- Hey, it's Katie from
Katie Goes Platinum. This is my first ever live. I'm nervous and I hope I don't swear or do anything else
I'm not supposed to do. But anyway, I just wanted to get in touch with all of you today. I'm going to go out of town this weekend for my 31st anniversary and that meant I wasn't
able to get a video done. So today I wanted to discuss
with you something live and it's going to be a little more casual than what I usually do. And we are going to talk
about having confidence before and after and during
your gray hair journey. Now I hope that you can hear me. I'm assuming you can, but if you can't for some reason, will you leave me a comment and I will try to figure
out what's going on, but hopefully it's all working. So anyway, so, and because this is my first
live, I've got some notes. So anyway, that's all
I wanted to tell you. So you might hear some
paper in the background. So this week I asked
people what, oh thanks. Thank you so much on John,
I'm so glad to hear it. Okay, so I asked people this
week what they would like to talk about going gray, and one of the big questions was, how to maintain your confidence
while you are in the middle of a Cold Turkey transition. And I went through that myself, so I know what that's like. I'm definitely going
to discuss that today. But I'm also going to talk
about confidence in general during your gray hair journey. Before going gray, getting
the confidence to go gray, in other words, during your journey and also after you've gone gray, once your hair is fully gray. So we're going to talk
about all those things and I think the way I'm going to do this, since I haven't done this before and you might have a better idea, but I'm going to give you my
thoughts through each section and I'll share your comments and tips and questions at the end of each section. So before, during and after going gray. So you can leave them any time you want and I will address them
when it's that time. So, okay, now I'm going
to look at my notes 'cause I'm new to this. Okay, so the first thing is, why is it important to have confidence during your gray hair transition? Well, the number one thing is obviously, you've decided to go gray for a reason and it's not easy to make
the decision to go gray. Most of us dither about it for years. I knew I wanted to go gray and let my, and stop dyeing my hair basically when I was just in my
twenties and thirties because my hair was going gray so rapidly that every time I dyed my
hair within a few days, the gray hair roots would start showing. And I didn't feel at that time
that I was ready to go gray. I thought I was too young, which now I kind of wish I'd just done it, but at the time I didn't know that. And so I didn't do it. But I knew by the age of 50 I
was probably going to go gray. I wanted to go gray, but
I kept putting it off because we have bad feedback
from friends and family. Our hairdressers often
tell us it's a bad idea. We hear from, you know, society in general that women are supposed
to keep dyeing their hair until they're very elderly. And I was tired of doing it, but I just needed that
little confidence boost, you know, to go gray. And the one thing that really helped me was just getting to the point
of feeling I'm done with this. I'm sick and tired or spending
all the time and money and effort needed to cover my roots. I was just done with all of that. So that's not really a confidence thing, but it's just a weariness, you
know, you feel tired of it. But here's what I'm going to tell you. If you want to go gray and
you feel like you're ready and you're not quite sure
if you are feeling confident enough enough to do it, the number one thing you need to do is, get out a notebook or a Google Doc and write down exactly
everything you do not like about dyeing your hair, everything that is holding
you back from embracing your naturally silver hair. And when you make that list,
be very detailed and specific and don't just say, I'm
tired of wasting money. Like, well, what kind of
money are you spending? Try to come up with how
much you're spending. What do you not like
about the process itself? For me, I hated having to spend two or three hours at the salon and I hated the feeling of
the chemicals on my head, especially towards the
end of my transition. They were burning and
itching, it was not pleasant. And the whole experience
had just grown tedious. And then of course we're talking about having to go into your
bathroom at work or wherever and hide your roots with
powders and mascaras. It just felt so tedious to me. So list all those reasons down. List down every single reason why you are tired of dyeing your hair. Also think about the other bigger issues. Are you still dyeing your hair because you feel like you have to? I really felt like I had to. And then one day I was
like, well why do I have to? That's a false belief. Nobody's actually telling me to my face, "You have no choice." So you might feel like you
