm not even going to be playing the game right now. I'm just going to this. I know exactly where they are and I'm just going to start blasting. You will know exactly where they are. There's a guy at the Bam Oh god. Oh, Jesus. Alright. It seems a little dangerous. I'm not going to lie to you. Uh I'm trolling. I'll be Alright. there's no one. You've got another one. Can I get you? I didn't get you. Alright, how about this? Oh god. See anything. can't. I can't. see How did he catch you when you can't see? He defended. I was just like that. It went bad. We got all. that's pretty fun. That was pretty fun for you. Oh my god, guys. we literally just kept reviving each other to get farmed. I don't think we're going to score. Look at the score. I can't do to get I just revived each other to get farmed. Oh, that's so Oh god, It went bad. It just went bad. My mouth broke. My mouse wheel broke from that. What the heck? What? Jesus in your mouth? Now, what? Well, replication on a different. a lot of rain. I mean, I can we go infrared legion TD two. Let's **** honestly I download it and play it if you guys wanted to. Oh my god. Let's go. Legion TD two throwback. Well, actually running back running back. Yeah. yeah. I haven't played it last night actually. Yes. You know, I would do. I would do a game. It's been a while so can open it up. Oh my god. Shockingly, this is one of the games II actually have like 15 hours on this game and I have thirty. Well, Well, it's it's a it's a good one. It's actually pretty. it's pretty fun. It's pretty fun. The Devs are nice too. I always like when the Devs are nice. True. They didn't give me free stuff. Alright, Alright, but here's the real who's been playing because we gotta balance this out. Yeah, I haven't been playing since the last time I think we can also play like uh I think they said like you can all queue up and then they were for Will you kill for four four and a party of six and then they'll queue you up with two other people and you play like four four or you can just do the three. I'm down for anything. Let's go. Are you in Legion Tv? Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Alright. Uh tell us POV for the massive Os. It's so crazy. It's so dumb. what's going on? I swear. I've gotten it. I've got the game. Okay, I'm on invite. Why did I change my profile to be public? Welcome to Nova. Welcome to Nova. How do we? all remember when they gave us all those free coins? Yeah, man. The good old days, the good old days. Do I still have coins? I still have. They have skins, safety Md. I invited you guys. Thank Thank Blossoming deaf. obsidian. I don't like any of the skins but uh I can do more cards. There's a sunny side egg sac. Uh oh my god. I have to. I sounded wrong. That sounded weird. Well, it's it's a game. You can blame the game for that II. Have to. Yeah. Okay. I have to roll for it. I forgot how to play this game. Hold on. Let me let me roll for cards. please. Please give me the sunny side up egg. What the **** Please? the egg. Oh wait. That's cute. I told you now you like it, huh? Yeah. Now you know what? You're great. mom, please, please, please, please, please, please, please. I got, I got the worst thing. ever. I got the worst things. I'm selling them. I'm selling. Do I sell my Eco Moda? Because I'll have enough for one more roll but if I don't get a good one, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, I can sell this for 5000. Get one more roll the chunky Neel matter. I really want the egg Yeah, I gotta sell it. I gotta sell it. I sell it. So, I'm still, I'm still on. Come on. I sold everything. I sold everything for this. No, no, no. I'm still in it all. It's all gone. It's all gone. It's a six star. I got the egg. Oh my god. You're a look at that are in here, aren't they? Oh my god. Confessed. Alright. How did you got it? do it? How do we equip? It was Oh my god. I got the I got the egg on the last roll. I got the egg on the last roll. No, it's a six star legendary. How about five was a maximum? The Devs are here. The Devs. Shout out to uh Fury. I think it's the Dev that gave me coins last time. How to get it. How do I join again? I don't think I got the invite. Oh, it's it's through steam. my facts. When was like a six star. the egg is a six star but I mean, some of the five stars are pretty good. The arc Terry looks cool. I think I want the angler, the angler kind of want the angler. No, I'm out of coins. Uh uh this egg but I'm also going to run out of coins Good. I got the Yo Zora also, what does that mean? Oh, it's just a background. Oh, dang it. I didn't know Oh, whatever. of the I can't believe I got the egg. the egg. How do I equip you? profile? Are you ready? Yes. This is the game that I think I'm in. Who was the best player again? I forgot. Um I don't know but I haven't played in ages because he's a try hard. I don't know how to play this game. He's a try hard. Uh I can't I literally don't play this game anymore. II know exactly the you go and it's so no it might be a bunk, right? No, I copied. I copied this because it's just stop copying my comps you I made it up. Wait, I literally the flames for this camp when I first did it. I got flamed for this my heart when I first didn't. And now everybody copies it because I made it work. It's the guy you keep buying the fish guy. That's right. No, no, don't tell them the Wrangler. Oh my god. Why would you do that? Here's the thing I haven't played in a while and it probably isn't good enough. Yeah, sure. We're all going to go with the same thing now. Alright, how do we start? It's like, you know, I clicked join the game but it's not uh it's easy If you right click Yvonne and then join the game. Oops. Oops, ignore that. Ignore that. Oh, oh, I'm in I'm in. There we go. Okay. What do I do? Are we three V three? I don't know. 333. How do I do that? It's multiplayer. God, Why is Yvonne the leader? Nice? You know what? I think it's what do you guys think of my new icon? The cracked egg. I love it. Look how cute it is. Oh, wait, Can we, I can't believe that I got on the last one. I don't think so. That was it. I can't. Is that drowning though. I know it's not. What if I just press play? Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Did it work? I no. No, because it's all the same screen. Um going to go. Probably not. Oh. Goddamn. Wait, wait a minute. Wait. There's that. We're helping the enemy team. Oh no. There's there's there's two spots. There's two bots. We got, I think we have to make a custom. We we gotta make a custom. Those are the those are two real people. and two. There's two bros from Pokemon. It doesn't do that. we gotta remake it. We gotta remake it. Wait, what if Brock is really good? Yeah. wait, what if that's actually just a guy and his foot in front of done, brother. why do you love it so slow? I don't know. Okay, Yvonne. because she's in the basement. Are we all going to quit this? No, I'll play it out. Play it. Yeah, let's just play it out. I need to learn. Anyway, So, where's uh where's random? Oh, Masterminds. Oh god. Okay. and then welcome to Nova. Oh god. I don't know. Uh huh. No. I've got. Oh, there's different attack types. I forgot. Uh So, is this a four V four? What did you do? Oh, I like that. Let's go bro. Oh god. Okay. Am I against it? No. I wish I was against Npcs. Wait, we are. We are. You are. Me and toast have MPC teammates. Yeah. No, but I'm not on my side. What I'm against toast. Oh, no. You're against Aku. I'm against Yvonne. Oh, yeah, I'm against. Wait, I'm against me on no, yours against me. Wait, wait. I don't have a leak to 100%. So, that's what we didn't I build anything. Wait, what do you think? He literally built nothing. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Let you give us the best. That's awesome. That's that's really awkward. So, I if you look at my bod, uh I was trying to see what to put in. Uh huh. I clicked it. It didn't it didn't register. Oh, okay. Yeah. it convenient. They didn't. I don't I don't know what happened. Yeah. did toast is like going to pay you. Huh? Not yet. What? Not yet but I'll throw two. I'll throw two. Wait, wait, wait. You're getting paid to throw. Wait, what? Huh? What? Huh? I don't remember how to play Come on. Oh god. Oh god. What's happening right now? See you guys. I'm not throwing You don't remember the first round. No, that was a mistake. You that from your man. Oh, bro. What the **** are you doing? I like to see Ahoy. Honestly, Brock is higher than everyone right now. Oh no. Are you guys using an auto purchase? mercenaries? Nope. No, I am. Oh, well, it says it's good for beginner players. So, That's us. Wait, why can't I buy it? It's me. What do you want to buy? Come on, Anglers. Something. like turrets. Where's my, where's my money? Oh, wait. I'm. oh, I'm late. Oh, I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I had leaked 69%. Don't worry. I got this **** Wait, why am I so weak? Oh, I can't leave him again. Oh god. my anglers are slowly falling off. They're slowly falling off. Falling off. It's round three. Oh god. Our butts will carry our butts will carry I'm so weak. I mean, leaking 100%. The first round was like a holy **** Like, oh eight. unlucky. I think I'm going to start leaking. I'm about to leak. I think uh this is the one in the same I think I'm about to start leaking. Oh, no, no, no way. I like this one. I'm leaking. Wait, wait, No0. No, I got this. Oh, thank god I got this. My anglers are barely holding on like they're barely surviving right now. I'm with you. all we gotta wait. We gotta wait. Oh, because they're leak. Leaks. leaks. But you guys get the money. Oh god. Our bots are letting us down. our butts. What you want? No, no, it's fine. Yeah, it works out. Do you guys ever sell stuff? No, not very often. And uh you know I'm saying like, is that normal or is it bad? Usually it's bad. I think because you lose money Oh no. This is, I think this is it. This is where I like this is it. I'm going to start leaking too, man. Oh god. Oh god. So tanky. who sent me something. What is that? A snail? Okay. At least my bad. Uh what? wait, please. One more That was so clutch. Oh god. This this could go extremely wrong but I'm I'm hard echoing. I'm hard echoing Okay, Okay. Okay. Okay. That's great. You know, toast to carry me. He's he's he's got it. Yeah, he's there's no way toast leaks, anything. There's no way. No way. No way. Yeah. Zilch of a chance. Zilch of a chance. He leaks anything. Absolute zilch of a chance. He leaks anything at all. Anything. I'm so dead. Nice. it too. I'm leaking guys. Oh. Now, it's sixty-nine, huh? at least sixty-nine and Ninety-six. How are you guys not leaking? I'm barely holding on. Barely. Oh god. I think one bad round. I'm it's it's it's over one bad round. I'm going to leak. Good. Good. Good. Alright. What do you mean? Good. Good. Oh god. My fire value is so low. Oh god. this one's going. Let's fire value a fighter values. That's it. Alright. This is going well for us, I think. Is this too greedy? Oh god. They're new waves. I've never seen this before. Actually, it's been a while. Maybe I just forgot. Yeah. Yeah. These are the same. I think. Oh, okay. I haven't lost yet. Sort of. Uh I'm just going to throw our bros have very little combat power Good. Good. Good. Good. Oh my god. My dudes are barely holding on. Barely. Let's go. Let's **** go. this guy And then What's that thing that shows you the next wave? help. Bottom right wave guide. Pick a book and open book. Pierce is good This way. Okay. Holy **** This is hella damage. Oh god. They're they're destroying me. They're destroying me. Oh god. These things killed like my front line before this could be bad. This could be really really bad. Oh, wait. Never mind The last place I had like Brock, I'm cool. Oh, he's below the Bronx. He's the Bronx actually below the Bronx. He's doing good. He's got so, I have a one V one going on. This is the first round, Harrison. Don't worry. Yeah. It was uh Sean. I think you dude. Wait, it could go. Uh your dude's got it. You got it. That was. Oh my god. Oh my god. That was actually close. Wait, I'm doing no damage. Why am I doing that? Uh easy guys. There's no way I'm worse than Brock. Wait. I'm I'm losing Wait, Actually, I'm dying. Huh? You don't mean that I have more. I think I'm worse than bro. Oh, yeah. No, I think you're. Oh god. right. You're just trying to share money with us, right? I'm bounty hole. I'm giving people money. Yeah. What the heck is a head chef? Uh where a head chef? That's a unit. The headshot is on. What's the boss? Oh, no. it's it's going to beat me. I think. Oh, oh, this is really bad. It's 100% beating me. It's probably 99% Chance. It beats me unless it's just eating my is this unless it's a miracle happens. It's just docking all my. oh my god. it's so strong. Come on. Oh, I can't. Oh my god. I'm barely all on. I barely barely barely held on. You did it. Yeah. Holy Jesus. the leaks, the leaks. What do we have? Who else didn't wait? I'm the only one who didn't leak. No, I didn't. Oh my god. These bras. Are you on my team? I mean, on my team. Oh, oh. on your team. Oh, oh Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Wait, is that if I just carrying us? Oh my god. Oh, hold on a little arrow, guys. Let's go. Oh my god. A hard to carry Why are these guys so strong? Oh, this is really bad. This is really bad. Yeah. II. Think I'm going to start. I might lose his first game back. You know, first game back. Oh god, I'm so bad at this game. I'm so bad at this game too. Like this is the