Titled Tuesday [February 2019]

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hey guys this is jon and welcome to titled tuesday the first tuesday of the month it is tuesday february 5th 2019. this tournament is starting any moment now 399 players in i think that's by far the most players i've ever seen in the title tuesday i see alexander grieschuk right at the top of the list along with some other very strong players around the 3000s greetings to everyone watching live on twitch and we are off let me close this board okay so playing b versus n in the first game um let's not let's not board up quite yet we won't play an exchange slav for now hey zumas hello to you um let's play hmm okay i'm gonna take this is a straightforward line i recommend on chessable yeah thank you zumas knight a6 interesting move okay let's just play a3 helpful control the b4 square put the bishop on g5 e3 bishop d3 try to obtain a queen's gamut decline like position so if you don't know the format of this tournament it is 10 rounds 3 plus two blitz i try to aim for a positive score always in this tournament like that's a pretty good goal it's a tough one all right so i think he's probably gonna play bishop f5 okay no the knight's coming to c7 instead i'm a little tempted to go here and try to mess with black's development but i think it's better just to seize this diagonal and take control the f5 square okay now i may play it although it does run into uh knight g4 if i play that so let's pull back here i think black is gonna go for this plan yeah and bishop f5 later fair enough all right let's castle hey attic c hey solo feed hs um let's just get on with the minority attack let's take i think he'd just take again and maybe go ahead and play b5 after this all right terminal thank you for subscribing five months in a row yeah b5 black hasn't castled yet so black's gonna have to waste a little bit of time thanks aruna and eshner thank you for subscribing nine months for eshner uh let's take all right so we've created this this typical weakness here now how best to go about attacking it because i think black wants to put this queen on a5 probably this is prudent restrain and then later try to destroy that's usually the operation rook c1 or knight e5 let's play rick c1 first my opponent's playing pretty fast but i like my position this looks quite comfortable to me queen a6 was another good option there but just all hands on deck to attack this weakness hey axiom fox yeah queen a6 looks really comfy i used this rook to go to c1 so that this one remains protecting a3 and chassis bus thank you for subscribing 11 months in a row you guys are scaring me in the chat and you said this is not john multiple people said that is just because i have my hair down today i did stream yesterday for arena kings and uh i had i had the battle tips up as someone once said in the in the youtube comments i'm just keeping it casual today you know no no hair wax nothing wow and black's just gonna give me c6 the thing is i don't have to take it right away i think black's gonna try to sink the knight in here but i think 95. yeah let's let's not be in a hurry to take maybe i can take with the knight and also deny black this square all right and the subs are coming in fast here felix chess 5 months and also see herrera 96 three months since john is looking good today more delicious than a freshly baked pizza a lovely cheese pizza thanks evil crash kloklo i don't know why that's it that is um that's interesting that that happened though okay bishop g5 so how best to harvest this pawn i think take with rook if i take with the knights maybe queen f6 but then i could pivot back to e5 even that looks pretty nice maybe i should take with the knight yeah let's take with the knight queen f6 and now i think just come back here just making sure i'm not running afoul of any tactics because the queens are in opposition with each other here with only the knight in between uh but i like that i'm threatening knight d7 here i don't see any fancy tactics that black can pull okay so black just goes back [Music] i want to go after this guy i should definitely watch my time a little bit let's go here seems awkward for black to defend if queen e6 maybe rook c6 trying to get started on the right foot here jesse bus thanks for 199 bits you know i think queenie six is probably the best move but it's not it's not a pleasant move to have to play maybe queen f5 now queen f5 to try to yeah queen f5 is a bit annoying okay yeah that is a crafty resource okay i'm gonna come back now perhaps f3 okay f4 is possible ah g4 what about g4 the queen is like trapped strangely almost in the center of the board yeah black had to sack that okay let's take and now let's just go here bring this back this is covered so no big deal dropped the g4 pawn that was probably not wise okay but i might get a trade-in at least all right this is this is winning should be winning without issue now um let's check go here looking for a mating net starting made in two yeah those knights around the king are pretty tough to deal with all right yeah i think g4 was a key find because i'm up a pawn here but black has some compensation in the form of an attack against e3 uh maybe rook b8 could be a possible idea trying to go rook b1 so g4 was important and yeah surprisingly the queen is trapped black can stack the piece as they did in the game and try to get something for it you know the move i was concerned about though i'm not sure oh king f2 is an awful move wow did anyone else notice that i certainly didn't i was going to say the move i was worried about was f5 yeah king f2 was straight awful uh long grief thank you for subscribing nine months in a row i gotta go back and look at the chat and see if anyone noticed bishop h4 it happened pretty fast i don't see anyone saying bishop h4 so maybe you guys missed it [Laughter] too yeah maybe i should have taken with the knight i'm not sure i mean here i can play rook c3 i just didn't want to have to make uh some sort of retreating move and this is not complete not clear at all actually f6 because the knight is defending that yeah i think i definitely should have taken with the knight on g4 either that or i should throw an h4 first if i play h4 and attack the bishop here then g4 that looks cleaner because you know just as an example in this same line here i have the option of g5 to block the bishop so all right well i was playing well up until that that mishap with king f2 but got the win so very strong title tuesday in store guys 408 players i see mvl in the mix here indian lad who i think it was the winner of the previous title tuesday uh that is not on end uh indian lad that is someone was speculating last time that was anand it's an indian player i think it's srinivasan is that right i can't remember there's a number of very strong young indian grand masters um who else who else do we have here big fish i think that's fedo saif parhamov you know he's always always strong and there's so many good players in the mix i don't see hikaru today do not see him hammer there's hammer another streamer hey john murray art let's take a look at the game while we wait here oops rook and bishop vs rook a classic title tuesday end game there a place we can see the standings you'll probably have to go on live chess in order to do that and navigate to title tuesday hello to belgian novice thank you for subscribing greetings belgium ten months yes hello oh chessy busts three out of four in your latest tournament plus 61 uscf rating points awesome i'm glad to hear that that's a strong performance and by the way just a piece of advice for you guys i know many of you play tournaments or have even just started playing tournaments i think if possible it makes sense to play up one rating section so let's say your rating is i don't know 1100 and you're eligible for an under 1200 section i'd actually try to play another 1400 section if you could if you want to challenge yourself it's nice for improvement purposes to play someone you know on average better than you but someone you're still capable of beating if you play well and also for rating purposes you know even though the ratings shouldn't be your focus when you're playing up 100 200 rating points you just you don't need to score as much in order to break even or gain points so it takes a little bit of that pressure off of you and again ideal for improvement purposes so just something to keep in mind for you guys evil crash thanks for the subscription two months says win big i will try thank you yes this is a draw however uh i think black just lost black might have been losing prior