To Catch An A/C Repairman

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as the warm months approach it's time to make sure the central air conditioning is ready to go that's no truer than in Scottsdale Arizona where summer temperatures can reach more than a hundred degrees and where the competition among air conditioning repair companies is fierce authors like this a full inspection for a modest $39.99 are common but consumer advocates say watch out they're advertising that they'll come out and turn up your air conditioner for say $30 $25 $40 Matt failing is with the Better Business Bureau in Phoenix Arizona if this is a company that you know doesn't have a good reputation you know you're going to be stuck with them Jenny and her boyfriend Eric let us follow their house and equip it with hidden cameras all in order to see how well repair companies know their stuff when called for routine service but first we asked not one but a group of experts to take a look at Jenny's house and air conditioning system make sure it was in working order the house has two air conditioning units this one is just a few years old the other is more than 20 years old but still works fine our experts cleaned and tuned up both units top them off with coolant and after replacing a part in the older unit a minor repair Jenny's a/c system got a clean bill of health it's good operating condition right now and while the older unit may be less energy efficient than the newer one nothing is broken and it works fine Jenny shouldn't have to spend a dime for any repairs hey there I'm looking to schedule a tune-up with you guys for this Thursday she began by answering this ad from a company called ace air on the phone Jenny said she thought nothing was wrong with her AC units and just wanted the advertised inspection you Bofur 5490 she was told servicing both air conditioning units would cost fifty four ninety and not a dime more here comes Tim the technician from Ace air how are you as Tim goes to work compressor is it too too high yeah we're watching it all from the control room upstairs you're free on charges perfect where your high pressure in the unit is okay so what is he actually doing that dude checking the ratings of the capacitors what is the capacitor do regulates power to its motors but despite what our expert said he has bad news for Jenny it's a capacitor it's testing bad Tim says Jenny should replace a part called a capacitor something that helps the motor run what I recommend change this capacitor do a quote clean he also suggests she have the coils clean coils carry the coolant and the quail clean is what um about 90 but we actually had the capacitors and coils tracked the day before and they were just fine 54 90 Jenny gives Tim the go-ahead to do the work so he told Victor 370 205 okay that's when I come downstairs got your check here 370 205 are you doing good Tim quickly realizes who I am yeah you freaked me out okay last you get you gave this young woman a lot of good honest information today okay I am I am Chris Hanson how are you nice to meet you good good so let me just - oh thank you very much we're doing a story on the quality of work people get when they call service people to their homes we have cameras around you know I know Howard okay Tim explains that because Jenny's unit is old she just wanted to make sure it lasted through the summer capacitors are number one reason for very colorful and because the capacitors looked old he says his suggestion to replace them was simply a preventative measure what I recommend change this factor and change the capacitor upstairs the impression that I got listening in was that the capacitors were bad and need to be replaced and that's what I took out of it oh yeah well that's not necessarily what I make I meant more that they're old the rusted they should be I just wanted to ask you about that sounds like it would make sense to your average consumer but our experts said rust on the capacitor doesn't mean anything is wrong did we get our money I don't think you did mainly because the capacitors were operationally fine remember most homeowners don't have experts in the upstairs bedroom Jenny could have been out almost $400 next we did something else we wanted to know what would happen if we did something to the system that should be very easy to fix repairman be able to diagnose a simple problem so the expert pulled out these fuses by just an inch cutting all power to the system he says any credible technician should be able to find the problem and push the fuses back in will Raphael from George Brasil air conditioning figure it out ginga sees the problem and fixes it on top of that now that he knows it was just a loose fuse he tells Jenny her system is fine even the old unit and listen to this so how much were you Oh Raphael I bet that's not but are you sure yes job well done by Raphael
Channel: George Brazil Air Conditioning & Heating
Views: 48,052
Rating: 4.6279068 out of 5
Keywords: #ac #repair #HVAC
Id: gGap26ym99g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 20 2014
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