Cash is 100% LEGO in Minecraft!

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all right I think our build is finished we did really well on this okay and mine is done so I'm probably going to win this you think you're going to beat us judge take down the Walls all right walls are being removed wow bam ours is so cool ours is way better look at that Enderman look how much detail there is it's got a block I love ours okay let me take a closer look at both of these H we got a chicken built by Leah and an Enderman built by Cash's team you know I like both of these they look very accurate but the Enderman does have more detail so I'm going to have to give this to Cash's team let's go let's go hey there you guys go take that oh let's go we are the best builders in the world no no she mad you guys cheated you guys definitely cheated how would we cheat are you serious you have like five people and I have one yeah well you could have gotten teammates if you wanted to that was your decision I don't need teammates I'm clearly better than you all well is that why we're the champions of building in square City O whatever you guys are going to pay for this just wait what is that supposed to mean hey wait Leo look I got the crown on keep one eye open tonight what oh gosh okay well let's just forget about her guys okay yeah that lady is crazy anyways congrats on winning I'm going to go back to my wife and kids now okay bye judge thank you for judging our competition anyways let's just forget about her and let's move on okay some people are just very sour in life that's what I'm saying she kind of scared me don't be scared of her Mia she can't do anything anyways we have the crown not her so that means she can't compete in any more building competitions you know why they call me King why is that cuz I be digging right there yeah no okay what is it yo what was that hey hey what in the world who's throwing stuff at us yo Enderman you got to chill dog that's a statue yo I think our build's coming to life I'm getting out of here yo yo get me out of here I'm going home oh my gosh get out of here run I'm getting hit with random stuff it's raining glass bottles from the sky that's not safe everyone get inside I knew this would happen one day get inside well that was super weird and why is my crown floating above me what in the world is this oh jeez this Crown is starting to hurt my head I'm taking this this thing off oh jeez I'm just going to pass out right here good night holy smokes what wait what in the world just happened I go to sleep for 5 seconds and my entire Vision just ch guys guys what in the world is going on holy smokes does anyone else see this I feel like I'm in a Lego world right now am I going crazy Nico yo Nico I need you to get out I think I'm starting to go crazy you need to take me somewhere it's a beautiful day today ni I think you need to take me to the hospital I'm seeing stuff what do you mean look the entire world world looks like it's made out of Lego bricks I don't know if that's just me wait I thought that was just me what you're seeing it too I'm seeing that stuff too wait so these stairs have like circles on them for you too yeah I thought it was because of the raw Salina at earlier now we got to check on our friends hey Shady Shady are you seeing all this stuff around us look at the floor yeah I'm seeing this bro why is there Lego bricks everywhere oh no your house has been Lego tied Shady no well I mean it looks pretty sick oh gosh we got to check on the girls what if the girls are turned into Lego pieces w oh so many different shapes Zoe this is entertaining you yeah listen to all the sound this all looks crazy to me it all looks wait what if I pick this thing up oh I got a piece of dirt wow why can't I see noral M that's what I was freaking out about wait so if we can all see it that means it's not just me huh I don't like this neither do I how did this even happen What did we all do to get us into this I think it was the potion from yesterday no the Enderman the Enderman splashed us with a Lego potion yeah hey mad really need excuse me oh you again I told you you guys would pay for this what was all of this Lego stuff you're doing listen you beat me in your dimension but you can't beat me in mine we don't want to beat you again Mrs lady okay we have no interest in doing any competitions with you anymore yeah and what dimension wait are we not in our normal world is this not real Square City yo Shady's got a bomb is she from the Lego Dimension you are not from the Lego Dimension you're from the same world as us sure believe what you want if you beat me in another build competition I here then I'll turn you back to normal no we're not doing another build competition you can't just force us to do something like that and I demand you to bring us back hang on I'm hacking into the main frame Shady what are you doing that's not going to work it's not working she splashes with a potion you can't just hack it back to the whole CST grit has been shut off oh my goodness fine if you guys don't want to build battle me again then I'm just going to take your blue friends body parts yo our blue friend hey yo what no don't do that what do you mean by that well this is a Lego dimension give me your head stay away from him wo put me down it's going to happen what did you do hey give those back's body give those back guys where's my body Leah you better drop that stuff hey where you going oh she's running where you going I'm out of here if you want to battle me let me know no we got to Yo Nico are you good what are we going to do no no no get it off your head get off Shady get off of him uh can you not move or anything uh no ni you're literally just a skull someone pick me up I got you don't worry this is bad this is weird what do I