to that yeah wow okay so kovalenko gets the job done but yeah rook and bishop versus rook is a theoretical draw not easy to hold especially if you're unfamiliar with the technique uh actually this is dangerous for black let me try to see where okay here i think black should have gone directly back with the king king to uh d1 would have been best we're looking at it from white's point of view so king to d1 okay playing grand master conovets this is uh samuel sevien okay i played him otb i played him otb almost exactly a year ago actually that's interesting hmm all right i'm just going to develop as normal against this let's play knight f3 hairless italian one year thanks for the subscription a 12-month streak awesome okay just gonna play bishop f4 and i'm gonna play h3 this seems kind of ultra cautious but london system idea just trying to tuck the bishop away if ever knight h5 happens in fact let's preemptively tuck this away because it feels like black's probably going to go for e5 or some sort of pawn break okay let's play the rook here try to play fast my opponent certainly is he's adopting a hedgehog like structure looking for some opportunity to play c5 it may not present itself though i think knight d2 i might just play for bishop f3 this is a pretty strong piece certainly stronger than my light square bishop so let's see what he does is he gonna play c6 and try to get virtually every pawn on the sixth rank nope not now at least okay let's play c5 so now i do have to be mindful of an e5 break black can try that and black indeed does go for it that said i i think my position is still pretty decent here uh maybe knight b3 e4 i'll pull the bishop back to e2 try to probe on the queen side samuel sevian my opponent here one of the top young grand masters from the u.s he's probably 18 years old now 17 18. zuzuma says sakara was a bit under the weather and flying out very very early from europe okay thanks calendar rush yeah see a chessy bus i'm uh double fisting the coffee and the tea today guys i'm i'm ready i'm ready for the next two hours wow taking on c5 that is not a move i expected i'm going to take it with a pawn because i want to i want to try to get this knight to a5 if possible try to squeeze black on the queen side the tfran thank you for subscribing seven months that's a really odd move in my opinion because i would think you wouldn't want to open the queen side just seems to give me this square for free and the file but there's a reason he's 2600 plus feeding and i'm not so we'll see what he has in mind he takes okay just recapture keep the good structure and knight into the center if bishop aa can i play c6 and try to go after this i guess there's knight b6 in that case so may not be worth the weakening i'm thinking perhaps just rookie one ah that drops d4 though okay i'd like to target this pawn if possible queen d3 maybe queen d3 makes sense let's just play that target this maybe try to prepare this move when d4 is protected queen g5 okay now what about c6 now ah this knight on a5 is going to be a liability in the end okay interesting hmm oh man my reminder to restart my computer just popped up good timing okay let's play knight e2 i gotta move faster now clearly looking for some bishop f4 ideas also maybe this okay hmm [Music] let's go here he's on the prowl okay i'm gonna sack the exchange for simplicity's sake oh he doesn't take the exchange though interesting ah you can do that one e i didn't see that okay well can still scramble for some counter play here okay let's pull this back penetrate hmm okay trying my best to keep control here just push this guy i guess continue pushing what okay let's take that man he's just playing instantly this is this is tough to deal with okay queen takes should probably be good here don't see a mate quite yet ah quiche one this is checkmate yeah he just started blitzing me and playing really well this is the 7-up kid yes it is timoko it is the 7up kid yeah this was tricky and i just didn't manage to figure out the complications probably spent too long right around here because surprisingly the a5 knight like has problems yes the mate was coming the maid eventually came okay because here i wanted to try to undermine this whole construction right play c6 attack the knight he goes knight b6 and then take here like this would be nice but the thing is he takes the knight at the end so that foiled that plan i'm really not sure what to play in this position i played knight e2 and tried to maneuver a bit knight f4 i was trying to get him to play g5 so i could trap his queen but that didn't happen mr magic thank you for subscribing says good luck john thank you mr magic i mean even even right around here this position looks pretty good knight g6 knight f8 i went for a6 maybe there's some better way to play it like uh in hindsight perhaps this move because if ever i play c6 it's almost like this bishop is a dead piece provided i can keep my pawn on c6 so then i'd be threatening knight takes d5 yeah it feels like white's better here but no guarantees no guarantees belgian novice thanks for the thousand bits let's watch grishouk krishuk won okay uh what about what about polish fighter this is duda yon christophe duda he won oh big fish went down to incognito night parhamov thanks mokay appreciate you cheering me on from work uh moobot is broken apparently we've had some issues with moobot lately and tech swine thank you for subscribing this is good luck john thank you you know five months in a row from text one i also wanted to say for those of you watching this later in the future on youtube i know i haven't posted for a few weeks i've just been taking a little break i was actually sick for about a week i wasn't really doing any recording or streaming um had a lingering cold that was affecting my voice a lot but it was also just taking a break i think it's good to take a break and recharge every once in a while it's probably not good for your your mental health to just be constantly pumping out content not that i ever feel like overwhelmed necessarily but i just think in anything it makes sense to take a slight break every once in a while did a very busy january lots of exciting stuff happening so don't be alarmed if i ever go for you know a week two weeks even a month without posting i know my youtube content let me try to get a game up so you guys aren't just staring at this i know the frequency of my posting has gone down over the years but that might be partly due to the the very high bar i kind of set for myself early on in youtube so i've mentioned this before but when i first started posting on youtube in i believe it was 2014 i was posting three videos every day three videos a day a bullet video a blitz video and a standard video just i don't know how many months i did that but that definitely added up to a lot of uploads and i really enjoyed it definitely but that of course is not really a sustainable schedule so nowadays i try to post when i'm feeling inspired i don't want to post just to post something so breaks are necessary okay karina ivanova won and is this the last game of the round this game was just drawn alright so round three coming up hm tone remembers uh sorry that these keep popping up and i have to close them each time okay kumi 29 let's play d4 d5 a london system let's play c5 bells this sub is still waiting for chess fundamentals six seven eight nine and ten yes okay bishop d3 let's play bishop g4 i like this approach against the london when i play it from the black side it's pretty straightforward just play c5 and try to take on d4 as early as possible uh let's play bishop g6 let's just see if i can force a resolution uh with the bishops right now if white takes perhaps i can delay or completely avoid castling kingside in order to generate an attack kalita says let's go for 2500 elo john yeah you mean fide rating that would be a tall order um not opposed to it but you know okay let's let's take and i'm gonna play queen d6 i think let's see how white reacts to that maybe queen g3 but that kind of puts their queen on arguably a slightly awkward square now i could play knight e7 at e7 looking for knight f5 just checking to see that there's no discoveries that can hurt me here well it does have knight h5 to try to force a queen trade but i think i'd be happy with that because the knight would end up going back to g3 which is probably a bad square for it and i keep open the option of castling queen side if i want or i could do the minority attack later but yeah i'm gunning for this square i think white has to move the knight now actually otherwise knight f5 unless they want to mess around