warm up game. We need to do an actual freebie three. That's right. We're doing an actual freebie. Yeah. yeah. We're limited limited everything warm up. Why am I so I think I grief myself because I didn't get the first wave Wait. Banana Haven. What is that? That's my banana tree. You're Benjamin. But it's huge. Yeah, it's huge. Let's go. I'm just going to keep leaking guys. I can't come back now, this isn't League of Legends. It's not. Come back over here. What the hell? Oh man. This is potentially not come back for me either. I wish you didn't move turds. Bullseye. Yeah, that was nice. Definitely built things in like the wrong order but it's like, okay. of god. The leaks, the leaks are beginning for me. These things are you laughing? It's the first game. first game. I think my humans suck. it's the first game. I don't like your first time. but I use all my calls. Oh, oh Wow, I got this. Let's at least our carriers are getting gold. Banana. Banana havens is huge. Oh, we're going to take so much damage here. 7600 Health, bro. You're useless **** But if they're useless, I'm a horse. Oh. Oh. yes. Oh, this is Gigi. I don't I don't even know. Are we even sending things? We're just leaving it. Huh? I just have it on auto. I'm going to leave it out now. I think the play is to upgrade the King Max and then make it all up. my dragons dragon. Oh no, I did not create. This is bad. This is really bad. I'm leaking like a zillion things. Uh I'll be ready for the next round. Uh I'll be ready for the next round. That's not going to be the next round and like, you know, for the three V three for the real three V three that matters that oh my god. Hey, hey, wait. Do I not be for the first time ever? we're dragons. Oh god, this is really bad. Oh my god, he's really bad. You came back. No, I came back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. Oh my god, you guys. So, you guys, we have no defenses. We go. Here we go. Wait, we have no defense. What the heck happened? Oh my god. The dragon. Oh, king's getting drilled. Uh the dying already. Oh, wait. You guys, you got a dead. You guys are fine, right? I don't think they're fine. Wait, wait. Alright. Oh my god. They're fine. I don't think we're fine. We are not. That was you guys seem fine. Yeah. You know, you're right. We're we're probably fine. I mean, I don't see how this could go wrong. I can think of a couple of ways. couple ways that can go wrong. Just need the NPC of the week. of god And this is this is bad. Oh god. He's gone. Wait, I'm coming back. Oh my god. Hey, guys. I'm coming back. How do I don't know how he's coming back? He is coming back to Come back. Oh, I'm coming back. Wait, I didn't get either. I got you. I got you. Go. Let's go. And I go, I didn't leak this one. Hell yeah. Okay. Well, alright. Do we Whoa. What's that thing in the bag? That thing looks **** sick. Arc of justice. The arc of justice. It's like no damage. Oh, wait. Never mind. It looks like the bad guy and Super Smash. Ultimate. We reached. we could win. No. No0. My god. Oh my god. You have a chance to actually have a chance. I don't even think about that fantasy that there's no point. We actually have more of a chance. Oh my god. I've I'm dead here. Okay. Okay. I just uh this Oh, man. Oh, man. This might be it. This is going to be it. This is a tough level. This is a tough level. octopus. I think I have it. I think I have it. Oh god. I got it. I got it. I think my tanks are dumb. **** Oh **** Oh no. I'm leaking. It's oh my god. I think we're done. It's like unless you hold on to everything. I'm pretty sure we're done. I'm going to kill my boss. I think I leaked, leaked. I survived. I survived. I killed my boss. What the **** Go. go. Giant octopus. you **** swim my arc of justice. How are you able to survive? I think they're not looking for us, right? Yeah. they're going to kill theirs. They're killing. Yeah, they're they're killing theirs. Where Where are we going? Giant octopus. What's going on? A giant octopus power. Wait. Oh, we got them on the ropes. Uh oh. How are we losing? Oh, spaghetti. Yo, the uh oh. spaghetti. We're live. So, what are we, how do we live? Dude, I already have the strongest turrets and they can't like fight. Well, oh Jesus. This is bad. I don't have anything to upgrade. You going to do it my way. Is it? is it over for us? No, no, no. It's not over for me. Oh god. What are these things? They're they're so strong. Who sent a little If I don't leak on this, that was me. Take that No, not the if I don't leak on this one, I'd be shocked. Oh, this is. it's this is bad. This is really. Oh god. Oh god. Wait. You you we're dead. We're so dead. I survived. I survived. Wait, why am I last? still? No, not surviving. Please, at least get one. Oh my god. Oh no. This is a team. The wait. Look at how deep This is My first, they die first. I got this arc of justice. Hold him. Let's go. Let's go. Whoo. If but he wanted this. I can't believe we lost. Young is Mvp. That was just, that was a warm up. That was just actually a warm up. I think we gotta figure out how to set up an actual three V three. Yeah, I think you just do Alright. can I get like 2 minutes? 2 minutes? Yeah. Yeah. What is that sound I was thinking a giants. Are you what? You know what is that? Are you peeing? I'm almost done. Wait, what? Wait, wait, wait. What? What's wrong with you guys? What's wrong with you? What are you guys talking about? I don't want to go with you to the bathroom. exploring water into my You want me to prove it to you? Uh listen. No. No. We don't want. We don't want. I don't want It. Is it is. Okay, buddy. Alright. It's too many players in your party for this queue. When I try to make a custom, you just type ask for the Devs. Debs. Yeah, I can't go there. Okay and then come on guys. Come on, Debs leave party first and later they can join I think we need a party of I don't know. I think you just do. Hold on. Let me just try it. Oh yeah. It actually worked. Who told you that? Someone in my chat. A dad Okay. Um I don't recommend anyone play the forsaken I think they suck. Oh, I always do. Mastermind. My brain isn't big enough for that. I have to know I'm getting myself into I opened the legends. We got we got a random in here. Oh, how'd that happen? Yeah. How did that happen? Yeah, Yvonne, how'd that happen? Yeah. Uh what happened, Yvonne? I don't know. I got a bunch. I'm Yvonne. That happened. Oh, how do I, how do I lock the room? Huh? How'd you get on? How That might have been a dev. Oh, never mind. Oh, never mind. Never mind. Check it out. Oh yeah. You kicked Um you. Oh It could have been a four. Oh no. one of the teams. What are the teams? Wait, Yvonne just banned. Dev. Yeah. Well, and Toast was the Mvp. Oh, okay. So, Maybe then. Who wants to go over you. I