TINY River holds TONS OF FISH!

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what a surprise for me an avon in my hand an avon float a bucket of bread a water i've never even seen before and a river so full of fish i can nearly walk on them uh [Music] done [Music] well people i'm down here looks like borneo the amazon jungle papua new guinea even no it's taunton down here somerset two and a quarter hours to get down there feels like two hours that's trying to get through the traffic at all i'll come down have a go river which i've heard a lot about never fish never seen i'm just giving it a go i'm gonna go traveling roving a bucket of bread a float rod like i used to old school probably a blank i don't know let's get down and give it a go they tell me you can see the chubb in this place i'd be very interested because i come from hampshire i know what clearwater is let's check it out well this stretch is uh called the far stretch and where they say it's uh oh yeah it's gin clear you see the fish in there it ain't hampshire it's going through a nice place but it's not gene clear sort of just off chocolate color i guess that's the way it is the guy in tackle shop said go upstream with the weirs he said yeah small fish below the wheels bigger fish above the wheels all right it's obviously a nice a nice uh small one let's not fall down a break you're not going to go rass fishing today graham careful there's a small wear there he said it's about a mile so who knows who knows what the day will bring people blazing sunny day nice to hear the sound of the rushing water i have to say very shallow very very fast they do actually call it far stretch i wonder if this is some sort of relief river i don't notice it's very very damp under this bank i think it goes up and down like a yo-yo so the first thing we're going to do is um it's all staged all the way out looking if i stand dead stewie says staged in wheels so especially way to do it is what i'm doing is roving i've got a clue which swims fish and which ones don't i think i'm gonna sop a bit of bread up i've forgotten the catapult i've locked myself out of the car park dropped the unlooking mat oh dear what is what a star generally means it's not going to be great i think i think i'm going to get some bread mixed up here purely because i get out there it's frying they're giving 30 degree temperatures today as you see no shortage of bread i don't need it all in the bag at the same time god i've even got a hand white rag got some pellets i think it's too fast for floating crushed here i may be well i'm going to keep getting floating across put a bit of bread slopped up in there right let's get it mushed up you can see that's all i've got three loaves about 45 p.m loaf good chance of sliding in now what i do is get plenty of water in with the bread get it all soaked out it's cheap cheap bread she wanted to sink i mush it just a bit not too much that's enough just put a kink in the bucket squeeze the bread back like this just squeezing the bulk of the water out of it and then i just drain it off and then i'll give it a good old mulch up like this because i want it to take a bit longer for the crust i'm only looking for two or three fish just to make it worthwhile when you go to a new water you're always a huge disadvantage you see that at half a loaf sort of goes to almost nothing right he says the whirlpool is a small fish so i'm gonna aim for chubb along that side there that's really my take on it who knows very shallow by look at it and still a pleasant day lovely looking weird obviously your food here is getting swept down big time fast real duck now the main current comes through here if i throw the ground back over there over there that's slack what about where the duck is i can actually see that it swirls and it's sinking before it gets whisked away so let's try a little bit over there i think the margins are far side it's going to be the spot maybe get chub up under those rushes right fairly sure i'm going to get plastered in bread paste today going to be noisy guys the railway line runs across there i'll try a big piece of flake i just go round once twist it and just pinch on the eye of the hook i've got five pounds straight through i've got my trusty old 30 year old even float and three bb one about six inches from the hook and we'll see how long it takes me before i get snagged up wow it's shallow i'm just running it down this inside fast stretch first no could possibly have done with a match rod i've come with the avon rod and i'm gonna probably have trouble holding it over there on that far far edge that's about where i i would figure i would be if i was a chub somewhere along that line there now that floats holding up lovely there but of course it could be just on the bottom and when it going down at a speed that they can actually see it and take it but not so slow that they've got too much time to take it i think we're going to have to go shallower i've got a thing that's dragging on the bottom now the current's going to get it really good pace going down through here i must admit i seem to be able to hold it over that far edge that's right it's a bite and go a little bit shallower here give it a go man in the tackle shop said if you fish in the weir pool sections you get small fish well i just want to catch oh the man in the tackle shop might be right the man in the tackle shop might actually know what he's talking about oh nice little champion it's just a swinger here we go and he has mulled it chub number one away you go well he was bang on bigger chub back up against that and he said the smaller chubber here but i was right about the pace oh i'm well pleased to get a chub that fast well well well i'm keen now ridiculous am i really ridiculous my age but there's what keeps keeps me going and go right i can't get in fast enough now going down going down right down there hold my rod back this way a bit trying to keep a bit of angle on