Tips for new managers - 5 crucial tips on leadership for first time managers

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you just got promoted you are new in your manager role congratulations especially at the beginning in you a new position you surely don't want to make any unnecessary mistakes right you want to become a good manager in this video I'll give you my five best tips on leadership as a new manager or supervisor stay tuned if you want to learn more about leadership and career do subscribe to my channel by clicking on the bell you will then be notified automatically about new videos uploaded yesterday you were an administrative worker and today you are a team leader or a group leader that's great but now you think what do you have to do to be accepted and respected in your new role by your team members as well as by your boss right from the start what's important especially during the first weeks what makes the difference what do you need to keep in mind I was managing director at a large corporation for a number of years as well as CEO of my own startup company I ended up leading about 350 employees worldwide and I made my mistakes during that time but over the years I've learned what really matters as a manager and how leadership actually works here are my five tips for you as a newly appointed manager first know your boss's expectations of you how good you are in your job and whether or not you perform well that's something not you or your team members assess but only your boss therefore make sure to understand precisely what is expected of you in your new role only if you truly know the expectations you will be able to adopt and live up to them for that reason ask your manager to meet with you ask him what is important to him and how can you help him what does your boss think what your priorities should be in the coming weeks what should you keep in mind while working together and what kind of communication does he want get to know your boss how he thinks how he works which decisions can you make on your own and on which one's does he want to be involved and how does he want to be involved my new team leader is driving me crazy he sends me a copy of almost all his emails all these emails as my inbox isn't overflowing already what the hell do I need all this information for know exactly once your boss to be kept in the loop does he just want a short email once a week or does he want to be informed about everyone and everything at all times and maybe even expects a detailed report every other day perhaps even including a five pages excel sheet every day try to find out and to make it clear again it's not you who decide whether you're doing a great job or not it's your boss and his assessment is based on whether or not you meet his expectations sorry but that's how it works number two don't rely only on facts data and figures alone well mr. Miller as you know I'm your new boss now and I'm looking forward to work together with you but enough chatting let's get right to the point facts as what is most important to me facts facts facts so could you please show me this year and last year's numbers the budget target actual and you know all the good stuff take your time for a conversation with your employees and colleagues it's not just about asking for reports and numbers and data and facts really it's about people it's about understanding the people that work in your organization what drives them why are they doing what they do listen to their earlier successes and difficulties keep asking so you can truly understand thank most importantly don't judge or evaluate at least not during the first days during the first weeks you try to get a glimpse get a picture how the organization takes and how it functions when are the decisions made how by whom and why try to get a feel for it how people in departments or teams really work is nothing you can see in spreadsheets and organizational charts but you rather need to know or get a feeling for unwritten rules and hidden agendas only then you can avoid dropping a brick accidentially number three avoid action ISM the first four to six weeks as a new leader or your orientation phase what matters during this time is for you to understand to understand your environment your team members and colleagues and to find your role at this point you shouldn't make any changes even if your employees would like you to change things up because in the beginning you are not familiar with hidden and unwritten rules and you don't know the customs in the organization you can't see the full extent of the existing power relations yet but you need this information you need this information to make a good assessment some rules and principles that may seem pointless to you in the beginning but start to make sense since you understand how and why they actually came into place try first to comprehend and understand only make far-reaching decisions if you can really assess what impact they will have number four don't speak badly about your predecessor well ladies and gentlemen as you know from today on I'm your new head of department and I had a good look at everything here in this company and to be very honest I'm not surprised that we are not market leader there's a lot that needs to be changed the way that you as a team performed in the past years was to put it mildly not ideal your work leaves a lot to be desired there's much room for improvement don't do that be appreciative towards the organization's past and towards the employees towards the team members and the colleagues and their earlier successes even if it wasn't all that good and even if you already know that some things need to change hold back hold back on your assessment what my predecessor has left me with here it's nothing short of an absolute mess it seems like apart from going on business trips he hasn't thought much at all and did I mention don't speak negative about your predecessor not in your introductory speech and not later number five don't aim to be popular as a leader you are not longer just one of many in the team you are the team leader now you are the boss not a body from work anymore you have to reconsider your previous communications and behavior and most likely make adjustments in one domain or another to adapt your new role the real issues that leader or manager has to deal with are almost never specialists or technical subjects but it's the interpersonal relationships exactly and that is why I also engage with my employees in activity two years apart from work as well we are like a big family and friends with most of my colleagues with my employees I help them I help my employees wherever I can I I'm here for them you know it's it's so important to me that my team members appreciate and like me uh-huh I see but be careful as a leader you need to find the right balance the right balance between closeness and distance to your employees of course it's a great feeling to know that you are liked by your team members but it's not the goal of successful leadership to be popular what's paramount is that you are respected and not because of your position but because of your behavior being a leader is about establishing trust you don't need to be or to try to become best friends with your employees your goal should be to become trustworthy and to be fair and honest in everything you do if you enjoyed watching my video please let me know by giving me a like or thump up here on YouTube thank you very much and see you next time
Channel: Bernd Geropp
Views: 163,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tips for new managers, new manager, new manager tips, first day at new job as a manager, what to do on your first day as a new manager, top tips for new supervisors, how to be a new manager, how to be a good new manager, how to be a good manager in a new job, how to be a new leader, new in the manager role, first time manager tips
Id: _wlwpSXVfp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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