with knight f5 queen here okay knight d3 all right considering taking also considering just queen to a6 or something taking knight f5 and then g4 not sure that trade really benefits me let's play knight f5 i'm going to try to force a trade where my knight gets to d6 which is a pretty nice square and eshner gifted the sub to mr king 26 for four gifted subs on my channel thanks eshner enjoy the subscription mr king okay let's castle this middle game is looking pretty balanced i'd say nothing really happened over here but just the position that either side can can hope to outplay their opponent in i'm gonna try to focus on the queen side i'm still playing around with the minority attack idea let's play knight d7 i'll go for b5 let's do it i just wanted to play knight d7 first just to make sure that white can't jump in here okay he's gonna try to jump in with the other knight maybe this idea a5 a4 and even a3 if allowed okay it's hard to say who this benefits i mean i'm i'm arguably creating weaknesses for myself by playing b5 but okay interesting now b4 looks quite thematic because if there's a double trade i'm gonna play rook c4 and i'm gonna attack that weak structure that white has or rook a4 i could even play rook c2 i don't like because he can block the check easily um which is better probably probably this one this is all solid i'm not worried about this or really anything white's doing on the king side my pawn structure is way too solid for white to get through anytime soon so i'm hoping to take play rook a2 win this pawn hey chess bae how are you doing do i play the polar vortex is that like the polar bear opening is that where you just hunker down and you play your pawns up one square kind of like the hippo and you just try to stay as compact and warm as possible okay this this is awesome now um [Music] i'd like to win d4 outright but i need to deal with this knight first considering knight d6 knight d6 looks good yeah i don't really need to trade knights definitely feels like something should drop off here for white one of these two pawns at minimum rook a2 knight b5 or knight f5 all ideas if the rook comes to d2 there's knight c4 as well okay and if b3 i can trade and play knight here and i think that wins the d-pawn and if this circles to d2 knight c4 probably i'm surprised he's just gonna give me that okay gimme gimme let's attack the weakness he's going for check in the knight d7 probably to set up knight f8 but it feels like it should fail make it away from my king you come here and i'm threatening this and this okay check now he has to go to the second rank yeah let's just take um i'm gonna go check and then i'm gonna put the knight on g6 because that stops knight f8 that looks very solid push this pawn let's give a check here take hmm man did i mess this up i'm oh man wow that was very frustrating might still be okay i mean from a counter play standpoint but i definitely messed that up wow very very frustrating maybe still winning this probably not just like an ounce of counter play that white had and i blew that okay it's still still possible to try something here chuck ah i can take yeah oh i can't believe i messed that up ugh man is there really no escape after that check here and this this is amazing how do i get out of this so white's threatening check with the knight or take here king back and then check and they're covering these squares you know what's funny like i saw this idea when i played knight takes f4 but i just didn't think it would work i just thought there's no way that this could possibly work and actually what i was worried about most here is if white plays knight d7 does 97 actually win for white because i escaped the check then here and then that would even be worse knight d3 let's see knight d3 okay but let's just say white plays something like this what does that change unless i can check in knight f4 or something but if i play f6 then i have to reckon with g6 although then i could i could sacrifice my knight yeah i think i should have just not taken on f4 just almost anything else would have been been winning here like rook b7 for instance would have been pretty straightforward go attack the knight so you're saying knight d3 here and then try what i did in the game but i'm not even sure this g6 id is good guys because if this happens i'm getting mated he went for my knight in the game but he actually could have done this instead i have some checks here but it seems like they're running out yeah i don't know that's baffling that's just uh one of those unfortunate situations okay uh grishook one looks like a very powerful performance here all right see you long grief says i have to go to bed hope i don't get nightmares yeah f6 is clearly better than g6 i agree kanopka yeah knight takes f4 too greedy too too greedy gave white their only little bit of counter play let's see who's on a perfect score so far how many players standing still updating this seems to be the last game of the round don cappuccino versus mike sailor oh i know mike sailor he's from one of the dakotas north dakota i think there's not too many strong chess players in north dakota but he's one of them all right sergey kim is next d4 let's try to erase that previous game from our memories our collective memories sergey kim i think i played this guy before in a samish okay let's play rook c1 this essentially stops black from playing b5 yeah sidetracked owl i uh i won my first game lost the second drew the third okay here this is interesting khan attempted to go for g4 and attack but it's probably better to play this i've done this before g3 bishop g2 and then castle yeah let's just do this if b5 i'll play b3 things solid chess goals for 2019 you know i don't have too many playing goals in 2019 yeah i only have one gm norm tournament lined up right now but i'm just not really in chess tournament mode at the moment okay knight d1 looks decent could also try to trap that rook a3 maybe a3 takes queen d3 but then there's knight b6 eh i'm not sure how that turns out so let's prefer this instead he could play queen a5 if he wants to try to okay knight c4 he's really going after that pawn okay what about never play f3 sometimes you have to make exceptions john murray art thanks for 250 bits appreciate it yeah eight and a half out of ten that's what we're going for right now okay so he's gonna back off now i could play bishop d2 bishop d2 is definitely interesting bishop d2 knight e3 i think i like that kind of a reorganizational idea doesn't really address f5 though is the only thing yeah let's still play it start trying to bring some pieces over this way queen a3 is interesting too let's do that maybe looking for bishop a5 okay let's go here take the file if possible hmm okay i'm gonna take now a6 is hanging trying to make some inroads on the queen side i think i'm doing all right over here okay queen c8 now it feels like i can start wiggling in maybe rook here double attack yeah i think queen c8 was a mistake feels that way at least uh okay bishop h3 interesting because if i take he can take and i can't take c8 because he has queen h3 or sorry knight takes c8 hitting my rook so that's clever hmm yeah that's actually pretty annoying do i have to play bishop now bishop h1 is awful that gets mated knight d1 d1 feels wrong uh don't know what to play here i really don't all right i'm gonna take queen g4 immediately okay so let's capture highly unclear position i'm kind of banking on him not getting through on the king side uh bishop there all right take i have two seconds left man ooh rook f2 i feel like i'm gonna get mated yeah that was looking bad though okay he didn't do that maybe a mistake by him i don't know what's going on now he has a perpetual at least check check these games man these games they're just wild feels like i'm very close to losing still but maybe the worst is over check on f1 i have king h4 he might go for the draw now i think i would if i were him at this point okay draw e so these last couple games i've allowed some counter play that on the surface didn't seem to be there but i guess i'm missing them yeah this was weird because this seemingly invited rook b6 but after bishop h3 the tactics don't really work in my favor because the main problem is normally i would just take here i mean he might even have queen g4 against this as he played but i also thought he would just take on g2 because if i take there's knight takes c8 and he's attacking the rook i'm actually really not sure what to do after bishop h3 it's possible rook b6 was a mistake because that's the prime defender of my king i'd love to keep that piece yeah he was mating