it sometimes you'll hit a piece of weed and it'll just drag the float i'm not looking for a sharper bite oh yes oh my god omg this one is where's this new undiscovered river that everybody else knows about and i didn't oh it's not a bad chunk that's a netter that is a netter boys holy cow no for bread is it oh that's about a pound and a half guys that is about that's a pound and a half of anybody's money one pound six if you're dubious and doubtful brilliant wow am i detecting i might actually have a reasonable day the answer to that is looks like yes now the other thing i do i always make a point of doing this put my bait miles away from where i'm going to stand so that fish was not that small so i'm going to chuck a bit more on that far slack here see it going up if i keep dead still it's going up in there and then coming down here we go hopefully don't get a big upstream wind come on come on come on float's nice that's about where i had the tape before and apparently they go quite big in here to four pounds anyway they said we'll save it somewhere between two and four pounds way down there now probably a little bit pacey there it's the 654 from waterloo there we go again big gob of bread not quite ground the wind's blowing it around the back do you ever get this guys because around the back of the spool the bridge falls off it feels like i've missed the wrong bring now i'm going to check that it feels a little bit draggy if you get that oh there you go something's not right see what i've done it's twisted around and i feel i might have missed an eye here no that's okay it was that twist and i just made it drag a little bit right don't do what i'm do putting your bread in the sun like this guys hot day let's try again hopefully won't that's bad that's better give my little smidgen over there to get them going you should be able if i keep my head dead still just be able to see that white of the ground bait going down slowly it's almost going upstream a bit before it goes down if that makes sense it's holding up there nicely i guess i'm just bumping on the bottom let's just dump this here and looks like there's a nice boulder that i can walk onto now i can't see any chub see the fast speed down through there where they have these backed up sort of weirs it has in fact if you look at the bubbles made that flow slow up a little bit and he said the the chub comes down and they sit up step up upstream of this of this weir so i guess i got about another 25 yards off the edge of those rushes are quite fancy just seeing a fish rise days or roaches i'm not further out i'm going to go midway up between the weirs guys lovely setting might be noisy with the railway line but you can't have everything can you easy access so much easier to run the float down here just straight down the middle see if anybody's at home here going with the yes i'm on my god i'm on i'm just about to tell you wow what a bloody place he did tell me there's a lot of trouble in there small one small chub just about liftable here we go obviously a bit of weed even official side folks and no trouble off he's gone in so much easier to run the float down here just straight down the middle see if anybody's at home here going with the yes i'm on my god i'm on i'm just about to tell you wowie what a bloody place he did tell me there's a lot of trouble in there small one small chub just about liftable well i've got that chat back what i was going to say is even here you can see the line of bubbles which is the main pace of current so i'm trying to sort of gauge it to go down there and hoping i'm about the right depth oh i missed a fish then i don't want to go deeper and continually be dragging on the on the riverbed now here we go people i wonder if i need the hold on i'll come back for that one that tells me i'm running through a little bit too deep so i'm gonna shallow up and to make that float stand up a bit i'm gonna take one a shot off yeah it makes the float stand up just a little bit more and i can see it farther down in the bubbles then let's try that and out we go a little bit behind the feed that was about the depth that i had those other fish out so quite tricky watching the float through the bubbles you almost need to draw into a sort of cleaner clean patch come on another small one it could have just been made that difference i because i've seen the bet bite better because i took a shot off the float or it could be just that bringing the depth back up so it's going through more at the pace of the car just don't feel a bad fish oh yes oh yes that's better that's a better fish i'll tell you what they scrap they must be pretty fit in here because you think they're they're fighting this current all the time let's put that down there ready they find this card all the time so they've got to be pretty fit and they're going to be pretty fit every time he's here now that's yeah that's that's a nice one look guys that's the float i'm using there's the chub that's a nice chub that's a good one not a monster two and a quarter maybe but still pretty good fish well pleased number four well i think i continue to work that far side of the bubbles across there rather than closer in as i say i don't live here i don't know the swims just got to work out as i go okay i've got a sixth chub already guys now you did say you just keep moving roving get two or three fish you know from each swimmer and then move on it's got a little bit quiet when i say quite i've had like five trots down there nothing so i'm going to move up to the next weird but i will try the wheel pull just in case there's anything there so move on so moved up and way down there small stone weir i know he says small fish here but let's try it it's a little bit better pace here on the middle there's a channel of water over there pushing through channel of water on the r side pushing through leaves me a slack in the middle if i was a chub i would possibly be in that middle run or over on