TMac Thinks He should've won MVP in 2003...Shaq Disagrees | The Big Podcast

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welcome everybody to the big podcast with Shaq we are back again for another week what are you talking about already spice I hadn't even got through the intro what's what you Rowdy today what's happening man uh we're just talking about the Beijing yeah we sometimes I've got a good introduction to do here today y'all because spice of course is with me but of course we've got Shaq here the big fella is back but the big fella has a guest in studio with him this is a privilege y'all this is a privilege we've got a legend in the building today Mr Tracy McGrady ninth overall pick of the 1997 draft seven time All-Star seven time all NBA two-time scoring champion Hall of Famer inducted in 2017. he's here on the big podcast today and I'm I'm a little of a klempt Tracy McGrady how are you I'm doing well I'm doing well how about yourself I'm doing great now now that we've introduced you and gave you love let's talk about the Beijing because you got any you got any tattoos yeah I'm taking them off though the show's into tattoosing I'm taking mine off you know I've been going to get my treatment for the last six years you know I'm in a different mind frame right now you know what I'm saying I got my text when I was a teenager and you know I was trying to find my way so that yeah I'm taking them off think about a tatted man that I really really like and I think that you can be like fix this in your head because I don't know another phrase to say but like an educated Thug that's the vibe that a tatted up fella that's doing his own thing gives you yeah I love it oh yeah I know if I wanted my kids to have a dad as an educated Thug um you know hold on first of all let me say something I've been known this kid since she's 17 years old now he coming here with a sophisticated khakis with his legs have changed things have changed in my life it's gross bro you know I'm growing out here you know what I'm saying I'm trying to be uh what I'm 15 I'm keeping all my tattoos I'm keeping all my gold chains I'm keeping all the rims on my whips I ain't changing I see I took the rims off the off the web you know yeah I'm down you know what you know what I'm saying I I got one car and I got it F-150 that I I guess physically go to the bank I sure do and when I walk in they better stand up and greet me is I don't go to the bank and when I walk in everybody better stand up hello Mr O'Neill yeah I need some cash hell yeah we do talk about a lot of that uh from from week to week but I want to like take a minute though because I mean everyone knows your name of course but we do have something we like to do when we have guests especially our our most uh esteemed guests on the big podcast and we start with one question one question and that question is when did you know when did you know that like you just didn't like basketball or you just weren't casually good at basketball like when did you know you could make a living from this you could like become one of the greatest players to ever play the game when did that hit you well I knew and let me cut you off this is not going to be a real answer because uh while his legs across he's twinkling his toes go ahead continue this this is not the team that guys they be ready to knock people out so honest answer I knew in high school my senior high school right I knew I could make to the NBA I knew I could make it to the NBA I had the talent I was the number one player in the country Kobe Bryant previously before me made that jump Kevin Garnett before him made that jump I was playing against NBA players I was holding my own and you know I had the talent obviously Toronto Raptors believed in that talent and drafted me number nine so that's when I knew I can be in the NBA to be a star in the league it's probably my first year when I played with the magic keys were thrown to me I was expected to play with Grant Hill he obviously had his ankle injury and I had to carry the franchise like here you go young fella let's see what you got and I actually surprised myself that season because I went from a player averaging 15 points coming off the bench being like the third or fourth option to now I'm the number one option I got the keys and I ended up my first year of being in that role averaging like 26 27 points and I just knew you know that work that I put in it was time for me to take on to a another level of uh my career what was that transition like though like I know you wanted success like as soon as you got there but I mean you had to go through the ropes right yeah it was challenging you know what I mean I had a uh I had a coach Daryl Walker that was was was pretty much old school and yeah Walker you talking about broke knees we used to call them broke knees yeah you're from Chicago you know Darren walking yes yes he was my first he was my coach my rookie year and um there was no structure with me you know what I mean it was just throw me out there to the Wolves you know out it was some games I'll play five ten minutes he'll pull me out won't see the court for another you know five six games he was playing mind games with me and at 18 years old that could have been devastating for my career you know what I mean so I think Isaiah Thomas who was the president at the time took win to that and all-star weekend we got him up out of there Butch Carter took over and you know that's when there was some structure put in place for me to get on the basketball court consistently but it was rough man that first half of my rookie year was really challenging did you hear the keyword right there we got him up out of there yeah I mean if you're gonna draft me ninth overall I mean I gotta have some say so I mean come on now I hear you a lot of stockings I like that you know what Tracy I like when you said that though because today I feel like that we have a lot of