don't have a choice, but you do. Everybody has a choice. So write down all the reasons that, all the things are keeping
you back from going gray. You know these worries and
concerns about your friends. You know, write down everything
and make a giant list. Save it, do not lose it because I want you to refer back to that when you're in the middle of your journey and you're having a wobble. It really helps to boost your confidence and make you feel like you are
right to make this decision. If you have a list and you've really had
details spelled out for you about why you're doing this. Now, do you have any comments on that? If you have already gone gray, were there any things that you did, that helped you feel more
confident to make that decision? Did you get a push from somebody? Did you see somebody on
Instagram or Pinterest who looked great with their gray hair? Did any of those things happen and you know, write all that down and you know, save pictures,
save a Pinterest board. Do anything you can to help you get the confidence up to go gray. Now I'm looking at a few comments here. Jolie from QuickSilverHair. Hi Jolie, it's nice to see you. She said, "Write down all
the reasons it can work." That's a great point. What would you like about your gray hair? You know, what do you
think it would do for you to let your hair go gray to stop dyeing? For me, I didn't know this
would happen, but my gray, my dyed hair was very damaged, it was dry, it was frizzy, it was just in terrible shape. Split ends up the wazoo. And I didn't know this if, and I hope that my blog will
tell people this in the future, but going gray got rid of all
those problems I was having. My hair is healthier,
shinier, thicker and smoother. And if I had known that might
be a result of going gray, I definitely would've done it sooner. Like I'm going to look at a few
more comments I'm getting here. I wonder if I can share these. Okay, so Nancy, can you
see your comment there? I am so glad that you are
loving your transition. I felt the same way. I was so scared to do it. And then when you do it, it's much more fun and exciting than you think it ever could be. Okay, let's see what Louisa has to say. Louisa says she's about seven months in and glad you started in the summer. Yes, hats are a great way
to maintain your confidence during your transition because
you can hide your roots and nobody is the wiser. Also, it's just a great
way to protect your skin and your hair from sun damage. So let's face it. Okay, so like I said, this is my first live, so I'm
a little unprofessional here. I'm going to look at my notes. Okay, so feeling confident. So you want to feel confident
about why you're going gray so that you can enjoy your transition. If you enjoy your transition, you're more likely to stick with it. And why is it important to stick with it? Well, obviously you've
made this giant list of all the reasons you want to go gray. And so you obviously want to do it. And if you are confident in
your decision to go gray, you are more likely to stick with it because I mean, you can cut
your hair short to go gray, obviously you can do a pixie
cut, you can do a buzz cut, you can go gray through all
these methods that are quick. But if you're like a lot of us, I think at my latest poll
it was like 64% or 74% of us Go Gray Cold Turkey, which means growing out
your gray hair from the dye, as long as it takes to get
to the length you desire. Well for some of us with long
hair that could take years. And so you've got to
maintain your confidence through those years if you
want to reach your end goal, which is fully silver hair. So keeping that list and reminding yourself why you decided to do this in the first place
will definitely help you through any wobbles you're having. So let's see. I want to make sure I don't
repeat myself, hold on. Oh, before we get into
during the transition, how to maintain your confidence, the one thing I wanted to tell you was, this is the crazy thing
about going gray is, it can actually increase your confidence. I wish I had known that before I started. It was just a wonderful
side effect of going gray. And the reason I say that is, I've always been a very
self-confident person. I've always felt pretty good about myself. My parents gave me confidence. I was, I had a loving home that made me feel good about myself. And you know, we all get
kicked down by life sometimes and you have to boost yourself back up. But before I went gray, about three years before I went gray, every single thing in my life went wrong. My son almost died from a mystery illness, they never did discover the reason for it. And that was terrible, my, in the same three week period, my husband lost his
job and that was awful. And on top of all that, my youngest son was diagnosed with autism, which I was suspecting
