Save HEATHER or CRYSTAL in Minecraft!

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you two have to be it because you have to become friends with each other I don't like how Crystal doesn't like Heather and Heather doesn't like Crystal babes I don't want to be on the same team with her why why she's completely fine right Heather uh actually babes I'm completely fine oh no why would you call me that hey only I call my babes babes oh my gosh all right all right break it up you two are it and we're going to go hide ready yeah I'm ready why is she evil laughing whatever guys come on have to hide hide hide let's go behind the bouny house this is going to be perfect yes sersi we never going to get caught boy oh yeah Roxy sh sh don't be loud don't be loud I'm going to fart what the that's the opposite of don't be oh my gosh are you serious right now but they're going to have no idea where we are all right we're ready girls all right fine Heather let's find everyone together oh they're using teamwork see they're getting along yeah sure come here girl B no she's taking me away Roxy they're trying to make us go out right what's happening hey Heather chst no Crystal oh no she just CNA Crystal oh no we have to get Crystal back everyone go inside what where are you right now and hey Heather give Crystal back right now B I told you she's crazy she's bad be quiet Crystal hes you have to make a decision do you love me or Crystal more what really dude which one are you going to pick I'm not picking anyone yo Heather give me my girl give give me my friend back my friend I did not say girlfriend are you serious right now don't you do it luk don't you do it I liter feel coming and CST in tree no no no sing it with the Heather version now no one's actually going to do that are you serious right now we're not doing that Roxy we're not smooching yes SS you know who to choose pick me now I am not picking you Heather you're crazy well that's it you're never going to see your old girlfriend again what what do you mean old girlfriend bye-bye make a decision babe what where did they just go and huh a decision Hold Up Guys it says save Crystal or save Heather is she serious right now does she really think all of my friends would pick eather over Crystal all right everyone go to decide who you want to save oh gosh this is hard do I pick Crystal or the girl with the G what what what are you even saying girl with the dude Heather's weird but Ms she's a baddy and she got a Gi Oh my goodness gracious I'm going with Crystal who are you going with Luka obviously Heather dude che's dreamy all all right well that's just one person I guess Lily what about you you're totally going to go with Crystal we've known her for so long Heather for sure she's popular I want to become popular too oh my gosh well Roxy me and you come on my boy we's brothers forever why you looking over there oh gosh I love you but L have to go what are you serious well Alexa all right why am I even asking for Alexa uh um I'm going with the popular girls I need to get a million subscribers on YouTube check me out what are you doing all stop shaking your butt oh my God you know what I'm going to save Crystal without you guys then wait a minute what the what is this there's glass that hold up proxy can you see me yeah I see your G hey I don't have a g but hold up guys it looks like it's parkour but I can't reach this next jump yeah neither can we it's a five block jump huh that's literally impossible but wait a minute what's that in the middle there's a block with a command block and there's a button on our side over here wait a minute there's no button on on my side but wait guys look up over here there's a diamond with a button dude and there's some Parkour to do it oh you're right wait let me try and parkour all the way up oh gosh and yayi did that do anything there's a diamond block waa wait a minute now you guys could go through but hold up I'm stuck what do I do D that block let us hit this diamond block over here and wa now I can go through as well yes sir get up okay jump over here then jump over here and wait there's a diamond block here do you guys need help yeah we need it to get to this but all right boom and Roxy diamond block I'm going to hit it nice and oh now I can make it through let's go and hold up there's a hallway with wo a giant piece of art in here are you guys like in an Arty room yeah we're in one and there's a giant Diamond wait in mine there's like a piece of redstone dust and wait a minute there's an area that's the exact same size as the painting wait a minute Roxy you said that there's diamonds on your side right yeah there is what's on yours well on mine there's all the materials to make a diamond block oh okay let's do mine first okay well there's three building materials first it should be some red sand and it's in a little tea upside down shape upside down tea Roxy okay okay I heard you I'm doing that right now all right then the next two layers is like a pyramid so make it go out one and do it all with red wool and then the same on the next layer out one and all with red wool all right and I'm done oh does it look like a little red pyramid yes s ski it looks super weird ooh perfect now you want to grab the red concrete and make it the exact same size as the Red Bull above it one layer okay all right I got you one layer two layers no no no are you serious I'm just kidding one layer oh no but then