TIOS - IO system (control GPIO without writing code)

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hello I finally found time to finish this project or this idea I had for a long time it took me many hours to program this and it was quite challenging but somehow it it works now so I present to you the display input output system or Dios the name bios was taken so this is what is this let me explain this way sometimes I just need a simple pulse width modulation signal to control DC motor or I need a square signal or I need to turn on or off something sometimes I just need a simple and fast way to control some modular some part but very often my laptop is not near me or sometimes I'm too lazy to write code ideas to program GP iOS directly on the development board using this menu interface for example you can see now this pin is pin one is declared as output green is output and it is connected to timer so this led is blinking pin 43 is declared like input state is one now state is 0 and the screen LED is connected to pin 11 which is sorry which is not 43. I will explain that later the well pen board is really go t display S3 and I decided to use it because many of you already own this board I could use new newer sorry I could use this the display S3 AMOLED which is nicer board but of course it is more expensive but I decided to use cheaper T display S3 because I hope many of you will try this and own t display S3 you can find buying links in description so feel free to check them out I will show show you how this works but first I need to mention my sponsor sponsor of this video is PCB way and if you are maker or you love Electronics PCB way can offer a lot do you on their site you can order your PCB you can print your 3D model they offer CNC Machining and service and more you can find Link in description PCB way was and it is still a good companion in my on my Learning Journey so this is the display S3 esp32 based board made by lilygo and I I already made many projects using that board you can find them on my channel I also have tutorial which can help you to set up and use this board with Arduino IDE the display S3 has this header pins under this beautiful display and on the Lily go site we can find pinout image but let's take a look at my project we can also see those pins so we have ground pins VCC pins and we have also these and see or not connected pins to be honest I don't know why they are even here pins available to us are 43 44 80 17 21 16 1 2 3 10 11 12 13. I can declare any of these pins as input for example pin 33 is input you can see how state is changed like switch blue is switch for example pin push button to is declare like switch this led is controlled by switch and you can see that when it's when a pin is declared a switch it will remain state like on off switch of course it can be declared like output these are output pins it can be declared like analog read for example pin 17 is connected to this potentiometer and I can change value with potentiometer and in in the same time I'm changing on time of this timer and it can be declared like pull Suite modulate signal which can also have a fixed value like in this case or can be connected to analog value I can also use these two built-in push buttons in default left button is declared like we can see orange so it is input and write this switch but if I press both of them I can enter this menu and I can redeclare or use some other pins so for example if I don't want to use spin 18 anymore right if I want to use it as output I can go set pin I will set pin 80. and let's use it as pull Suite modulation let's choose that for a blinking LEDs or for generating Square signals I have two timers T1 and T2 and I can set on or off time for each timer for example I can also also use analog read pin or I can use fixed value so set timer let's say set T2 on sorry set timer set the two on time 250 and multiplier will be 200. I will show you how to operate this in details first some of you will probably say that this is useless or some of you will say that this is great and some of you will love to play with this but I think this project is unique it can also be used to teach kids some Basics about input outputs they can blink LEDs um if writing code is hard to them tell me what you think in comments is this creative is this useful or is this waste of my time because I I spend it so many hours making this and solving all the problems was not easy I couldn't sleep sometimes if you plan to use this if this is useful please write a comment Please Subscribe if you are first time here and if you want you can always buy me coffee to support my work every donation helps a lot too keep this channel alive yes I forgot to say what is great if you accidentally power off your board remember these settings if you accidentally power off your board when you power on again pin definition and settings are still the same why because I made it that way so every time you change pin definition it will store all the pins in eprom so this is some kind of auto save function for example if I reset all now all pins are not used and I will set pin 43s input pin 43 is connected to this push button I will power off power on and it is saved and I also forgot to mention if you take a look on a pin out image on their site you can see that we can use all these pins as input output pull Suite modulation analog that there is only one exception pin 43 44 and 21. they can't be used as analog inputs they are not connected to an electroditable converters so keep that in mind okay let's see what we can do so for example Pintor I want pin 2 to make output pin so I will enter to menu I will select pin two and I will set it to Output source for output I can set it high I can set it low I can set it to be timer not timer timer timer 2 Notch timer to push button one not push button one or 43 here is only pin 43 because there is only one input pin or switch pin which is 43. so my advice is first set all all inputs and then you can set outputs I will make it blink so pin T1 is now a pin 2 is now connect connected to timer one and they have same state let's say I want to pin 3 to have [Music] um as output and I will say that it is um push button one so push button one have state 1 because it is input pull up so when it when this push button is not preset state is one when I pressed state is zero and you can see here that state is 0 when I press OK let's add 16 will be analog pin it is already connected to my potentiometer so I can oh no it is not it is some I think pin 70s or connected to my one one two three four five six one two three four five six pin 70 is connected to potentiometer we'll set this analog and yes and now for example I can pin one is connected to this LED so I will set it to pull switch modulation but I will as Source I will choose pin 70. so now I connected this output with this input and basically I can dim this led using this potentiometer in menu there are also I can reset all or I can change brightness of this display at that and that that that's it that's it for now I'm planning to improve this project to add new feature please feel free to give me advice and please tell me what you think code is in description and don't forget to try this cool project I don't know to me this is cool and unique I hope you like this thank you and we will I will make probably few videos about this project so stay tuned subscribe and stay creative goodbye
Channel: Volos Projects
Views: 16,518
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Id: WpQhz7eMbVE
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Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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