think I'll be worse than Brock. Does anyone want me? How are they have a good day? They don't want me to do. What the heck? You get it. Oh yeah. Choose what? Oh, okay. I won't throw this time. do I start Yeah. Yeah. I'll remember this Harrison. If I lose this, I'm tier three seven and my young for 3 years. What? is that was a joke? That was a joke. That was a joke. That's not a joke. Let's go. That's a joke. We have to win this three. Here's two. Three. That was a joke. It's a joke. That's insane. Like it Let's go. Nice. No. Nice. Didn't didn't throw. I'm going to, I'm going to buy a worker. **** it. Your life. What? I already bought a worker. I bought homework. Are you? how many workers do you have? Hey, how do you have 33332 guys? What's up? Nothing. When you buy the rats, I go maybe Wait, are you serious? This tower can leave the battlefield and go get my for you. Oh, the rats? Yeah. What rats? The rat. King of power. Also, they lied. They said they did high damage. They definitely don't do high damage. They do No leaks yet. Oh my god. I like so much. Oh god. I tried to, I tried to limit. That's a noticeable. Oh god. Yvonne. Oh my god. You can zoom out. It's not on our team. She's not on our team. Oh, she's not on our team. It's good for us. Pepe laughing. Oh my god, guys. My this is probably a bad leak. My Uber delivery driver's name is Kara. Oh, **** Oh my. That's crazy. A guy from Naruto Damn, He's delivering your food. What happened, man? I don't know. I don't know but where did it all go wrong? I'm just going to give a **** all of these rats and then just keep getting from them. Yeah, that sounds like an OP strat. Honestly, I don't see how it could go wrong. This guy, have you done this job before? It sounds like you've done it. Nope. never done it but I kind of want to try it now. Oh, what is it called? The rat It's called Builder Build. Lu. do you know how you do random? and you gotta choose one unit. Yeah. I'm just uh I've been doing anglers. leaks, anglers, Don't worry. I got you. Not infinitely but they scale really, really well. It's the entire time I was playing zoomed in. He's going to throw this out there. guys. Don't forget to upgrade the old king or uh your king or dude. Of course. Of course. I love that guy. the king. Yeah. him and I will go way back. Yeah. Good. Good guy. He is Okay. Oh, you know the game. Yeah, I know that guy. He's a great guy. birds. What the **** Wait. There's like there's like two people that don't follow me that like know so much about the game and their first message is like a full on description of the game is on. You've gotta listen to me. what the heck. How are they messaging you? The game goes on. full release. The first of October, A special release event. No day sponsored. What is that? Alright, I got chain heel. Now, I'm unstoppable. Oh, wait. I didn't buy. Oh **** Oh, dude. That's probably what the game that was telling you. One on one. Oh, no. Am I dead? I think I'm dead. guys. I got such a good combo. The honey flower Me too. Plus the sacred steed plus the angle. Wait, you got that too. What? You're doing random also. Yeah. What? You're doing the same. Build as me. Yeah, you just cooked my build. but I did it. What can I say? I invented it. I invented it. If anyone ever asked me, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, chew, chew, chew. It's like you're doing man's bill. Thank you. but if you have a lot of nerves, you used to say it was a bad build and you made fun of it and now you copied it. even has his for his. I swear. Yeah, That's because II was the original person who made it. You said it was bad. I feel you're coughing. My remember the old days, you're like, stop building anglers. Stop building anglers. Hey, you guys want to remake this game sucks. No, No. No. Alright. want to go. Where are you from? Uh we're we're not even losing. What are you? I'm losing. Oh god. Oh god. Oh no. I just, I just You know what they say? what doesn't kill you makes you want to play the game more. Oh, is that so What does it say? Why am I leaking? There's no way I leak on this one. There's no way a leak on this one. It's not like this one. Well, I leak as well. Come on, honey. Come on. Wait. If doesn't mean that's uh that's like leeks. Are you guys doing the same build? Oh, I might leak. Just kill the weak one. Kill the low health. This one's it's scuffed. It's cuffed. I'm leaking. I'm leaking. This is if they killed the small one, they would've won mastermind. Oh god. Oh, no. Yes, you're ready to go next or what You want to go next? Are you guys ready to go next? It's do not count. This one didn't really count. Yeah. Yeah. It didn't count. this one clearly, didn't. I have a lot of nerves. This one definitely didn't count. So true. Oh, it looks like you guys can got scratched a little God. it's guys. it's a wave This one doesn't even count. This one actually doesn't even count What does that mean? Well, we're losing too fast. We're we're losing too fast. I don't know if you but I like to hear. I need the looters. Uh I'm going looters instead of anglers now. It's **** over guys. It's over. Thank god. I was just joking about the thing. That's crazy. My whole team is in the top three. Hey, Nice flex. Wait, we're popping off. Is it come back? No. Never mind. I'm dead. Oh, never mind. I'm dead. He's you guys want to see you know what? What? You just want to Yeah, Like I say, we just go next. I vote. Okay. Yeah, Let's get, let's let's get one. We'll play replay. Same team, Same team. Same team. Yeah. Yeah. I lagged I like, I like that one also but you guys admit defeat to us. You guys know that? Yes. Okay, fine. Okay. It's like a best of three, you know, like do they all leave or what? that? Goddamn good. Can you just leave? Oh my god. Oh my god. Alright, you guys get that. I figure out my just keep saying it's just just quit. Just keep saying what? Okay. Oh god. leaving game early. Are you sure? Wait, they said I already bailed out. I joined Yvonne. I joined Yvonne. Yeah. I love. Peace out. You guys are disconnected. Uh my internet just. Oh yeah, I abandoned the game. I abandoned you two. You two got your internet went out to it must be that. My game is bugged. So, I tried anglers but I didn't put anglers first and I'm thinking you gotta put it in the middle so they can charge up. Let me get out there. Thank god. Oh man. Oh man. Someone needs to take the middle spot. Yeah. Do we have to uh better safe than sorry. i'm II accidentally. I go in there. Oh, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. Welcome to Nova. Nova. I've never done me. I'll be back. I didn't get an angler a second. You know, it's over. I got the looters. our banana banks actually got from our ready up. Ready, up. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to **** I bet you looked up a guide. You did, didn't you? Where are you? please to Pows one. That's so funny. with the other one. Are you being a guide to us? the place? The eggs? Wait, I'm going to lose. You can't lose in round one, dude. Wait, I'm going to lose. Wait, what? What? You guys have to me? I'm sorry. Sorry, Sorry. no, no, No0. Wait. I might make it. I might. my dudes are tougher than I thought. I'm not a samurai. comes back. Yeah, my guy came back to life but how did I lose? I'm I'm a samurai. held back. You only saw half it's power. Oh god, man. Yeah. This is looking a little a little bad if I'm honest and these guys because they're so big. They're un proportional. How do I make the looters do things? How do I make the looters do things? You have to upgrade them first. Oh, okay. That cost a lot of money. Honestly, I upgraded them but I needed them for damage. So, I never set them on their quest. What? No, god. they kind of they kind of like are good. They do a good damage. Okay. Not bad. like I'm barely holding on. Barely. Oh god. I'm good. I'm good day, buddy. Behold my hydra. Huh? You already have a hydra. He's Oh god. I think I'm going to leak. I think I'll leave for sure. not enough. seem to be holding on. Okay. Oh, thank god. I almost leaked. Oh **** I didn't build anything. I might, I might be **** Oh, I'm going to be **** Did someone leaked? Whoa. What the **** are you have to, You don't have to make it public. Oh, Well, you just have one Hydra. Yeah. Oh my gosh. What are you looking at? The the heck do you think? I think Come on Your fighter value. Oh yeah. What the hell? She's she's spending her money on workers. She's going of the great guys. Uh huh. It's really a problem with that. Let's be real. Are you are serious? Oh my god. How was that? that I don't know. I don't even know. Well, I got scammed. I have a unit that makes you things attack faster. Uh huh. But all four of your unit scores have to be inside of it. Yeah. What? That's that's not clear at all. Yeah, they should. Yeah. Every single square. You need to if you're not intuitive for new players, it's like me on I'm not a new player, huh? Yeah, I'm new. She's the one who showed me this game. No. And and you build. Wait, you wait. Wait. what's this? Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're the one who told me to wait to be do this. There's no way I would have found this in myself. You Violet. Wait, wait. You always browse for random steam games. Okay, Okay, okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, What? Oh god. I say, whoa. It's it's not true. She does say, whoa. you can't just say whoa. you guys. Whoa whoa. He just keep saying over and over. Don't forget pigeons attack. Don't forget Okay, that's too far. That's it. funny. I didn't even say it was bad. I just said, don't forget like I could've said it was good. I just said you found it. You could've said it was good. Then why didn't you Okay. Okay. Okay. You know what? I'm at the round. Started the round started. Oh yeah. Okay. The round started. Oh, okay. Oh god. I'm a week Please don't wait. Please don't wait. My dad's like, it is what it is. Oh my god. I haven't leaked yet, guys. I don't know how long it's going to last though. I'll hold on. We're hitting the king. Our forces reached the enemy king. Oh my god. We're winning. you going to win? I maxed that out. Wait. I just want so hard. same Same. I'm holding on. One more time. Wait, why am haven't leaked yet? But why am I the same score as John? Whoa, what the **** was that? Oh my god. That's how it works. What does that mean? I'll meet you. Wow. I like our team. We are part of upgrades for the king. And of course not. I've been buying upgrades. and a new upgrades. John, you haven't been buying needs upgrades if they never make it to the king, what do you need upgrades for? If they don't make it to the king? Oh god, Genius. Why do I call this To destroy the spider? Oh, I win. I win. Nice. Oh, no. He's kind of just owning me. Oh, no, I'm sorry. It's kind of slapping. It's kind of slapping. Do that. Hell no way. No way. Oh my god. I leaked it. I leaked it. This is bad. This is bad, dude. I need that one. Oh my god. That's so much gold. It's 150. 150. It's so real. It's real bad. Oh god. That was the one we didn't want to leak. I only get seven gold for it Now, I have five. Oh, Well, that was really agony. Boom. is a fire damage and behind the attack. I'm leaking for sure. Oh god, I'm leaking. I'm leaking. It's looking bad. It's looking real bad me toasts. Pretty strong. I got King Claw. What's that mean? Hi, King Claw. Claw. Claw. What is he talking about? Holy **** It's crazy. It's Banana Haven's again. I'm saying I didn't know what's up. We're playing balloons again. What's wrong with that? I just love. We're playing balloons again. Hell yeah. We are the banana banks. Oh no. Money in the bank. Oh my god. It's not that easy, huh? Oh god. I sent uh I sent four of my pack rats to get the myth It's happening. They're coming in now. I can't win. I can't ever win. it. Oh god. Oh god. Alright. that sounds a little. Wait a minute. Wait. am I losing Oh god. Oh god. Let's go. It's like you said too many pack rats. and rats. I told you dude. **** is a pack rat. There's no one that you can send. you give it up for a run and it goes in mines in my room for you. It's looking good. It's looking bad At least I got 40 minutes from fields. The description for this tower is unmatched. power, unmatched price tag and it cost 425. Oh god. What is that? It's probably good. then, right? It must be a decent Oh no. This is a bad. They're **** ball Might lose. Wait, who sent this little audit? Shout I'm going to sweat with an audit. Oh god. This is bad. This is really bad. Wait, I might leak. I'm leaking. I'm a million percent leaking. Oh god. I leaked everything. I leaked everything that the Eighty-four 84%. Would you like to hear that? Oh my god. I don't know. wait. Oh, I'm leaking. Oh god. Toasted. You leak. You're good. I leaked as well. Oh no. I have at least you so much. it's over. It's over. Oh, it's over. Oh, no. Wait, We're actually losing. We're actually losing. Uh It'll be bad. and I hope I don't leak. I hope I don't leak. Holy **** How did it get so much stronger? Oh my god. I'm getting rolled. I'm getting rolled. This is really bad. This is hysterically bad for me. Oh my god. Oh my god. only to start leaking. You got my teammates. I'm going to leave. the crab claw. The crab. Oh no. This is bad. This is guys. this is really bad. I got it. Oh yeah. We're we're okay, right? Oh my god. We are not okay. We are not okay. We're not okay with this guys. We gotta do something. compared. Our king's about to die. He's about to die. We're not okay. What do we do? Uh I shouldn't have about sixteen workers. You what? you're psycho. I'm 340. 