the final layer is put one in the bottom in the middle and and then two outside of the bottom one in the middle all right boom and boom boom what just happened oh nice and wait my door is still closed Roxy tell me what shape is on your side o I want to say it I want to say it oh my gosh just say it anyone please all right fine Luke you can say it o let's go yes OHS three light blue concretes on the top all right and is it from the middle yes s ski all right I got one two three boom what's next then there's two on the side what does that even mean like to how on the side like uh on the opposite side but not really touching it what what wait wait not really touching it so like that okay so two down but like one to the right correct yep on both sides too oh okay okay okay let me put two on the side okay they're not touching the walls what's next now do the same thing again just two times again what do I make it go one out again yeah and then make it go two down uh okay I'm not sure how good this is and then why and then put five concrete at the bottom all right 1 2 three four and five and hold up this is kind of the shape of a diamond okay now what do I do Ms you see that light blue wool you have oh yeah I have five pieces you want to fill it in in the bottom right half of it bottom right okay 1 2 3 4 okay I did four where do I put the fifth one the fifth one goes on the bottom left oh okay bottom left then I have a bunch of diamond blocks do they go outside or inside BS use it on the inside my boy oh all right let me throw the diamonds in like this and wait I still have quartz what do I do with the quartz that's for the background of the canvas brother man oh let's go Y and boom good job Ms you did it let's go and dude the door opened awesome sauce let's go it's open for us too oh and wao what the what is this room are you guys in a giant pink room yeah and it's beautiful and there's even a chest in the middle oo I see it too ant there's a question mark wait a minute there's an item frame with an iron door that's locked and inside the chest there's an apple a feather and a piece of redstone what yeah we have random items too what you do what random items do you guys have we have sand pink wool and green concrete sand pink wool and green concrete and H what does this have to do with opening the door what do we do guys oh this is a teamwork puzzle you have to find something that's going to help us and we'll find something that helps you all right everyone look around the rooms and H do you see anything wait a minute chest chest I just found a secret chest what's inside of it it has a piece of sand wait a minute Lily did you say that you had a sand in your chest yeah we do well put the sand in the item frame see what happens W what happened what happened the door opened let's go well wait wa wait guys we have to open my door don't forget is there an apple a feather or a redstone dust on your side let us look around oh here got a chest with redstone inside oh wait Perfect all right let me put the Redstone Dust right over here and wao the door open let's go guys all right what's in the next chest ly no you first tell me what's in your chest it's a potato a blue bed and a diamond so one of these three items open the door and what about you guys what's inside your chest ohes we have planks iron ore and an iron door H planks and iron door or and an iron ore and wait a minute I found the secret chest I found the secret chest you guys look for mine as well and I got an iron ore guys the answer for you is an iron ore put it in all right we just did it in wao the door opened let's go and wa wait what is it for me what's the right answer E I found it a potato oh perfect let me put the potato and boom and wo let's go and oh guys over here over here can you see me I've missed all of your faces so much Roxy give me a I mean okay sorry that was sussy boy I didn't mean it literally Roxy that was just a joke I miss you too my boy wait I found it oh perfect wait let me see what's in my chest over here and is it a slime ball a cake or raw salmon I have raw salmon o Perfect all right let me y put that John inside and yes my door opened up and hm I need to find the chest for you guys or actually I shouldn't tell you what it is because I have to save Crystal and not Heather dude we've helped you the whole way and Heather has a gat soap you have to help us save her what what does a gat have to do with anything Heather is crazy and she kidnapped Crystal you know what I'm not helping you guys see I'm going to just save my girl I mean my friend oh that's your girlfriend she's not my girlfriend yes she is what no oh my goodness gracious are you serious right now if you don't let us out I'm going to tell Crystal you have a crush on Heather oh my god really guys fine I'll see what's inside the chest and it's a bookshelf hey we have a bookshelf in our chest let me put it in in the item frame all right well I'm going without you guys see you later I need to save Crystal before you can save Heather two bedom you already helped us out and wa what the what is bro all of this wo this is awesome what the what is this wait a minute hi Roxy I see you I miss you so much I miss you too I want to get you and give you a smoochi all right all right y what's with all the smoochi talk guys but wait a minute it looks like we have to jump onto this slime block over here but hold up I can't reach it I can't reach it