do I don't know we got to somehow get your body parts back I can't live my whole life at just ahead in wait I can feel my legs wait what try to walk I'm walking but it's not near me oh jeez wait so that means your body parts are still controllable they're just somewhere around here yeah I think so oh gosh well we got to find him someone take him I'll pick him up I'm not picking his head up I'm not taking him yo Shady what's happened to him where what just happened to you what do you mean N I think the potion effects are starting to get to him Shady disc combobulated oh what is this bro I don't know but we got no time for this we got to find Nico's body parts come on oh guys let's look around Square City I bet you Leah sold it off to some random people probably to make some weird type of money yeah some probably Lego money or something oo Lego money Monopoly money no it sounds bad okay Nico you said you felt sand on your chest yeah I feel a bunch of particles all over well then that means you're probably at the beach somewhere right um I mean maybe this is the only place I could think of with a bunch of sand your chest has got to be around here yeah but I don't see anything I am feeling the seab breeze though so that means we're close we need to get to digging excuse me sir have you seen a torso around here anywhere something that's blue wait what what's in his hand oh that's his torso hey we need that thing back that's his well you're going to have to buy it from me what no way that's ours no no no no it's mine no it's not you can't just take someone's body part I won't give it to you unless you buy it what Hey sir I kind of need that to function as a human sir yeah he needs that so he can walk around and stuff oh well it'll be a large price of a million diamonds we are not paying you a million diamonds I could bargain though just for you just for you today I can make a 10,000 diamonds what how about five diamonds I'll do 5,000 I'm not doing Nico do you even have 5,000 diamonds 5,000 for my body are you serious what about 10 diamonds lowest I'm going 4,000 the lowest you're going is 4,000 how about 15 diamonds I'll do 3500 I thought the lowest you were going was 4,000 M I'll do 3250 all right how about 20 diamonds how about 2k we're oh my goodness how about 30 how about 1,900 50 you're not good at this 1,500 100 diamonds M 101 Lo I'm going okay fine we'll give you 101 diamonds Nico do you have that on you right now wait yo are you good I think it's in his mouth please don't tell me you're going to B ni are you good e well here I got you 101 diamonds just take two stacks okay here's your buddy's torso thank you finally Nico we got your body back let's go well it's only really your chest though we don't really have your legs or arms yet all right let me let me try and uh put it on you take it up oh there we go wo did that actually work yo can you move uh Nico can you walk around yet wait give me a second okay here oh he's moving he's moving he can kind of move he looks like a skardy toilet it's very slow though we might still need to pick him up to be honest all right guys let's go home now I think I'm good well do you have any ideas where your legs would have ran off to cuz we don't really know anymore can you feel them yo if I were Nico's legs where would I walk to first I'm kicking a rock right now what you're kicking a rock a rock yeah I don't know did it hurt your toe ow my toe oh jeez I knew it Nico's probably in the mines or something getting diamonds I'll let those sun right you guys want to go check over there we might as well let's do it why do I fill a piece of toast what is that the toast Miner oh no my f to the mines let's go guys we got to find Nico's legs in here yo someone pick him up he can't move on his own I am not picking him up got him he's squirming Zoe you're in charge of holding him okay okay wo wo wo what is going on in here all the ores look all messed up Miner Miner you got n's legs give him those legs give them back get back here listen Miner we need those why you running why not cookie cookie okay we'll give you a cookie if you give us the leg first we need it now cookie Miner we ni talk to him hello Miner Miner stop doing that to my legs I can feel that oh my goodness stop messing around with those those are important you know tick tickle no Min I need my legs so walk Nico is that ticklish to you wait tickle tick oh my gosh oh my gosh okay well the miner doesn't want to give us the legs back unless we give him a cookie so uh Zoe you got that oh yeah I've got it just give me a second okay yo is she building an entire kitchen area she brought a stove the legs are walking themselves yo hey catch those legs catch them get oh my gosh okay I got the cookie I got the cookie get him back Shady can you grab those legs oh my gosh get over here legs just chase after room Zoe have you finished making the cookie yet yeah I've got it okay good we'll give it to the miner so he's okay with giving us the leg now okay but someone has to grab Nico oh sorry Nico we got you I don't know my legs taking control of itself Shady did you capture the legs yet um I only got one of them what the other one swam away like a fish oh no well Nico put it on all right one second wao wait can you walk now H try and walk oh he's hopping he walks yo let's go he's wobbling all right Miner since you didn't want want to give us the legs the cookie is a no deal I'm sorry it's mine bye Miner sorry I'm self-sufficient now guys I don't need you guys to carry me well Nico we need to find your other leg though your left leg is still missing what do you mean I can live like this no you can't look I walk perfectly fine NCO how are you going to ride a bicycle oh you're right we need to find your other leg and we still need to get your arms too dude I don't