me definitely he had mate uh where was it right here with rook f2 if i go to h1 it's check and then mate on g2 going to g1 allows all sorts of discoveries and mate in a few so king h3 is probably what i would play but then check here and checkmate so that was something he had there uh but you disagree thank you for subscribing seven months this is glad to catch the stream yeah glad to have you also cash monkey thanks for the 50 bits and np 102.90 subscriber twitch prime someone was talking about taking the bishop you could just take the bishop back with the king well yes i could i think you're talking about this line i could right since queen takes c8 runs into knight takes c it but it's going to be similar problems he's going to put the queen in on h3 and then i have massive issues dealing with this in queen f1 so yeah i actually think rook b6 i don't see really a a way to punish bishop h3 so i actually think that's a mistake i need to exercise some caution here wow all the subscriptions are coming in fast pawn peddler thank you for subscribing and orchest appreciate it thank you for subscribing someone said simon is tied for first that's pretty awesome yes he is wow he's on three out of three i don't know how he did in his most recent game because this was round four let's see if we can find him yeah he's he must be done already because i don't see him just take a look at the game here ooh the old bishop and knight against king checkmate attempt he won okay so simon's on four out of four nice that's a great great start to uh title tuesday i mean four out of four in title tuesday is way different than you know four out of four and like arena kings which is also good but you're playing the top guys yes f3 was theory in the opening guys that's the same variation of the king's indian okay so white's going to try to mate black in this corner it doesn't seem to me like white is really making a lot of progress here this technique looks a little shaky they're on move 98 yeah people are saying wrong idea completely in the chat i mean there's there's not a lot of upside to being in this situation if you're getting bali a because yes you should know this but i can totally understand it's pretty nerve-wracking to to do this over the board okay he's got the king confined to the right corner now i think he's going to be able to do it yeah it's checkmated too all right so he managed to do that well played by him proving the naysayers in the chat wrong king a8 bishop c6 it's checkmate yeah the way he got there was a little weird looking but worked out for him in the end this game is almost certainly gonna be drawn so i'm on two out of four so far is your motivation for otb tourneys gone john i'm just not really in tournament mode right now i'm still gonna play a little bit i'm actually playing in about a week and a half our state open tournament it's a six round tournament but just got to understand these these grand master norm tournaments they're very long and expensive and aside from having the chance to score a norm there's almost no upside to playing them other than you know your personal enjoyment so they're they're pretty hard to justify and i gave them a pretty decent crack last year and at the beginning of or yeah beginning of 2018 end of 2017 for about five six months and was close on a couple occasions to a norm but didn't get it so i'm just not ready to take another plunge because i think if you if you want to push for gm if you're in my shoes then you got you got to go all in and i'm just not really interested in um putting all my other obligations and interests and chess really to the side for now thanks chess bra he says play some more nice opens john yeah it's fun i mean i like playing reykjavik um yeah like strong open tournaments but it's a huge time commitment financial commitment too so there should be just one game left in this round and here it is what's going on here who's trying to win this presumably black because black can promote now but i think black can promote yeah now it's going to go for checks is this a draw i think this is just a draw that's a very weird draw if if queenie won there's trade queens and knight f3 so yeah i can't say i've ever seen a perpetual quite like that but okay round five coming up good luck to simon hope to see him on five out of five after this this round no jinxing though okay i am risky decision is it harder to get norms now as opposed to 20 years ago i don't know about that i mean i wasn't playing top level chess 20 20 years ago so hard for me to comment personally i think a gm norm's always been a very tough task play e3 try to take with the bishop and i think i can take with the bishop here so b5 i take and he's pinned so let's pull this back to e2 and on b5 i'm gonna play queen d1 i think that's actually the proper square for the queen and then knight d2 if he goes for c5 stuff peter guest peter gas says have you ever thought about just getting the norms smiley face yeah that seems to be the uh the tenor of the questions here why don't you just do it okay think about a4 this is a useful undermining move in these situations if he pushes then i get the c4 square and possibly an easier attack against the a pawn ashner two norms to go two two two nice okay so he's trying to solve this by tactical means that's interesting if i take twice he has bishop takes f3 that's a clever defense okay i'm just going to keep the tension for now play something helpful ah bishop f4 might have been decent there to attack that that's what i should have played bishop f4 would have won a pawn i can still do it let's try it yeah it still seems to check out maybe i should have taken on e4 first i don't know this is probably fine though just debating how i want to do this take take pawn takes what's going on there not sure but i'm looking a little weak so i'm gonna take this way so i have to accept the isolated pawn but it is an extra pawn he'll probably move his knight now to one of these squares um he can take and then take d4 he can win the pawn back yeah i definitely should have taken on e4 first that would have been i think the stronger decision but he's gonna stick the knight on d5 that i wasn't really expecting is he looking for queen d5 business i don't know not really sure yeah he's probably trying to stick the queen on d5 hmm debating what to do here but i'm really drawing a blank i gotta say all right i'm gonna play this can't ponder for too long here i'm trying to play bishop c4 this is not easy at all now is he gonna take interesting okay but i can take this way and if he plays knight takes i take here he can take with a queen but then i can play bishop c4 or maybe bishop a6 i don't know some weird tactics going on he does take with the queen let's play bishop c4 seems to me he has to trade queens and i can try to get my rook into d7 next is my thinking i might have a little pressure here still ooh and if the bishop moves i have bishop d6 alert might play bishop g5 okay chances chances here time pressure approaching i still like the bishops trying to push this b-pawn with the help of the bishops hmm i'm gonna take and push this looks a little tough for him with uh bishop c5 always a possibility this is perhaps falling oh is he gonna go to e1 maybe nah i don't know okay let's bring this up hmm this bishop f4 i guess okay it is admittedly hard to make progress here but i'm gonna try probably need to do this okay oh did i have mate i think i missed that the first time around yeah i missed it the first time around but he repeated into it it's all right yep i had it for two moves yeah i added even here i didn't even need king g2 you're right you're right major winning all right so i get some some fortunate circumstances right there tom walker thank you for subscribing nine months yeah i wasn't really making any good progress right around here when he got his bishop to d2 maybe i should have pushed the b-pawn more aggressively like maybe here i should just push but then he gets behind and i'd have to play rook b7 i'm not sure about this because the d-pawn could become dangerous melao thank you for subscribing nine months this is great game john nice to watch you live thank you and simon did get to five out of five whoa who did he just play definitely pulling hard for simon he just played just boom okay you know joshua is a strong strong grandmaster i think that's uh jorge cory from peru so i'm sure simon's stream is very hype right now yeah a messy game i just played um as far as the conversion of it missing rook f6 a couple times it should be a draw after give up the b pawn i think black just needs to keep their king out