but wait there's a bon let me see what happens if I hit it and but that didn't do anything no you spawned in a diamond for us wait what it did L let me take a look over here and wa it spawned in a block but wait a minute how am I going to get a block well good thing we have a button too Kaboom wait w Lily you're W you clutching let me go and parkour like this and there's a button over here here for the slime block and oh yeah I'm speed running cuz I'm going to save Crystal before you guys can save Heather no way we got to get the Gap boy oh my gosh you're s b up L into the Slime jump in there's chains oh goodness gracious Y and I'm going around Roxy you're not that guy you're literally not that guy parkour then go the slime block and Roxy wa you're actually going crazy slow down my boy yesi I'm going to be you and wait oh I have to jump that way okay okay let me put the slime block down and then y all the way over and wait a minute there's nowhere I can go from here but there is a lever ooh what does it do if I flick it w it opens up this block so I can go parkour on the chains and O it's so hard did you guys make it to the chains yet yeah but it's super hard I know right but wait there's another slime jump right over here we have to get to some ladders yeah yeah I just hit my head yes farted but you're not going to win we're getting the popular girl no way I'm getting Crystal I made it up over here I'm going up I'm going up oh yeah yeah wait a minute there's a button over here and I can put it on top of this command block and wait what do I do I can't get across this path check what it does all right boom and wait it didn't make a path for me it made a path for me though o perfect wait do you have a button on your side Roxy with a command block yeah we do here you go o perfect and oh yeah I'm making it across y ye and oh goodness gracious these jumps are super duper devious oh hate these chain jumps we got to go all around and into the inside oh my goodness guys easy pickings did you make it through yep you have to be a real professional to get it done boy and oh my God where in the world are we right now yeah we made it oh hi guys and what the what is this room and wait a minute there's chest and an iron sword dude there's another one over here you have one L you too you too roxian oh God I get the feeling we're going to have to fight something I'm scared yo yo yo you're you're a said yo yo yo wait what is that evil Ms what are you doing here what's goody my brother M follow me follow me uh okay guys I think evils is cool I don't think he's going to Boom us what's up evils check this out right over here it says you need a button huh Luke we need a button but why do we need a button you want to save your girlfriend right my boy yeah I want to save Heather how do we do that what no we don't want to save Heather we want to save Crystal Heather is not a priority well if you to save any of them you need a button and the only way you're going to get a button is if you trade me 10 bones for this button in my hand oh I'm going to go get 10 bones for you okay what luk he didn't tell us where the bones are guys he did not give us instructions at all they got to be here somewhere seriously the evil Elms where are the bones at oh well I have to spawn them in I don't know what that guy's doing he's a little bit uh silly yeah lffy bugging sometimes I have no idea what he's doing either but spawn them in I'll pick them up all right my boy 3 2 1 y y oh guys oh Dr oh my go I'm getting it I'm getting it oh yeah dude this is not good oh gosh I'm dipping I'm dipping I'm dipping I'm retreating I'm retreating how many bones you guys have I just got five what oh my Nar but wait I'm sneaking up on this boy what's up oh yeah oh god really arrows I don't want arrows I want bones I want bones and oh no there's one on my bosm right now Luke oh oh God this boy I'm at two bones easy pickings what's up what's up Luke I'm third partying your guys really bro boomed boy he and wait your items Dro Luke how many do you have oh after picking up yours I have 10 oh awesome Bo wait come over here right quick here what's goody my boy can I borrow the sword that you picked up I still need it to get my bones oh yeah I actually have a bunch extra here a bow some arrows thank you what's up what's up what's up hey chill chill chill what's up what's up where's the bones where's the bones where's the bones oh yo evil arms my brother man I got 11 bones for for you uh that was hilarious here you go I love death and destruction thank you very much and guys we now uh Roxy what are you doing give me the button what Roxy why do you want to save Heather so badly oh yeah I don't really care about Heather you can go oh oh thank you very much wait wait I care give me the button boy why why do you even care Luka cuz Heather's a bad sh's a little boo thing what is what is he doing right now what was that what was that she got the get my boy and I'm not letting that jum go yeah my boy oh she definitely got that thing on her what does that even mean oh my gosh guys you're not going anywhere I'm going without you see later y wao let's go I teleported and why do I see your name tags over there because you teleport us too what are you serious do I boom Luke for no reason yesi we're going to get hether no way I'm going first I'm going first yay yay and wait a minute guys are you able to make the parkour no we're stuck hes we