345. What? My god. holy Jesus. I spent everything on 300 lower than recommended value. I'm like, 500 lower and I spent 555 lower. I'm Sean. This is bad. This is really bad. I'm so done. So This is over. I'm I'm extremely done. I've spent every last cent I have but I don't. I don't know if it'll be enough. Oh, Um I'm worried I didn't do one damage to the actual octopus. Oh god. I've reached 75. Oh my god. At least everything. at It's everything toast. I can't wait to toast. Toast toast. You can't leave toast. You can't leave. You can't he's trying so hard. Oh, it's so bad. over. It's actually over. Wait, you want me when it's over? You're doing it. No. No, it's over. It's already on our team. We've got nothing left. Alright, My priest he's going to attack from behind. triangle for the cage. I can't get that to you for a second. Can I talk to you guys for a second? I'm bad. I just want to say my average leak was lower than Sean's. Uh so and he won. So, that means statistically, my averages were okay. Yeah, my average was around their MVP as well. So, my power score was higher than it's like who knows the I had no money I had no money left. Oh, wait. Wait. I got Mvp. You literally can't believe that I got Mvp. Look at the Mvp. I got this. Oh, uh uh. I got Mvp. one more time. One more time. That was my last one. One more The game. That was a actual last game right now. Yeah. Lg If it's too good at this game, maybe we should do we rebalance or do we just kind of do the same thing out of two different people? better. That's it was only one person can get MVP per team. Of course, there's two different people getting Mvp. I don't know. It's not one that. What do you mean? We're like all what? I'm it's like I'm trying to say, I just say that. that's I do. So, what are you trying to say? Tell me. Huh? I just, I was just saying of course, there's two different Mvps because you know, it's it's just how it is. It's not a course. It's not. Oh my god. Oh god. Doesn't matter if you build your towers up or like back. Don't tell me he's depending on the tower maybe but typically, you know, you're sick. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I don't like. Oh, I'm ready up right now. No one leaks no leaks. No. if you leak everyone for the rest of this month is going to call you leaky. I don't I don't want to be called leaky. I don't know about you guys. You don't leak the same but I also think everyone's going to forget to call someone that in like a day. Oh, you say that but I have uh oh Alright, this is winnable. This is is where it's winnable. waiting on me and Harrison. Okay. Well, I have. no. How do I, how do I, how do I ready? There's a button and it's ready. Where? where? the center of the screen. Only for one though. Hey, there. I've learned so much from my past. Sean that the future so **** good. Yeah. No, I kept getting **** by a five. So I kept telling myself to stop being a greedy **** **** Oh my I don't remember what I got **** on but at some point, I also was not supposed to be a greedy **** **** Mm hmm. I can never remember Wait. Boo. Damage of adjacent built flying units. You **** serious? Why doesn't it? Oh god. Get it together. man Get it together. How am I supposed to know that it upgrades into something that gives only five units That's so not intuitive. Get it wrecked. I mean, you can technically just you know, do the thing. You're the only flying units The reason why I fell behind last time is because I sold a lot of turrets. I could fit them all. So, I have the aura Oh god. He's maxing except not maxing. It's the opposite of them in Maxim but the goal is the Imax Oh, wait. Is this am I here? But that should be fine. You guys got me. I don't know if that's true. I just built a turd and it didn't go down. Oh **** I might leak us. Oh god. I might leak. No, I'm I'm going to leak. There's no way you leak on wave three. I'm I'm leaking. Wait a minute. I'm leaking. I'm 100%. No chance. No chance. I'm leaking. I'm actually also leaking. Uh oh my god. I killed him. No chance. I leaked. No chance. I actually killed it with. This is so bad. I'm actually going to leak it. I'm going to be the best goddamn player. The west of the Mississippi. Oh, this is really bad. This is so bad. Fleas angler. Oh yeah. He's holding on. He's holding on. He's not going to. Hold on. No way. No way. Hold on. Come on. This one. Oh my god. Oh my god. How did this happen? How did this happen? bro? it's hard. It is. Look, it's the next question is no right now. then upgrade the king because you get six for next round. I'm doing it. **** it. I didn't. You know what I just said? Make sense? I think so. Yeah. Probably. Yeah. It makes it makes more sense to send a snail than upgrade the king. No technically does because you get a morsel. The end. It's money for the snail. You get it? Yeah. we get money for killing the snails and you get the same amount of income if you upgrade the key. Yeah. Oh, but if you said that one round early, you'll get like one extra gold which is no that. you're like me. You can send the snails but I'm I'm saying I'm desperate for I'm desperate. I'm desperate. Yeah, you're you're there's no shame in sending. I think I'm looking at this. Oh god, I might leak again. I'm leaking again. Wait, no way. No way. Oh no. That thing died. I might be that this is really bad. This is this is really really going to have. you're going to leave. How am I how am I going to get on? Oh, wait. I'm barely holding My kids are almost done. I'm holding on to umbrella. You guys are so close to being dead. I can't believe it. I can't believe it's god. Hello, Oh, this could be really bad or it might work out. I don't know. Wait. I might leak. I have, I have above the recommended value. Me too. How am I leaking If I have above the recommended values, the snail. I want to see. It's really sick. Oh, wait. I held on. I held on Oh, **** Oh, **** guys. It's **** bad. on my leak once again. Oh, I'm leaking. 100%. No, I might be fun here. Oh, I'm definitely, if don't leak this round, I'd be shocked and I'm I'm definitely not happy about that but he's writing our names in the death note right now but I'm actually so good and I might leak but I'll barely leak like a few 50% There's only a few dudes It's literally Only three dudes. How's how was the three dudes? 