of danger apr 787 thanks for the 500 bits see what other games are left here in the round santo blue i'm going to be right back guys run around the bathroom okay good this game hasn't started yet we're on round six so i'm on plus one i have three points oh this is drawn by stalemate at the end that is nice that is very nice and old blues man thank you for subscribing says keep up the great content thank you okay astana is here he's trying to win a pawn up end game but this is definitely a draw any other games of note king and rook versus king and bishop let's watch this one this is probably the most interesting of the three games remaining yeah rakesh who is a chess.com employee he's better here in these queen end games definitely like white's chances here but he's got to escape the perpetual but the thing that's hindering black is black's king is in a pretty bad location i think white can try to force a queen trade at some moment for example if black were to check f3 there then queen e4 would have won for white so black really has his work cut out for him with with such limited time in particular hey john what do you think of the art of chess combination i haven't read that hey fight calmly yeah and again if black checks there there's queen c7 queen c7 and white's going to be able to promote this pawn but he's got to play fast we got it just in time okay and now rakesh is going to win queen takes a4 all right so let's take a look at the standings not updated yet it looks like any interest in getting a regular job one day i have no plans to stop doing chess maybe someday i'll shift my focus but i do like being self-employed like largely self-employed it's worked out well for me um is astana still trying to win this yes he is they're on move 161 and that pawn has not moved from g3 i don't think black is going to blow this but i don't know maybe both sides are being stubborn here okay so black trades and we're gonna go into a drawn king and pawn end game king king e7 might as well try it thanks true test all right archer high rated fm okay let's keep it up here halfway done with the tournament grieshrook vs simon alright give me an update guys keep me updated okay what line should i play i'll play knight b6 this so-called variation knight e5 is the theoretical move here i haven't played this line for a while but it is interesting um do you play e5 here i always forget if it's e5 or something else or e6 i'm trying to remember because i've had some games from the white side here but it's been so long since i've played this variation i think it's queen b6 actually queen b6 looking for e5 yeah i lost a bad game on the white side of this against an im one time and now this wild goose chest thank you for subscribing appreciate it my friend nine months twitch baby yeah now knight takes i think or is it queen takes i'm gonna go with knight takes because i can't quite recall it looks weird to just not take this pawn but yeah this can present white with some serious difficulties if white is not careful castle's a rook d8 well that's castle so i'm playing for the initiative trying to get a rook over here white is pretty weak on the dark squares white can't cannot castle because of all the discoveries especially knight takes e4 which will win the queen castle's queen side okay so now i'm thinking queen b4 followed by b5 or just knight takes a4 yeah let's do that interesting so that tactically prevents me from taking on e4 on a4 rather rick d8 white can take it okay let's play h5 i'm thinking about trying to prepare this yeah i could definitely play rook d8 here give up the two rooks for the queen it looks kind of tricky for white to defend after that feels like i have a bit of an initiative let's try it unclear complications bishop a2 knight takes here this bishop is a little bit buried that's the only thing i don't like about this well we'll see my queen will have a lot of targets i think yeah do i go for knight takes a4 right away or should i try to play something like b5 i should probably take that i think i will guessing king b1 mm-hmm let's try to go here and maybe this my king is pretty safe for the time being i don't know if that will always be the case but for now it feels pretty secure very interesting imbalance hmm thing about queen e7 or just queen here let's let's keep the tension a little bit attack this threaten a3 fun position sharp position just take that guy why not that seems like a miscue by him i mean he's trying to stop a3 but losing e5 is a pretty nasty pawn to lose i think i'm gonna give him a4 i'm not gonna worry about a4 too much i'm gonna try to take this yeah okay go after h4 now take get the king out f4 i can take it should be okay feels like it let's kick this out try to block his rook um i don't know about that last move but we'll see feels like he's messing up now h pawn's ready to run yeah that's just winning material check and queen no stalemates i hope now with a2 available there should definitely not be a still mate here some clever attempts okay all right yeah that's a fun line to play ah simon lost that's too bad guru shook is a tough pairing but five out of six still very good score for simon's so yeah that was a fun game um i think once i won the e5 pawn it started to turn in my favor pretty significantly because i just have so many ways i can target him here with the queen both sides of the board the bishop is becoming more relevant h4 and g2 are weak so yeah i'm sure the technique was not perfect it seems like he kind of panicked after f4 i wasn't actually sure what i was gonna play next here because if i play h3 he will have check then so i might need some sort of temporizing move to help here but it's also very tough for white to find a move nicolas thanks for subscribing 12 months says somehow i'm also on four out of six go easy on me if we get paired all right i look forward to it i had bishop takes e4 at one point yeah i don't doubt it i was looking at that tactic like not here i'm not sure where i had bishop takes e4 but i think i had this pretty under control for the most part hey gold dust story good to see you in here um can we check out simon's game let's play through it he played the french oh and he sent harry down the board you know the people like that this looks like a great position for black i wouldn't mind playing this okay so d4 is hard to hold in the long run i guess here b5 develop the bishop yeah now white's probably just better up the pawn yeah and here's where the h-pawn kind of hurts you because you don't have a lot of king safety but all right he he put up a good fight and still having a great tournament let's see who else is at the top of the standings here put up a game let's put up turazaga's game another queen end game the tourist are trying to hold down two pawns you guys really wanted me to play bishop takes e4 like two or three people are saying this i mean i could i could sacrifice the bishop but i didn't see in just my quick play through there where i where that would have been good if you guys can give me a move number maybe i can check it out but ah and black force the queen trade here looks like the standings are being a bit slow it'd be nice to see these live standings here's the last game of the round rook and knight against rook off for all so stockfish is giving me an evaluation of 0.0 after two rooks for the queen trade but in reality you destroyed him i think it's one of those positions where yeah i'm not surprised that the computer says equal but i would rather be black in practice i think it's easier with the queen there to create threats white's king is a little weaker white has a three versus one i think it's imperative that white keep the e5 pawn if they're gonna do some damage there maybe white should have played e6 even and try to trade and like threaten bishop g8 or bishop f5 in some situation don't forget the rule of chess never play bishop takes e4 yes jake agreed okay so this is an important game for the standings this inverse fm game because they're both on four and a half so they can you know either get to five or if black wins get to five and a half which is a fantastic score why didn't i go king h7 before rook t8 um that's a good question i could have couldn't i yeah he can move his bishop away if i do that i guess bishop a2 or something but yeah i could have tried king h7 you're right about that f8 b9 and papa pop off thank you for subscribing with twitch prime yes this is a draw this is a easier draw in theory to hold than king and bishop and rook against king but people have lost this end game before this black gonna try king c2 i would try king c2 why not why