can't pass you need to hit a button oh all right let me see what happens to fire wow do that what the what yes sir ski I'm that pal wow that was actually lit and wait a minute I don't need any buttons yet so let me go as far as I can y y and wait what I can't make it through here Roxy is there a button over there for you yeah but I have to pass these head hitters oh my n those Johns look serious waa you failed really bro see that I saw it's time for a real professional too oh no Lily your turn let's see if you're that guy pal no n Lily is not that guy Alexa don't even try you're not that girl you're not that girl I'm going to slay for Heather yes what all right well that's just one jump you can't what the you're not that girl you're not that girl and oh no Roxy again oh oh Roxy come on come on come on one more one more don't fall no oh my gosh you're that guy W Roxy and hit the button and now it's my turn for the head hitters let's see how hard it actually NOP is oh my yeah oh my gosh and then oh my nor and Roxy guess what y made it easy picking style and yo how are you getting so ahead my boy because I'm that guy and I see a button ooh nice wait let me get next to you cuz there's a button over here as well hello Roxy we're so close we could basically high five way Roxy you've been extra sus today sorry there's so many couples going around here I don't know what's wrong what there's literally zero couples I think the only real couple would probably be you and ly cuz you guys have a crush on each other no no Alexa L Alex L two girlfriends what I do not have two girlfriends I only have what zero I have zero girlfriends Roy Heather and Crystal is two what no not Heather and Crystal hey you're actually fire you're over is already have two girlfriends what oh my gosh B oh I hit the button the platform spawn hit it for me please Roxy all right boom oh let's go and I got to do a crazy jump oh yeah easy picking jump over here and ohar oh ladder jumps ladder jumps and then up trap door then yeah yeah oh nice and then come on did it baby and watch me speedrun this watch me speedrun this I'm going brazy I'm going brazy ball I can't make this next jump hes you hit the button first no you hit the button Luke you hit the button totally I'm not going to scam I promise dude we need you to get to the button dude oh just to get to that jump fine all right boom I hit the button platform spawn go go go oh my gosh Roxy literally no didn't see anything I hit the button oh nice and yeah and wait this button says press the button I'm hitting it first cryst here I come and what's up uh guys where are we right now we're like in a boat thingy waa is this a boat race oh there's boats behind oh let me slide one and wait a minute really you guys better not go in your couples I literally feel alone oh my hey I need Crystal move Roxy what are you doing Roxy what are you doing hey Roxy M what oh my gosh all right really bro the middle see you later oh yeah I'm later so I'm faster oh my oh gosh oh gosh we literally going Crystal I'm coming to save you so we could smoo sh get there first hold on hold no what did you just say I said um I'm going to try and get to Crystal fast so we could be like friends and high five and stuff but oh I am not SM guys I made it first see you later you guys are bad no no no I made first and wa we have to go up over here what the what is this this where I'm going to get my girlfriend move hey no I'm going to get my girlfriend in what in the gton gton is this it's like a bajillion blocks to make it homes we just need a little bit of belief in ourselves go my okay he's literally buing he's literally bugging he's literally bugging wa he's a noob he's a noob okay ready setxy what are you okay guys there has to be a way to get across H we need to find something outside of the box yeah I know I'm looking around yo yo yo yo secret command block and what happens if I hit it uh Roxy what just happened to you boun wow and I'm Speedy hold up boys wow check oh me what really me too are you serious right now it's so hard I know you have to be literally a professional excuse me professional coming through I keep I'm not jumping wait wait I'm actually doing it I'm actually doing it you guys have to jump side to really bro are you serious right now I am not a noob I made it one and N no no oh that was so close dude all right watch the professional let me hit that John and oh yeah oh what's up Luke I'm speedr running right now right you're not right now guys I made it no way I don't believe I literally did I literally did and I'm watching I'm watching Alexa you're not that guy but Roxy you're not that guy L show them how it's done all right Kaboom BR did bro not even have the jump boost anymore it ran out oh my go Roxy come on you got this you got this guys stop being noobs welcome everybody what the hey AR what are you doing H me to keep you away from Crystal she's bad news man hey Crystal is not bad news hey man I told you she's bad news dude she is not bad news how do I get out of here I'm running to Crystal and wait this door leads me to Crystal hey Crystal and I'm right over here quickly she's there she's there anid yes we made it easy peasy let squeezy my boy that took you forever but anid set in order to save Crystal and Heather we have to find milkin wait there's a chest over here on with a bucket half of the equation we just need some utters to milk yes my friend you're starting to