50%? Have you ever started before? Of course. Hm. Oh, you mean like in World of Warcraft? Yeah. Like when you need to enchant something. Oh, what are you talking about? Oh, wait. What? Like sharp. No, I mean, I do. You think you're going to fart and then that you possibly like, you kind of like risk it like you're like, wait, what? you're saying? No, I never. This is uncomfortable and like you're like, you know, it could potentially be a shark. you but you need to fart. You did that. Daphne or something or what? Yeah. What's happening to you And come on, man. Why did you bring it up? I'm starting to think it just happened to yourself. Oh my god. It's I started before it's why why me? Why me? Particularly someone else but like like if any of you guys have started, I actually can't remember if I have or not but I mean like I can't remember if you have or not, I can say for sure. I have not. That's a little bit concerning. Oh yeah. Yeah. concerning of all. you're not sure. I mean, I want to say like just for humans sake, that improv has happened before but I can't for the life of me, remember it happening. Oh, the end for sure. Okay. Oh god. Oh. Oh god. Don't don't wait. What happened? It's gone wrong. You tried it before. Have you have you? Yeah. Yeah. See? Wait. Everyone has started before. I'm pretty sure it happened to like it has happened to you Fart that turns into a poop like you you don't know how to explain it like you think that's that's the fart. You think it's just a fart but then like a little bit of poop comes out What? Like, you know, you have definitely showered before. no II. Actually haven't remember that one time. I remember that it was I remember that one time. No, no, that one time, that one time that we were in the living room and he looked at me and you were like, uh oh Sean, I have to fart and I was like, okay and then you're done and then we were like, oh oh, I don't know if that ever happened that and I'll meet you. I don't that never happened. Okay. I've definitely I was holding a phone that one time. Yeah. Well, we're tired. I didn't I didn't start but like like a fart in. Okay. And then like I sneezed and then and then and then I fart because I sneezed Uh uh also, I'm about to leave again my friend. Next time I'm going to lie to you guys. I'm about to leak again. Did you did you leak him on? No, I didn't leak. Um literally leaking right now. We, wait, what? guys, you guys, how do you recover? Are you recovering this game when you're slightly behind? you? like you know, when you get behind, how do you come back? Oh, you. I don't know. Just keep building up the fight. like the workers. I don't even have workers. I didn't even buy. I'm just I've just got nothing. Police. Oh, man. What can I Alright. Alright. No leaks. No leaks. Not a single leak from now on, Nice. Wait, what is this? My power score is so low. Why? What is my power score based on Uh I don't know. It's based on how strong your things are but also like how many workers or Not completely sure. I'm going to read So, yeah. I week by week. Oh yeah. I'm definitely Oh, I'm so sorry. Please don't leave. Please don't leak. I'm living even close. It wasn't even close. Mine is close. I might get it but I might leak. I don't know. I don't know. They're holding on. They're holding on. Barely. Oh, I'm going to going to leak. It's so low though. It's so low. Oh god. At least at least 3% less than me. Okay. Huh? What do you mean? Huh? What? 3%. Wow. 3%. 3%. Yeah. Well played. What? I don't so confused. Okay. Oh god. Are you okay? I'm fine. You ain't that sound okay? This could go horribly, horribly bad. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. It goes horribly that. Oh, Hey, No way. No way. I leak here, dude. There's no way. Can't win a one V one against this cool shooter. There's no We're sending me snails. What's wrong with snails? Yes. Take my snails. Oh my god. Okay. wait to is 3.1 K Power Score. The hell He's too powerful. He's crawling on his brain energy. That's insane. How many workers you have? What the **** What I'm ten. How the hell you how does he have so many workers? He just called her weak. What the hell? make you laugh, huh? Your reaction, Your reaction? Yeah. it's it's that is that is that hilarious? You know, uh I read a little bit. It was a good reaction. It was a good reaction. Oh god. Oh god. No, I didn't upgrade my **** turret time. Wait a minute. Oh, I might leak. I might leak. Oh god. the leak here. Wait, I might not leak. but I always leak on this one. Oh no, I'm leaking. I'm leaking. I'm leaking. It's the leaks coming. It's coming. What was that? I can't. I never win it. Yeah, I just like, you know, I did it. I won't. What? For For the game. Oh, it's only by 7%. It's only by lunch. that's freaking. Well, my team is holding on. They are. they're holding on. like. that is so strong. Yeah. Toast as a literal spaceship. Shooting lasers right now. Sixteen workers and he gets to clear everything that I don't know. He's reading a guy. Oh, he's reading a YouTube channel. by No way. No way. Oh my god. Literally right here. He's taking a guide. No way. Alright, I got my first kingpin. This is where it all comes together. Yeah, That doomsday machine guys. It's description is unmatched. power, unmatched price tag. Is that good? The Doomsday machine. It's going to carry. It. looks **** cool. and now that I have one maxed out kingpin, this is where it all comes together. No, no. So, I did no damage here. be yourself. Oh, I didn't see like one shots of these things. Oh my. Oh my god. Yes. Yes. of the Radiant Halo. It's going to help kill the bosses. Yo, these guys are so strong. I'm going to leave. Yeah, I'm 90.9. 99% going to leak this but I'm going to try and get as many as I can. 100 100% like, oh, I'm definitely leaking this one too. Yeah, this is bad. I think I leaked like 80%. Oh my god. Oh, I'm having a one V one. I'm one V one in it. 48%. Oh, No0. No, no, me. I'm going to celebrate. She's going to celebrate. She's she's celebrating. I just kidding me. my god. She's like those football players. It was Why am I trying so hard? So, you gotta hold on. You gotta hold on. Oh no. This is bad. Oh my god. This is bad **** too. That's what the heck. until we're not. Oh god. Yeah. Oh, I'm I'm a thousand value lower. I'm done. Oh my god. I don't want to see another So, I'm dead. You're also, I'm I'm I'm I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. dead. Oh, I'm I'm barely got anything left. I'm barely holding on. I I'm not holding on to anything for this one. This is really bad. This is really good. If you got this seven. 