superstars who try to like hide throw the Rock and hide their hand and so knowing that they have a lot to do with how things are for sure place what players who's the coach but they just thought no no I just play here I like that you're owning it like no no I was they're gonna hear me and they're gonna do some things that I needed them to do I love hearing that from you yeah well I mean if if you look at how my career pinned that I mean I was right you know I mean because that could have been devastating my career could have went left my confidence could have been shattered and I couldn't have you know got out of that and and been the player who I would you know I was dreaming to be a lot of people don't know this but I had a panel so on my panel was like the guys who are I'm not gonna mess with tmac Vents and white chocolate why because I used to love how they play and I and so like we had this we had this competition thing on on our thing so like when I played a game and coaches say double Kobe didn't be like no no no play them Shaq player Shaq still like you so like with tea bag and all you know when T-Mac came down we'd be like we're not I'm not sure I don't know pickle roll y'all too good so you know instead of trying to score it again I let him in Kobe guys and then you know like white chocolate Derek fisherman they show on the screen like nope I'm not sure and then dance events ever got by itself I wouldn't I wouldn't challenge him but one time he challenged me in Miami I didn't see him you know he tried to dunk on me on his back it hurt me to this day I had to put him on his ass now you know what was great is anytime uh Lakers would come to town Shaq would call me and be like he'll he'll try to really add fuel to that fire with me and Kobe and say some things that Kobe said yeah coming at your ass tomorrow I'm ready oh so Chef was actually Petty white yes absolutely you never let me down I was waiting on his phone call because I love it so much so you know we know you had so much success but you also when you come into the league you have to have that welcome to the league Rook moment so when was that for you who gave you the business and afterwards what did you think what was going through your head and how did you even process it all so going back to my rookie year um like I told you my minutes in that first half for That season was so inconsistent like I didn't know when I was going to play I I didn't know anything so it was a one game we was playing Seattle SuperSonics and I had my coach called me in I didn't think I was going to play he called me in to to go and uh sub one of the guys out and my assignment was to guard Gary Payton now like I told you I didn't think I was playing that game so I didn't have my shorts tied up so I took off my warm-up and my shorts wasn't tied they had a knot in them I couldn't get it out so I'm trying to guard GP did you have on drugs since you didn't think he was playing I'm just checking so I'm trying to guard GP one on my shorts holding them up and the other trying to deflect balls and you know I'm saying guard this guy the bathroom good catch Tracy good catch but that was my uh welcome to the NBA moment when I wasn't ready and uh GP schooled me a few times when I was out there mediocre that sounds kind of bland to me because I think everybody has one where somebody scores 48 on you somebody gets you I don't get that now you never had that up I ain't get that no you haven't had enough no no of course not Smitty was schooling me and and teaching me why he was giving me the business because I was like he used to grab my Wrist all the time to get I mean I didn't know what the hell he was doing I was like yo bro I was like what are you doing to get by me because obviously I'm quicker than you you're not that quick how are you doing that yeah so it was a time at a free throw line you're talking about you're talking about Steve Smith right yes yeah okay yeah he actually taught me how to grab people's wrists and get by like he taught me a trick and I use that my whole career you sure did he was the master at that Tracy question but I'll give you a question I'm gonna give you a statement I judged today's game off of one statement could they have played with us is that how you judged us like you know like because like you know with the internet today a guy do a move and all of a sudden he's a great player but we can look and see who's really great so again if you couldn't have played with us I don't think you're a great player and that's just how I am I don't know because I I look at I look at Steph right he's a prime example could he ever play with us I think he could have you don't think I would have touched his ass up here's here's what I'm saying I think he could have played with us I don't know about the longevity and we had hand checking right I don't know I don't know about the longevity I used to try picking rolls got it on a string and he can shoot for him and we used to flagrant foul that's true but that's what a longevity comes in he's going to touch the floor more back then than he would now and those I think injuries will pile up you know you don't think he was tougher than Jeff hornacek oh boy absolutely absolutely what spice likes to do it's a difference just likes to throw names out there your opponent Sega wasn't no slouch you know he won no slouches like a ball he was tough but here's the thing I think when you say they can't play in our era that's that's a tough statement to make I think it is though you honest gonna play with us yes man we're here to benianas here's what I'm going here's where I'm going with that we're here benianas they can play I just don't know how great they will be yeah all that stuff they're doing now no no I I don't think they would be that no no I don't think they'll be to reach the level that they're reaching right now no people call me ahead but that's how I judge people I mean because that's