not go forward here and threaten that is then if check you can block with the knight i guess he's still going to escape that way but seemed like a better attempt okay sean sargusian this guy's the real deal played him before all right you guys know what time it is hey rpg let's play the queen a5 version yeah i've got my tea as well good eye i think sargassum is going to play some theory against me maybe not okay what do i do here i think i play this move bishop d2 that's not a very common approach yeah thanks guys love to see those team scandi emotes in the chat uh take the knight d7 when he takes try to target this looks weird to leave your queen in the line of fire this bishop but white has to have some pretty good discovery in order to hurt you here uh h5 would be a common move dare i take this pawn on c2 that can get you in trouble probably not wise let's just play this just discourage this castle's queen side ah but is that is that a blunder that looks like a blunderino do i throw in knight c5 first before taking nah we can make that determination later okay let's pull back here just for safety knight c5 now let's do it can take take and push f5 that's i think a likely continuation actually no queen e4 hmm all right let's take now the question is do i try to stop f5 or do i just continue with developments like castles f5 f5 is is kind of annoying though so i think it's probably worth trying to stop and if he yet if he does that i was going to say rook d8 i need a blunderino emoji well someone made me laugh recently because they said i was the ned flanders of chess it was on eric rosen's video from the chesable event that we had in november okay queen a5 or just bishop e7 or something maybe h4 even i don't think too long here but i really want to trade dark square bishops i'm gonna play this though it's not simple to trade dark square bishops here i'm thinking maybe in the future this i don't know about this move possibly just weakening but we'll find out okay i'm going to try this i i'm wondering if he can take i don't think he can actually i think i can dance away if he does that but i'm looking for this i know guys my time management right that's why we have the sweating clock emote i mean bishop c5 is coming it's probably calculating the consequences of this it's not simple to ascertain but i'm thinking here here here if he checks i play king here and i'm gonna be able to get to b8 those are my rough calculations is he gonna play bishop d2 really that seems wrong bishop d2 i might come in here yeah why not let's attack hmm this looks good that's a tough threat to stop actually he could play bishop d3 but bishop d3 i can take here if he takes with the king i take here this he's on the run he's down a couple pawns yeah i think that's a good exchange sack to make because i get two pawns for it so i'm a very very open king okay this is looking good guys let's just keep keep it going a little bit but yeah he has almost no counter play here too this is the big problem okay just take check i'll take here just take let's play c5 get the pawns on safe squares check bring the king over now that he can't get through at all all my pawns are on safe dark squares let's check again all right frank to the j thanks for subscribing with twitch brian there we go the scandy strikes yeah i thought you know right around here is probably critical i think queen a5 turned out to be a pretty good move because the key is if i can trade the dark square bishops if i can trade the dsb's i'm really good here and it's hard for him to stop after queen a5 i know he wanted to play this move this is sort of the the key idea and i am rosen thank you for raiding with a party of 88. thank you eric appreciate it hope you're doing well so this is the critical line but i think my king squirts over here to safety and i calculated check here check here and the queen holds the rook i mean he's got a bevy of pawns but probably not enough uh mr king asked g4 f5 working for him that's a good question too he could try that because he never got his counter play going with the pawns so take uh yeah this position he plays g4 here now funny funnily enough here he can't take my bishop because i play check and i have this puzzle rush mating tactic so he can keep barreling forward though yeah that's probably critical bishop here and then f5 like what happens in the case of this it seems like there's probably concrete issues with this though let's say i take take i want to take here to try to deflect but that's that's not clear because if here he might be able to play this yeah probably that's the thing to do g4 and just try to get an f5 as soon as possible wasn't there queen f6 forking the rooks in the end uh you mean in that line that i was looking at with bishop takes e6 i don't think so check here i don't think he has time because i'm always taking on d1 with shaq or you know if he takes here my queen comes back and does a good job of defending okay let's check some games here indian lad vs grishok that looks over how about parhamov oh you withdrew eric he says i decided i would much rather withdraw eat fries and watch john bartholomew instead of continually blundering in the tournament yeah i can i can sympathize man it's a rough one out there these arenas they they have a tendency to go pear-shaped easily if you're not in for on a given day people will strike take advantage so no shame in withdrawing okay parhamov is totally winning here king e7 a7 he can block with the knight okay black's gonna try this but yeah this feels very much winning for white well okay rook f1 i've been under underestimating counterplay in some of the games today so maybe this is a case where i underestimated a resource that's pretty annoying the rook takes f2 threat probably king g8 here and king g6 is going forward i don't like king g6 because now he's susceptible to checks from the knight yeah i think that was oh now he's going to get he's going to run into rook h5 or improvement mating net yeah black had to play king g8 there i think this move maybe white can still win this somehow but groceries on seven out of seven what a beast i don't recall grisham having played title tuesday before he probably has but just waltz is in here seven out of seven no big deal still three rounds to go though hey 33m what's up with you x33m tom walker thanks for the thousand bits says okay gotta give the big props yesterday was amazing and doing great today too yeah thanks tom long time viewer on both youtube and twitch appreciate your support yeah glad that we uh recovered from kind of a rocky start i mean still plenty plenty of rounds to go here but that draw i had in round four against kumi from the totally winning position was pretty brutal but then i got some luck back you know i i had that victory against risky decision where he allowed me checkmate in three or checkmated one three times should we take a look at agent jl's game agent jl is a streamer i think he's from michigan i want to say and he's trying to win this but i don't think he'll be able to succeed against this im because white is just so ready to sacrifice the bishop for that pawn if it ever advances to e3 and really the only way to interfere with that is to put your knight here or here but then white can take it and if their king is in front of the pawn they'll just make a draw so hard to see how he's gonna conjure anything up here but he's he's gonna try i mean you hope for a fork in these situations but not too likely the bishop can stay very far away so i got third yesterday in the arena kings but i might have got second as far as streamers go hikaru got first and then there was an untitled player who got second was rated i think around 2600 but i don't think they were streaming so second or third i benefited from some nice pairings in fact the only grandmaster i played yesterday was alexander kostiniak i played her twice so i avoided some of the big guns like arabic falcon and hikaru and guys like that yeah so that's what happened black put the knight on d4 there was a trade and drawn king and pawn end game all right was that the last game in the round unless this one's still going oh another rookie bishop against rook here we have it another case where black has to display accuracy okay now you want to check here with the rook rook d7 yep okay um okay white's going to come around here and if check he's going to play bishop d5 now black's gonna play this so he can block i think this is the winning position yeah check uh now he's gonna get out this way though if you're not careful they're also on move 145 so i got to believe they're very close to the draw okay