735. Uh you guys Yes. Okay, Toast. You're going to have to carry us here even harder. Oh, wait. I think my unit should be good against this wave but I'll find out. Oh no. They are not. They are not good against the wave is uh this is really bad. I leaked the whole thing. It's going to leak. This is gone. Absolutely terrible. Oh god. Oh no. I only need 39. I only need 3945 Forty-four. So that's that's goddamn about that. toast is got the rest. We're fine. I can't. I only have two guys surviving. It's toasty. He's got place. Is this So, you just got home. He just got home. I didn't Oh, you're not leaking. You just gotta hold on. So, it's just, we're fine. We're fine. We barely lost it. We're actually in the lead. We leaked less. We leaked but we leaked less I think you and I should just get workers like we're going to leak anymore. No, no. My kingpins are coming in. The Kingpins are actually coming in right now. Alright. you're right. I'm I've built like fourteen workers. Holy **** IIII. keep getting lower value. I keep getting lower and lower and lower. Yeah, I'm I'm thousand lower right now and I'm building every round My units should be. I might live. Yeah, I think I should live this one. somehow or another. Oh man. I might live. I'm I'm living for sure. Um my dudes are too. I'm not I'm not living. I'm not living so many of my dudes survived that for sure. We're going to live this life. I'm not living like my dudes are insanely powerful again. Okay, Sauna, you're strong. I'm going to go work. Yeah, that's right. Okay. wait, what? No, no. It's it's it's better to get gold because when they leak here, I get like no money from it. If you stop them at the front, you get tons of money. I know but I can't. I'm like a thousand value over and I can't catch up. Oh god. Oh god. I can't. I can't. I mean, for everyone. So, if I kill him back here, I get like two goals. If you kill a single one up there, you got like thirty. I think it's better even if you leak a little bit, you just get one more kill. You get like thirty more gold. you know, Okay. I think that's how it works. Anyway, Oh god. the magic. This could be really bad but it might work out okay. I don't know, dude. I'm 1500 lower than. Oh yeah. How do I come back? It just keeps going a little higher and higher. It's going to be tough at this point. It's like I just, it's like student loans. We're just getting **** here. Oh god. Oh, compound interest against us. Oh my god. What are these guys? I don't remember them. Okay. These guys **** hurt. What the **** Oh, wait. I'm leaking. It's it's I'm leaking like crazy. This is really bad. This is really. these guys are slapping my guy. I here. I don't like I like It's good to toast to you. Toast. Did you survive? Oh my god. You Oh my god. Oh my god. Thank god. But I lost all my god. Oh god. Oh wait. They're losing faster than we are. We are. We're going to wait. They're faster. then Yeah, it's **** go You're the one who's two to one. Get it. Let's go. The last game counts. It's the last game counts. I know that's true. That's what it was because the last game where the most warmed up. We're the most. you're better than me. My average rate is lower. What's the name? It's really good. It's hot. Oh my god. I can't believe you. Maybe. maybe next time guys. maybe. Yeah, maybe next time. Yeah, he's a week too. I'm times he wins once and he's like uh you guys will get it next time. You know, get some practice, get some practices. It's the last one that matters because we're all warmed up. We're at full power now. Full power. I mean, you beat us. You beat us when we're warming up. Sure. But I mean, I like the first time. that's like saying you beat us in streams but we beat you at the tournament. You beat us in aims but we beat you at the tournament for me. Yeah, the last one's the tournament so like you beat us in the scrimmage but like we came it mattered at the tournament. and no way, no way. It's not a tournament. It's not true. It's all you. You beat us in the scrimmage but we won the the the real one. This is a lot of baloney. baloney baloney. I tell you. what. do you mean unbelievable. Just take the owl. Oh, man. Just hold this out. What the heck? What the heck? Okay, go again then go again. Well, I would go one more. I mean, go again. Go again. I don't know if everyone's tired II. Don't mind ending on the win. your teammates. Sean mentioned that he was said he had to go. That is true. Yeah, he did. From your own. He's he's probably at work Yeah, I got work guys. I can't. Yeah, I mean, yeah. go. get out of here. Why are you still can? Yeah, I guess that's the last one. I mean, what do you mean? You you. you cowards. I mean, I would play but yeah, I mean, we don't have people You know what that means when you don't have six people we just step it up. Uh follow Okay? Uh huh. Alright. Good night everyone. Thanks for the game. Thanks, Sean. Sean. Alright, see you later. Ranked a game. What? I thought that was the last game. I took some vitamins. He has to wait. Why are you always taking those dudes? You're, I always take vitamins before bedtime. So, that's what kind. what kind of fun? the healthy vitamins. Yeah. The healthy ones. Yeah. Yeah. The healthy. It's made from organic greens. You know, it's like we normally can still um You know, I mean? And then, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, It's fine. You can sit in the corner. My organic greens though. How how accurate do you have to be with your judge anyway? No, maybe, maybe he just really likes chilling after taking his vitamins and you know what I mean? I'm here or what? Yeah. No, I'm just saying like maybe he just doesn't feel like playing Valorant after taking so many vitamins. He's gotta chill, you know, all the time. You know, I just sit in the corner Perfect. Oh my god. Um Well, I guess that. Get on. Get on. Hey, we're actually getting on. Yeah, we're getting on. I'm on his vitamins. His vitamins. Oh yeah. He said he he he can't listen to has taken his vitamins and we played a valor game. He played, I'd say arguably even better than he didn't. Normally. This is true. This is true. Get on. Go get on. All of us were entering. He was like twelve and one Wait, what kind of vitamins are you taking? Maybe maybe they're not the time for thinking. what? Yeah. Wait, what vitamin? I'm not going to lie. I thought it was like a certain type of vitamin but like, what what is this like caffeine or no, It's the one you're thinking of. Uh huh. I'm on Alright. Well, I don't I don't have, I need to reset my computer again. Who likes it? Well, I guess is leaving. He said he's coming back. Yeah. he has a 24 hour stream. 24 hours. Yeah.
Channel: Disguised Toast - Behind The Scenes
Views: 8,382
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Keywords: among us, disguised toast among us, disguised toast, among us imposter, among us gameplay, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, funny moments, among us impostor gameplay, among us vent, valkyrae, pokimane, among us impostor, full stream, imposter pro, among us pro, toast pro, pro, pro toast, vent pro
Id: doVzoV8PegQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 244min 23sec (14663 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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