how I you know judge myself like when I was growing up okay come on bro you play any error but hold on Shaq if if you and Giannis were playing at the same time Giannis would make you guard the three so are you saying you would make him conform to your game you honestly play in our game yeah all day okay I think he would have struggled because of how close closed up the paint was back then I mean you got to think we had scores 70-67 like that that was the final score of a game right so it was tough offensively because the defense was so great and the paint was closed up now if you can't shoot it's gonna be hard and Giannis game is predicated to coming downhill right he's developed a little jump shot now but I think it would have been tough for him to be who he is today back then and that was always the strategy to try to pull me out the paint but you you right you're forgetting one thing you still got a guard me on the other hand yeah so if I'm running to what I'm saying he's going to be in foul trouble so you know he's not gonna be able to you know get that Rhythm and if he hitting a lot of Threes I'm just gonna get mad and I'm just gonna dominate more in the paint so in in order for the game to go back to where it was it's gonna have to be another Shack or somebody dominant interior to be able to change that that's not gonna happen because I got rid of all the blueprints what about Joel embiid he looks like he's pretty dominant in on the Interior right now he's giving people business now there you go using those wrong words the d word does not fit his game so stop it I'm I'm looking at you know what he GP great player but don't don't ever throw out the d word okay okay I'm sorry because the most dominant is in the building so let me parse my words they're in black history body hey Tracy so you know I read all your accolades when I was introducing you uh to me um I feel like that you were slighted um not being named to the 75 top players of all time what did you think when you found out that you didn't make it were you surprised were you mad ever all of the above and tell truth because we tell truth here Tracy no I definitely wasn't mad I was shocked I was definitely shocked but well I was mad for you because that's BS all right well who made it I shouldn't have made it I think some of the older older old-time players if you're asking me I know different definitely I probably wouldn't have put them on some of the guys that's playing in today's game I I think they could have been on whatever the next list is going to be what top 100 or whatever you know who I've always had a problem with Bill Walton I think a lot of people yeah you say that all the time because well he only got six thousand points in NBA yeah I don't know and really if you if you were gonna pick Bill Walton yeah but but let's be fair here spice for real if you're gonna pick Bill Walton and Tracy McGrady it's Tracy McGrady eight days a week all day every day correct I mean that's uh I mean come on come on so no I I was shocked I wasn't upset I mean at the end of the day being top 75 would never Trump being a Hall of Famer so okay that's awesome okay Harper Harper Hall of Fame go ahead Shaq call him okay man what's that like man to call yourself a Hall of Famer dude like I know right what is that like you know you know it for me man that is um because I never played on a championship team and obviously the goal was to win a championship um that was my Championship you know that was my reward of you know the work that I put in uh countless hours you know two three days of working that was that was my Championship So speaking of the championship MVP race when I was coming up I always thought the MVP was the baddest mofo shut your mouth and then let me tell you in the game no but let me finish now it's yeah he's his bad player but his teams are now people focus on teams as I always thought it was as a player if you the baddest guy in the league you should be MVP now as oh his team is in first his team is enforced I like that yeah I don't like that because that's that's not a real MVP to me thank you you know what I'm saying because you own a championship team and you're the best player on a championship team of course right but when you look at a guy that um I'll say is putting up crazy numbers doesn't really have the talent like some of these Elite teams have like Westbrook did that here yeah like Westbrook did that year and he gets his team into the playoffs whether it's a seventh or 8th seed he doesn't have that type of talent around him that's an MVP to me because if you take him off of that they don't make the playoffs right okay I had a year like that my 2003 year I mean when I played for the magic of course I'm I'm not playing with no other All-Stars I get guys that's never made an All-Star team right and I get my team I think we got to like the sixth seed and I'm averaging 32 points and I can't get that you take me off of that team with a lottery pick we're a lottery team right someone MVP right here I think Tim Duncan got it that year yeah Tim Duncan got it that year and the Spurs you take you take him off of the Spurs they still make the playoffs because they were that great they make the playoffs yes they do no no yes they do they don't they gonna you crazy no they don't why they don't because a lot of those guys got their success off of him bruh yeah he got double he kicking out the Ginobili's no they have a well-oiled machine Yeah Tim Duncan no what I'm saying without Tim Duncan they still are a playoff team no but they win game but they don't they don't make the playoffs Ginobili and Tony Parker you got two All-Stars on that team bro they live off of they live off of Michigan so what so you hear him so what you're saying so those two guys ain't Hall of Famers then I I I'm not going on I'm not going on to say that but what me no I'm saying if you take them off you take Tim off the team they don't