catch on yes sir and wait Roxy what's that over there a cow look up wait what a cow and there's a cow up in that Barn oh my n how do we get up over there guys I'm not telling what what do you mean you're not telling hey hey hey I see it oh my do you guys even have a bucket yeah I'm going just use my hands what are you just going to grab the cow's ERS for no reason oh my goodness gracious okay I just felt like a total noob hey Roxy stop looking at me I get nervous what no no no I need okay I'm not doing the parkour wait you got the cow o nice job let me milk that boy's UDS please all right I'm going to give him a shower too oh Luke you're sus why are you looking at my boy his but are you serious right now I want to get in on this all right i'mot about me yeah that's cool what did Lily just do I just wanted to be involved oh my gosh but yo on K my brother M I got you the bucket of milk here you go very good my friend now I will open Crystal Zord then Heathers wait what Heather's door oh my gosh guys you better not go yo yo yo what are you doingin no way are you serious right now come on Luke let's go through crystals okay my boy I'm going to Heather's door oh my gosh really bro but whoa It's like a playroom guys hop inside wao I want to play like a kid what no Focus up guys you guys have to no no my a baby we have to jump over these chains and to do that we have to hop on this fence but I can't do it guys is there any way to spawn in a block do you have a button on your side yeah there's one right here ooh Roxy hit that John all right boom oh thank you my boy now I can jump over here then up on the brick Oh gosh wait wait no one look at me failing no one look at me failing oh no one look no one look you're getting CAU in 4k my boy hey stop looking wait wait watch and yeah learn oh I made it then let me just hit the made it through and ohar I literally have to do this perfectly dude yeah and I think you're forgetting something what what am I forgetting something diamond block oh oh oh yeah I was just going to leave you here to save her but you know what fine I'll do it really dude yeah okay it's a race the race is on first one there get to save their girlfriend all right it's all you're going to go made it up here okay okay I literally need be perfect right here no way at all dude these jumps are literally insane yep you have to actually be perfect I know right oh my gosh all right watch and learn watch and learn okay let me go over here then y okay let me hit this do up okay made it up okay okay here what I'm not oh my gosh how are you doing these jumps how are you feeling are you serious am I literally getting roasted by Roxy right now yesi hey stop looking at me get a first try oh my gosh Roxy's definitely hacking or something no SES I saw him do it it was so easy oh my goodness all right all right let me go over here then Okay Okay jump then let me oh spin the block okay okay okay watch and learn everyone watch and learn 3 2 1 yay first jump complete then y then oh gosh oh gosh Come on for the one time let's go and what the Y is all of this yo what's up broki up hi Evil Al what the what is this room I see a bunch of colors red blue orange purple and even more over here this one is crazy hard my boy your friends and you have to connect the Sheep to these pods what the Sheep guys where are you hello Ms we're on the other side what's up and wait a minute sheeps in all those colors oh I get it we have to transport the sheeps with rails but do you guys have rails on your side Yes actually we do there's some right over here and ooh I have some as well awesome SAU and wait a minute guys which one should we bring in first let's bring in the red color cuz it's the best color in the world really Roxy red is not the best color in the world but wait I'm bringing the rails all the way over down this way over here just like that y let me spin the turn like this and boom okay I'm going to connect this let's do it and everyone else connect all the rails to the middle rail okay all right I'm on it yes sir and wait while you guys connected I'm going to connect all the other ones so I'm going to have a blue one over here already ready and actually let me use power rail so it goes way faster like this so let's go down and around over here perfect and this is only going to be on when we need it so let me boop connect everything then power this John up then let's do this sa for orange how's it going on your side guys I have red set up all right Roxy I'm bringing the mine car over first you need red right yes s all right and it's coming over go go go go come on oh it's making its way it's making okay okay wait okay I pushed I push it it's coming to you Roxy it's coming to you it's coming to you all right this is looking good and come on grab the sheepy boy and wait is the Sheep going to hop inside yeah Roxy put that boy inside it sheep go inside oh nice job Roxy now eat that job back over and wait I'm going to switch some of mine with power ra I know hey hey Slow Down slow down my boy oh my gosh slow down oh my gosh oh my go he's going to start going fast okay okay okay I did end he's going he's going he's going let's go y he made it now evil MMS I'm going to break this and put the glass up all right dude I got you my boy get the next one all right I'm getting him let me put a power rail so when I yeah eat it Roxy it's coming through I need blue I see it I'm going to make the thing for