but didn't know for sure. So all of that happened in three weeks. And the next couple years were
just a disaster financially and just emotionally
because I was such a mess from almost losing my child. So my self-confidence
was at an all time low. And the amazing thing is
I just happened to decide to go gray in the middle of all of this. I was starting to feel a little better after being depressed for about two years. And I was like, you know, I need a change. I'm sick of dyeing my hair, and I just decided to go for it. And what I never expected happened. Going gray in my case Cold Turkey, going out in the world with
hair that was basically what a lot of people
considered a nightmare. It had gray roots. I had my, you know, dark dye growing out. The ends were very damaged. And as the gray grew out, my dark brunette hair
became more and more orange. So I was out in the
world for about two years with hair that was multicolored,
gray, orange, brunette and every other color under the sun. And some people say they
can't believe I did it. I had people telling me to cover my hair or to do wigs or whatever. But for me it actually was
a huge confidence booster to go out in the world showing people, "I don't care what you think,
I am happy with myself. Yes, maybe my hair looks crazy to you, but to me it is a fun science experiment. It is liberating, I feel free." I feel like I've got, well I was going to say a bad word here, but I don't know if I'm
allowed to swear on YouTube. Anyway, I've got just the confidence to go out in the world like this. And so going gray can actually
increase your confidence and that is a side effect that
not everybody talks about. Now, before I move into the
keeping up your confidence during the transition, I'm going to look at some
more questions and comments. So it's going to take me one second here. Okay, so Nancy had her hair
foiled to make her gray hair not as defined and it's working for her. That's another thing that's
important to remember while you're going gray, is to do what works for you. What works for you might
not work for everybody else. We're all different,
going gray Cold Turkey worked brilliantly for
me, I had no regrets. Other people think that is the worst thing they could ever do and that's fine. We're all different. Some of us need to use
different tools to go gray. And whatever works for you, as long as you reach the
end goal and you're happy, that's all that matters. Okay, so let's see what Matrix has to say. So she's 57 and three
months into her transition and doesn't care what anybody else thinks. That is one of the best
things about going gray is, it's kind of telling the world, "I don't care what you think, I don't care what box
you're trying to put me in, I want to do this. I'm happy to do it and it's
going to be great for me. And that's really all that matters." Obviously it's nice bonus
if friends and your family and your colleagues, and
especially your spouse or partner likes the way
you look with gray hair. But ultimately it's up
to you and how you feel. You're the one putting all
the chemicals on your head and damaging your hair. So you should be the one
to make the final decision about doing what feels best to you. And if it's not right for you, there's nothing wrong with that. You can go back to dyeing. You just have to do what works for you. Now, being Irish, I
have a tendency to talk. So let me just have a glass of water 'cause I'm dying here, hold on. Okay, so Robin, my good friend from
"Tangled Silver Magazine", since she's been gray for five years, she rocks her gray hair. If you haven't had a
chance to check it out. She has a fantastic digital magazine for Silver Sisters
called "Tangled Silver". You've got to go to her
website and subscribe. I love it, she's got great support and we'll talk about this later. But one of the things that you can do to keep up your confidence
while you're going gray is to look at beautiful pictures
of other women who've done it. I can't tell you how many hours I spent in front of my phone,
scrolling through Instagram, going through Pinterest, and talking to my fellow
Silver Sisters on Instagram and seeing their hair. It really helps, it helps
you see what's coming. Okay, now before, I'm going to start the next section, then I'll reach out to
you with some of these other comments that you've made because I want to get to everybody. But a lot of the comments
are about going gray, like how to feel confident
during your transition. So let me find my page here. Of course I can't find (indistinct), okay. Okay, so during your transition. Now, as you already know if you, as I've already said, but if you're just joining us here, I'm Katie Goes Platinum, or
Katie from Katie Goes Platinum. And today we're discussing
confidence with gray hair before, during, and after your transition. So now we're at the
part where we're talking about during the transition. So if you went gray already and you have tips to share about how to stay confident