that far run and it's quite a wide area here we're sort of cut out a little bit but let's give it a go need to let them know we're here you see i'm trying to throw it into the slack areas so that it sort of swirls around and gets time to sink before i run my throat float through there but don't it just whisk the way you've got to attract their attention sort of wonder what else is in there you know all those chubby thing to be fight wouldn't you i think you'd be some fair old pike in there piece of bread i'm guessing same depth very often the first bit below a weir can be a variation of depth deep and shallow make sure you don't pinch that bread on too fast try inside i feel like it should be deeper my float but i'm going to try it over there first just in that no not quite far enough i think we're going to get sucked in by the fast water i did and nearly lost a lot that was close okay that's better and we'll sort of let it trickle down and sort of you've got a sort of gauge i can actually see my bread underwater there try and gauge where it's going to hold up is held there the flow probably guys you won't be able to see it it's just held in that sort of back eddy between two bits and i was a chub that's the sort of area i would be why fight the fast current when you can lay on the edge of it do you see what i mean do you see what i mean people do you see what i mean why fight the fast current that when you can see in that and just swing to the fast gun and grab a piece of food and go back and that is not a bad fish they do scrap well in there i will say for their size come in number seven well he says only small fish in the weirs this appears not to be a small fish don't fall down graham don't fall down he comes who comes he's got in the rushes too late he is throwing it all over my glass in my lens but they're very fit fish in here i will say that there you go another nice another nice looking chub in good condition hook falls out wet again graham look at the statement trousers i think about a nasty accident i will never forget a big one all right i'm on nine choppy but nine so i've moved up again as soon as i have like six or eight drops through nothing and i'm going to start moving let's just see what we've got and there's another tip you see is a worn area so i'm guessing if he says fish up from the weir that other people are fishing that's why there's a hole in the rushes there there's a little fish too it could even tell what if they take floating crust if you fed the fed enough of it running through running through i might have had a bump then i did have a bump then here comes number 10. that's ridiculous that is ridiculous digging and digging is a nice fish again looking trying to get in the rushes here got him out wow would this fishery get hammered up my end of the woods i imagine so there we go look another nice chub beautiful fish in there beautiful condition ten so glad i took the trouble to come and i was out in the boat yesterday catching conga hills day before that i was out catching five pound trout some on a dry fly what a there's anglers and danglers i just figured with this heat wave the rivers might be the last to actually heat up and shut down so what i was saying before getting interrupted by that chub is there's a big bank of beautiful rushes and flowers all along here so there could be anywhere to fish but he did say fish upstream of the wheels for the better fish and you can see there's a wear mark here where presumably they might have matches i don't know but certainly you can net the fish through there so i've stopped here i've already had that one chub so i'm going to give it another go here and then just keep working my way up to the next weir something you want to do you've seen how i just pinch the flake around the bend of the hook what i do is i just get on the tip of my fingers a little slop of bread i throw it out you wonder if you can cast just in front of that like this so that when you hold the float back it all goes down pretty well with that loose feed that you've thrown in that applies to maggots not just sopped up bread like i'm using oh gosh there's anglers and there's dangerous people that's a tip and a half that you saw work absolutely straight off the bat in comes hopefully chop number 11 wow what a session if i can get him out the weeds there he is you can see how that one worked so that when you hold your float back you know to keep in contact with everything look at that chub it's full of chub this river right first cast in a new swim again i'm going just because that's not far enough i'm an expert now even that's not far enough but we'll try it i'll put both shot down nearer the hook just take that big piece of flake down i'm just running it right down there right down using the bubbles as my sort of marker as to where the uh bulk of the flow is going down the middle of the river seems slacker over on that there he is oh what this place is just chub-centric i gotta call it this place is chubb central this is number 16. unbelievable i've only got that job fishing this fast to be honest of course that bigger tub but these are real good size they're all going up to about two and a half shading three pounds put them on the map [Applause] wow hook falls out and there you go it looks like a mark previously from a heron maybe i'm amazing otters haven't moved in here nice if we could try that again straight out i said the shot is taking the plate down faster because you run the risk of the fish seeing the shot and being wary i'm slightly pasty of water now i've missed that one i missed that one at the bail arm open didn't miss that one didn't miss that once there's more than one fish in there goodness me 17. wow we had some chub fishing i've got to tell you folks blazing hot 30 degree temperature a 17 chub i've had it's just like team night i've missed that one when i left the bail arm open and it did appear the slightly pacier current there must have