have the same success Tim Duncan made Ginobili and Tony Parker is that what you're saying yeah hell no yeah not no but hell no he said hell no who carried them when Tim Duncan was older what you mean Tony Parker yeah but hold on but Tim was still out there making noise like when Tim got the ball you still got to do this big come when you do that sneak Legend the only was doing what he's done stop it Tracy we always argue like this like you know he used to come to my house this is the best listen no we always always ever since he's 18 years old this is the best though because I literally I'm lit we're listening to two legends like break down the game and okay I love it okay don't get me wrong I'm not saying they're not great players they are but I'm just saying their game opened up because of Mr Mr Jones I'm not denying that but I'm saying those I'm saying the talent that don't them two by themselves could have made it without them they start arguing should DeMar DeRozan be in the conversation for MVP absolutely no stop it he shouldn't no what stop it for MVP in the conversation I'm sorry but conversation to me conversation to me means one or two not five six seven eight he ain't one or two give me in the conversation Joker whoa we can't argue with that but damn Chicago been for all these years DeMar where have Chicago been on tomorrow DeMar DeRozan I misunderstood the question yes you should be in the government conversation yes yeah um let's talk about your new Venture here because you yeah I love the idea of this and and you're right because a lot of times basketball comes down to the one-on-one right so you want to highlight the one-on-one can you tell our audience what you're talking about this new Venture that yeah so I'm building a 101 League Nationwide and uh it's called Oba once basketball league and basically it's the essence it's a pure essence of basketball you know big I know you can attest to this um spice you probably did this too if you got siblings and your cousins you know when you know when we were younger used to get the clothes hanger and and ball that thing up like a basket and put it at the top of the aluminum foil yeah yeah yeah or or or a milk crate hang it up against the tree one-on-one burn the hole at the bottom of it no doubt yeah so we just bringing you know the the true essence of basketball I mean there's one on one within team like five on five like if you're a rebounder for your team you gotta out rebound a guy that's across from you right that's your job Box's ass out if you don't your coach is going to be on your head like you got to get that guy off the board so we just really highlighting that and taking what UFC is is really is we're becoming UFC of basketball who were the UFC fighters before they got on their platform like I didn't know a lot of those guys so there's a lot of guys out here there's underground leagues and we're gonna to find these guys that you know still have the true love for the game tell great stories because whatever happened in their lifetime you know they had to Pivot and went left and they still have game but to you guys I'm telling you there are guys out here that will bust in any NBA player ass in a game of one-on-one any other league players right now I'm talking about the Kyrie Irvings talking about the KDs James Harden they're guys on these blocks that were bust date ass in the game of 101 because you're going to find those guys and there's this deal something five yet yes we're starting April wow because I'm doing something similar so you better join me or I'm taking over I'm not worried about that okay look not scared of that so like when I bring youngsters into my house because you know teammate came in the house he was a Youngster I like to test them out to test the tough ones up I could never punk tmac you could never Punk them no never ever never ever like I'd say certain thing he just you know he just had the same uh crazy look he got on his face now but yeah but if you didn't help with that uh nah for real like it's it's a big deal man do you have a shoe sponsor yet I'm working on that we need to talk because you know your boy you know your boy just bought Reebok a couple months ago yeah okay serious we need to talk about that okay you got to wear the shoes sack win right now I'm talking to Showtime right now so I wear Toms baby don't take them things off leave them things covered why did you have to do that I know we all seen them bro we've all seen them just keep keep them okay Tracy welcome to the family buddy now that you have gotten comfortable with it you'll know right now you know what always been fat Shaq has been my guy for years man I I always looked up and respect Shaq like that's my big brother I don't have a big brother but he's always been that dude Michelle I like to hear that yes yes Shaquille okay so you know how like certain lady celebrities can add on to the lady parts if I got my toes redone uh-huh is that a good thing I mean they do have like bunion surgery no they got you can correct that's why I got no bunions my toenails just all messed up I ain't got no bunions bro one of my boys told me this said uh bro you know what Zion Williamson might have to do bro you might have to get his body done [Laughter] surgery Zion [Music] Zion Zion if your ass coming with a 10 inch waist again 40 inch booty don't say nothing to me though don't say nothing to me dog shout out to my brother Scotty in New York and Harlem man I didn't say that bro I am only the messenger bro I promise you I got a lot of love for you you're gonna stay with us right please stick around we gotta go man I'm not going this is wild today
Channel: NBA on TNT
Views: 2,081,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NBA on TNT, NBA, Inside the NBA, Charles Barkley, Shaq, Kenny Smith, Ernie Johnson
Id: fkXeyxCm7dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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