during your transition, please do share them in the chat because I will share
them with our listeners and I'm sure everybody
would love to hear from you. So as I said, the number one way to stay confident during
your transition is to remember why you are going
great in the first place. That is number one thing you need to do. Keep that list handy and look at it so you can remember why you're doing this. That way when you've got a friend, we've all got that annoying
friend who says to you, "Why are you doing this? Your hair looks awful,
you're going to look old." You know, all these horrible comments that people like to make about gray hair. If you get one of those comments but you remember why you are doing this, you can stick up for yourself better if you feel like you need to. You know, there are other ways to handle those kind of rude comments. But the best way to say, "Well, I like it and
that's all that matters." That is the easiest way. And then just move on. And if they keep bugging you
to say, it's really none, it's not something I want to discuss, this is off the table. And if they try to talk
to you about it again, you walk away, you hang up the phone, you don't text back,
whatever you need to do 'cause you don't need to
put up with stuff like that. It's your hair and your decision. Okay, so these are just a few tips about staying confident
during your transition. As I already mentioned, go on Instagram, scroll Silver Sister posts, go on YouTube, watch
channels like my channel, Katie Goes Platinum, watch QuickSilverHair, watch Monique Parents channel. I have a million other channels I like. I can list some of those in
the show notes for this video, but there are a bunch of
other Silver Sisters out there who can inspire you and there is somebody for everybody. Now one thing that really helps is to create a Pinterest
board of beautiful images of women with gray hair. And I have one, I can't
remember the exact title, but if you go to Katie
Goes Platinum on Pinterest, I get about 2 million views there a month because I have done a lot
of work trying to curate images of women with gray
hair for your inspiration. I think there's actually a
board I have called Silver Hair or Gray Hair Inspiration. So follow that board and
look at the pictures. It helps to see the end goal. Also, I have a confidence coaching program that you can join. It's, you can have a
10 minute chat with me, 30 minutes, 60 minute, whatever you need. If you're having a wobble and you need a little support from the fellow Silver Sister, join me in my gray hair
confidence coaching and we will discuss all your needs. Let's see, also my blog
and the YouTube channel have tons of articles and videos for you all about how to
feel good about going gray. Because to me, when I first started
going gray five years ago, I mean I started going gray when I was 16, but when I decided to go gray
from dyed hair five years ago, actually it was six years ago
yesterday, congratulations. I could only find articles
that were negative or fear mongering. And that's the whole reason
I started this channel. And that's the whole
reason I started my blog. And we've had a lot of
other Silver Sisters join us and there were some
Silver Sisters before me, but mine really focuses on how to joyfully and confidently go gray because you'll have such a better time. Now, before I move on to the next section, which is we're going to talk
about some of the pitfalls that can hurt your transition
through any of the methods, not just Cold Turkey,
which seems to be the one that really throws a
lot of us into a tizzy, but the other methods
all have their pitfalls. Let's look at some comments
and see what you have to say. So I need a drink of water, hold on, okay. Okay, Jolie from QuickSilverHair, my dear friend says, "Walk
away from the mirror." The more you focus on it when you're in the
middle of your transition and it starts to drive you crazy, the more it can undermine your confidence. So yeah, walk away from the mirror, don't take any selfies that day and just remember we all
had bare, bad hair days, even when we had dyed hair or our natural, you know, colored hair. So you're going to have bad hair days too when you're going gray
and after your gray hair. And that's just natural. And just try to focus on
something else, go for a walk. Okay, this is a great news from Proverbs 31 El Paso. She actually went on a job
interview during her transition and she got the job. I hear that all the time
from women we're so afraid to go out in the world with
our transitioning hair. But I had a friend who got a job as a, I can't name the company
'cause it's private info, but while she was going
gray from dark brunette hair and she was in the
middle of her transition, she got a job as an executive at a company that you all have on your
phones and on your TVs. That's all I'll say. And she got the job, it can happen. Now I need some water