king here oh he's going that direction okay yeah i did have a 12-game winning streak yesterday that was pretty nice yeah these guys are definitely over 50 moves i think black is not clicking draw okay there we have it so trying to see the updated standings i am dimitri is next who is apparently gm dimitri there you have griez on seven out of seven he's probably playing parham who's on six and a half so i'm on five good score here guys this is a good opportunity to keep pumping it up hmm interesting i'm gonna play it like this will probably support with c6 i'm gonna play like a gambit i actually don't mind playing these positions from time to time let's play knight here they're kind of fun okay now bishop f3 or knight e4 94 right away probably not so appealing let's play castles before doing anything and now bishop f3 so if i take he's probably gonna take with the a pawn i think he's saying so let's just play queen c2 hey zumas hey johnny dj not quite the baffinic variation because black had his bishop on b4 yeah i'm playing some aggressive uh chess here looking for compensation thinking about knight e4 thinking about b3 hmm let's play b3 i'm trying for a bind on the queen side but i have a feeling black's gonna look to sneak in c5 but i might be able to weaken black's queen side in the end that's what i'm kind of thinking here give c5 take take and if there's mass traits take on f6 at the end black will still be up a pawn but okay so he's gonna try to keep this bind certainly possible so maybe now knight e4 or takes a knight e4 also a5 is in the air let me think how i want to do this i'm gonna take and then play knight e4 i think do i want to throw an a5 that's just a key question here now let's not throw an a5 i'm trying to blockade c5 i'm trying to stop him from playing that so now he can't play c5 because he drops the bishop okay queen there rip there okay queen a7 queen e5 i'm thinking attack this i really want that or maybe this next the squeeze going for the squeeze you guys are not fans of my position hey haben hmm so he's looking for bishop d6 huh well let's do this first still looking to sink the knight in if possible wow can i just take that i can but i think i'm gonna i'm gonna keep the bind because if i take he's gonna play rook c8 it kind of liberates this bishop in the end so i'm gonna more so play for the bind and maybe start playing on the queen side especially with the time situation i think this is better okay let's bring this back um i might end up having to take on c6 i don't know we shall find out all right you convinced me rick c8 maybe queen f3 this i should take but i like queen f3 better keep control don't know who's better here i like my position though still i gotta say we get ready to double let's take if he takes my queen i take with chuck and i win his bishop at the end or maybe not but hmm okay i'm gonna bring the king over now this bishop looks awkward bring the king up oh he didn't check wow i totally thought he checked yikes man oh man don't like this what i did here i just hallucinated i thought he gave a check when he didn't all right i have to do my best impression of what my previous opponent did to me okay i might win this uh maybe not yikes that's coming pretty fast i should have tried 98 there that would have been a better attempt well gotta try something here ooh did he blunder knight f5 check um no maybe not um yeah it's pretty hopeless not much to do yeah resign had a good end game but blew it just a total mental disconnect i thought here he checked and played rook a3 i don't know why i was thinking he did that i just instinctively played king e4 but yeah i should probably in this position play check myself after that i might have had a few chances i mean i'm down one pawn but i have some annoying threats around his king he played quite well though i thought for a second i might be able to win f7 but that didn't pan out because he had broke f2 he kept my counter play under control yeah here i should have tried 98 but it wasn't probably gonna work out the middle game was alright though yeah i think i'm a little bit better around here this end game maybe here i should play i could play knight c5 right away take and then take with the pawn this king might come over that's interesting yeah maybe maybe this immediately even here it felt like i had some chances like bishop d2 didn't really accomplish anything perhaps rook here is better that looks like a better way to try to win oh they can play bishop a5 then i kept the rooks on the board as opposed to trading them earlier because it seemed like i had better chances that way all right um so what's going on here rasmus feign game drawn stewie griffin another streamer he's in a queen end game looks like a draw king says how about taking on asics with rook considering knights are tricky to deal with under time pressure yeah so that's what i was saying with the rook trade i thought that my rook and knight would coordinate better than his rook and bishop since he was more passive i didn't see how grishock did but let's take a look um now i'm not sure if i can get to that game nor do i know what the result is anybody know how he played or how he did i got a tournament coming up in a week and a half siege just a local tournament though greg's on eight out of eight wow unreal two games left in this thing so did grisha just beat parham off hello hop in the delorean black's defending this kind of strangely but i know i've done very suspicious things in games where it looked like uh the draw was easy like for one thing i just don't understand why black didn't go forward with their king like right here king g5 and attack the pawn that looks like a very very easy draw even still it doesn't look like white's gonna be able to force a queen trade where they get opposition how do you get in this event i am titled and when i try to contact chess.com they never contact me back yeah you got to be title to play so i i don't know i can't speak to to that in my experience chess.com has been um very on the spot but if you want ev evlov fend me send me a whisper on twitch and i'll see if i can pass along your information maybe i can get you helped faster okay i don't think black's gonna blow this could have tried king e7 like astana so round nine coming up playing donchenko all right alexander donchenko i'm on five out of eight thanks tom all right i'll play a um bononi if black once i play this variation from time to time uh how about to play it let's go here okay yeah let's play bishop h2 and now maybe rook a2 uh no rook a2 i've ran into this tactic before where black takes twice on d5 and then plays bishop e6 i gotta keep that in mind yeah definitely fallen victim to that so therefore what to play in this position i'm actually not sure rook b1 b1 feels kind of wrong but could play knight d2 knight t2 rook takes b2 knight c4 let's try that that seems to be the only decent attempt to get counter play here try to get this night here he might take this knight c4 and then try for something active but if i win d6 it's gonna get messy and probably in a good way for me yeah b3 doesn't seem wise because of the knight here being so loose you guys like messi yeah you might i usually don't well at least he's going to the tank here he's letting me catch up on the clock all right so how does that interfere with knight c4 i don't get it okay he's just gonna defend fair hmm okay let's develop hmm okay gonna go here you can try bishop b7 but i have some knight a5 ideas in reserve i don't want to play knight a5 yet though i kind of like my knight here keeps him tied down to that okay he's going to try that maybe i can go here if takes then bishop f3 let's try it seems like he's got a second exchange now yes he will thinking about queen c3 here no that's that's too fancy under the circumstances just take hmm okay looking for e4 if he takes i take d5 not sure what's happening there this looks good just take pin king here i have chuck all right guys oh i blundered that but okay this is still winning exchange plus pawn i feel like the easiest way to win this is just go after h4 this is protected let's go to d7 next not going to be any fortress dry here so i don't think okay he's gonna test me on my king and rook first king technique no okay all right well my customary time pressure was kicking in but i think it worked out pretty nicely i mean e4 was an important move i feel main point being if he takes here i take here and i think he has a hard time defending these both of these guys and the knight is doing a brilliant job of preventing queen e3 check yeah and then later i blundered rook takes c5 but