Title Block

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let's make a title block I am going to use a regular a caddy WD normal English template because we're going to be drawing it for an eight-and-a-half by eleven piece of paper what this is going to do is just provide us a place to add information to our drawing like our name and the day the units the scale I'm gonna just start with a rectangle and we're gonna draw a piece of paper so from 0 0 to 11 comma 8.5 we're just making an eight-and-a-half by 11 size piece of paper here now your printer won't be able to print all the way out to the edge so we're gonna use the offset command I'm going to offset 0.3 inches and I'm gonna bring this rectangle in make sure you pull it in and not out we're just creating an area that's the drawing area here now these rectangles are all all the lines are connected and I want to grab just the bottom line not the entire rectangle so I'm going to use the explode command exp LOD this is the opposite of join and I'm going to explode this rectangle so that now each of these lines is individual see how that bottom line is all by itself now and it's not attached to the rest of the rectangle now that he's not attached I'll use the offset command and this time I'm going to offset an entire inch I'm going to grab this bottom line and pull them up an inch enter to exit or escape offset again you could either hit enter or type in offset again and I'm going to make my lines 0.375 inches tall grabbing the top line and moving it down and that offset command is still alive and active until I exit out of it okay so there I've got a couple lines at the bottom that I can write some text in I'm going to go ahead and divide this up further using the line command with my snapping tools on remember our snapping tools are down here excuse me okay so I've got my snapping tools on and then after I start up my lion command if I hold my cursor over here I should be able to find the center point of the line see the cursor changes to that little triangle okay so there's the center point of my line and once I'm done with it I can just hit enter instead of clicking again that'll stop that command and I'm going to offset that centerline by three inches I'm gonna grab it to this side three inches and then again to the other side three inches enter I've done with offset I'm now going to use the trim command select all will make every little intersection here a cutting plane where you can grab just pieces of it so I'm gonna go ahead and say enter to select all and now I can erase these two lines and this is where I could put like my little company logo or something okay I'm not off my trim command so I could hit escape to get out of that command and now it's time to fill in these areas with some text so what kind of information you think we need in here I'm going to use the M text command that's multi-line text but it has a couple more options in here that I like to use specify first corner now my snapping tools are still on so I can grab this corner right here I'm not gonna grab the second corner yet I'm going to use all of these little options in my square brackets here so I can set my height I could either type H or just click on height and then sit at point two I'm going to move that down a little bit to 0.1875 so there's the height of my text also justify so this stands for top left top Center top right I'm gonna go with middle Center just Center my text on there and you can set your line spacing rotation style I'm just gonna leave those as default okay so now after you have all of your style set now I'm gonna define that lower right-hand corner of my box okay so click the left mouse click and now I could type I'll go ahead and put the draw name in here I have my cap lock on capital letters is just kind of default for drafting it's okay so that's where you would put like chapter 2 exercise 3 or something since these areas are all kind of the same size I'm gonna go ahead and just copy that text box so click on my object in turn specify base point your base point that's just what point you're grabbing it from so my lower left-hand corner here and now that's where I'm grabbing it from and again my snapping tools are on so I can go ahead and copy him into these other areas now over here I'm not going to copy them over here because that's a slightly different area so I'll have to make a new text over there escape escape gets you out of that command and I can double click on these guys to edit the text so down here maybe I want to set my base unit so are we using inches or millimeters click outside double click and up here let's put your name up here so I could type Jamie Turner or you're just gonna type your name in here your name okay then down here with other information probably put the class name in here or your company name whatever you're working for and then these last two fields are a little bit smaller I'm going to start up that mtext command again so you know how to do this specify first corner height enter justify middle center lower right-hand corner and here we can add the date that's an important piece of information and we can copy that text again so grab it grab the Laura and corner copy it and the last piece of unit we better put the scale on here okay so that could be like one to one or one to two now we have everything set for our title block except for it's in our model space instead of on our paper space so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to come over here to our layouts this is a piece of paper that and what its gonna look like coming out of your printer and now the layouts have two things on here they've got model space so it's like a little window into what you just drew that's down here at model space or I can switch over here to paper space and in paper space that's where we would use move our viewport around now I don't want a viewport I wanted actually drawn on to the piece of paper so I've got to go ahead and highlight this and delete that off of there but I also want to make sure I have the right size for a piece of paper so I'm gonna right click on layout come up here to page setup manager and modify this page what I want is a letter you can see all of these different sizes so here is an SI a size a is just our regular eight-and-a-half by 11 piece of paper and we can set this to be either portrait or landscape and you can set your printer type so I'll use this and si a standard sized piece of