before I pass out, hold on. I always used to get in
trouble for talking too much and elementary school would
have to write 100 lines on the chalkboard and I still do it, okay? Okay, Nancy says, well maintained
Silver hair is gorgeous. Totally couldn't agree more. Debbie, hi Debbie, so nice to see you. Debbie started her
journey in October, 2018 and she could not possibly
love her Silver hairs more. You, if you're a member
of Silver Revolution, which is the Facebook group I admin, you've got to go in there
and see Debbie's pictures. She has fantastic hair. Now I'm just going to take
a second to drink this water 'cause I'm feeling lightheaded, hold on. Too much talking and not enough breathing. If I passed out during
my first YouTube live, that would be something to
definitely write home about. Okay, Debbie also says,
commitment and confidence. Fake it till you make it. That's true and definitely helps. Just have to make yourself feel
confident even if you don't. Thank you. I think that was about my anniversary and I really appreciate it. Okay, one more drink of water
and some breathing, hold on. I don't know why I feel so lightheaded, but yeah, that would be embarrassing. Okay, Cecilia, she just decided
to stop dyeing a month ago and her fear is that she'll
look older and tired. Cecilia, I'm so glad you're
being honest about it. A lot of us have that fear. I've told my audience and that was the number
one fear that everybody has and there's nothing to be ashamed about. We all have that. The one thing that would
help with that I think is first of all, we all have to be honest, we all are getting older. And right now at 56, I am definitely older than I was when I started my journey at 50. And I am happy to be getting older. Obviously it's better
than the alternative, but if I'm being completely honest, I do worry about looking older. My face is falling down. I've got these jowls, starting wrinkles, frown lines, the whole shebang. And to be honest, the last thing that bothers me is my gray hair. Because one thing that nobody tells you, and if you had parents or family
members who dyed their hair and made you feel like you had no choice but to do it, when you go gray or when you get older, I
mean is nobody tells you how flattering gray hair
is on your complexion. These other things on my
face that are happening, I definitely feel like
they do make me older or look older, and that's
a whole other story. But the gray hair, I
don't feel like it does. And a lot of women tell me
this is the case for them too. First of all, it's healthier,
it's thicker, it's shinier. For a lot of us, we
find that it's smoother. The shininess, I think
75% of women in my survey felt like their hair was
shinier once they went gray. And the shininess and the color definitely do wonders for your complexion. To me, the things that you need to do to keep from looking older are having a good haircut, having style. You know a lot of people that we saw with gray hair when we were kids, and no offense to them at
all because I love them, but our grandmas and our great grandmas, they still tended to wear
those kind of frumpy hairstyles from the 50s that aren't so flattering. I'm talking about the short. It's not, the short is not
the problem, it's the style. It was those tight curls that
were too close to the face. That is not a flattering
look on most people. And when I pulled my Silver Sisters about what they meant when they said they were afraid of going
gray, it wasn't really, of course getting older
was the number one fear. But when I dug down to ask them, "What do you mean by old?" It turns out that by old they didn't really mean a certain age. There was no specific age that they meant when they said old, what they meant was frumpy,
dowdy, not looking my best. That is what they mean by old. And the good news is a color, the color of your hair
doesn't really affect how people perceive your age. Okay, for some people it does. But what I'm saying is if
you want to look your best and not feel like you
look old with gray hair, get a good haircut. Take care of your skin. Make sure that your haircut
flatters your face shape. My hair is way overgrown right now. I need to go get it trimmed. But got a few YouTube videos I want to do about long hair first. But one thing that will help
is getting a face layering cut or any kind of cut that fatter or flatters your specific face shape. Wear cool clothes that
look good on you, that fit. I don't care what size
you are, but fit matters. You know, if you could
be a 90 pound person or a 400 pound person, but if your clothes
hang incorrectly on you, it is not flattering. So if that bothers you, and if you want, if you care
about how you look, style clothing cut, clothing colors and just feeling good about how you look when
you got in the world, all those things will help you not feel old with your gray hair. Now let's see what other