been more than one chub there i struck a mist that's going through pretty quickly so they got not much uh choice either take it miss it or their pal gets it about there missed it no i missed that one and of course this way i'm getting nothing except big fish i'm not getting dace roach gudgeon minnows i'm gonna get minnowed out if i was using maggots if i was using magnets i would be absolutely striking all the time that tiny little bites of small fish and i'm not i'm hitting decent sized fish all the time this is probably the smallest i've had but still bigger oh graham don't swing it bigger bigger somewhat than a minnow i'm going to leave this running so you know i'm not making this up let's see if i can't get another one i've got the group of uni people on the other bank but they're not bothering me i'm not bothering them i'm going to try that fast there just at the back of a bit of weed that's floating down any time from there there's a taken area about there three two one none sorry i was i was one and a half seconds out there so i apologize do apologise maybe they're dropping back floats way down there now it's halfway to bridgewater oh i missed a fish too well i mean for people living in a built up area like it's down here it's got a mini city look at this lovely river we've got all the flowers and wildlife why'd you i haven't seen many ducks so that's good now it's changed here i'm walking upstream a lot more streamer weed i'm asking myself why you see all this beautiful yellow whatever looks like leftover oil seed rape to me there's a little weir up here [Applause] they've got some electrical power lines there back there this is no fishing but i guess i'm clear of that now right i can see where i want to fish immediately and it's strange all the years of fishing hampshire ravenous dorset style just exactly what i want to fish definitely the back of this wheat bed shouldn't think anybody's fished here that's got fish written all over it boys sorry sorry but it has back of that weed bread down there slop ready we call this slot in the winter fishing a dorsal stair we call it stodge like this dodge you saw me mash it up it's just pulped up loaf of bread not even a loaf of bread half a bread and i chuck this into the weed so it breaks out and tumbles it down [Applause] well there's that many chubb in this river i'm putting a bite here first cast so stupid don't say that graham it's so stupid put the pressure on another thing is i think they're gonna come up on top if i kept feeding right there's just bits of leftover crust i did see one child coming i did see one chub come up and take a fly so i'm thinking these might even come up on a surface who knows take a time again what would the fisherman's life be if he didn't have the odd tank was to amuse himself this is definitely gonna be a chubby knee if i'm catching chubb down there 100 there must be a chub in this swim here we go [Applause] from there downwards any time now on that bed would have sunk about there i reckon now perhaps i've misread the swim it happens much look they could be here or they could be down there might take a little bit of a while to to find them no and no graham no no you were right right in there oh connect the fish here in fact i should have casted down there in fact let's take some gear down with me hopefully it's fairly safe here fairly safe i don't know nice looks like a dangerous spot nope we're okay um one of these things is very handy i've noticed one of these a net stupid child stupid stupid child if he comes here he comes well they're scrapping this in this fast current up here there we go hooks out two two and a quarter pounds i suppose lovely sliding back mark there mark there bang what is it in here that's eating two and a half pound chunk or trying to number 20 by the way guys i'm throwing crust in i've come way up towards the rope page i thought i'm going to try dressing some crust down i can't watch over there watch there he is there's this job coming up taking crust off the surface so i don't even need a float oh my god you could come here fly fishing look i was as well you'd come here fly fishing i was just about to make some slop up i thought i'm going to peel off the edge of the crust like this just peel it out of interest to see if anything would come up and this swirling around it there look that is how many chubba in this place the match weights must be phenomenal i'm just gonna let that sit yeah yeah i can see the fish under the water with polarizing glasses there goes a crust down here another small one small one i saw one about three pounds more down there look look look just taking it off the top well i think it's only one thing to do do i need slopped up bread it appears not i'm going to go through without putting any bait in whatsoever other than that floating crust they're always going to be more confident lower down in the water column and there was one there looked about three pounds i'm going to give them a big old chunk here we go which we luck might be a tad too deep from the number of chapel i saw coming through this ain't gonna last long i think i missed about bite then so no ground bait at all other than that floating crust i want to be at the back of that weed really this is a strange place it seemed to be everywhere bring it in slowly try again over the back a bit there let's try down there see what happens trying to keep it still didn't bring in the uh the big camera so i could zoom in on the flow you just have to trust me missed him that was a dippy little bite i tend to think that bigger chub came back up here i imagine they go back to the area they came from maybe they do need that little bit of ground bait slot going in just to get them going a bit i'm either tripping the bottom or just getting little bumping bites previously the float is absolutely boom just buried in fact if anything i would say they hold the float under a long time that's what i would expect to jump just