paper and say okay and then close I could even set my layout name if I wanted to I'll double click on this and say a and si a we have an a size piece of paper I might even add landscape to it okay now what I wanted to is copy that border and title block from my model space over to my paper space so here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to zoom out click click I've selected everything and I'm gonna right-click on the border and copy this on to my clipboard I'm gonna copy it with a base point so I can make it in just the right spot so specify a base point I'm gonna grab just the origin here zero zero so now I've got it on my clipboard I'll go back here and I can either type paste or I can use control V so paste and see I've got it attached to my base point I can push down on my wheel button and move this around it won't plug it down until I left click so I'm gonna line up the corners and then left click on my mouse okay so there we go there we have it on our landscape eight-and-a-half by eleven let's say I mean one a different page format though so I'm gonna come over here to layout to erase my viewport again right click on layout two and go into page setup manager modify layout two and for this one let's go ahead and try out one of these a and si B formats okay so eleven by seventeen instead of 11 by eight and a half so ans IB I'll go ahead and use a landscape for this as well say okay so we're just going to format this for a slightly larger piece of paper and under layout - I'm gonna go ahead and call this a and si B landscape okay let's see if that title block is still on our clipboard so I'm gonna type paste and sure enough it is this time I'm going to line up the lower right hand corner move him around and then left mouse click and there he is in the corner now I need to stretch him out to be the right size for this new piece of paper so I'm going to use the stretch command stre tch enter it's very important how you select the objects for the stretch command the first line you slice it through is going to be what you stretch it I also want to set my ortho snap on so that we can stretch them straight up or straight over okay the top one I'm gonna stretch him up I'm going to start over here in the gray area left click and where this line intersects my object that's the chunk of line that's gonna be stretched okay so I'm drawing my box from the right up to the left and then click and now I'm gonna hit Enter I've selected my object specify base point okay so I'm gonna grab the corner here and now I can pull it straight up isn't that nice let's try that command again so stretch just se-ra tc8 enter and I am going to come down here in the gray area left mouse click pull it up and I'm going from the right to the left to select this and this this line here on the edge that's a little chunk that we're going to be stretching out so there we go hit enter to say we've now selected our objects and specify base point so I'm gonna grab the corner as my base point and pull him straight out I've got ortho snap on so he'll go straight to the left enter so now we have our border in our title block formatted for a new paper size okay once we have this on our pieces of paper we don't need it in our model space anymore so I'm gonna come back to the model space select everything and delete it out of there it's still over here on my papers so we're good to go and while you're here you might as well add those layers in here make sure you have a construction line layer and here so we can make this construction line I like to choose nice bright colors that will show up on the dark background so maybe a green construction line and then for my hidden line so right-click and rename layer I'll make this my hidden line maybe I'll make that a nice yellow color and remember my hidden line that's gonna have a different line type load the line types there's a couple different hidden lines depending on how long you would like your dashes I'm gonna grab this point five hidden line hidden to click on it say okay so now this yellow layer is set to hidden and we have maybe a center line and as you find yourself in need of different line types you can always come back and add those later so here's center line what colors do we have left here maybe we want just a nice light blue for him and there's a center line in here too if we come down here let's see let's use see how the center is a Lome - short - long - so it's a little bit different than that hidden line and I'm going to use a point five on him as well so here we go make sure to click it and then say okay I'll just leave layer four as it is so now we should have all of our different lines in here that we can use once you have everything set up for just starting to draw from scratch what we're going to do is come over here and save this as a drawing template so this is different saving a DWG file we are saving DW tt4 template and this is going to show up in our Start menu so we don't have to redefine all of these little customizations it'll say the title block for us and our layers so I'm gonna go say save a template let me show you something look at this crazy file path you won't find this if you start but it will automatically put it into your Start menu if you leave it at this - if this start path okay so for your template give it some descriptive name so I'll say 1304 with title block and layers okay save it and we can have description normal English drawing template and I can add onto that okay so we have this save let me go over to the Start menu under templates here's the template we just saved okay 1304 with title block and layers so now when you start a new drawing instead of just randomly starting a drawing open your template file and open up that template that you just saved and your new drawing it'll have your title block in here for you it'll have all of your layers already set up for you and as you customize more and more things in your ribbon for your dimensions you can just save those all into your template file and then you won't have to define them anymore okay so that's your title blocks and for every one you can just come in here double click on the text and edit that for each new drawing that you do okay that's it for that one
Channel: Jamie Turner
Views: 99,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Title Block, dwt
Id: b4jLXz9YRdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2017
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