you know that made the task actually pretty straightforward because i was just up in exchange plus a pawn all right yeah feel pretty good about that one uh let's see what games are in progress let's watch garakamski he's always interesting to watch looks like he's going to get around back and attack these pawns yeah that knight is not going to be able to stop that although i don't know why not just take there that seems like an odd decision okay but this this should be winning yep knight's boxed out king a2 or king c3 keep the king two squares away diagonally from the knight polish fighter lost degree shirt grishwick nine out of nine wow you could just only marvel at that so what about sebastian this looks like a winning pawn end game for white yeah he's gonna have the protected past pawn with the king coming up no matter which way he takes really hmm let's check me or not really but winning the spawn will promote oh so white in this game gets to seven seven out of nine that's a very strong score what am i on i think i'm on six right i think i'm on six points thanks true test time control is three plus two oh is greece streaming this wow didn't know he was streaming this too hey flow flotikash yeah here's the leaderboard it's not updated though for some reason it's not updating mid-round it usually does okay griez is not streaming well you made it sound like he was streaming tom uh what other games are left here just one this looks like a draw wait's trying to squeeze something here but you gotta win this pawn to win this and i don't think that's gonna happen bishop b5 now stop the king from coming over just in case white gets to do this king all the way over f6 even then it's probably a draw black could put the bishop on d7 i'm not playing in the pcl tomorrow no i'm out of the lineup but i'll probably be back in pretty soon all right and the last game kleinbeer 898. climb the beer what a good way to go out in the tournament a little scandi for the road huh i'm gonna play the non-critical variation because it's easier to play in blitz you don't have to remember as much theory and i've been getting in massive time pressure as usual this tournament ah but he plays knight c3 hmm okay well i'll try to keep my queen active usually if they play this way they're trying to go d4 c4 and only then knight c3 so a little curious that he does that but it is possible can i always hope that they blunder b4 bishop takes b4 but they tend not to do that these guys are pretty good nines on fours you got here for the final round round ten how's simon doing has he stayed up there in the standings don't see his name it's so tough i mean he lost a grisha and he probably got paired against mvl or someone that's how it goes in this tournament i think about h6 here also rook c8 maybe let's just play h6 simon's also on 679 okay okay now i think i'm going to switch the bishop here a5 maybe or just knight d5 knight d5 looks alright let's do that isn't mon playing this tournament i haven't seen him on in the mix but i thought he had mentioned that he was going to play today okay he goes back so he's looking for c4 clearly let's uh let's put a stop to that or at least be able to trade if he plays it it's double-edged you can't play a4 because this pawn hangs okay so maybe now a5 try to weaken the structure okay let's take and now i don't want to give up the files so let's let's go here neil's win thanks for the thousand bits says let's distract john and hope he flags just kidding keep up the great work thanks niels i'll distract myself don't worry okay yeah you want some night maneuvering that's probably a good move okay i'll take maybe here i don't know let's go here i'm trying to take over the file maybe rook a6 was a little bit better i'm not sure if i took the queen he had knight takes c6 didn't like that so we both have weaknesses here he has a more active knight uh let's let's go here i'm not sure what he's up to but i'm gonna try to play this and then maybe rook a3 could try knight takes c3 here it's interesting very interesting actually you know what final round let's give it a shot to be in balanced position i get a lot of pawns for my trouble oh that's not a move i anticipated is he gonna mate me though i don't know we gotta try though queen f3 yikes all right well i gotta do this i think i'll let him take e6 with check i guess i kind of have to it's interesting question whether he can win this we can maybe play knight f7 here this is interesting it opens up a lot of tactics like take or bishop e5 knight takes c6 also interesting also challenging uh he's going to pivot back and take the bishop annoying ah but okay i can still stay on his knight i think i spotted something here i think i spotted a little tactic okay take ah queen f4 he takes i don't know trying to stop his pawn ah you can just do that e you just push now yeah man i'll let that get too far um annoying yeah that's losing i'll try to play it out but i blew that it was a nice tactic too but i still blew it and it takes h6 queen e7 looking for some stalemate trap but i don't think there's gonna be a anyone apparent here yeah let's resign uh gross ending to that found a good move with bishop takes f2 that d-pawn though what do i do about that i can't take it because of knight e7 i just kind of panicked here i wanted to go queen f4 but queen f4 he takes or you can even push right away i guess take take here and i have to give it my rook i think to stop that pawn maybe then my pawn just runs though ah maybe i can do this he can't get back in time right i don't think he can ah 1967 yeah good point does get back in time e i'm not sure what the right play is here i mean actually i probably should not take the bishop maybe i should play rook a1 right away and try to threaten some bishop g1 business but even then that's not also not clear i mean taking a bishop is not a move you're probably going to shy away from in time pressure yeah king h7 is just a bad move i just didn't know what to do here i was trying to threaten queen takes d5 if anything i should play king h8 i don't know why i went to f to h7 yeah i think after this i'm just busted hey md nights um we put grishak's game up he drew they had a gm draw 16 moves genghis k must have got some prize money for a draw with nine points decided not to push for the win leon beast mvl drew so he got to eight and a half it looks like good tournament for this player made it to nine yeah i could try here let me pull that game up since you guys were talking about that could go to f7 but i think the pawn still runs through so in this position queen f4 and the other complicating thing is he doesn't have to take he could push right away okay and there you have it uh the final standings grishook brilliant performance 9.5 out of 10. clear first place over genghis k who could have tried to catch him but you know he probably just wanted the prize money just decided to lock it in with black against grieshook um and then leo that i am eight and a half gets the third place so not a bad performance from me six out of ten you know any any positive score is a good score here so yeah i could play rook f7 here but he has 95 but maybe now i play b4 huh that might be winning yeah that that's probably just winning d7 take take here and now white's knight can't get to this square with check to get back but also like i said there's this complicating factor like white could play d6 here and then take take we have this position the annoying thing is i can't approach with my king so what would be correct here this probably rook a8 or b4 first b4 here here queen take take and again the pawn runs yeah then i do win this line white's not quite in time so it seems i missed an opportunity there at the end but time time pressure yeah eric is in portugal i thought amon might be playing but i guess not okay well title tuesday always challenging and fun nonetheless put in a positive score some wild games back and forth hope you guys enjoyed it thank you all for the support thanks to all the bit donations uh tom walker with the 500 bits at the end says okay six points is amazing yeah thanks to everyone who subscribed donated watched today i will put this up on youtube asap so thanks guys all right enjoy everyone have a good night or a good day i'll talk to you guys again soon bye
Channel: John Bartholomew
Views: 63,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chess, Fast chess, Blitz chess, Titled Tuesday, Chess.com
Id: T4mmJ9gb-cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 32sec (9332 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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