comments we've got here. Okay, (chuckles) I like what The Wonderful
World of Frank says, Don't worry about your looks, worry about how polite and
kind you are out in public. That is a great point. So many of us worry so
much about our looks, but how are we treating people? That's also important, okay. I love this point, if you go gray earlier, you'll look the same
10 years down the line because you're somewhat frozen in time. I can see that. And you know what a lot
of us didn't know is that, you can also look younger. When I look at my pictures
of myself in my forties, my gray or my dyed hair was so dark, I have to admit when I look at it now, no matter how much money I
spent on my hair at the salon, I also did box dyes as well. But it, when I look back on
the pictures now I can see that that dark dye was way too dark
for my skin in my forties. Maybe there's some people who look better with dark dyed hair in their forties. But for me it definitely
did not suit me at all. And when I look at pictures
of me at 46 versus 56, I looked better at 56 with my gray hair than I did at 46 with my dyed hair. Hopefully a lot of you feel the same. Okay, so no more comments at the moment. So in terms of specific pitfalls that you might have to deal with when you're going gray with
certain transition methods, okay, the pixie cut. Some people have a wobble when they go gray with the pixie cut and they lose confidence because unless they like
themselves with short hair, sometimes they tell me the
short hair did not suit them. They feel like they made a mistake. So if you want to maintain
your confidence with short hair when you don't feel
comfortable with short hair, there are a few things you can do. Obviously you can get a wig. A lot of women do that. I know it sounds some people
don't like the idea of a wig because they're afraid it
can be hot or uncomfortable. But a wig is a great way to hide your hair while it's growing out if you do not like yourself in short hair. The other thing you can do is find out good ways to grow out your pixie. I know that a lot of women feel like growing out the pixie is, it is not comfortable for them. They don't like the way it
looks while it's growing out. But there are a million women
online on Facebook and YouTube and Instagram who can give you some tips on how to grow up the pixie and feel good while you're doing it. You know, use cute barrettes,
use certain styles, use certain products and you
can feel better about yourself if you're having trouble
going gray from a pixie. The Cold Turkey method is the
number one method that seems to give women a hard time
while they're going gray because it is difficult
to go out into the world with your hair multicolored
like I mentioned earlier. So some of the ways you can deal with that if you're having a bad hair day while you're growing out the gray is, you can use a headband,
you can use scarfs, you can use hats, you can do
a million different things to help disguise your demarcation line if you are not happy with it. You can also use temporary
colors like Manic Panic or what's the other one called? Shrine drops to cover up your brassy ends if they're bothering you. You could also cover your Silver
if you want to with those. As far as I understand it, they are not. They are not, what do you call it? They're not damaging to your gray hair. Hold on one second. Just going to take care
of a couple trolls here. Okay, so the other thing you can do if you are having a wobble while you're Going Gray Cold Turkey is to put your hair, if your hair's grown out enough where you just have your roots showing, you can pull your hair
back into a ponytail and you can use a ponytail extension or a messy hair bun extension that you can get from Amazon. You can use any of those things to disguise your transitioning
hair if it's bothering you. Okay, let's see. So those are all my tips for going, keeping up your confidence
during the transition. Okay, one second. Now the other thing that
is difficult is to go gray. A lot of women do have a
problems with their confidence during or after they went gray because let's say they finally
made it to the finish line and they all are done with our gray hair. A lot of us find that
we like our gray hair, we're happy with it. But not all of you feel that way. Some of you feel like, "Oh, I went through all that
and this was a mistake." I have a video and a blog post all about how to take care of your
gray hair if you hate it if for some reason you
can't go back to the dye. 'Cause like I said, if you really aren't
happy with your gray hair, there is no shame in
going back to the dye. But not everybody can go back to the dye. Some people have no choice but to go gray for
various medical reasons, for allergy reasons,
for a number of reasons. So if you have no choice
but to keep your gray hair but you don't like it,
there are things you can do. For example, if you don't