blue all right awesome sauce and wait wait I got to grab this mine car and then y yeah I'm pushing it Roxy it's coming it's coming it's coming it's going back oh God oh God Roxy I have some of my own problems okay wait go up go up and it's coming through it's coming through oh my gosh it's going to Red you guys have to work on that and I'm going to do the rails for the next of these homes I'm going to do the other side to connect to this middle one you get that side all right dude I'm going to get orange and purple to be good so let me make purple go down and around over here hit a little spin of the block like that turn that John over and wait I could just make a lead this way we're sending which one are you sending uh it's light blue oh all right all right all right and hold up oh gosh wait this is bad this is bad wait the turnover he oh gosh okay oh my gosh last second save oh my goodness gracious and what the guys really you sent in the wrong sheep wait evil Ms this is for your side put the light blue one over there all right dude I got you I'm connecting the rails oh nice okay guys send blue next Ms he's coming in hot oh nice and oh he's zooming he's zooming all right my boy you got to go to the blue side let me pick you up and over and wait yo life hack you can literally just pick these boys up what that makes it so much easier I know right and Mr Blue boy you're going this way so let's push him on the track like that all right I got blue and evil OHS you can just carry this guy and wait we could literally just throw him in okay evil OHS I'm throwing Canan in nice job dude but Pink's coming in hot so get ready oh all right let me get the rails ready and wait what side is pink on is that your side evil HS yes sir make the turn over here all right I'm doing it right now let me break this bad boy make it go turn over here then this all right coming in hot evil Ms let me put it like that boom perfect and pink needs to lead down this way so let's make it go over here just like this and now boom all right evil M send the pink here all right dude let's do it connect the rails like that and Y oh oh oh go go go and oh it's zooming right now it's zooming and oh it's going down this way wait evils did you make this way the right way yes sir my boy it just needs a little bit of power so I'll give it a push and you put a power rail all right Boop Power Ra on give it a push and it's zooming Luke it's coming your way all right this is lady and it's going to Pink do you guys have the sheep in yes sir SKS he's coming right up oh perfect and wait evil SS we have to make sure that these rails are perfect to come back so we'll break it and turn it over here OHS he's coming in hot oh all right and wait evil OHS this goes to Pink right let me see and oh yeah it does perfectly he's coming in right over here what's good boy oh he's pulling up fast wo nice easy pick is and we got that boy in let's go and what the wao we just got teleported where are we yes sir we did it but um turn around what the oh my gosh Heather has full netherite armor babes babes up here hey Crystal oh my gosh she's trapped in jail how dare you Heather hey babes I'm glad you made it what made it where what are you talking about now it's time to decide me or Crystal what are you serious right now obviously Crystal right everyone have we all come to agreeance Luke you better say crystal hes I've been saying you should pick Heather dude come on please pick Crystal fine only cuz you're my boy see all right now everyone just agree with Luke do you agree Roxy we save Crystal yeah you're right crystal is our friend Crystal we're going to save you now you two girls get over popularity cuz um Heather's like actually crazy she has literally netherite armor and kept crystal in jail I don't care that she's super popular and a cheerleader and probably talks to all the cute boys but we don't care anymore yeah are you all in uh yeah of course I love Crystal oh yeah yeah Heather we're all Team Crystal oh so you want to play it the hard way the only way to get the crystal is to get through me what what do you mean by that Heather go down and open that chest uh okay and what the g a full set of diamond armor are you challenging me to a fight Heather this is about to be intense my money's on Heather what are you serious look I'm totally going to be Heather she's not that guy pal are you sure about that 3215 oh my go remember what I taught you you've literally taught me nothing what this hasn't even been about teaching me anything I'm parkouring I'm parkouring what parkouring y Heather run your cheeks over here oh yeah oh yeah you're getting getting oh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah you're not that guy you're not that guy oh yeah oh oh oh weave weave oh he doing so good on body body right for yes sir SK and wait we have to save Crystal yes I'm saved Crystal oh my gosh I missed you so much and we're finally free of Heather oh my goodness gracious she is so crazy and we all picked you from the start right guys right totally oh my goodness gracious but now we could live happily ever after come on let's go guys I will always be your babes and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 1,312,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, Save Crazy POPULAR GIRL or Crazy FAN GIRL
Id: Vc8Ja6Uu2dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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