the back of that piece of weed tricky trying to mend the line there right should be somewhere there and there abouts as it is if i don't get a bite on this one i'm going to put some slop in there just to get them going there we go didn't need it boys didn't need it i didn't think he did 21 and counting that guy he's got my ground bait delivery yeah just stop there tip it straight in the river here for the chub that's what it is he's got my ground bait delivery [Music] he's in oh you might ask yourself why i've actually chosen this lovely little weird pool beautiful by the way i'm on i just can't even 27 chub the reason i've come up here is because of this this dark area is called shade because it's at least 30 31 now i'm frying i think the fish are going a little bit i'm going to set myself a target 50 chub that would be over 100 pounds of chub in my estimation so i'm on 27 i'm gonna have a drink a sandwich and then i'm gonna be baiting up over there and running the float through it's a nice clear well oxygenated pool there and listen the city light is only up there i can't believe how quiet is here i thought i'd be bombarded with with people you know what i'm saying i thought i'd be loose feeding prams and shopping trolleys and stuff is really really nice really nice just nice to be left alone for once and have a bit of peace and quiet lovely fast river absolutely rammed to the gills with chub right let's have something to drink god any water drunk mostly in the first half god i've only been going about three hours these are good guys if you put in really really cold water they will stay cold all day what we've got to eat pellets nice loaf of bread or some of these things yeah i know i know i know it's not like eating fruit but gotta do something boys gotta eat something so so been a while coming that that is one of the chunkier ones and really nice chub i lost an even bigger one over on the other side so if you're putting these guys at like i don't know two and a half pound average this one's maybe you might go three but nevertheless fantastic fishing i think you'll agree i don't think in all honesty i've known chug fishing as prolific as this unbelievable let's get him back well i've come way up towards the town the city whatever you want to call it big bypass bridge up here some really cool graffiti in there i'm not really big into graffiti but these people who do all this spray painting they must be have a wasted talent because some of it's really quite good it's just that they don't need to do on public buildings and stuff but it is you know it's good i'll just have a go here i'll tell you why it's a lot narrower and it's um pushing the current through faster so it means the fish have got less time to grab hold of the bait so i'm going for the slot big time because i won't be holding out in the heat much longer now 22 in the afternoon most sensible people are in their luxury swimming pools i either see i'm a i'm a fisherman it's all i know chirp big tube i don't think i'd fancy fishing down here in the evenings or at night or anything like that not with the cameras anyway all right let's have a run through and see if anybody's at home with my judgment of the pace of the river through narrowing does exactly uh work out it's definitely definitely slowed i'm calling the middle section i don't even know where i am to be honest much faster pace going through there the float you'd think you'd think it would be chub at home there i might have to go a little bit deeper if not going back down the bottom and where i started and was indeed getting plenty of fish look it could be there's less chub up here or or not i missed that one could be there's less chub up here or it could be you know just the fact that this afternoon and it's tough fishing this time in the sunshine as you would expect i've got quite big pieces of choc cheese that white stuff spread gram i've got some quite big pieces of bread i had a bite back there so i've got to run through normally get three runs through the float and get no bites you know what it's like folks i get bald quick oh don't go on the weed he's in the weed okay that means the bread comes off watch this happy days there we go really good when you got the fish feeding try again i think i might follow my own advice throw a load of bread in follow up just in front of it so by the time i hold the float back that should have caught it all up that's the theory boys let's see if we get anything nice even pace flow here oh how did i miss it maybe this small fish i think the bread stayed on then i'm gonna keep running through pretty sure that now that's the bottom coming down the middle going down the middle just letting it run i'm not holding it back just let it go through the pace of the current missed another one cutting this time got in this time just dragging along the bottom that way just dragging along the bottom urban chub fishing there's the road bridge and i'm hooked up there beautiful blue skies you know who would have thought the fishing would have been like this that's another nice job and he comes i did uh go a little bit deeper and i'll try to hold it back a bit so oh dear look there's a guy trying to net some pringles for god's sake graham shows the quality food i'm eating i'll go fishing i'll just go eat for survival that's number 30 by the way well i'm working my way back upstream i'm not back upstream i'm going upstream my goodness a bag with a litter that's actually in it so here we go mcgee here for a second what fisherman can't resist looking off a bridge oh he says no looking off a bridge is banned banned by the council bridge looking anybody who spots a chubs two months in prison at a fine like the old bus penalty fine i've got here tonight english is like a prison in there i can't get out of the water all that lovely water i can't get it so chubs will never i think there's somebody actually residing there cool shall we yeah good place to current there