have any dye allergies, you could go to, if you're not happy with your shade of gray hair,
you could go to the salon and you could have some various treatments like low lighting or highlighting, or what do you call it, toning, where they can make your gray
hair a color that you prefer. That only works if you're
not allergic to the dye and if you're not sick of using chemicals. The other thing you can do is buy flattering clothing colors, especially tops that can
showcase your gray hair. So whatever's next to your
face, scarves and jewelry and shirts and sweaters and jackets. If you get them in bold colors that look good with your gray hair, you're going to feel better about your shade of gray
hair when you got in public. And like I said earlier, having
good haircut really helps and maintaining your gray hair
using the corrected products, using the tools so you
don't damage your gray hair. For example, yellowing can be
a big problem with gray hair. I have some heat damage
on the bottom of mine. I don't know if you can see it, but if you can compare it
to my roots, it's very warm. I know that's because I was
using a tool that was too hot when I first started
growing up my gray hair. So use tools that are
recommended for gray hair. For example, the Dyson Airwrap. You can set it on low,
you can set it on no heat. And there are various methods you can use to maintain your gray hair with hot tools. I've got videos about that, I won't talk about them
all today right now. Make sure you use a thermal protectant, make sure you wear a hat
when you got in the sun. And there's also SPF sprays if you don't like to wear a hat. So all of these things can help keep your gray hair from yellowing and you'll feel better
about your gray hair when you go out in public like that. The other thing you can do if your hair is damaged and yellowed is you can use purple shampoo once a week to reduce the yellowing
tones in your hair. It will not remove the yellow, nothing will remove the yellowing that comes from the sun
or from heat damage. But you can mask it
with the purple shampoo. Just try not to use it
more than once a week because it can be very drying. Now those are my tips for
making your hair look good. And you can use it's best
to try to use shampoos that are Sulfate free and Paraben free. And there's a whole lot of info on that on my friend Jolie's
blog, quicksilverhair.com. And also on my blog katiegoesplatinum.com. We've got a lot of gray
hair tips for you there. Now let's see what some comments are that are coming in, one second. James, this channel is
mainly directed at women because that's what I know, but you're welcome to
still watch, I'd be happy. And also because let's face it, women get a lot more pushback from society and from their friends about going gray. So that's why I've directed almost all of my content to women. But you're more than welcome to join us. Okay, Katrina, I'm not really sure how to answer your question, but I am sure that you're safe to go gray. I've never heard anything
negative that way. Okay, let's see what Proverbs has to say. Toppers and colored hairspray
worked great for her. And that's, those are great points. So while you're going gray, if you're not happy with your end showing or your root showing, use
a topper that is like a, it's not really wig, it only
covers part of your hair, but it can help you hide anything that you don't want to show. And whenever her hair grew out one inch, she would cut one inch of length so her hair remained shoulder length. Those were all great tips. And one thing that never occurred to me while I was going gray, but
I tell women to do it now 'cause I wish I'd thought of it is, if you're really unhappy with your ends, but you still want to grow out
your gray hair Cold Turkey, and you don't want to cut it short, you can always dye your ends with either permanent
hair dye in the color that you were dyeing it before. Or you can use fun
colors like blue, green, purple, whatever you like. The sky's the limit on those ends just to hide the brassiness that happens to brunette hair when it's growing up. Okay, let's see if we've
got any other comments. One moment. Okay, so. Okay, I think that's
it for comments today. So let's see if I've got any
more tips for you before we go. Okay, that's it for now. So I hope you had a great time. I hope you got some comments or some points that would help you feel good about going gray before, during, and after your transition. And just remember the
main tip I have for you is if you can remember why you chose to go gray in the first place, you can keep up your
confidence the whole time. Thank you so much. And sorry I'm coughing. Thank you so much for being here today and I will do more of these in the future. If you're interested,
just let me know, email me or leave me comments on YouTube channel telling me what you would like to see. Thank you so much and take care.