need my arms I could be like a creeper no okay we're not doing that wait Nico I think your left leg's taller than your right you're a few inches tall what let's go oh yeah he's taller than me how is he taller than us right now all right you know what never mind I don't want my other leg are you serious right now hey what is the miner doing Miner got a car you got a car hey can we use that thing please why not uh fine Zoe give him the cookie we need it to get around please there you have the cookie go ahead eat it what are you doing you said you would give it to us Miner what are you doing oh you scammer a man we just got scammed bro oh green and we still lost Nico's leg do you have any idea where it could be do you feel anything weird let me just what are you doing oh gosh it's being mangled around it's being mled around what does that mean I don't know it's being taken oh gosh his leg is getting kidnapped we got to go tell the police about this yo nio I got you don't worry bro oh gosh I need my leg back wait I forgot you can walk you can just come with us oh you're right let's go well I kind of like when K me I'm not going to lie yeah well I'm not doing that I don't want to walk it's a hard walk with one leg let's go police we would like to report a crime one of our friends legs has been stolen look at him look talking about this leg he only wait what wait that leg how do you have it oh found it walking around the street so you were mangling it so you stole it well obviously it was trying to kick me oh well anyways we need it back because uh Nico can't really walk with just one leg um well give me a reason why I should give it back to you uh because it's literally his body part and he deserves it that's what I'm saying I think this leg needs to be sentenced to jail time what why probably upwards of 5 minutes hey you better not take that thing downstairs nope I'm going downstairs and it's going to to jail hey you can't just do that sir excuse me how are you going to do that to my leg legs can't even go to jail that doesn't make any sense I can do whatever I want oh my goodness he's actually taking it down there sir please can we talk about this nope it's going to jail a jeez well fine we'll just wait here until the sentence is over yeah okay that's fair all right I'm going to put this leg in here now hey cut it out dude oh come on are you serious right now you guys can feel free to wait here for 5 minutes wait 5 minutes that's how long the sentence is hey hey let's go ni what are you doing I got it put it on put it on oh gosh oh no you're a weird looking dude yes he's got his legs back run let's go run no jail time yo Nico you know that there was actually like a felony but it doesn't matter uh what does that mean it means that we could go to jail for breaking out some prisoner but it's okay well he can't imprison my leg that's messed up yeah that's true but Nico you know you're still missing two parts of your body yeah and I feel taller for some reason are you sure yeah you are taller somehow where are your arms at I don't know wait let me feel it are you feeling anything with your fingers I think I'm grabbing something right now Shady how'd you get that car w we need to follow Shady go follow him follow Shady Shady how' you get this thing dude and why you driving away I stole it from The Miner well you realize we still got to focus up Nico's still missing his arms dude wait guys nah man I'm doing donuts in the parking lot bro this is fun what is it Nico hey it feels like I'm holding hands with the girl what wait what it's the first time Mia Zoe are yall holding his hands no we're not nah Nico actually got a girlfriend who's holding my head right now I don't know maybe your arm went off and it Found Love without you oh wow maybe well which girl does it seem like I know there's like a million I don't know oh jeez well we could just go around Square saing asking every girl if they've seen an arm oh good point that's a good point let's go let's go Juliet usually likes to find random stuff around the place so we can ask her first yeah she's pretty weird Hey Juliet have you seen Nico's arm anywhere around here by any chance oh how to cash how to be how to Zoe how to ni did you hear the question question I asked you no I was saying my hell yeah I get it anyways Nico's arm is it on you I know it's in your back pocket or something Nico's arm what are you oh he doesn't have arms right now how did you not notice that yeah that's what I'm saying we're missing them and we're wondering if you saw them well have you check the lost and found do you have a lost and found no I usually take the stuff from it what it's not there okay well if it's not there then where else would it be H there's no way they could just walk off on their own well usually when I lose stuff I ask Clyde and then he finds it for me are you sure Clyde is that good at finding stuff Clyde is the best that's why I'm marrying him well I guess we're going to test that theory cuz we're going to ask Clyde if he's seen it oh Tas said hello yeah I will I will let's go come on to the movie theater let's go there's no way Clyde would just automatically know exactly where the arm is he has no idea uh he might know I don't know hey man what's going on hey Clyde we're just looking for Nico's arms right now and Juliet said you'd know where they are but I'd understand if you have no idea because it's kind of confusing oh yeah man that one girl Leah man she had it she was over there by that bill competition thing wait what how did you know that hey bro you got to go get your arms back bro okay I'm going I'm going oh he's already running it looks like Clyde really does know where everything is that's so weird thank you Clyde Juliet said hi by the way oh man I'm going to go over there and give