right i'm going to walk up here have a little fish see what it is i'm going to call it quits i'm going to finish off down the bottom end where i first started that looks like a traditional chub swim there here's the rest of the urbanization so there's two potential swims i would say this one and that one maybe i'm starting this one up here first any bread i throw in could get picked up by the fish there if that makes sense nice bit of bend it's narrowed down pace has picked up quite a bit of weed there it's a new estate over there i guess relatively new yes that tree looks it's a very fishy tree for such a thing starting here i'll tell you what i like to do i've got to get one fish out of each of these two swims so i'm gonna do a junk up i spray it a little bit more so if you notice i spray it it's not gonna be too deep there graham i think it's better to run the float through without disturbing the fish by doing it shallow first all right here we go the shadow line over there looks very fishy to me what do i know never been here before don't think i'm quite far enough over just waiting just running that float through there that's going to go through the shadow line if i go yes i think that's that would be that oh i knew there'd be a fish at home there as soon as the float went into the shadow line it buried it's not a big fish but listen they all count he's now weeding me there we go mr chubb was at home under that tree okay swim number two a bit more weed here here comes the ambulance anywhere from there oh i missed him there was a fish at home boys there was a fish at home i think a little bit of a little bit of slop might just induce if we can get lucky sometimes you pump a fish off and it's just a small one there we go down 14 gram floats gs set now in the zone missed him i think well you can see here with the flyover urbanization is definitely with us now some of these guys just throw paint pots at the wall and others have got some form of talent although a sort of geometrically straight edge design to a lot of it when you look at it there's a rigid sharp line some in there they have a curve and then is that sign of anger or something like that psychologists might know nice colors i like the colors no one over there don't even know somebody rather grind us or grind us he's the one who famous was that famous guy bugsy boxy banksy hold up his gi joe with his cs gas or whatever he's got there well it's a sort of wasted talent it's also a waste of paint really because i'm uh i'm sitting down now i've been laying down soon i'm still getting fish i can't get this one out i've got to sit down exhausted with this heat this weight for this is number 33 i mean not get in look at this i mean guys the proper chop they're not like half pound or six ounces they are proper chub look at that beautiful fish great big mouth on it lovely gold cheek we're sliding back can i get that slop going in again well this is if this is the swim slap that down obviously while coming this is a swim sit down fishing i've got a chunky great big piece of bread flake on there there just to see if they will take it it's so big it's nearly pulling the float under and that's something else you have to take into consideration if i had a bite on it if you shot the throat down and then put a big piece of flake but on that flake soaks up the moisture of the water out the river it will pull the float under so you can't see the bite so sometimes it pays you just to undershot it come on come on it's a lovely piece of bread you know you want it any time now no yes is that a fish it's indeed a fish my that's right at the tail end of the swim oh man this is some session just doesn't feel a bad one either another two and a half pounder i guess two and a quarter two and a half here he comes i don't think i've known fishing like it really for numbers of chub of this size that's two and a half easy oh yeah got him boom big piece of flake big piece of flake head shaking tells me it's probably a smaller fish but he'll do come on in you come he knows how i drip all the water carefully over my feet well it's uh it's getting tough i want 37. i don't think i'm going to get to 50. i could if i stayed with the evening absolutely no probably get 60. i'm just getting really tired and really hot you have a couple more drops further downstream i'm going to see if i can crack 40 for you so another three fish needed it'd be nice to get one about three pounds three and a half pounds something like that was here we go so more walk in what a setting though clouds up there look they're starting to build a little bit wind's picking up over here they've given big time thunderstorms coming through middle of the night so i've picked three good days to go fishing i did trout fishing sea fishing and now i've done a mind blower of a chub session wow if i get home okay i've got two sam mcgill beers that absolutely waited for me in the fridge right let's go last fish on guys it's number 43 nice chap they're all nice each chop they're good condition they scrap hard they bite freely and they're in the net that personally is the best place i think for a job so there you go guys nice fish to finish off with number 43. thanks for watching the totally awesome fishing show i've had a really good session hey it's about the most job i've ever had on a floating midlife of a decent size not half pounders so well worth the two and a half hour drive down here the frying the cooking in the sun and i think i saw one two other anglers and maybe my hall that's where i like it guys hit the subscribe button both channels ta fishing tier outdoors we'll see you next time i've got just one more piece of red left you
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Views: 57,885
Rating: 4.9160028 out of 5
Id: S5BLocSY2nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 6sec (3426 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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