her a smooch okay I don't think I want to see that get me out of here Nico find Leah go I'm rning okay well we're at the build competition Center but I don't think Leah's around here anywhere yeah I don't see anyone and where's Shady too wait a minute yeah you're the one taking Nico's body parts my arms give those back yeah we need them back now hey guys you like my new arms no we don't like them CU those are Nikos yeah no he's not getting these you like your arms they're mine now you see you can't have them you've had them for a long enough okay no I gave you guys one choice to battle me again or you don't get these oh my goodness and even if you're a girl I don't want to hold your hands nah you just got told Nico she's holding your hands we're holding hands see our hands are holding he does not give you permission to hold his hands she's crazy okay fine you know what listen we'll do a build competition with you as long as you promise to give Nico's arms back fine that's the deal but you have to beat me to get them no here's my proposition how about we do the competition and you give us the arms once we're done fine but if you beat me then you get to go home back to your dimension okay fine deal if not you're here forever yeah whatever put the walls up let's get to building already all right time for the walls okay well it looks like the wall was put up so what are we going to build guys we got to make something that's better than hers yeah it's got to be perfect zo you're going to cute stuff what should we make um a cat what no Nico you got any ideas EO what are you doing I'm just here for emotional support oh yeah that's right you can't really build oh ye yikes well do you know who would have a good idea who Shady he knows exactly what to build all the time Shady where you at are you on some weird vehicle that I don't know about or something a car yeah do the spell I don't know if that's going to help anything I just heard a bunch of rubble crash though Shady is arriving oh gosh where is it coming from Shady what is that thing what it's a little go-kart how did I know you were going to be on some vehicle Hey listen we need you to build something that's going to beat this girl in a competition who Leah yeah okay well I know just the thing she said she'll give Nico's arms back if we beat her okay one second let me get some blocks okay here I'll try and go take a peek at what she's doing I got to check this yo did she just build a bee what in the world I'm killing this oh my goodness okay well we got a tough competition to beat guys I think we could do it though Shady you know what you're doing right oh yeah I definitely know what I'm doing okay this is going to look really good by the way Guys 1 minute left what only a minute oh jeez well you know Nico can't really build with his arms do you think you could give it to us early real quick fine 2 minutes but that's it okay fine give us the arms no no arms just 2 minutes left oh my goodness yo Shady are we building a pile of poop right now wait what possibly no what is this oh no we don't have enough time to remove this oh gosh we're just going to have to stick with it bro said possibly hang on I got the finishing touches oh oh gosh what is the finishing touches going to be hang on let me cook okay we should not have let Shady cook yeah don't let him cook yeah this is going to make us lose yo is that an eyeball whose eye is that why does the pile of poop Have Eyes H is it alive or something hang on guys let me cook n oh we should not have let him cook no he's placing another one there we go what is that this looks awful is this supposed to be a poop emoji yep there's a little smiley face are you serious right now okay well we don't really have time to build anything else so we're going to have to stick with this perfect all right guys it looks like time's up okay well are you going to take the walls down I guess just give me a moment jeez okay okay Shady where are you going he's leaving I guess he is the walls are now down okay well it looks like we got a pile of poop and a bee so Leah who do you think wins this uh isn't it obvious yeah that ours wins of course it's obvious now give us the arms oh yours is disgusting anyways you made a deal that if we we participated you give us the what' you do Shady what happened Shady oh gosh wait look what survived though the poop is still alive Leo we need those arms back now you know what take them I'm done dealing with you guys you guys are weird and wait you still got to take us back to our Dimension don't forget yeah no I'm not doing that figure it out yourselves what hey no you said you you have to I have plans goodbye what in the world she's so weird yeah I know why does she want to build fight us all the time I think she doesn't like being humbled at least Nico's back to normal yay but anyways I know exactly who can take us back to our regular Dimension who follow me Clyde's movie theater he usually knows exactly where to take us yes hey Clyde you got any idea how to take us back to our regular Dimension yeah man I got you just follow me wait really wait what yeah how does he know exactly where to go where are we going just in here what what is that just go on in man what when did you have this oh well I guess we're all going in let's go yay finally everything's back to normal I don't want to see Legos ever again me neither yeah me either wait a second I think we're missing someone Shady oh gosh Shady he's stuck in the Lego Dimension oh we forgot go back to cide S if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: Cash
Views: 1,289,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Cash is 100% LEGO in Minecraft!
Id: RXZTe4Zclic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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